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We create our own reality. What is reality? Our capabilities are much wider than we used to think

Does reality define us or do we define reality? How to create your own reality? Where are the boundaries of reality and is it possible to achieve the impossible and make great dreams come true?

To the question of how to create your own reality, Story Waters gave great answers, which I offer you today. Story says that every person is a messiah and he himself creates his own reality.


How to create your own reality? Messiah, know: You you define reality, it doesn’t define it you. Awareness of this fact alone, more than anything else, can free you and grant you limitlessness.

To truly understand this is to know that You creator his Universe. This means knowing yourself as God. You are God.


How to create your own reality? Messiah, don’t believe everything that reality supposedly tells you. Yes, it is true that reality is a reflection of your Self - but you must also understand that it is a reflection of the collective belief in limitations. In the process of adapting to life in society, you have absorbed a lot of things that do not belong to you.

So when reality says that your wish impossible, don't believe it. Take it as a challenge and refute it. Feel with all your heart that what you want is Maybe, and act on that feeling.

By learning to act based on the heart, and not on the other senses, you will thereby learn to perceive the world with your strongest sense organ.

There is no greater obstacle than the belief that something is impossible, that “it can’t be.” Don't doubt that everything is possible. If you want to do something that the world is not yet ready for, you can do it with those who are already ready.

Don't admit it no boundaries; understand, even things like gravity were revealed gradually, thanks to faith in them. And the Earth was flat until someone realized that it was round - realized in a way that was incredible under the conditions of the illusion that existed then. To realize how this is possible means to free yourself from the idea of ​​“objective” reality and realize that reality is always just ideas about it.

If your heart tells you something different from what physical reality supposedly demonstrates, do not be afraid to doubt reality and believe your heart. To challenge reality means to destroy historical patterns that no longer serve you. With love in your heart, challenge reality.


How to create your own reality? Messiah, know: the apparent continuity and consistency of reality is, on the one hand, a manifestation of the harmony of the Unity that gave birth to it, and on the other hand - illusion. Know that you have allowed the mind to fill in the gaps of your experience, to hide the inconsistencies and anomalies that it perceives. The mind's job is to give meaning to your experience. Any information that the mind cannot process, it simply crosses out as “incomprehensible” - in other words, as something to which it cannot assign an acceptable meaning.

Reality is multi-layered. You see more and more layers of it as you develop your belief system, including more and more phenomena that are not obvious to you. physical organs feelings. And yet some of these layers remain hidden from you, because you yourself hide from them behind a certain belief system, which is often accompanied by fear or madness (or rather, what others perceive as madness).

How to create your own reality? In order to gain access to these “hidden” layers of reality, you do not need to have any special knowledge. You don't even need to know what to expect. All it takes is an open mind. An open mind is curious, seeking the unknown rather than fearing it.

An open mind intentionally makes room for entirely new meanings, rather than trying to fit every experience into the framework of the known. Such a mind wants to expand and change - he does not allow himself to degrade due to attempts to avoid the unknown.

How to create your own reality? Chat with To everyone that you are. Be curious. Be open to change. Be open to new things. Be open. If you want, you can even feign adherence to a closed belief system, but at the same time know that you are open.

The world flows through you, whether you acknowledge it or not. To be open is to choose to choose, in other words, to choose to change. To be open to change means to be open to development All That You Are - after all, embodying All,What You Are you are constantly changing. In other words, you - continuous journey, not the goal.

Being open to change means being open to your future.

Miracles are not a process by which the Universe creates something you never thought possible. The Universe will not create miracles for you, they are your energetic changes created by you. They reflect a change in your perception, the moment you ask for new reality without fear, expectations or judgement. You can only receive what you ask for and what exists in your field of potential and possibility. When you manifest your reality, remember that it is created from your beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and words. Help is always available to you once you understand that the Universe is working with you, not instead of you, to create miracles in your life, and problems will be resolved when you understand their source, acknowledge their lesson and the information they hold for you, and when you are ready to create a solution.

Reality is multi-layered. You can see more and more layers of it as you develop your belief system, including more and more phenomena that are not obvious to the physical senses. And yet, some layers remain hidden from you, because you yourself hide from them behind a certain belief system, which is often accompanied by fear or madness.

How to create your own reality? To gain access to these “hidden” layers of reality, you do not need to have any special knowledge. You don't even need to know what to expect. All it takes is an open mind. An open mind is curious, seeking the unknown rather than fearing it.

An open mind intentionally makes room for entirely new meanings, rather than trying to fit every experience into the framework of the known. Such a mind wants to expand and change; it does not allow itself to be degraded by trying to avoid the unknown.

How to create your own reality? Communicate with All That You Are. Be curious. Be open to change. Be open to new things.

A glimpse of reality

The practical consequence of our Oneness is that, because everything is interconnected, nothing happens by chance. Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. Our thoughts are energy, and this energy attracts people, events and opportunities that “correspond” to this energy and pulsate with it in the same rhythm. Thought is a kind of prayer. Whatever we believe, whatever we desire, fear, or whatever we are striving for, we attract it to ourselves like a magnet. There is no such thing as luck, chance, coincidence or fate. There are no coincidences. Nothing is predetermined unless we, of course, choose our own destiny (but we also have the power to change this).

Someone thinks that since he has chosen his life scenario, then you must continue to live strictly in accordance with it. That would be amazing boring thing, and we ourselves would become victims of our own own choice past. In reality, neither the past nor the future is something immutable. The present is our strength.

Every day, second by second, your present, past and future. And each is a playwright, a producer, a director, and an actor in his own play. It doesn’t matter whether you were promoted or laid off, went bankrupt or won the lottery, made a discovery or got robbed, you yourself created this event. Everyone is 100% responsible for what happens to them.

For example, let's say that a certain Jean absolutely believes that “Life is a struggle.” She believes that she lives in an unreliable neighborhood and therefore keeps all the doors locked all the time. Melanie, her neighbor, has the opposite opinion. She believes that people are kind by nature and soft-hearted, she enjoys the beauty of the world and believes that everything is in her life goes on smooth.

One night, a burglar made his way into the area where the girls live, looking for a suitable house where he could profit from something. Without thinking, he walks past Melanie's house - he believes that there is "something wrong" here - and heads straight into Jean's yard. Without realizing it, he was drawn to the house precisely by her. Since Jean inexorably believed that she would sooner or later be robbed, the thief unwittingly played his assigned role in her scenario.

Reality is our thought. Our external world is as simple as a system feedback. It reflects our desires, attitudes and fears, our thoughts and feelings, our choices, our expectations, our family scenarios and hidden items in them. The outside world only reflects ours inner world. Each of us attracts those people whose scenarios are quite similar to our own. Everything in the world is interconnected - and the entire event is an opportunity to learn and grow.

When we live “in both worlds at once,” then our reaction to a robbery (or some other event) may seem strange to other people. Analyzing real events and giving due respect to our natural feelings, such as rage, grief, etc., we ask ourselves the question: “How was I able to attract this thief into my life? What message could I send to myself to make this happen? What beliefs or fears could create this? What could I secretly wish for such a thing to happen? What was this event supposed to teach me?

To put it another way, we ourselves are responsible for what is happening, if we understand, of course, that we are the scriptwriters of our own play. We take the time to reflect and learn from each episode of our script, and then we forgive ourselves. Instead of wailing and gnashing our teeth in anger, we realize that if we managed to create such a sad episode in our lives, then we had something important to learn.

This does not mean at all that you should blame yourself for, for example, the same burglar, but take responsibility for what happened and wonder why it all happened. Perhaps you are still trying to grow spiritually through struggle? Maybe your inner Child still considers himself a victim and needs healing? Maybe your personal space feels intruded, or you are tormented by some fears, or you have some kind of grief or resentment unresolved, and it was precisely this event that should have caused your feelings to come out? Maybe you need love and support and now learn to ask for it after being a victim?

Perhaps you need to confess your own darkness to your “shadow” side, which is reflected in the burglar-thief, as in a mirror? Or, you needed to remind yourself that material assets not really that important? Whatever the message, you will be determined to listen to it, and then take the necessary external or internal action.

The process of the road to magic does not at all guarantee that we will always grow solely through joy! But it means that you will attract tragic episodes and events to yourself much less, and you will never have to suffer in vain, that you will never use sad events to strengthen those thoughts and moods that were nevertheless able to attract this event for the first time. (“Just look! I was robbed! I always said that the world is a dangerous place!”).

On the contrary, realizing that our confidence creates events, and not the other way around, we become convinced that it was we who created this incident, and therefore we can prevent something similar from happening again in the future. To change the course of events, you need to change your confidence, because this is how our reality magically works.

Of course, for our practical view of reality this sounds absurd, but we should not forget that our common sense is just the same orthodoxy that often hides or distorts the truth. Common sense once told man that the Earth was flat and that women were dumber than men. Our views of reality are constantly changing as we learn and grow. Thousands of people, including many scientists and philosophers, are now challenging " common sense” and come to the same conclusion about the Unity of reality.

Unlike the "Earth is Flat" concept, creating your own reality cannot be proven or disproved, but that is part of its purpose. It lies beyond logic and rationality, beyond empirical evidence. This concept can only be perceived intuitively, so it encourages us to expand our knowledge in a new direction. She challenges us to reclaim our “left” half.

Many people deny the fact that we ourselves create every aspect of our lives. After all, you feel much calmer when you imagine that you are just a grain of sand in the ocean of life, that we are all acting in accordance with a script that someone else wrote for us or something that happens in life " it had to happen."

Such an attitude justifies self-pity and allows a person to sit back and wait for help from the outside. This means that if any misfortune occurs or we have to suffer, we can always refer to “the will of God” or simply fate, but not to ourselves. This position allows us to blame and punish others. Taking full responsibility for the events in your life is not an easy task, but it is a significant advance in spiritual growth. This is very important if you choose to grow through joy rather than through struggle.

Whenever we blame someone or something for something that happens, we waste our power. (In fact, if some “they” are to blame for what is happening to you, therefore, only these same “they” can change your life). If we find the strength and courage to admit: “Well, okay, I was hurt as a child, but I’m not going to hurt myself as an adult, because my life now belongs to me, and from now on I myself will heal my Inner Child and take care of yourself” or: “I have always had few friends and comrades because I am so tall (short, skinny, fat, pimply, crippled, etc.), but from now on I take responsibility for all my relationships with others . I chose my body, my body is a part of me, and I will learn to truly love myself” - then we will begin to restore our strength.

A little about responsibility

Do you take responsibility for your own life and to what extent? Have you ever blamed others for treating you badly or for not “letting” you do or get something you wanted?

Perhaps you blame your childhood for having emotional problems or difficulties communicating with others, including relatives?

Have you ever blamed a financial market downturn on business failures or the fact that you can't sell your home?

Or maybe you blamed your body for not feeling well?

Have you ever felt sorry for yourself? Do you consider yourself a victim because, for example, you were born a woman or black, or poor, or Catholic, or Jewish, very tall or short, or for some other reason?

Do you consider yourself “unlucky” or even unhappy because you have a flat tire or were fined for parking in the wrong place? Do you consider yourself to be “always suffering from a runny nose” or “always having the flu” or a victim of some other illness?

Or maybe you don't even take responsibility for your own successes? (“Oh, I was just lucky by chance!” or: “The other candidates weren’t so lucky,” or: “Yes, anyone could have done just as well!”)

See where, in what part of your life you give away your power, write it down on paper and take one hundred percent responsibility for your life!

D. Edwards

Creating your own reality is actually very, very simple: you just have to want it. ALL! The laws of our universe are the same for everyone. So why is it that some people succeed and others don’t? That's the question))). It's just all about our most wonderful sacred right of choice. Some take upon themselves the courage and, accordingly, responsibility, while others think that this will do, and “we are not poorly fed here either.”

You can wait your whole life for this beautiful thing of ours to come, but you can simply understand the laws and apply them. After all, as they say: not knowing the laws does not exempt you from responsibility. So in everything, there are simply consequences when we break the law and nothing happens when we do nothing at all. The world is dual in everything and, above all, it is mirrored. You should never forget about this. And in order for something to begin to move forward in life, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of negative thinking. Our emotional health should be on par. And if you understand the mechanism of using the connection between thought and body, you will very quickly come to the conclusion that you will have to answer for everything. You brought any of your physical ailments into your life yourself.

Do you want to be able to create your own reality? Please be responsible and accountable for all your actions. It's just a red line. There is no need to blame anyone for anything. If you are not happy with something in your environment, change it and that’s it. Just analyze how much you grew up in this environment, or maybe it just takes away your strength and you go down. By the way, what kind of environment you can watch the video

Do you know what and how difficult it is to live? So it's about uncertainty about your future. The fact that you do not believe in your strength and that you can create your own financial independence. Surviving is always more difficult than learning how to create money. The ability to create your own reality is the ability to get rid of fears that you are simply shackled and your strength is taken away. This is why it is so important to unlock your potential and understand your capabilities. OPPORTUNITY - “take the opportunity”, “you can”, “I can”.

The ability to create inner intention is simply priceless. This is the ability to create a point of assemblage of perception, which is determined by everything that we see around us and who we ourselves are. So it turns out that the position of our collection point is dictated by our feelings, how we correctly perceive. The world is dual in everything: pleasure and pain. And people still want to experience more pleasure in their lives than pain. Therefore, when you want to get any result, it is important to feel it very positively. Create a feeling of pleasure in yourself first, so that every cell of your body believes you. Yes, so it’s as if it has already become your reality. Track your internal dialogue, because the inner chatterbox almost never sleeps. And sometimes his advice can reduce your intention assembly point to zero. You should have an unbending intention, but at the same time it should not make you feel tense. This is also destructive, it is necessary to desire without wanting.

Your inner chatterbox can almost daily test you on the firmness of your intention and correct its execution. What is needed here is your firm and precise course towards achieving your intention. Repeat every day. To be able to accurately and firmly create your assemblage point, this can take a lot of time. And at the beginning of school we are taken to first grade, where we learn to write with sticks and hooks at the beginning. And only after mastering this we begin to write and add. Therefore, patience and more patience. There should be no haste in this matter.

And again, you need to analyze your life and understand what is an obstacle for you on the path to creating your reality. Write down your algorithm for promoting and creating what you want. Remove all limiting beliefs from your mind. You will have to work with the blocks that limit you. And this is, first of all, the transformation of your past negative experiences.

Any process of creation must first of all involve knowledge and strong conviction. Not just to believe, but to have absolute confidence in this, absolute clarity in the intended intention. Another key to your creation of your own reality is the ability to give thanks. You need to be grateful in advance for what is yet to happen in your life. Know how to rejoice and enjoy everything you have accomplished. And they should always have the right to make mistakes. What is an error? This is experience and often simply priceless. Theory, theory, but experience is already yours powerful tool through life. Thus, this system always works flawlessly. You need to apply it consciously, understanding that any change will bring completely different results for which all responsibility lies with you. Remove if you have pessimism. Take care of your body and it will always give you a hint (see how to do this

Everything that we call real consists of things that cannot be considered as real. If quantum mechanics hasn't completely shocked you yet, you don't understand it well.

Double slit experiment

Could reality be an illusion created by our consciousness? Does consciousness create the material world?

Before answering these questions, it is important to note that “reality” is not just made up of tiny physical pieces. Molecules are made up of atoms, atoms are made up of subatomic particles like protons and electrons, which are 99.99999% empty space. These, in turn, are made up of quarks, which appear to be part of a field of superstrings, which are made up of vibrating strings of energy.

We interact with the world of physical objects, but in reality these are just electrical signals that our brain interprets. At the smallest limits and fundamental scales of nature, the idea of ​​“physical reality” does not exist.

As Nobel laureate, father of quantum mechanics Niels Bohr said, “everything that we call real consists of things that cannot be considered as real. If quantum mechanics hasn’t completely shocked you yet, you don’t understand it well.”.

When you clap your hands, empty space is actually just touching even more empty space with a hint of the energetic spin of tiny particles. The particles that make up matter have absolutely no physical structure.

This is important to understand because if we think about the world quantum physics like the world of bowling balls and planets, the idea that consciousness creates reality makes no sense. But if we understand that reality is a cosmic soup of non-localized energy and simple space, it becomes obvious that our thoughts and the signals that the brain registers have the same properties on their scales.

Consciousness is one of the most complex tasks science. There is no way to explain how something like material, chemical and physical processes lead to something as intangible as experience. There is no explanation as to why subjective experience exists at all or why sensitivity evolved. Nature will do just as well without subjectivity, and when we begin to scientifically explore the origins and physics of consciousness, we come to the conclusion that perhaps consciousness and reality are not as separate as the science of matter believes.

Here are some principles of quantum mechanics from the book “The Self-Aware Universe”, written by former theoretical physics professor who taught at the University of Oregon for 30 years, Dr. Amit Gozwami:

  • A quantum object (like an electron) can be in more than one place at one time. It can be measured as a wave spread out in space and can be located at several different points throughout the wave. This is called the wave property.
  • A quantum object ceases to exist here and spontaneously appears there without moving in space. This is known as a quantum transition. It's basically a teleport.
  • The manifestation of one quantum object caused by our observations spontaneously affects its associated twin object, no matter how far away it is. Knock an electron and a proton out of an atom. Whatever happens to the electron, the same will happen to the proton. This is called "quantum action at a distance."
  • A quantum object cannot manifest itself in ordinary spacetime unless we observe it as a particle. Consciousness destroys the wave function of a particle.

The last point is interesting because without a conscious observer who causes the wave to collapse, it will remain without physical manifestation.

Observation not only disturbs the object being measured, it causes an effect. This was tested by the so-called double-slit experiment, where the presence of a conscious observer changes the behavior of the electron, turning it from a wave to a particle. The so-called observer effect completely shakes up what we know about the real world.

The results of this experiment were published in the journal Nature. Essentially, what it comes down to is that the measurement system that is used to detect the activity of a particle determines the behavior of that particle.

As scientist Dean Radin noted, “We force the electron to occupy a certain position. We produce the measurement results ourselves.” Now they believe that “it is not we who measure the electron, but the machine that is behind the observation.” But the machine simply complements our consciousness. It’s like saying “I’m not the one looking at someone swimming across the lake, it’s the binoculars.” The machine itself sees no more than a computer, which can "listen" to songs by interpreting the audio signal.

Some scientists suggest that without consciousness the universe would exist indefinitely, like a sea of ​​quantum potential. In other words, physical reality cannot exist without subjectivity. Without consciousness there is no physical matter. This observation is known as the “anthropic principle,” and was first introduced by physicist John Wheeler. Essentially, any possible universe we can imagine without a conscious observer will already have one. Consciousness is the basis of existence in this case and existed, perhaps, before the emergence of the physical universe. Consciousness literally creates the physical world.

These findings have enormous implications for how we understand our relationship with outside world, and what kind of relationship we can have with the Universe.

As living beings, we have direct access to all that exists and the foundation of everything that physically exists. Consciousness allows us to do this.

“We create reality” means in this context that our thoughts create the perspective of what we are in our world, but if you look at it, it is important for us to accurately understand this process.

We give birth to the physical universe through our subjectivity. The fabric of the universe is consciousness, and we are just ripples on the sea of ​​the universe.

It turns out, we are lucky to experience the miracle of such a life, and the Universe continues to pour part of its self-awareness into us.

I don’t know about you, but since childhood I have dreamed of one thing - to control at least that piece of the world that is in front of my eyes. Hence the love for fairy tales, magic wands from the neighbor's cherry tree and hundreds of signs. It's worth making a wish and going with eyes closed across some bridge, and it will certainly come true. By the way, not everything came true, but the desire to control reality remained. It is constant and insatiable, until now. Only now, instead of a cherry magic wand, there are more serious practices. One of the most effective is “Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland.

Revelations of a transferr

We don’t know how everything works and what strings need to be pulled for the world to change. Someone is looking for an answer in religion, someone in alternative esoteric teachings, and only a few understand that all this is one and the same revelation, said in different words. There are no miracles, all the answers are carefully kept by our subconscious and sometimes it gives us gifts - instructions for making wishes come true and other basics of magic. Someone will make a secret knowledge out of the thought that visited him, someone will make a religion, someone will be another teaching, and someone will simply begin to apply it in practice. Perhaps that is why all of the following will seem vaguely familiar to you. And someone will say that they have always lived this way, but did not know that this was transurfing.

Global universal laws are the same for everyone, and it doesn’t matter which way you are going to follow them. Transurfing is one such method. This is a teaching without authorship and doctrines, without dedication and regulations. Vadim Zeland does not claim authorship, he only talks about what his own subconscious once told him. He is just a guide, not a guru, not an Enlightened One, not a Teacher. This is probably the way to share knowledge - as an ordinary miracle that each of us is capable of performing. Because he really is capable.

What does intention consist of?

Perhaps the only freedom that a person has is the freedom of choice. This thesis underlies Transurfing and thousands of other esoteric teachings. No one forbids you to choose the world in which you want to live, no one forbids you to choose any destiny.

There are essentially two ways to get what you want - fight hard and just choose. The first method is not bad, it's exciting game, which millions of people are delighted with. The second method is complex in its simplicity: it means that you can choose the fate you want, but you must choose decisively, not half-heartedly, with one hundred percent readiness to actually get what you want.

If fighting is not for you, but you still want to get what you want, you need to stop dreaming. No, of course, you can dream, but only at the stage of defining a goal. Once goals are defined, another law comes into play: dreams don’t come true, intentions do. What is intention? Remember the ironclad determination to do something on your own. This intention is internal. Have you ever wanted something so decisively and irrevocably, when at that very second the world changed a little, and after some time the circumstances turned out so well that all you had to do was go and take what already belonged to you? This triggered the outer intention, and it worked, as usual, with one hundred percent accuracy.

It is human nature to spontaneously activate the mechanism of external intention, but transurfing teaches you to do this consciously and at any time. Intention can be defined as “the desire plus the determination to have and act.” If you master this simple spell, you can safely reshape reality in your own way: a universal formula for success will appear in your hands.

Mirror illusion

According to transurfing, the world is a dual mirror, on one side of which there is the reality we are familiar with, and on the other there is an endless space of options. The space of options is a kind of information field that stores all the scenarios of what was, is and will be. Theoretically, you can make any scenario come true.

A person, mesmerized by a mirror, believes that the reflection in it is real reality. He looks into the reflection, and his life goes on as usual: no surprises from life, no stunning coincidences and desperate ups. If a lover of illusions does not like something in the reflection, he tries with all his might to change the mirror. Why waste energy? Another rule of transurfing: in order for the reflection to change, you need to change the image. Don't ask, don't achieve, but create.


Slides distort reality. A popular example is “rose-colored glasses,” through which reality is seen in a sugary, benevolent light. Perhaps you are familiar with the “feelings of inferiority” slide, through which the world is seen as angular and prickly, and those around you seem to constantly laugh at your shortcomings. Transurfing suggests replacing negative slides with positive ones.

A positive slide is an imaginary picture already achieved goal. The slide must be scrolled through your mind regularly and with pleasure, then the scenario you have chosen will begin to come true, and the emotions you have experienced will be clearly imprinted in your subconscious. From now on, you will look at the world through the slide of these emotions. Don’t be lazy to devote at least twenty minutes a day to the slide, and your efforts, coupled with the intention to act and get what you want, will work a real miracle.

There is another type of slide in transurfing. With its help, you can comfortably arrange your own piece of a dual mirror. Vadim Zeland offers the “my world takes care of me” attitude. It is enough throughout the day to remind yourself at every opportunity that your world cares about you, and soon the dual mirror will reflect the new reality. How is a transfer statement different from affirmations? You don't impose own subconscious With an attitude like “I am achieving success” (although this may not be useful), you assign a new quality to your world. Agree, it’s always nice to shift some of your worries onto the shoulders of the all-powerful world.

My world and I are going to get a toy!

You can get anything. Let's say you believed in the truth of this thesis and resolutely set off on a journey. You regularly scroll through your slide, let the world take care of you, and move towards your goal. How to behave on this path?

First of all, relax and have fun. Calmly accept all manifestations of life, and do not distort the reflection of your dual mirror with all kinds of negative outbursts. Don’t attach too much importance to anything, including your goal, don’t worry or fuss. Vanity can ruin even the most brilliant idea; it’s the same as tearing an unopened bud with impatient hands.

Secondly, allow yourself to be yourself and others to be different. Let events take their course. You are creating a new reality, and who knows from which corner it will finally appear? Don't criticize anyone or anything, loosen your grip and let the world move freely in the space of options.

Thirdly, stop reacting primitively, like an oyster. Climb a little higher on the evolutionary ladder. Did an unpleasant event happen? Instead of slamming the sink shutter, calmly and confidently say: “I allow you.” I allow it all here, without explanation or reason. I don’t fight the reflection, I let it be as it is, and I myself slowly form something new. If you follow the path of “allowing”, you will certainly come out on a smooth, illuminated, paved road - straight to your goal.

Fourth, trust the world. What do you think if the path traveled is already very impressive, but what you wanted still hasn’t happened? Most likely, you will decide that you are doing everything wrong and everything is in vain. As a rule, such thoughts creep in shortly before the finish line, but they ruin everything. The mirror now reflects your belief that everything is going wrong, and you are actually going astray. Imagine next conversation peace of mind:

“Listen, is that where we’re going? There’s no toy store in sight.

Don't worry, my dear, it will be soon.

And when? No, in my opinion, we wandered into some gateways.

Do you think so?

Well, we're definitely lost!

Whatever you say, my dear, you know I always agree.”

(c) V. Zeland "Apples are falling into the sky"

Fourthly, realize, dear transferers, that the choice you make is an immutable law for the Universe. The only thing that is required of you is fixation on the final goal. Don’t think about the means to achieve what you want, don’t worry about money, your age and other factors that don’t decide anything. Just keep your goal in mind and follow the path that the world lays under your feet.

Door to a fairy tale

We really know how to make our wishes come true, and magic wands have nothing to do with it. But there will always be more people who are disappointed in all kinds of esoteric teachings than happy wizards. No practice will work if you analyze each of its thesis for a long time and take on the matter with stern seriousness. Create your reality easily and in a good mood.

Not a single practice will work if you adhere to the model of behavior of the fairy-tale Vanka: lie on the stove and dream of a princess and a kingdom to boot. Transurfing doesn’t promise miracles, and the world doesn’t owe you anything. Your concentration, consistency and determination work wonders... And also the desire to change yourself (lazy, accustomed to going with the flow and being content with average results) and your life (boring, ordinary, unfriendly). Your world has hidden a whole heap of surprises in its pockets and delicious sweets. It's time to make friends with him and go to the long-awaited goal.

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