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Aching pain in the lower abdomen at 40 weeks. Why does the lower abdomen feel tight in the last week of pregnancy?

The fortieth week of pregnancy can only be called the “finish line.” Nine months of waiting, anxiety, worry, and pleasant moments are behind us.

But, in fact, the main work is still ahead - the upcoming birth. Therefore, you shouldn’t relax too much, but you shouldn’t worry that something will happen either. Soon, you will meet the baby whom you so carefully protected throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that the fortieth week is the last, even now a woman can expect dangers and discomfort, for example.

The query in search engines - “40 weeks of pregnancy, lower abdomen hurts” - is one of the most asked during the entire period of bearing a child. In fact, there is no need to be afraid of this. Painful sensations, most often, are a physiologically based reaction of the body to the upcoming birth. However, for any slightest discomfort or pain, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

To more clearly understand the cause of pain, consider the development of the child at 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Child development at 40 weeks of pregnancy

The baby is ready to be born! Most often, he is in a bent position with his buttock up and his head down. There are exceptions, when the baby is positioned feet first, this is already a pathology, because of which a woman is often prescribed.

The child's height is 50-54 cm, and weight is from 3000 to 3800 kg. All organs are fully formed and the baby is waiting in the wings.

The placenta has already become significantly older and cannot fully perform its functions. Oxygen starvation and infections are the fate of some babies born after the fortieth week (post-term pregnancy).

So, about pain - During this period of pregnancy, minor pain in the lower abdomen may be observed.

Braxton-Higgs contractions

Placental abruption

It can be total (general) and partial. This happens due to the fact that blood is not excreted, but accumulates between the placenta and the wall of the uterus, forming a hematoma, which subsequently grows. A hematoma forms, which increases the detachment. In this case, an early birth by caesarean section is indicated. The main symptom of this pathology is severe pain, which is accompanied by dull, aching or paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen. Tension in the uterus, painful palpation, spotting, low blood pressure. In this case, urgent medical attention is needed, otherwise the baby may die.

In order for pregnancy to be the best memory in your life and not be bothered by any pain, and delivery to be easy and quick, you need to take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminate all bad habits and not worry about trifles, because everything you worry about mother affects the baby's health.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman pays special attention to her health, because now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her unborn baby. A great concern for many ladies is the condition when the stomach turns to stone. 40 weeks of pregnancy is a reason for them to panic, as many think they are carrying a baby.

New sensations

At this stage, the baby is tired of darkness and loneliness, he is already completely ready to meet his parents and the whole world. The mother may feel that the intensity of the baby’s movements has decreased, but in return other incomprehensible sensations appear. The stomach drops, thereby helping the baby find the correct position for future births, which makes it difficult to walk. Most women endure pregnancy quite easily, and when their belly turns to stone at 40 weeks, they begin to panic. These sensations appear due to girdle pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. One of the reasons may be the first harbingers of labor. Even if preparations for childbirth are going as usual, incomprehensible sensations can cause anxiety due to ignorance of the causes of this phenomenon.

Hypertonicity of the uterus

The increased tone of the uterus causes such a terrible phenomenon for many as the feeling that the stomach is turning to stone. 40 weeks of pregnancy is the period at which such phenomena are quite normal. An increase in tone occurs when muscles contract for a few seconds. Recurrences can occur up to several times within an hour. There should be no discomfort or discharge. It is better to lie on your side in a relaxed state at this time. You can rub your belly or ask your loved one to do it. When you relax, the tone will decrease on its own.

Factors that predetermine this phenomenon are:

  • stressful situations;
  • great physical activity;
  • fatigue;
  • processes in a woman’s body;
  • hormonal surges;
  • bloating.

You should definitely tell your gynecologist about the tone of the uterus in order to avoid unnecessary consequences. If there are no contraindications to exercise, there are excellent exercises for relieving tension in the uterus.

Other sensations

The last date for preparation for childbirth, until which not everyone carries the baby to term, is 41 weeks of pregnancy. The stomach becomes stiff, the lower back tightens, false contractions, prolapse of the uterus are normal sensations at this time. They only confirm the approaching hour X. To somehow survive this time, play sports or just relax. Read, watch a movie, in general, spend your time as you please, because very soon it will be very difficult to devote even a minute to yourself.

What to do?

You can perform exercises when you feel tired, swollen in your legs, or when your stomach feels hard. 40 weeks of pregnancy is not the time to lie down, panic and prepare for the worst. Many doctors recommend leading an active lifestyle until childbirth. There are several known exercises that will not only reduce the tone of the uterus, but also help prepare the body for future childbirth:

  1. These movements can be done at any stage of pregnancy to relieve all kinds of cramps. The first thing to do is get on all fours, raise your head slightly and arch your back for just a few seconds. There is no need to strain too much, keep your breathing even. Lower your head and round your back, freeze for about 5 seconds. Repeat all the manipulations several times until you feel relief.
  2. Butterfly pose, stretching exercise. Sit on the floor, spread your legs and bend your knees. Place them so that your feet are closed and your knees point in different directions. Place your hands on your knees and gently try to press them down onto the floor. There is no need to rush, give your legs a chance to get used to the tension a little and try to stretch the muscles a little more.

If, for medical reasons, sports are contraindicated for you, try to relieve your tone by taking a not too hot bath with sea salt.

41 weeks: the stomach becomes hard, what to do?

In the last month of pregnancy, it is very important to listen to new sensations so as not to miss the onset of labor. Signs that indicate that it is time to call an ambulance include: bloody discharge, a plug coming out, regular contractions, water breaking, if the stomach becomes stiff. 40 weeks of pregnancy and 41 - the period when the child is born fully formed and ready for independent life.

  1. Since no one has canceled daily walks, before leaving the house, be sure to make sure that the battery in your phone is charged and that the most necessary documents are in your bag.
  2. To hasten the birth, with your doctor's permission, you can have sex, do light exercises, and take a walk up the stairs. Some women say laxatives have helped them.

There is no need to panic if you have not given birth yet, and your personal calendar indicates that you are 41 weeks pregnant. Your stomach becomes hard, contractions intensify, your water breaks - don’t worry, because these are signs that you will soon see your long-awaited child.

At this time, childbirth should already occur, if this has not happened earlier, since the full-term pregnancy has already come to an end - this is the last week for giving birth on time. But no more than 5% of children are born exactly at the expected time, all the rest are born earlier or slightly later - and most often because errors were made when calculating the dates, for example, due to late ovulation or if the woman inaccurately indicated the date of her last menstruation. The baby is ready to meet you and labor is about to begin. The baby is very cramped, he moves with difficulty and the harbinger of labor became brighter and stronger, giving way to labor pains.

Fetal development at 40 weeks: weight, size and gender

The child is completely ready to be born, he has matured and gained strength for extrauterine life, acquired individual facial features similar to his mother and father, gained weight and grown. Now the weight of the fetus is about 3500-3700 g, the height is about 54-55 cm, girls usually weigh and have less length than boys. But much depends on the conditions of development, the mother’s complexion and genetic characteristics, therefore, the norm for full-term babies is considered to be between 2800 and 4000 g. All organs and systems of the fetus are completely ready for extrauterine life and are actively functioning, except for the lungs, which will begin their work together with the baby circle of blood circulation as the baby is born and takes his first breath. The baby is positioned head down for the most comfortable birth method, although there may be a breech presentation, and the arms and legs are pressed tightly to the body, which will make the birth easier.

The child now has chubby cheeks, smooth skin of a soft pink color, his nose and ears are dense, his eyes open and close, the hairs on his head have grown, his eyebrows and eyelashes are long and expressive. But the fluff on the body completely disappeared, the birth lubricant remained only in the places of natural folds.

Due to the tightness of the uterus, the child cannot actively move, but movements should still be noticeable; at least ten times in 12 hours is the norm for physical activity this week. Movements due to cramped conditions and physiological oligohydramnios have become very obvious and distinct; it is important to listen carefully to the baby’s movements during this period - they can say a lot about his comfort. If the movements are extremely rare, or, conversely, active and very strong, this may indicate severe discomfort for the baby and requires immediate medical consultation. This may be a sign of fetal hypoxia and an indication for emergency delivery.

Of course, at birth the baby will be the most beautiful and beloved for you, but many parents may be somewhat intimidated by the appearance of the baby. The head, due to passage through the birth canal, may be elongated and slightly deformed, the body will be covered with mucus and lubricant residues, the skin may be spotty or bluish, there may be hairs along the body and long hairs on the head. Due to increased hormone levels, the nipples on the chest may become swollen, the genitals may be swollen, the eyes may be swollen, and there may even be slight bruises on the face due to the passage of the birth canal. This will all pass in the first days of life. Immediately after birth, the baby will be placed on your breast; this is necessary to populate the intestines with beneficial flora and to replenish energy reserves. After breastfeeding, the baby will be dried with sterile diapers, examined and his first measurements will be taken - weight, height and circumference. At birth, the baby will receive its first assessments - on the Apgar scale, which give an idea of ​​whether the baby needs the help of doctors or can be left with the mother. Tags will be placed on the baby’s arms and legs with his name, date and time of birth, weight and height,

Childbirth and precursors at 40 weeks

At this time, labor should begin any day now and the harbingers are making themselves felt more and more strongly and actively. Although sometimes there are tendencies to overstay pregnancy, and the birth of children occurs later than the full forty weeks. In primigravidas at this stage, the abdomen has already dropped and the fetal head is inserted into the small pelvis, which makes it easier to breathe and eat, heartburn and discomfort have disappeared, but at the same time the pressure on the pelvic bones and bladder, rectum has increased, which gives increased urination and constipation.

In addition, you may find digestive system disorders in the form of nausea and even vomiting, increased bowel movements including diarrhea, and weight loss due to swelling. This is also one of the harbingers of childbirth, a kind of cleansing of the body to facilitate the upcoming birth. Typically, such signs appear two to three days before the onset of labor. In this case, there is a decrease in appetite up to a complete refusal to eat, while the weight no longer remains, and it may even lose 1-2 kg.

The woman gets a second wind with a surge of strength and a desire to completely put everything in order, wash it and put it away before leaving for the maternity hospital. It is important not to overdo it or get overtired in this impulse; you will need strength when the baby is born.

But the most obvious harbingers will be the passage of the mucous plug, which can separate in lumps or little by little, due to the gradual dilatation of the cervix, and the transition of training contractions to true contractions, with the discharge of amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid may drain before the onset of contractions or already against the background of uterine contractions; usually, from the moment they leave, contractions become more intense and sensitive. The water usually flows down the legs or as a stream of clear or whitish liquid, although it may be greenish or yellowish if the fetus is experiencing hypoxia. And, naturally, the beginning of labor will be contractions - regular and painful contractions of the uterus, occurring at regular intervals. They usually become longer and stronger, and the time between contractions for rest is increasingly shortened. The difference between them and training ones is that they are regular and do not disappear from changing positions, resting or lying down.

The birth itself will proceed in three main stages, successively replacing one after another. The longest period will be the first period - contractions with the opening of the cervix and preparation of the birth canal for the passage of the baby through it. This period is the longest - it takes up to 10-18 hours, and for repeat births up to 10-12 hours. Subsequently, the stage of pushing begins from the moment the cervix is ​​fully dilated until the baby is born. At this stage, full control of the birth by the midwife and doctor is important in order to prevent complications and problems. Immediately after birth, the baby is placed on the mother's stomach and waits for the end of the umbilical cord pulsation, it is cut, and the third period begins - the birth of the placenta.

The baby is examined and assessed by Apgar, weighed and height measured, examined and data tags are attached.

How to induce labor at 40 weeks

Sometimes there is a need to induce labor at this stage to avoid a tendency to move around. This is necessary in case of fetal hypoxia, large fetus or some other conditions. Typically, doctors may recommend sex with a partner to stimulate labor, since seminal fluid acts on a woman's cervix to prepare her for childbirth. You can recommend that a woman do intense walking or physical activity. Taking a warm bath, eating fiber-rich foods, or aromatherapy.

But if these methods do not help, doctors may resort to some stimulating actions. These can be obstetric sticks inserted into the cervical area, kelp that stimulates the cervix, as well as administration of prostaglandins or oxytocin, opening of the amniotic sac. The type of stimulation will be determined by the doctor, based on the indications for induction of labor.

Feelings of the expectant mother

The main sensations will be fatigue and discomfort from the harbingers of labor, which will clearly remind you of themselves. First of all, you will breathe easier and lose weight a little, but your appetite may be poor, and you may experience diarrhea and nausea and vomiting as your body prepares for the birth of a child. At the same time, it is difficult for you to sleep, your stomach prevents you from taking a comfortable position, you suffer from insomnia and endless trips to the toilet, as the swelling goes away and the head puts pressure on the bladder. Due to the lowering of the fetal head into the small pelvis, constipation may also increase, affecting the general condition.

Now the hormonal background is changing, and along with it the mood - the emotional upsurge due to nesting syndrome can be replaced by sharp tearfulness and fear of childbirth, irritability and fatigue. A huge belly makes it difficult to walk, get dressed and do normal activities, changes your gait and makes you clumsy. The skin on the abdomen may itch and itch, stretch marks may appear or worsen, and the belly button protrudes outward. The most unpleasant thing will be fetal movements; now they are not so frequent, but noticeable and even painful. The fetus is cramped in the uterus and only kicks slightly or tosses and turns a little. It is important to closely monitor your child's activity and report everything to your doctor.


Now you may experience various pain sensations that arise due to the fact that the stomach has dropped and the baby is pressing on the area of ​​the pelvic bones of the bladder. In this case, the lower back may pull or ache, pain may occur between the legs, in the sacrum or pelvic bones due to the weight of the fetus and its pressure on these areas. In this case, the ligaments are relaxed under the influence of hormones and this leads to discomfort. Pain in the legs may occur due to a change in the center of gravity of the body and a sharp increase in weight, and there may also be pain in the thigh due to compression of the femoral nerve by the large uterus.

If you feel pain in the abdomen, spotting, or a hard stomach, discomfort, spots in the eyes, nausea, vomiting, or increased blood pressure, consult a doctor immediately; these may be signs of danger to pregnancy. It is important to be admitted to the maternity hospital immediately.

The main sensations that occur when contractions begin are intensifying painful contractions of the uterus, causing the cervix to dilate. To relieve labor pain, modern maternity hospitals use pain relief methods, but they should not be abused - pain relief is prescribed according to indications for individual pregnant women.


Previously, it was believed that orgasm during sex during pregnancy can induce labor, but today this data has not been confirmed, although labor may well begin at this stage. Sex will not harm you and your baby if you want it, but you should choose comfortable positions and avoid deep penetrations and sudden movements. The stimulating effect of sexual contacts and partner’s sperm on labor is also known. But still, in this matter it is worth consulting a doctor.


This week you need to carefully monitor your vaginal discharge, as its nature can tell a lot about the course of the last days of pregnancy. Normal for this week will be light mucous discharge, which becomes viscous and viscous due to changes in hormonal levels and the gradual removal of the mucus plug, which closed the cervix from contact with the outside world. Also, the discharge may be brown or pink due to the admixture of blood from small vessels during the preparation of the cervix.

If you find spotting or bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital. This discharge may be a sign of placental abruption, which is dangerous for the baby and mother and requires immediate delivery. No less dangerous will be a change in the color of the discharge to green, yellow, gray or white with flakes, similar to cottage cheese. This is a sign of thrush or genital infections, which are completely undesirable before childbirth and can complicate childbirth and lead to the transmission of infection to the fetus. Such discharge requires immediate treatment.

Special discharges that require immediate transfer to the maternity hospital will be outgoing or leaking amniotic fluid. They can immediately flow down the legs or leak in small portions, which leads to wet laundry. If you doubt whether it is water, you should purchase a test pad at the pharmacy and determine the presence of amniotic fluid in the discharge. Then you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital, the birth should occur in the next few hours.

Condition of the uterus at 40 obstetric weeks

Usually by this time the fundus of the uterus drops due to the relaxation of the internal os of the cervix and its preparation for childbirth. This leads to tight pressing of the head to the outlet of the small pelvis. A woman may feel periodic uterine tone - training contractions, which will gradually give way to real ones. True contractions are rhythmic uterine contractions that cause the cervix to open to allow the fetal head to pass through.

Ultrasound examination (Uzi)

During this period, all planned ultrasounds have long been completed and additional studies are carried out only for special indications and doctor’s orders. An ultrasound or Doppler examination is indicated to monitor the baby’s condition or eliminate his suffering (hypoxia, pathologies). Using ultrasound, the doctor can assess the condition and structure of the placenta, the degree of its maturity and the presence of calcifications in it. This will indicate how well the placenta copes with its duties. If the placenta is very old, it may not cope with its duties, and the fetus will experience hypoxia. An ultrasound will determine the duration and estimated weight and height of the fetus, the condition of its internal organs.

The umbilical cord is also looked at, its location and length, and whether there is a fetal neck entwined with it. If one is identified, during childbirth a special aid will be shown, with the help of which the umbilical cord loops are removed from the fetal neck and do not allow suffocation to develop. The ultrasound also evaluates the uterus - the condition of its walls and cervix, its readiness for childbirth. It is also possible to conduct a 3D ultrasound, but it is no longer possible to see the whole baby, its size is too large.

Symptoms and signs of oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios

Using ultrasound and the results of examination of the abdomen, you can determine the amount of amniotic fluid and determine the presence of oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios. These are conditions of a sharp increase or decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, different from normal. Polyhydramnios is an excess of water levels by 40-50% or more; it is dangerous for the development of labor anomalies, weakness of labor forces and incoordination, loss of parts of the fetus or umbilical cord.

Oligohydramnios before childbirth can be physiological; this occurs due to a decrease in free space in the uterus and the preparation of the fetus for childbirth. The amount of water is reduced in order to reduce the likelihood of umbilical cord prolapse during childbirth and overstretching of the uterine wall with poor contractility. The exact diagnosis of these conditions can be determined by performing an ultrasound and measuring the volume of water.

Colds and treatments

During this period, the development of ARVI is very undesirable - if a fever occurs, a runny nose appears or a cough begins, you should immediately consult a doctor to decide how to treat the cold quickly and effectively so that this does not affect the birth process and does not lead to illness in the newborn. If a cold catches you almost during labor, you will have to give birth in an observational department, where each woman in labor has her own separate delivery room and boxed ward in order to prevent the spread of infection. During your illness, your baby may be isolated from you in the children's department until you receive treatment.

Mom's diet and weight

By this time, weight gain will have stopped, although the child is continuously growing, but you may not gain a single gram, or even lose up to two kilograms. On average, weight gain can reach up to 12-13 kg by this time, although there are fluctuations depending on body type and initial weight from 8-9 to 17-18 kg or more. This week your appetite is reduced and you may not feel like eating at all; you should switch to light dairy and plant-based meals, drink fermented milk drinks and herbal tea.

Your meals during this period should be fractional, small portions and light, rich in fresh vegetables and fiber, to prevent constipation. You should avoid spicy, fatty and fried foods, as they can cause nausea and heartburn. You should drink pure still water, weak tea or natural juices.

Find out how contractions begin.

Many women do not carry their baby to term and safely give birth to a full-fledged child at 36-39 weeks. But sometimes even at 40 weeks of pregnancy the time for labor does not come. Each female body is individual. Let's look at the main symptoms of an approaching birth, study reviews from experienced birthing mothers and medical specialists to help the expectant mother prepare for this important event.

Reasons for the absence of precursors of labor

The normal time for labor to begin is 39-40 weeks of pregnancy. But in nature there is no clear schedule, so there is no need to worry about a delay in the start of this process. Even gynecologists with extensive experience cannot give a clear answer regarding the absence of precursors of labor at this stage.

One of the reasons for the delay in the onset of labor may be the unpreparedness of the cervix or the need to “ripen the fetus”, which is securely established in the womb, where it is comfortable and safe. There is little time left to carry the baby to term; a much longer stretch of difficult journey is behind us. The baby will be born soon. How to determine that it is time to give birth if this is the first time?

Description of the precursors of labor in women giving birth for the first time

The 40th week of pregnancy for a first-time mother is marked by sensations that are symptoms of the imminent onset of changes in her life:

  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Uncharacteristic calmness of the baby after previous increased activity.
  • Amniotic fluid leaks.
  • The intensity of training contractions increases.
  • The lower abdomen feels tingling or becomes hard.

Often, at 40 weeks of pregnancy, there is a pulling in the lower abdomen because the mucous plug has already come out, preparing the cervix for the upcoming birth. This process sometimes happens unnoticed. Don't panic. A little more patience will be required - and the long-awaited meeting will take place.

Description of the precursors of labor in women giving birth repeatedly

What to do at 40 weeks of pregnancy if there are no prerequisites for the onset of labor. If a woman has already had experience in reproducing offspring, she may soon experience a quick, even rapid, birth. You need to be especially careful if you experience the following sensations:

  • My stomach turned to stone.
  • The mucus plug came off, after which a lot of mucus came out.
  • The intensity of the training contractions increased and they were replaced by regular contractions of the uterus.

Before giving birth, it is important to cleanse the intestines so that they do not interfere with the process. To do this, a woman can eat dates and drink a portion of castor oil. Such measures will help to avoid the administration of an enema, which is usually done in the maternity hospital and is not very pleasant.

When taking castor oil, it will be possible not only to cause an intestinal reaction, but also to stimulate labor. Therefore, before using such a substance, it is advisable to consult your gynecologist.

At 40 weeks of pregnancy, the abdomen may hurt regularly due to the dilatation of the cervix, when hormones act on it, and pressure is exerted by the baby striving for freedom.

When the pushing starts

Gynecologists determine the beginning of the pushing period when they diagnose the opening of the cervix to 4 fingers. For women who have already given birth to a child, such a moment can come quickly. Sometimes a woman in labor does not have time to get to a medical facility. For this reason, gynecologists advise women to come to the maternity hospital as soon as they are convinced that the nature of the contractions has become regular. It is better to wait under the supervision of specialists than to give birth in an ambulance.

Timing calculations

The 40th week of pregnancy has begun. Obstetric calculations define this period as 10 months. In calendar terms, the term is 9.5 months. During this time, a number of important changes occurred:

  • The body has prepared for fertilization.
  • A fertilized egg has entered the uterine cavity.
  • The embryo developed and became a fetus.

The 10th calendar month is the completion of fetal development. If the 40th week of pregnancy has begun, for the child this is the time when it is time to appear in front of the parents and please them. Women who have not become mothers before this time are quite naturally concerned about the delay in the process. They are interested in the possibility of deviations from the norm. Sometimes the reason for such a delay may be the constitution of the uterus due to its long cervix. Then the advancement of the fetus takes longer, which will take several days.

If contractions have not started at 40 weeks of pregnancy, this is not always considered a pathology. The woman should remember whether she took magnesium. This drug is sometimes prescribed to expectant mothers who are less than 36 weeks pregnant to help maintain the pregnancy. High uterine tone can be dangerous. With the use of magnesium, smooth muscles relax. The drug provides a reduction in edema syndrome. Such opportunities are important for successful labor.

When doctors decide to wait

If 40 weeks of pregnancy have passed and labor has not begun, you should consult your gynecologist. Experts will decide on further actions. Often a woman gets the opportunity to wait for contractions in a natural way. This is possible if:

  • the nature of the discharge has not changed;
  • there is no pronounced swelling, nausea, vomiting;
  • High blood pressure, protein in the urine, headaches, and other signs of gestosis are not diagnosed.

In some cases, the woman will be recommended to have sex. This will help release hormones and provide mechanical stimulation so that labor can begin safely. You should not ignore the recommendations of doctors if they advise you to go into labor for medical induction of labor. Under the supervision of specialists, there is a greater chance of a successful delivery.

Analysis of secretions

A pregnant woman should closely monitor the nature of vaginal discharge. They signal changes in the body:

  • During pregnancy at 40 weeks, brown discharge may indicate a deviation from the norm. They should alert a woman at any time. After all, they may mean that placental abruption has occurred. Even in the absence of pain or its mild manifestations, it is important to consult a specialist. Such discharge sometimes appears after a visit to the gynecologist, if a medical examination took place in the chair.
  • Signs of thrush are white discharge with cheesy lumps. The presence of light discharge can also be a harbinger of labor starting in the near future. Such mucus is not considered a pathology.

Feeling of a “stone belly”

Discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy is not the only sign of changes in the condition of a pregnant woman. Often, expectant mothers feel heaviness in their stomach before giving birth. This phenomenon may be accompanied by:

  • pain;
  • lumbar aching pain;
  • copious discharge.

Specialists can prescribe Ginipral to relax the uterine muscles and provide a gentle cleansing of the intestines in preparation for labor. When signs of labor appear, Mifepristone is sometimes prescribed. This is necessary to block the process of progesterone production and cause contractions.

Inducing labor

The 40th week of pregnancy is the time when medications can already be prescribed. This requires hospital conditions and specialist supervision. At 40 weeks, it is important to continue to take care of physical activity. Then childbirth will come faster and will be easier. Remember to eat right.

Also, to speed up delivery, a combination of long, energetic walks, which lead to mild fatigue, and doing homework is excellent. Doctors recommend:

  • do stretching exercises;
  • bending down to wash the floor;
  • go up/down stairs.

After all, pregnancy is a natural state for a woman, not a disease. But even at this time, it is important not to engage in amateur activities, but to consult a doctor. This is especially true when taking medications, since all of them, in addition to their benefits, have side effects.

How does a woman feel during this period?

At 40 weeks of pregnancy, the mucus plug should have already come out, opening the cervix. If a pregnant woman has new sensations, they may signal an approaching meeting between mother and baby. She had been preparing for this important moment throughout her entire term.

The following body reactions are acceptable:

  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • weakening of movements;
  • slight swelling;
  • insomnia.

For frequent training contractions, you can use the help of a drug such as no-spa. But if the pills don’t help, and even after taking a warm shower the situation doesn’t improve, the contractions have become real. Monitor their regularity and prepare for a trip to the maternity ward. The time has come!

How is the child doing?

At 40 weeks of pregnancy, the belly has already grown so much that the pregnant woman has difficulty moving. After all, the baby takes up all the space. Women who have already experienced childbirth worry why labor still does not begin at 40 weeks of pregnancy. It should be borne in mind that each pregnancy differs from the previous time in a number of ways:

  • the woman's health status;
  • the effect of medications that the woman took throughout the entire period;
  • intensity of physical activity;
  • features of fetal development.

You can never predict exactly what week labor will begin. It is important to monitor the condition and get advice from specialists. There are moments that require immediate medical intervention:

  • An ultrasound diagnostic revealed oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios.
  • The uterus has been in good shape for a long time, but there is an unpreparedness of the cervix, which is in no hurry to open.
  • CHT shows a deviation from existing standards.
  • Diagnostics determined that the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby’s body.
  • The child has gained too much weight.

These conditions require observation in a hospital setting. They can jeopardize the birth of the baby.

It is very important to tell the gynecologist if a woman feels nauseous. These symptoms may indicate manifestations of problems such as gestosis and preeclampsia.

What is gestosis? This is a peculiar form of toxicosis, but it manifests itself in the last stages of pregnancy. It is diagnosed by taking a urine test when an excess amount of protein is detected. The second confirmation of the disease will be an increase in blood pressure, which is also measured when visiting a doctor. The disease is dangerous for a pregnant woman, affects the functionality of her excretory and vascular systems, and harms the brain.

Preeclampsia has dangerous consequences, even irreparable. This is also a type of toxicosis. Diagnosed by determining the level of protein in the urine, measuring blood pressure, if edema is additionally present. Associated symptoms include headache, dizziness, and the pregnant woman quickly gains weight.

For whom are these complications dangerous?

  • for women during their first pregnancy;
  • in early or late pregnancy before the age of 16 and after 40;
  • if arterial hypertension has bothered the woman before;
  • in the presence of severe obesity, diabetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease;
  • if multiple pregnancy is diagnosed;
  • if you had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy;
  • due to heredity.

Preeclampsia and gestosis are dangerous for the baby. Doctors must deal with such deviations from the norm, since the diseases are dangerous for the child due to disruption of the blood flow to the placenta. Then the child may be born underdeveloped. However, with such diseases, labor most often occurs prematurely rather than delayed.

Norms of weight and height of a newborn

When the baby is born, it is immediately measured and weighed. Regardless of the number of pregnancies, the fetal weight should be in the range of 3300-3500 grams. But cases of the birth of “heroes”, whose weight reaches 4-5 kg, are often observed. In most cases, the reason for this is the mother’s build. But the mother will not be able to give birth to children with such a mass on her own. So she has a caesarean section.

The normal body length of a baby is 47-52 cm. Smaller sizes are acceptable for girls, and larger sizes for boys. It all depends on genetic predisposition. In the first months of life, the child will rapidly gain weight and grow, delighting his parents with his changes.

Let's sum it up

Very soon the baby will see this world. His mother had plenty of time to prepare for the meeting with such a dear, but still unfamiliar person. Many women do not carry their fetus to term beyond 40 weeks. But if labor has not yet occurred, there are reasons for this. Wise nature itself knows when to release the baby into the external environment as prepared as possible. For some children, 8.5 months in the womb are enough, others are in no hurry to leave the cozy womb.

A woman needs to pay special attention to herself in order to prepare as much as possible for an important event:

  • constantly monitor your well-being;
  • continue to lead an active lifestyle within your capabilities;
  • eat right, giving preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products;
  • observe the nature of vaginal discharge.

Preparing to become a mother, women are interested in the question of what to do when their lower back hurts at 40 weeks of pregnancy. At the end of the journey of bearing a baby, every spasm and attack of pain is perceived especially acutely and raises a lot of doubts. Let's figure out what happens to the mother and baby's body during this period, what reasons cause discomfort, and how to cope with them yourself.

Each period of gestation has its own characteristics. The child develops in stages, and the mother’s body gradually prepares for motherhood. A pregnancy that has reached 40 weeks is considered full-term. By this time, both the mother’s body and the child himself are ready.

After months of waiting, the female body is ready for the birth of a new life. The size of the uterus reaches its maximum; it rises to a height of 35-40 cm from its normal position. The cervix shortens and its structure becomes soft so that the baby is not injured during childbirth. If the cervix is ​​not ready by the fortieth week, the doctor prescribes certain medications.

The weight and volume of the expectant mother stop growing. Some women experience weight loss in the last weeks of pregnancy.

The skin on the abdomen is very stretched, so stretch marks and itching may appear. To increase the elasticity of the skin, it is recommended to use special care products: creams, lotions, oils.

40 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by the appearance of anxiety, fear and excitement for a woman before the upcoming birth. Try to relax: walk more, do pleasant shopping and think about good things. At the same time, be attentive to yourself, listen to the signs that your body sends; at this stage, labor can begin at any time.

The birth of a child can develop according to several scenarios, or may indicate the beginning.

Fetal development at 40 weeks

All systems of the baby's body are ready for birth. Vital organs are formed, the baby becomes active and constantly disturbs the mother’s peace with jerks. When struck, you can easily distinguish parts of the baby’s body; tiny palms, elbows and knees are clearly visible through the tightly stretched skin.

The weight of a full-term baby ranges from 2500 to 4000 g, height from 45 to 60 cm. Of course, there are exceptions. Today, it is not uncommon to see heroes weighing up to 5 kg and miniature princesses weighing just over 2 kg. Moreover, such children receive fairly high scores on the Apgar scale.

The baby can be in a cephalic or breech position. In the first case, the baby's head is felt several fingers above the pubis, and the strongest blows are felt in the area of ​​the bladder. In the second case, the mother’s belly has a more elongated shape, and the shocks occur in the woman’s stomach area. Depending on the presentation, doctors decide on the method of delivery.

At 40 weeks, the baby no longer has enough space and nutrients from the mother’s body for active growth and development, so he is ready to be born.

Causes of nagging pain

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen is a common reason for women visiting the emergency room of maternity wards in the fortieth week of pregnancy.

Let's figure out what can cause discomfort at 40 weeks:

  • Load on the spine. A month before giving birth, it doubles, because the baby’s weight is growing rapidly. To maintain balance, pregnant women lean back, thereby increasing the load on the lumbar region;
  • Divergence of the pelvic bones. To ensure the baby’s smooth passage through the birth canal, the body produces a hormone that softens the bones of the pelvis and pubic symphysis. The child’s head begins to droop and put pressure on the sacral area, causing discomfort in the lower back;
  • Placental abruption. If nagging pain in the lumbar region is accompanied by bloody discharge and uterine tone, you should immediately go to the hospital. Such signs are characteristic of the process of placental abruption. Timely medical care will save the life and health of mother and child;
  • False contractions. This type of contraction trains the body for the upcoming birth. To determine whether contractions are false or not, it is enough to detect the intervals. During real labor, contractions begin at equal time intervals with increasing force;
  • The beginning of the birth process. If spasms in the lower back are accompanied by the release of the mucus plug, leakage of amniotic fluid and pain in the lower abdomen (contractions) at regular intervals, most likely your baby is ready to be born and is letting you know about it.

In any case, you should not ignore discomfort in the lower back and lower abdomen. If lower back pain is accompanied by a change in the child’s movement pattern: he freezes for a long time or, conversely, is hyperactive, you should immediately consult a doctor. On average, you should feel at least one noticeable fetal movement within an hour.

To diagnose the condition of the mother and child, CTG is performed. The device measures the baby's heartbeat and the frequency of contractions of the mother's uterus.

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Braxton-Higgs contractions

A type of contraction that prepares the uterus for imminent labor. Characterized by unpleasant sensations in the lower back and lower abdomen. Indicates that the birth of a baby will occur in the near future.

Training contractions differ from ordinary ones in that the intervals between them are different or absent altogether, and the strength does not change over time.

To this day, doctors disagree about the origin of Braxton-Higgs contractions. They agreed on only one thing, so the body is preparing for the upcoming birth.

Taking a couple of antispasmodic tablets or a papaverine vaginal suppository will help you cope with unpleasant sensations. Take a warm shower, and then try to relax and fall asleep. If the contractions are really false, you will succeed without difficulty. Otherwise, take the things and documents prepared in advance and go to the emergency room of the maternity ward.

Other causes of lower back pain

72% of women experience lower back strain at 40 weeks of pregnancy. This is basically how the harbingers of childbirth appear. However, the causes of lower back pain can be serious chronic diseases:

  • Neuralgia. Diseases of the lumbar spine, such as radiculitis and hernia, worsen during pregnancy. It is recommended to wear a bandage from the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • Kidney diseases. Pyelonephritis and renal colic are common among women carrying a baby. If a nagging pain in the lower back appears along with pain when urinating, an increase in body temperature and blood pressure, a change in the color of urine, you should immediately consult a specialist;
  • Symphysitis. A disease associated with the discrepancy of the bones of the pubis. Accompanied by tissue swelling and pain in the pubic area.

On the eve of childbirth, every woman experiences indescribable excitement and fear; the 40th week of pregnancy is the home stretch. If during this period the lower abdomen hurts, like during menstruation, the expectant mother begins to worry and sometimes panic.

What are these: real contractions or just harbingers of an approaching birth? Let's figure it out together.

Are we training or already giving birth?

Abdominal pain at 40 weeks can occur for various reasons. First of all, these can be so-called training contractions. In this case, the woman may feel stiffness in the abdomen (tone), discomfort, and painful spasms, as during menstruation.

The body is simply preparing for the upcoming birth, so the expectant mother should not worry about herself and the health of the baby. Typically, training contractions take place after a warm shower or taking the painkiller No-shpa.

Of course, a pregnant woman may also experience pain in the lower abdomen due to real contractions. The spasms become more regular and do not end.

In this case, you cannot hesitate, because only a few hours can pass from the onset of contractions to delivery. You need to urgently call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital in your own transport, not forgetting to take with you all the necessary things for childbirth.

How to tell the difference?

There are a few simple tips that any girl can use to recognize what is really happening to her:

  1. As labor approaches, the pain becomes longer and stronger, and the pain does not subside after taking painkillers.
  2. The pain characteristic of the onset of labor covers or encircles the lower abdomen and back, as if squeezing them with a hoop.
  3. Real contractions differ from false ones in their regularity. If you install a special program on your phone in advance, you can calculate the period of contractions and the period of rest from them. Regular intervals indicate imminent labor. If contractions appear every 5 minutes and last a full minute, it’s time to urgently go to the maternity hospital.
  4. The onset of labor can also be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea; this is a kind of cleansing of the body before the upcoming event. In addition, during contractions, the water may begin to break.
  5. During prenatal contractions, a woman cannot distract herself from the pain that overtakes her; she cannot sleep, eat, etc.

Other reasons

In addition to the onset of labor and preparation for it, pain in the lower abdomen at 40 weeks can also indicate a pathology such as placental abruption. The pain is aching and dull. Also, with detachment, bleeding, pain on palpation of the abdomen, and a decrease in pressure may be observed.

This condition requires urgent hospitalization. Only in a hospital is it possible to provide assistance to a woman and her unborn child. Otherwise, placental abruption can lead to tragic consequences.

To summarize, it is worth saying that the 40th week of pregnancy is a very important period in a woman’s life. Therefore, every lady in an interesting position should listen to the symptoms that appear in her body. Only a responsible attitude towards your health will benefit the life of an unborn child.

If the expectant mother feels severe abdominal pain, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

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