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Where does hair come from: natural and artificial material for extensions. Where does the hair for extensions come from?

Recently, many women and girls prefer to grow their hair. To keep up with their idols, fashionistas enjoy visiting beauty salons and choosing their hair length. However, many girls are interested in this pressing question: where does the hair for extensions come from? There are many rumors about this topic. Some tell made-up myths to mislead clients who want to grow their locks.

Every girl dreams of having long luxurious hair. However, in our country we quite often come across fashionable women who have thin and damaged hair. Accordingly, you have to turn to the best specialists for help. In our conditions, when the environment is so polluted, it is quite difficult to show off long hair. For some, it happens that they don’t have the patience to grow their strands. Therefore, many ladies turn to experienced stylists for hair extensions.

Quite often, due to hormonal imbalances, hair growth slows down quite a bit. But fashionistas don't have to worry about this. After all, the beauty industry offers various hair extension services. Today, luxurious long hair is no longer a woman’s pipe dream. If you have the desire and enough money, then you can freely contact the best stylists in our country and grow luxurious strands.

Thanks to the use of various methods, you can easily attach long strands to short hair. This procedure is done in almost all hairdressing salons. But still, many ladies still cannot find the answer to the question posed: where does the hair for extensions come from?

"Educational film": what wigs are made of and how eyelash extensions are done

Let's debunk myths and get rid of rumors

Sometimes on the streets you can read an advertisement: “Interested in buying hair at a high price.” This issue is really relevant in our country. After all, in almost all salons there is no shortage of hair. In every hairdresser you can choose the length and color of your hair. Are there really so many people on our planet who want to say goodbye to their thick curls and sell them at a certain price?

  • Hair is supplied to beauty salons exclusively through advertisements on the streets.
  • The hair is taken from prisons. When a person is put in a cell, the first thing they do is cut their hair. This is where the hair is taken and supplied to hairdressers. And it's hard to believe. After all, hair is cut only for sick women whose hair is rapidly falling out. It is difficult to maintain healthy and natural hair in such conditions. Therefore, you can not believe such myths.
  • Almost all psychiatric hospitals cut their patients' hair. In order not to lose such wealth, the administration sells them to hairdressers. Quite a dubious fact. However, some still insist that this is actually happening.
  • There is a possibility that the hair was taken from the morgue. It is quite difficult to agree with such a terrible fiction. It is quite difficult to believe the fact that girls with luxurious hair die every day. Most likely, this is a real myth.

Hair. A confusing story. Documentary film. Part 1

So what are they made of?

If we summarize, we can come to a common opinion: hairdressers buy luxurious hair from women of their own free will. In fact, many girls put up their luxurious locks for sale, which bring in considerable income. It is worth noting that in countries such as Asia and Eastern Europe, the standard of living is quite low. Youth unemployment reaches 60 percent. Therefore, in order to earn a living, many girls grow long hair and, accordingly, sell it for little money. This is the only way to help your family.

Many girls and women enter into contracts with various manufacturers who are interested in purchasing long hair. This agreement contains certain requirements. Thus, the length of hair, the method of proper hair care and, of course, payment are indicated. After the deadline, the girls shave their heads bald and give their luxurious hair to the people with whom the contract was signed.

After the completed procedure, a new contract is drawn up, on the basis of which new strands are grown. Growing luxurious hair is considered a rather difficult task. Therefore, many girls and women carefully care for their hair. According to certain data, hair grows from about twelve to fifteen centimeters per year. If you take proper care of your hair, then in just three years you can freely sell your long strands. It is worth noting that there are religious organizations in India. They collect the hair of religious girls and women and thus sell the hair in Western Europe.

Women living in Northern India are similar in type to girls from Italy. Accordingly, the hair of Indian beauties regularly arrives in Italy. Thanks to the latest technology, hair is dyed in different colors and offered for sale to various hairdressers who are interested in purchasing long strands.

Slavic hair is considered the most popular. They are supplied to our country from neighboring countries. For example, such as Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus and others. These countries are home to women with blonde hair. Therefore, the color type of hair of girls from the above countries is more suitable. Particularly great importance is given to the structure of the hair. This kind of hair can be easily dyed a different color. Accordingly, they are suitable for extensions.

Intermediaries play a huge role in the sale of hair. They are looking for girls who sell hair and thus offer luxurious hair at a higher price to various hairdressers. Intermediaries post advertisements at transport stops, thus attracting the attention of young girls with luxurious hair.

Beauty Factory. Types of hair extensions. Which hair is better

Does someone else's aura work after hair extensions?

Despite the fact that there are various rumors about the supply of hair to various beauty salons, the question still arises of who gave away their luxurious hair, whether health problems will arise after extending someone else’s hair, etc. After all, no one wants to wear the hair of sick and unhappy people. Despite the fact that many people talk every day on TV and write in articles about the possible transfer of someone else’s aura.

However, you shouldn't worry about this. After having luxurious hair extensions, you will notice how it shimmers in the sun and shines fabulously. If you compare your natural hair with extensions, you can find a huge difference. Hair extensions undergo special treatment. Thanks to the latest technology, hair becomes natural and natural.

To process hair, you need to go through a complex technological process. Luxurious hair is processed to the highest quality only in Russia. You heard right. This fact is valid. Since in America and Europe they buy ready-made strands. They don't process it like in Russia. All long strands received in Russian salons are of high quality. When adding hair extensions, the hairdresser guarantees 100% sterility and safety.

Before carrying out this difficult procedure, certain steps must be completed. First, complete disinfection is carried out. After this, the hair is dyed a certain color and washed several times with natural products. Next, the hair is placed in a special chamber. They should dry at a temperature of 40 degrees. After the hair is completely dry, you need to sort it by structure. At this time, mechanical processing occurs.

It is worth noting an important fact that when undergoing all chemical and mechanical procedures, the hair cuticles are destroyed. Accordingly, experts cover the strands with a silicone layer to give natural shine and shine. And finally, the hair is secured with tresses (attached to braid).

After the procedure, it is unlikely that the negative energy of other people’s hair will be transferred to you. There is no doubt that after full treatment there will be no alien aura left on the hair. The hair becomes new. Therefore, you can safely contact an experienced hairdresser and get beautiful hair extensions.

I went bald after getting hair extensions. Which is better, tape or capsule? Personal opinion.

Hair transplantation is a procedure designed to restore hair on the head, body or face.

Lack of hair can be due to genetics, laser hair removal, a scar from surgery, a burn, or another type of accident.

Where do hair transplants come from? The patient himself. This ensures that the color of the transplanted hair will not differ from the color of the scalp.

  • The most common hair transplants are from the chest and abdomen, but pubic hair, hair from the back, beard, armpit and any other area can also be transplanted.
  • After transplantation, donor hairs continue to grow as if they were in their natural place. Therefore, they need to be trimmed monthly.
  • Often, for hair transplantation on a bald spot, donors are taken from the back of the head, since they are resistant to androgenetic alopecia (hereditary, age-related baldness).
  • The results of hair transplantation last a lifetime.

In order to ensure a natural appearance, one or two hairs are transplanted in each graft. It is important to place the grafts at the correct angle and in the smallest possible incisions so as to minimize scarring.

The price of a hair transplant is from 150 to 200 thousand rubles.

Having found out where hair for transplantation comes from, it is important to know about transplantation methods. There are two of them: suture (FUT) and seamless (FUE).

  1. In the first case, the doctor cuts out small strips of skin and hair from the donor part and sews up the incisions. He then cuts the strips under a microscope to create fragments containing hair. Next, they are transplanted into small holes made in the skin in the bald area.
  2. In the second case, hair is removed from the donor area using a special instrument, which leaves not scars, but small wounds, which then heal without stitches. This operation costs more than FUT.

Artificial hair transplant: side effects

In 1983, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned artificial hair transplants. The following reasons for the ban were given:

  • This procedure carries risks associated with illness or injury due to incompatibility between man-made fibers and leather.
  • Artificial hair is often a scam due to the dissemination of misleading information about the effectiveness of the result, insufficient information about the risks arising from the implant.
  • Artificial hair transplantation does not provide any health benefits to people.

The reasons that prompted the FDA to issue such a ban were the numerous side effects of artificial hair implantation. These include:

  • recurrent infections;
  • rejection and periodic loss of artificial hair, which requires frequent replacement;
  • frequent allergic reactions leading to severe contact dermatitis, irritant effects;
  • concerns about the possible carcinogenicity of fibers;
  • cicatricial alopecia;
  • granulomatous hypersensitivity;
  • cyst formation.

However, the artificial hair transplant procedure is still practiced in clinics in different countries. For this, two products are usually used: biocompatible hair from the Italian company Biofibre and Japanese synthetic hair made from polybutylene terephthalate and polyethylene terephthalate, implanted by the Nido Corporation.

Biofibre claims to have solved many of the problems associated with artificial hair, and biocompatible hair is completely safe. They consist of an inert and chemically and mechanically resistant polyamide material. Its structure is as close as possible to natural hair.

Artificial hair transplantation occurs with the help of an implanter, which plants the hair to a certain depth, making an incision or a pinpoint puncture of the skin. At the end of the artificial hair there are loops for fixation under the skin.

Up to 500 grafts are implanted for the first time, then the patient goes home. Repeated appointment - after two months, if there is no physical or moral discomfort, then the doctor transplants an additional 4 thousand hairs.

After the procedure, the patient can immediately engage in normal activities.

Claimed benefits of artificial hair transplant:

  • relative simplicity of the procedure;
  • hair can be extracted within a few days;
  • this method is relatively bloodless and provides immediate cosmetic results.

However, unlike grafts, artificial fibers do not grow and therefore cannot be cut or shaved. A 1995 study found that despite improvements in complication rates, the new artificial hair implantation technique remains a controversial procedure and cannot be recommended due to possible permanent consequences.

FUE hair transplant to head from body: technique

Body hair can be transplanted to balding areas of the scalp. This technique is known as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or extraction of individual follicular units of the body. It is very difficult because the body hair of some patients is not easy to remove. FUE refers to autotransplantation, meaning the recipient of the transplant is also the donor of the transplant.

The best areas to remove donor material are the beard and chest.

The main advantages of hair transplant surgery from body to head:

  • Helps with various types of alopecia (including baldness caused by androgenetic alopecia or extensive scarring of the scalp after an accident or previous surgery).
  • FUE is a minimally invasive, sutureless procedure. There is no need to use staples, stitches or other sutures.
  • Fast recovery time (donor areas usually heal within seven days).
  • Minimal scarring remains.
  • FUE is best suited for those who need eyebrow transplantation.

Not every candidate is suitable for body hair transplant. Some simply do not have enough body hair, while others have hair that is not suitable for transplantation. There are other factors that may cause a plastic surgeon to refuse a hair transplant to a patient, including:

  • Blood clotting abnormalities.
  • Tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Allergy to anesthesia.
  • Androgenetic alopecia in persons under 24 years of age. This is because the progression of baldness is usually not complete by this age. Therefore, the surgery will result in an unnatural-looking hair growth pattern. This almost guarantees the need for another hair transplant.
  • Very curly hair, like that of people of African descent. This is due to the potentially increased rate of hair cutting during extraction.

The body hair transplant procedure typically involves the placement of 200 to 3,400 or more hair grafts, depending on the desired density and size of the balding area. It is performed under a mild oral sedative anesthetic and takes from 3 to 8 hours and is practically painless.

The only exception is the removal of donor hair from large areas of the chest, some patients prefer to undergo this process under intravenous sedatives and under the supervision of an anesthesiologist.

Using a special punching device, the surgeon extracts the grafts individually. This way you can avoid scars.

After a hair transplant, small red dots - microscopic scars - remain on the back of the head. They disappear after some time.

During the first five days after a body hair transplant, tiny scabs are visible around each transplanted hair. On the second day, the patient is allowed to go home and can resume normal activities without any signs of the surgery.

The transplanted hair begins to grow back after three months and will continue to grow throughout the patient's life. The cost of FUE in Moscow is 70 rubles per graft.

More than a dozen years have passed since the use of hair extensions began in the cosmetic field both in our country and far abroad. Any short-haired girl who cannot achieve waist-length long hair on her own can today use extension services in any hairdressing salon she likes. The only thing needed for this is extra money, time and desire. Now doing this is more fashionable and prestigious than ever.

Hair extensions are very popular nowadays

The procedure is popular among the fair sex of all ages. Extensions have received a great impetus in development, thanks to which many different techniques have been invented in which a kind of “attachment” of other people’s strands is carried out. But, like any interested person, the question arises - “Where does the hair for extensions come from?”

Perhaps few people fully understand how great the demand for “living” curls is in the market. The opportunity to get long hair in a couple of hours without suffering and wasting time is an offer you can’t refuse. And the girls don’t really care where the next donor portion of curls came from. The only thing that worries them at this moment is that their hair has become thicker and more voluminous thanks to someone else’s biomaterial.

It doesn’t matter what color, size, length - the main thing is that now this beauty belongs to them. But there are so many horrors and nightmarish rumors about how the “bloodthirsty beauty” gets all this hair.

A few theories and assumptions

How often have you paid attention to ordinary stop advertisements about how someone unknown is ready to buy curls for a substantial monetary reward? But this is how wigs appear, consisting entirely of natural material, and curls for extensions are formed.
But another logical question arises. Are there really so many people in the world who are ready to say goodbye to their precious hairs? And it cannot be that there are more such people who want to purchase them. Indeed, despite the enormous demand, there is clearly no shortage of hairy materials.

Strands for capsule hair extensions

As in any area that is not very open to the average person, numerous guesses and rumors appear here, the variety and inventiveness of which amazes the most fastidious imagination.

The most popular versions are:

  • Just purchase advertisements, of which there are millions in the world. A completely logical and banal option.
  • Prisons. In principle, why not. In these places, they don't really follow fashion, and no one cares what kind of hair you would like to wear. A couple of seconds of working with the machine, and the hair ceases to belong to anyone.
  • Psychiatric hospitals. We will not go into detail about why in such a specific place they prefer that women remain shaved.
  • Morgue. No comments needed.
  • Advertisements via the Internet. And what? This is the twenty-first century.
  • Salon. In principle, it is also logical. You no longer need hair, but someone else might need it.

Have you ever had artificial hair extensions done and now you feel uneasy? Do you think this is inhumane and monstrous? But is it dangerous to wear soft, silky curls obtained in this way, and how close to reality is it all?

It is very important that the curls for extensions are obtained legally

Is there any difference at all in how exactly this hair was obtained? It's just hair, after all. The only thing that really remains important is that the curls were obtained legally and no one had to suffer forcibly, so that these strands, after going a long way, settled on the top of your head.

More about versions

Although, imagining such a situation that representatives of luxurious hair are deliberately driven into psychiatric hospitals and places of imprisonment, only in order to take away their long, well-groomed curls, looks a little comical and wild. If we consider the prison option, then shaving the head occurs long before going to prison, while still in the pre-trial detention center, as soon as the sentence is passed. And government agencies have no time at all to deal with all this and look for buyers for such an unusual product.
What about mental hospitals? Girls who ended up in such places were unlikely to pay much attention to their hair and body if they had psychological problems. But in salons and hairdressers they won’t buy just any hair. If the hair is not attractive with its appearance, then hardly anyone will want to use it for extensions, and accordingly there is little point in selling it.

The most effective hair product, according to our readers, is the unique Hair MegaSpray; world-famous trichologists and scientists had a hand in its creation. The natural vitamin formula of the spray allows it to be used for all hair types. The product is certified. Beware of fakes. Hairdressers' opinion.. "

Girls admitted to mental hospitals are unlikely to pay much attention to their hair

Often women in their right mind have to spend a lot of effort and time to make their hair look attractive, healthy and well-groomed, let alone the unfortunate inhabitants of places for the insane. It is unlikely that such girls and their hair even remotely resemble advertising objects. So such assumptions will most likely remain assumptions.

Well, now the “coldest” theory. Scary tales about the morgue. The unfortunate beauty lost her life at a young age, leaving a whole thick mass of soft and silky hair on her lovely head. Well, now think about how many women die at that age, and especially with such hair? If this happens, it is extremely rare. And will the relatives and friends of the deceased allow her to treat her in such a barbaric manner? After all, there is still a funeral to be held. What if the death was not simple, but, say, in a car accident? It is unlikely that there will be any material suitable for transplantation left there. Therefore, if you are suddenly afraid that after life you will part with your beloved curls, be calm. All hair used for extensions is obtained using legal, standard methods.

Another theory related to announcements, only this time it involves a deeper and more extensive network - the Internet. They indicate the necessary parameters: minimum weight, length, whether it is possible to accept them with coloring and lightening, and so on. Statistically, taking into account the modern development of the Internet and information technology, such advertisements are where the majority of purchase offers occur. Approximately thirty-three percent of all raw materials for extensions are found using this method. Moreover, this option is both safe and decent.
Whenever someone needs hair, sooner or later the thought of a hair salon comes to mind - and this seems like a very logical and truthful answer. Ask the hairdressers and stylists themselves about this. Where else, if not at the place where you can get rid of hair from your head, can you buy the curls themselves? A master who sincerely loves and appreciates the hair of his clients can ask a girl who wants to get rid of her long hair or braids whether she wants to keep it as a souvenir. Others will act differently and keep the desired braid for themselves, and then give it away for further processing. And no additional hassle or expenses, simple earnings on someone else’s unnecessary extension material.

In hairdressing salons, after a haircut, long hair is sent for further processing.

If for some reason the girl does not want to keep her hair, she will be offered a free haircut as a compensatory service. Often salons and hairdressers can even pay for this, but, alas, the prices offered there will be much lower than the market average. But whatever one may say, for a girl who just wants to get her hair cut, this option will be profitable and pleasant. So this method is simple and true. With such hair you can do whatever your heart desires. The hair is fresh, dense, thick and uniform. With proper and high-quality processing and coloring, such hair will last to the maximum, and it will be valued as one of the best. This method adds about thirty percent more to the hair market.
But even if you don’t come from such a terrible place, questions still arise about the previous owner, his life and fate, whether there is a risk affecting your health, not only physical, but also moral and spiritual. Especially naive people will remember transmissions associated with spirits, auras and supernatural forces and will begin to ask questions about what kind of aura this or that hair had before leaving its owner. Was the woman sick and unhappy, or, conversely, cheerful and cheerful?

Often those wishing to get hair extensions have questions about the previous owner, his life and fate

A long way from one head to another

But you don’t need to think that the hair ended up on the top of your head immediately after it left its previous owner. Pay attention to this hair. They shine, shimmer in color and are very pleasant to the touch. Try an experiment and cut off a small section of your hair and see how it looks after a couple of days. Are they similar to those used for extensions? Unfortunately, no, not even close. They look dead and dull. The hair extensions were the same, and before they got into your hands (or was it on your head?), they went through an incredibly long process, which included all sorts of procedures to improve their health and transform their appearance.

This process is an incredibly elaborate and long chain of complex technological procedures and actions. And now you can be proud of our country. Since Russia is the leader in this area both in terms of volumes produced and the quality of materials. That's right, neither the American nor the European markets can keep up with us in this area. Moreover, there are no analogues of the hair we produce. All wigs and materials supplied to hairdressing and beauty salons provide a quality guarantee.

Russia is a leader in quality of materials

How exactly is all the resulting material processed?

The first stage is complete and thorough disinfection. After this, the curls are dyed, washed and left in a room where the future wig will dry for the next few hours at a temperature of about forty degrees. After the curls are dry, detailed sorting begins by color, structure and length. The hair material is sent to the combing stage, where it passes through special devices - cards.

Upon completion of all these stages of processing the strands, the cuticles of the already dead hair are completely destroyed. To restore all the attractiveness and desirability of the strands again, layers consisting of silicon and silicone are applied to them. Only then are the treated curls tied with braid or attached to hooks. It all depends on what type of extension will be chosen in the future.
After such total processing, nothing will remain of the “spirit” and aura of the previous owner. Treatments with disinfectants and dyes; applying chemicals and other operations completely brings your hair to the desired and pure form in which you want to see it. This hair is equivalent to new hair. So you won’t have to call a psychic to expel “evil spirits” and other nonsense.

Hair extensions undergo total processing

I hope that after reading this, you feel better, and the desire to purchase such strands is burning in you with renewed vigor. All such material is taken from beautiful ladies completely voluntarily and legally. But the issue related to such a large number of curls on the market still remains unresolved.
As many may know, in the countries of Southeast Asia, many families are below the poverty line, and the only way to at least slightly alleviate the difficult situation and receive a small material reward is to purposefully grow long strands, which are carefully looked after throughout the entire time, and then sell it at a very good price. Certain oriental beauties are lucky enough to have a special contract with a company engaged in the production of such hair and their extensions. Over time, this process develops into a permanent business in which girls look after their “hair” wealth.
Having reached a certain length, the unfortunate woman’s curls leave the owner, and a batch of the next extension material is exchanged for a decent monetary fee. The bald but happy girl returns home and begins to grow a new batch of curls.

In poor countries, girls deliberately grow long locks, and then sell them at a good price.

It goes without saying that the growing process is not as simple as it might seem from the very beginning, so girls from the east watch their hair especially diligently and carefully. So that you understand what lengths we are talking about - on average, in one year, a girl is able to grow from twelve to fifteen centimeters of strands, observing proper care and providing additional nutrition to her hair, her curls can be sold consistently once every two years.

But not everything always comes down to money. In the Indian hinterlands, there are certain religious organizations that accept strands from long-haired beauties in the past, completely free of charge.

But Asian countries are not the only source of such supplies of hair extensions. Hair practically does not come from European countries, so if you hear that the hair offered to you is supposedly from European countries, do not believe it, you are most likely being blatantly deceived. Those unfamiliar with this topic do not know that Indian hair looks and feels very much like European hair. From the north of India, the curls are transported to southern Italy, and undergoing multi-stage processing, from there they spread to all corners of European countries, including our country.

The curls of Indian girls undergoing multi-stage processing are distributed throughout Europe and Russia

Strands of “Slavic” origin, coming from the countries of the former USSR, are extremely popular in the Russian Federation. These are Ukraine, Moldova, Moldova, Belarus and many others. This is due to the fact that the supplied curls are mostly light, perfectly matching the color scheme and structure of our compatriots. They do not have problems associated with coloring and can be extended more than once.
Knowing where the materials for extensions come from, you need to understand perfectly how the procedure occurs and what its cost is. If the curls are not dyed and are natural, then the cost of such pleasure will cost you a pretty penny. The shorter the curls, the lower their cost. But the result is definitely worth it, the main thing is to choose a shade that is as close as possible to your natural hair.

Strands of “Slavic” origin are very popular in Russia

Despite all this information, the main thing is that you do not make a mistake in choosing a salon that offers you this service. You will also need a specialist who already has extensive experience in hair extensions and has a decent reputation. The material that you will be offered must be of high quality and pleasant to the touch, and in no case resemble a washcloth. Therefore, it doesn’t matter at all where and how this hair came to you, the main thing is that it is of high quality, safe and capable of pleasing you and the people around you for a very long time.

The unisex style is a thing of the past - femininity is in fashion, and, as you know, a long braid has long been considered one of its main signs. But is it real among modern beauties?

Today, the hair extension procedure is very popular not only among show business stars, but also among ordinary fashionistas. And this procedure can be performed in almost any beauty salon. At the same time, various not very pleasant rumors appeared. For example, a large percentage of hair comes to glamorous beauty salons directly from morgues. But this only stops those girls who are afraid that, along with someone else’s hair, the bad energy of the deceased person will be passed on to them. But real fashion victims are not at all embarrassed by this fact.

Victoria Beckham once asked in one of her interviews about her chic hairstyle: “There’s a whole cell of a women’s colony from Russia on my head!” Indeed, huge quantities of hair for extensions today are supplied from colonies, as well as psychiatric hospitals, where women are cut for hygienic reasons.

However, there are safer and more conservative methods of obtaining beautiful hair in large quantities - buying it from those who are simply tired of it. There are many girls whose parents forbid them to cut their hair, and most of them, when starting an independent life, first of all cut off the hated braid. By the way, it is from hairdressers that cut hair has been coming to the Wax Museum for about 10 years.

A master from one of the best Moscow beauty salons told us about the “origin” of hair and the prices for the extension procedure.

– Where do beauty salons get hair in such quantities?

– In fact, this is a big secret. The client will never know where the hair for her hairstyle came from. And it’s true that most hair comes from morgues and prisons. All this is done through dealers who work according to a well-functioning system; hair passes through dozens of hands before it reaches your head. You understand, this is not entirely humane and hygienic, and that is why it is not advertised. Have you seen advertisements in your yard: will you buy hair? This is also one of the ways dealers get hair.

– Why do hair extensions cost 300 USD in some salons, and from 1000 USD in others?

– This mainly depends on the location of the salon, as well as on the degree of promotion of the master. Of course, prices are also affected by the quality of the hair (thick hair is the most expensive), as well as the length of the strand. The technology for extensions is the same everywhere: a strand is attached to your hair at the roots using a special small capsule, which securely holds the extensions for three months. Then the hair should be removed as your own hair grows back and the capsules become noticeable. The hairstyle stops looking natural and beautiful.

Italians are considered super professionals in hair extensions. Their hair palette is 62 colors. “Raw materials” undergo double processing: first they are bleached and then cooked in technical dyes. These are chameleon strands. When extensions are made, they adapt to the structure of your hair. Today, strands with rhinestones from Swarovski, which last from 1 to 2.5 months, are especially fashionable.

Hair extensions do not require surgical intervention and at the same time can change your appearance for the better. It is hair, beautiful and well-groomed, that makes a woman a woman and shrouds her in mystery. But whether they belong to their owner... Probably, this is not important, but only the result is important.

Long, thick hair has always been a sign of beauty and good health of a girl. For a long time now, many beauty salons have been offering hair extension services to their clients. Of course, when you trust a specialist, you want to get an unsurpassed result, because the procedure costs a lot of money. Naturally, the quality of the material must be at its best. Therefore, when going to a salon to use this service, you want to know where they get the hair for extensions.

Many rumors arose on this topic. Some of them remain just a myth, while others are pure truth. This issue needs to be looked into in more detail. Still, where does the hair for hair extensions come from in such quantity and variety in beauty salons and hairdressing salons?

The first assumption emerged as a result of observations. On

You can often meet people on the street with a sign saying “I’ll buy hair.” Answer suggests itself. This is exactly how curls appear for building up, and there is nothing complicated about it. But once you visit any salon, you are amazed by the number of different options offered. The question arises: are long-haired beauties really so willing to say goodbye to their braids? And why are there so many people willing to sell their own locks right in the middle of the street? Of course, this is where no one will force them to cut their long hair. However, there is still some truth in this myth.

Where do hair extensions come from? The second assumption also applies to advertisements. Only in this case we mean those that are posted on the Internet or printed materials, for example, newspapers, women's magazines, etc. As a rule, they indicate clear requirements for hair: minimum length, weight, no dyeing or bleaching, as well as other parameters.
According to statistics, more offers are received for such advertisements. About a third of the total amount of raw materials for extensions appears in this way. So the second option is very decent and safe.

Where do you get hair for extensions? The following myth also has every chance of becoming true. It is assumed that the hair is taken from women's colonies and places of detention. There's really no need for rich hair there, and I won't give it much ask, whichever hairstyle they like best. Here is another source of very good raw materials for beauty salons and hairdressers.

Also, many show imagination and suggest an even more exaggerated version. In their opinion, the hair is taken from mental hospitals. This myth has little resemblance to reality, since a woman’s health has a great influence on the quality of her hair.

In places like this guests They can hardly boast of good immunity and good spirits. Not to mention that the hair must be well cared for so that it is suitable for subsequent extensions. If women under normal conditions make a lot of effort to ensure that their curls have a healthy appearance, are strong and at the same time soft and manageable, then what can we say about patients. So this myth is destined to remain so.

Where do you get natural hair for extensions? Another option seems to come straight out of horror stories. Many argue that curls are inherited by default from those who no longer need them. That is, from the morgue. It should be said right away that this option is impossible in principle. Firstly, the mortality rate among women in the prime of life with thick hair on their heads is very low.

If such grief happened, then no one would touch the curls anymore. Secondly, the relatives of the deceased young ladies would hardly give permission for such mockery in the form of cutting off their hair. Thirdly, in the case of road accidents and accidents, as a rule, there are different types of damage. And here, almost every tragically deceased woman has close people who will not allow her to be deprived of her hair. So this method of obtaining raw materials for extensions is absolutely untrue.

Once again wondering where the hair for hair extensions comes from, the most reliable and realistic answer can be obtained from the hairdressers themselves. After all, hair is taken from beauty salons. Decent hairdressers, seeing that a girl wants to cut off her luxurious braid and have a fashionable haircut, will ask if she wants to keep it as a souvenir. Others can take a decent tail without asking.

All that remains is to submit it for processing, and there will be no more expenses. is foreseen, only earnings on extensions. When the client does not intend to take her hair, she may be offered compensation in the form of a free haircut. Sometimes the salon is willing to pay the cost of the curls, but less than the market price. In any case, this option is very beneficial for many clients. And the method of obtaining raw materials in this way is the pure truth.

Now it’s clear where they get it natural hair for extensions, because you can do anything with it. Their structure is dense and homogeneous, and with proper processing provides a maximum warranty period of use. At the same time, the condition of this hair will not raise any doubts. Thus, the range of raw materials for extensions is replenished by another third.

When a girl goes to the salon for a procedure, she, of course, thinks about where the hair for extensions actually comes from. They are received by deliveries from abroad. There they are mined using exactly the same methods, but in much larger quantities. There are also factories producing synthetic-based hair in eastern countries. Production technologies make it possible to obtain products of the highest quality, sometimes indistinguishable from natural ones. Foreign suppliers supply the domestic market with a variety of raw materials. After all, someone needs hair extensions partially and only for a short time - for festive events, concert performances and others. And some prefer correct hair for a long time to always look perfect. Therefore, there is a gradation of hair extensions depending on the quality. And everyone can choose the option that suits them.

Now, knowing where hair is taken for building up, you can safely go to a beauty salon to become the owner of luxurious curls of the desired length. In this case, you will not have to worry that your hair has been collected in some creepy way, which, of course, is unacceptable for the majority of the fair sex. All that remains is to choose the length, choose the color and prepare words of gratitude for the compliments you will hear about your luxurious curls.

Having found out where hair is obtained for extensions, you should also be aware of the procedure itself and its components. So, for example, strands of natural undyed hair of medium or longer length constitute the greatest value, and therefore the cost building up will be expensive. The shorter the length, the cheaper the procedure will cost.

However, the result will exceed all expectations. The main criterion is the selection of the closest possible shade to the client’s hair. There are pre-dyed strands, their cost is much lower than natural ones, however, being of high quality, they look no worse.

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