Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Skills and abilities of a child at 1.5 years old. Physical development of a one and a half year old child. Necessary products for a child under one and a half years old

By the age of one year and six months, the child begins to develop speech - the most important tool, thanks to which others begin to perceive the baby as a full-fledged member of society, capable of expressing himself. And the baby tries to use the new skill, makes attempts to tell others about his feelings and desires. It is important at this moment to support the need to speak, and not switch to sign language or use lightweight words. Your child is quite ready to listen and comprehend complex words. And the time is not far off when he himself will compose sentences.

How a baby develops at one and a half years old - the physical development of a child at 1 year and six months

Height and weight standards developed by the World Health Association


  • Height — 79.6-85.0 cm
  • Weight 9.8-12.2 kg
  • Head circumference - 46.0-48.7 cm


  • Height 77.8-83.6 cm
  • Weight 9.1-11.6 kg
  • Head circumference - 44.9-47.6 cm

At one and a half years old, the child:

  • walks confidently, carrying objects in his hands, bending around and (or) stepping over small obstacles;
  • sits down and gets up from a chair without support;
  • climbs and descends low steps;
  • can eat independently, holding a spoon in his fist, not only thick dishes, but also semi-liquid ones, without spilling them;
  • he drinks from a mug;
  • pulls a toy behind him on a string;
  • reacts calmly to hygiene procedures: washing, hand washing;
    leafing through a book;
  • strings a pyramid of two or three rings, observing the dimensions;
  • distinguishes between rolling and throwing the ball, and upon request throws it forward, up or down;
  • realizing that he does not know how to do something, he is upset about this, for example, he may refuse to do something that he could not do before;
  • moves objects from place to place, collects them in a box or takes them out of it;
  • fulfills simple requests from others, for example: give me a mug, bring a ball, come to me;
  • speaks about forty simplified words;
  • distinguishes between simple geometric shapes: circle and square;
  • distinguishes 2-3 colors.

How to do and what to play with a one and a half year old child - games for babies at 1 year and 6 months

Of course, reading continues to be a source of new words and knowledge, broadening one’s horizons. There is no need to be afraid that the baby will not understand some words in the fairy tale or will not perceive complex sentence. After all, it is precisely listening to new words and speech structures over and over again that gives impetus to the further development of speech. It is important not to get carried away and not set the goal of mastering as much as possible more books. Choose 4-5 of your favorites and re-read them periodically, gradually adding new ones. At the age of one and six months, children are very happy when they hear an already familiar text, when they imagine what will be discussed next.

Have an active conversation while walking with your baby , using as many adjectives and characteristics of surrounding objects as possible.

It’s just wonderful to act out mini skits in front of your child. with two or three toy characters (for example, rubber ones). These can be both everyday scenes (toys sat down, ate and went for a walk), or acquaintance, for example, with the voices of animals, their diet, and cubs.

Teach your baby to hygiene: teach how to wash your hands, face, dry yourself with a towel, put away toys, go to the potty

Salt dough modeling
Prepare the modeling mixture: 4 tablespoons of salt, 2 cups of flour, water. It should be a stiff dough. Make figures of animals, fruits, and vegetables from it with your child. If your baby accidentally swallows a piece, there is nothing to worry about, the mass is safe. Dried crafts can be painted.

Blow out the candle
Light a candle and have your child blow it out. Exercise promotes the development of a child's lungs.

Hide and seek
Mom or other close person hides, but at the same time constantly gives voice, for example, saying “ku-ku”. The child is looking.

Difficulties in raising a one and a half year old child

Since your baby is already a fully formed personality, he may begin to resist your desires and, conversely, achieve his own. But, since he is not yet able to convey all this to those around him, he suddenly begins to be stubborn, capricious and even hysterical. It is necessary to try to switch the baby’s attention to something else, to distract it.

Do not try to adopt the style of simplified communication. Say “dog” and not “av-av”, because you are teaching your child, not him teaching you.

A child of one and a half years is still very self-centered, he is not ready to share toys with his peers. Often his behavior can be unintentionally rude due to ignorance of socially accepted norms of behavior.

What to feed a baby at the age of one and a half years: the diet of a child at 1 year and 6 months

Parents often want to please their baby by treating him to something sweet. Nose chocolates Still, it’s better not to rush. Chocolate often causes allergies, and it may not appear immediately, but may make itself felt after two years. It is better to enjoy marmalade, jam, marshmallow, honey.

You can include greens in your diet: lettuce, parsley, spinach, green onions. If your child doesn’t immediately like the new tastes, don’t insist. Just treat him again in a week, and then again. Research states that a person should try 7 to 14 times. new product before he likes it.

Sample menu for a one and a half year old child

1st day 2nd day 3rd day
Breakfast Herring pate
Grated carrot salad with apples
Bread and butter
Boiled egg
Millet porridge with milk
Bread with butter and cheese
Tea with milk
Semolina-pumpkin soufflé
Tea with milk
Bread and butter
Dinner Potato salad with tomatoes
Cauliflower soup
Chicken and carrot stew
Berry juice
Salad with green peas and carrots
Vegetable soup with cereals
Steamed fish meatballs
Mashed potatoes
Tomato and egg salad
Milk noodles
Steamed meatloaf stuffed with omelette
Afternoon snack Kefir
Cottage cheese
Dinner Carrot zrazy with cottage cheese
Buckwheat porridge
Cabbage casserole
Tea with milk

An 18-month-old child becomes more and more independent and communicative. He is already able to connect words into short phrases. Walking skills are also improved, thanks to which the baby explores with great speed and great curiosity. the world around us. Let's find out in more detail what else has changed as the toddler grows up, what skills a 1.5-year-old child pleases parents with, how to assess the baby's development and how to stimulate it.

First of all, the child needs the care of mom and dad

Features of age

  • An 18-month-old baby has already stopped waddling on straight legs, with his arms out to the sides to maintain balance. Now the baby takes small steps, does not spread his elbows and practically does not fall. He has also already learned to turn while walking and avoid obstacles. As coordination of movements improves, the baby begins to try to run.
  • A child aged 1.5 years is very sociable. He wants to take part in all the events that he sees, and is also keenly interested in other people. The baby enjoys playing with other children, copying their actions.
  • The intellectual development of an 18-month-old child is also progressing at a high pace. The kid became smarter, learned to lay out molds and build towers. The child is able to set goals for himself and think about a plan for their implementation. For example, when getting ready to get an apple from a shelf, a child will put a chair next to the sideboard.
  • The vocabulary question of a child of this age increases daily. The baby not only pronounces simple words that parents can understand, but also babbles a lot in his own language.
  • At 1.5 years old, a child feels like an individual. After realizing that the baby can perform many actions without help, his independence increases. The baby tries to eat, undress, wash, and push the stroller on his own.

The child actively explores the world and develops

Height and weight

Compared to indicators at 1 year, a child of 18 months gains about 1300 grams and approximately 6-7 centimeters of height. Circle chest during this period it increases by 1.5-2 cm, and the head circumference - by 1-1.5 cm.

We presented the average indicators of physical development, as well as the normal limits of these indicators in the table:

Diversify your day with a lesson using the “Little Leonardo” method by O. N. Teplyakova, an expert on intellectual development.

Calculate your vaccination schedule

Enter the child's date of birth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

Daily routine

For a child of 18 months, it is very important to have a daily routine, as it allows you to properly organize the baby’s periods of wakefulness, provide the baby with adequate sleep and correct mode nutrition. Children of this age sleep approximately 14 hours a day. Most of this time is spent sleeping at night (it lasts 10-11 hours), and the child sleeps the rest of the time during the day.

Many 1.5-year-old babies still sleep twice during the day, with the first nap lasting about 2 hours, and the second (afternoon) nap being shorter. It is at 18 months that some babies transition to one nap during the day lasting 2.5-3 hours.

It is recommended to go for walks with a 1.5-year-old child twice a day. If the weather is good, then it is worth organizing the walk so that it includes nap(then the baby will sleep on fresh air). Duration depending on weather daily walks can be 2-6 hours. It is not recommended to go for a walk if the air temperature is below -10o, very strong wind or it is raining heavily.

A baby at the age of 1.5 years remains fed five times a day with intervals between feedings of up to 4 hours. Offer your baby food at the same time every day and do not allow very long breaks between meals. On average, 18-month-old babies eat from 1000 to 1300 ml of food per day (a more accurate daily volume can be found by dividing the baby’s weight by 9). At one meal, the child eats approximately 200-260 ml of food.

Many children who were breastfed until 1.5 years of age begin the weaning process. Doctors advise making it gradual, then both the mother’s breasts and the baby’s psyche will not suffer. If the mother is still breastfeeding, she will note that daytime The baby remembers the breast less often (mainly before bed, after eating, after a fall, and in similar situations), but at night (mostly in the morning) he sucks very actively.

If possible, continue breastfeeding until 2-2.5 years

Food one and a half one year old baby is becoming more and more diverse. It already contains sweets, salt, fresh herbs, and some spices. However, nutrition remains for children and differs significantly from that for adults. The baby still cannot eat fried foods, sausages, smoked meats, sausages, fatty meats, mushrooms, chocolate, exotic fruits and some other foods.

It is very difficult to be with a child around the clock for 1.5 years, so many mothers are upset about the baby. To learn how not to yell at a child, watch Larisa Sviridova’s video.

What should a baby be able to do?

Most children at 1.5 years old can:

  • Walk without support. Some kids can already run and jump.
  • Climb onto the sofa.
  • Pronounce up to 20-40 facilitated words.
  • Eat with a spoon.
  • Understand much of what an adult says (answer requests and questions).
  • Bend over when he wants to pick up a toy.
  • Pull a toy tied to a string.
  • Point to an item that interests him.
  • Turning cardboard pages of children's books. Show familiar images in books.
  • Go up and down stairs.
  • Build a tower using 2-4 cubes
  • Throw the ball and push it with your foot.
  • Drink from a cup.
  • Show body parts.
  • Remove shoes and coats yourself.
  • Draw with crayons and pencils.
  • Some children ask to use the potty.

Summer after 18 months is considered the ideal time for adaptation to the potty, according to Komarovsky

For information on how to teach a baby to ask to use the potty, and whether you should worry if a child of 18 months does not yet go to it, see next video Doctor Komarovsky.


  1. To develop logic, invite your child to collect from many different objects only those that the mother asks for (for example, only red or only balls).
  2. Teach your child to sort toys by color and size, as well as shape.
  3. Invite your baby to assemble puzzles from 2 parts, and also to make puzzles from 2-3 parts simple figures(mushroom, house).
  4. Give your child frames and sorters to play with. In addition, play with clothespins, locks, and knockers.
  5. Teach your baby to build a pyramid from cubes of different sizes, and also to build a tower from stacking cups.
  6. To develop attention, invite your baby to find a pair using lotto cards, socks or mittens for this game.
  7. Offer to find an object in the room by name or by its characteristics (find soft, find blue).
  8. Play hide and seek with your baby so that it is easy for your child to find you.
  9. Teach your child the properties of objects through play. Let the baby learn to distinguish them by size, temperature, quantity, geometric shape, color, height, softness, dryness, cleanliness and other characteristics.
  10. Chat with your baby about home, transport, vegetation, animals, food, furniture, body parts, natural phenomena and many others.
  11. In addition to drawing with crayons and felt-tip pens, offer your little one paint. You can draw with your fingers, a sponge, or a brush.
  12. Start mastering coloring (paints are best for this).
  13. Model from dough or plasticine, making flat cakes and sausages. Also make applications with the crumbs using torn paper or cereal.
  14. Invite the baby to string not only pyramid rings, but also large beads.
  15. When playing with water, show your baby how to collect the water with a sponge and then squeeze the sponge out.

In this article:

Your baby has grown up. Turned into a little explorer and taster. There is a long road of new discoveries ahead, but for now he happily sits on your lap, asks for attention, bedtime stories, and cannot do without you in feeding, bathing and dressing. However, at 1-1.5 years the child becomes stronger and more physically resilient. He perceives his surroundings better, adapts to new conditions and gets used to new people. The child sleeps less and plays more.

His menu diversified to suit adult preferences (fish, meat, dumplings, soups with dumplings and meatballs), and his social circle expanded. Now he can communicate not only with mom and dad, but also with other family members and his peers.

The child’s attention has increased - now he can concentrate on one toy for more than 10 minutes, and independently understand the design of a doll, robot, or toy house.

Basic indicators of child development at 1.5 years. What should he be able to do?

In the first year of life, a child should be able to distinguish colors, shapes, and individual objects (especially those that surround him at home). The child knows how to fulfill basic requests from adults and bring his own toys. by name and color. If you show your baby a picture of an object or toy, he can choose a similar one from his “arsenal” and bring it to you. The baby understands the degree of magnitude and can determine where big toy, and where is the small one? Remembers up to 4 colors.

At the age of 1-1.5 years, the talents of modeling and drawing begin to blossom. So far, only buns and sausages are made from plasticine and multi-colored lines on a sheet, but soon the baby will be making snowmen and drawing chic houses.

Speech development in a child during the period of 1-1.5 years

By the age of 1 year, a child learns to understand his relatives. Development at this stage allows him to listen and correctly perceive the speech of his parents and the whole family. He happily shows that he knows all the parts of the body, remembers what a separate letter and number looks like. The child's development allows him
“help” your parents with housework and be satisfied with your need and usefulness.

Now for a child, helping around the house is a kind of entertaining game, which he accepts with pleasure. The child has approximately 40 in stock simple words, with which he gladly motivates his actions. Development gives broad interest, and simple questions begin about oneself and the world around us. Facial expressions and gestures are developing in full swing, and on at the moment Accompanying communication with facial expressions is normal behavior for a one-year-old baby. The child seeks eye-to-eye communication. If he asks for attention, he will almost jump into your field of vision or turn your face towards him. To the little man It is already clear that without eye contact it is difficult to achieve the attention of your interlocutor.

Abilities and skills in everyday life

In everyday life normal development The child is dictated by a purely human factor. The child begins to try to behave independently in the kitchen. Give it to him solid food unattended is not yet recommended, but he can already consume mashed potatoes and cereals independently, confidently holding the spoon and practically not carrying it “past the cash register”.

The same thing happens with the mug. The baby is quite critical of his own order. If he accidentally soils his suit, he will demand that he change it. Due to the attachment to cleanliness, the skills of asking to go to the toilet appear, because going to the potty is adult and hygienic. From the age of 1, the child begins to understand what washing is and why it is so necessary. He likes to take a bath, wash his face and hands with his parents in the evenings and mornings, and brush his teeth with a soft baby brush.

Physical development of the child

At the age of one and a half years, the child learned to walk perfectly. Doesn't fall over, doesn't fall on its butt, tripping over objects underfoot. When playing or actively running, he is less likely to lose his balance. Able to undress independently and go to bed. Goes up and down the stairs. Plays quite actively with the ball. Walks with pleasure, knows what clothes to get, if you have a walk or a trip to the store.

Development has reached the understanding of cooperative games. The child learns to skip his turn, to give in, to be grateful for the game and not to be offended by the winner. But it is worth understanding the difference between “being able to play” and “learning to play.” Don't expect him to follow rules or be submissive. The baby quickly gets bored with monotonous activities and learning the rules, and you risk being left alone with yourself and abandoned toys. The child cannot yet concentrate on playing long period, but can engage in sociable game scenarios for up to 40 minutes.

A common character trait of all children of this age is a sense of ownership. No matter how you raise your child, he does not like to share toys and often does not allow other children to take his things. There are boundaries of what is permitted and there are priorities for exchange, but his own toy remains his own, and even if the baby is interested in a friend’s toy, he will not allow his toy to be removed from his field of vision at this time.

If a child is modest and shy, in a group of players he will copy the leader. But at the same time, developing caution in the baby will not allow him to repeat everything he does. active child. If one climbs a high hill, the other will not so happily rush after in order to avoid injury - a sense of self-preservation is at work.

No matter what, children of the same age enjoy spending time together. Their clarification of relationships, incomprehensible to adults, quietly passing toys from hand to hand and taking their things back is the development of adaptation in society. There is no need to interfere with such communication - parents should help communication, and not prohibit it.

A million questions

In the period from 1 to 1.5 years, the child remembers well the people who often surround him. It's time for him to learn to call them by name. Start with the baby himself teach him to say his name, look in the mirror and know who is there: “Who is reflected there?” – “Sasha (Sonya, Maxim, Anya...)” – “That’s right, our Sasha is beautiful. Where are Sasha's eyes? Here they are, and what about the pens? Who else is in the mirror? Mother! What's your mother's name? Where is grandma? Etc..

Don't forget that emotions can also be expressed in words. Communicate with your child, explain when it’s fun, when it’s sad, when it’s painful. Very soon the child will get used to it and will tell you about his emotions. To make it easier to remember words, practice in front of a mirror. Make a sad grimace and say “sad” - the baby will repeat after you, and you explain to the child that this is sad, and this is “fun”, and this is “surprised”.

Play games with your child in which you need to guess a part of the body, an animal, sounds, colors, shapes. For example: “Here is my leg, where is Sonya’s leg?”, “Moo-moo - the cow says, but the goat says how?”, “This cube is blue, where is the green cube?”
When the baby is minding his own business, do not rush to interfere with them. Teach your child to be independent. If you notice that it is so difficult for him that he is looking for you with his eyes, ask if your help is needed. If he agrees, then make minimal movements, leaving him the opportunity to participate in the process.

Do not forget that the aesthetics of the soul depends on your upbringing. Do you really think that it is useful to play classical music only when the baby is in the stomach? Now is the time to immerse your child in beautiful melodies, rhythms, stories and fairy tales. Consume as much as possible polite words and don't deviate from your daily routine. Your child will love the discipline.

Divide everything in half with your child. This is not saving or parental greed - this is a measure of necessity. Firstly, the child will learn to realize that everyone in the family should have equal amounts of everything, secondly, a collective feeling develops, thirdly, without a glass of water in old age with such well-mannered child you definitely won't stay. You can include your favorite dolls or soft toys. Everyone at the table should get a spoonful of porridge.

Getting used to order

The child's development already allows him to keep his room clean. Do you think that children under the age of 5 cannot think about order? Then remember how your child insists on changing his shirt if a stain is found on it, how he does not like to sit at the table after he has crumbled or spilled juice on it. Also a children's bedroom and even a playpen. To the child it is necessary to show that purity depends on himself.

Turn order into a traditional game: after the scenario of any child’s game has ended, dolls and animals should sleep in their places, and cars should sleep in their garages. There should be nothing left on the floor. The child will take care of his things. You can also ask your child for help and ask them to clean the rooms together, because you are a family. Give him a cloth to wipe off dust, ask him to separate the forks from the spoons, make the bed together, in addition, the child is able to put his things in the closet and put his toys back in their place. Make cleaning fun and exciting for yourself too.

What toys does your child need from 1 to 1.5 years old?

Until one and a half years old, a child needs all the toys in a row. Now he is learning independence and playing together, as well as accepting the rules of the game and imagining. Playing in his little head various scenarios and occupations are invented: family scenes, truck work, doctor -
patient, construction, drawing. Give your child the opportunity to try his hand at a little of everything.

Help your child distribute responsibilities between toys, as is customary in your family: you can play with each character in turn for one child or join the game yourself. If you play together, you don't need to immediately take on the role of mom and dad. You can be a friend or a brother, sister, neighbor in the game.

You can become friends with your baby for the whole day. Listen to music, watch a story, read books, eat together and go to bed. In the game, the child does not feel the obligation to be obedient everywhere and always, but at the same time behaves well and learns to be friends.

In the first year of life, you don't need much time to play. A 1.5 year old child gets tired quite quickly - he needs to switch every 20-30 minutes and, of course, rest. Don't rule out naps during the day. The impressions of the day are enough for the child to start having colorful dreams. And in the morning, wish your baby well, ask how he slept, tell him how glad you are to see him rested. This way the child will learn to give compliments and respond kindly.

From one to 2 years old children I really like jokes and poems. Your baby probably knows about “Magpie-Crow”, about “Ladushki” and “Tili-bom”.

Here are a few more rhymes that will amuse your child and make him smile - you can learn them together. First by endings, then by line and then the whole poem:

The runners are jumping -
Sunny bunnies,
We call them - they don’t come,
They were here - and they are not here.
Jump, jump around the corners,
They were there - and they are not there.
Where are the bunnies? Gone
We didn't find them anywhere.


Petya - red scallop,

He walked along the path

And I found a penny

I bought myself boots

And the chicken - earrings!


The frog baked pies

With sweet filling

Treated the pig

And the bunny in the pie

I put in some cottage cheese!

Clap-clap, tra-ta-ta,

The cat kicked the cat out

She stamped her foot,

The door slammed behind him!

Holidays and traditions

Now your child is a full-fledged, independent member of the family, and it is also important for him family holidays. In addition to those marked on the calendar, try to come up with your own holidays: “Personal Day”, “Cherry Pie Day”, “Artist Day”, etc. Mark them according to all the rules, with themed costumes, photographs and feast. Do not overload your child with competitions and games - it is enough to assign him 2-3 tasks to make the holiday complete and fun.

Address your child softly, tenderly, but without babying, as if you were an adult, loved and dear. In this way you will develop in your child a sense of self-sufficiency and self-esteem– in addition, it contributes to the development of correct speech.

A child in a family is not only a joy, but also a great responsibility. Each period of a baby’s growing up has its own characteristics. One should have a new attitude towards his personality when the child is already 1.5 years old. His character development is just beginning. Therefore, it is important for parents to explain early childhood for a child, how to behave correctly with loved ones and in society as a whole.

Child (1.5 years): development. How does a baby develop at this age?

The baby begins to actively demand the fulfillment of his desires. But he cannot distinguish due to his physical and emotional characteristics what is good and what is bad. How does a child’s development occur at this age? 1.5-2 years is the period when the baby improves very quickly. When he was a baby, he could do nothing except eat and sleep by the hour. And now he is beginning to master independent actions, trying not just to speak clearly, but to formulate his thoughts. During this period, everything happens for the first time for the child and his parents. All the baby’s discoveries are made through development motor function the child, his speech, memory, thinking.

Child development at 1.5 years is very important stage in the formation of the psyche. For now, it has the opportunity to develop surrounded by parents, since the baby does not see other people next to him except mom and dad. The next stage will take place at school, and will end only in adolescence.

How is the child’s psyche formed at this age?

So, the child is 1.5 years old. Its development should be considered in more detail in order to know how to properly help the child in comprehending many of the truths and rules of human society. Until one and a half years old, the child was on breastfeeding. Then he was dependent on his mother for everything: changing diapers, feeding him by the hour several times a day. When he lifts himself from his chest, he learns for the first time that there is something else in this world besides what he saw around him before. But there are a lot of new and interesting things there! For the first time he realizes that he can decide for himself: I want it or I don’t want it.

The baby becomes capricious when he doesn’t get what he asks for. It doesn’t matter, he’s already out of it, he should be able to think. It is necessary to explain in accessible language that it is not always possible to get everything you want. But the important thing here is completely different: you need to be close to the child in any situation, to experience all his little tragedies and joys with him. You have to repeat the same thing day after day. Only through repetition and regular practice does the process of formation of the child’s psyche occur. Only by the age of two or three will the baby begin to be able to wait, and it will be easier to negotiate with him. If parents have enough patience during this period, they will be able to raise a tolerant person.

Importance of mother in development

What should you pay attention to if your child is 1 year and 6 months old? The development of a child of this age should take place in front of his mother. Potty training and neatness will be painless if you have someone nearby loving person. If the mother who gives the baby to kindergarten If you are lucky, the child will fall into caring hands; the process of adaptation and getting used to cleanliness and neatness will go unnoticed and without incident.

Features of the development of a baby at the age of one and a half years

I would like to talk in more detail about the characteristics of child development. 1.5 years is the age when a baby can do a lot on his own. Now he is constantly discovering new possibilities of his body. He begins to walk more confidently and loves to run. This fascinates him so much that he can forget all the skills he has learned. It is necessary to direct the baby’s energy, play with him more often, and assign tasks with complications. You cannot stop a child if he wants to wash the dishes with his mother or make pies. Let him try it for sure! After all, this is the comprehension of new actions, one’s capabilities. The development of a 1.5 year old child requires a lot of effort from him. The baby gets tired quickly. Therefore, he needs rest and good sleep. Why did great-grandmothers sing lullabies to their children? With this singing, the mother is able to give calm emotional mood a kid who learned so much in a day and spent so much energy.

We teach independence to our child using the example of a button

The desire to dress and undress comes when the child turns 1.5 years old. Development is proceeding as it should ideally. The kid wants to learn everything on his own. This is not always possible, not everything works out. The button does not fasten, the lace does not want to be tied. How do adults do this? How do they do it? The child may even begin to get nervous and capricious. It is important to be nearby, to observe what is happening, and you should definitely offer your help. Possible in game form teach your baby to place a naughty button in her small house. Sweet Nothing, an encouraging attitude will do their job and, of course, give positive result. Only with patience and love can you achieve the desired effect.

Skills of a small child

If the child is already 1.5 years old, his development should include the following skills: moves well, begins to speak individual words, is interested in new objects, the habit of putting everything in his mouth gradually disappears, begins to eat without outside help. He becomes a person day by day.

Communication with the baby is a necessary event

The child undergoes great changes. 1.5 years is transition period little things in life. A child at this age is already prepared to communicate with outside world. Only constant interaction with adults and with peers helps in the development of the baby. the baby's emotions, his speech and perception indicate mental development his.

Physical development of a child at the age of one and a half years

A 1.5-year-old child’s appearance also changes greatly. noticeable in the increase in height by almost one and a half times, the child now weighs three times more from the moment of his birth. Is your baby extremely active and inquisitive? The development process is proceeding normally.

In order for the joy of movement to come on time, you should not hamper this desire tightly. This may later affect the delay in mental and motor development child. The baby falls less often, loves to climb stairs, and conquers the slides on the playground. Let him try his hand, when he masters this movement, he will start jumping and running. Every step he takes will give him confidence and independence. He will learn to throw a ball and turn the pages of a book. You can already entrust him with putting toys in a box, tidying up his things in a locker. It's time to teach your baby how to use cutlery. This is how physically developed a child is.

1 year 6 months: development, nutrition of the baby

The nutrition of a child at 1 year 6 months has its own characteristics.

We must remember that during this period children undergo changes. digestive system. Their stomach increases in volume.

You need to move from thick food to solid food gradually. You should start giving salads made from grated vegetables as complementary foods. Foods that act as a stimulant nervous system, must be submitted in the morning. We must not forget that the child needs to sleep during the day. The evening should be reserved for porridge and dairy dishes. Hot food must be present at every feeding. You can already switch to four meals a day. A hearty breakfast and lunch, the availability of vegetables and fruits, milk or kefir for the night will provide good nutrition and habit correct reception food.

Skills that a baby already has at the age of one and a half years

A 1.5 year old child is going through a difficult period. The development of his organs takes on a new format. Now this is not a baby who cannot get along without outside help. He can do a lot himself. His skills acquired during this period will serve him well good service in the future. He has mastered a spoon and a cup, he is already big and eats and drinks by himself. He's interested in it. Great pleasure comes from knowing how to use a comb. Even though he may not be able to do it yet, the child will learn the opportunity to try to perform simple and complex actions on his own. He himself will ask for help. Then you won’t need to run after your baby throughout the house and beg him not to spin around and sit quietly. He already tried it himself, nothing worked, but he really wants to go for a walk. So there is no conflict. Everyone is happy, everyone fulfilled their function. The task of parents at the stage of comprehension and the first steps of independence is to always be there, to create conditions for the safety of the child, to improve all his skills. Let the baby think that he does everything himself; his actions need to be guided unnoticed so that he does not lose interest in knowledge, discoveries and research.

Walks and physical activities with a one and a half year old baby. Advice for young mothers

Under no circumstances should the child be for a long time indoors. Walks at any time of the year, gymnastics and hardening procedures will help your baby grow healthy, resilient and physically strong. From the first days of life, mother and baby took walks in the fresh air. The child is growing, his stay on the street should not be reduced in time. Lack of oxygen can lead to negative consequences.

Child health at one and a half year old

Visits to the pediatrician continue, only now they take place once every three months. Everyone is taken necessary tests to do correct conclusions about the physical and neuropsychic state of the baby. At 1 year 6 months, vaccinations are given against polio, diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.

How to help your little child develop? What is better to do and what should be abandoned?

During the period of formation and development of a child at the age of one and a half years, you can use educational toys for speech development. Useful to learn with your child short poems, nursery rhymes. Books should have bright beautiful pictures, corresponding to reality. There is no point in showing your child non-existent monsters, various monsters or images of alien creatures. Let him learn to see and distinguish between the objects of the living and inanimate world that surround him: animals, fruits, vegetables, transport. You can buy sets of children's toy furniture and dishes for your baby. This will be useful for him story games. Pyramids, cubes, and construction sets will help expand knowledge about the shapes of objects. In the arsenal of toys at home, the child should have those that develop hearing and musical abilities.

A little conclusion

Now you know what a child’s development should be at 1 year 6 months. As you can see, at this time the child can do a lot and also learns a lot. We hope that the information presented in the article will help you understand what to pay attention to in the process of teaching a one and a half year old baby, how to feed him properly and how to care for him so that he has a healthy and sociable child (1.5 years old). Developing it is a very important task for every mother. We wish you good luck in such a difficult task!

One and a half years of age is the most active dating child with the outside world. It is at this time that children begin to more and more seriously declare their independence. At the same time, they not only stomp with might and main, but also confidently coordinate their movements and have a lot of cognitive and social skills. So what should a one and a half year old child be able to do?

What a child should be able to do at this age: physical development

By the age of one and a half years, children should confidently walk, walk around objects and step over them. At the same time, they great pleasure climb up the steps and go down them. Although some kids at this time prefer to only go up, they are still afraid to go down.

Also, one and a half year old babies can independently sit on a small chair, get off the sofa and climb onto it. If the first such attempts are observed in children at the age of one, then by the age of one and a half years the actions become more coordinated and confident.

In addition, the child must be able to throw the ball forward, as well as simply roll it towards the adult. He happily carries a small car or pushes a toy stroller.

Many children at this age are already potty trained, although accidents can still happen.

What a one and a half year old child should be able to do: cognitive skills

At 18 months, a child should clearly distinguish a ball from a cube. In other words, if you ask him to choose a cube from several objects, then he should bring it. There is another version of the game: you can show the child an object and ask him to bring a similar one. In this case, you can show both real objects and those drawn in the picture.

Another skill that children acquire by the age of one and a half years: they try to select simple figures, inserting them into suitable holes. Although these actions are still difficult for children and do not turn out correctly every time. Training is of particular importance in developing this skill. In this case, the child must consciously show large and small objects at the request of adults.

Also, by this age, children should have an understanding of primary colors, as well as, if necessary, find objects desired color. The main colors are considered to be yellow, red, blue and green.

One and a half year old children can easily assemble a small pyramid, although they still do not observe the size of its elements. At the same age, the first conscious interest in drawing will begin to appear - the first stripes, strokes, ovals, etc. will begin to appear on paper.

Another feature of a one and a half year old child is that he can take a book and try to imitate reading it. He also understands the purpose of basic items. For example, if it is a comb, then the child will try to comb an adult with it. In any case, this is the age of the beginning of complete imitation of elders, as well as some peers.

Social skills

At this age, children become more balanced and calm. Of course, the baby may cry often, however, he will strive to demonstrate his dissatisfaction in some other ways that he deems necessary.

If you build a relationship with a child correctly, then by this age he becomes especially affectionate - he can feel sorry for his mother, simply stroke her, or shake his finger at the offender.

At the same time, children show more and more interest in playing with each other and are interested in the actions of others. Therefore, parents increasingly have to deal with tears and fights in the process of dividing toys. But children still easily switch and are distracted from any offense. However, it is more interesting for children to play with adults than with peers. After all, speech skills at this age are not very diverse, so understanding between peers can be somewhat difficult.

It is also worth noting that one and a half year old babies can already play independently for a long time, especially if they are surrounded by interesting toys. If they succeed at something, they are very happy. But if something doesn’t work out, they may well throw it aside angrily.

Another fact - starting from the age of one and a half years, children dance with great pleasure to a wide variety of melodies, while squatting, twirling their butts, spinning to the music and showing flashlights with their hands.

Speech skills are manifested in the ever-increasing talkativeness of children. Although there are some kids who are not easy to talk to. In total vocabulary a one and a half year old baby consists of two dozen words. Also, the first simple phrases may appear in speech.

One way or another, a one and a half year old baby simply needs to be given enough attention and time. Parents will also need patience. After all, as children grow older, they show their character more and more persistently. But indifference on the part of parents is experienced very painfully by children, so it is worthwhile to spend as much time as possible joint activities with a child.

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