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Attitude to life. Steps to a simple and happy life. Forming a Positive Attitude

In order to change your life for the better, you need to be clearly aware of your attitude towards it. One of the most the best means self-knowledge - tests. The winner of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Victoria Raidos, offers a unique test that will help everyone look deep into themselves.

IN on your blog the psychic writes that it is important to approach life with reasonable optimism: this quality helps not to make a mountain out of a molehill, to see the scale of the problem more objectively and to easily find a way out of difficult situations life situations. However, Victoria Rydos emphasizes that positive attitude should not turn into frivolity and carelessness: ignoring problems leads to the fact that a person begins to “go with the flow” and completely loses control over his destiny.

Special test from the strongest psychic will help you find out your attitude towards life and adjust it so as to be happy and achieve success. For each of the questions below, you must select one answer. For each point “a” you get 2 points, the answer “b” will bring you 1 point, and the answer “c” - 0. After passing the test, calculate the resulting amount and select the description of your life credo that corresponds to your points.

Question 1. After the next have a hard day you go to bed with the following thoughts:

a) Today was a good day, and tomorrow will be even better.
b) Today was a difficult but productive day.
c) It’s so good that this day is finally over!

Question 2. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is:

a) Get out of bed with enthusiasm, turn on the music and with the most positive thoughts going to work.
b) For the first few minutes, you stay in bed and think through your list of today’s to-dos;
c) With great difficulty you force yourself to get out of bed, anticipating another difficult and meaningless day.

Question 3. When assessing your appearance, do you think:

a) I'm beautiful! It's amazing how good I look despite my age!
b) I have some shortcomings, but I will work on them, and age will not be a hindrance at all.
c) Hmm... Time spares no one.

Question 4. You have become aware that someone you know is experiencing... better times. Your first thought:

a) All this is sheer nonsense. He just has a black streak. Then the white one will definitely come, and everything will work out.
b) Very sorry. But I am sure that with due effort he will definitely overcome this situation.
c) So, I’m not the only one who’s doing poorly!

Question 5. When you meet your old friends, you think:

a) Our friendship will never collapse! It’s wonderful to have friends nearby who have become almost family!
b) A lot has changed in our lives, but changes and distance did not destroy our friendship, and this is the main thing.
c) Every year we have less and less in common. I think that over time our communication will completely fade away.

Question 6. When you compare your successes with those of others, you come to the conclusion:

a) Even if others achieve significant heights, I can still do better! I just don't need it.
b) All my friends are approximately at the same level. I am sure that everyone, including me, can do even more if they set themselves such a goal.
c) Why are they lucky and not me?!

Question 7. You are facing a serious problem. Your thoughts:

a) Whatever is done is done for the better;
b) This is unpleasant, but I will definitely cope with difficulties;
c) Once again fate played a trick on me.

Question 8. Do you rate your life path and you think:

a) I am lucky and will always be so.
b) In life there were both difficulties and moments of happiness. But overall everything was fine.
c) There were too many problems in my life. A solid black streak with rare glimpses of luck.

Test results

0-4 points. Looking at the world through the prism of pessimism is a losing position in advance. In the colorful kaleidoscope of life, you are used to noticing only dark colors, that’s why life seems joyless and problems seem insoluble. If you analyze your emotions well, you yourself will understand that many difficulties seem insurmountable to you only because of a strong exaggeration of the scale of the problem. Don't forget that it is joy and positivity that help you move through life with ease. Look around: you have close people, you have a huge number of opportunities for self-realization. Become the master of your life. Change your view of the world, and the world around you will magically change... better side.

5-8 points. Your outlook on life is quite optimistic, but you have a significant weakness: when faced with a problem, you can give up and give up the fight for happiness. Try to overcome this negative trait, because it is what prevents you from developing and achieving more. Remember that there are no insoluble difficulties - there is only a lack of self-confidence. Believe in your strength, stop being afraid of difficulties, and you will definitely achieve great success. Special affirmations, as well as the support of loved ones and relatives, will help you gain self-confidence.

9-12 points. Your attitude to life is absolutely harmonious: you soberly assess the situation, pay due attention to problems, and at the same time you always believe in the best. This is the position happy person, who can handle any difficulties. The ability to quickly understand a situation and choose the most the right way solving a problem, the ability to back up your word and deed provides you with deep respect and love from others. The combination of optimism and responsibility for your life will help you achieve significant heights in life. Top tip: Continue to stick to this line and never let difficulties break you.

13-16 points. Endless cheerfulness and a huge supply positive energy- This is wonderful. But the frivolity that often accompanies these qualities can become a huge problem both in your career and in relationships with others. Belief in the best should not turn into ignoring problems: no matter how lucky you are, difficulties will never be resolved on their own - this certainly requires your participation. Realize that you are the one responsible for your life and your happiness, otherwise a superficial attitude towards your own existence will sooner or later bring you trouble.

To achieve success and be happy, it is important to realize in time what personality traits you need to work on. With the help of tests, you can find out your weaknesses and start working on them in a timely manner. Be the masters of your destiny, improve yourself, believe in the best and don’t forget to push the buttons and

When everything in our life is calm, when people around us do not act stupidly and wrongly, when they do not test our patience, in general, when the people around us do not irritate us, we are able to special effort behave correctly and kindly. And it’s a completely different matter when those around us still begin to irritate us for one reason or another. How to behave in such situations, how to change your attitude towards life, whether it is correct to answer people with the same coin and other similar questions will be covered in this article.

I think many of us consider ourselves . But when they do wrong to us, then most often the friendly attitude disappears somewhere. At one time I also considered myself very soft and fluffy, but it all ended when, for example, they told me that I was wrong or that I was making a mistake. Kindness at that moment disappeared, and irritation and a sarcastic attitude appeared. And we often justify ourselves, “Actually, I’m not hot-tempered (or anything else), he/she/they just pissed me off,” while continuing to consider ourselves kind.

But our reaction is an indicator of who we are inside, our reaction to current events shows who we really are. They snapped, couldn’t stand it, shouted - this is our nature, and everything else is a mask that hides our inner world. What is the strength of a person to behave correctly when everything is fine, what is the strength of loving that person who loves you, think about it. The moral level manifests itself precisely when we find ourselves in difficult situations, and not when we talk about how to live correctly. By putting us in difficult situations, life shows others, and first of all ourselves, our cultural level.

For example, we can perceive an insult inflicted on us in different ways. You can answer a person in the same rough coin: you were rude - you respond, they cheated on you - you respond, you were hurt - you hurt in return. Is it possible change your attitude towards life -, paying attention to what's inside, instead of continuing to focus only on what's happening outside. It is in such situations that it is easiest to see all the dirt that is inside us. And this applies even to simple life situations that happen every day. Be attentive to your own reactions to events happening around you.

“Our life does not consist of events, but of our attitude to events” Skilef

Once our upstairs neighbors were changing the radiators, and the plaster on the ceiling was slightly crumbling. You could, of course, go up to your neighbor screaming and tell him what he was like. bad person, or you can do it in a normal way, come up and simply explain the situation, without shouting or complaints - which is what we did. He had a full-scale repair, he sent a man - he carefully repaired everything for us, and apologized for the inconvenience. But it’s not clear how everything would have worked out if we had come to him screaming, but it would have ruined the relationship for sure. “Why talk to him, he won’t understand anything,” our ego often whispers. Similar situations in our lives, all too often, when you can talk behind your back at the slightest mistake about a person’s wrong behavior, or talk normally with this person face to face.

“Lord, give me patience to accept what I cannot change. Give me the strength to change what I can change. And give me wisdom to learn to distinguish one from the other." Reinhold Niebuhr

We can make comments to people, and not keep silent about everyone bad deeds- the question is “How to do it correctly” and “What are our motives” - to insult another in order to please our ego or to really want to change the situation . our ego likes it that way - call another person an idiot and walk around happy, and tell others about it. The ego doesn’t care about the truth, I’m right, period, I’m smart, and others are stupid. But the culture of relationships is different - when, instead of judging a person, we try to understand him - this is how we can change our attitude towards life for the better. And is it worth judging others - at least your nerves will be more intact.

“If you want to know a person, don’t listen to what others say about him, better listen to what he says about others.” Unknown author

As often happens, if you step on someone’s foot on the bus, you need to reproach the person for being such a fool, not looking at his step, not giving him enough change in the store - the seller must have done this on purpose, he decided to deceive him. When how could everything be different? Sometimes they say, “You have to accept your fate,” but how can a person accept his fate entirely when he cannot develop a normal reaction even in such situations. How to change your attitude towards life - start with the little things: start defeating yourself every now and then simple situations. The person jumped in line - stay calm, the bus left right under your nose, when you waved your hands right in front of the driver - try to maintain composure.

When you learn to react calmly to simple situations, you will become more difficult situations It will be much easier to accept. To change your attitude towards life, you need to understand that The real enemies of a person are not the people with whom the conflict arises, but our negative character traits, that resonate with what is happening. Those around us only highlight what we need to correct in ourselves. Life events are exams that test our moral level. The external reaction to what is happening can be active, we can act, making efforts to change the current situation, but inside we must try to maintain composure and restraint. It is necessary to learn to internally accept any turn of events - and a lot depends on attachments.

“You may perform your assigned duties, but you have no right to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Never consider that the results of your actions depend on you, but at the same time do not refuse to fulfill your responsibilities.” Bhagavad-Gita, 2.47

It’s easy to behave correctly when no one is compromising you, to be good when everything is great - no problems. We can say that we are all eternal souls, all spiritual brothers and that God is just and loves us, but for many this remains only in theory. When real problems arise, when people get into predicaments unforeseen situations, they tend to forget all the good things they talked about when there was nothing to worry about. We often think that we are good, patient, able to love and forgive, but in reality everything often turns out to be far from the case. When things get hard, when some problems and people around you bother you, when fears and worries come over you, then most often the friendly attitude disappears.

We are offended and angry, we do not accept the situation in which we find ourselves, many believers at this time stop believing in God. You can say a lot of things. I remember the periods of my life - when everything was in life goes on smoothly, then you consider yourself a humble student who can worthily accept and understand all the trials of fate. But when things get bad, you often notice that those words are not worth much, that you can talk whatever you want and sincerely believe that everything is so. How to change your attitude towards life - we must not give up, We must try our best to work on ourselves precisely in these moments, precisely in difficult times.. It is at this time that we grow, overcoming all the difficulties that life presents to us. For our first reaction to be correct, we must have considerable strength. At first, we can pull ourselves together in the process of surging negative emotions and hostility, or at least do correct conclusions after committing this or that offense - and this will also be a victory, do not give up and continue to move forward.

“A mistake is not a problem. The reluctance to draw conclusions from an error is the problem.” Vyacheslav Ruzov

In fact, crisis is an opportunity for development. But many people perceive the crisis as a negative, trying to either wait it out or soften it, trying to get away from suffering, not understanding that the time has come to change their consciousness, their attitude towards life. Obstacles are opportunities for growth. God does not give qualities of character, he gives opportunities to develop necessary qualities. I noticed that as soon as you begin to pray to God to give you certain qualities of character, opportunities immediately arise to develop the necessary qualities. When at first I thought that he was making fun of me or making fun of me. God brings us face to face with our fears and problems, he believes in us that we can handle everything, as they say, “God does not give tests beyond our strength,” so we need to believe in ourselves. By demonstrating certain qualities of character from time to time, when emerging situations require it, we develop our character step by step, thanks to which our attitude towards the people around us and life in general changes.

“Logically, it seems that how we treat a person is how he will treat us. But other people treat us in such a way that we come as close as possible to the love of God.” Lazarev Sergey Nikolaevich

Or if we consider the issue, when a person gets sick, he, as a rule, immediately grabs the pills, and you try to look deeper into psychosomatics. Search the Internet for your disease and search for relevant information, especially if you have a chronic disease. When something starts to bother me and my wife, we often look for the problem within ourselves - and we have often become convinced of the truth of the occurrence of these diseases. And as soon as they began to direct their energy specifically to changing their behavior, the disease receded. Of course, the easiest way is to pop the pill into your mouth, so why bother. But at the same time, that pills are evil and the like. Try to change your attitude towards life, and instead of repeatedly looking into a medical reference book to find out about the causes of a particular disease that has arisen, look for the psychosomatic causes of the disease. Nothing happens for nothing, illness is a signal to take action, but not to go to the doctor or pharmacy, but to change your character and behavior.

It is worth noting that Ayurveda focuses on disease prevention. When we live harmoniously, not only on the physical plane, but also on the emotional one, then there are much fewer diseases in our lives, since our inner world plays a big role. Much also depends on our perception - when we, for example, have a cold and start whining that I’m so sick, who would feel sorry for me so poor, then the chances that we will get completely sick are much greater. At such moments I try not to drive myself into this state, but on the contrary, I say that everything is fine with me, that is, I do not set a subconscious program for the fact that I get sick. In another way - it’s as if we are telling our body that that’s it - we’re sick, we’re defeated, turn everything off protective functions and lay down your arms, the fortress has been taken.

Keep track of your condition, but please Don’t turn your life into an eternal struggle with negative character traits. That is, you don’t need to constantly be in tension in some dark world of your own and tell others in a boring, serious voice that your spiritual practice is tracking yourself misbehavior. At the same time as self-improvement, you need to learn to relate to life more easily, you need to change your attitude towards life. I myself was such a fighter at one time, but we must try to be more relaxed in life, the same humor - great way solutions to many life problems. As they say, “Clean is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter,” just bring more good and bright things into your life, and the darkness will go away on its own. Rami Blackt helped me open my eyes to many things, especially with regard to all kinds of clues to spirituality.

On our way we often come across people who live incorrectly or sometimes simply allow certain life mistakes- and it seems to us that there is something wrong with these people, they need to be corrected - well, obviously, this is exactly what God wants from us. Are you sure about this, is this the right attitude towards life? Maybe God checks our level from time to time, how humbly we have learned to treat other people. There is a very wise saying on this topic:

“He is ill-bred who cannot tolerate bad upbringing in others.” Benjamin Franklin

It is not surprising if a person does not hear you and does not change, we can try to influence, but at the same time it is necessary to maintain a friendly attitude. Even if you are the first speaker on the planet and a master of logical persuasion, some people will never change, and there are many such people. Try yourself, for example, to stop judging and you will understand how difficult it is for other people to change, think about it.

“Words that are born in the heart reach the heart, but those that are born on the tongue do not go further than the ears.” Al-Husri

Of course, it always seems to us that others should change, and even when we embark on the path of self-improvement and work on ourselves, we often continue to think that others should also take this path. But at this moment we must remember how difficult it was for us to take this path, how difficult it is to walk along it - and You took the path of self-improvement, not others. They live as they lived, they have not taken any path, they do not even think of developing, why blame them - you have chosen the path of self-improvement, so follow it.

“If we want to cultivate patience, then we need someone who would wholeheartedly want to harm us. Such people offer true opportunities for the practice of patience. They are testing our inner strength, as no guru will be able to experience it. In general, patience protects us from despondency and despair." Dalai Lama XIV

Our task is to change our attitude towards people around us, to change our attitude towards life in general. . You are engaged in development, so God helps you, we should be grateful to God for this opportunity to develop love in our hearts, for the development of our character. But for some reason we are not happy about this, because we still have a selfish desire to change, ultimately, those around us in order to make our lives happy. We've read a ton of books and attended a bunch of seminars - now it's as if we can poke others in their wrong life. In his extensive and detailed article “Religion. Reflections”, I have repeatedly tried to draw the attention of readers to the fact that by not respecting and insulting other religions and atheists, you first of all insult the religion that you yourself adhere to.

“The opinions we express about others indicate who we are.” Arturo Graf

It is not so important what events happen in our lives, the main thing is what is inside, how we behave in them, what we feel inside. One person can live difficult period, but he holds on, does not give up and resists. What does it mean to hold on - he does not go downhill, he does not grab a bottle to forget about problems, he does not plunge into carefree entertainment, he does not resort to deception and theft, starting to believe that arrogance is the second happiness and you cannot live without deception. But another person may go through life smoothly, and it is unknown how he will behave if he finds himself in the same difficult conditions. Life tests us not only in times of suffering, but also in times of great success, as they say, “He who can afford everything rarely allows himself to be human.”

Parable “The Greatest Sin”

—What, in your opinion, is the greatest sin in the world? - the priest asked smugly.

  • Remember that it all starts with small steps - start defeating yourself over and over again in simple situations and then you will be able to behave correctly in difficult situations.
  • Instead of once again answering a person in a similar unpleasant way, it is better to look inside yourself, seeing everything that rose out at that moment.
  • How to change your attitude towards life - become aware, stop responding with evil to evil, and both will change.
  • By humiliating a person, we are actually showing our own level. Judge less and thank more - you can find both disadvantages and advantages everywhere.
  • As soon as we want to reproach someone for something, our mind must immediately be occupied with something. For example, I often automatically turn on the phrase “I wish everyone happiness,” I think thanks to Oleg Torsunov.
  • When your mind is agitated, focus on your breathing and start tracking it, this will help you calm down.
  • If you were unable to control yourself right moment, don’t despair, it’s better to learn a lesson by making the right conclusions for the future.
  • The development of our character occurs not when everything is smooth, but when we find ourselves in difficult situations. Overcoming life's difficulties, we become better.
  • It is not easy to change external behavior, but what’s inside is your character and worldview, change your attitude towards life in general, be sincere with yourself and with others in this matter.
  • Realizing how difficult it is sometimes for yourself to follow the rule, you will understand how difficult it is for the people around you to change.
  • Spiritual practice does not manifest itself somewhere out there, not at meetings of like-minded people, it should manifest itself in personal life, especially in relationships with the closest people.
  • The main thing is what's inside, not what's outside. Externally, we can and should make efforts to change the current situation, but internally we need to remain calm and self-controlled.
  • If you can't change your circumstances, change your attitude towards life, to current events and your life will change.

There will be more sincerity and joy in our lives, spiritual and physical strength will recover faster and we will get closer to our dream: we will begin to live the way we dreamed of in childhood. If, on the contrary, we give primary attention negative points, then hope will leave us and life will turn into a dreary and gloomy procedure. Since our attitude towards life is determined by our mood, life position (i.e. our mind's eye on things), we have the right to assert that being seriously depends on the mood, on how we relate to it.

Gregory had a difficult childhood. Although his family was quite wealthy financially, there was little joy and little laughter in it. Parents, who did not notice anything good in life, were always gloomy and gloomy. During his first two years of college, Gregory became more picky every day. His conversations were full of negative remarks and were filled with negative emotions. Gregory had few friends. One day in art history class he met Trish. Unlike Gregory, she knew how to notice something good in everything and was universally loved at college; she was often invited to various events. Soon the young people fell in love with each other, spent almost the entire day together, and Gregory gradually began to notice both pleasant and beautiful things in the world around him. Five years later, Gregory and Trish got married.

Years later, Gregory said, “The most important thing college gave me was not my doctorate. That’s where I met Trish. She taught me that attitude is more important than money, status, power, or anything else. Trish made me do something different.” look at the world."


Your attitude towards life cannot belong to anyone else. It is exclusively your property. Only you have power over it, only you control it. Neither your employer, nor your family, nor your closest friend - no one has the right to take over your mood. Attitude to life is so personal that you may even avoid talking about it. You keep it secret and protect it with all your might. Or you can say to yourself: “If my life is controlled by my attitude, then let it work for my benefit.”

The most interesting thing about our attitude to life is the degree of our power over it, based on how we use our intellectual capabilities and ability to perceive our surroundings. If you allow the "focus of the mind's eye" to slip into negative factors, then you are sure to miss out on a lot of interesting things. If you decide to take its settings into your own hands and leave negative factors behind the scenes, you will see life from a different perspective. You just need to believe that the attitude in life is to a large extent determined by what you personally consider most important.

If, for example, you are driving home from work during rush hour on a bus full of passengers, or if you are caught in a traffic jam and cannot get out of it, you are likely to be bombarded with an avalanche of negative impulses. Most likely, you will return home in a gloomy mood. If you realize that the only reasonable solution in such a situation is to try to relax, or take a longer but less busy road home, listen to your favorite music or stop to watch the sunset, you will “charge” your brain with positive impulses and spend a pleasant evening.

Okay, you say, what if circumstances push you to have a negative attitude? Is it possible to maintain power over emotions even then?

Yes. By constantly practicing, you will definitely learn to be selective and notice everything everywhere. positive factors. For example, when returning home, you can listen to your favorite music, dream about the upcoming holiday, or think about something pleasant. In this case, you will maintain control over your life attitude. IF THINGS GO BAD

Most of us do not look at the world from a wheelchair. We live almost without knowing physical pain. Those who are familiar with it very often have a much better attitude towards life than we do. Why? Physically deprived people direct all the strength of their mind and spirit to discern the positive aspects of the life around them.

Jim Porter has spent the last seven years in a hospital bed or in wheelchair. Most of the time he experiences severe pain. Still, Jim loves life. How does he manage to maintain a positive attitude towards life? This is what he answered to my question: “My words may sound strange, but it’s all about attitude. When I became disabled, the nurse who was helping me adapt to a new way of life said: “The main thing, Jim, is movement. You can overcome everything and achieve joy, happiness, satisfaction from life, or you can become apathetic and indifferent melancholic. Everything will depend on how you look at the situation." Although at first it was difficult for me to agree with the nurse's words, I soon realized how right she was and learned to concentrate my attention on positive aspects life. I hope you will agree that I have chosen the right road."

Reading the book, you will realize how important attitude is in life, you will look at it from a completely different point of view. More importantly, you will learn techniques and tactics to control your attitude towards life. If you ultimately conclude that life largely depends on what you want to see in it, then you are on the path to victory. And the further you go, the more deeply you will understand that the key to making life better, richer and more interesting is in your hands. Conclusion

More and more people are discovering how powerful attitude is to improve their quality of life - the most powerful "weapon" at our disposal.

Each of us decides for himself how to relate to life, from what point of view to consider certain events. We can say that life directly depends on our mood.

Whatever your attitude in life, whatever position in life you occupy, only you have the right to control them. They belong only to you. If you use power wisely, your attitude and attitude towards life will become your main invaluable property.

The prism is within us!

Your brain is a sacred piggy bank into which nothing goes into without permission.

Arnold Benet
Perception is the process of how we relate to the society in which we live, how we interpret its culture. Typically, perception begins with visual sensations and then moves into intellectual activity. We see with our eyes, but we interpret our surroundings using all the senses at our disposal. Taste sensations, touch, smell and hearing play a very important role here important role.

It is very difficult to truly understand the process of interpreting the environment. Psychologists spend their entire lives developing various theories, but even they are not able to explain all the mysteries. Very often they cannot even explain their reasoning in such a way that the theories are understandable to ordinary people or at least to fellow psychoanalysts. Part of the problem is that perception is highly selective by its very nature. A person is usually able to accept, attenuate, explain, reject or confirm signals coming from outside world. In other words, a clear understanding of why people varying degrees pay attention to positive and negative factors absent.

Twenty years after graduation high school Pat lived with the knowledge that she was not able to realize all her abilities. She blamed the failures ex-husband, boss, all family members. One day, a friend who had known Pat for almost ten years said to her: “Pat, you blame the whole world for your misfortunes. Why don’t you look inside yourself and reconsider your attitude towards life? Honestly, you are always so negative that after being with a little bit of you and I feel depressed."

Result? Pat was able to develop a selective ability that she called “seek and weed out.” Trying to gain freedom, she learned to carefully analyze stimuli and weed out those that carried a negative charge, drove her crazy or caused her annoyance. Thus, Pat focused on the positive impulses that “defined her day.”

Now Pat says: “For many years I sat in the trap that an increased attention to troubles set for me, and I was unhappy. Thanks to a friend, I learned to “sift out the garbage” and “see the roses.” Believe me, in old times, you wouldn't want to keep acquaintance with me."

Many people have heard this phrase: “What you see is what you get.” This proverb makes us remember the law of life, which has nothing to do with what exactly is seen, but concerns who exactly sees. Two people can wake up in the morning next door to the same conditions and yet live the day completely differently, depending on who saw. One person may have a positive attitude to life, and he will wake up with the words “ Good morning, God!" And the second one can be a pessimist and welcome new day with the words: “God, it’s morning again!” Similar words - but the attitude to life behind them is diametrically different.

So what you see is what you get, and what I see is what I get! The key lies in point of view.

The same analogy applies to how interesting your life unfolds. Everything will be uninteresting if life does not interest you. is of great importance when it comes to perception. It is important to understand that it depends on us how we see that proverbial glass - as half empty or as half full.

Beliefs can be another important factor, defining the way we look at life. What do you think about life? Think about this question for a moment. You might even want to write down some of your views on the matter. Do you believe in progress? How do you feel about all the different events that life throws at you every day? Do you believe that the very essence of the universe is development? Do you believe that you have an amazing ability to do good? Perhaps this ability is limited only by your own views and prejudices. If you answered yes to these questions, then you are leading interesting life, because you are interested in the multifaceted aspects of life.

There is an eastern legend about beautiful girl, to whom the ruler of the Earth offered a rare gift. The king gave her a bag of pearls and promised that she could keep the largest and most beautiful pearl she found there. However, he set several conditions. She had to choose only one pearl. She had to take out only one pearl at a time from the bag. She had to either leave it or reject it, and she had no right to take the once rejected pearl. And the girl joyfully began to take pearls out of the bag one after another. In the process, she held many beautiful and perfectly regular pearls in her hands. However, she was looking for one that would be a little bigger and a little prettier than the rest. And so she missed out on many magnificent jewels.

As she went deeper into the bag, the pearls became smaller and of poorer quality. From time to time, instead of pearls, she came across pebbles. Now, since she could not return to the previously rejected pearls, she had to continue her search. The pearls became smaller and less valuable. And pebbles became more and more common. When the girl reached the bottom of the bag, she sadly left empty-handed.

This legend can also apply to us: sometimes we rush through life, trying to find a better job, a bigger house, a life partner who would be the most suitable, more interesting entertainment or anything else, and we do not notice those precious pearls that meet us in abundance every day.

What are we focusing on? Perhaps we are looking for the Kingdom of Heaven, which at this time is within us, but often we do not see it. And then we stop and do not dare to move on, because we are afraid that things will get worse the next day. In any case - whether we fuss or sit and wait - the result is the same. Almost nothing happens! This is why philosophers and spiritual teachers often tell us: " - this is the most important point your life." We cannot go back in time even for two seconds, and we also cannot escape into the future for two seconds. We live in the eternal “now,” and our interest in life and what it gives us also exists in the present.

“Now” is a moment of choice and blessing.

All the minutes of all the days of our life are not enough to change our minds about all the true, fair, pure and beautiful things in the world. These are the things that give us true happiness and joy in life. They become pearls of great price.

American philosopher Charles Fillmore said: “When you experience some kind of disharmony, you can be sure that you have some kind of false illusion. There is a priceless pearl of truth right in front of us, but are we willing to sell everything to buy it? Are we ready to abandon false illusions and go straight to the truth? How wonderfully said!

When you look at yourself in the mirror, the main thing is not your face, but your mind, which looks back at you from there. According to Jesus, what is in your mind is the source of everything that is important. The Bible says: “out of it (the heart) are the springs of life” (Prov. 4:23). If you are interested in your future position, look at how you interact with life in the present moment. Are you enjoying the new adventures and events that every new day promises you? Are you excited about the chances that may come your way? Do you expect to find the good in every situation? At the end of each day, do you give thanks for all the abundance you have received?

Remember: the more sincere interest you express in relation to life, the more more joy and life will bring good luck to your world. The vast difference between happiness and unhappiness, success and failure, effectiveness and uselessness, skill and helplessness, courage and fear, strength and weakness cannot be blamed on circumstances or others. The main causative factor is the condition of your own mind. Everything seems uninteresting if you are not interested. Therefore the correct attitude to life plays an important role in the life of every person.

Peace is proportionate to the breadth of our interests. limited man has a narrow view of things. The walls of his world hide, wider horizons.

Joseph Geotrow

Age is not a matter of years. Years may wrinkle the skin, but lack of interest wrinkles the soul.

General Douglas MacArthur

A man with a hundred interests doubled livelier than that, who has only fifty of them, and four times - the one who has twenty-five. What interests you? Are your interests limited to food, home, work, clothing, and immediate family? If you want to get rid of nervous tension and lead more healthy life, expand your interests, expand yourself. Around you is a rich world of books, paintings, music, sports and, most importantly, people.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

People do not get tired of work when the work is distributed wisely. Interesting work is stimulating. Fatigue and despondency come from lack of interest and anxiety. Each of us should have hobbies - enough so that we can do them effectively and happily. You must not allow interest to go away or cool down, so that enthusiasm disappears. Every day can be a day of triumph if you keep your interest and feed it the way it feeds you!

George Matthew Adams

based on materials from the book: John Templeton - “In 90 minutes. World laws life."

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