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The Libra man has lost his temper, what to do. How to get a Libra man back: after a breakup, quarrel, separation, resentment, relationship with a Libra man. How to Deal with a Libra Man

What to do if your beloved man, who was born under the zodiac sign of Libra, said that he needed to break up? But you were completely sure that your love would last a lifetime. Don't panic ahead of time. You need to try to make your lover want to return. Most likely, the man got bored and decided to have a little fun.

Characteristics of a Libra man

It’s good to be their friends, but you won’t envy your enemies. When they hold the defense and don’t let anyone get close to them, not allowing them to offend, they can cause the enemy a lot of moral pain. These are quite contradictory, extraordinary people. They are not vindictive, but they experience conflicts for a long time and hard. They take everything that is said very to heart, hurting their pride. These are sophisticated people and conflict-oriented. This is how their defensive reaction manifests itself, which is expressed by reluctance to reconcile or by attack.

They decide to leave quietly. At the same time, there are no scandals, slamming doors and mutual accusations. Without a twinge of conscience, they are able to start a conversation about the breakup, the difference between him and the woman, offer to break up, then maintain friendly relations.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have an easy-going character, they are friendly and charming. They are not inclined to be offended by trifles. They are mostly satisfied with themselves and life. These are understanding, calm and positive people. In relationships with women, they are courteous: they bewitch and enchant, arrange original surprises, and shower them with gifts. It is impossible not to succumb to their charm. They recognize the mood of those around them perfectly, as they are sensitive natures. His insight can be envied.

This sign is characterized by inconstancy in everything. Vigorous activity may give way to apathy when they lie down on the sofa and dream that no one will touch them. They can move on to another object of affection, quickly forgetting about the previous one. But this lasts until they finally decide on their choice of life partner. Married Libras are sympathetic, caring and faithful. He will never destroy a happy, long marriage, as he values ​​his family.

He can shower girls with compliments, smile and flirt with them, but he will not dare to cheat.

He does not strive to bend the woman he loves under him. He will not force you to do something, impose his opinion or put pressure on you. These people are non-conflict and soft. They are delicate and tactful; they will never allow themselves to be treated rudely with a woman.

It is very comfortable and pleasant to live with such a man. After all, they are almost always able to enjoy little things, never whine or grumble, and are in high spirits. Accepts reality calmly. He can find a way out of any current situation. He does not show it, even if he is very angry and angry.

How to make peace with your Libra lover

If your loved one was born under this sign, then you will be wondering how to make peace or how to get a Libra man back after a breakup.

It is very important that the girl takes the first step towards reconciliation. Representatives of this sign are too indecisive and lazy for this. He is also afraid of being rejected and it is easier for him to step aside. With a Libra male you should be gentle and affectionate. It is worth bringing logical arguments in a conversation about why you should be together, be consistent and pay special attention to your positive character traits. Most likely, the man will agree to forget about the quarrel and the fact that you should have broken up.

Having realized the reason for breaking up with Libra, you can find a path to reconciliation after separation from him. There are several general tips that are based on the character traits of this sign:

  • No need to skimp on compliments. Kind and gentle in nature, Libras love to be reminded of their positive character traits. With his indecisive character, a man of this sign will be pleased to remember and think that the woman he loves does not forget about his merits, and is even proud of him. An effective way to help bring back representatives of this sign after a quarrel is flattery. But there is no need to invent advantages, but only to emphasize them. These men are insightful and smart, so sincerity will be appreciated.
  • Show you care. Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to show that you need and love your chosen one. Men born under the auspices of this sign love a deliciously prepared dinner, and especially when you made an effort personally for him. They also appreciate sincere care and a comfortable environment.
  • They need to be called to a frank conversation. A rational and logical conversation, during which you calmly outline your vision of the situation and all the arguments, is an effective way to get the Libra man back. The rational mindset of your chosen one will react positively to the conversation, and if he considers the arguments presented convincing, he will agree to meet you halfway.
  • It is necessary to wait a short pause, and after it take the first step towards reconciliation. Even if your chosen one is to blame for the disagreements, and not you, you will still have to make the first move. After all, representatives of the stronger sex, born under the sign of Libra, are very lazy and proud in order to be the first to seek reconciliation. And their thoughts are often directed to the future, but not to the past. And in this future, deep down in their hearts, they are ready to meet a new girl and start a new relationship. It is precisely because of this quality that you should hurry to return a man after a breakup, before a new contender appears in the field of view of your chosen one.

How to make peace with an Aquarius man

Another representative of the air element is Aquarius. In dealing with them, the advice given above will be useful, but there are also subtleties that you need to know about.

If your beloved is Aquarius, then consider:

How to get an Aquarius man back

It is very difficult to say how to make peace with a representative of this extraordinary sign after a quarrel. After all, there are too many eccentric and unpredictable personalities among them. His decision is sometimes difficult to accept. He can ask for forgiveness on the same day or after a few years.

Very often, these individuals wait for the woman to give them a sign that she doesn’t mind making peace or to be the first to take a step forward.

When you establish contact with them, do not even think about using words of ingratiation and flattery. You need to talk to him, giving rational arguments and relying on logic. But you shouldn’t make scenes with tears and assault. This will only scare a man away from you. If during the conversation you are reasonable and calm, then he will understand you faster.

The main thing in communicating with Aquarius is mystery. This way you will be more interesting to him and he will want you back.

There are some secrets that can help bring back a representative of this sign. It is important to think creatively about solving this problem. Aquarians are changeable. He often doesn't know what he will do in the next few minutes.

Thanks to these tips from a psychologist, any girl will be able to find an approach to an Aquarius man and restore a relationship with him.

Attention, TODAY only!

As you already understood from the title of the article, today we are discussing the topic “How to get a Libra man back.”
Everything was fine with you, and then he suddenly disappeared?
By your behavior or action did you provoke a quarrel and his departure?
Did his own behavior cause the conflict and separation?
Let's consider all the options for the development of events and, following the advice of astrologers, we will find opportunities for reconciliation with a man.

You can understand the reasons for his departure if you learn to understand the most characteristic features of this zodiac sign.
The Libra man knows how to instantly charm and make women fall in love with him. Before you know it, you suddenly realize that he has firmly settled in your heart and mind. But he himself is not sure that he needs you. This becomes a frequent reason for the sudden disappearance of such a man from your life. Remember this and do something so that he stops looking around and devotes all his attention only to you. Then he will have thoughts about returning.

Don't judge him

Unfortunately, men of this sign are characterized by increased amorousness. His disappearance could well be connected with the appearance on his horizon of another object of adoration in the form of a pretty young lady. Do not condemn him under any circumstances for this “weakness of character.” Blaming a man will only make things worse.

It’s better to think about how and in what ways you can “overtake” your rival and take your place in his heart again.

Don't drag him to the registry office

A possible reason for his departure was that you had clearly hinted at your intentions to marry him. And he was not at all eager to tie the knot. So, when going for reconciliation, try to let him understand that you are quite happy with the relationship even without a stamp in your passport. When he returns, you will try to make him think about marrying you.

Learn to understand a man

How to get a Libra man back? Don't be offended by his lack of attention. You might have been offended by the fact that you sincerely shared some of your problems with him for half a day; he listened to you attentively, nodding his head. And just half an hour after that, I completely forgot what we were talking about? Did you get offended, yell at him and he left? Libra is characterized by superficiality in relationships. But only until the relationship is too serious. Understand this, apologize to him for being harsh and don’t repeat your mistakes. Believe me, when you become a real strong couple, your man will begin to seriously care about you and help resolve all issues.
Some more practical recommendations from experts:

Prepare for the conversation in advance

You need to sincerely admit your mistakes. Think about what words and expressions you will use to apologize. Libra, unlike many other zodiac signs, easily forgives even very serious offenses inflicted on them. And they are always ready to return to the woman after her sincere apology. So there is no need to be afraid that the offense was too great for him to forgive you. You will definitely forgive, just speak sincerely and with all your heart. And also convince him that you will change for the better because you are ready to do anything for him!

Don't put pressure on him

When apologizing, you should look vulnerable and fragile, ready to cry (and if you really cry, it will be even more effective!) He should feel exactly your fear of losing him, and not some kind of pressure on your part. Just don’t fall into hysterics with pleas. and hand-wringing - this will scare away Libra. He must see sincere repentance and deep grief.

Surprise him

If a Libra man left you for no apparent reason, do not try to find out why he did this. This will really surprise him.

He will expect harassment from you, calls, SMS, letters and messages on social networks. Restrain yourself, don’t write or call every minute. In this case, you are recommended to change somehow (externally and internally) and try to win his heart again, convincing him of your love and devotion. He will appreciate this much higher than your attempts to sort things out with him by interrupting his phone with calls.

Don't be tricky with him

If you are thinking about how to get a Libra man back, forget about intrigue and feminine tricks. It’s better to boldly and openly tell him about your feelings and intentions to be with him. He will definitely like this behavior!

Advice: If, during your first conversation after a quarrel, a Libra man offers to remain just friends, immediately accept his offer. Even if it hurts you deeply, don't show him your disappointment. Outwardly, you must demonstrate to him that you are happy with such an offer and gladly accept it! Firstly, friendship implies frequent meetings and shared leisure time. Secondly, you will have a real opportunity to rebuild the relationship. And thirdly (most importantly!) remember that friendship between a man and a woman almost never happens (I wrote about this in more detail) and a man always implies such a relationship as an opportunity to have sex with his “friend.” Believe me, sooner or later intimacy will definitely happen. Well, then everything is in your hands!

Use common sense

A woman’s ability to look soberly at what is happening is highly valued by men of this sign. If, during reconciliation with him, the conversation turns to living together, do not paint him castles in the air and a fairy-tale picture of being “in the clouds” together. It’s better to briefly and meaningfully talk about the advantages of such a life, about what you can achieve together. Talk about your strengths and don't forget to mention your weaknesses (with the caveat that you will work to eliminate them and that they will not prevent you from achieving your goal). Libra will definitely like such courage, common sense and directness. In addition, he will be flattered by your desire to change for his sake.

Charm him

Libra is greedy for everything beautiful, especially female beauty. Prepare thoroughly for the meeting by working on your appearance and attire. Try to look impressive and sexy (just not vulgar!) But keep in mind that if you seem TOO independent and proud to your man, he will not sympathize with you (and you need to awaken in him sympathy for your experiences of separation!) He should feel guilt inside yourself for causing you suffering. Try to win him over with a combination of your appearance, vulnerability, devotion to him and common sense.

Don't speak loudly or verbosely. Your image should seem ideal and harmonious to him (and he is always looking for just such combinations in a woman). And then he himself will not want to part with you anymore!


So, you've learned some practical tips on how to get a Libra man back after a fight with him. Let me remind you at the end of the main thing - Libras really don’t like to take responsibility and hesitate for a long time before making a final decision.

So it is you who must push him towards this with your actions. He may be frightened by the fact that conflicts with you may be repeated in the future and his harmonious and comfortable world will be disrupted again.

Take responsibility for reuniting with him by explaining to him that you want to take the risk and “step into the same river a second time”! And also add that you don’t force him to love you for the rest of his life. Having made sure that nothing is required of him, the Libra man may even abandon his new passion (if he managed to meet someone else) and return to you.

If you agree, surround him with an atmosphere of harmony, coziness, comfort and beauty. Demonstrate your subtle taste and charm, watch your appearance and do not create reasons for new quarrels. Remember what you need to do to keep such a man near you (reminder). In this case, your man will stay with you for a long time (and maybe forever!)
I wish you success and happiness!

Traditional humor at the end of the article:

“Listen to what my friend is writing to me now: BRA RIGHT NOW!

I write in response: What is it? Did you buy a new bra? Small? Lost it?

It turned out that the LUCKY LIFE is me!..."

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Have you already been captured by a Libra man? Did he captivate you with his charm, compliments and gifts, charming you with his charming smiles and tenderness? This person has already liked you, but don’t be surprised if he suddenly disappears. Unfortunately, this behavior is typical for Libra men: they court, make people fall in love with them, and even confess their love. But often they themselves don’t know for sure whether they need this woman or whether they will continue the relationship. You will have to take this fact as a given and take appropriate steps on your part in order to really attract the attention of your loved one and bring him to the idea of ​​returning.

Of course, it is best for you to personally understand all the intricacies of the character of your chosen one. Some common traits inherent in representatives of this zodiac sign may help you build the right course of action. Be subtle, smart, watch your loved one and remember a few important points.

Let's get to know the Libra man better
Your chosen one has already managed to show his charm, ability to communicate, and penetrate into the very heart. Yes, this man is really hard to resist. Of course, sudden departure, separation for no apparent reason, sometimes even without previous quarrels and conflicts, is perceived very painfully by women. But do not rush to condemn the Libra man and put an end to your relationship. It is quite possible that he himself is still at a crossroads or... he simply does not want to bind himself with promises and family ties. Try to penetrate the inner world of your loved one.

  1. Artistic. It is extremely difficult to resist the charms of a Libra man. If you are impressionable, romantic and dream of eternal love, this is almost impossible. You will certainly believe in the gentle speeches, smiles and subtle compliments of this man from your dreams. He confessed his love to you, and now he has disappeared and does not call? Don’t immediately think that he is a deceiver and an indifferent flatterer. It’s just that your loved one believes himself when he plays. At a certain moment, something stopped suiting him, he felt bored or melancholy, and could have become carried away by another woman... If he is dear to you, you should think about how to get him back, but do not count your grievances.
  2. Volatile. This person is capable of light flirting. Often, Libra men are quite capable of playing with a woman. Although they are to some extent carried away by their game, they also allow a little deception. At the same time, most of them sincerely believe that a woman doesn’t mind just having fun. They do not deceive, wanting to cause harm. On the contrary, your loved one is probably confident that it is good for both of you. And all good things come to an end.
  3. Surface. Often, a Libra man speaks and listens to you with great attention not at all because he really has serious feelings. At the moment, he may be talking to you with interest, but after a couple of hours he is quite capable of forgetting what he heard. All this is due to the fact that up to a certain point your loved one remains independent and does not delve deeply into your relationship. Until they get really serious for him, he will always be a little detached.
  4. An amorous connoisseur of female charm. Pay attention to an important point right away: your Libra man really appreciates female beauty, he can be conquered by a spectacular figure or a fashionable outfit, a stylish hairstyle. And it is never known who he will fall in love with next time. Until you really cement your relationship, he is capable of disappearing at any second.
  5. An intellectual and an esthete, a lover of comfort. This is where the peculiar Achilles heel of the Libra man lies. If you manage to combine the qualities that he considers ideal, your loved one will not want to leave. He appreciates the ability to maintain an intellectual conversation, subtle taste and charm, charm without a touch of vulgarity. In addition, a woman’s ability to create coziness for him, a special atmosphere of comfort, is of great importance to him.
Delve into all the subtleties of your loved one’s character and remember that in most cases you can return a Libra man quite quickly. The main thing is to be able to reach his heart and convince him to give your relationship a second chance. He will go for reconciliation after a quarrel, will return if he left simply because of dissatisfaction, perhaps he will even leave his new love for you. Just be sincere and open!

Secrets of getting a Libra man back
Remember a few simple tips, they will definitely help you!

  1. Return after the conflict. If you and your loved one had some kind of conflict, you quarreled, you need to think through your speech in advance. Remember that you simply need to admit your mistakes. The Libra man knows how to forgive and is ready to return even to the woman who really seriously offended him. But he will never restore the relationship if you blame him for everything. Come with a guilty head. It’s good to let the man know that you are ready to do anything for him and will change.
  2. Be vulnerable and fragile, but don't put pressure. Don't be afraid to cry at your meeting with your loved one, but try not to heat up the atmosphere. The Libra man will probably meet you halfway, making sure how much the separation hurts you. But at the same time, he must see that your disorder is not the result of excessive emotionality or a tendency to hysteria. It is important to convey to him that you are so upset only because of the fear of losing him.
  3. The return of the Libra man after his unexpected departure. When a Libra man leaves a woman for no apparent reason, it's a little worse. Perhaps he just got bored with you, he was finally convinced that he no longer needed such a relationship. Please note: if you are not sure of specific grievances, you did not offend your loved one in any way, you should not ask him for forgiveness. He will be surprised. Better show him your ability to change, try to conquer him again. Convince him of your love and devotion - he will certainly appreciate it.
  4. Act openly and don't be cunning. Have you firmly decided to return the Libra man, conquer him again and tie him to you? Then act openly, don’t be afraid to show him that you only strive for one thing - to be near him. Your loved one will like this behavior and will like your courage.
  5. Agree to friendship. Probably, on the first date after breaking up, you may hear an offer to remain friends. Remember that the Libra man does not like to feel constrained and has difficulty parting with freedom. Do not show your irritation, even if the proposal deeply hurt and upset you. Your task is to restore interest in yourself, to make a man fall in love with you again. Of course, for this you need to date.
  6. Use prudence and patience. Libra men value common sense, practicality, and the ability to look at things objectively. During the conversation, you may talk about living together, prospects for developing relationships, disadvantages and advantages. Don’t try to paint your loved one a fairy-tale picture from the future. It is much better if you speak briefly, but meaningfully, about your common successes, which you can only achieve together. Note not only your strengths, but also your shortcomings, but emphasize that they will in no way prevent you from achieving your goal, living comfortably and harmoniously, without everyday problems and unnecessary fuss. Your loved one will like this look, and the promise to change especially for him will look more convincing.
  7. Conquer immediately. Prepare for the meeting. You should look impressive, but not seem too independent and proud. A Libra man will not sympathize with a strong woman who can easily do without him. Think he might have fallen in love with someone else. You need not only to charm, but also to evoke feelings of guilt and demonstrate your vulnerability. Just don’t put pressure on your loved one and don’t reproach him. Speak a little, but succinctly. Imagine that your words should be etched into his memory so that he can analyze them after your meeting. Impress him with a combination of natural common sense and dedication to it.
There is a subtle point in relationships with a man of this sign. You are vulnerable, it’s hard for you without him, you are ready to change for his sake and strive to be only with him. You lead him to the decision to return, he has a slight feeling of guilt. But at the same time, the Libra man will probably not want to take a step forward if you do not take responsibility for restoring your relationship. He will be afraid of such a decision, he will not want to repeat it all over again: what if your union still breaks up, and he again turns out to be guilty? Convince him that you are willing to take risks and do not require his love for life.

Libras have a lot of patience, which even Sagittarians can envy. Libra lovers look at their loved one with all their heart and soul. They try to make his life easier from all sides and help him in any situation. Sometimes they deliberately choose a partner who suffers from some kind of disorder or has a lot of problems. Here Libra, rolling up his sleeves, boldly gets down to business of getting his beloved out of life’s troubles. They drag, substitute, correct and offer, do everything that depends on them. This stage is usually observant for them, because they like everything about their partner. After all, Libra loves to improve everything, help, feed, praise, kiss, hug and admire. And everything seems to be going well, but the partner does not improve from these efforts. That's when Libra begins to sigh. And that's all they can do for now. People often use Libra to achieve their goals, because Libras do not have former loved ones, they always love everyone a little and remain in love until the end. Many take advantage of their official position and, with the help of the Libra boss, push their relatives into business or careers. Many people hype Libra for expensive gifts, while others simply openly demand that something meaningful be done for them.
Libras who are officially married most often suffer and sigh constantly, but they cannot do anything if their partner is a good-for-nothing person. They are constantly thinking, but for some reason they have no idea how to help their husband or wife, and how to help themselves. But Libra’s suffering can also reach its climax. At this point, they begin to think that they need to step back a little. Moving away, they continue to suffer, looking at their lover’s antics. Libras forgive everything to their loved ones, thinking that maybe they were simply not loved in childhood, but they tried their best, but again nothing worked out. Libra, at the moment of detached suffering, no longer wants to offer help, they begin to gradually become disappointed. A kind of conditioned reflex has developed here: “Don’t come close - you’ll get hit on the head.” This stage is very painful for Libra; they suffer greatly, but they can no longer do anything. Soon Libra begins to feel embarrassed, and their partner loses all sense of proportion before their eyes. He became insolent at the end, and this can no longer be explained by any dislike in childhood. However, Libra continues to allow them to steal money from them, and bring mistresses, and drink endlessly. These events stun Libra more and more each time. And this is necessary for them to finally come to their senses! They feel ashamed and indecent to suffer and constantly humiliate themselves in front of their friends. They can no longer explain what is happening in their family. At such moments, Libra begins to gain courage to finally express everything.
There comes a time when Libra gets very angry and they kick their partner out of the house, but then they soften up and let them in again. Then they kick you out and let you in again. This stage can even last several years. Libra's mistake is that they do not kick their unlucky partner out of life, but only out of the house for a while. After all, leaving a place in their heart, they must understand that he will definitely return there. Libra is one of those people who always keep a warm place even for the most notorious scoundrels. This is how it happens that scoundrels successfully take advantage of it. But this also comes to an end when Libra becomes indifferent. A completely new, different reality sets in, in which one fine morning they realize that something has fallen off of them and died. This was the result of a long-term disturbance of internal balance. It is very important for Libra to be internally harmonious, and any unevenness soon falls off. But Libras themselves upset their balance, most often in the area of ​​the “take-give” balance, when they suppress anger, justice and internal protest. All stages of imbalance have already been passed, and now Libra is merging into insensitivity for the former lover. They become calm and cool. Their love takes on neutral status.
Now Libra leaves everything to their lover; they no longer need anything except children. They begin to quickly set up a new place. They furnish this place with a piece of their former life, where there were no problems with their partner. There is nothing there reminiscent of that painful time. They sometimes allow their ex-lover into this place, but their love is neutral, and therefore they no longer pay attention to anything. Libras never burn bridges to the ground. They leave without closing the door, but only closing it. After all, Libra is the sign of the Guardian. After the breakup, raising new children and having a new husband, they continue to communicate with their ex, but they never fall into melancholy and despondency. They have a new life, and let the former lover come to visit, a delicious pie from memories is always ready for him.

  • For better efficiency, use the character qualities of the signs of the cardinal cross - self-confidence and authority of Aries, emotionality and sensitivity of Cancer, stinginess and frugality of Capricorn
  • Cynicism and ridicule will not go away with him. Being an intellectual sign of the zodiac, he will begin to look for the reason for actions and may think that you are acting quite consciously, pursuing a specific goal. And then they will respond with the same cynicism.
  • But more irascibility in character, pickiness, is quite suitable. As already mentioned, it is necessary to take something from the sign of Aries. It’s easy to get inflamed over any little thing, to provoke a scandal or find out who is right or wrong. Don't let him speak. There is more dissatisfaction and quibbling with him, with his character, actions, and way of life. Moreover, dissatisfaction must be constant. Libra, who loves harmony, cannot stand endless scandals and clarifications.
  • In addition to dissatisfaction, criticism and reproaches about Libra’s indecisiveness and constant doubts will also fit here. Libra men can be accused of being overly feminine, which a real man should not have. And Libra women can be criticized for displaying masculine character traits, which a real woman should not have.
  • Dress modestly, it’s better to even stop wearing makeup, no beautiful outfits or robes. Everything is modest, restrained, strict, nothing superfluous.
  • The main thing is to play on Libra’s love for everything beautiful, sophisticated, and chic. And accordingly, do everything the other way around. If he does not understand the drastic changes, then explain that the desire for luxury is a waste of money. In life you need to be more economical and restrained. This is where you can show the qualities of Capricorn and his characteristic restraint, conservatism, and old-fashionedness.
  • Well, really, why all these delights if you can be content with the bare necessities, and they cost much less. Even to set the table, you can also use simple and necessary products. And it’s not necessary to arrange everything beautifully. You don’t have a restaurant, but an ordinary house. We must gradually discourage his love for everything beautiful, which will make him want to leave even faster.
  • Emotional heart-to-heart conversations are also useful. It is difficult for Libra to talk about emotions and feelings; they cannot always understand their own, or even understand the emotions of others. As soon as he begins to shift the conversation to intellectual topics, reflections, you can immediately lower him to the sinful earth full of experiences and emotions. Talk to him about your experiences, worries, how you feel, and what bad premonitions you have and why your mood worsens. The main thing is to convey to him the emotions that he cannot stand.
  • It is also necessary to lower him to the sinful earth more in everyday life. After all, there are so many earthly household chores around. Someone has to solve them, after all. Let him take care of them, help, wash the dishes, for example.
  • Limit his freedom with advice, teachings on how to behave correctly in society, how to communicate correctly. Moreover, these rules do not apply to you. Treat Libra like Leo treats his prey. You can demonstratively put your hand on your thigh, on your chest in public; anything that may seem indecent to him is quite decent for you. If, when Libra comes home, they begin to be indignant at uncivil behavior, then answer him that complexes are alien to you. You like to express feelings and emotions directly.
  • And again, focus on emotions and feelings. Every time you hear a remark, you translate everything into emotions, which Libra does not understand is your sincere, sensitive character, and he is already vulnerable. Impressionable, like a representative of the Cancer sign.
  • And it’s better to have less entertainment and holidays in your life. Here it is useful to again show the qualities of Capricorn - seriousness and thrift. With this approach to life, it will not be difficult to part with Libra.

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