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Should you rush to educate your child? What writing skills does a preschooler need? Difficulties in learning to write

The question of whether children should be taught to read before school is modern reality not worth it - than earlier child masters reading techniques, the easier it will be for him to gain knowledge in other areas. It’s good if your baby attends a preschool where this issue is addressed great attention, or you take him to specialized preparatory courses. But even in this case, as practice shows, children will have to be taught to read at home - it’s impossible to do without proper training at first.

Reading technique is one of the burning topics in the lives of older preschoolers, first-graders and their parents. I would immediately like to reassure adults and shift their expectations from indicators of quantity to indicators of the quality of reading. Studying, including reading, is work, and you need to work systematically, diligently, gradually improving your results, both in quality and speed. The main thing is not to get hung up on the latter. It is important to explain to yourself and your child: whatever the motivation for such sometimes titanic efforts, with tears and screams, they are hardly justified.

The best way to teach a child to read at home (with video)

No one doubts whether it is necessary to teach children to read, because the natural, leading need of a preschooler and junior school student is cognition. Therefore, even in dry and boring letters, he is ready to look for something interesting and curious. Unfortunately, adults, with their treacherous and rude approach to reading with a stick and a stopwatch, can trample and deprive this delicate creative sprout of life. It is creative, because from the community of several internal elements - curiosity, will, hard work and joy - a real miracle is born. Sticks and dashes turn into images and take on meaning! When this sacrament is happening, it’s simply insulting to interfere with urging: hurry up, hurry up, don’t sleep!

Before teaching your child to read, think about: What is the meaning and significance of reading and books for humanity? This is the preservation, transmission and acquisition of knowledge. This is what your baby does when he learns to read. The main thing is not to focus on reading speed, otherwise you will ruin everything.

When teaching your child to read at home, stop paying attention to speed. If the teacher insists on this, explain to the child the correctness of your position. Tell him that he is great - he reads carefully, slowly, with pleasure and understands what he reads.

To practice reading, choose funny ones, short texts with large font. Riddles followed by a search for answers, tongue twisters and fun attempts to repeat them are suitable, “ Bad advice» Grigory Oster, Russians folk tales, stories by Nikolai Nosov, etc.

What is the best way to teach a child to read so that the baby does not feel too much stress? Read every day for 15-20 minutes. Without regular training you can’t do it - talk about it with your child, remind him that before he couldn’t speak or walk, but he constantly trained and mastered these skills.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to do without parental pressure. My recommendations will certainly allow you to get your child to read without scandals or tragedies, but you should not expect that a seven-year-old child will independently find a free moment to spend time alone with a book. Such cases are a rare exception. Your task is to interest the child in the book as much as possible, support his diligence and responsibility, and, at the right time, show persistence.

When teaching reading to preschool children, make exceptions to the rules. Try not to turn reading into a painful pastime. If school assignment contained a lot of texts and the child is already tired, home reading can be canceled. The opportunity to catch up will appear during illness or on vacation.

Reading should be an activity, but not a punishment. It is quite natural that a child associates reading, which is difficult at first, more with work than with pleasure. It is important that he is ready to work and sit down with a book, at least after a reminder. But if you punish reading, this activity will never become a favorite activity.

Pause while reading - for laughter or discussion funny word, situations. This helps you enjoy what you read. Only the pleasure of reading will push your child to further work and instill a love for books.

Effectively teaching reading techniques to preschool children

In the English-language psychological literature, the term readophobia is often found - fear of reading. Psychologists working with this problem have found effective way treatment of illness: children are offered to read aloud to a very loyal listener. This is none other than man's ancient friend - the dog. Only this patient animal can listen to any reader without all kinds of prodding, prodding and correction.

Listen to your child without commenting. Help only when he asks you for help.

For proper training For a child to read, it is much easier and more effective to prioritize the child’s natural curiosity and his natural need for knowledge, rather than speed.

Limit TV viewing. The communication of modern children with television in many families goes beyond all conceivable and unimaginable boundaries. The influence of blue screens is felt in all areas of the lives of our first-graders. It didn’t leave out the love of reading either.

A child is not only the object of our upbringing, but also simply little man, who, like all of humanity, is subject to the vices of his ancestors, who demand: “Bread and circuses!” It’s sad that we ourselves push the child down this path. The issue of children's pastime is much easier to solve by pressing a TV button than by going to the store for a book, regular joint reading, or discussing stories.

It is advisable to combine the wonders of technological progress with the works of literature, and regular exercises to teach children reading techniques with the enjoyment of images and heroes emerging from letter arabesques.

This article has been read 1,654 times.

Good day to you, dear readers! The topic of today’s article is controversial and causes a lot of controversy... And I myself have radically changed my opinion in two years. Why? Read to the end and you will find out everything. Is it necessary to teach a child to walk? And if so, at what age?

our daughter

Most mothers know very well that babies should not be seated on purpose. That if you sit a “non-sitting” child, he can damage his spine, which is fraught with serious consequences. However, when it comes to walking, we consider it quite safe. Is it harmful for a child to sit prematurely, but is walking, on the contrary, beneficial?

Many experts warn young mothers: do not try to “stomp” your children by the hands ahead of time. If a child stands well against a support, this does not mean that he is ready to walk. Walking involves much more serious workload on the legs and spine. Do not increase the risk of future back problems or bowed legs.

grandmother decided to stomp with her son

Our children's experience

Of course, there are many examples when a child was taught from an early age to stomp without negative consequences. Moreover, I myself can give you such an example.

She started walking independently at 9 months. Before that, I “taught” her for a month and a half, leading her by the hand. In the end everything was fine, no problems arose. And I sincerely believed that what earlier baby will do - so much the better. And that parents should make every effort to achieve this.

With my second child I began to study more deeply natural parenthood. Study more materials on child development. Communicate more with mothers... And she radically changed her position.

Our son is now 11 months old. He doesn't walk. And I practically don’t teach him to walk. Moreover, I know that he will walk a little later than his peers. As a rule, children who are not stomped by the hand take their first steps after a year. Sometimes even at 1.2 years or 1.3... But now I don’t see any catastrophe in this. But the child develops evenly, when he is really ready for it.

In addition, if children are not taught to walk, there are additional advantages:

  • Baby . And at this age, crawling is incredibly useful for the physical development of a toddler;
  • baby studies more the world around us. When you hold his hands, he can only stomp. And if no one is holding him, he stands at the support, takes something from the floor, climbs somewhere and moves in a very varied way;
  • If you don’t start teaching your toddler to “stomp on his hands,” he won’t require this from you. And saves your back;
  • on the street you can allow the child to walk along the bench, sit on the ground (in warm time years), crawl and play with toys;
  • when the baby does take his first steps, they will be much more confident. The child will fall less often, and you will not have to constantly insure him.

Is it really impossible to lead children by the hand?

If you can avoid driving your child at all, great. Let it be so. This decision will be especially true for those who have become mothers for the first time. This way you will make fewer mistakes. But I understand that this is not always possible. I often want the little one to walk faster, because it will be easier for us later.

First of all, this concerns walks. It's summer now, and my son is actively crawling around the playgrounds. But after rains or during the cold season, such walks are excluded. It is very difficult to crawl in thick winter overalls. And sitting in a stroller at this age is too boring... Therefore, many parents are still trying to bring the long-awaited first steps closer.

And one more thing: if you don’t lead babies by the hands, they regularly put everything in their mouth. Therefore, it is important for a mother to constantly monitor her little one. Of course, after the first independent steps, the problem of “putting everything in my mouth” will return again... Therefore, learning to walk is only a temporary solution.

son on the playground

When can you lead your baby by the hand?

It is impossible to say exactly how many months it becomes more or less safe. All children different tempo development. Some are ready to walk at 8-9 months, while others are ready to walk only at one year. I would strongly not recommend starting such training before 11-12 months. And in some cases it is better to wait even longer.

Minimum conditions for trying to walk by the hand:

  1. The little one has been walking confidently along the support for at least a month now. Or better yet, two. What time do children start moving along the sofa? Usually at 8-9 months. So consider it.
  2. The baby is already trying to stand without support.
  3. The child does not hang on your arms when you try to stomp with him, does not arch and puts his foot on the full foot.

Attention! Hand-holding is especially dangerous for large and heavy children!

How to walk with a child?

If this is not your first baby, you already understand how to stomp with children correctly. But I hasten to explain to everyone else: the baby’s spine should remain straight. Often children, feeling your support, bend over and simply pull you forward. You can't walk like that. This will not help you take your first steps faster, but will only increase the risk of any complications. After all, the baby does not learn to maintain balance. And he doesn’t grasp the principles of walking at all.

The toddler should put his foot on the full foot. Keep an eye on this. In general, his movements should be slow and precise. Then it will really help develop his skills. If the baby gets tangled in its legs and squirms, stop trying. You can help him if you hold him not by his arms, but by his armpits. But it’s better to just wait until the child’s muscles get stronger. Let him train for now, running along the support.

And an important addition: do not stomp around with your baby for half an hour. A few minutes a day is enough. It’s better to let him walk just a little, but correctly, than to hang on you somehow all day long.

Keep in mind that kids usually love this kind of attraction. And they ask to go with them as often as possible. But do not give in to provocations. Use main principle: do no harm.

IN next video The topic of walkers and shoes for the baby is revealed. The only thing that confused me was the last phrase, that if a toddler doesn’t try to walk in a year, you need to see a doctor... What did you mean by “trying to walk”? Any pediatrician will say that the inability to stomp is not considered a pathology until 18 (!) months.

What will be really useful for the baby?

If you care physical development child, it is better to give him the opportunity to actively move independently. It is better to let the child crawl as much as possible, climb over obstacles, climb onto the sofa, get up and move along the wall more often. Place his favorite toys away so that the baby tries to get them. All this will be quite enough. And one day the little one decides to tear his hands away from the support and take the first step forward.

Peaceful settlement

Maria Vishnyakova, child psychologist,

“The question is quite serious, because depending on the answer, the consequences will be diametrically opposite. Let's start with the fact that a child's reaction to conflict situations largely determines the level of his social adaptation. Our society as a whole is very aggressive. But all children and not all adults are good-natured and democratic, and sooner or later the child will have to face this. But how will he act in not the most pleasant circumstances? “Hit back,” that is, provide physical or verbal rebuff to the offender, essentially means responding to aggression with aggression. But if adults in most cases prefer a verbal skirmish, then preschool children rush to start a fight right away. This is because they have a poorly developed trait such as arbitrariness of the psyche - the ability to consciously change and control their reactions to the surrounding reality. This is one of the main reasons why it is better not to encourage a child to fight back physically; besides, he is unlikely to be able to calculate his strength and can seriously injure the bully.
What to do if your child is bullied? It all depends on what the initial circumstances are and who the aggressor is. If we are dealing with a playground where your two-year-old is hit on the head with a shovel by his peer, then it is better to avoid the fighter. Explaining to kids why the offender is wrong and why fighting is wrong will not work. Cause-and-effect relationships are not yet amenable to understanding. If your child is systematically bullied in kindergarten, then first of all it is worth finding out who is doing this, why and where the teacher is looking at these moments. You must remember that while you are not around, teachers are responsible for the safety of the child. They must resolve conflict situations directly on the spot. And it’s worth explaining to the child that the people around him are different: some people know how to explain their desires and feelings in words, but others don’t, so he is forced to fight and push. It is better to avoid the latter, not to play with them, and if they come up on their own, then you need to tell them in a firm voice: “I don’t want to play with you. You’re fighting (or calling names)!” If this does not help, then you should ask the teacher for help. Please note that this strategy cannot be called sneaking, which is what many dads often worry about. After all, first we insist on talking with the offender directly, and do not encourage the child to act behind his back. But if the bully didn’t hear him, there is no choice: you need to turn to your elders.

If neither the teacher’s attempts nor conversations with the fighter’s parents improve the situation, you should think about changing kindergarten, no matter what difficulties this may threaten, because on the agenda - mental health your child.

At the same time, it is important to instill in your preschooler the most winning behavior strategy: always talk to other people, including children, about your feelings. The offender can and should say out loud: “It hurts me! Stop hitting me!”, “I’m offended, you destroyed my snowman!”, “I’m angry at you, you broke my toy!”. Protecting your boundaries means first of all being able to communicate them. The child learns this in the family. If you communicate according to this principle at home, he will automatically learn useful lesson. It's also very useful to play with your baby. difficult situations in the game or tell therapeutic tales, where all kinds of conflicts are described and given peaceful ways their permissions. You can compose such stories yourself, bringing them as close as possible to the situation your child is faced with. Everything that the baby loses with you, he seems to live on his own, thus receiving new experience. When will he have it in stock? different options behavior in conflict situation, a fight will be the last item on this list. And over time, he will begin to understand that the problem is not always with him or his behavior.
If your son or daughter is being bullied elementary school, then your line of behavior should be the same as in kindergarten, but there are some nuances. The child is already old enough to have a soft heart-to-heart conversation with him. Your goal is to find out together during the conversation when it started and for what reason he was given offensive nickname. And be sure to invite your child to remember what action he committed the day before. It is necessary to do this in order to give him the opportunity to realize: teasing is rarely born in empty space. However, you should always remain on the child’s side. And it will be good if you teach him the different “answers” ​​that exist in any children's subculture. For example: “Whoever calls names is called that himself,” “I hear from the same person.” You will have to act completely differently if your child is offended by children from high school. It's better to intervene right away. First you need to talk to the teachers, then to the parents of the offenders, if necessary. At home, dad can show his son effective techniques self-defense. This will only strengthen the boy and give him masculinity. If you have a daughter, you must immediately make it clear to the offenders that the girl is under your protection and that you cannot treat her like that.”

Adequate reaction

Evgeniy Idzikovsky, family psychologist:

“It is still advisable to teach a child so that his ideas about the world coincide with reality, whatever it may be. Actually, this is why we teach daughters and sons different things. “Give back!” – the wording is correct, but only for a boy. She teaches the guy to protect his boundaries. I know that many educators and teachers will not agree with me, because they often ask parents not to teach their child to give back. But this is stupid. Any behavior that is, in principle, consistent with the prevailing circumstances is normal. Another thing is not normal: selling him the idea that he must endure and restrain himself in those moments when others do not.

fair fight

It is important for all children, regardless of gender, to be taught from the very beginning not to hit anyone in the face or head. But you also need to understand that boys and girls begin to evaluate the strength of their own blow and its consequences closer to the age of 14–16. At this age, it is useful to explain to the teenager which points on human body most vulnerable, which techniques are allowed and which should remain prohibited if there is no threat to life. And sons from about 12 years old should be explained why angry girls need to be “blocked” and “restrained”, and not hit back.

When you teach something to a child, it is useful to remember that this is your child, and his health and psyche are more important to you than the health and psyche of other children. Decide for yourself what you want: for your son to dangerous situation confused and didn't know what to do? And this can happen if you follow the teacher’s advice and teach him to restrain his aggression and not get into a fight. Or will it be better if he fights with someone, they ask him not to do that again, and he answers: “Well, I don’t know, I don’t know”? Most social appropriate behavior as much as possible, if it is succinctly written in one phrase: act according to the situation. The implication is that while the conflict is verbal, defend yourself verbally, and if you are hit, do not stand idly by, because it is simply dangerous. Of course, it is important to teach children not to insult people without reason and not to hit anyone first for no reason. But there is no need to give strict restrictions to the child. In life, a situation may well arise when physical aggression is an adequate response to non-physical aggression. The child, of course, himself perfect way will not choose, but while he does not know how to do this, you should not drive him into strict limits. Otherwise, he will learn a one-sided model of behavior and will not learn the flexibility that is important for accepting only the right decision V extreme situation. Some psychologists advise teaching children this way: “Don’t hit first!”, but this is just a limiting phrase, I would not use it. Frames should not be set at once for several reasons. First, suppressing emotions is harmful. We are biologically designed to show our emotions, especially anger, anger and aggression. In a situation where a child cannot fight back, when he is forced to bend, he feels humiliated and insulted. But he can't do anything. No matter what he does, he will still lose: if he holds back, he will feel lousy, if he hits, he will be reprimanded. Every boy experiences such a situation of hopelessness very hard. Perhaps this is why modern dads, who themselves went through similar trials in childhood, teach their children to fight back. That is, they are taught to behave appropriately. Secondly, if some children are constantly forbidden to fight, it may happen that at some point they will explode, grab a chair and break their peer’s head. By the way, such cases are far from rare. It is better when the conflict does not reach the boiling point. Just don't escalate the situation. In an ordinary children's fight, it is very difficult to reach a turning point. Preschool children and even primary and secondary schoolchildren cannot hit hard, their body weight is too small. So if your child hits someone back, nothing bad will happen. It will be bad for the one who attacked. And in this case, I don’t have much pity for the offender. It is absolutely natural for a person to feel the consequences of his own behavior. Next time, maybe I won't do this again. By the way, if a girl gets what she deserves, it will be even more useful for her. The moment a girl starts to fight, she ceases to be a girl and becomes an aggressor. And she needs to be hit. It's just normal. It should also not be forgotten that if a boy is constantly attacked by bullying girls, and he is forced to endure this bullying, this can negatively affect his sexual orientation. Do you need this?

With early years girls need to be taught to respect other people's physical strength. Even though the risk of being knocked out for verbal abuse of a girl is small, ladies of all ages should clearly understand: gentlemen should not be provoked. Still, the possibility of meeting a man who is not embarrassed by social boundaries always exists.

There is a difference between boys and girls, but on a different level. If girls fight among themselves, that's one thing. The same guidelines apply here as for boys: giving change to your girlfriend is the right thing to do, because this is how you protect your boundaries. But it’s better not to mess with boys. For the reason that a girl will not win a physical conflict. And there's no point in teaching her something she won't be good at. Yes, while the children are small, theoretically the forces are equal, but if you teach your daughter to fight with boys, sooner or later it will end badly for her. If the conflict drags on and the girl is systematically offended by her peers, it is better to teach her not to hit back, but to resolve the issue in a social way: tell adults about the problem. By the way, the boy also needs to be told about this tactic of behavior. Of course, we need to teach children to negotiate and resolve conflicts on their own, but if that doesn’t work out, they should turn to their elders for help.”

MBDOU "Lyambirsky kindergarten No. 3 combined type"

Consultation for parents


Prepared by:

Group teacher No. 4

Isaeva O.A.

village Lyambir

Teachers and psychologists speak with alarm that play is disappearing from a child’s life. At home there is no one to play with: parents are busy or don’t know how and don’t want to play, and in kindergarten there are classes, clubs, sections... When to play?

Traditional role-playing games a rival has appeared - computer games. With all their advantages, one cannot help but notice: in most cases these are “shooters”, the meaning of which is to “destroy the enemy.” What personality traits do such games develop in children? It is not surprising that the increase in aggressiveness, increased level anxiety has become side effects video games.

The famous researcher of children's games E.O. Smirnova current state play activity compares preschoolers with an environmental disaster - the mechanism for transmitting the game has gone wrong. This means we need to help children, because play is a child’s life itself, instinctive, spontaneous and natural, associated with exploration, communication and self-expression, combining action and thought, bringing satisfaction and a sense of success.

IN to a large extent We, kindergarten teachers, can solve this problem, but only if we ourselves know how to play and allocate resources for this. time and place.

The game is specific childish look independent activity preschooler. If this is the case, then what is better - to influence the game or not to play it? interfere?

There are different opinions. Some convince: “Nobody taught us in childhoodplay, and we still remember what interesting games were in the yard"

Others - with the same enthusiasm - prove the opposite: “If the teacherdoesn’t teach kids to play, then they don’t play or do it veryprimitive, which means their full development does not occur,physiological development is delayed.”

Experienced teachers argue that play, like any other type of human activity, is transmitted to the child by people who know how to play,Therefore, we cannot agree with the thesis “Nobody taught us to play!” We were all taught, or rather, we learned ourselves, imitating the older guys. Really,a children's community of different ages provides many role models, and in a kindergarten group that contains children of the same age and with approximately the same level of development of play skills (unfortunately, often low), the role of a skillful partner should be taken on by the teacher.

What does it mean to “manage” the game?

  1. We need to teach children to set game goals.
  2. It is necessary to help them compile its plot and content.
  3. Examples of performing game actions and rules that correspond to the role should be shown.
  4. It is necessary to help children build relationships with peers in play.

Why run the game?

To raise the level of development of children to a higher level, because play creates optimal conditions for complete and timely mental development each child, and reasonable, conscious guidance of games will help enrich this activity, and therefore stimulate his development.

How to manage the game?

In a peculiar way, not directly, without pressure, indirect ways, taking into account children's interests. The best way- join the game as an equal partner, but it is effective only if the children accept the teacher in this capacity.

The pre-game stage is important. Its goal is to identify children's gaming preferences; create material conditions for play, ensure the formation of knowledge necessary for meaningful play.

The goal of managing the game process is to teach children to set game goals, help them master game actions in accordance with the chosen role, and teach role interaction.

The most important characteristic of the plot is role playing game- her amateur character. It is these games that are the leading activity at the preschool stage. That’s why it’s so important to identify children’s gaming preferences. This can be done in one way - by quietly observing children’s games, which will help the teacher find out what the children are playing; who plays with whom; who what story games chooses; what actions are performed; how children communicate; how long do they play; who is the initiator of the game; who is not accepted into the game. Analysis of the information received makes it possible to expediently organize work into a system aimed at developing children’s play activities.

The next task of the teacher is to create the material environment necessary for games. Not a single type of specifically child activity can develop on a purely verbal level, outside subject environment. The child needs it for play ready-made toys, building materials and a variety of items that sometimes seem like trash to adults. But it is precisely such things that do not have a strictly functional purpose (sticks, rags, planks, pebbles, etc.), acting as substitutes for real objects, that develop children’s imagination and creativity.

But the presence of even the richest gaming environment In itself, it is not capable of providing an interesting and meaningful game. Children need knowledge about people different professions, their labor actions, the tools they use, relationships in the labor process. Children gain such knowledge during excursions, reading children's literature, watching filmstrips, cartoons, etc. But the child does not always translate the acquired knowledge into the language of play. This happens because he either does not know how to do it (which means he needs to be taught), or the information received is not interesting to him (which means that in order to familiarize himself with the work of adults, it is necessary to choose professions that are interesting for preschoolers and, if possible, put them in the position of active participants in events, rather than outside observers).

Using games to teach a child goes more efficiently, and education is more pleasant. The game is a diagnostic tool mental state child, his personal development, but it is also an excellent method for correcting certain defects, shortcomings, and developmental delays.

Game is school arbitrary behavior, the school of morality in action, is the leading activity in preschool age, activities that determine the development of intellectual, physical and moral forces child.

How important is it to teach your child to read and write before starting school? There is an opinion that all children should leave kindergarten already writing and reading. Psychologists believe that parents deliberately promote early development child in order to realize their unfulfilled desires, and also in order to have a source of pride in front of the people around them. There are schools that accept children into first grade who have already been taught the basics. Therefore, the question of the need for such skills in preschool age is an open and relevant topic.

Difficulties in learning to write

  1. Surely, few of us know that incorrect initial teaching of writing and reading can become the cause of difficulties in the future. schooling. Only experienced teachers know all the intricacies of this process, giving a number of reasons for parents.
  2. Typically, older preschool children do not have all the necessary skills to learn to write during this period. All this is due to the fact that a preschooler’s child’s fine motor skills hands To be more precise, the phalanges of the fingers and the wrist itself are not yet adapted to mastering writing instruments and writing. In addition, not fully developed hand-eye coordination can be an obstacle to learning to write.
  3. The rules of calligraphy only imply individual several-hour training in writing each letter. Parents, not having teacher education, will not be able to fully educate the child correct technique writing.
  4. Most teachers who encounter children who know how to write complain that they simply have to reteach them. Calligraphy dictates the rules individual training each letter for a few hours minimum. It is unlikely that preschoolers have the perseverance to sit through these classes.
  5. Almost all children of preschool age do not know how to correctly navigate on a surface clean slate. This only means that for now it will be enough for the child to learn drawing, but not writing.

What writing skills does a preschooler need?

Having learned about the above difficulties, you should not draw hasty conclusions. Parents' activities with their preschooler should include the following exercises:

  1. The child must occupy correct position bodies at the table, take a pencil, notebook or album. To do this, keep an eye on:
    • straight back position;
    • feet are placed on the floor together;
    • Always keep your elbows on the desk;
    • there should be 2 cm between the child’s chest and the table;
    • You need to rotate the writing sheet no more than 30 degrees.
  2. Teach your preschooler to draw different lines, such as straight and wavy, vertical and slanted. Also, at the age of 4-5 years, you need to learn to draw circles, ovals, circles.
  3. Graphic dictations. You can learn such exercises if you find video lessons on the Internet.
  4. The next exercise is shading. For full development visual control in a child, teach him to draw pencil strokes in different directions.
  5. Coloring pages. Regular coloring of pictures helps the child learn proper pressure on a pencil and coordination.

If your child has these skills, he or she is considered ready to enter first grade.

Do preschoolers need reading skills?

Starting from the age of five, the child enters a new phase of development - speech giftedness. As psychologists say, at this age children learn to read much more easily than at 7-8 years old. Such skills in early age develop the child's thinking, imagination, logic and memory. Many teachers and psychologists also insist that literate, intellectually developed people are a consequence of the accumulation of information from books.

Therefore, we can safely say that a reading first-grader is a godsend for the teacher. It's okay if one part of the class knows how to read, and the other only learns this skill. This does not mean at all that a reading first grader will be idle during this time. In fact, the teacher is developing a differential approach to teaching unevenly developed children.

It is forbidden to teach reading to a child who does not strive for it and refuses to study. And in order to revive a child’s desire to get acquainted with a book, you need to create an appropriate bookish atmosphere around. To do this, constantly read books to your child, and also reason with him about what he read. In order for the training to be successful and the teacher in the first grade not to have to reteach the child, parents must be aware of the rules for learning to read.

It can be summarized as follows:

  1. To successfully teach a child to read, you need to have knowledge about teaching methods. It is better, of course, to entrust your child to specialists.
  2. A specialist can teach a child if the child does not resist the lessons and shows interest.
  3. No school has the right to demand that a first-grader be able to read. Required for admission psychological preparation child: developed thinking, memory, imagination, speech.

Parents have the power to promote their child’s development and spend as much time with him as possible. It is better to leave teaching and learning to write and read to professional teachers.


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