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Volumetric origami star. Origami stars and paper stars Little origami paper stars

Stars have always been considered something magical, mysterious and beautiful. They light the way and point the direction. Someone is lucky to be born under a lucky star. Some people rush to make a wish when they see a shooting star, others like to just look at them at night in clear weather. All people on Earth are familiar with this symbol. Maybe that’s why many people want to make their own little star of happiness, because it’s so beautiful. Now we will try to make a happy star from plain paper.

To work, we need a strip of paper and a little time. In our case, the size will be 1x23 cm. Of course, you can take a strip of any size, but the ratio of length to width should remain the same 1:23 each time. To find out what size star you can get from any strip of paper, you need to multiply its width by 1.67. For example, from a sheet of A4 paper, taking into account the ratio 1x23, it is convenient to cut strips measuring 1.2x27.6 cm. From such strips you can make a star measuring 2 cm.

And so, we begin to fold the star. Wrap the end of the paper strip around your index finger and tie a knot. You need to tighten it and press it so that you get a small figure of an equilateral pentagon.

You need to try to ensure that after tying the knot there is a very small end of the strip left. If this cannot be done, it is better to cut it off or bend it back.

Next, we begin to wrap our pentagonal star in a circle with the long end of the strip, bending it each time along the line of the edge of the figure. With each fold, the strip itself will lie on the next edge on which it needs to be folded.

After 10 similar folds, a short piece of strip should remain. It can be hidden in a nearby “pocket”. The result should be a pentagonal flat figure.

Now you need to try to make the figure three-dimensional. To do this, each edge needs to be slightly pressed inward with your fingers, while simultaneously pulling out the corners. Since the star is very small, you need to be especially careful so as not to accidentally damage it.

If you did everything correctly, then your lucky star should look like this.

Don't be upset if something went wrong and the star didn't work out the first time. Try to start again and for sure this time you will succeed! And when you learn how to do them, it will seem to you that nothing could be simpler.

Seeing such beauty, I simply could not “pass by.” Such wonderful origami stars. They are also called differently stars of happiness. Indeed, when you look at the scattering of these little ones, your mood immediately improves.

Making these cute little stars is not at all difficult, however, due to their small size, it seems that their number is increasing very slowly. But, if you set out to make a lot of them, then you just need to cut the appropriate paper into ribbons of the required width and do not forget to pick them up at every convenient moment. For example, I collect stars when I watch TV, because part of the time when creating them is taken up by almost automatic movements, which you don’t even need to look at - the ribbon itself will lie as it should, just turn the figure over in your hands.

By the way, there are even special sets available - cut up beautiful paper for creating “stars of happiness”.

The stars look very beautiful on their own: you can, for example, decorate the interior of a room by pouring such stars into a transparent jar, bottle or vase; make a curtain out of them for the New Year; complement the decoration of gifts or New Year's compositions... but you never know what you can create with the help of these charming little ones?

Well, now let's see How same them do.

1. Firstly, if you have not purchased a special kit for creating them, you will have to cut colored paper or unnecessary magazines into thin strips yourself. It’s not very convenient to do this with scissors: it takes a long time and is not entirely straight, but if you use a stationery knife and a ruler, the work will go very quickly. The ratio of length to width should be approximately 29 cm by 1.2 cm; if your paper is longer, then increase the width proportionally. You just don’t rush to cut a lot of ribbons at once: collect several stars and then you will understand what width and length you need.

To create my stars, I cut magazine and metallic colored paper into “ribbons.” But even stars made from plain white paper look great!

2. Let's proceed directly to creation:

First you need to make a loop
- then, taking the short end of the paper, we make a knot
- carefully pull the paper, tightening the knot so that we get an equilateral pentagon
- tuck the small tail back; if it sticks out, bend it or trim it

Now we begin to wrap the long end around the pentagon - the tape, as if by itself, begins to lie quite smoothly on the edges of the figure
- fold the tape until the paper runs out
- carefully tuck the remaining tail under the strip

Now you have the star blank ready, now all that remains is to “squeeze out” the rays of the star. At this stage, marriage appears from time to time, so take your time, but you must act confidently and decisively.

3. We take the pentagon with the fingers of our left hand, with two fingers of our right hand, as if grasping one of the corners and press on the edge, pushing the side of the pentagon across in its middle.
Then we move on to the next face, pushing in this way - squeezing out all the rays of the star.

How to make an origami star? - Very simple! Use the instructions provided and you will succeed. The star is a fairly simple task that can be done even by a beginner who has never done origami before.

Origami - as a rule, this is not for the faint of heart. But with our instructions, everything becomes so simple and clear that you can stamp paper crafts as if on a conveyor belt! And today we will make one of the simplest figures - a star.

We will need a square sheet of paper (preferably using special paper) and the desire to bend it a little. For the last step we will resort to using scissors, so have them with you. If now you have just a paper square in front of you, then by the end of the article you will get this origami star:

How to make an origami star:

1 - Take a square piece of paper.

2 - Bend it in half.

3 - Bend the lower right corner.

4 - Fold this corner back to create a crease.

5 - Now fold the top right corner (as shown in the picture) and bring it back to create another fold.

6 - Fold the lower left corner so that it meets the intersection of the folds made in steps 4 and 5 (see example).

7 - Bend this corner so that its left side is flush with the left edge of our future product.

8 - It's time for the lower right corner of our future star - bend it to the left folds.

9 - Iron the resulting folds thoroughly and fold the resulting piece in half on the reverse side.

10 - It looks like a bag. It remains to cut it from the left corner of the front side as shown in the following figure.

11 - It remains to unfold our folded-inverted paper creation.

12 - Well, congratulations - now you know how to make an origami star in just a couple of minutes. In the next lesson we will learn

As a rule, the older a person gets, the more nostalgic he begins to remember his childhood years. For many adults today, this time is permeated with Soviet symbols, among which red stars can be noted.

In this master class I will show several options on how to make a paper star with your own hands with step-by-step photographs. This five-pointed symbol may still be relevant today. For example, a red star is perfect for decorating a New Year's interior. It is not difficult to make it from paper, focusing on the proposed master classes.

01. DIY voluminous paper star

To create a three-dimensional star, we need to prepare:

  • red paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue.

First, cut out 5 squares of the same size from red paper.

Our blanks have a side of 9 cm.

After this, you can begin to add each square. First we make a diagonal fold.

Then we unfold the square blank. Fold the right side towards the middle.

A similar fold should be made on the left side.

Now we need to make bends in the upper part of our workpiece. First we bend the right side.

After this, we make a fold on the left side. Our blank took the shape of a rhombus.

Fold it in half.

The top layer needs to be folded to the side.

In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that on the reverse side the vertex of the triangle coincides with the fold line.

Unfold the workpiece slightly.

Smooth the fold lines.

Now we begin to straighten one of the rays of the future star.

Carefully straighten its inner layer.

Now we give the workpiece the following appearance. We have an element consisting of one whole beam and a half.

We need to make 4 more such blanks.

You can start assembling the star, and for this you will need glue. Apply it to one half of the beam.

After that we insert one element into another.

So we connected 2 modules.

We glue the remaining elements together in a similar way. Our volumetric paper star is ready.

02. How to make a star using modular origami technique

The modular origami technique allows you to create three-dimensional figures using the same elements. Our master class presents the step-by-step production of a star from several modules.

To work you will need 10 square sheets of paper. We took red writing sheets.

We start by making one module. For it we need two sheets. First we bend them along two diagonals. Now these same sheets of paper should be bent in transverse directions, but in the other direction.

From one we fold the workpiece in the form of a double square.

From another sheet of paper with pre-designated folds, we fold the workpiece in the form of a double triangle.

Now we insert the triangle inside the square.

We bend the protruding ends from the square inward. First we do this from two opposite sides.

Then we unfold the module blank and bend the protruding corners again. This is how we got one of the modules.

We need to make 4 more such modules for the future star. Let's start connecting the modules. They will be attached to each other due to the corners protruding on the sides.

Two corners of one piece should be inserted under the folds of the other from the inside.

We insert the corners of the other module from the outside under the folds of the adjacent one.

So we continue to connect the individual modules.

We close all 5 elements into a ring.

You can leave the origami star as is, or you can slightly raise its upper part.

03. Volume star made of paper for a postcard

On a white sheet, draw a star stencil, as in the photo, and prepare a sheet of red cardboard.

Cut it out.

Bend the workpiece - all the short strips are bent inward, and the long strips are bent outward. Glue it to the base. This way you can make a three-dimensional star for a postcard for February 23 or May 9.

How to make a five-pointed star out of paper video tutorial

Stars of happiness (origami)

Happiness is in your hands!

Create happiness with your own hands - origami - stars of happiness!

In addition, stars of happiness are a very elegant accessory for your home.

The stars are with us everywhere. The star is always relevant: on New Year’s Day you can see it at the top of the Christmas tree, you can get a star from the sky for your beloved on Valentine’s Day, stars are firmly associated with Defenders of the Fatherland Day. They also say that when a new person is born, a new star lights up in the sky, why not light up a small star in honor of the newborn on a card (and give it to the lucky parents)? A star can be a guiding star, give people going on a journey a star so that their path will be illuminated by it and good luck will accompany them.
The stars accompany us throughout our lives.

Do you know how to make stars with your own hands?

What will we make it from?

I cut the magazines into strips. The size of the strips is 29x1.1cm. You can cut the strips wider, but then the length should be longer. I tried to choose pages with brighter colors and less text, but I think that black and white stripes will also make original stars. Looking ahead a little, I will say that the stage of cutting strips is the most difficult in making stars. If you have a cutter or shredder that cuts the paper into longitudinal strips, that's just great. Then this stage is much simpler and faster. I didn’t have these tools on hand, so I first cut the strips with scissors, which is very labor-intensive and not very neat. And then it dawned on me that I could simplify the process if I used a ruler and a utility knife... And it went on.much faster.

How we will do it:

1) Take a strip of paper and make a loop.
2) Then we wrap the short ponytail, making a knot.
3) Very carefully tighten the knot and press it. You should get an equilateral pentagon.

4) We wrap the tail on the reverse side. I did it on purpose
the tail is a little longer so that the photo shows where we wrapped it.
But it’s better to try to make it shorter so that it doesn’t peek out.
limits of the pentagon.

8-17) And now we begin to wrap a pentagon with a long strip
all sides, trying not to press it too hard. Total should
you will get at least 10 wraps, i.e. each edge needs to be wrapped
twice. This should be taken into account if you change the thickness and length
stripes. With a width of 1.1 cm and a length of 29 cm, the star is 1.5 cm.

18) We hide the tip under the strip. If it peeks out, we tuck it a little and then hide it.
19) Now is the most crucial moment! It is at this stage that I
it turned out to be a marriage. We hold the pentagon with two fingers of one hand, and with the nail
with the other hand we press on one side of the pentagon, trying to get into
the middle of the edge. We do the same with the remaining faces.
20) That's it! Our little star of happiness is ready!

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