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Coloring with myscara semi-permanent mascara. Permanent mascara: all the pros and cons. Advantages and features of use

148 04/04/2019 4 min.

Eyelashes not only perform an important protective function for the eyes, but are also one of the most expressive parts of the face. Properly applied makeup can not only hide flaws, but also enhance advantages. For this purpose, various compositions have been developed that differ in quality, price, and additional properties. Permanent mascara is rightfully considered one of the most common products; it not only lengthens and increases volume, but also does not leave clumps after application.


Permanent mascara is a modern professional eyelash coloring agent that has an enhanced effect. In terms of its effects, it combines traditional coloring and the application of regular mascara. The complex composition allows you to visually lengthen the length and add additional volume. Due to the improved structure, no lumps remain during makeup application, and over time there is no usual shedding. Some manufacturers claim that permanent mascara can stay on eyelashes for up to 1.5 months. Such a lasting effect allows you to abandon regular mascara altogether.

Before and after permanent eyelash tinting

Modern products for working with eyelashes are available in the form of liquid or gel emulsion. The components included in the composition are non-toxic, do not cause allergies and do not come into contact with the delicate skin of the eyes and mucous membranes. The procedure itself is completely safe and suitable for all types of eyelashes, unlike eyelash extensions.

Permanent mascara can only be purchased in specialized cosmetic stores or directly in the salon.

Features of application

It is not recommended to apply permanent mascara yourself, since the procedure requires special training and skill. It is best to purchase the product in the salon where you will undergo the procedure, where the consultant will advise you on the most suitable product depending on the condition of your eyes, skin and eyelashes. The dyeing itself takes no more than an hour; an experienced master quickly separates each hair, while protecting the mucous membrane from getting the composition. You can choose how much volume you need, since permanent mascara allows you to achieve very different results depending on the technique. As a rule, the application of the product is combined with bio-curling of eyelashes to obtain maximum expressiveness.

Applying permanent mascara to eyelashes

The popularity of permanent eyelash tinting is still gaining popularity, so classic black mascaras are the most common.

Typically, the effect after coloring lasts up to 3-4 weeks, depending on compliance with all conditions. Over time, hair cells are renewed, so the dye begins to wash off, which is why it is necessary to renew the coloring or remove makeup in the salon using specialized products. To prolong the results of the procedure, you should follow simple recommendations, especially during the first week:

  • For 24 hours after painting, you must avoid visiting places with high humidity (swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse), and if possible, avoid direct contact with water altogether;
  • It is strictly forbidden to paint eyelashes with the usual composition over permanent mascara;
  • It is not recommended to use curling irons or special combs;
  • In the first week, it is not advisable to use greasy and oil-containing cosmetics for skin care in the eye area;
  • During the entire period of effect of permanent mascara, you cannot use eye makeup removers.

Simple precautions will not only extend the period of action of the composition, but also protect your eyes from additional exposure.

Popular brands

Most professional salons prefer to use permanent mascara made in Europe, as well as US and UK brands. They have significantly better quality than their Chinese or Korean counterparts. The most popular means are:

  • MYscara. Popular worldwide permanent mascara from the UK. The composition allows you to add additional volume to each hair, as well as add length and an expressive bend. Before purchasing a product, you must undergo special training;
  • Diva Lash. French mascara, which is positioned as a hypoallergenic product suitable for sensitive eyes and those who wear contact lenses. The length and volume of eyelashes after the procedure can last for a month;

  • Adele Sutton. It is believed that it was this manufacturer from South Africa who not only produced the world's first permanent mascara, but also developed the procedure itself. Today Adele Sutton produces one of the most popular traditional products, which can significantly increase the volume of eyelashes and add expressiveness. If all care rules are followed, the effect can last for a month. Despite its popularity, this is one of the most expensive brands of long-lasting mascaras;
  • Lashblack. This product contains products of organic origin, so the procedure for coloring with mascara of this brand is completely safe for health. Due to natural ingredients, it not only enhances beauty and gives well-grooming, but also enriches eyelashes with useful substances. Made in the UK, comes with brush, primer and remover;
  • IQ Mascara. American permanent mascara made from medical components, thanks to which it not only copes with the task of coloring, but also has an additional anti-aging effect;
  • Lovely. Despite the widespread use of European products, this mascara, produced in South Korea, is loved by many women for its low price and amazing effect after coloring. It is considered one of the most versatile in terms of applying permanent mascaras. Due to its good layering ability, eyelashes can be given almost any volume and length. It is recommended to enhance the visual effect after dyeing with the help of bio-perm. Usually sold as a complete set for the procedure;

Before applying a new brand of mascara, be sure to do a quick test on the skin of your hand in order to subsequently avoid side effects.



The procedure for coloring eyelashes using permanent mascara is a relatively new type of makeup for this part of the eyes. A good result depends on many factors - the choice of the optimal product, the professionalism of the specialist, as well as compliance with the rules after the procedure. It is also important to remember that after 3-4 weeks the dyeing must be done again or the previous composition must be removed, since the dye is washed off over time, and the hair cells are constantly renewed.

It is the application of semi-permanent mascara that allows you to forget about the need to apply makeup every morning. How nice it is to give yourself half an hour of sweet sleep every day! Isn't it true?

What is it?

Semi-permanent mascara is a light, imperceptible, soft coating that envelops each eyelash individually, providing comfort and convenience combined with durability!

This coating will not smudge, will not spread due to heat, will not wash off, will not roll up or crumble. You can safely visit the sauna and water park, take a bath, walk in the rain, play sports, without worrying about the safety of your makeup. Adele Sutton semi-permanent mascara applies in just 20 minutes. If it’s also done, it will take an hour. This is much faster than eyelash extensions (2 hours).

What will you get?

Upon completion of the procedure, you should not expect a phenomenal increase in the length and volume of eyelashes, because this is not extensions.

However, the effect of an even and carefully applied layer of mascara is guaranteed. First, special solutions are applied to the eyelashes, separated and colored (both upper and lower). Semi-permanent mascara dries almost immediately. Under any circumstances, the result of the procedure will last for 2-3 weeks, depending on the number of layers applied. Semi-permanent mascara will gradually wash off from the surface of the eyelashes. Therefore, if you suddenly want to part with it before the due date, you will have to go to a beauty salon, where the coating will be removed with a special product. The composition of the coating is hypoallergenic, so it can be applied to the eyelashes for 3 months in a row, after which it is recommended to take a break for a week, and you can apply mascara again.

Semi-permanent mascara and eyelash extensions

The combination of these two procedures gives a simply magical effect. Your eyelashes won't be as short as you thought they were. They will have a soft and natural curl and will lift at the base thanks to the silicone eyelash curler. The result is longer eyelashes and a more open look within 1.5 months. Having done a complex procedure with perm just once, you will need to renew the layer of mascara only after two to three weeks. There is no need to perm before each application of semi-permanent mascara.

Who is the procedure suitable for?

Semi-permanent mascara will make life easier for business women, young mothers, and women who often visit the sauna, swimming pool, or are planning to go on vacation. The procedure will also be of interest to those who want to try something new.

After the application procedure, it is not recommended to: wet, rub, comb the eyes, sleep with your face in the pillow. In addition, you should refrain from visiting the pool, sauna and solarium. But this is only on the first day after the procedure. The next day you can do whatever you want and experience the coverage of your eyelashes in any, even extreme situations. The cost of the procedure varies in various salons from 1500 to 2500 rubles. Treat yourself and become truly irresistible!

Every woman has used regular mascara at least once in her life to make her eyes more expressive. Those who use mascara constantly know very well not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages: it takes time to apply, there are black streaks, sometimes it falls off, the effect is not as good as we would like. Therefore, many women have chosen eyelash extensions or coloring. Today, many beauty salons offer such a service as permanent mascara. What is it?

Semi-permanent mascara is an ideal option for girls who want to achieve a stunning effect, but cannot achieve it with regular mascara. The paint contains paint, microvilli and special hypoallergenic glue.

Types of semi-permanent mascara:

  1. Single-phase - it is believed that it gives a more natural look to the eyelashes, since it contains fewer microvilli;
  2. Two-phase – gives the eyelashes a building effect, since its structure makes the hairs heavier.

The main advantages of applying permanent mascara:

  • You can significantly increase the volume of your own eyelashes;
  • The length of the hairs increases by 20%;
  • Lasts about two weeks;
  • This procedure significantly saves time for applying makeup;
  • Eyelashes take on a stunning look;
  • This makeup does not crumble or run at the most crucial moments;
  • Thanks to permanent mascara, your look will become more expressive and open;
  • The eyelash is curled from the middle without harming the hair follicle. Therefore, if a hair falls out during the procedure, a new one will soon grow in its place;
  • Perfect for both daytime and evening makeup;
  • No need to wash off mascara before going to bed;
  • You can safely swim in the sea, relax in the sauna and wear contact lenses - all this will not interfere with your eyelashes, and you will always be irresistible;
  • You can do without makeup at all, because beautiful fluffy eyelashes will be the main highlight of your face;
  • Semi-permanent mascara is absolutely safe for health.

This procedure has enough advantages, but you should not save on yourself and try to cover your eyelashes yourself at home. After all, this could end in disaster. Better choose a good salon with a qualified specialist - and you are guaranteed an excellent result.

How is eyelash tinting done?

At first glance, this procedure is no different from simply applying regular mascara to your hair. But it requires some preparation and a little more time for coloring.

Now semi-permanent mascara is very popular and is suitable for women of all ages. But it is better to do it in special salons. After all, the paint dries quite quickly and you need to have time to separate the stuck together hairs with special tweezers - only a master can do this efficiently.

The coating is done slowly, in several stages, on eyelashes without makeup.

  • Special halogen pads are placed under the lower hairs so that the lower and upper eyelids do not close and protect the delicate skin under the eyes from the influence of paint;
  • You must carefully apply the degreaser to the eyelashes using a small brush, otherwise the paint will not stick;
  • Comb the hairs in a circular motion so that they are colored evenly;
  • Mascara should be applied to the inside of the eyelashes from the beginning of their growth to their tips. This must be done with precise and quick movements so that the hairs do not have time to stick together;
  • You can separate the eyelashes using tweezers;
  • Now you need to apply the dye to the outer side of the hairs and also separate them with tweezers;
  • After 2-3 minutes, when the first layer of paint has dried, you need to carefully apply the second layer of mascara;
  • Applying paint to the lower eyelashes follows the same pattern.

The procedure time with all stages is about 1.5 hours.

But be careful, because there may be individual intolerance to mascara. Its first signs: the eyes suddenly begin to sting, redness and tearing appear. In this case, the procedure should be abandoned, otherwise a big problem may occur.

What types of paints are used in beauty salons?

The effect, price of the procedure and time of wearing such eyelashes depend on the quality of the mascara.

List of the most popular brands of permanent mascara:

  • Myscara. Manufactured in England, it gives the eyelashes a chic volume, a graceful curve and slightly lengthens the hairs. But to independently purchase this brand, you must undergo preliminary training from the founder of this company, Helen McGuinness. The cost of the certificate after training is $125 and $150 with curling training;
  • IQ Mascara. Country of origin: USA. The main components are medical ingredients, purchased for professional use. Gives hair unforgettable volume;
  • DP Lash. Manufactured in Germany. Many salon professionals prefer this particular brand, since this mascara dries faster, stays on the eyelashes longer, is soft to apply, and has a natural composition. Gives eyelashes beautiful volume and does not require any training certificates upon purchase;
  • Lash Black. Country of origin: Great Britain. An excellent product for allergy sufferers, as it consists of natural ingredients;
  • Diva Lash. A French cosmetic product that gives the eyelashes a small volume and increases the length of the hairs several times;
  • Adele Sutton. Made in South Africa. Gives volume to eyelashes and noticeably lengthens them, and also stays on the hairs much longer than other brands, for 3 weeks.

Rules for caring for colored eyelashes

Despite the ease of the procedure, eyelashes after bio-perm still require careful treatment. There are several rules that must be followed if you want the effect to last as long as possible and your eyes to remain healthy.

Some features of eyelash and eye care:

  • Do not touch your eyes with your hands for several hours after the procedure;
  • For the first two days, you should not wash your face with water or cosmetics. After all, the coating simply does not have time to dry completely, and you can damage the result of the salon master’s work;
  • You cannot apply regular mascara over coloring and curl your hair with cosmetic curling irons;
  • Be careful when applying facial care. If even a little cosmetic product, the main component of which is oil, gets on your eyelashes, they will simply peel off;
  • Do not rub your eyelashes with your hands, otherwise you may damage them;
  • If for some reason you decide to remove the permanent coating from your eyelashes, then you again need to go to the salon. After all, this mascara is very difficult to remove in the usual way without damaging the hairs. To remove such paint, salon technicians use a special product.

Even after the salon, handle coated and curled eyelashes with care, because they are coated with a product that gives them volume and lengthens them, and therefore makes them heavier.

The result of permanent eyelash tinting is suitable for those women who love lash extensions, but prefer a more natural effect. But how long it will last depends on the care for colored eyelashes. But the fact that this procedure is easy, painless, and the result is simply amazing has already been proven by many women.

Permanent mascara is mascara that stays on your eyelashes for two to three weeks. If regular mascara needs to be washed off every evening and reapplied every morning, then by choosing permanent mascara, you can forget about this problem for a while.

After the procedure, the eyelashes look very natural, and you don’t have to worry that at the most inopportune moment the mascara will run and there will be streaks under the eyes.

What is permanent mascara used for and what results does it give?

Permanent mascara is suitable for those girls who want to make their eyelashes fluffier and longer.

This is a professional cosmetic product, which, after application to the eyelashes, is not felt at all and does not cause any discomfort.

The mascara covers the eyelashes perfectly, does not clump or fall off. The result is thick, voluminous and dark eyelashes that look very natural.

How long does the effect last?

Permanent mascara lasts on the eyelashes for about two to three weeks. This is provided that the girl strictly follows all the rules.

After this, the mascara gradually begins to wash off.

If you apply permanent mascara to your eyelashes after bio-curling them, the effect of gracefully curled eyelashes will last for two months.

Is it possible to apply permanent mascara yourself at home?

Permanent mascara is a professional cosmetic product, so only a highly qualified specialist who has the necessary knowledge and skills can apply it to eyelashes.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure yourself, as you can cause irreparable harm to your eyes. It is best to sign up for the procedure at a beauty salon.

Cost of the procedure in the salon?

The cost will depend on many factors: the city in which the girl lives, the qualifications of the specialist and the general prices in the beauty salon.

On average, you will have to pay about 1,700-2,200 rubles to cover the lower and upper eyelashes with permanent mascara. For a biowave you have to pay 550-750 rubles. The total cost of two procedures is 2250-2950 rubles.

How long does the procedure take?

If a girl wants to cover both her lower and upper eyelashes with permanent mascara, then she will need to spend about forty-five minutes on this procedure.

The master will cover the upper eyelashes with mascara in about thirty, and the lower ones in fifteen minutes. Permanent mascara can be used by both girls with natural and eyelash extensions.

What should not be done immediately after the procedure?

It is advisable to refrain from going to the sauna, bathhouse or taking a bath for the first 24 hours after applying permanent mascara.

In general, contact with water during this period of time is very undesirable. In addition, you should not apply regular mascara to your eyelashes or use makeup remover.

A cream for caring for the area around the eyes should not contain any oils. Also, you should not comb your eyelashes with a brush or curl them with special curlers.

What is bio-curling of eyelashes with permanent mascara?

Eyelash bio-curling is a fairly easy and harmless procedure that should be carried out by a highly professional specialist. Its duration is 45-55 minutes.

After bio-curling, the eyelashes will acquire a beautiful and graceful curve that will last for about a month. And applied permanent mascara will give your eyes special expressiveness, making eyelashes voluminous, dark and fluffy.

How is coloring done?

This procedure is carried out in several steps. First, the master seals the lower eyelashes with special silicone pads, after which he carefully combs the eyelashes and degreases them using a special brush.

Using a microbrush, the master paints the first layer of eyelashes with mascara in small sections. It is necessary to carefully paint each individual eyelash and carefully separate them with tweezers.

The bottom row of eyelashes is painted in the same way.

The most famous brands of eyelash products

Today there are two favorites: permanent mascara from the myscara brand and permanent mascara from the kodi brand.

Both brands produce high-quality cosmetics that do not cause allergic reactions and do not contain toxic substances.

myscara mascara will give girls the opportunity to look attractive at any time of the day. And kodi mascara is particularly easy to apply.

Is it difficult to learn how to apply permanent mascara to your eyelashes?

Becoming a professional and learning how to work efficiently with permanent mascara is actually not difficult.

All you need is to take training courses and be patient.

This procedure requires perseverance and scrupulousness from the master.

In addition, when purchasing professional permanent mascara, some companies give a free educational disc, which will also help you understand the intricacies of this procedure.

Are there special courses I can take?

Yes, such courses exist. As a rule, master classes are held in big cities. All masters who attend such courses are given a corresponding certificate at the end.

Courses will help you always be aware of new cosmetic products and attract new clients.

In addition, this product cannot be sold without training, so masters who want to provide this service to their clients must attend courses.

How long does the training last and what is the cost of the courses?

The training typically includes three ways to apply permanent mascara, the basics of eyelash care and rules to follow when removing mascara, as well as hands-on training.

Its duration is one working day or three academic hours. You can study both in a group and individually. Price – 2700-3500 rubles.

The price depends on the skill level of the teacher, on the city in which the training is conducted, as well as on the number of people in the group.

A woman’s most important weapon is her gaze. Long fluffy eyelashes shyly lowered and a quick sharp glance at a man can drive him crazy. However, every morning you have to do your makeup, spending half an hour in front of the mirror. And you should approach the choice of mascara with all responsibility: in case it runs or smears at the wrong time.

However, even if you look irresistible today, tomorrow you will still have to do makeup again and apply several layers of mascara to your eyelashes...

Probably, there are ways in modern cosmetology that allow you to permanently consolidate the effect of painted eyelashes?

It turns out yes. Semi-permanent mascara.

Semi-permanent mascara

This coating applies to lashes just like regular mascara and immediately makes them up to 15% longer and up to 50% thicker. And this appearance of eyelashes remains for a month. Depending on the number of layers of mascara applied, the growth of the eyelashes themselves and the caring attitude of the “housewife”.

Using semi-permanent mascara is an ideal option for girls who are tired of using regular mascara every day, and eyelash extensions seem to be an unacceptable task. A photo of semi-permanent eyelashes always confirms that after the procedure the eyelashes will look natural.

Applying semi-permanent mascara

The application of semi-permanent mascara takes place in four stages:

  1. Preparation for application: cleansing the eyes.
  2. Direct application of the mascara itself.
  3. In order to balance the even distribution of mascara on the eyelashes, they are combed.
  4. The final stage: drying the eyelashes.

On average, the procedure for applying semi-permanent mascara lasts about 40-45 minutes: covering the upper eyelashes with semi-permanent mascara takes about half an hour and 10-15 minutes for covering the lower eyelashes.

Semi-permanent mascara reviews

The effect of an expressive look must be maintained. Cosmetologists prohibit washing your face for two to three hours after applying semi-permanent mascara, and not exposing your eyelashes to high-temperature moisture (baths, saunas, baths) for 24 hours. After covering with semi-permanent mascara, your eyelashes will no longer need to use regular mascara; experts do not recommend using tweezers or brushes for combing. Any mechanical intervention can destroy the integrity of the coating layers.

Reviews from women about semi-permanent mascara confirm not only the quality of the external effect, but also the quality of “everyday mascara wear”: it does not run, does not crumble, and does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes. You can lie on the beach, safely swim in the sea or cry with happiness - semi-permanent mascara will not let you down in any situation.

Surprisingly, semi-permanent mascara can even be applied to eyelash extensions! In this case, their volume and length become simply stunning!

Attention! Semi-permanent mascara should only be applied by a specialist! And it is washed off when the expiration date expires, only in a beauty salon! Trying to apply semi-permanent mascara yourself at home without preparation can lead to dire consequences!

Semi-permanent mascara and bio-permed eyelashes

To enhance the expressiveness of their eyes, women sometimes resort to bio-permed eyelashes. Actually, bioperming and the use of semi-permanent mascara are completely compatible and complementary operations.

What is the difference between eyelash bio-perm and hair bio-perm?

This procedure should not be confused with perming your hair! Solutions for bio-curling eyelashes do not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, and therefore are completely harmless to the eyes.

Biowave is used in the following cases:

  1. If you are born with very long eyelashes, you can curl them to give the desired curl.
  2. For short eyelashes, the procedure will help lift their ends and “open” your eyes.
  3. Correcting the general direction of eyelashes or several eyelashes that grow in a different direction than everyone else.
  4. Before or after eyelash extensions, it is possible to change their shape.
  5. Giving any eyelashes (including extensions) a beautiful curve.

The procedure for bio-curling eyelashes is carried out only in the salon, because the technology is quite complex. And a lot depends on the accuracy of the master: your beauty!

Eyelash bio-perm procedure

  1. The specialist blocks the lower eyelashes to thoroughly clean the upper ones from dirt or dust.
  2. There are different sizes of silicone pads (eyelash curlers) available for curling eyelashes. For example, for short eyelashes the master will choose size S curlers, and for the longest and fluffiest eyelashes - XL.
  3. Disposable curlers are fixed to the eyelid with special glue. This is done very carefully so that the pad is as close as possible to the roots of the eyelashes.
  4. After this, the specialist applies glue to the curlers and begins to place eyelashes on them. Using small tweezers, you need to lay each eyelash separately, avoiding intersections.
  5. After the eyelashes have been given the desired curve, a softener solution is applied to them.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, the softener is washed off with a dry cotton swab and a fixative is applied to the eyelashes.
  7. Then the specialist will consolidate the result by treating the eyelashes with nourishing oil. Once the oil is absorbed, it will be necessary to remove the curlers and remove any remaining preparations.
  8. At the end of the procedure, the master gives the eyelashes the required shape. You can dye your eyelashes only one day after the bio-perm procedure.

Semi-permanent mascara MYscara is very popular in our country. It can be bought both in beauty salons and on online shopping sites. Beauty salons recommend this brand for two reasons: 100% quality components and relatively reasonable prices. And the photos of eyelashes after MYscara look impressive.

Price of semi-permanent mascara, price of bio-permed eyelashes

So we come to the main question: how much will this pleasure cost - to look beautiful and natural? Kits for applying semi-permanent mascara cost from 2500-3000 rubles. You can, of course, buy all the components separately, but to do this you need to understand whether the components of one component are suitable for the other? For example, mascara of a certain brand and a fixative for it.

The price of bio-curling eyelash kits also starts from 2,500 rubles.

The work of the master should also be highly appreciated, since performing operations on applying semi-permanent mascara and bio-curling eyelashes requires special care and experience. You should not risk your beauty and health by turning to a specialist who has the lowest prices for his services.

Salons offer women many different procedures and operations to highlight and enhance natural beauty. The procedure of bio-curling eyelashes and the subsequent application of semi-permanent mascara can magically transform your look. In addition, you will be confident in the quality and safety of the procedures performed, and natural beauty is simply priceless!

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