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New Year's scenario for the middle group in kindergarten. “Happy New Year!” Scenario for the New Year’s holiday in the middle group A cheerful New Year’s scenario for children in the middle group

Scenario for New Year's party in the middle group

“What is New Year? »

Children enter the hall to cheerful music, forming a round dance around the Christmas tree.


Leading: We entered the hall and saw everything -

The tree stands in New Year's glory.

Everything is silver, lush and slender,

She came to visit us from the forest.

Isn't she a beauty?

Children: We all like the Christmas tree!

Child: Hello, forest Christmas tree,

Silvery, thick.

You grew up under the sun

And she came to us for the holiday.

Child: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

A prickly needle.

There's snow on your branches,

You are the best today!

Leading: Our Christmas tree is beautiful!

All the guys like her.

Let's start our holiday, friends,

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.

Round dance "About the Christmas tree"

Leading: New Year is coming,

He brings guests with him.

We'll sit quietly

And let's look at the guest!

(Mysterious music sounds. The Wizard enters the hall, dancing)

Wizard: Hello my dears,

Small and big!

I am a wizard, an old magician,

I came for a reason.

Magic and witchcraft -

This is my calling!

I'll tell you honestly, friends,

I can't live without miracles!

Leading: We are very glad that you came to kindergarten. After all, today is the best holiday for the guys. We will sing, have fun, and dance in a circle.

Wizard: I wonder what this holiday is called?

Children: New Year!

Host: Santa Claus will come today

Come to us for the New Year's holiday,

He will sing and dance with us,

Give gifts to everyone!

Wizard: So, will it be fun here?

Will Santa Claus come here?

It's such a miracle, just a miracle

This holiday is New Year!

Leading: Help us, wizard,

Call Santa Claus

So that he comes quickly,

To please the children.

Wizard: With pleasure, friends!

But... I don’t know him.

Describe Frost

Tell me about him.

Child: Who is Santa Claus?

I answer the question!

Grandpa is funny

With a long white beard.

Child: Who is Santa Claus,

They know everything in the world.

Every time on New Year's Day

He comes to the children.

Sings songs with us,

He dances and plays.

Everything about this meeting

They dream for a whole year!

Wizard: Well now my friends

I recognize my grandfather!

(takes out and shows a bell)

Here is a magic bell.

I'll call them and then

Grandfather Frost will rush to us here very quickly!

(The wizard rings the bell. Parsley runs in to the music.)

Wizard: Here comes Santa Claus,

Sings a song loudly!

Leading: Guys, is this Santa Claus?

(children answer)

Parsley: That's right, that's right, I'm Parsley!

Hello my friends!

Wizard: Yeah! You are not Santa Claus.

Your nose is not red...

Parsley, how did you come to us?

Parsley: You called me yourself!

The bell rang

He told me to come here.

Leading: Parsley is funny and funny.

Parsley: That's right, that's right! That's who I am!

And I want to dance with you.

(hands out rattles to children)

I invite you guys to the circle

Dance of Parsley

Parsley: It's fun to be with you, friends!

I was convinced of this.

It's just a pity, the time has come

Break up, kids.

I need to run home

I will decorate the Christmas tree.


Wizard: Parsley, have a nice trip!

Leading: Come visit often!

Parsley leaves.

Leading: Instead of Santa Claus

We got a funny parsley.

Wizard: Apparently from the very beginning

I got something mixed up...

Only make more mistakes

I don't want to, friends.

Help me again

Tell us about Santa Claus.

Child: It sparkles with snowflakes,

It is overgrown with icicles,

He has a bright blush

And a whole cart of gifts.

Child: We meet him together

We are great friends with him.

But drink hot tea

This is not allowed as a guest!

Wizard: I will repeat everything without hesitation:

He's covered in icicles and snowflakes,

Loves the cold, everything sparkles,

And he's afraid of hot things.

I'm sure this time

Everything will work out for us!

My bell, ring

Bring Santa Claus!

(bell rings)

He's already coming here!

Will we meet him?

Children: Yes!

(Snowman runs into the hall)

Snowman : Wow! How many kids

Both girls and boys!


I was standing on the street

And he held a broom in his hands.

Suddenly I heard a chime:

Dili-don, dili-don!

I rushed to this ringing,

I got to you unnoticed!

Wizard: What's happened? Why?

I don't understand anything!

Leading: Yes, wizard, what to hide

You've messed everything up again.

But it’s not good for us to be sad.

Snowman: Can I have fun with you?

(Children's response)

Round dance "Snowman"

Snowman: Come out boys - snowmen. Dance for me.

Snowman Dance

Snowman: I will tell you from my heart:

You guys are good!

But I say goodbye to you,

Things are waiting for me, friends.

I'll shovel the snow

And sweep the paths.

(Snowman runs away)

Leading: We are in our hall today

They sang and played merrily

Near your Christmas tree

And they greeted all the guests.

But today - Santa Claus

The chief guest is childish.

Could there be more

Any other way?

Wizard: Oh! It makes me cry!

Where is Grandfather Frost?

Leading: Guys, let's call Santa Claus together!

Wizard: OK! Let's shout more cheerfully:

Father Frost! Go quickly!

(Children repeat the words, the name is Santa Claus.

Father Frost enters the hall with the Snow Maiden (“Ay! Ay! I’m coming! I’m coming!”).

Father Frost and Snow Maiden: (together)

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Snow Maiden: Happy holiday to the rich!

Father Frost: Wishes you happiness and joy

Father Frost guys!

Hello my dears!

Snow Maiden: Both small and large!

(children say hello)

Wizard: Here Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden have come, and I say goodbye to you Goodbye

Snow Maiden: It's good for you, but only

The lights on the Christmas tree are not on.

Father Frost: So that the tree lights up

Multi-colored lights.

To make the tree more beautiful,

Let's say:

- Christmas tree, shine!

Come on, all together, together!

(Children repeat the words, lights flash on the tree)

Father Frost: It was not in vain that we tried with you,

The tree burst into flames.

Santa Claus is calling you all

On the New Year's round dance!

Round dance "About Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Happy New Year!

Happy new happiness!

Santa Claus has not forgotten you,

And on New Year's Day

I brought a new song.

Song "Snow"

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes, girlfriends,

Fly quickly

Let's spin together

At your Christmas tree.

1 snowflake: There is silence in the forest,

The young snowball shines.

Snowflakes gathered in a crowd

On a frosty day, blue!

2 snowflake: We are light as feathers,

The breezes sway us.

We fly in a white flock,

We don’t want to lie on the ground.

Dance of snowflakes

Snow Maiden: Once upon a time on New Year's Eve

The forest people were having fun.

The hares jumped and galloped

They danced near the Christmas tree.

Game "Santa Claus and the Hares"

Father Frost: What good fellows these bunnies are!

Funny and clever guys!

Snow Maiden: And now, baby,

Reading poetry.

Father Frost: Well done! I really liked your poems! Now let's play! I'll see if there are any clever guys among you!

Game “Who will be the first to run around the Christmas tree and ring the rattle?”

Snow Maiden: We will sing and dance,

Dance near the Christmas tree.

Guests clap more friendly -

The dance will be more fun!

Final dance "Happy New Year"

Snow Maiden. Grandfather, it's time to give gifts to the guys.

Father Frost. You're right, granddaughter. It's time to please you with gifts. Let me call my magic bag. (Knocks with staff)

Why isn't the bag coming to us in a hurry?

Maybe he sleeps under the tree?

I'd better go get him myself

If he's sleeping, I'll wake you up.

(Santa Claus goes behind the curtain, at this time a surprise bag appears from the door)

Bag. I'm really tired of waiting for you,

So I went and took a walk.

You tell me, friends,

Maybe I'm not needed?

Snow Maiden. We've been waiting for you all holiday

And now they just called.

You didn’t come to our call,

Frost followed you.

I'll put you here.

And I'll go get my grandfather.

(The Snow Maiden leaves the Bag in the middle of the hall. She goes behind the curtain behind Santa Claus)

Bag. I don't want to sit and wait. Bye. I ran.

(The bag runs behind the curtain)

Father Frost. Oh, there you are. Prankster!

(Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Presenter bring in a bag of gifts)

Father Frost: Help yourself, kids.

Both girls and boys!

(Gifts are handed out)

Father Frost: Here comes the New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish!

Much joy today

I wish you, child.

May you grow big

So that you don't have any worries.

Snow Maiden: And me and Grandfather Frost

We'll get back to you in a

Together: Happy New Year!

Leading: We wish you a Happy New Year

All the joys in the world,

Health for a hundred years ahead

For both you and your children.

May there be happiness next year

It will be a wonderful gift for you,

And tears, boredom and misfortune

Better leave it in the old way!

Irina Trubchanin
Scenario for New Year's party in the middle group

Scenario New Year's party in the middle group

Entrance to the hall

At the entrance to the hall, the presenter pauses, a flashlight is burning in her hands.

Presenter: Small flashlight, light the way

Lead us to the green Christmas tree quickly!

(the presenter shines a flashlight, the children walk holding hands and form a circle around the Christmas tree)

Presenter: Hello, dear Christmas tree! You are our guest again.

The lights will light up soon on your thick branches.

This is what a Christmas tree is like, green needles

Twig nods, calls the children.

And under the Christmas tree there is a round dance and singing!

Round dance "Dance around the Christmas tree" sl. I. Mikhailova, music. Yu. Slonova

(children sit down)

Presenter: New Year is coming, he brings guests with him.

We will sit quietly and look at the guest.

(music sounds, the Wizard enters)

Wizard: Hello! Is this really a kindergarten?

I'm very happy to see everyone!

I am a wizard, an old magician, I came for a reason.

Magic and witchcraft are my calling.

Honestly, I’ll tell you, friends, you can’t live without miracles!

Presenter: We, Wizard, are very glad that you came to kindergarten

After all, today is the best holiday for the guys!

We will sing and have fun, we will continue the round dance.

Wizard: What is the name of this holiday?

Presenter, children: This is a holiday - New Year!

Wizard: Where does he come from? Where does it go then?

I really want to know what New Year is?

Presenter: Well, now our guys will tell you everything!

1 rub. What is New Year? This is all vice versa:

The Christmas trees are growing in the room, the squirrels are not gnawing the cones.

Hares next to a wolf on a prickly tree.

Don't let the rain stand either, it's golden on New Year's Day!

2 r. What is New Year? New Year - frost and ice.

What is New Year? This is a friendly round dance.

These are pipes and violins, songs, jokes and smiles!

Presenter: Santa Claus will come to our holiday today New Year.

He will sing and dance with us and give gifts to everyone.

Wizard: So it will be fun here? Will Santa Claus come here?

What a miracle, just a miracle, this New Year holiday!

Presenter: Help us, Wizard, call Santa Claus

So that he comes quickly to please the children.

Wizard: With pleasure, friends, but I don’t know him.

Describe Frost, tell me about him!

3 r. Who is Santa Claus? I answer the question!

This is a funny grandfather with a long, white beard.

He knows a lot of jokes and plays with the guys.

And grandpa has a very red nose

This is our kind Grandfather Frost!

4 rub. Everyone in the world knows who Santa Claus is.

Every time in the New Year he comes to the children.

Sings songs, dances and plays with us

Everyone has been dreaming about a meeting like this for a whole year!

Wizard: Well, now, my friends, I recognize Grandfather!

Here's a magic bell, I'll ring it - and then

Grandfather Frost will rush to us here very quickly!

(the bell rings, the Dwarf runs in)

Presenter: Is this Santa Claus?

Wizard (surprised): Dwarf?

Dwarf: That's right, that's right, I'm the Gnome. Hello my friends!

Presenter: Yeah, you’re not Santa Claus, you don’t have a red nose!

Gnome, how did you come to us?

Dwarf: You called me yourself!

The bell rang and they told me to come here.

I ran as soon as the bell rang and got to the children’s kindergarten.

Presenter: The gnome is funny and funny!

Dwarf: Right, right! That's who I am!

Presenter: Do you want to play with us, have fun, dance?

Dwarf: Of course! After all, today is New Year, everyone is dancing and singing!

Presenter: Dwarf, our boys liked you so much that they also dressed up as a gnome. Dance together!

Dance of the Dwarfs.

Presenter: Tell us, Dwarf, what did you bring in your elegant chest?

Dwarf: Like what? Gifts for the guys! We need to place them under the Christmas tree.

Presenter: Let us help you, we will transport the gifts under the tree

(The game is being played "Move the gifts under the Christmas tree")

Dwarf: It's fun with you, friends! I was convinced of this.

It’s just a pity, it’s time to leave, kids!

I need to run home, I’ll decorate the Christmas tree.


Presenter: Dwarf, have a nice trip! Come visit more often (The gnome runs away)

Instead of Santa Claus, we got a funny Gnome.

He had fun and played and danced with us.

Wizard: Apparently, I got something mixed up from the very beginning.

I just don’t want to make any more mistakes, friends.

Help me again, tell me about Grandfather Frost!

5 rub. We won’t see him in the spring, he won’t come in the summer either.

But in winter he comes to cheerful children every year.

6 rub. It sparkles with snowflakes, it is overgrown with icicles

He has a bright blush and a whole lot of gifts!

7 rub. We meet him together, we are great friends with him

But you can’t serve hot tea to a guest!

Wizard: I’ll repeat everything without hesitations: he is covered in icicles and snowflakes

Loves the cold, sparkles all over, but is afraid of hot things

I'm sure this time everything will work out for us!

My bell, ring, bring Santa Claus!

(The Wizard rings the bell and the Snowman comes out)

Snowman: Wow, so many kids, girls, and boys!


I stood on the street and held a broom in my hands.

Suddenly I heard a chime: dili-don, dili-don!

I rushed to this ringing and got to you unnoticed.

Wizard: What's happened? Why? I don’t understand a thing!

Answer the question: Aren't you Santa Claus?

Snowman: Not at all! I am Snowman! I'm used to the snow and the cold!

You sculpted me cleverly, instead of a nose there is a carrot!

Oh! Oh-oh-oh!

Presenter: What's wrong with you, Snowman?

Snowman: I'm in trouble! Take a look and you will understand for yourself.

Presenter: Snowman, you seem to have lost your nose!

(The snowman sighs and wipes his tears)

Presenter: Don’t be upset, the guys and I will help you, we’ll find your nose! Guys, look, maybe someone has a Snowman's nose in their pocket? Isn't it under the chairs? (everyone is looking for the nose, looking under the chairs, under the Christmas tree)

Snowman: (grieving) My little nose, my little nose, where have you gone? What kind of Snowman am I without carrots?

Presenter: We must help the Snowman! But what to do?

Wizard: I know. Hurry up and get on my magic train, we’ll go into the forest to look for a spout (the children are building "locomotive", "are going" around the hall, sit down again)

Presenter: Who is waiting for us here to visit us? The monkey is coming towards us!

(a monkey girl comes out with a banana in her hand)

Presenter: Together we we'll ask: Please give us a nose!

Monkey: I love eating bananas on the palm tree early in the morning!

(holds out banana)

Presenter: Well, try it on, Snowman!

(Snowman puts the banana and gives it back to the Monkey)

Snowman: I'm not used to this, this nose is not for me!

(the bear comes out with a barrel of honey and a spoon)

Teddy bear: I am a cheerful Bear! Teddy bear is a naughty boy.

I want to please my stomach, I love fragrant, sweet honey.

Here, Snowman, hold it and wear it with pleasure!

(gives a spoon)

Presenter: Well, try it on, Snowman!

Snowman: (trying it on) I'm not used to this! This nose is not for me!

I don't like it, friends! (the bear sits down with the children)

Presenter: Shhh! (addresses the Snowman)

You hear a hop, you hear a jump, it’s the Bunny hurrying towards us!

Bunny: I, little bunny, chew carrots very deftly in the morning.

Here, Snowman, hold it - wear it with pleasure!

(gives the carrot-nose to the Snowman)

Snowman: Thank you! What joy! They gave me the nose I needed! I'll put it on deftly. Oh, and the miracle of a carrot nose! I want to play with you, amuse you with a rattle!

(Snowman, presenter, Wizard distribute rattles to children)

"Game with Rattles"

Snowman: I’ll say goodbye to you, business awaits me, friends!

I will shovel the snow and sweep the paths! (leaves)

Wizard: Guys, I figured out how to call Moroz.

We need to pick up the magic lantern as soon as possible.

We wave a flashlight and we'll go straight into a fairy tale.

And the lantern itself will show how Frost can get to us.

Well, I will say goodbye, I will never forget you.

I’ll take a lantern now and light the path!

(takes a flashlight, points it at the door, calls)

Grandfather Frost! Come to us (repeats with children, leaves)

Father Frost: Hello, dear little and big!

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy.

Don’t sneeze or get sick and have good health.

Don't be afraid of Santa Claus, sing songs, play, laugh

May your friendly laughter ring, Happy New Year to everyone, everyone!

Why don’t the lights on your Christmas tree light up? Disorder!

I’ll fix this problem and amuse the kids!

You guys, help and repeat after me!

Don't blow, blizzard, don't be angry, our Christmas tree - light up!

(the lights don't light up)

Father Frost: Let's pull our ears down together, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, light up!

(children repeat)

Father Frost: Moms, dads, help, talk with us

Together we stamp our feet, like this (stomp 2 times)

And let’s clap our hands together, like this (clap)

Let's say together: “one, two, three, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, burn”

(the tree lights up)

Father Frost: Our Christmas tree sparkled with golden lights

Start the round dance, kids, quickly!

Round dance "Top, top, boot"

Father Frost: (in a circle)

1. Show your arms, they love to dance (flashlights)

I'll freeze them now, I need to put my hands away (they hide their hands behind their back, Santa Claus tries to touch)

2. Show off your legs, they love to dance (put your feet on your heels)

I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the legs! (squats)

3. Show off your ears, ears love to dance (turns head, shows ears)

I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the ears! (they hide their ears in their hands)

4. Show off your cheeks, they love to dance

I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the cheeks.

Presenter: No, Santa Claus, children are not afraid of frost. They know how to keep warm

Can. We need to dance! Stand in a circle with us, we and you

Dance "Friendly children" music I. Strauss

(after the dance, Santa Claus comes into the circle)

Presenter: Santa Claus, you’re caught, we won’t let you out of the circle.

Game “We won’t let you out”

(Santa Claus is trying to come out, the children won’t let him in)

Father Frost: How can I get out of the circle?

Presenter: play a guessing game with the guys (game, Santa Claus dance)

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, guys, I'll sit. Who will tell me a poem?

Come out quickly, my friend!

Poetry (5-6 children)

7 rub. Grandfather Frost walked through the winter forest

He brought gifts to girls and boys.

He looked into our kindergarten to see us

Grandpa, untie your big bag!

Father Frost: I’ll untie it, I’ll untie it, I’ll show you what I brought!

(takes out fake candies)

Sweet girls come out.

1 d. Delicious sweets came running to you for the holiday

Children love flavored candies!

2 d. Can't exist without sweets New Year's Eve

We really dream of being taken as a gift!

3 d. We are funny candies, look quickly!

Very bright on the outside, very tasty on the inside.

4 d. We are not simple candies, all the wrappers are gold.

Look at us, let's start a merry dance.

5 d. We are naughty sweeties, we love to have fun

Near the Christmas tree New Year's Eve we will spin!

Candy Dance

Father Frost: And I also brought a magic blanket. (takes it out of the bag)

Blanket of snowflakes, light, white fluffs

Zimushka-Winter herself wove the blanket,

So that our children can dance under this blanket

(Santa Claus and the Presenter take the blanket by the 4 ends and demonstrate)

We lower the blanket and the children quickly run away.

Blanket game (2-3 times)

Presenter: We played, danced, sang and read poetry,

The round dance was done together, we need to reward the guys!

Father Frost: (slaps himself on the forehead) Present! How could I forget?

There wouldn’t be a holiday without them! We begin the magic

We put our lantern under the tree and cover it with a blanket.

We need to blow together (blows with the guys,

Wave your arms like this (waves his arms)

We lift the blanket and we receive gifts!

Presenter: The flashlight has become quite big now!

Father Frost: Well, open the flashlight and take out the gifts!

Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost: My flashlight is great, this is the end of the fairy tale!

It's time for me to hit the road, goodbye, kids!

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

New Year is the most favorite holiday of preschool children. Therefore, kindergarten teachers and the children themselves prepare very carefully for the New Year holiday. For the New Year in kindergarten, special attention is paid to interior design and decorating the New Year tree. Adults and children with great desire, diligence and love make New Year's toys and gifts. The material will help you prepare a New Year's party. I offer you an exciting, fun New Year's scenario for middle school preschoolers.

Target: Create a festive atmosphere and bring joy to children. Unleash children's creative abilities through various activities.


  • Develop the ability to be emotionally responsive.
  • Involve in performing activities: dancing, playing, singing.
  • Develop the ability to behave during a holiday, enjoy yourself and bring joy to others.

Characters: Presenter, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, snowman, Baba Yaga - adults. Bear, cat, hare, snowflakes - children of the middle group.

Forms of organizing children's activities: Musical-didactic game, improvisation, integrative activity, joint and individual musical performance, motor plastic dance etude, creative task, dance, musical story game.

Progress of the event

The Snow Maiden enters the hall with a basket of toys.

Snow Maiden:

Quiet, no one in the room...
The children haven't arrived yet...
Santa Claus instructed me to decorate the Christmas tree,
And give the kids a holiday.
You have to try here
Remove everything in 5 minutes. ( decorates the Christmas tree, admires)
Well, isn't she a beauty?.. ( to parents)
Do you like the Christmas tree?
Everything glitters, burns with lights,
I'm very glad to meet you. ( comes closer to parents)
Our dear guests, where are your children?
Why aren't they in the hall? Where is the riddle, what is the secret?
Maybe a song will help?
I’ll ask all the guests to sing along more cheerfully...
(Children enter the hall to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)


What's happened? What's happened?
Why is everything all around?
The lights sparkled
And silver rain!
The mischievous breeze swirls
Round dance of white flakes!
So it's just a holiday...

All children: It's New Year's holiday!

(Poems for children.)

Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are,
Why did you come to us again
And in green needles,
Brought the freshness of the forest!
There are toys on your branches
And the lanterns are burning,
Multi-colored firecrackers,
There are different beads hanging!
We're good today
You can't find a better place!
Near the New Year tree
Don't pass, don't pass!
It's going to be fun today
There will be no time to be bored!
Hello, New Year's holiday,
We have come to meet you!

Round dance "Silver Winter".


A winter's tale is all about miracles.
Adventures await you, a mysterious forest,
River - frozen banks,
Baba Yaga - bone leg...
It seems that if you touch the Christmas tree
The wizards will all respond immediately...
No one knows what will happen to us,
But everything is interesting, everything is interesting!

Snow Maiden:

Guys, listen to the riddle:
My assistant is snow-white
From head to toe.
He looks like a snow ball
There is a black coal in the eyes.
Instead of a nose, it's very clever.
Carrying a sweet carrot
And he’s not used to being bored
This is white...

Children: Snowman!

(The music sounds, at first it is cheerful, then it becomes sad. The Snowman enters the hall, very sad. Covers nose with mittens.)

Snow Maiden: Wow! The snowman came to us himself! Hello, Snowman! Why are you so sad? After all, today is a holiday - New Year!

Snowman: I'm in trouble, take a look and you'll understand!

(The snowman removes his mittens from his face, and everyone sees that he has no nose.)

Snow Maiden:

Snowman, do you think you've lost your nose?
The snowman sighs bitterly and wipes away his tears.

Leading: Don’t be upset, the guys and I will help you, we’ll find your nose! Guys, look, maybe someone has a Snowman's nose in their pocket? Don't have parents? But not under the chairs?

Snow Maiden: We need to help the Snowman! Let's look for the Snowman's nose, guys.

Leading: Who is this coming to us?

(A bear comes out with a soda in his hand.)

The bear is inviting us to visit!
Together we will ask him:
Please give us a nose!


I love soda
I drink it often!
The bear gives the bottle to the Snowman.
Well, try it on, Snowman!

Snowman(trying on):

I'm not used to this!
This nose is not for me!

(A cat runs out with a mouse in her hand.)


The cat invites us to visit
Together we will ask her:
Please give us a nose!


I love mice very much
And I give them to you!

(Hands the mouse to the Snowman).

Well, try it on, Snowman!


I'm not used to this!
Doesn't fit!
My nose was better! ( crying).


Ah, snowflakes - cold ones,
You fly everywhere.
Help us find
Snowman's nose.


Everywhere, everywhere we fly,
We know a lot, a lot.
We didn't see his nose
Well, bye, we ran.

Snow Maiden: I know who can help you find the Snowman's nose! We need to call Santa Claus. You and the Snowman call Santa Claus, and I’ll go meet him.

(Snow Maiden leaves the hall.)

Snowman: Let's all loudly call Santa Claus together. One, two, three...

(Everyone is calling Father Frost. Baba Yaga comes in, dressed as the Snow Maiden.)

Snowman: Oh, here comes the Snow Maiden. ( He speaks in a whisper.) Guys, something is wrong here.

(Baba Yaga walks around the Christmas tree, at this time the presenter tells the children that this is not the Snow Maiden at all.)

Snowman: Guys, this is not the Snow Maiden, but let’s check who she really is. ( The guys agree.) Why don’t you, Snow Maiden, look like yourself today?

Baba Yaga: How is it “not similar”? Look: I have a beautiful fur coat and a crown.

Snowman:- We’ll check this now. Let's play.

Game "Who is the fastest"

(Run around the tree and hit the tambourine.)

Leading:- Oh, what's that noise? Perhaps Santa Claus heard that the Snow Maiden wanted to dance with him and was rushing to our Christmas tree?

(Baba Yaga hides behind the Christmas tree, Santa Claus enters the hall).

Father Frost:

I flew faster than the wind
Many thousands of kilometers.
I hurried to you guys
To my little friends.
Hello my dears,
Hello, brave guys.
Happy New Year.
I wish you happiness, joy,

Snow Maiden:

We came from a good fairy tale
Start games and dances here.
Join the round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

SONG “Santa Claus came to kindergarten today.”

1. Santa Claus came to kindergarten today.
Today is the New Year's holiday for the guys.

Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Frost you have grown a beard.
Your Santa Claus has a red nose.

2. And quickly get the bag of gifts,
And treat our glorious children.

Father Frost: Granddaughter, Snow Maiden, what kind of disorder is this, the Christmas tree isn’t burning?

Come on, smile Christmas tree! Come on, the Christmas tree, perk up!
Come on, tree one, two, three! Shine with the light of joy!

(The Christmas tree lights up to the soundtrack.)

Leading: We are all very glad to see you, Santa Claus! Another Snow Maiden has been waiting for you.

Father Frost: Another Snow Maiden you say? Where is she?

(Santa Claus walks around the tree and meets Baba Yaga nose to nose.)

Father Frost: What else is this? That’s why I felt that something fishy was going on here again.

Baba Yaga: (Winks at the guys.) Santa Claus, didn’t you recognize your granddaughter? I've been waiting for you for so long, I want to dance with you. Maestro, music!

(Dance of Santa Claus and Yaga. During the dance, Yaga’s crown and fur coat fly off.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, oh, woe is me! Don't be angry Frost! I just wanted to be young.

Father Frost: Okay, Baba Yaga, I forgive you, and our holiday continues.

In a circle, guys, stand near the Christmas tree, the music is calling.
Hold hands tightly, let's start the round dance!

Round dance “We do a round dance at the Christmas tree.”

1. At the Christmas tree, at the Christmas tree we dance in a circle.
Beautiful, elegant, we celebrate the New Year.

La la la, la la la we dance in a circle.
La la la, la la la, let's celebrate the New Year.

2. Lanterns, lanterns on the Christmas tree are lit,
And the stars, and the stars on the Christmas tree shine.

La la la, la la la the lanterns are burning,
La la la, la la la and the stars are shining.

3. And grandfather, and grandfather is a cheerful Santa Claus,
Decorated our Christmas tree
He brought us gifts.

La la la, la la la cheerful Santa Claus,
La la la, la la la he brought us gifts.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, help our Snowman, his nose is lost. The guys and I searched, but didn’t find it. Maybe you can help us?

Father Frost: Nose? We need to think ( scratches the back of his head)

I know how to help you, brothers.
I reveal my secret:
You bunny is very clever
Maybe bring a carrot!
Let the little bunny come to you
And he will bring carrots!

Father Frost: And that's true! Thank you, Christmas tree!

(Come out, little bunny.)

A bunny comes out with a basket of carrots.


In the summer I'm gray
And in winter I'm always white
I jump very skillfully
And I love nibbling carrots.

Snow Maiden: And here comes the carrot! Hold your nose, Snowman! ( puts on the snowman's nose)

Snowman: Thank you, Grandfather Frost! Thanks to you too, bunny! What a beautiful nose I have now! I immediately wanted to have fun!

And we won't be bored
Let's continue the celebration!

Snow Maiden: snowman, and the guys know a funny song about you.

Song "we are blind".

Snowman: Guys, let's play.

(Games" there is a snowstorm blowing outside.)


A blizzard is blowing outside, a blizzard is howling.
Let's go for a walk anyway, don't let him scare us.

Father Frost: I'll freeze your hands.

Children: And we will clap.

Father Frost: I'll make your feet cold.

Children: And we will begin to stomp.

Father Frost: When I crawl into your fur coat, you will immediately tremble and run away from Santa Claus in an instant.

Leading: There was a lot of snow. Let's build a snowman. “We shovel snow with our hands”

Leading: Guys, Santa Claus was making a snowman and lost his mitten. Let's look.

Game "Mitten"

Leading: So I found the Santa Claus mitten. Now try to get out of the circle.

Game "We won't let you out."

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, aren't you hot?

Father Frost:

Oh, how hot it became in the hall.
Oh, I'm afraid I'll completely melt,
Come on, granddaughter, my friend
Call your friends!

Snow Maiden:

Hey, you dear snowflakes, pieces of ice,
My little stars,
Get whirled around in a blizzard,
White snow carousel!

(Snowflakes Dance)

Father Frost.

Well, it's time for me to get ready,
Let's hit the road!
All that remains is to give gifts to all the guys.
I, cheerful Santa Claus,
Brought gifts for everyone!
But where did you put them?
I don't remember. For-for-been!

Snow Maiden. Grandfather, how can this be? The kids are waiting for gifts!

Father Frost. And now, with the help of magic, I will find gifts.

1st circle - Guys, let's stomp, clap,

Circle 2 – Blizzards, winds howl and return gifts

Snow! Snow!
Ice! Ice!
Miracles for the New Year!
May miracles happen on the New Year's tree
Multi-colored ice cubes turn into gifts!

Knock with your staff.

Father Frost.

The time has come, we need to say goodbye,
Congratulations to everyone!
Let's celebrate the New Year together
Both adults and kids!


We wish you a Happy New Year
All the joys in the world,


Health for 100 years ahead
For both you and your children!


The holiday is over! Arrived
A little sad moment of farewell...

Baba Yaga: But don't say goodbye, we say

All: See you soon!

New Year's holiday scenario

for the middle group.

To the accompaniment of light music, children run into the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.

Ved: Today we have fun

We are celebrating the New Year.

And everyone who came to us now


1st child: We all feel very good

Have fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!

Ved: Would you tell me together?

What kind of guest is in our hall?

Children: Christmas tree!

Ved: Well done! Now go

Look at the Christmas tree!

(Children walk around the tree and look at it.)

Ved: Nice needles

At our Christmas tree?

Children: Yes!

Ved: Answer from the heart:

Are all toys good?

Children: Yes!

2nd child: Our Christmas tree is simply amazing!

So beautifully decorated

All covered in toys and balls,

Gilding and lights!

3rd child: Glows at the top

Bright star

How are you, Christmas tree,

Always fun!

4 reb: So let's join hands,

Let's get into a round dance
And a cheerful song

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Song "Happy New Year!" m. Filippenko

Song “Christmas tree, sparkle with lights!” m. Olifirova

5 reb: It’s better that our Christmas tree doesn’t exist

Ask no one

The needles on it are good,

Decorated with stars!

6th child: So that our Christmas tree will be happy,

Let's dance at the Christmas tree, guys.

“Dance around the Christmas tree” lat. n. m.

Ved: Tell me who's on the way?

Who should come visit us?

Children: Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

Ved: That's right, that's right, Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Do you love them?

Children: We love you!

Ved: And they love you! We missed you, we even sent you a New Year’s telegram. Oh, I need to read it soon! (Reads). This is what it says here:

“Dear children!

More than anything in the world

We want today

Invite you to the forest!

After all, in the forest today

New Year's holiday!

After all, in the forest today

A thousand miracles!

Do you want to go to a fairy forest?

Do you want to visit Santa Claus?

Children: We want!

Ved: Let's go to where our forest beauty grew up! Let's go!

Us to the fairy meadow

The sleigh will be delivered today!


Song “Our sleighs are going, going” by M. Eremeeva.

While singing the song, the children “ride” around the hall.

Ved: We've arrived! Not to a fairy-tale clearing, but to a forest edge.

Oh, how white is white here,

How much snow has fallen!

Where, where is Santa Claus? Let's call him, guys!

All together: aw!

Children: Aw!

Snowman:(from behind the door) Ay, ay! I'll come now!

(The Snowman runs into the hall to the music).

Snowman: Guys, I'm a snowman

I'm used to the winter cold!

Santa Claus gave me an order:

Meet you at the edge!

But how should I lead you?

The paths are covered with snow!

Dwarfs run up to the Snowman.

1 gnome: Don't worry, Snowman!

We will help you instantly!

2nd child: We are gnome-wizards,

We are no strangers to the forest.

3 gnome: Know everything you need,
We will work together!

4 gnome: Now we will take the brooms together

And we will find the way to Santa Claus!

“Song of the Dwarfs” by M. Shalamonova.

After the song, the gnomes use brooms to clear the way for the children.

Ved: Along the paths clean - clean

One after another in quick steps

We go, we go, we go,

But we won’t find any frost!

Let's call him again: Grandfather Frost!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year to you guys!

Are you happy with the Snow Maiden?

Children: Yes!

Song “Song of the Snow Maiden” by M. Filippenko.

Snow: I am Snegurochka, granddaughter of Santa Claus!

And the forest people are with me,

Squirrels are fast with me!

Squirrel: I'm not a girl now

And the forest squirrel!

I jumped through the Christmas trees,

I was looking for ripe cones!

Little squirrel: I am a little squirrel, I am Fluffy,

Friend to everyone, friend to everyone!

I'm in a hurry to get the squirrel

To the silver Christmas trees!

And I wave, I wave, I wave

Fluffy tail!

Leading: Squirrels, squirrels, you jump along the spruce paws, you see everything from above.

Have you ever met or seen Santa Claus?

Squirrel: We met and met. We saw him walking through the forest, covering the Christmas trees with snow.

Ved: He wrapped up all the Christmas trees in the forest, but he doesn’t come to us!

Snow Maiden: Let us all call him again together.

All:(in chorus) Grandfather Frost!

Father Frost:(from behind the door) Hey, I'm coming!

D. Moroz enters the hall to the music.

D. Moroz: Here I am, here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Last year I was with you,

I haven't forgotten anyone!

Here are Anyuta, Lisa, Olya,

Here are Kiryusha, Zhenya, Polya,

Now everyone stand in a circle,

Sing a song together!

Snowman: Grandfather Frost, look, the Christmas tree is not lit with lights. How to light them?

D. Moroz: Let's say together: one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!

The children repeat the words, but the lights do not light up.

D. Moroz: It needs to be more fun and louder so that it lights up, guys!

Let's say together: one, two. three…

Children: Our Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Ved: Our Christmas tree sparkled -

Here is the beginning of the holiday!

Santa Claus is calling us all

On the New Year's round dance!

The song “Merry Santa Claus was walking” by M. Veresokina.

Games “I will freeze”, “We will not release”.

Games - attractions: 1.


Ved: Now let's sit down quietly

And let's rest a little.

Poetry: 1.

D. Moroz: How well you sing, play and read poetry,

How beautiful and elegant you all are today. And the forest animals dressed up,

The fur coats were cleaned for the New Year holiday.

Ved:(mysteriously) What kind of fur coats do the animals have?

Everyone is talking about fur coats!

D. Moroz: Let them tell you and me about their wonderful fur coats!

Come closer here and tell me about your fur coats.

All the little animals come up to Santa Claus.

Bear: I, little bear, in a brown fur coat,

I'm doing physical exercise!

Sometimes on a fur coat from the Christmas tree

The needles are falling off! (looks up, brushes himself off).

Fox: I'm a little fox in a red fur coat,

I'm watching Misha.

I shout to him, teasingly:

My fur coat is brighter!

Hare: I'm jumping in a new fur coat,

I want to eat the stalk!

The stalk is good

For a bunny - baby!

Wolf: I too, just as I wanted,

I put on a gray fur coat!

Not a mouse, not a bunny...

Who, tell me, am I?

Children: Little wolf!

Hedgehog: What kind of fur coat does the hedgehog wear?

You won't find anything more interesting!

We hedgehogs are near the Christmas trees

We wear a fur coat made of needles!

Ved: There are fluffs, there are needles...

Where is the dance around the Christmas tree?

Fur coats - better not to happen!

Let's dance in fur coats!

“Dance of Forest Animals” M. Meyerson.

Ved: Grandfather Frost, you are a wizard, show us some miracle. Surprise us!

D. Moroz: How not to show it! I don’t feel sorry for miracles for you.

Well, I'll surprise the guys

I will bring the dolls to life!

One, two, three, four, five!

The dolls will dance!

(Dolls run out to the Christmas tree.)

1 doll: We are wound up with keys

And now we walk on our own.

We knock on our shoes

We are in a hurry to celebrate the New Year.

2 doll: We are elegant dolls,

Beautiful and okay.

Happy New Year to everyone,

Let's have fun with our dance.

“Dance of the Dolls” - girls dance.

Snow: The chime of the clock will open the year -

What's going to happen now?

D. Moroz: On a frosty, winter day. Clear

I give you a beautiful box!

(Claps his hands - a box on wheels with a double bottom rolls out).

And now everything is quieter, quieter...

At the request of the children

In that wonderful, bright box

Gifts will appear in no time.

I open it - one, two, three...

Snow Maiden: What a miracle! Look!

(Balloons filled with helium fly out of the box.)

Not gifts, but balloons

For cheerful kids.

Well, you, grandpa, are a joker...

Apparently, I’m used to miracles!

We are amazed at these jokes.

Where are the gifts for our children?

D. Moroz: Well, I'll amuse the kids

I'll fix this joke in no time!

People know everything in the world,

Adults and children know

Why am I in a hurry to get to December?

And I give gifts to everyone.

I wish it would snow

And there will be ice on the river.

Or a movement of the hand

I'll light the lights on the Christmas tree . (The lights on the tree light up.)

I’ll wave my staff only once,

A miracle will happen at that very hour...

Are children waiting for gifts?

Children: Yes!

D. Moroz: (walks around the box, taps with his staff):

Blizzard, frost, New Year...

A miracle will happen here!

Staff, mittens, snowflakes,

Frost. Snow, snowdrifts, ice,

Jokes, laughter, merry dance...

(opens the box)

Here are the gifts - all for you!

He takes out gifts and distributes them to children.

D. Moroz: And now it's time for us to go to the forest,

Goodbye, kids!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving.

Sidiha Ibragimova
New Year's scenario for the middle group in kindergarten

Scenario« New Year's holiday» for children middle group.

Participants of the holiday: Presenter, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden, Father Frost - adults.

To the song "New Year" children enter the hall and a circle is formed, facing the audience. Movements are performed for the chorus.

Chorus: New Year, New Year - tree, balls, firecrackers (motors to the right)

New Year, New Year-disco, serpentine (motor left)

New Year, New Year - gifts for everyone (hands forward)

We are in no hurry to let go of the New Year! (clap with the end of the hand up)

Presenter: New Year is coming

Children: Hello Christmas tree

Presenter: we're going to drink today

Children: Loud, loud!

Presenter: Let's go around the Christmas tree -

Children: Round dance!

Presenter: Congratulations to all guests

Children: Happy New Year!

Presenter: Pst flies over the country

Our song is loud

Shine, sparkle

Festive tree!

1. Masha: Near the fluffy Christmas tree

Spin our round dance!

After all, today is our holiday -

New Year!

2. Vika: What a miracle our Christmas tree is -

Eyes run wild

The needles glitter with tinsel

That's it, a beautiful Christmas tree!

3. Bogdan: the Christmas tree doesn’t take its eyes off us,

Waves twigs,

It seems, here, now, now

He'll dance with the kids!

4. Svyatoslav: make your Christmas tree lush

Cleaned up the kids

Here you go, beauty

And it sparkles with toys!

5. Emir K. At the green Christmas tree

The guys are having fun

Spiny needles

Snowflakes sparkle!

6. Malika Let’s hold hands together,

Let's go around the Christmas tree.

Let's smile at our dear guest

And let's dance and sing!

Song “This is the kind of Christmas tree we have grown”

This is the kind of Christmas tree we have grown

We'll start dancing in front of our Christmas tree

Clap, clap, la, la, la, la

Little bunnies came running to the Christmas tree

Playful bunnies were jumping around the Christmas tree

Jump, jump, jump, la, la, la, la

A little fox came to the Christmas tree

And with a fluffy tail, the snow was chalk under her

Like this, like this, la, la, la, la

And the bear trample carries honey with him

Sings a song to everyone, congratulates

Top-top, la, la, la, la.

Presenter: We can continue the celebration,

Have fun and dance

But have all the guests arrived?

Is there someone missing?

7. Parsley Roma waves his hand at me with parsley,

Let the parsley dance for us!

Hey, funny parsleys,

Disassemble rattles

Yes, knock harder

The dance will be more fun!

Presenter: You guys don't make noise,

And sit quietly,

Someone is coming to visit us...

(Baba Yaga runs out dressed as Santa Claus)

Baba Yaga: Here I am, Santa Claus, came to you

Presenter: Guys, is this Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga: The real one!

Presenter: Why do you have a broom?

Baba Yaga: And to clear the way and get to you quickly

Presenter: Why don’t you have a beard?

Baba Yaga: And I hide it in my pocket so that it doesn’t get wet on the road.

Presenter: Why do your nails are so long?

Baba Yaga: And to fight with, no...hugging!

Presenter: No, you are not Santa Claus! I know Santa Claus well. He never wears his beard in his pocket. And he always says hello when he arrives. You didn't even say hello to the children!

Baba Yaga: Just think, I didn’t say hello! Hello!

I didn’t come to you with malice, but with kindness. They often scare you with me, they say that Baba Yaga is evil, not good. But I’m kind, I don’t offend anyone! Don't believe me? Well, do you want me to prove it to you? Do you want to spend the holiday while Santa Claus is away?

Presenter: Maybe we’ll believe it? What will you do?

Baba Yaga: I want to check how smart you are. I'll tell you riddles now

Comes to us with gifts,

Shines with bright lights.

Spiny needles

This is our- (herringbone)

Here comes some grandfather,

Dressed in a warm fur coat.

On his shoulder is a bag,

There's a snowball in his beard. (Father Frost)

Game with Baba Yaga "Want to be my tail"

I am Yaga, Yaga, Yaga!

I'm flying, flying, flying!

Do you want to be my tail?

Yes! Of course I want to!

Baba Yaga: Oh, yes, smart guys!

Now you can dance!

Dance-game "There are four steps in front"

Forward four steps, back four steps.

Our round dance is spinning and spinning.

Let's clap our hands, stomp our feet, move our shoulders,

And then let's jump! (sit down)

Baba Yaga: Well, preschool kids, did I tell you riddles?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: We danced and played with you! (Yes)

What a great fellow I am - a real Santa Claus! (pats himself on the head)

But what did I forget? (scratching the back of his head)

Ah, I remembered! I have prepared a surprise for you!

I’ll put out your Christmas tree (the Christmas tree is going out, ha-ha-ha!

I'll fly into the forest on a broom! Chu-chu-chu (runs away)

Presenter: Well, Grandma the Hedgehog-Bone Leg, she still can’t live without bad deeds. But it doesn’t matter, Santa Claus will come and light our Christmas tree! Let's call him quickly. Let's shout together more fun: Santa Claus come. Bring us gifts.

1. Entrance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

2. Greeting.

3. Light the Christmas tree.

8. Margarita: Santa Claus is so funny

In his fur coat.

Will have fun with us

Naughty kids!

9. Danya: Fur coat, hat, mittens

Tits are sitting on the nose.

Beard and red nose-

It's Santa Claus!

10. Enver: Children dance in a circle,

They clap their hands.

Hello, hello Santa Claus,

You are so good!

Song “It’s good at the Christmas tree”

Stand in a wider circle

Let's start the round dance now,

In the whole world, in the whole world

There are no happier guys than us!


Good by the Christmas tree

Dance in a round dance!

Good by the Christmas tree

Sing songs!

Our tree to the top

They dressed everything up.

Here are the firecrackers, here are the toys,

Here the flags on it are lit.

Santa Claus: And now, and now

I want to ask you,

What grows on the Christmas tree

On the glorious New Year holiday?

Bright toy (Yes)

Green frog? (No)

A loud cracker? (Yes)

White snowflakes? (Yes)

Hats and boots? (No)

Lights, garlands? (Yes)

How beautiful, right? (Yes)

Santa Claus: One, two, three, four, five

The boys start dancing.

Dance "Mittens"

Santa Claus: Oh, yes, dance, such miracles!

Just that's what's interesting

Game “It’s freezing outside”

And it's frosty outside,

Well, everyone put their hands to their noses!

There is no need for us to beat our heads,

Well, everyone grabbed their ears,

Twisted, turned,

So your ears are warmed up.

They knocked on my knees,

They shook their heads,

Patted on the shoulders

And they sank a little.

Song "Winter"

Winter, winter, winter, winter.

Gives us the snowy miracle of the tower

Well, Grandfather Frost brought a cartload of gifts.

The frosts are bitter, the snow is loose

The winds and blizzards are friendly.

Presenter: Santa Claus, do you think our holiday is more fun than mom or dad?

Santa Claus: Now let's check (calls parents and divides into teams)

Dad's team will be "Frosts". They will laugh "Ha ha ha"

Mom Team "Snow Cubs" and they will laugh "Hee hee hee"

Santa Claus: Come on, Frosties let's try: "Ha ha ha" (low)

And now the Snow Cubs: "Hee hee hee" (in a high voice).

Santa Claus: Dads are frosty – ha ha ha! ha ha ha!

And the snow mothers - hee hee hee! hee hee hee!

The game is played several times.

Santa Claus: Made a lot of noise, laughed

Both parents and children from the heart!

And tell you, honestly

You were all good! (parents sit down).

Santa Claus: And now dance again -

Let's continue to celebrate the New Year!

Crystal beads

Everyone is ringing and ringing.

They came down from the Christmas tree -

They want to dance!

Dance "Beads" (girls).

1. We are beautiful beads (turns)

We're ringing, we're ringing, we're ringing! (hands up - ringing)

We are beautiful beads (turns)

Shine, shine, shine (flashlights)

Oh, how good we are! (arms to the sides)

To congratulate you on the holiday,

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! (clap, spring)

Chorus: Ding la la (2 times) (shakes hands)

They came down from the Christmas tree. (spinning)

Ding la la (2 times) (shakes hands)

That's how they dressed up! (arms to the sides)

Ding la la (2 times) (shakes hands)

Try to catch up with us! (they shake fingers)

Ding la la (2 times) (shakes hands)

Collect on a string! (spinning)

2. You, look, mommy

To this beauty (running in a circle, hands in the waist)

Like a beauty bead

They're dancing in the forest here!

I came here for a holiday (on the toe right, left leg)

Oh, how good we are! (arms to the sides)

To congratulate you on the holiday,

Congratulate from the bottom of my heart (clap, spring)


Presenter: The children played happily

They sang songs. We danced

Santa Claus, and you will dance-

Let the kids watch!

Santa Claus: I’m still the same gray-haired

And just like young!

And I'm ready to start dancing,

At least now!

Just don’t spare your hands -

Clap your hands harder!

Dance of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: I'll sit under the tree

I'll look at the guys

I will listen to poetry

Who is brave here, come out!

11. Anya L.: Grandfather, Grandfather Frost!

Do you have a granddaughter?

Grandfather, Grandfather Frost!

Take me in your arms!

12. Veronica: Stop being naughty Frost,

Stop biting.

Let me play a little

Ride down the hill!

13. Anya M. Hello, Grandfather Frost,

Did you bring us gifts?

I've been waiting for you for so long

I don't go out anywhere.

14. Zhenya Gr. I'm not afraid of Frost -

Because you are not evil!

I'll hold you tight,

Make friends with me!

15. Zhenya K. Santa Claus, are you probably cold?

The day walked around the city,

I froze my beard.

Put your nose on the battery,

I'll warm you up now!

16. Imran. Hello, forest Christmas tree,

Silvery, thick,

You grew up under the sun

And she came to us for the holiday!

17. Roma Sh. You came to the joy of the children,

We will celebrate the New Year with you,

18. Ilya Together we sing a song,

Let's dance merrily!

19. Aliye How beautiful christmas tree!

Look how dressed she is!

Dress on the Christmas tree of green silk,

Bright beads on her, sweets

20. GulnazBehind the dark window

Miracle of miracles -

White snowflakes

Falling from the sky!

21. TimurRays and stars

In thin cobwebs -

At night New Year's

Snowflakes are falling.

22. Madina What is New Year?

It's the other way around:

Christmas trees are growing in the room,

Squirrels do not chew cones.

23. Emir Sh. It sparkles like snowflakes.

It is overgrown with icicles.

He has a bright blush

And a whole cart of gifts!

Santa Claus: Your poems are good,

I praise you from the bottom of my heart!

Now hurry up and get your grandfather

We'll go in trailers,

New Year's locomotive

Steam locomotive - Santa Claus!

Game « New Year's locomotive» .

Santa Claus: Come on, kids, look at me, open your eyes wider.

Oh, how they shine!

Apparently the guys want something!

What do you guys want?

Children: present!

Distribution of gifts.

Final words of Santa Claus.

Presenter: Dear children! Dear guests! Ours is over New Year's party! Happy New Year to everyone! And now, if you wish, you can take a photo with Christmas tree!

There's a song playing « New Year's song»

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Coconut oil is gaining more and more popularity among women every year. This is quite...
Chalet style what to wear for a wedding
Is your wedding ceremony planned for the cooler months of the year? Then important...