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Standards for height and weight of children - WHO data. We calculate the formula for ideal growth of newborns by month

Each child lives according to his own individual growth and weight program. However, there are statistics that give an idea of ​​what the average weight of children is. Also, there are recommendations from doctors offering optimal values ​​for height, weight, and their ratio.

We compared the data obtained statistically and the recommendations of doctors, it turned out that they practically coincide with a difference not exceeding 3%.

So, the data given in the table are the optimal values ​​for the height and weight of the child. Please note that the values ​​are slightly different for boys and girls.

Table of weight and height of infants by age
Year + MonthBoyGirlMonth
Birth3,60 50,0 3,40 49,5 0
1 month4,45 54,5 4,15 53,5 1
2 months5,25 58,0 4,90 56,8 2
3 months6,05 61,0 5,50 59,3 3
4 months6,70 63,0 6,15 61,5 4
7,30 65,0 6,65 63,4 5
6 months7,90 67,0 7,20 65,3 6
7 months8,40 68,7 7,70 66,9 7
8 months8,85 70,3 8,10 68,4 8
9 months9,25 71,7 8,50 70,0 9
10 months9,65 73,0 8,85 71,3 10
11 months10,0 74,3 9,20 72,6 11
year + monthweightheightweightheightmonths
1 year exactly10,3 75,5 9,5 73,8 12
1 year, 1 month10,6 76,8 9,8 75,0 13
1 year, 2 months10,9 78,0 10,1 76,1 14
1 year, 3 months11,1 79,0 10,3 77,2 15
1 year, 4 months11,3 80,0 10,6 78,3 16
1 year, 5 months11,5 81,0 10,8 79,3 17
1 year, 6 months11,7 82,0 11,0 80,3 18
1 year, 7 months11,9 83,0 11,2 81,3 19
1 year, 8 months12,1 83,9 11,4 82,2 20
1 year, 9 months12,2 84,7 11,6 83,1 21
1 year, 10 months12,4 85,6 11,7 84,0 22
1 year, 11 months12,3 86,4 11,9 84,9 23
year + monthweightheightweightheightmonths
2 years exactly12,7 87,3 12,1 85,8 24
2 years, 1 month12,8 88,1 12,2 86,7 25
2 years, 2 months13,0 88,9 12,4 87,5 26
2 years, 3 months13,1 89,7 12,5 88,4 27
2 years, 4 months13,2 90,3 12,7 89,2 28
2 years, 5 months13,4 91,1 12,9 90,0 29
2 years, 6 months13,5 91,8 13,0 90,7 30
2 years, 7 months13,6 92,6 13,1 91,4 31
2 years, 8 months13,8 93,2 13,3 92,1 32
2 years, 9 months13,9 93,8 13,4 92,9 33
year + monthweightheightweightheightmonths
2 years, 10 months14,0 94,4 13,6 93,6 34
2 years, 11 months14,2 95,0 13,7 94,2 35
3 years exactly14,3 95,7 13,9 94,8 36

How to use the table

How much should a child weigh? In the left column we look for a line with the text 1 year. On the right will be the weight in kilograms (boy 10,300 / girl 9,500) and height (75.5 / 73.8) in centimeters.

Weight estimate

A child’s weight deviation within 6-7% of those indicated in the table is the absolute norm.

A greater weight deviation of up to 12-14% indicates a tendency to be overweight or underweight.

A weight deviation of more than 12-14% indicates slight overweight or underweight.

A weight deviation of more than 20-25% indicates overweight or underweight; perhaps in this case, a small nutritional correction, carried out exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor, will be useful.

For a more accurate weight assessment, use our or professional centile tables, or.

Growth Estimate

A deviation in a child’s height within 3% of those indicated in the table is the absolute norm.

If the growth deviation is more than 10%, it makes sense to consult a doctor.

For a more accurate assessment of growth, use ours.

Adequate assessment of the child's height and weight

In general, the normal indicators are different for each child. In approximately 10% of children, weight and height indicators will be outside the proposed assessment limits and for them this will be the norm.

You should monitor your child's weight first of all in order to detect any nutritional problems in time. For example, if a child suddenly stops gaining weight or loses it for no apparent reason, this is an indication that some problems have arisen. Thus, for a complete analysis, it is necessary to know the background weight and height of a particular child.

Monitoring weight and weight gain also helps to assess the optimal nutrition for the child: switch to a certain diet, switch to a new formula, normalize the consumption of porridge.

When assessing the weight of newborns, it must be remembered that during the first week of a child’s life, natural weight loss of 5-8% is normal.

You might be interested in:

  • Ideal weight calculator for adults.
  • How much should you weigh on average for a person aged 2 to 20 years?
  • Calculator of physical development norms for children.

Norms for weight gain and increase in length of a child’s body for each month. Optimal nutrition during these periods of a child’s life. The height and weight standards for children are approximate; deviations from the norm do not mean pathology, but this is a reason to monitor the child and his health. The exact norms of height and weight for boys and girls up to one year are presented in centile tables.

Table of average anthropometric data of children in the first year of life

Age Body weight in (g) Weight gain per month (g) Body length(cm) Height gain per month (cm) Head circumference (cm) Chest circumference (cm)
birth 3100-3400 - 50-51 - 34-35 32-34
1 month 3700-4100 600 54-55 3 36-37 35-36
2 month 4500-4900 800 55-59 3 38-39 37-38
3 month 5200-5600 800 60-62 2,5 40-41 39-40
4 month 5900-6300 750 62-65 2,5 41-42 41-42
5 month 6500-6800 700 64-68 2 42-43 43-44
6 month 7100-7400 650 66-70 2 43-44 45-46
7 month 7600-8100 600 68-72 2 43,5-44,5 45,5-46,5
8 month 8100-8500 550 69-74 2 44-45 46-47
9 month 8600-9000 500 70-75 1,5 44,5-45,5 46,5-47,5
10 month 9100-9500 450 71-76 1,5 45-46 47-48
11 month 9500-10000 400 72-78 1,5 45,5-46,5 47,5-48,5
12 month 10000-10800 350 74-80 1,5 46-47 48-49

Detailed centile tables of child height and weight that your pediatrician uses (follow the required link):
for boys >> for girls >> .

Guidelines for the mother on the height and weight of the child

The first month of a newborn's life

Physical development. By the end of the month, weight gain is on average 600 g; increase in height - by 3 cm, increase in head circumference - by 1-1.5 cm

Nutrition. The optimal one is mother's milk. 6 feedings every 3-3.5 hours. Night break - 6 hours. When artificial feeding - milk formula from 80 ml at the beginning to 100-120 ml at feeding.

Second month of a baby's life

Physical development. Weight gain - on average 800 g, height increase - by 3 cm, head circumference - by 1.5 cm.

Nutrition. 6 feedings every 3.5

Third month of baby's life

Physical development. An average weight gain of 800 g, an increase in height by 2.5 cm, and an increase in head circumference by 1.5 cm.

Baby nutrition. 6 feedings every 3.5 hours, 130-150 ml

Possible problems. 1. Asks to eat irregularly - more often, less often, in the middle of the night. In the first months, meet him halfway; with breastfeeding, a healthy baby will develop the desired rhythm by this time. If artificial, deviations from the schedule are allowed within 20-30 minutes.

2. Intestinal colic is a concern. Prevention and assistance: lying on the stomach before meals, stroking the stomach clockwise, warmth on the stomach (warmed diaper), special children's herbal teas with fennel, chamomile; position - vertically in the arms of an adult after feeding.

Fourth month of a child's life

Physical development. The average weight gain is 750 g, the increase in height is 2.5 cm. Starting from this month, each subsequent increase in body weight usually decreases by 50 g.

Psychomotor development. He rejoices when he sees his mother, turns his head in the direction where the voice comes from, the sound of a rattle. When treated affectionately by an adult, he perks up, laughs loudly, raises his arms, and waves them.

Nutrition. 6 feedings every 3.5 hours, 150-170 ml.

Fifth month of baby's life

Physical development. Weight gain - 700 g, height increase - 2 cm. Total body weight doubles compared to the original.

Psychomotor development. Freely takes a toy from the hands of an adult, holds it, turns from his back to his stomach, stands straight with support under his arms, hums melodiously, eats semi-liquid food from a spoon.

Nutrition. When feeding on formulas that are as close as possible to breast milk, in addition, you just begin to try juices and fruit purees. According to the latest recommendations, the introduction of yolk and cottage cheese has been postponed to a later date. While breastfeeding, only mother's milk is recommended.

Sixth month of baby's life

Physical development. Weight gain - 650 g, height increase - 2 cm. Indicators of harmonious development: shoulder width is 1/4 of body length. The chest circumference is greater than the head circumference.

Psychomotor development. Lying on his stomach, he raises his head and shoulders high, rolls over from his stomach to his back, plays with a toy for a long time, transfers it from one hand to another, and begins to pronounce the first syllables.

Nutrition. From the middle of the month - complementary feeding with vegetable puree, gradually increase from a teaspoon to 180 g by 7 months. For a full serving you can use 5 g of butter or vegetable oil. You can already have juices (you can, but this is not necessary) - up to 50 ml in 2 doses, fruit puree - up to 50 g. A variety of juices and purees, start anything new with reduced portions.

From the end of the fifth - beginning of the sixth month, switch to 5 feedings a day every 4 hours. The total volume of food is no more than a liter.

Possible problems. Previously unnoticed neurological abnormalities may be revealed: the child lags behind in the development of movements, smiles little or not at all, does not respond to affectionate speech, sharply throws back his head, and when frightened, rolls his eyes so that the pupil is almost invisible. Consultation with a neurologist is necessary.

The fourth month is a typical time for the manifestation of rickets. Its most obvious sign is increased sweating of the head, palms and feet. Necessary measures: increase exposure to fresh air, take a course of vitamin D treatment as prescribed by your doctor.

Seventh month of a child's life

Physical development. Weight gain - 600 g; height increase - 2 cm.

Psychomotor development. He plays with toys for a long time, loves to knock them, wave them, and throw them. He begins to crawl, and by the end of the month he can confidently move on all fours.

Nutrition. 5 feedings every 4 hours. You can begin to gradually introduce a second complementary food - porridge (in the second morning feeding).

Eighth month of a baby's life

Physical development. Weight gain - 550 g; height increase - 2 cm.

Psychomotor development. He sits down and lies down, gets up, holding onto the barrier, stands, steps over. Fulfills requests: “make some kindness”, “give me a pen.” Drinks from a cup held by an adult.

Nutrition. 5 feedings every 4 hours. In addition to the fourth feeding (at 6 p.m.), you can have cottage cheese mashed with milk or fruit puree, starting from one to 3 teaspoons. From the middle of the month, you can add hard-boiled yolk to vegetable puree, starting from crumbs to 1/4

Ninth month of a child's life

Physical development. Weight gain - 500 g; height increase - 1.5 cm.

Psychomotor development. To the question “Where?” finds several familiar objects regardless of their location. Knows his name. Imitating an adult, repeats syllables after him, reproduces intonation.

Nutrition. 5 feedings every 4 hours. The main food is breast milk (or formula for a formula-fed baby). To the vegetable puree (third feeding at 14:00) add mashed meat puree from lean pork, beef, starting with a teaspoon up to 50 g (serving with vegetable puree - 220-250 g). Give the yolk with porridge.

Possible problems. Allergic reactions to any foods introduced into the diet: inflammation, redness of the skin of the cheeks, various rashes, itching, anxiety. Eliminate the most likely allergens - eggs, strawberries, carrots and other red and orange fruits and vegetables, chicken meat, cow's milk. When finding out what the child cannot tolerate, keep a food diary, write down what he ate and what reactions appeared, and do not give two new foods on the same day.

Tenth month of a child's life

Physical development. Body weight gain - 450 g, height increase - 1.5 cm.

Psychomotor development. At the request of an adult, he acts with objects in a variety of ways: he closes and opens a box, puts a bowl one into another, takes it out of a bowl or box, and puts them back. Can grasp a small object with a tweezers-like movement of two fingers - thumb and index.

Nutrition. At the fourth feeding (at 6 p.m.), gradually replace milk or formula with kefir plus 40 g of cottage cheese. The total amount of juice by this age can already be increased to 70 g (in two doses), fruit puree - 60 g.

The range of products remains the same. Porridge can be diversified by making an assortment of different cereals, adding fruits to them: apple, banana, berries. Put 5 g of butter in the porridge, and 5 g of vegetable oil in the puree. If you are prone to constipation, plum and peach puree is useful.

Eleventh month of a child's life

Physical development. Weight gain - 400 g, height increase - 1.5 cm.

Psychomotor development. Stands on his own, takes his first steps. Upon request, he finds a ball, a watch, a car. He puts on the pyramid rings and takes them off. Knows how to place a cube on a cube. Pronounces the first designation words: “give”, “na”, “av”, “ba”.

Nutrition. When breastfeeding, one (preferably morning) feeding can be replaced with kefir, meat puree can be gradually replaced with a soft meatball, a steam cutlet. If there is no diathesis, by the end of the month, once a week, instead of meat, give fish meatballs or boiled fish puree.

Twelfth month of a child's life

Physical development. By the age of one year, the child’s initial (at birth) weight triples, the total increase in height is 25 cm,

Psychomotor development. Recognizes a familiar adult from a photograph. Fulfills instructions - “bring”, “find”, “give”. Easily repeats new syllables after an adult, pronounces up to ten simplified words. Knows the word “impossible.”

Nutrition. For pureed meat or fish, you can offer a little salad of grated or finely chopped vegetables or vinaigrette. Cottage cheese can also be given in the form of pudding or casserole. Since the child wakes up later, the entire schedule shifts 1-1.5 hours forward. The last breastfeeding can also be replaced with kefir, and if the baby is sleeping peacefully by this time, cancel it altogether.

Possible problems with the child
1. The child does not chew, chokes on lumps, and nervous children may develop habitual vomiting. More thorough grinding is not the answer. The main measure: to stimulate the child’s interest in food, his independence and activity, by giving a spoon in the right hand, a piece of bread, carrots (if there is no diathesis), cauliflower, a slice of cucumber, a quarter of a peeled apple in the left.
2. The child does not like to sit on the potty. Check if it is comfortable. Do not be overly persistent - this may increase the protest. Offer the procedure calmly, kindly, at the moment of greatest likelihood of success - after sleep, 15-20 minutes after eating. Do not blame for the lack of results. Wear diapers only for walks.

According to WHO recommendations, breastfeeding is recommended to be maintained for at least one year (at least 1 feeding per day), and preferably for up to 3 years and longer. But according to the recommendation of the Association of Gynecologists, breastfeeding for longer than 1.5-2 years can lead to health problems for the nursing mother. Health to you and your children!

The birth of a child is a major event for parents. To assess and monitor his physical development, special age tables of height and weight for children have been developed. Figures are given that indicate standards corresponding to a certain age of the baby. Very large or low values ​​indicate standard deviations; values ​​that deviate slightly from the average indicate compliance with standards.

Standards for height and weight of children

The World Health Organization conducted a Multicenter Study of Developmental Indicators aimed at determining the physical development of children, which included the height and weight of the child by year. The need to study the issue is dictated by changes in living conditions and climate, which affect the development of children. The weight and height indicators of children under 5 years of age depend not only on heredity, but also on the type of feeding for the first 24 months of life. Children fed formula gained 16-20% more weight than those growing up on breastfeeding.

WHO experts believe that inflated standards were obtained after recommendations from pediatricians on supplementary feeding of infants, which led to the transition to artificial feeding, overfeeding and obesity. Previous norms for assessing the physical indicators of children are not the absolute truth. By 2006, WHO made adjustments, determined new data, after which age tables of height and weight of children were compiled.

The anthropometric indicator of body size depends on the characteristics of each baby. The ratio of height and weight in children is determined by many factors: nutrition, sleep duration, physical activity, and genetics. The average height of a man is approximately 178 cm, a woman is 164 cm. Boys are formed by the age of 22, an intensive period of growth is observed at the age of 13-16 years, girls - up to 19, actively growing from 10 to 12 years. The teenage period is characterized by a sharp growth spurt, so the proportionality of the body is not always observed.

Height to weight ratio

Height is a global indicator that takes public health into account when assessing children's development. Commonly accepted estimates of this parameter:

  1. Obviously undersized - severe retardation, possible presence of congenital pathologies and chromosomal diseases.
  2. Short stature – large underweight, sometimes overweight.
  3. Below average - the value is small, but corresponds to the norm.
  4. Average (kind of standard).
  5. Above average - growth is large, but meets the standard.
  6. Tall is a hereditary predisposition.
  7. Overestimated - there may be endocrine system disorders.

Both parents and doctors should pay attention to the baby’s growth indicators. Factors influencing tall stature and growth retardation:

  1. Chromosomal genetic – manifested by disproportionate sizes of feet, hands, face, mental disorders, problems with sexual development.
  2. Constitutional-hereditary - no developmental deviations.
  3. Early sexual development (8-9 years). Children are taller than their peers, but as they grow up, they remain short due to early closure of growth plates.
  4. Endocrine-increased levels lead to gigantism or acromegaly.

Endocrine control of children's physical indicators is important for the optimal balance of these indicators. A young child, boy, girl over 15 years of age may have the following weight estimates:

  1. Significant underweight means serious depletion of the body.
  2. Low weight.
  3. Less than average is the norm, but the indicators are at the lower limits.
  4. Average – body mass index (BMI) within normal limits.
  5. Above average – slight excess weight.
  6. Overestimated – overweight, obesity.

Table for children under one year old

When measuring the size of a child, you need to understand that up to two years we are talking about the baby’s length - because he cannot walk or stand, after 3-4 years - about height. Attention is drawn to many factors. Children's parameters by month are studied by a health worker during the first 12 months of life. It takes into account:

  • baby's gender;
  • physical characteristics at birth;
  • heredity;
  • previous illness (if any);
  • presence of pathologies;
  • social conditions;
  • feeding (artificial or breastfeeding).

If prematurity or low birth weight occurs, the baby's height and weight chart will differ from normal children. A one-year-old baby gains a certain body weight in 12 months. The average weight indicator is 6-7 kilograms. The main increase occurs in the first 6 months of the baby’s life. The baby has a monthly gain of about 1 kg. With proper feeding, a low-weight newborn can “catch up” with children with normal body weight in 6 months. By the end of the 12th month, the baby weighs from 8 to 12 kg, height – 75-80 cm.

Parents should understand that the data given in the tables may differ by approximately 2-3 kilograms, a couple of centimeters in different directions. This will not be considered a violation of the norm. However, if there is improper nutrition, overfeeding, hormonal imbalance, or a change in daily routine, then the deviations will be significant. This is a serious reason to consult a pediatrician and undergo an examination to diagnose the correct disease.

Growth by month

The height and weight standards for children under one year of age are shown in the table (girls). The scale is indicated in centimeters (see table):

(by month)


Below average

Above average



The physical characteristics of boys are higher than those of girls. Body length by month (in centimeters):

(by month)


Below average

Above average



Weight by month

The normal body weight of a girl at 12 months of age varies between 8-10 kg. The standards are as follows (in kilograms):

(by month)

Below average

Above average



Boys' body weight is greater than that of girls. Weight table by month (in kilograms):

(by month)

Below average

Above average



Child's height and weight by age

From birth to ten years of age, children experience a rapid increase in height. However, if up to 12 months the changes were clearly visible, then the baby grows a little more slowly. This is explained by the fact that metabolism changes; a child’s growing body spends more energy than that of an infant. The baby's diet is higher in calories, but the energy received is quickly consumed. Below, the table of children’s growth by age gives an idea of ​​the norms of physical indicators for children under 10 years of age.

Age tables show that in the period from two to three years the baby continues to grow, but not so quickly. Weight range: 12-14 kg. This is explained by the baby’s great activity and mobility. The change in height is insignificant: it increases by about ten centimeters. Next:

  • The age of 4-5 years is characterized by an increase in body weight by a couple of kilograms, deviations from the norm by 2-3 kg are possible.
  • At 5 - weight reaches approximately 18 kg, height approximately 109 cm.
  • At 6 - weight norm is 18-23.5 kg, height - 112 cm.
  • By 7 – the weight will increase by 2-3 kilograms, the height will be approximately 115 cm.

Growth chart

The child's height is presented in the table (girls). Measurements are given in centimeters:


Below average

Above average


The physical characteristics of boys are higher than those of girls. Height table (in centimeters):


Below average

Above average


Weight table

A girl's normal body weight varies between 32-47 kg. The table shows the standards by year (in kilograms):

Below average

Above average


The weight of boys is slightly less than that of girls. Weight table (in kilograms):

Below average

Above average


From 11 to 18 years old

At 11-18 years of age, the intensity of the set of physical indicators changes. Parents need to understand why a teenager is extremely unstable emotionally. Physiological differences or sexual dimorphism are manifested by external signs, structural features of the body, and the functional capabilities of individual body systems. All these changes have an impact on the minor. Girls begin to develop earlier; at the age of 12-14 years, their indicators are higher than those of boys. However, by the age of 15-16, boys surpass girls in physical development.

Adolescence for boys is characterized by active growth of the tubular bones of the skeleton. This manifests itself in the extension of the limbs, although the torso lags a little behind in this race. Because of this, one often gets the impression that the teenager is awkward and disproportionate. The chest remains narrow, the muscles are weak for such a size, which leads to stooping and the inability to hold the back straight for a long time.

Muscle mass increases more slowly than bone mass. It is thoroughly established at the age of majority. The weight increases slowly, but unevenly: the norm for boys ranges from 2.4 to 5.3 kg over 12 months, for girls - from 2 to 5 kilograms. After the age of 15, girls' body weight increases more than their height. This process is associated with an increase in muscles, subcutaneous fat, and the development of skeletal bones. This is the period when motor reactions and coordination of movements become more accurate, spatial and muscle sensations develop.

Features of puberty

The sharp jump in physical indicators is explained by hormonal activity. Puberty differs between girls and boys. At this time, it is important to control the body weight of a teenager - prevention will protect not only from many serious diseases, but also emotional outbursts that manifest themselves during puberty in minors. However, dieting is prohibited. Proper nutrition skills need to be instilled from birth. To normalize height, it is necessary to take vitamins.

Puberty in boys goes through several stages and lasts several years. It is characterized by the onset of hormonal maturation of the gonads and reaches its peak in adolescence (13-18 years). At the age of 18-19 the time of puberty begins. In parallel with these changes, muscle mass increases and the whole body grows. The figure becomes masculine: the shoulders expand in comparison with the pelvic bones.

Puberty in a girl is manifested by the active “play” of hormones called estrogens. They force the body to grow quickly: hair appears in the groin, armpits, and breasts enlarge. Girls who mature too early should be under special adult supervision. Puberty in girls lasts approximately 7-8 years.

Physiological features characteristic of a teenager during puberty:

  • the contour and proportions of the head change;
  • the skeleton is finally formed;
  • boys have hyperplasia of the muscles and shoulder girdle;
  • in girls there is hyperplasia of adipose tissue and the ilium;
  • boys experience dizziness and fainting;
  • girls become capricious, touchy, and hot-tempered.

Height and weight chart for girls

Girls' weight (in kilograms) according to WHO:

Age, years

Below average

Above average



(more than specified)

Girls' height (in centimeters) according to WHO:

Age, years

Below average

Above average



(more than specified)

Age, years

Below average

Above average


(more than specified)

Height of boys (in centimeters) according to WHO:

Age, years

Below average

Above average


(more than specified)


Important indicators of the physical condition and health of children are weight and height. It is generally accepted that they depend on human genetics. Every child is different, but being overweight or underweight can indicate poor nutrition or serious health problems. Very fast or slow growth can be a signal of improper functioning of body systems.

The height and weight of a child is primarily influenced by genetics, but there are many more factors on which these indicators depend


What factors influence height and weight indicators?

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The following factors influence height and weight indicators:

  • genetic predisposition (heredity, ethnic origin);
  • growth hormones;
  • diseases suffered at an early age;
  • functioning of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal surge during puberty;
  • psychological situation in the family;
  • nutrition and sleep;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • physical activity;
  • hemoglobin level;
  • body weight is directly proportional to length.

What height and weight should the baby be born with?

At birth, the weight of a full-term baby ranges from 2500 g to 4500 g. Boys, as a rule, weigh more than girls. The maximum weight for a baby usually does not exceed 4.5 kg. Average weight – 3.2–3.4 kg. The body length of newborns is 45-54 cm. The average height is 49-52 cm. The body length of girls is usually in the range of 49-51 cm.

As you can see, the range of physical indicators of a child at birth is quite wide. The baby’s data is influenced by various factors: hereditary predisposition, at what stage the baby was born (38-40 weeks), and features of the mother’s pregnancy. It should be said that the same parents can have children with different physiological characteristics.

Height and weight of premature babies

The weight of children depending on the degree of prematurity:

If a premature baby is healthy, he quickly gains height and weight

The body length of children born prematurely is usually less than 45 cm. Their physique is disproportionate, the subcutaneous fat layer is not formed, the sutures of the skull are open, and the skin is overflowing with blood. Newborns who have rushed into the world are nursed in special conditions. With proper care by the first year of life, such children are no different from those born on time.

WHO Child Growth Charts

All children develop at their own pace. However, there are certain norms for weight gain and height that doctors rely on when determining the child’s physical condition. These data are compiled into tables developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Let's look at WHO tables using the example of girls' development.

Normal indicators in girls under one year old

In the first year of life, children develop most actively. Immediately after birth, newborns can lose up to 300 g in weight. However, in the first three months of life, the baby is able to gain up to 750 g monthly, in the next three months - 700 g, from 7 to 9 months of life - 550 g, 9-12 months – 350 g. Children who are bottle-fed gain weight faster.

Babies grow no less intensively. The ideal increase in length for babies from 1 to 3 months is 3.5 cm, 4-6 months - 2.5 cm, 7-9 months - 1.5-2 cm (see also:). From 9 months to one year, children grow another 1 cm per month. The average weight of a child per year is in the range from 8900 to 9600 g. Body length is from 74 to 76 cm.

On average, children are born with a weight of 2.9-3.5 kg and a height of about 52 cm

Table of weight norms from 0 to 12 months:

Age, monthsWeight, kg
shortlower limit of normalnormupper limit of normalhigh
0 2,4-2,8 2,8 3,2 3,7 3,7-4,2
1 3,2-3,6 3,6 4,2 4,8 4,8-5,5
2 3,9-4,5 4,5 5,1 5,8 5,8-6,6
3 4,5-5,2 5,2 5,9 6,6 6,6-7,5
4 5,0-5,7 5,7 6,4 7,3 7,3-8,2
5 5,4-6,1 6,1 6,9 7,8 7,8-8,8
6 5,7-6,5 6,5 7,3 8,3 8,3-9,4
7 6,0-6,8 6,8 7,6 8,6 8,6-9,8
8 6,2-7,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 9,9-10,2
9 6,5-7,3 7,3 8,2 9,3 9,3-10,6
10 6,7-7,5 7,5 8,5 9,6 9,6-10,9
11 6,9-7,7 7,7 8,7 9,9 9,9-11,2
12 7,0-7,9 7,9 9,0 10,1 10,1-11,5

Based on the data, a weight indicator for a one-year-old baby of 7.9-10.1 kg is considered ideal (we recommend reading:).

The weight of one-year-old girls can vary greatly - there are “skinny” ones, and there are “chubby ones”

Low and high weight is not critical; it can be caused by genetic predisposition or characteristics of pregnancy. If your baby's readings go beyond low or high, doctors will conduct additional tests to rule out health problems.

Table of growth norms from 0 to 12 months according to WHO:

Age, monthsHeight, cm
shortlower limit of normalnormupper limit of normalhigh
0 45,4-47,3 47,3 49,2 51,0 51,0-52,9
1 49,8-51,7 51,7 53,7 55,6 55,6-57,6
2 53,0-55,0 55,0 57,1 59,1 59,1-61,2
3 55,6-57,7 57,7 59,8 61,9 61,9-64,0
4 57,8-59,9 59,9 62,1 64,3 64,3-66,4
5 59,6-61,8 61,8 64,0 66,3 66,3-68,5
6 61,2-63,5 63,5 65,7 68,0 68,0-70,3
7 62,7-65,0 65,0 67,3 69,6 69,6-71,9
8 64,0-66,4 66,4 68,8 71,1 71,1-73,5
9 65,3-67,7 67,7 70,1 72,6 72,6-75,0
10 66,5-69,0 69,0 71,5 74,0 74,0-76,4
11 67,7-70,3 70,3 72,8 75,3 75,3-77,8
12 68,9-71,4 71,4 74,0 76,6 76,6-79,2

Children's age from one to 10 years

In the period from one to 10 years, a child’s musculoskeletal system is formed and strengthened, and the functioning of all internal organs is improved.

With insufficient nutrition and improper distribution of physical activity, children can develop various diseases. Therefore, it is just as necessary to monitor the norms at this age as in infancy.

Table of weight norms for ages 1 to 10 years:

AgeWeight, kg
shortlower limit of normalnormupper limit of normalhigh
15 monthsfrom 7.68,5 9,6 10,9 10,9-12,4
18 months8,1-9,1 9,1 10,2 11,6 11,6-13,2
21 months8,6-9,6 9,6 10,9 12,3 12,3-14,0
2 years9,0-10,2 10,2 11,5 13,0 13,0-14,8
27 months9,5-10,7 10,7 12,1 13,7 13,7-15,7
30 months10,0-11,2 11,2 12,7 14,4 14,4-16,5
33 months10,4-11,7 11,7 13,3 15,1 15,1-17,3
3 years10,8-12,2 12,2 13,9 15,8 15,8-18,1
3.5 years11,6-13,1 13,1 15,0 17,2 17,2-19,8
4 years12,3-14,0 14,0 16,1 18,5 18,5-21,5
4.5 years13,0-14,9 14,9 17,2 19,9 19,9-23,2
5 years13,7-15,8 15,8 18,2 21,2 21,2-24,9
5.5 years14,6-16,6 16,6 19,1 22,2 22,2-26,2
6 years15,3-17,5 17,5 20,2 23,5 23,5-27,8
6.5 years16,0-18,3 18,3 21,2 24,9 24,9-29,6
7 years16,8-19,3 19,3 22,4 26,3 26,3-31,4
8 years18,6-21,4 21,4 25,0 29,7 29,7-35,8
9 years old20,8-24,0 24,0 28,2 33,6 33,6-41,0
10 years23,3-27,0 27,0 31,9 38,2 38,2-46,9

It is important to monitor the child’s weight standards, and if the girl is overweight, be sure to take action!

Growth chart from 1 to 10 years:

Age, monthsHeight, cm
shortlower limit of normalnormupper limit of normalhigh
15 months72,0-74,8 74,8 77,5 80,2 80,2-83,0
18 months74,9-77,8 77,8 80,7 83,6 83,6-86,5
21 months77,5-80,6 80,6 83,7 86,7 86,7-89,8
2 years80,0-83,2 83,2 86,4 89,6 89,6-92,9
27 months81,5-84,9 84,9 88,3 91,7 91,7-95,0
30 months83,6-87,1 87,1 90,7 94,2 94,2-97,7
33 months85,6-89,3 89,3 92,9 96,6 96,6-100,3
3 years87,4-91,2 91,2 95,1 98,9 98,9-102,7
3.5 years90,9-95,0 95,0 99,0 103,1 103,1-107,2
4 years94,1-98,4 98,4 102,7 107,0 107,0-111,3
4.5 years97,1-101,6 101,6 106,2 110,7 110,7-115,2
5 years99,9-104,7 104,7 109,4 114,2 114,2-118,9
5.5 years102,3-107,2 107,2 112,2 117,1 117,1-122,0
6 years104,9-110,0 110,0 115,1 120,2 120,2-125,4
6.5 years107,4-112,7 112,7 118,0 123,3 123,3-128,6
7 years109,9-115,3 115,3 120,8 126,3 126,3-131,7
8 years115,0-120,8 120,8 126,6 132,4 132,4-138,2
9 years old120,3-126,4 126,4 132,5 138,6 138,6-144,0
10 years125,8-132,2 132,2 138,6 145,0 145,0-151,4

Monitoring the height and weight standards of school-age girls is just as important as in infancy

Development of girls from 11 to 18 years old

Ages from 11 to 18 years are considered adolescence. At this time, intensive changes occur in the children's bodies. This is especially noticeable in appearance. A chubby baby can turn into an ideal girl, and a skinny girl can gain shape. Such changes are caused by hormonal changes in the body. It is necessary to understand when such changes are normal and when to sound the alarm.

Consider the weight table for teenage girls:

Age, yearsWeight, kg
shortlower limit of normalnormupper limit of normalhigh
11 24,9-27,8 27,8-30,7 30,7-38,9 38,9-44,6 44,6-55,2
12 27,8-31,8 31,8-36,0 36,0-45,4 45,4-51,8 51,8-63,4
13 32,0-38,7 38,7-43,0 43,0-52,5 52,5-59,0 59,0-69,0
14 37,6-43,8 43,8-48,2 48,2-58,0 58,0-64,0 64,0-72,2
15 42,0-46,8 46,8-50,6 50,6-60,4 60,4-66,5 66,5-74,9
16 45,2-48,4 48,4-51,8 51,8-61,3 61,3-67,6 67,6-75,6
17-18 46,2-49,2 49,2-52,9 52,9-61,9 61,9-68,0 68,0-76,0

By instilling the principles of proper nutrition, the weight of adolescents will correspond to the norms

Teen Height Chart:

Age, yearsHeight, cm
low, uplower limit of normalnormupper limit of normalhigh
11 136,2 136,2–140,2 140,2–148,8 148,8–153,2 153,2–157,7
12 142,2 142,2–145,9 145,9–154,2 154,2–159,2 159,2–163,2
13 148,3 148,3–151,8 151,8–159,8 159,8–163,7 163,7–168,0
14 152,6 152,6–155,4 155,4–163,6 163,6–167,2 167,2–171,2
15 154,4 154,4–157,2 157,2–166,0 166,0–169,2 169,2–173,4
16 152,6 155,2–158,0 158,0–166,8 166,8–170,2 170,2–173,8
17-18 155,8 155,8–158,6 158,6–169,2 169,2–170,4 170,4–174,2

The height of high school girls can vary greatly: from 150 to 175 cm

Is it possible to calculate a child's height based on the parents' height?

There are several formulas for approximate calculation of a child’s height in relation to the height of his parents:

  • To calculate a girl's height (RD), you need to add the father's height (RO) with the mother's height (RM), multiply by 0.51 and subtract 7.5 cm. The author of this formula is unknown.
  • Another formula belongs to the Czechoslovakian V. Karkus. RD cm = (RO cm*0.923 + RM cm)/2.
  • Dr. J. Hawker suggested calculating height as follows: RD = (PO + RM)/2 - 6.4.
  • Formula of Smirnov and Gorbunov: RD = (RO + RM -12.5)/2 ± 8.
  • Another formula calculates height based on the data of a child per year (CA). RD = RG + 100 cm – 5 cm.

Periods of intensive growth in children: when do leaps occur?

Girls develop at the fastest rate from 10 to 13 years. This is explained by active puberty.

During this period, the teenager’s body receives a major hormonal shock. During puberty, the future girl can grow by 8 cm per year. Her figure will also change significantly - weight gain or loss is possible.

If the child is too tall

Child height is considered a hereditary factor. If the parents in the family are tall, then the baby will be tall from childhood. However, too much deviation from the child’s age norms can be a signal that there are significant problems in his body. In addition to early puberty, high height in children can be caused by:

  • high content of growth hormones;
  • obesity;
  • chromosome pathology;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • Marfan syndrome;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland.

What to do if the child is very small?

The short stature of a child, if it is not due to a genetic predisposition, should also cause concern among parents.

If parents notice that the baby is not growing well and is not gaining weight, they need to contact a specialist.

The doctor will study the history of his height gains, examine the child, and analyze the diseases he has suffered. If the parents' doubts turn out to be justified, a thyroid examination is prescribed. To exclude rickets, the child is prescribed an ultrasound. In parallel with these studies, the pediatrician should prescribe tests to check the blood for growth hormone and hemoglobin levels. Sometimes a child's bone age is examined using bone x-rays.

If during the examination the doctor rules out that the baby has problems caused by illness or hormonal disorders, the child will be prescribed vitamins and special protein foods. For proper development, children need to eat vegetable oils, dairy products, fish and meat, and vegetables.

To activate growth hormones, you need to do daily exercises and sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. The child should fall asleep no later than 22 hours. There is a theory that babies need the love of their parents to develop. In families in which children are surrounded by care, children develop more actively and get sick less.

The development of a child largely depends on his parents (see also:). The climate in the family, proper nutrition, and timely consultation with a specialist will help the little man grow up big and healthy. Growth charts for girls and boys should be treated as reference information. You should not try to put the baby into a framework, but use the information as a guide.

Greetings, dear readers! All parents strive for their children to grow up healthy and develop normally. But how can you tell if everything is okay with your baby? Doctors recommend focusing on such important indicators as the child’s weight and height by month. Compliance with the standards proposed by WHO on the basis of research, doctors determine the degree of full term of the baby and the quality of its further development.

World Health Organization, or WHO in the period 1997-2003. conducted a number of studies on the development of children under one year old, as well as a parallel analysis of the height and weight of children aged 1.5 to 6 years. The focus of the world organization was not only on indicators, but also on their ratios and monthly increases.

Why was such a global study needed? The latest data on indicators of physical development of children were recorded back in the 70s. 20th century. Since then, not only the rhythm and lifestyle of people has changed, but also the nature of infant feeding.

If during the Soviet period the majority of babies were bottle-fed, then with the improvement of working conditions for nursing women and the opportunity to receive paid leave after childbirth for 1.5 years, it has led to the fact that now more and more babies are breastfed, which is otherwise reflected in the increase in body weight and length.

Data collection was carried out in different countries and ethnic groups: European countries, the USA, India, Brazil, Oman, etc. The study showed that each nation has its own parameters, therefore, to derive the average value of length and weight, for example, for European and Indian children, it is forbidden.

What do the values ​​depend on?

Mothers who have at least once had a monthly check-up with their babies at the clinic know that the nurse not only measures and records indicators, but also pays attention to associated development factors:

  • past viral and infectious diseases;
  • presence of dehydration;
  • teething;
  • presence of appetite;
  • conditions of education.

They have a temporary effect on physical development, which can be corrected in the future.

However, there are other factors that the mother or doctors cannot or can hardly influence:

  • gender of the child;
  • genetic features (if dad and mom are tall, the baby will also be tall);
  • degree of term, as well as initial height and weight at birth;
  • nature of nutrition (natural or artificial);
  • presence of congenital diseases;
  • mobility;
  • environmental situation;
  • the nature of the pregnancy (did the mother smoke, drink alcohol, etc.);
  • the amount of somatotropic hormone produced, which is responsible for the growth of tubular bones (since most of the hormone is released at night, sleep disturbances in a child can cause growth retardation).

Good care, regular breastfeeding, adequate sleep, physical activity and outdoor exercise speed up children's growth. In turn, insufficient care and poor environmental conditions do not have the best effect on physical development.

To check whether your baby is developing normally, you do not have to rush to the clinic. Parents can take measurements themselves, based on generally accepted development standards and calculation formulas.

Child growth by months

Child growth standards depend, first of all, on the child’s gender, so WHO has created separate tables with average indicators for girls and boys. Depending on the age of the baby, the ratio of length and weight of the body, as well as the increase, will also differ.

First year

The table shows approximate growth indicators for babies at birth and up to one year; you can also track how many centimeters the child will grow within a month.

Children under one year old are characterized by a special change in indicators, and every month of life during this period is significant. But before you take measurements and count, you should make sure that your baby meets the indicators of a full-term baby:

  • The birth took place at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Height is at least 45 cm with a weight of 2.5 kg.
  • Head circumference – from 34 to 36 cm.
  • Body parts are proportional.
  • The skin is smooth and delicate.
  • Hair length from 1 cm.
  • Clear rhythmic pulse.
  • Developed sucking reflex (you can read in my article).

If a baby was born prematurely, there are separate height and weight indicators for him depending on what week of pregnancy he was born. Here is a table of the height and weight of a premature baby:

Features of growth increase in the first year of life are as follows:

  • On average, the baby gains 3 cm over a monthly period.
  • The total increase in the first year of life should be at least 25 cm. Thus, the normal figure for a one-year-old baby is from 74 to 76 cm.
  • Children grow more rapidly in the first months after birth, after which this process slows down. So, in the first 3 months the increase will be 3.5 cm per month, from 3 to six months - 3-2.5 cm, from 7 to 9 - about 1.5 cm, from 9 to one year - 1 cm.
  • It is not only the overall increase in height that is important, but also its relationship to the weight and proportionality of body parts.

For doctors, the indicator of normal development of a baby is not so much its height as its head circumference. If the head is large and disproportionate to the body, doctors may suspect a disease such as hydrocephalus, an accumulation of fluid in the brain.

From 2 to 17 years

When a baby turns one year old, parents, as a rule, pay little attention to how much his growth is within normal limits. However, before the onset of puberty, this indicator is no less important than in the first months of life.

After a year, children's growth begins to slow down. Up to 2 years of age, the baby grows by an average of 9-12 cm, depending on gender and other factors. Until the age of 5 years, his height will increase by only 20-22 cm.

By the age of 10, the average height of a boy is 138-139 cm. From 11 to 17 years, during puberty, the growth of girls slows down, and in boys, on the contrary, it increases after 12-13 years. By the age of 17, the average for a girl will be 155-160 cm, for a boy - 166-171 cm.

How to determine a child's height?

To determine how tall your baby is under one year old, you will need a measuring tape or meter ruler:

  1. Place the baby on the crib so that the back of his head rests on a hard surface.
  2. Extend your legs and place your feet at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Mark where the heels end.
  4. Raise the child and measure the distance from the mark to a hard surface.

If the child can already stand, to measure his height, place him near the wall so that his heels touch a hard surface. Then take a hard ruler and place it on the child's head so that it forms a right angle with the wall. Make a mark where they touch and measure the distance from the floor to the mark.

After measuring your child's height, be sure to pay attention to his weight.

Baby's weight by month

WHO strongly recommends that parents pay attention not only to the height and proportionality of body parts, but also to weight gain. Many parents believe that the more a baby weighs before one year, the better. But this statement is fundamentally wrong. Unhealthy obesity can affect both teenagers and infants, especially those who are formula-fed.

Up to a year

For children under one year old, the weight norm is determined by month, and it should be taken into account that bottle-fed children gain weight much faster:

  • 1 month. During this time, the child gains on average about 0.6 kg. To maintain normal developmental indicators, it is ideal if the mother feeds the baby every 3 hours. The volume of mixture consumed ranges from 80 to 120 ml per feeding.
  • 2 month. During this period, the increase will be about 0.7-0.8 kg. The intervals between feedings can be increased to 3.5 hours. If in the future you decide to wean your baby from feeding at night, keep in mind that his weight will begin to decrease.
  • 3 month. An increase of 0.8 kg is maintained. The intervals between feedings remain, but it is worth considering that up to 3 months the baby is bothered by intestinal colic, so appetite may decrease.
  • 4 month. The child gains an average of 0.75 kg, and further indicators will decrease.
  • 5 month. By the end of the fifth month, the baby already weighs 0.7 kg more.
  • 6 month. In six months, Baby gains 0.65 kg. During this period, complementary foods in the form of vegetable purees begin to be introduced, which can replace one feeding.
  • 7 month. Body weight increases by 0.6 kg. At seven months of age, babies can be given gluten-free porridge in the morning.
  • 8 months. Weight gain is about 0.55 kg. The baby's menu includes a variety of vegetables, lean meat, cereals, and egg yolk.
  • 9 months. The weight gain is half a kilogram. Purees from several components and fermented milk products appear on the menu.
  • 10 months. The baby weighs 0.4 kg more than last month. He already tolerates fresh fruit well. You can add butter or vegetable oil to porridge.
  • 11 months. Weight increases by 0.4 kg. You can include low-fat fish in the menu.
  • 12 months. The weight increase occurs by 0.35-0.4 kg.

The following chart will help you determine if your baby is developing normally:

  • For the first half of the year. Multiply 800 by the number of months for the calculation period and add the weight of the baby at the time of birth.
  • In the second half of the year. M+800×6+400x(N-6), where M is the birth weight, N is the number of months.

After a year

In the future, not only the indicators prescribed by WHO will be important for girls and boys, but also the body mass index, which shows whether the weight is insufficient, normal or excessive. To determine your mass index, you need to divide your body weight by your height.

Based on the indicators proposed by WHO, one must take into account that they are averaged, and minor fluctuations in one direction or another are acceptable. Parents need to sound the alarm if the weight values ​​are significantly underestimated or overestimated.

If the levels are low, it is recommended to reconsider your diet and daily activity. For example, if up to the age of 5 the child steadily gained weight, and by the age of 6 he began to lose weight sharply, the changes may be associated with preparation for school and a stressful state, a violation of the usual daily routine.

For infants up to one year old, vomiting can be a dangerous phenomenon, leading to dehydration. The problem may arise due to improper nutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. In this case, you should definitely see a doctor.

In adolescence, boys, as a rule, experience pronounced thinness associated with intensive growth. Girls should eat more plant foods, since during the period of hormonal maturation there is a high probability of becoming obese.

Deviations from normal body weight at any age in a child should be a signal for parents that it is time to sound the alarm and seek help from doctors if you cannot help the baby on your own.

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