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Rihanna's new tattoo on her arm. Rihanna tattoo. Shhh on the index finger of the right hand

Pop singer Rihanna has many tattoos on various parts of her body. Photos of the singer’s tattoos can be seen in print and online publications, since facts from the lives of celebrities and their tastes are curious to many.

Rihanna's favorite tattoos are on her neck and arms.

Tattoos symbolizing Rihanna's feelings

When the pop star was dating Chris Brown, they decided to get matching tattoos on their necks. The couple put stars on their necks. Later, the singer laid a whole path of such stars on her back. Over time, the couple separated, but the tattoos remained.

Also on the middle finger of Rihanna's left hand is the inscription "Love".

The singer's left thigh is decorated with the word "beloved" written in Tibetan.

The symbolic inscription “Life of a Thug” is located on the phalanges of the star’s fingers and is dedicated to the murdered rapper Tupac. Done in white ink. But over time, this tattoo was removed.

Rihanna dedicated another tattoo to her best friend, Melissa Ford. Roman numerals denoting Melissa's date of birth are inscribed on the left shoulder. The friend did not remain in debt, writing the singer’s date of birth on her left shoulder. For Rihanna, Melissa is more than a friend. More like a relative.

Tattoos symbolizing Rihanna's views on life

On the index finger of the star’s left hand is the inscription “Shhh...”, with which she calls on everyone to be silent.

The celebrity's right hand features a Maori tribal design that she made while in New Zealand. Denotes strength and love.

On the star’s neck there is another inscription - “rebellious flower”, made in French.

What other tattoos does Rihanna have and on what parts of her body? Below the right ear is the astrological symbol of “pisces”.

On the left side there is the inscription “freedom in God” on Arabic. With this, the celebrity once again emphasized her own faith in God.

Also on the singer’s body, slightly below the right collarbone, is the inscription “Never a failure, always a lesson,” which is a call to draw conclusions from one’s own mistakes. It's interesting that the lettering is written backwards, since this way Rihanna will be able to read it when looking in the mirror.

On the right leg of the star there is a falcon, symbolizing a ray of light in the darkness.

The most large sizes has a tattoo in the form of the wings of the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, located under the singer’s chest. Symbolizes longing for her grandmother, who died of cancer.

In addition, on the right side near the thigh there is an inscription in Sanskrit. But when applying it, typos were made, so it was not possible to obtain an exact translation of this inscription.

Rihanna's body art

On the top of the celebrity’s right foot there are two tattoos at once - a treble clef and a musical note.

There is a tiny, elegant star on the cartilage of the singer's right ear.

At the ankle of the star is a beautiful skull, topped with a cute pink bow.

While in Los Angeles, Rihanna added another image to her body - a small revolver located on her right side. The right hand seems to be covering it.

All celebrity tattoos can be viewed and appreciated by her fans.

Each of Rihanna's tattoos has its own backstory and corresponding meaning. Pop star counting own body a kind of canvas, and therefore it is unknown how many more works she will put on it.

Recently there was a post with tattoos of Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox. Let's now look at Rihanna's tattoo =)

  1. Rihanna's very first tattoo is located behind her right ear. The tattoo represents astrological sign(fish in Chinese). Rihanna got this tattoo when she was eighteen years old in China, in 2006.
  2. There is a musical tattoo on the right leg and it represents a musical note. Rihanna got this tattoo when she was in Australia, the tattoo remained as a reminder to her of this wonderful country.

  3. Rihanna's next tattoo is located on the cartilage of her left ear. Beautiful purple star. Rihanna got this tattoo in a tattoo parlor in New York.
  4. Rihanna's next mysterious tattoo is located on her body on the right side. The words are in Sanskrit. The inscription was taken from the holy script Gita and applied in New York by professional tattoo artist BangBang.
  5. Small tattoo on the neck. Rihanna and her, already ex, best friend Chris Brown got matching tattoos.

    But soon, on April 7, 2008, Rihanna’s beautiful trail of stars continued from her back to the very back of her head. Thus, these two tattoos can be considered one.

  6. Another tattoo is located on the left side of Rihanna's body. It represents Arabic letters. Translated into English - Freedom in God.

  7. The seventh tattoo is located on index finger right hand. On the tattoo is the inscription “Shhh...”, which means “Shhh...”, as if a call for silence.
  8. The next tattoo that will always remind Rihanna of her best friend is her birth date in Roman numerals tattooed on her shoulder. Tattoo XI.IV.LXXXVI means 11.4.1986, date of birth best friend Rihanna.
    “Me and my best friend got matching tattoos,” Rihanna admitted on a talk show. “I have her date of birth on my shoulder, and she has mine. I love her very much, perhaps more than some family members. She's like my sister."
  9. The ninth tattoo is located on the ankle in the form of a skull with a red bow.

  10. The next tattoo is located on the middle finger of the left hand “Love”, which means “Love”.
  11. She got her eleventh tattoo while she was in New Zealand on a world tour. “This is a Maori tribal design, meaning strength and love. I always dreamed of doing something like this." says Rihanna.

  12. Another tattoo is made in the form of a small pistol under the right arm. Rihanna did new tattoo in March 2009 in Los Angeles.
  13. December 8, 2009 Rihanna got a new tattoo above right breast. It bears the inscription “Never a failure, always a lesson.” The tattoo is done backwards so Rihanna can read it in the mirror.

  14. On August 9, 2010, Rihanna and her boyfriend Matt Kemp visited a tattoo parlor in New York, where the singer got another tattoo, this time on the left side of her neck in the form of the inscription “Rebelle Fleur” in French, which means “rebellious flower.”

We decided to tell you the story of the origin of the rest of the drawings on the singer’s body.

The 24-year-old star has long been known for her love of decorating her body with ink, and currently has 19 tattoos in her collection. Rihanna made the first of them in 2006 in China on her eighteenth birthday. The tattoo is located behind the right ear and represents the astrological sign meaning "pisces". This small and elegant drawing immediately became the subject of discussion among the singer's fans, who positively responded to this change in her appearance. It was with this tattoo that a new era of body painting passion began for Rihanna.

Rihanna's next tattoo was a musical note and a treble clef located on right foot. In memory of her trip to Australia, the Barbadian beauty decided to decorate one of the sexiest parts of a woman’s body in such an unusual way.

The singer decided not to stop there and went to one of the tattoo parlors in New York. There, Rihanna had a cute little star drawn on the cartilage of her right ear. What do you think the celebrity wanted to say to society in this way?

But with Rihanna's next tattoo, things didn't go quite smoothly. The singer made it on her right side, close to her thigh, in the form of a phrase in Sanskrit [an ancient Indian language], which she took from the holy scripture Gita. The famous master Bang Bang applied the design to the star’s body in his salon in New York. However, Sanskrit expert Mark Fielden claims that Rihanna got the translation wrong:

Perhaps the star wanted to depict an unusual inscription on her body, which translated means “forgiveness, honesty, suppression and control,” but this tattoo of Rihanna is written incorrectly.

While in a relationship with Chris Brown, the young and successful singer accepted important decision: She and her boyfriend got matching star tattoos on their necks. On April 7, 2008, this tattoo of Rihanna had a continuation: a whole path of stars was laid on her back. And although Chris Brown and the singer were destined to break up (who knows, maybe they will get back together?), this tattoo on Rihanna’s body remains forever.

And after some time

The singer of the hit “Only Girl” never denied her belief in God, so when an Arabic phrase appeared on her body, translated meaning “freedom in God,” few were surprised. This Rihanna tattoo is located on the left side.

But the star’s seventh tattoo may not be immediately noticeable. On the index finger of the left hand there is the inscription “Shhh...” in the form of a call for silence. Who knows, maybe the singer really uses it for the purpose.

Rihanna dedicated her eighth tattoo to her best friend Melissa Ford. She immortalized her date of birth on her left shoulder. loved one, depicted using Roman numerals. The owner of a luxurious voice and beautiful body admitted:

Melissa and I got matching tattoos: I wrote her birth date on my shoulder, and she wrote mine. I adore her, for me she is even closer than some family members. Melissa and I are like two sisters.

On Rihanna's ankle there is another tattoo in the form of a skull with a cute pink bow.

On the middle finger of her left hand, the 24-year-old singer depicted the word “Love” (translated as “love”), showing how important feelings and emotions are to her.

While on a world tour in New Zealand, Rihanna visited the tattoo parlor again: this time the star depicted a Maori tribal pattern on her right hand. As the singer herself admitted, it means strength and love, and she has long wanted to get a tattoo like this.

In March 2009 in Los Angeles, Rihanna made a rather unusual tattoo in the form of a small pistol under the right hand.

That same year, on December 8, the singer adorned her body new inscription"Never a failure, always a lesson" (translated as "Never a mistake, always a lesson"), depicted under the right collarbone. This Rihanna tattoo is done backwards so she can read it in the mirror.

The next inscription on the star’s body was depicted in French. On August 9, 2010, Rihanna went to a tattoo parlor in New York, where she came out with the phrase “rebelle fleur” on her neck, which means “rebellious flower.”

In memory of rapper Tupac, who died on September 13, 1996, the popular singer wrote “Thug Life” in white ink on the phalanges of her fingers. But recently Rihanna successfully removed this tattoo.

In 2012, the celebrity has already managed to get four new tattoos. In January, an inscription in Tibetan appeared on her left thigh, which translated means “beloved, mistress.” In March, Rihanna added a small cross to her list of tattoos on her left collarbone. The author of this work was the same Bang Bang.

On July 17, the singer shared with Twitter readers good news: Now she has a falcon bird on her right leg. Rihanna herself commented on this change as follows: “Falcon: light in the darkness. Even when she sleeps, she doesn’t close her eyes.” Some people consider this tattoo to be the 18th, and the 17th, because it was done on top musical note And treble clef.

And finally, in September, the spreading wings of the goddess Isis were placed on Rihanna’s body right under her chest in memory of her late grandmother, who died of cancer.

What do you think Rihanna's next tattoo will be?

Pop diva of Barbadian origin, Rihanna, burst onto the US pop arena in 2005 and almost immediately rose to the top of success. Such a rapid rise in the musical career of a 17-year-old teenager was the reason close attention press not only to her work, but also to her appearance. In particular, any changes in Rihanna’s image and numerous tattoos are covered and discussed on the pages of magazines and on the websites of online publications. What do the drawings on the body of this pop diva mean and what caused her addiction to this method of decorating her appearance?

When did Rihanna get her first tattoo?

The singer got her first tattoo depicting the astrological zodiac “Pisces” at the age of 18 during a trip to China. She small sizes and is located behind her right ear. Rihanna's appearance did not go unnoticed by the singer's fans, and the rising pop star herself was seriously thinking about visiting the tattoo parlor again.

Memories of a trip to Australia

Rihanna's second tattoo, a photo of which has been repeatedly reproduced on the pages of glossy magazines, depicts a treble clef and a note. The singer did it on her right foot, which attracted everyone's attention to her slender legs.

Star decoration

Quite a bit of time passed, and Rihanna got an asterisk tattoo on the upper part of her left ear in one of the New York salons. Moreover, there were journalists who wrote that she decided to hint that it was time for her to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Tattoo in Sanskrit

The singer’s passion for Eastern practices led to the fact that an inscription in Sanskrit soon appeared on her side. It was made again in New York, by one of the most famous masters in this field - Bang Bang. However, there was some confusion regarding the content of the new tattoo. The fact is that experts involved in the study of ancient languages ​​claim that Rihanna’s new tattoo does not at all mean the words “forgiveness, honesty, suppression, control,” as the girl ordered.

Star Rain

Rihanna's sensational romance with Chris Brown caused both lovers to have identical designs on their necks, again in the form of stars. A little later, after the couple’s scandalous separation, this tattoo “found its continuation” in the form of a tattoo going down the singer’s back.

Arabic script

The failure did not force Rihanna to abandon her intention to get another tattoo in the form of a phrase, now in Arabic, which in translation sounds like freedom in God.

Call for silence and symbol of friendship

People around her did not immediately notice Rihanna’s new tattoo on her hand, as it is located on the side surface of the index finger of her right hand. This is again an inscription meaning a call for silence; apparently, the girl shared a secret with someone that no one should know about. In addition, almost immediately the star visited the salon with her longtime friend Melissa Ford, and both girls got a tattoo on their left shoulder with each other’s birth dates.

Pink bow on the skull's head!

Rihanna is at heart the same naughty girl from the small town of St. Michael in Barbados. That is why those who have known her for a long time and well were not surprised by the appearance of the ominous pirate symbol “Jolly Roger” on the singer’s leg, but with a cute pink bow. Most likely, this tattoo of Rihanna symbolizes the fact that there is always a place for humor in life.

Love and love again

The affair with Chris Brown meant a lot to Rihanna, so those around her took for granted the inscription “Love”, which she made on the middle finger of her left hand.

Maori pattern

As you know, Guyanese and Barbadian blood flows in Rihanna’s veins, and the girl is close to ethnic tribal symbols, so in memory of her tour of New Zealand, she got a tattoo in this country in the form of a cinchona pattern of the Maori tribe. This intricate design became the decoration of the singer’s brush and stands for strength and love.

I can protect myself

During the scandal in connection with the case “about domestic violence” in relation to Rihanna’s boyfriend, it became known that during their cohabitation the singer even purchased a pistol just in case. So, with Chris, the girl got a tattoo in the form of a miniature Colt on her side in the chest area, hinting that she was ready to defend herself in the future.

Always a lesson

Apparently, rapper Chris offended the girl too much. How else can we explain that a couple of months after previous tattoo She had the inscription “Never a mistake, but always a lesson” written on her collarbone.

“Rebelle fleur”

Already having quite large number“talking images on the body,” the singer decided to get another one in New York. This is how Rihanna’s tattoo appeared, the meaning of which she herself did not comment on, leaving this activity to journalists. It is an inscription, this time in French, which translates as “rebellious flower.”

Tattoo that disappeared

A brief fascination with the work of rapper Tupac caused the name of his group and the most famous collection “Thug Life” to appear on the phalanges of the star’s fingers. True, this tattoo of Rihanna on her arm, or rather on both hands, made in white ink, very soon disappeared.


Rihanna's first new tattoo of 2012 appeared now on the singer's thigh. This is in Tibetan, which translates to “beloved”.

replaced by falcon

Another Rihanna tattoo, the photo of which became a real hit, was done on her leg. It is reminiscent of images of a falcon on ancient Egyptian frescoes and is made on top of a treble clef. According to the singer, the falcon is a light in the darkness.


No one knows what caused the appearance of a small cross on Rihanna’s collarbone, designed by Bang Bang.

Wings of Isis

Not a single Rihanna tattoo, photos of which are often used in salons around the world to attract clients, has aroused such interest as the “wings of Isis.” The singer applied this rather large drawing under both breasts, and it depicts the main ancient Egyptian goddess. In an interview, Rihanna commented on its appearance, saying that she made it in memory of her grandmother, who died of breast cancer.

According to psychologists, tattoo addiction among celebrities today is not such a rare phenomenon. Obviously, Rihanna also suffers from it, so most likely there will be reports of her new tattoos very soon.

A talented person strives for self-expression with all accessible ways. This definition is more than suitable for the singer Rihanna. The world-famous star does not limit her creativity to music. She also views herself and her body as a work of art that can be worked on endlessly. AND bright that confirmation - an abundance of body images. Even the most devoted fans find it difficult to answer the question of how many there are. Meanwhile, every Rihanna tattoo has deep meaning and its secret meaning.

Did the singer introduce the fashion for tattoos on her arms?

It is difficult to name at least one area on Rihanna's body that is free from tattoos. But greatest attention people are attracted to black tattoos on their arms that are visible to everyone. Two fingers of the star are decorated with brief but more than meaningful inscriptions. This is “Shhh...” on the index finger of the right hand and “Love” on the middle finger of the left. And if the second word is understandable even to those who do not know English, then the first can be translated as “Shhh...” - nothing more than a call to talk less and not make noise. Fans really liked Rihanna's tattoos on her fingers, and many girls even decided to borrow these simple and original sketches. But here is a more modern inscription on outside Not everyone likes fingers. “Thug Life” - “Thug Life” - the tattoo was presumably made in honor of Tupac, because this is the expression that was tattooed on his stomach. The tattoo was originally unusual - pale ink, white or pinkish. According to some sources, today this inscription has already been reduced or erased on its own.

New Zealand pattern on hand

During her world tour, Rihanna visited New Zealand. The star found it too boring to leave such a unique country with ordinary souvenirs. And instead, she got a tattoo for herself as a keepsake. On the outer side of the right hand about thumb The singer now sports a pattern in the style of the Maori tribe. Rihanna's tattoo on her arm is not just a decoration, but the most a real amulet, promising love and strength. The star admits that she actually wanted to get a tattoo like this for a long time, and while visiting New Zealand she finally found “her” design.

Sentimental Rihanna

On the star’s body there are many drawings dedicated to important different stages her life to people. When Rihanna was dating Chris Brown, the lovers got matching tattoos in the form of a scattering of small stars on their necks. The couple subsequently broke up, but unlike many colleagues in show business, the singer did not remove the tattoo, but, on the contrary, complemented it by extending the design onto her back, making it unique. Another romantic tattoo of Rihanna flaunts on her left thigh - this is the inscription in Tibetan “beloved”. The singer appreciates not only romantic, but also friendly relations. It’s not for nothing that her best friend Mellisa Ford’s date of birth is stamped on her shoulder in Latin numerals. According to Rihanna, this woman is like sister. They say Mellisa also has a similar tattoo with the date of birth of her best friend. According to many sources. On the singer’s neck there is a tattoo associated with another of her boyfriends. The French "rebel flower" lettering was made in 2010 with Matt Camp.

Altered leg tattoo

The star got her second tattoo during her stay in Australia. These are musical signs: a note and a treble clef on the foot. A simple and cute drawing adorned the singer’s body for quite a long time. And one day she shocked her loved ones and fans by suddenly appearing in public with new tattoo in the form of a falcon in place of the old treble clef and notes. New drawing completely covers the previous one. The proud bird is depicted in the style of Ancient Egypt, with one of its wings bent so that the overall silhouette resembles a pistol. This drawing is one of the few made in color, due to which it stands out noticeably against the background of all the singer’s other tattoos.

The body is like a book of life

Rihanna really loves text tattoos. What’s remarkable is that she constantly experiments with languages ​​and fonts. So, on the side of the singer there is a phrase in Sanskrit. Knowledgeable people They claim there are spelling errors. But this does not bother the star herself, and she happily tells reporters that she herself translates the tattoo as “Forgiveness, honesty, suppression and control.” The singer considers herself a deeply religious person; she even tattooed on her body (left side) the statement “Freedom is in God” in Arabic.

Many people like Rihanna’s text tattoos and their meaning for their simplicity and conciseness. Original inscription the star did in 2009. The phrase “There is no room for error - you should always learn from it” is now emblazoned on the singer’s collarbone. The writing language is English, but the inscription is upside down, and only the singer herself can read it, looking in the mirror. This tattoo of Rihanna is a kind of life motto, the main task of which is to serve as a reminder of the main thing, and not just be another decoration of an already beautiful body.

Other Rihanna tattoos: photos and meaning

Not everyone knows that the star, as a decent girl, got her first tattoo at the age of 18. Chinese sign of the Pisces zodiac, made in black, still flaunts behind the singer’s ear today. A little later, in New York, Rihanna got one of her most original tattoos - the outline of a star on her earlobe. Agree, you don’t see such decoration often. Rihanna's fairly early tattoo is a cartoon skull with a pink bow just above her ankle on the back of her leg. The exact meaning of this symbol is unknown; according to many, the sketch was chosen solely as a decoration.

In 2009, the star made quite aggressive and unusual tattoo- a black outline of a pistol located below the armpit on the right side. Rihanna arranges a lot of presentations for her new jewelry in the form of daring photo shoots for print publications. One of the largest and beautiful tattoos the star is located under the chest. This is an image of the Egyptian goddess Isis with her wings spread. The singer claims that this drawing symbolizes femininity and greatness for her. And the tattoo itself appeared in honor of her grandmother, with whom Rihanna was very close.

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