Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Refresh your face quickly. Making the skin elastic. The effect of regular use of home recipes

If I could always sleep a lot, eat only natural healthy foods, drink exclusively clean water and breathe only mountain air, I would most likely less often have the question of how to get myself in order. But I live in modern metropolis, in an eternal rush, under electric light, I sleep little and drink a lot of coffee, I snack on a warmed business lunch, and there is dust on the streets of my city. So I have to work hard to keep my skin looking fresh and healthy.

Of course, the easiest way is to exclude everything unfavorable factors, which make my skin tired and me nervous. These are: artificial lighting, poor nutrition, coffee abuse, nicotine, lack of sleep and stress. But for this I will have to quit my job and go to Bali, which I cannot afford yet. We have to get out.

Dry skin

Most main enemy leather - air conditioners and central heating radiators. They dry it out in winter and summer, day and night, and there seems to be no escape from them. And on the street, dust settles on the skin, it irritates it (and me). The water in the tap flows hard, and after washing it, your face feels like everything is on fire. Skin dehydration is, I’m not afraid of exaggeration, a real scourge of modern women. What to do about it? Well, of course, you need to drink a lot. I try to minimize the consumption of coffee, which removes water from the body, and replace it with clean still water and green tea. So far it’s turning out so-so - I’m going to give up my morning cup of coffee at the moment unable to. But throughout the day I try to constantly drink clean water - I take a few sips every half hour.

To fix dehydrated skin, I I wash my face only with soap-free detergent- I like Thai cleansers with aloe, tea tree or natural oils. Micellar water is also excellent for washing.

Sometimes I do a light mass with ice - ice I have a secret! I freeze aloe juice and essential oils of mint, sage, and almond. Such procedures improve blood circulation, and therefore skin nutrition.

I use scrubs only with fruit acids - mechanical peeling injures the skin and promotes the release of water from it (as well as mechanical cleaning facial skin). Twice a day I apply facial moisturizer to damp skin. In the office (and at home) winter period when the heating is on) I use it thermal water- She also saves me on airplanes.

Express remedy against dehydration- gauze compress with chamomile or calendula infusion or green tea for 15 minutes, then light massage with fingertips and moisturizer.


With dehydration, everything seems to be clear, but what to do with swelling? I ate salted fish in the evening - I can’t fit in the mirror in the morning. It's simple - you need to drink a lot. I'm drinking green tea with rose hips. Liters. Until all the water comes out. Soda baths (for the whole body) and soda compresses (for the face) also help well. Very good effect- after such a bath and compress, up to 1.5 liters of liquid comes out.


Another problem that I have to struggle with is skin color. Coffee, little sleep, a lot of stress, sharply continental climate, rainy summers, winters, when the night takes 2/3 of the day - all this leads to the fact that my skin sometimes acquires a color that is indecent for the skin of a woman in the prime of life. We have to fight.

Vitamin for skin color - is beta-carotene (vitamin A).

Beta-carotene is found in all orange-colored plant foods:

  • carrots,
  • pumpkin,
  • citrus fruits,
  • sea ​​buckthorn, etc.

In the body, it turns into vitamin A, which dissolves in fats, and they deliver it to the skin.

To be good color faces, I consume liters of freshly squeezed carrot juice, and from the pulp that remained in the microwave, I make carrot-sour cream masks with aloe or tea tree oil.

If I need to even out my complexion(for example, if you have an uneven tan or an abundance of freckles), I wipe it with lemon juice twice a day. Nourishing creams, of course, and constant walks on fresh air are also necessary. Express method - yogurt mask, sea ​​buckthorn oil and mint oil for 10 minutes.

_ Nutrition

The skin needs to be nourished, otherwise it will look bad and make me look old, and I don’t want that. It is best to nourish the skin with masks and creams. I buy creams at the pharmacy. I prepare the masks myself. Best Products for masks- yogurt, fresh fruits and berries, as well as vegetables, essential oils (I chose a few favorites and now I always use only them), aloe juice, natural mumiyo, honey, eggs, wheat sprouts and oatmeal, and cosmetic clay. I make masks every 3-4 days, sometimes in courses, sometimes once. When I’m very tired I do it unscheduled green tea compress and natural oils . I drink a complex of B vitamins and vitamins A and E with zinc, magnesium, copper, calcium and sulfur.

Be healthy and happy, because beauty starts from within!

Healthy complexion even tan and a happy look - this is what a person looks like who has just returned from vacation. Traces of fatigue, circles under the eyes, dull skin and a longing look - this is what his colleague is like, who has not yet had time to rest. If you are one of the latter, then you probably look at your cheerful colleagues with at least envy. Gazeta.Ru decided to find out from cosmetologists and makeup artists what can be done to look no worse than your well-rested friends. Or maybe even better, because it is still unknown what they did during their vacations in relation to the liver and other vital organs. Expert advice is suitable for both women and men, except, of course, for the part where we are asked to apply blush and add highlights to our hair.

Svetlana Shabalina, training manager at Clinique:

To give your face a rested look, use products that illuminate the skin and give it a natural glow. Lightweight will do here cosmetic products to adjust skin tone, which will hide imperfections and blemishes. To give a face light shade If you want to tan, apply bronzing powder to the high points of your face, creating the effect of sun-kissed skin.

You can make your face look fresher with peach-colored blush: it revitalizes and refreshes your complexion. Instead of classic lipstick, use bright lip gloss berry shades. And please don't use too much makeup in summer light shades: They can give the face a pale appearance.

I will give advice to men separately. Their most pressing problem is swelling and dark circles under the eyes, this gives a tired look and adds age.

Feel free to use gels and serums from men's lines that refresh and cool puffy areas and make dark circles less noticeable.

To be, not to seem

To look rested, you first need to feel appropriate. If you can't go to a resort, find time to go to the spa. Peeling, moisturizing, relaxing massage, nourishing wrap, hammam with soapy massage, Asian cosmetics with coffee scents, coconut oil, jasmine or papaya - all this will help you relax right here and now.

Ekaterina Dobrydneva, senior training manager, medical expert La Roche-Posay, Inneov:

How to give yourself a rested look? Of course, get enough sleep and spend more time outdoors. This is the main thing. A cosmetics will provide additional assistance.

Regularly use refreshing thermal water for your face, wherever you are - in the office, in the car, on a walk.

Thermal water perfectly tones the skin, relieves irritation, and activates the work blood vessels and gives fresh look makeup throughout the day. Just spray small quantity thermal water on your face in the morning when you wake up, and don't forget to use it during the day. In addition to thermal waters, flower waters also help to refresh.

The second key to a fresh complexion is regular exfoliation of the skin. The point is that due to dead cells skin tone becomes uneven and complexion becomes dull. Therefore, using scrubs about once a week helps even out the skin and restore its radiance. Moisturizing creams, masks, BB creams help improve your complexion. The task of BB cream is not only to moisturize and protect the skin, but also to give it even tone and shine due to special mineral pigments.

Moisturizing masks - necessary stage skin care, especially in summer. Air conditioning in offices makes the skin dehydrated and dull; moisturizing it simply saves it. Apply the mask in the evening to cleansed skin for ten minutes, remove any remaining residue with a napkin or cotton pad. If you have the opportunity to spend time in the park or in the country and want to tan quickly, we recommend using special means nutricosmetics to enhance tanning.

Asya Ilyina, art director and stylist at Cosmotheca SPA:

It is important to pay attention to the health of your hair: you will not be able to give yourself a radiant look if it is dull. Healthy hair reflect light, and for this they must be sufficiently moisturized. Spa hair care procedures are based on the most different brands. We especially love Thai cosmetics: their scents help you mentally transport yourself to Asia.

As for the appearance, a summer feeling will appear if you create safe highlights on your hair - the effect of sun glare - and dyeing, which is fashionable this season, baby style hair, when the hair looks naturally sun-bleached. Well, it’s worth changing the color of your nail polish to bright summer shades, if you haven’t decided on it yet.

Olga Komrakova, leading makeup artist at Clarins:

A rested look can be painted. Use a makeup base to add radiance to your skin. It can be mixed with foundation. Refresh your complexion with bronzing powder, focusing special attention cheekbones and facial contour, and apply a compact peach-colored blush to the protruding part of the cheekbones. Apply a little blush along the orbital bone (under the eyes) to refresh and brighten up your look.

Intensively color the upper lash line with eyeliner or liner and apply mascara to upper eyelashes. Leave the bottom ones untouched.

Lightly highlight your eyebrows and apply clear gloss to your lips. coral shade. Warm shades makeup will give your face a fresh, rested look, and the emphasis on upper eyelid will make your look more open.

Every woman knows that feeling of panic when you need to get ready for an important meeting and appear before many eyes in all its splendor, and you have an insignificant amount of time at your disposal. Even the most skillful makeup and the most amazing dress will not look good if the skin is tired and problematic.

To correct this situation, there is an express face mask that transforms the skin: gives it tone, freshness and a healthy glow. Every socialite beauty should have a couple of recipes for such masks in reserve in her beauty arsenal.

The main composition of household cosmetic masks requires regular care, since their active substances act on cells slowly and gradually. The basis of express face masks A There are such components that instantly penetrate the skin and quickly restore order both outside and inside:

  • improve blood circulation, as a result of which they improve complexion: remove yellowness, grayness and pallor, give the skin a natural, healthy glow;
  • exfoliate dead cells, thereby cleansing top layer epidermis;
  • even out the texture of the skin, smoothing out all its unevenness and roughness;
  • smooth out small, small wrinkles;
  • removes oily shine;
  • many masks lighten excessively bright pigmentation;
  • effectively moisturize and help cells retain moisture for several hours.

As a result of this complex impact the skin begins to glow in the literal sense of the word: a natural blush will play on the cheeks, wrinkles will not be so clearly defined, the skin will even out, unevenness will disappear. And all this in just 20 minutes of action. However, all Cinderellas should take into account that such an action will last only 5-6 hours, or even less. Therefore, count on exactly this period of time for all your events. So, if you don’t give in to the feeling of panic, but quickly prepare one of these express masks, after rinsing your face with it in just 20 minutes, you can enjoy the radiant appearance of your skin.

Express face masks: indications

  • poor complexion;
  • contaminated pores;
  • tired, sleep-deprived appearance;
  • small wrinkles;
  • rashes;
  • too bright pigmentation;
  • greasy shine due to improper operation sebaceous glands;
  • dryness and flaking.

If one of these cases is just yours, then take the recipe you have stored in advance and go to the kitchen to quickly and pleasantly restore the lost radiance to your skin.

The best recipes for express face masks

When choosing a recipe, keep in mind that for homemade masks fast action you need products that are always at hand.

  • 1. Honey express-lifting mask for any skin type

Cores walnuts(5 pieces) chop, add pre-melted butter(teaspoon), yolk and honey (teaspoon).

Fresh yeast (teaspoon) diluted fresh juice from sauerkraut(a tablespoon), add camphor oil (half a teaspoon).

  • 3. Express tea eye mask

Pour boiling water over tea bags, leave for 5 minutes, cool in the freezer (another 2-3 minutes), and apply to eyes.

Mix olive oil (a tablespoon) with the yolk, add orange juice (two tablespoons).

Peel the cucumber and grate it.

Mix heavy cream (2 tablespoons) in a blender with cucumber mixture and honey (1 teaspoon each).

  • 7. Potato mask

Grate raw potatoes (2 tablespoons), add olive oil (teaspoon) or sour cream (same amount).

  • 8. Refreshing salt mask

IN mineral water without gas (glass), dissolve sea or regular salt (teaspoon), add lemon juice(a tablespoon). Soak in solution cloth napkin and apply it to your face.

  • 9. Oatmeal cleansing mask

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder (two tablespoons), pour in milk room temperature(with a tablespoon).

Beat the egg white, add wheat flour (a teaspoon), dilute with milk to the desired consistency.

Now it won’t be a problem for you to get ready for any event quickly and without panic. With express masks for a fresh face, you can shine with beauty and youth at any reception or party.

About perfect skin persons are mentioned most often in relation to children of the first year of life. It contains 90 percent water content. But by the age of sixty, skin moisture decreases three times. Freshness young face With age, it is gradually lost: the velvety, dullness, elasticity and firmness of the skin disappear, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, and wrinkles appear. Carrying out simple daily activities cosmetic procedures will help maintain the desired tone.

The first condition for keeping your face fresh during the day is evening cleansing 1-2 hours before bedtime. This procedure is carried out daily, regardless of age, skin type (it can be normal, dry, oily, combination). It doesn’t matter what cosmetics were used during the day. Cleansing products must be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the skin.

Washing cool water with soap is the easiest way to clean. Coconut oil based soap is considered the best. Options with palm oil, soybean oil, beef, lamb and mink fat are also appreciated. It is better not to frequently resort to antibacterial soap, since microorganisms also live on the skin. After washing, rinse your face with water and lemon juice. sea ​​salt. This has a tonic effect.

Your face will feel fresh if you wash it with milk. This procedure soothes, prevents flaking and improves color. Particularly effective milk wash for women with sensitive and dry skin.

First, the face is cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in milk heated to 36-38°C. The washing itself is carried out by wetting the skin with milk diluted warm water. The face is dried with soft blotting movements using a napkin, and a nourishing solution is applied to the still damp skin. If the skin is peeling and inflamed, it is better to add a hot chamomile decoction to the milk instead of water.

The evening wash with infusions will refresh the skin and nourish it. medicinal herbs. For sensitive skin good infusions of rose petals, sage, parsley, dill. To prepare them, take 1 tablespoon of herb per 2 glasses of water. The dry mixture is poured with boiling water and left under the lid until the infusion cools to the temperature of fresh milk. For oily skin, infusions of horsetail, yarrow, pharmaceutical chamomile and linden inflorescences. Very dry skin will require cleaning with special lotions or liquid cream- both in the morning and in the evening. Also popular cosmetic milk, cosmetic cream. The best of them are with soybean and corn oil.

A layer of dirt can be removed with sunflower, olive, linseed oil. For this procedure, 2 teaspoons of slightly warmed liquid is enough. You need to start cleansing with upward movements from the neck, then wipe the areas from the chin and mouth to the temples. The forehead is rubbed from the base of the nose to the temples. IN last resort eyebrows and lips are cleansed. When the oil is absorbed into the skin, its remnants are removed with a cotton swab soaked in lotion, tea or water with any acidic fruit juice. Skin cleansed at night will “rest” well while you sleep and will look fresh in the morning. The invigorating morning procedure- rubbing the face with ice cubes from frozen mineral water.

Every woman monitors the condition of her skin, as she clearly understands that failure to follow the simplest rules leads to premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. However, sometimes just washing your face and using your favorite cream is not enough, since appearance skin affected by unfavorable environmental conditions, diseases, especially stomach diseases, poor quality food, insufficient water consumption, the influence of central heating, etc. Refreshing homemade face masks made from natural products can correct the situation. You can make such a miracle paste at home with your own hands. At the same time, after winter, preference should be given to natural, refreshing masks.

Rules for using refreshing masks

If you are interested effective masks for the face, remember that only a natural mixture can enrich the skin with vitamins, deeply moisturize it and have a soft impact. This product is ideal after sleepless night, before a holiday, in the heat, or when you need to freshen up your face before a party or renew your face. You can apply it at home at any time convenient for you: morning, afternoon or evening. But keep in mind that it is very important to cleanse the skin before using special gel for washing, foam or some other product.

At the same time, the recipe for a refreshing face mask should be suitable for your type, as a result of which you need to make a responsible choice, choosing a product that contains those components that are closer to you. Only in this case quick mask will meet your expectations and bring excellent results.

A mask to refresh facial skin is applied no more than three times a week. To enhance the effect, steam the skin. After applying the product, it is very important to lie down comfortable position and relax. You cannot keep the miraculous mixture for more than the specified time, this will not improve the effect and may harm your skin.

The best recipes for homemade refreshing face masks

So, let's see how to freshen up your face at home.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Refreshing and tightening mask

Result: the mask refreshes, invigorates and tones, you will notice the result immediately after use.


  • green tea – three bags;
  • water - fifty grams;
  • yolk - one piece;
  • mayonnaise - six spoons.

A refreshing and purifying mask

Result: this mask is ideal for those who want to tighten their skin a little, refresh and give it healthy looking. This mask is also recommended for those people who long time hurt, as it will quickly restore the skin.


  • cream (can be replaced with yogurt) - four tablespoons;
  • glycerin - one spoon;
  • essential oil(use lemon, cedar or chamomile) - a few drops.

Preparation: add essential oil to the glycerin-cream mixture and apply it for twenty minutes.

Refreshing mask for dry skin

Result: dry skin needs not only refreshment, but also increased hydration, otherwise the aging process starts much earlier in it.


  • cottage cheese - one spoon;
  • sour cream - one spoon;
  • honey – two spoons;
  • milk - one spoon.

Preparation: mix liquid honey with sour cream and milk, then add cottage cheese. You need to keep the mask for twenty minutes and use it at least twice a week.

Refreshing mask for oily skin

Result: the skin becomes more beautiful, tightened, you will get rid of greasy shine, fine wrinkles and prevent acne.


  • strawberries - several berries;
  • raspberries - several berries;
  • lemon juice - one spoon;
  • honey - one spoon.

Preparation: Grind the berries to make a porridge, then add liquid honey and lemon juice to it. Hold for ten minutes.

Refreshing honey mask


  • olive oil – one spoon;
  • pomegranate – 0.5 fruits;
  • honey - three spoons.

Preparation: squeeze the juice out of the pomegranate, dilute with olive oil and add liquid honey. You can use it daily, keeping the miraculous mixture on your face for about twenty minutes.

Video recipe: Mask with honey and yogurt to refresh skin

Refreshing cucumber mask

Result: the mask perfectly refreshes and restores lipid-water balance, removes the first signs of aging.



  • cucumber - one piece;
  • tomato – 0.5 pieces;
  • yolk - one piece;
  • oatmeal - one spoon.

Preparation: steam the oatmeal with boiling water, after a few minutes add the yolk, tomato juice and grated cucumber. Apply the mixture for fifteen minutes.

Refreshing oatmeal mask

Result: for those who are interested in masks made at home from oatmeal, we recommend paying attention to this recipe. It is great for young skin that needs hydration, nutrition and refreshment.


  • berries (it is best to use a mixture black currant and raspberries) - two tablespoons of crushed gruel;
  • oatmeal - one spoon.

Application: steam oatmeal with water and add berry puree to it. Keep it on your face for thirty minutes.

Refreshing yolk mask

Result: egg mask moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin. The recipe is ideal for oily skin.


  • yolk - one piece;
  • coffee (we use exclusively natural ground product) – one spoon;
  • vegetable oil– one spoon;
  • honey - one spoon.

Application: heat honey and vegetable oil to fifty degrees, add coffee and yolk. Keep the mixture for twenty minutes. It is contraindicated for the category of people who have problems with their face, namely dilation of blood vessels.

Refreshing banana mask

Result: many folk recipes contain banana. This ingredient is known for its nutritional properties. Plus, it contains a lot of vitamins, which nourish the skin and prevent premature aging. This refreshing mask is suitable for everyone.


  • strawberries - several berries;
  • banana - 1 piece;
  • honey - one spoon.

Application: Grind strawberries and bananas, making a paste out of them, apply to the skin. Wash off after thirty minutes clean water, it is best to use a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Refreshing potato mask

Result: suitable for aging skin. Perfectly tightens, tones and cleanses.


  • potatoes - one piece;
  • milk - one spoon;
  • peach – 0.5 pieces;
  • parsley - a bunch.

Application: squeeze the juice out of the parsley after chopping it first. Grate the potatoes along with the peach. Mix the liquids by adding milk to a common container. Apply the product for ten minutes.

Refreshing clay mask

The result of such a mask largely depends on what kind of clay you use: blue, black, gray, white or some other. However, each of them outputs harmful substances from the skin, rejuvenates it and improves its appearance.


  • clay - one spoon;
  • cabbage - a spoonful of juice;
  • kefir - one spoon.

Directions: Extract the juice from the cabbage and add to the above ingredients. Apply the “medicine” for fifteen minutes.

Refreshing lemon mask

Result: lemon refreshes, brightens the skin, helps get rid of pigmentation, fine wrinkles and “gray” color.


  • lemon – 0.5 fruits;
  • grapes - 1 spoon of juice;
  • berries (you can use any: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, including frozen) - one spoon of juice;
  • cheese - two spoons.

Application: squeeze the juice from the fruit and mix the ingredients. Hold for ten minutes.

Video recipe: Homemade refreshing face mask with carrots and apples

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