Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Difficult choice: love or career? Development of a class lesson "we choose health"

Dear Elena!

I am turning here for advice, because despite the need to make a decision myself, I still really need the advice of an understanding person.

Let me briefly outline the situation. I'm 21, I live in an ordinary provincial town. One side of the scale: I’m finishing my master’s degree in Russian Language and Literature, I’ve been working on a promising scientific topic since my second year, during which time I’ve had 5 successful publications, participated in various conferences, etc. Another side of the scale: beloved guy, 28 years old, we’ve been dating since the beginning of 2004, love tested by many trials, mutual desire to start a family and all that.

Problem: a good St. Petersburg university is ready to accept me for graduate school on a budget basis. There is a wonderful doctor of science who agreed to supervise my work. There is my precious (local) supervisor, who proves to me that such a chance comes once in a lifetime and that our graduate school (which, oddly enough, is not easy to get into) is no match for the one in St. Petersburg. There is a sad guy who doesn’t know what we should do now. There is me, who understands that I need to somehow advance in life and cannot give up the unique research that I have been conducting for almost 4 years.

I’ll make a reservation that the guy will definitely not go with me to St. Petersburg, because, firstly, it is very difficult for non-residents to get a job there, and secondly, we are not so rich as to pay for a rented apartment, knowing that they provide me with free living in a hostel, thirdly, the guy really doesn’t like noisy and polluted cities, and especially St. Petersburg and Moscow.

In my own city, to me, in best case scenario, hard labor at school for pennies shines, because there are no connections, and there are negligible prospects in our city for a Russian philologist.

A decision must be made within this week.

Thank you in advance, Elena. I really hope for your advice.

Ksenia Romanova

Hello, Ksenia! You are a person who in your early years I've achieved quite a lot in life. At the same time, I see that you were excellent at combining academic advancement and personal life. I won't beat around the bush, I'll say straight man who independently wants to realize himself in life, achieve achievements, sooner or later faces a difficult choice - love or career?

I would like to immediately note from your own words -<<Есть опечаленный парень, не знающий что нам теперь делать>>. In my opinion, now is not the time to be sad at all, and especially for the guy. We need to solve the problem, and not sit idly by. What do you mean, I don’t know what to do? Whatever one may say, but in normal relationship the man is in charge.

He's in difficult situations should help you in every possible way and contribute to resolving problems, and certainly not<<не знать, что делать>>. Of course, it’s most convenient to stand in the pose - I’m not going anywhere, and I’m not going to change my life because of you. Then what kind of love are you talking about here? It is very difficult to get a job... Yes, all the time, every day, provincials come to big cities in search of a new better life. He who seeks will always find, and even more so a job. There would only be desire and zeal. Your supervisor is indeed right - such a chance only comes around once. But won’t you regret for the rest of your life that you missed him in the name of love? Love is the most beautiful thing in our life... But she won’t be satisfied either. And you never know what situations happen, in any case, a girl should also be able to provide for herself.

Understand that love is good, but true love does not limit a person; on the contrary, it gives the ability to develop. It seems to me that the most great manifestation love is not being selfish and thinking only about yourself, about how dusty the city is, about how life there is not for him. And about you first of all.

The main thing is that you feel good and are happy.

Decide what happiness means for you - realizing yourself as an individual and a specialist, or family hearth? And move towards your goal. But remember that your favorite job is, of course, wonderful, but it will not warm you on cold nights.

Be happy in any case, whatever you choose. Life cannot be avoided without mistakes, only own experience you can learn something.

As was said, you have survived many trials, survive this too! <<Человеку дается столько испытаний, сколько он сам может вынести>>. No more and no less. Consider this as another test of the strength of feelings and relationships. True love will survive, endure everything, and will not fade away. No matter what distance you are at.

So, good luck to you, dear Ksenia! I am sure with such ambitions you will have everything and even more in this life.

Sincerely, Elena Menshikova

There are many reasons why women allow themselves to be loved, but remain out of work. Many people wait their whole lives for the moment when they will endure and fall in love, leaving no chance for real happiness.

The biggest female fear– this is the fear of being unloved and lonely. Also, from the covers of magazines and from the screen of your phone, a granny in cats looks at you, and the caption reads: “Proud and independent.” And a chill runs down my spine: is this really my life? What if I end up like this on the outskirts of the city in a small apartment with a small cat shelter. We urgently find our other half, post a hundred photos of ourselves happy with bouquets and a heartbeat under our arms, jump from one relationship to another, fearing loneliness like the plague. However, any phenomenon has its own reasons, and what exactly, the founder told us women's club"Harmony on high heels» Ekaterina Kononova.

Public condemnation, or “What will people say?”

Especially effective in small towns. But I must admit, even among Moscow business women there is often a stereotype: if you haven’t met the right person before the age of 30, then don’t count on much luck after that. Build a career and live for yourself, the one you love. And these heavy glances from friends who ask the same question: “Well, have you met anyone?” Remember one simple rule: you live only one life and only for yourself, so choose conscious loneliness or love relationship only for you.

Past relationships, or “How young we were”

Remembering their hot romances during their 20s, many women sigh languidly and agree that this will never happen again. After all, love is only once. Then I have a counter question: aren’t you confusing your one and only love for life with a banal riot of hormones at a young age?

Marry at any cost

Sometimes we reach that boiling point when happiness is independent and free life becomes a heavy burden. We remember how we dreamed about the white dress and the first dance of the newlyweds, and a veil comes over our eyes: it doesn’t matter who, but get married. Unfortunately, marriage does not solve problems, but, on the contrary, aggravates them even more. Therefore, this decision must be made as consciously as possible. Think about it, would you live with this person if it hadn’t happened? wedding celebration, white dress and rings?

Depression, or “It won’t get better anyway”

This is a serious diagnosis, and it must be treated. A woman in a state of acute depression is a tasty bait for a gigolo or narcissist. In a similar mental state you are very easy to manage. And the partner can start using this. Run, and not just anywhere, but to a psychotherapist who will cure you and put you on the right path. The consequences of such disorders are physical illness and loss of taste for life.

An advantageous match, or “Underprince”

All your friends and even your mother are delighted with your partner. He is smart, and rich, and loves your dog, and is ready to do anything for you. And the whole world sings the praises of your soulmate, but you alone look at this person and don’t understand what else you need. The point is that this person is truly wonderful, but just not yours. You don't have to be perfect to be loved. We choose with our soul, not our head.

Now is not the time, or “We’ll live until Monday”

You have general credit on new car, and tomorrow is his sister’s wedding, and then his second cousin’s anniversary, and then, as luck would have it, he got teeth. And somehow everything is at the wrong time. After all, a breakup is serious, it’s a tragedy! It is necessary to properly prepare for universal suffering. I'll tell you one thing: there will never be a right time to break up with unloved person and meet your true love. This time is now!

Waiting for old age, or “Who will give me a glass of water?”

A very common fear that gives rise to unnecessary alliances with people you don’t love. Believe me, at the end of life we ​​are one way or another left alone with ourselves, any psychologist or philosopher will tell you this. The ill-fated glass of water will definitely be served to you, don’t even doubt it. It’s more important to think about what you will remember about your life - how did you live with an unloved person?

Fatigue, or “And so it will do”

At a certain stage of life, we are faced with wild fatigue from the very fact of searching and trying to cobble together something from our personal life. All this seems like some kind of cheap farce, but how much effort and energy wasted. I will say this: these are very correct feelings. Stop in your search and switch your focus to yourself: just enjoy what you have in your life: your favorite job, friends, dog, books. Believe me, self-sufficient and happy woman attracts to itself no worse than a magnet.

There is no time, or “If you endure it, you will fall in love”

You are a successful businesswoman, and every minute has great financial weight for you. You have absolutely no time for dates, languid conversations under the moon and all this nonsense. By the way, it’s time for you to expand and open three new offices. Then maybe you should enjoy your professional success and put aside your personal life, directing all your energy into a business that you love, and not into a boring and unpromising relationship for you.

There is something wrong with me, or “They will cure you too”

Very often we hide our reluctance to take matters into our own hands behind the banal diagnosis of an eccentric woman. I can’t sit still, I always want something, but I don’t know what! Everyone lives, and we will live. You can continue blaming yourself ad infinitum for your own feelings and fears. But you cannot escape from yourself into any illusion. Look honestly into the eyes of your main fear - you are simply afraid of being alone. But isn't it too much high price do you pay for this?

There is such a concept - conscious loneliness. This is the moment when you don't need any emotional crutch to feel happy. You are happy simply from the very fact of your life and what happens in it. It is on this soil that the strongest beginnings are born future family: come to life special people, you become wiser, and that very moment happens conscious choice in favor cohabitation. I sincerely wish you all only such scenarios!

Municipal Autonomous educational institution

"Zemlyanovskaya secondary secondary school»

Class hour on the topic:

Teacher: Kazarinova Tatyana. Anatolyevna.

Target: to form a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value.

Tasks :

    expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle;

    contribute to the formation positive attitude to health;

    encourage children to adhere to healthy lifestyle habits;

    promote in children a sense of responsibility for own health, family and community health.

Form: round table

Preparatory work with children: Conducting surveys, drawing up diagrams based on surveys


Tree “Healthy lifestyle”, components of healthy lifestyle - emoticons.

Posters with proverbs and sayings about health - “What we have, we don’t keep; having lost it, we cry” Photo exhibition “Movement is life”

Plan class hour:

I Organizational moment

Conversation “We don’t keep what we have...”


III . Test/results

IV . Deriving rules for a healthy lifestyle.


VI . Final word.

VII Summing up (reflection).

Class progress

I . Conversation “We don’t keep what we have...”

Homeroom teacher . Hello guys! I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all health! The topic of our class hour“We choose HEALTH ».

I want to start our meeting with a parable:A man lived in one house. Living with him were his wife, his elderly sick mother and his daughter - already adult girl. One late evening, when everyone in the household had already gone to bed, someone knocked on the door. The owner stood up and opened the door. Three people stood on the threshold of the house. "What's your name?" - asked the man. They answered him: “Our names are Health, Wealth and Love, let us into your home.” The man thought about it. “You know,” he said, “we have only one thing in our house. free space, and there are three of you, I’ll go and consult with my relatives, which of you we can accept in our house.” Who do you think they let into their house? The daughter offered to let in Love, the wife - Wealth, and the sick mother asked to let in Health. And this is not surprising, since each generation has its own values, and a person begins to value his health only when there is a clear threat to it.

As you already understood, the conversation is about health and a healthy lifestyle. Every adult will tell you that health is the greatest value, but for some reason today’s youth name money, career, love, fame among their main values, and put health in 7th-8th place.

I want to draw your attention to the proverb(reads): “We don’t keep what we have; when we lose it, we cry.”

What do you think this proverb has to do with the topic of our conversation?

Sample answers from children:

“We don’t take care of our health, and when we get sick, we cry.”

- We not only do not preserve, but deliberately spoil our health, and then regret it.

- We think that we will be healthy all our lives, but in old age we remember how we wasted our health and did not take care of it.

- We save money, we take care of clothes, but we don’t take care of our health, and when we start getting sick, we regret it.

Homeroom teacher . Right. We know how to save money, how to save things. Do you know how to stay healthy?Children share their thoughts. Today we will talk about what you need to do to maintain your health, because this is the greatest value of a person.

II . Mini-lecture “What is health?”

Homeroom teacher . So today we are talking about health. How do you understand this word?

Children answer that health is when nothing hurts, when you feel good, etc.

But then can drunkards and drug addicts, who are not in pain yet, also be called healthy?

Children express their thoughts.

Really, for many years health was understood as the absence of disease and physical disabilities. But in our time, a different point of view has been established. According to this point of view, health is physical, mental and social.

Physical health - this is a state proper operation the whole body. If a person is physically healthy, then he can perform all his current duties without excessive fatigue. He has enough energy to do well in school and do all the necessary things at home.

Mental health It manifests itself in the fact that a person is satisfied with himself, likes himself as he is, he is satisfied with his achievements and can draw conclusions from his mistakes. To maintain mental health you need to relax, get new impressions, communicate with friends.

Social health manifests itself in relationships with other people. Socially healthy people know how to get along with others. They respect other people's rights and can defend their own. They maintain good relationships with relatives, know how to find new friends, and are able to express their needs and wants so that they become clear to others.

Only a person who has all three types of health can be called healthy.

III . Test/results

It has long been established that health should be monitored from childhood. Let's do a little testing(children and parents) about your health, you are presented with a list of statements, each of which requires a “yes” or “no” answer. This information will be useful, first of all, to you.

Test "Your health".

1. I often have poor appetite.

2. After several hours of work, my head starts to hurt.

3. I often look tired and depressed, sometimes irritated and gloomy.

4. From time to time I have serious illnesses when I am forced to stay in bed for several days.

5. I hardly do any sports.

6. B lately I gained some weight.

7. I often feel dizzy.

8. Currently I smoke.

9. As a child, I suffered several serious illnesses.

10. I have bad dream And discomfort in the morning after waking up.

For each “yes” answer, give yourself 1 point and calculate the total.


1-2 points. Despite some signs of deterioration, you are in good shape. Never give up your efforts to preserve your


3-6 points. Your attitude towards your health can hardly be called normal; you can already feel that you have upset it quite thoroughly.

7-10 points. How did you manage to get yourself to this point? It's amazing that you are still able to walk and work. You need to change your habits immediately, otherwise...

Of course, you have the right to disagree with this interpretation of the results, but it’s better to think about your lifestyle and highlight the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Homeroom teacher . So, health is a great value, but many begin to understand this when they get sick. Scientists say that the human body is designed for 150-200 years of life. And now our people live 2-3 times less. Why do you think? What prevents people from living long?

Sample answers from children:

- Ecology.

- Bad habits.

- Nutrition.

- Stress.

- Hard work.

- Lack of movement.

- Small salaries, etc.

Homeroom teacher . Scientists, considering all the factors influencing health, have found that human health depends on the following factors:

from external environment– by 20-25%

from genetic predisposition– by 15-20%

from healthcare – by 8-10%

from lifestyle - by 50-55%.

All scientists agree on one thing: to be healthy, you need to lead healthy image life.

But what does a healthy lifestyle consist of?

Sample answers from children

Daily routine

Proper nutrition

Sleep, etc.

So, what do we get? What makes up a healthy lifestyle that gives a person health and longevity?THE TEACHER ROTS THE FRUITS OF THE TREE OF HEALTH AND SOUND THE INSTRUCTIONS

1. Daily routine.

2. Proper nutrition;

3. Sleep;

4.Active activities and active recreation;


6. Hardening

7. Emotions and health

8.Lack of bad habits.

V . Medical consultation “Health Secrets”.

Homeroom teacher . And now we are opening our medical consultation, which we will call “Health Secrets”. Let's look at some health rules (factors) separately.

1. A daily routine is very important for a child’s healthy lifestyle. . All parents already know enough about the benefits of a daily routine, so there is probably no need to prove this benefit. To prevent all these unfavorable consequences, you need to properly structure the student’s daily routine.
A person who follows a daily routine accomplishes much more and gets tired less. But when creating a daily routine, you need to take into account the characteristics of your psyche. As you know, people are divided into “larks”, “owls” and “pigeons”. “Larks” are very active and active in the morning, but by the evening they get tired and want to rest. They like to go to bed early and get up early. But “owls,” on the contrary, are lethargic in the morning, and towards evening they become active and active. They like to go to bed late and wake up late. “Larks” prefer morning hours for work and other activities, while “night owls” prefer evening hours. "Doves" adapt to both rhythms

If Take this into account, your work will be more productive .

Guys, I suggest you and your parents draw up“The daily routine of a 9th grader” . And then we will compare the results.Music plays (2-3 min)

2.Active activities and active recreation;

Homeroom teacher It should be added that the components of a healthy lifestyle also include motor activity(at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. Without physical activity there can be no health.

“If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick,” said the Roman poet Horace.

Everyone knows: "In healthy bodyhealthy mind! Guys, why is it useful to do exercises and exercise in the morning?

Homeroom teacher This strengthens a person’s muscles, keeps them in good shape, and invigorates them. A person who is friendly with physical education becomes stronger and gets sick less. 30 minutes moderate physical activity per day significantly support and improve health. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re walking, cycling or playing football at this time. It just has to be every day. You need to be friends with physical education. Exercise should become a daily habit for you.

Homeroom teacher Statistics: a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading 10 causes of death and disability worldwide. Lack of physical activity is the cause of 2 million deaths per year. Less than 30% of young people lead active image life sufficient to maintain your health in the future. The conclusion is simple - move more!

Now I invite you to go to the board and visit the photo exhibition, which presents the sports life of our class (children approach the board, a photo exhibition appears)

3. Emotions and health

Homeroom teacher Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness. Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, melancholy, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect the people around you from them.

Do you know that on average 90% of diseases are related to the human psyche? The list is impressive. These are neuroses, depression, colds, cancer, and other diseases. Our nervous system reacts very sensitively to various external and internal factors, affecting the entire body, including the immune system. When a person is depressed, he suffers immune system and increases the risk of developing various diseases.
Stress is nervous tension caused by some event. Stress awaits us at every step. Lessons are stressful. The road is stressful. Parents scold... I quarreled with friends... And so on... Stress harms our mental health.

How can you relieve stress? There are many ways to do this: singing, communicating with pets, caring for plants, walking.

And there is another way to quickly relieve stress - rub your palms vigorously (shows). And the most good remedy protect yourself from stress - smile, good mood.

Students are invited to watch the video “Smile”

4.Lack of bad habits.

Homeroom teacher For a healthy lifestyle, it is also important to live without bad habits. What applies to bad habits?

Students Smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Homeroom teacher Right.Smoking, alcohol, and drugs lead to serious, deadly diseases..

I would like to analyze the results of a survey of students in our class on smoking and alcoholism.(diagram analysis)

Smoking and drinking are ugly habits. They destroy the most important systems of the human body

Bad habits can also include Computer addiction (gaming addiction)

The main harmful factors affecting a person using a computer :

    sitting position for a long time;

    exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor;

    overload of the joints of the hands;

stress due to loss of information

Watching a movie about bad habits

VI . Final word

Homeroom teacher . Guys, today we talked about the fact that health is the greatest value for a person. Our health is influenced by many factors: climate, politics, economics and much more. There are some things we can't change. But a lot depends on us. To be healthy, to live happily ever after, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And this is within the power of every person.

VI . Summing up (reflection)

Homeroom teacher . What interesting things did you learn today? What will you definitely take on board?

Sample answers from children:

- I learned about “owls” and “larks”; in my opinion, I am a “night owl”.

- I learned that a person can live 200 years.

-I will try to lead a healthy lifestyle.
As you have already noticed, a healthy lifestyle tree has grown in our class and one of its fruits is proper nutrition. This morning I picked from this tree right fruits, in which there are many useful vitamins for your health. Accept these gifts and remain as cheerful and healthy as you are.


  • Expanding children's knowledge about the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Show harmful influence smoking, alcoholism, drugs to the body.
  • Promotion creative activity students.


  • Develop the ability to argue your point of view.
  • To help schoolchildren develop a mature, informed position regarding smoking, alcoholism and drug use, and to understand the depth of this problem.
  • Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, drawings by students on the topic: “We choose health,” musical recordings, slide presentation.

Class progress

Teacher: The topic of today's class hour: "We choose health" (Presentation) (slide 1). During the class hour, you will get acquainted with the role of health in a person’s life, the factors influencing health, and also learn about who is responsible for a healthy lifestyle and what are the ways to maintain health. (Slide 2).

Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. When meeting or parting with close and dear people, we wish them good health, since this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life.

Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve major life tasks, and overcome difficulties. Good health, wisely preserved and strengthened by the person himself, provides him with a long and active life.

However, some people, succumbing to the addiction of smoking, alcohol, and drugs, actively shorten their lives.

Each of you has read "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. I would like to remind you of a fragment from the book, where Mark Twain expressively described the feelings of the guys from the first puff and the unpleasant consequences of smoking. (Slide 3)

After have a delicious lunch, consisting of fish and scrambled eggs, Tom said that now he wants to learn how to smoke. Joe seized on this idea and announced that he was not averse to it either. Huck made pipes and filled them with tobacco.

They stretched out on the ground, leaning on their elbows, and began to very carefully, cautiously inhale the smoke. The smoke tasted bad and they felt a little sick, but still, Tom said:

Yes, it's quite easy! If I had known this earlier, I would have learned it long ago.

“Me too,” Joe said. - No big deal!..

The conversation continued, but soon it began to fade a little, to be interrupted. The pauses became longer. The pirates spat more and more often: Despite all their efforts, their throats began to flood, and each time after that they began to feel terribly sick. Both turned very pale and looked very pitiful."

Question: What happened in the child’s body if it reacted so violently to tobacco? (Slide 4).

(discussion in progress)

Teacher: A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking (slide 5). However, the concern of scientists and doctors caused by the spread of this addiction, is growing, since a significant number of people still do not consider smoking harmful to health. Is this true?

(Student speech with the message “Destructive cigarette” (slide 6-7))

Teacher: In addition to smoking, bad habits include an even more harmful one - drinking alcohol. Unfortunately, in life they are often combined with each other. Thus, among the non-drinking population, 40% are smokers, and among those who abuse alcohol, the figure is already 98%. (Slide 8)

(Student’s speech with the message “Just one drink”)

Teacher: Modern society storms not only from smoking and alcoholism, but gradually an even more terrible chronic disease is coming to the forefront - drug addiction and substance abuse. (Slide 9).

(Student presentation with the message “Drugs. What are they?”)

Teacher: The guys introduced us to information about negative action and negative consequences of substance use.

However, the question always arises (slide 12):

- “Why do people start smoking, taking alcohol, and taking drugs?”

- “Who most often becomes a drug addict?”

- “The reasons that push a person to drugs?” (Slide 13)

(The problem is being discussed with the children.)

Reasons that the guys can name:

  • get away from any problem;
  • out of curiosity;
  • from loneliness;
  • desire to experience new sensations;
  • from idleness;
  • crisis, stress;
  • dissatisfaction with life;
  • family problems;
  • desire to appear grown up;
  • forced;
  • to keep up with others.

Teacher: Psychologists consider curiosity to be one of the main reasons why children start trying alcohol, tobacco and drugs (slide 14).

Let's now try to understand this reason. Why does this curiosity arise, what is missing in the lives of these guys!

Every person should have a goal in life. Each of us should strive for something. After all, living aimlessly, a person cannot achieve anything; he does not even know which direction to move. I invite you to choose five from the list of human aspirations that are important to you. What do people strive for in life? (Slide 15).

  • Good education
  • Good job and career
  • Happy family
  • Glory
  • Money, wealth
  • Friendship
  • Achievements in art, music, sports
  • Respect and admiration from others
  • Science as learning something new
  • good health
  • Self-confidence and self-esteem
  1. Good food
  2. Nice clothes, jewelry
  3. Power and position
  4. Preserving life and nature on earth
  5. Happiness of loved ones
  6. Welfare of the state
  7. Nice house, apartment

Teacher: Don’t forget that with a goal ahead, you will move in the right direction.

The next reason is loneliness (slide 16)

Let's try to find out: is loneliness good or bad?

I offer you a list of positions of loneliness. We will denote the point that does not carry anything good with “-”, the one from which you can benefit “+”.

  • State of depression
  • The opportunity to understand yourself, your feelings, thoughts
  • No one to talk to
  • No one to touch
  • Opportunity to understand your mistakes
  • Opportunity to gain new experience
  • The ability to reveal certain inclinations
  • Decreased self-esteem
  • Opportunity for self-development
  • The emergence of fear, apathy, and other destructive sensations
  • Opportunity for creativity

What conclusion can we draw from this?

Answer: It depends on us how we perceive loneliness. How do we use this time: for self-development or self-destruction!

The next reason is a sign of protest to relieve tension. (Slide 18)

Very often conflicts occur in our lives, including with parents, teachers, and classmates. To destroy yourself in protest is simply stupid; you can come up with a lot of other opportunities to express your indignation.

How to relieve tension? (Slide 19)

  • Listen to music
  • Go take a breath fresh air. Life is beautiful all around!
  • Take a bath, the water relaxes
  • Make some noise, shout
  • Crying helps, but no more than 10 minutes
  • Read, watch TV - switch attention
  • Count to 30 mentally
  • Concentrate on a foreign object
  • Try not to think about anything for 20-30 seconds.
  • Going in for sports (pumping up your abs), a great outlet for anger
  • Get creative (write, draw, embroider, etc.)
  • Look into the depths of yourself, realize your guilt
  • Reach out to friends for support
  • Contact a psychologist, your parents, or any older person you trust, because these people have already gone through this.

Psychologists point out one of the main reasons is the influence of friends or authority figures. (Slide 20)

Of course, the influence of friends is very strong, and a person will need persistence and willpower to say unequivocally “no”. First of all, you need to refuse within yourself, take an unambiguous position. (Slide 21)

  • No. I know this is dangerous for me.
  • No. I already tried it and didn't like it
  • No. I don't want conflicts with teachers and parents.
  • No. It's not my style.
  • No. I need to go to training.
  • No. If I do this, I will lose power over myself.

Teacher: Now let's do the practical task. There is an envelope on each table, in each group. The envelope contains 2 problems that you will try to resolve. Time - 2 minutes. (Slides 22, 23)

Problem 1.

Four friends from the same yard decided to meet in New Year's Eve to go downhill. Sasha went to pick up Andrei, then they went together to pick up Sergei and Misha. Misha spent a long time rummaging around in his room and finally went outside. “I’ve got something in store for you,” Misha said proudly and took out a bottle of wine hidden under his jacket.

"Wow!" - Andrei admired. Seryozha was embarrassed, and Sashka decisively declared: “::::::::.”

What arguments can Sasha give to convince his friends to give up alcohol?

Problem 2.

A. S. Pushkin has an appeal to a beauty who sniffed tobacco:

It's not the morning flower you love to smell,
And harmful the grass is green,
Transformed by art,
Into fluffy powder!

Think about what a poet can write in relation to smoking ladies - our contemporaries?


Teacher: And in conclusion, I want to tell you one interesting story:

Parable about a butterfly.

In ancient times there lived a sage to whom people came for advice. He helped everyone, people trusted him and greatly respected his age. Life experience and wisdom. And then one day alone envious person decided to disgrace the sage in the presence of many people. The envious and cunning man came up with a whole plan on how to do this: “I’ll catch a butterfly and closed palms I’ll bring it to the sage, then I’ll ask him what he thinks, whether the butterfly in my hands is alive or dead. If the sage says that it is alive, I will close my palms, crush the butterfly and, opening my hands, say that our great sage was mistaken. If the sage says that the butterfly is dead, I will open my palms, the butterfly will fly out alive and unharmed, and I will say that our great sage was mistaken." So the envious man did, caught the butterfly and went to the sage. When he asked the sage what kind of butterfly was in his palms butterfly, the sage replied: “Everything is in your hands.”

Thus, each person, having made his choice, determines his own destiny.

Girls, I understand that this is a very personal question, and I have to answer it myself, but I really need to speak out and listen to advice. I just don't have anyone to talk to right now.
The fact is that I have a loved one with whom we have been dating for 3.5 years. A year ago I graduated from school and entered a university in another city. This is one of the most prestigious economic universities in the country. The guy, of course, was against my leaving, because... We were already planning to get married in a couple of years. Until the last moment, I doubted whether it was better to stay at a regular university in my city or to go there and try a long-distance relationship. I promised him that if things get difficult for us, I will transfer to our city in the summer. I’ll be honest, it was incredibly difficult to get through this year: studying at a university was very difficult, I didn’t even have time to sleep, I was constantly quarreling with my loved one because they weren’t with their parents, etc.. But I understand that after this institute I will be able to achieve a lot in life, many prospects appear.
Yesterday I came home (my beloved and I had been quarreling for a week), and HE told me. that he can’t do it anymore, he feels very bad, his heart hurts and I need to transfer. And urgently, because my parents have left now. and when they arrive, I should already transfer so that they don’t interfere. And he proposed getting married in winter. I really want this. But what stops me is that so much effort has already been spent this year, and I myself want to achieve something in life.. I just don’t know what to do... What choose - favorite or a career... You may not understand much, but I need to speak out... and I have no one to consult with right now. But we need to decide urgently......((((((((((((((((((((I don't want to lose HIM, but I also feel sorry for leaving that university)((

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