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Do I need a card for ultrasound? Explanation of medical terms and concepts during ultrasound of the kidneys. How to prepare for the procedure

Scientists began thinking about the ultrasound diagnostic method back in the thirties of the last century. Then the first attempts to use it were made, but there were no significant results.

Ultrasound was successfully used only among military submariners, and in the late fifties, doctors examined the patient and obtained encouraging results. None of the patients, when they come to see a doctor, think about what an ultrasound machine is; now most people consider such devices to be ordinary, like many other medical equipment.

Ultrasound examination is now available to everyone, and people can undergo it even in the most remote settlements. The procedure is safe, does not cause negative emotions, and is unique in that the result of the fetal examination can be obtained within a few minutes immediately after the session. This is considered a major breakthrough with the introduction of ultrasound in gynecology.

In order to finally determine whether a woman is pregnant and whether there are any serious pathologies of fetal development, the doctor sends her for ultrasound screening. It is carried out as part of a comprehensive examination of the expectant mother. Three sessions are performed over the entire period.

During a normal pregnancy, the doctor may offer the patient additional examination if any abnormalities are suspected in herself or the embryo. The first study is carried out at 9–12 weeks, the second at 20–22 weeks, and the third at 30–32 weeks.

The woman is given the diagnostic results, and she passes them on to the doctor who constantly monitors the progress of the pregnancy. It would be a good idea for the expectant mother to keep copies of the documents from the studies conducted.

The first ultrasound detects the presence of a developing fetus and helps to establish a more accurate date of conception.

It can be done in two ways:

  • abdominal - the sensor is installed on the abdominal wall;
  • vaginal - the sensor is inserted into the internal genital organ.

How to prepare for the procedure

If there is a positive pregnancy test at home, the expectant mother must contact her obstetrician to schedule an ultrasound. Your doctor may order a pelvic examination to rule out or confirm an ectopic pregnancy. Suspicion arises in case of abdominal pain and bleeding.

From a preliminary conversation with the patient, the doctor determines which diagnostic method is best for her. Preparation for an ultrasound scan during pregnancy to be carried out in the usual way (abdominal) is as follows: half an hour before the examination, drink 500 ml of water to fill the bladder. The intestines also need to be prepared to empty the intestines of gases for the most accurate results. For a day or two, refrain from consuming foods such as carbonated drinks, cabbage, grapes, seeds, nuts, and black bread.

To examine a pregnant woman using the vaginal method, you need to take a shower and empty your bladder of water. A young mother should be calm. With excessive emotional arousal, blood pressure may increase; it is better for the woman and the developing fetus in her body to avoid this; it is important to calmly prepare for the necessary procedures.

A preliminary registration is made in the diagnostic room, where a specific time and date of the visit will be indicated.

The patient must have with her:

  • documents (referral from a doctor, insurance certificate, medical insurance passport);
  • socks;
  • a towel or diaper (needed for lying down);
  • napkins (remove the applied special gel after the session);
  • water (for routine examination);
  • special rubber cap (for vaginal examination).

What pathologies can be detected during the first ultrasound?

The initial examination shows results even in the early stages of fetal development (3–4 weeks). But doctors do not recommend additional screening if there are no prerequisites for the occurrence of pathologies. Typically, scanning is carried out no earlier than 9-10 weeks.

An early ultrasound examination is prescribed if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected. This will allow the patient to undergo surgery on time. In the rest - no earlier than 9 weeks.

Ultrasound scanning helps identify:

  • threat of miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • pelvic diseases;
  • developmental pathologies in the unborn child (heart defects, some genetic diseases);
  • early toxicosis in women.

If the diagnosis of fetal development incompatible with life is confirmed, doctors advise terminating the pregnancy. When determining other pathologies, parents make a responsible decision - whether the baby will be born or not. Diseases that develop in the uterine period can be either congenital or acquired.

Types of pathologies

Genetic diseases of the fetus are detected already in the early period of pregnancy, and acquired ones are detected at any stage. Congenital defects are incurable. Often such deviations are associated with a malfunction in the number of chromosomes in the following syndromes:

  • Down has dementia, delayed speech development, and an unusual face;
  • Patau - numerous deviations in which the child rarely survives beyond 1 year.
  • Edwards - deformation of the mouth, jaw, ears, eyes, more than half of babies die before reaching 3 months of age, and only 10% of them before 1 year.

Chromosome mismatches in the sex cells of a man and a woman also lead to serious illnesses. Mental illnesses such as mental retardation, psychosis, schizophrenia and others are common.

On the left is a normal fetus, on the right is a fetus with signs of Down syndrome: increased thickness of the nuchal space (TN) and absent septum

Often, with a healthy embryo, intrauterine development of pathologies occurs. This is due to the bad habits of the expectant mother, various diseases during pregnancy, dirty environment and other factors. Acquired pathologies during the formation of the fetus affect its internal organs. They become vulnerable, and there is a risk of their deformation or complete absence. As a result of the negative impact on the body, the brain may be damaged.

What should an expectant mother observe during pregnancy?

  • take frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • eat healthy food;
  • take vitamins (if prescribed by your doctor);
  • maintain psychological balance;
  • do not change the climate zone.

The fact of pregnancy for women is a surge of positive emotions; living this magical period of life, each of them dreams of a healthy baby, and ultrasound is the only way to identify intrauterine pathologies and prevent trouble. The procedure allows expectant mothers to see their child on the monitor, where the sacrament of meeting will take place!


To prepare for your ultrasound, first gather everything you may need for the procedure. First of all, put the necessary documents in your bag: a compulsory health insurance policy, a pregnant woman’s medical card with the results of all past studies, as well as a passport. Find a clean diaper to lie on during the procedure. Grab some napkins so you can wipe off any remaining gel, which the specialist will use to lubricate the examination area for better glide of the sensor.

Preparation for an ultrasound scan during pregnancy depends on the specific clinic or medical center, as well as on the method of conducting the study. Usually on the door of the specialist’s office there is information about what you should take with you for the procedure. If there is no such data, you can ask the specialist himself about everything. A total of three routine ultrasound diagnostic examinations are performed during pregnancy. The first is carried out at 10-12 weeks. At such a short period of time, a transabdominal ultrasound will not give a complete and accurate picture, so a transvaginal ultrasound is more often performed. The sensor is placed in the vagina and advanced towards the cervix. A special condom is placed on the sensor; you will need to buy it in advance. It is not necessary to fill your bladder before this procedure.

During a transabdominal ultrasound examination in the early stages, it will be possible to assess the condition of the uterus of the unborn child only with a full bladder, so drink the required amount of liquid half an hour before the procedure. One or two glasses is enough, but it is better to check the volume with your doctor. Arrive early for your procedure and drink the water right at the clinic, not at home or on the way. Otherwise, the urge to urinate will bother you and the doctor. In the second half of pregnancy, there is no need to fill the bladder; the fetus will be well visualized.

To ensure that no unforeseen situations arise during the study, the intestines must be emptied. If the bowel movement occurred shortly before visiting the doctor, nothing needs to be done. Otherwise, you may need an enema or a mild natural laxative. To prevent increased gas formation, for one or two days before visiting a specialist, avoid eating foods that cause fermentation and gas formation in the intestines. These include: legumes, flour products, dairy products, dried fruits, peaches, plums, grapes, nuts and seeds, cabbage, and carbonated drinks.

For some, preparing for an ultrasound is associated with the anticipation of seeing their unborn child. But be prepared for the fact that the fetus may turn in such a way that its face and even some parts of its body will not be visible on the monitor. Therefore, give the specialist the opportunity to do his job and do not demand to show you the unborn child from all sides.

Ultrasound of the kidneys and ultrasound of the urinary system is the safest and most effective way to diagnose diseases of the urinary system.

An ultrasound examination of the kidneys is the first thing a urologist prescribes if signs of urolithiasis are suspected.

Today we will look at what a kidney ultrasound is, how to prepare for a kidney ultrasound, features of kidney ultrasound in children and during pregnancy, how kidney ultrasound is done, interpretation of kidney ultrasound and watch a short video.

By the way, ultrasound as a diagnostic method is an excellent opportunity to identify the presence or absence of a person’s disease, and in our case, kidney stones. You can read about ultrasound as a research method in more detail and in all areas, from ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands to ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels.

Ultrasound of the kidneys - answers to your questions

Sooner or later, many people notice symptoms of urolithiasis, when pain begins in the lumbar region.

This, as well as other diseases, can be diagnosed using this kidney examination method.

During an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, the doctor evaluates the location of the kidneys, their contours, size, shape, structure and condition of the parenchyma, and the presence of formations.

Indications for ultrasound examination

  • Changing urine tests
  • For pain in the lumbar region
  • Symptoms of renal colic
  • Enuresis
  • Kidney dysfunction
  • diagnosis of neoplasms
  • in cases of traumatic injuries
  • for diseases of the endocrine system
  • monitoring the condition of the transplanted kidney
  • inflammatory processes and infectious diseases
  • during medical examinations

Ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands is also prescribed for persistent high blood pressure, which cannot be reduced by treatment.

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys reveals:

  • Kidney stone disease
  • Various kidney tumors, malignant and benign
  • Cysts
  • Kidney structure and size
  • Purulent lesions
  • Abnormalities of the kidneys and ureters

My latest kidney study from April 2012

If a person suffers from kidney stones, ultrasound can detect calculi (stones) and characteristic dilations of the urinary tract. The size of the stones, their location, and how the structure of the kidney has changed is determined.

During an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, a complete examination of the ureters is also performed, especially if a dysfunction of the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis is suspected.

During an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, an ultrasound scan of the bladder is also performed. This is necessary to get a picture of the functioning of the kidneys.

Ultrasound of the kidneys - preparation for the procedure

Many people know how to prepare for the procedure. However, there are nuances that must be observed before diagnosis.

How to prepare for a kidney ultrasound:

  • If there is a tendency to flatulence (bloating), a diet begins 3 days before the procedure before an ultrasound of the kidneys. It is necessary to start taking activated carbon (2-4 tablets) or Filtrum, Espumisan according to the instructions for these drugs.
  • 3 days before the ultrasound, exclude from the diet dairy products, carbonated water, black bread, fresh vegetables and fruits - legumes, cabbage, etc., beer, i.e. all products that promote gas formation.
    If there is no such tendency, then it is enough to follow the specified diet; without taking medications, in some cases the doctor may prescribe a cleansing enema, which should be done the night before and in the morning before the examination
  • An hour before the ultrasound examination of the kidneys, drink 2 to 4 glasses of water so that the bladder is filled with 500-800 ml of non-carbonated liquid by the time of the ultrasound. If it is difficult to wait until the examination, you can empty your bladder a little and drink a small amount of liquid again
  • Take a towel with you. Many medical institutions in the country do not have napkins for wiping off the gel used during the procedure. Therefore, a towel for drying it is what you need for the research procedure. In addition, I would advise you to wear simpler clothes so that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  • Ultrasound of the stomach and esophagus - interpretation of results, indicators, norm. What does ultrasound show for various diseases of the stomach and esophagus? Where can I get an ultrasound of the stomach and esophagus? Research price.
  • Ultrasound of the stomach and esophagus - which shows which doctor prescribes the study, indications and contraindications, preparation and implementation. How is an ultrasound of the stomach and esophagus performed on a child?
  • Ultrasound of joints - norm and pathology. Features of the study of the knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, ankle and other joints. Where to do ultrasound of joints (addresses, telephone numbers), price.
  • Ultrasound of joints - what it shows, indications and contraindications, preparation and conduct of the study. How is an ultrasound of joints performed on children, infants and newborns? Comparison with X-ray and MRI.
  • Ultrasound of the pancreas - interpretation, picture of various diseases of the organ, combination with pathologies of the liver, gall bladder, etc. Price for ultrasound of the pancreas.
  • Ultrasound of the pancreas - indications and contraindications, preparation and conduct of the study. Decoding the results. The size of the pancreas according to ultrasound is normal in children and adults.
  • Ultrasound of the foot and ankle - what it shows, indications and contraindications, preparation, price, where to do it in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Ultrasound echographic picture of soft tissues in normal and pathological conditions.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs - what it shows, types (transabdominal, transvaginal), on what day of the cycle it is performed in women, indications and contraindications, preparation and conduct of the procedure, explanation, where to do it, reviews, price

The first ultrasound of a pregnant woman is not only a wonderful opportunity to see your baby before he is born, but also one of the most important diagnostic procedures during pregnancy. Ultrasound is especially important in the early stages of pregnancy, since only in the first trimester can one “see” severe fetal malformations and chromosomal abnormalities.

First ultrasound during pregnancy

Gynecologists recommend undergoing at least three ultrasound examinations, one in each trimester of pregnancy. However, in some cases, the expectant mother undergoes not one, but at least two ultrasound scans in the first trimester of pregnancy: when registering at the antenatal clinic, as well as the first planned ultrasound scan during pregnancy (10-14 weeks).

The fact is that an ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy allows, firstly, to establish the very fact of pregnancy. This is especially important if a woman has not been able to conceive a child for a long time. Secondly, ultrasound will help determine the location of the fertilized egg, which is important for the timely diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The specialist will assess the viability of the embryo (by its heartbeat), rule out or, alas, confirm the development of a frozen pregnancy.

In addition, with the help of ultrasound at an early stage of pregnancy, a possible threat of miscarriage is determined, as well as diseases or anomalies in the development of the internal genital organs of the expectant mother (uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors and cysts, bicornuate uterus, etc.).

At the first planned ultrasound during pregnancy at 10-14 weeks, the structure of the embryo and its membranes (chorion, amnion and yolk sac) is examined, possible chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome) or developmental defects (neural tube defects) are identified. The specialist determines the gestational age of the fetus, which the observing obstetrician-gynecologist will focus on when establishing the due date.

Preparing for an ultrasound during pregnancy

You need to prepare for the study depending on how an ultrasound is performed during pregnancy. When performing an ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy, no special preparation is required: the examination is performed using a vaginal sensor. Before the test, the specialist will ask you to empty your bladder.

If the first ultrasound during pregnancy is performed at 10-14 weeks, then, as a rule, this is a transabdominal examination (through the abdominal wall). A couple of hours before the procedure, drink 1.5-2 glasses of non-carbonated liquid.

Don't forget to bring a clean towel or diaper and a condom (if transvaginal examination is being performed).

Results and norm of ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The ultrasound procedure lasts on average 10-30 minutes. Then the doctor will fill out a special protocol in which he will record the results of the study in detail.

Let's look at the most important indicators of fetal development at 12 weeks:

1. Coccygeal-parietal fetal size (CTF) plays an important role in determining the duration of pregnancy.

2. Collar dimensions. Normal its value should not exceed 3 mm. An increase in this indicator may indicate chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. Don’t panic, no doctor will diagnose “Down syndrome” based on ultrasound data. You will be referred for further tests: an alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test (at 15-20 weeks), amniocentesis (examination of amniotic fluid) and cordocentesis (taking fetal blood from the umbilical cord).

3. Fetal heart rate (FHR). Normally, at 12 weeks the baby’s heart beats at a speed of 110-180 beats/min. Reducing heart rate to 85-100 beats/min. and an increase over 200 beats/min. may indicate a high probability of miscarriage.

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