Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Planning and notes of art activities for young children. First steps in art activities for young children Classes for early childhood

9. Drawing by young children Goal: development of professional competencies: the ability to perceive and analyze the specifics of the visual activity of young children; the ability to understand and use the information received in the educational process of the preschool educational institution; ability to develop and implement visual didactic materials on visual activities of preschool children. Equipment: a set of gouache paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, pokers, colored crayons, ballpoint pens, etc.; kolinsky or squirrel brushes (10,12); palette for diluting paints with water; thick paper, white; two vessels with water and a cloth for drying the brush.

Drawing in the ontogenesis of personality begins at the age of 1 - 1.5 years as the manipulation of various objects that leave a mark on paper. This can be moving a pencil or felt-tip pen on wallpaper, a fountain pen on paper, a stick on sand, a finger on foggy or frozen glass, a piece of chalk or brick on asphalt, etc. The traces remaining on the drawing surface are strokes, lines, dots, spots , scratches. Getting dirty, scribbling, and scribbling may be perceived by adults as meaningless fun, like pampering, but in fact these actions are emotionally deeply experienced and turn out to be internally significant for the child. 1. Features of drawing by young children

The visual activity of children from one to three years of age is called the pre-visual stage. The prerequisites for visual activity are laid in the second year of life. One of the features of this period of drawing is its sensory basis. The baby masters the rhythm of movements, scope, learns the properties of objects and phenomena (color, shape, structure, size).

In the process of drawing activity at the elementary level, he develops motor coordination, masters the mental connection “hand-eye” and “eye-hand”, experiences the first volitional creative act, and masters the simplest fundamentals of graphic language. The dominant activity for the drawing activity before the visual period is the motor activity of the child. At the same time, a transition is gradually made to an object image (not objective, but already having a figurative-symbolic character), when graphic, colored or plastic (from clay and plasticine) forms that arise in the process of this activity begin to be distinguished by the child and are called by him as images of real objects. These visible forms of children's impressions already have a certain degree of generalization (“this is mom, and this is the sun, and this is dad in the car,” etc.). Thus, in drawing there is a natural shift of the dominant from purely motor activity to motor-visual activity.

Task Look at the drawings of young children. Highlight the means of expression used. Fill out Table 1. Analyze the content of children's drawings, highlight the variety of themes in the drawings. Color LineShape CompositionHyperbolization Agglutination Means of expressive drawings for young children. Table 1.

2. Equipment for drawing classes for children 1-3 years old Equipment for drawing classes involves the following materials: gouache, ink, charcoal, sanguine, pastel, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, ballpoint pens, crayons: colored, wax; paper of different formats and sizes, colors, textures; brushes 10,12, bristle brush, pokes, stamps; easels; aprons (G. G. Grigorieva, T. G. Kazakova, O. G. Tikhonova). Brush with a rounded handle Set of paints for hand painting Set of paints with stamps

Task “Autumn Tree” “Beautiful Rug” 1. Analyze the program of visual activities for children 2-3 years old. Highlight the content and cycles of drawing lessons. 2. In the teaching manuals, select 2-3 tasks for each cycle of classes. Make sketches.

Motor rhythm tasks The content of visual activity is the depiction of natural phenomena. For example, “Rain drip-drip”, “It’s snowing”, “Leaves are falling and falling ...”, “Bunny’s tracks”, etc. In this series of tasks, children master the technique of stroke, smear, poke.

Literature 1. Kazakova, R. G. Drawing with preschool children: Non-traditional techniques, planning, lesson notes [Text] / Ed. R. G. Kazakova. – M., Komarova, T. S. Teaching preschoolers drawing techniques [Text] / T. S. Komarova. – M., Korotkova, E. A. Drawing, applique, design in kindergarten [Text] / E. A. Korotkova. – Yaroslavl, Korchmarosh, P. Magician Pencil [Text] / P. Korchmarosh. – M., Solop, T. F. Drawing Country [Text] / T. F. Solop. – Rostov-n/Don, Utrobina, K.K. Fascinating drawing using the poke method with children 3-7 years old: Drawing and learning about the world around us [Text] / K.K. Utrobina, G.F. Utrobin. – M., 2001.

Ksenia Mikhailova

Software tasks:

Artistic and aesthetic development: learn to depict the same object in two colors, forming an idea of ​​color combination. Develop interest in the creative process.

Cognitive development: teach to see the beauty of apples and apple trees at different stages of fruit ripening. Evoke a positive emotional response to the beauty of nature. Teach purposeful actions with objects, imitate new actions.

Speech development: formation of a culture of communication (use of greeting and farewell words in speech). Develop the ability to understand the text and perform the appropriate movements according to the model. Stimulate speech development through the development of fine motor skills and tactile sensations. Develop active speech. Add words to your vocabulary: apple, hare, house, tree.


A house, a toy hare, a sheet of paper, half an apple, green, brown and yellow finger gouache, a brush, a container of water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, today we will go to visit you. Do you like to visit? And I love visiting. Then let's all go together.

Outdoor game:

Top, top legs

They walk along the path.

The path is crooked -

No end, no edge.

We go, we go, we go (walking)

And we don’t get tired at all.

This is how the feet walk

Along a crooked path.

Top, top, top. (run)

And then all together stop! three jumps in place

Speech game:

Q: In a clearing behind a bush I saw someone’s house,

The bunny lives in the house and invites all the children to visit.

We came to visit the bunny, his name is Ushastik. What should we say when we meet someone? That's right, you need to say hello! How soft and pleasant it is to the touch! Hello, Ushastik, I’m Ksenia Vitalievna, and these are my children! (children greet the bunny and say their name)

Let's look carefully at the bunny. Does he have long ears? That's right. Show off your ears (children show ears) Does he have eyes? That's right. Where are your eyes? (show eyes) Does our little bunny have a belly? That’s right. Where are your bellies, kids? (pats self on tummy)

Logorhythmic game:

Once upon a time there were bunnies

On the edge of the forest.

(spread your arms in front of you, describing a circle)

Once upon a time there were bunnies

(show bunny ears on head)

In a gray hut.

(fold your arms above your head in a house shape)

Wash your ears

(run your hands over imaginary ears)

We washed our little paws.

(imitate hand washing)

Bunnies dressed up

(arms on sides, turn slightly in both directions, in a half squat)

We put on slippers.

(arms on your sides, alternately put your right and left legs forward)

Educator: Our Little Bunny is hungry, what can we feed our Ushastik? (children's answers) We will collect fruits and vegetables for the bunny. Let's go.

(Pour fruits and vegetables out of the basket onto the floor)

Children collect fruits and vegetables.

Q: This is the harvest we collected for Ushastik! The fruits are so tasty and the vegetables are crispy! Really delicious. Our little bunny is very happy.

Artistic creativity:

Group work "Apple tree for a bunny."

Children take turns making prints with apple halves, prepared in advance. (the teacher paints the apple halves with a brush) When all the children have made a print, the teacher uses a brush to draw the trunk of an apple tree.

Q: Children, we made a very beautiful apple tree. Now our little bunny will always have something to eat. He will eat apples from our apple tree.

Zainka liked to play with you, collect fruits and vegetables, but most of all he liked your gift - the apple tree that we drew for him.

What great guys you all are. Let's pat ourselves on the back for that.

Surprise moment:

Q: Well, it’s time to say goodbye, let’s say “Thank you” and “Goodbye” to the bunny. Next time, shall we go visit Ushastik again? Yes? So we'll definitely go!

And I also have a treat for you. Sit down at the tables, we will also eat apples.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development in the early age group “Bunny visiting the children” Objectives: 1. To promote the formation in children of an initial interest in knowledge. 2. Promote the development of children's skills independently.

Summary of educational activities in the early age group on sensory development “Bunny and Hedgehog Visiting the Children” Topic: “A bunny and a hedgehog visiting the children” Goal: to teach children to select objects based on color, by display and by verbal designation.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 “Pearl” Abstract of educational activities in the field of “cognitive development” in the early age group “Krokha” on the topic: “Acquaintance.

Summary of entertainment with young children “Visiting Grandma Matryona” Summary of entertainment for young children “Visiting Grandmother Matryona” Purpose: 1. Create a joyful, cheerful atmosphere for children.

Lesson summary for the second early age group “Visiting Mishka” Goals and objectives: To develop children’s ability to distinguish and name primary colors. Learn to group colors. Develop fine motor skills and coordination.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Zinyakovsky kindergarten"

Nizhny Novgorod region Gorodetsky district

Art activities (drawing)

with young children

(master class)

(early age group)


Korchik E.A.

Art activities (drawing) with young children(master class)

(early age group)


Korchik E.A.

In order for children to engage in drawing, some guidance from adults is necessary. Therefore, in my work I focus on working together with parents. It is important to promptly reveal to parents the abilities of each child and provide appropriate recommendations that will help them develop artistic abilities.

Target: Draw the attention of parents to the value of children's visual creativity. Reveal the importance of drawing for the development of a child. Involve parents in the educational process.


Create a favorable creative environment;

Introduce parents to some non-traditional drawing techniques, offer to use knowledge and skills in working with children at home;

To increase the pedagogical competence of parents in the artistic and creative development of children;

Promote the establishment of partnerships between parents and preschool educational institutions.

Equipment: easel, A4 paper, gouache, hard brushes, jars of water, napkins, wet wipes, tissue boxes. Memo “Organization of artistic and visual activities of a child at home” for everyone.


1. The importance of drawing for the comprehensive development of a child.

2. Introduction to non-traditional drawing techniques for young children.

3. Creative moment.

4. Exhibition of drawings by parents. Memos to parents “Organizing the child’s artistic and visual activities at home.”

5. Reflection. Parents' assessment of the effectiveness of the event.

6. Solving current issues.

7. Exhibition of drawings by young children. Presentation "What we do in the garden."

Good evening, dear parents! I am very glad to see you at our master class! Thank you for coming to this meeting.

“A child’s mind is at his fingertips. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child. It is the hands that teach the child precision, neatness, and clarity of thinking. Hand movements excite the brain, causing it to develop.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

1. Have you ever wondered why all children love to draw? As a rule, they begin to draw even earlier than they speak. Moreover, the process itself is important for them: the hand moves, leaves a mark, stops, nothing happens. Our children are explorers, thinkers and discoverers.

Drawing is one of the greatest pleasures for a child, which develops many positive qualities in the child, such as perseverance and patience, attentiveness, and the ability to think. When drawing, a child reflects not only what he sees around him, but also shows his own imagination. We must not forget that positive emotions form the basis of children's mental health and well-being. And since visual activity is a source of good mood, the child’s interest in creativity should be supported and developed.

Drawing is of great importance in shaping a child’s personality.

The connection between drawing and thinking is especially important, since visual, motor, and muscular-tactile analyzers are involved in the work. In addition, drawing develops children's intellectual abilities, memory, attention, fine motor skills, teaches the child to think and analyze, measure and compare, and imagine. The gradual expansion of the stock of knowledge is of great importance for the mental development of children.

By depicting the simplest objects and phenomena, the child learns about them (color, shape, movement), and his first ideas are formed. Gradually, the child learns to talk about the phenomenon he saw and amazed him in the language of colors, lines, and words. The positive emotional reaction of adults supports the child’s desire to see, learn more, and look for an even more understandable and expressive language of lines, colors, and shapes. When drawing, a child reflects not only what he sees around him, but also shows his own imagination.

Visual activity is invaluable for the comprehensive aesthetic, moral, labor and mental development of children.

It is very difficult for children to depict objects, images, plots using traditional drawing methods: with a brush, pencils, felt-tip pens. Using only these items does not allow children to explore their creativity more widely. But you can draw with anything and however you want! There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. Non-traditional drawing allows you to reveal the creative potential of a child, constantly increase interest in artistic activities, and develop mental processes. It allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more spontaneous, develops imagination, and gives complete freedom for self-expression.

2. Taking into account the age characteristics of our children aged 2-3 years, it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques for unconventional drawing:

1. Palm drawing

2. Finger painting

3. Drawing using foam rubber

4. Drawing with cotton swabs

5. Drawing with various stamps

6. Drawing with a poke.

1.Drawing with your palm.

While drawing with their palm, children reproduce a variety of movements (applying, slapping, smearing). It will be useful and interesting for the child to explore the capabilities of his own hand, because with the help of one single palm you can get a huge number of different prints, and by adding your own imagination, turn them into real ones. masterpieces.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his palm (the entire hand) into the gouache and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both the right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, wipe your hands with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

2. Finger painting.

Acquaintance with the fingergraphy technique begins after mastering the basics of drawing with palms: it is more complex and requires more targeted movements. Unlike a brush, the smooth surface of the finger does not hold enough paint to draw a long line, so to create paintings it is better to “dip”, “rub” or “print” paints onto paper. To print by hand, the paint must be diluted to the consistency of liquid sour cream and poured in a thin layer onto a flat plate.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger in the gouache and puts dots and specks on the paper. Each finger is painted with a different color.

3. Drawing usingfoam rubber

Using foam rubber when drawing allows you to convey the roughness of the image, fluffiness, and volume.

It’s very good to draw fluffy animals, snow, clouds this way, and you can very easily paint over the background.

Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the foam rubber onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To change the color, use another bowl and foam rubber.

You can cut stamps of different shapes from foam rubber (circle, square, triangle). They are easy to draw a Christmas tree, a snowman, a house...

4. Drawing with cotton swabs

For this method, just take a cotton swab. We dip a cotton swab into the paint and, with a precise movement from top to bottom, make pokes on the album sheet. The stick will leave a clear imprint. The shape of the print will depend on what shape the object was chosen to poke. If the poke is done purposefully, for example, along the finished contour and inside it, then the depicted object will turn out to have an interesting heterogeneous texture. Using this method, you can draw leaves on trees, falling snow or rain, decorate the finished drawing with ornaments, and much more.

Method of obtaining an image: Dip a stick into thick paint, then the principle of applying dots. You can trace the outline with a stick using it instead of a brush.

Drawing with foam rubber pokes, cotton swabs, printing with foam rubber, printing with different objects - all this looks like a fun game, children really like it, and the result is real masterpieces. I would like to give advice that a distinctive feature of children's perception is the desire for independence. It will be better if you sit next to the child and draw, show how to perform this or that element on a separate sheet, the child will watch and repeat, drawing a picture. And be sure to praise the kids, because our children need confidence in their abilities.

Today I invite you to practice two drawing techniques - drawing with stamps and drawing with a poke. The methods are so simple, interesting and accessible for children of any age, starting from an early age. Drawing with stamps is an opportunity to use well-known objects and materials as art materials. This is especially interesting when working with children before the fine art period, when they have not yet developed the technical skills of working with paints and brushes. And most importantly, drawing with stamps plays a role in the overall mental development of the child. After all, what is intrinsically valuable is not the final product - a drawing, but the development of personality: the formation of self-confidence, in one’s abilities, in the development of creative potential.

3. I want to invite you to return for a moment to the wonderful world of childhood and be little artists yourself - young children.

Physical education minute:"Three Merry Brothers"

Three cheerful brothers

walked around the yard (walk in place)

Three cheerful brothers

started a game (running in place)

Made with heads


With dexterous fingers


They clapped their hands


Foot stomping


(movements through the text)

Poking drawing.

To paint with a poke, you will need a semi-dry hard brush made of bristles and paint.

When painting with a poke, the brush is held vertically. The shorter the bristle brush, the more expressive the texture of the print on the paper. Therefore, if you have a long brush, then trim the lint on it in advance. The brush should be large enough so that the “poke” turns out to be large.

For this type of painting we use thick paint, usually gouache paint. The brush should not be wet.

The adult prepares the basis - the background for the drawing, and the child fills it with “pokes” - brush marks. We will take tinted paper of different colors. These can be different stories:

Prints of yellow or white color on a green background - dandelions in a meadow or chickens (if you paint on the eyes, paws and beak);

White prints on the blue sky are fluffy clouds, on a winter background all over the sheet of paper, you get fluffy snowflakes; Against a background with dark brown tree trunks, the white caps of snow painted on the trees using the “poke” technique look great.

Yellow, orange, red prints drawn on a background of autumn trees prepared in advance are autumn foliage, simply located throughout the leaf - leaf fall;

Against the background of the city and the black sky using the poke technique, multi-colored fireworks in the sky look very beautiful.

You can draw with a poke not only with a hard brush, but also with a stick to which a piece of foam rubber is attached with a strong thread.

Drawing with a poke is accessible even to the smallest children from one and a half years old.

The teacher shows drawing techniques in unconventional ways, while simultaneously involving parents in this (fun music sounds).

(The picture has been drawn, we ask the “artists” to demonstrate it - an exhibition of drawings by parents).

Our Master Class has come to an end.

Thank you for your participation. We hope that you learned something new for yourself. Who has questions or suggestions? Please accept the instructions “Organizing your child’s artistic and visual activities at home.”

Literature used:

1. OOP BEFORE From birth to school. Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova,

M.A. Vasilyeva

2. Visual activities in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations for classes with children 2-7 years old. T.S. Komarova.

3. Drawing with kids. A. Valasina

[Electronic resource]:›risovanie-s-malyshami/

Exhibition of drawings by parents: Blokhina Yu.V., Mirzoeva A.V., Kornilova N.A., Kutasova A.F.

Exhibition of drawings by children attending a drawing club


Summary of a drawing lesson in an early age group.

Theme: “Sun” (“Rays for the sun”)

Conducted by a teacher of the first qualification category Larisa Anatolyevna Fedorova (GBDOU No. 55 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg)

Target : teaching children the ability to draw the sun with gouache.

Tasks :

    continue to teach children to trace a round object and draw straight lines;

    consolidate knowledge of the color yellow;

    continue to teach children to color without going beyond the outline;

    continue to teach children how to hold a brush correctly and carefully dip it into paint;

    instill interest in drawing, perseverance, and accuracy.

Material : a flat image of the sun, brushes, yellow gouache, sheets of paper (on which a circle is drawn with a simple pencil), jars of water.

Preliminary work : watching the sun while walking, looking at illustrations, reading nursery rhymes, learning the poem “Sun,” the outdoor game “Sun and Rain.”

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, who can tell me: what time of year is it now?


Educator: Let's go to the flannelgraph, where we have pictures with signs of spring, and remember them. Call it!

Children: The sun is shining brightly! It's warm! The snow and icicles are melting! The grass is appearing! Snowdrops.


Guys, look who came to visit us today? This is C little sun(the teacher shows the picture sunshine ).

How bright it shines Sun! It smiles at us, caresses us: strokes our cheeks, our head. He looks out the window and sees if everything is okay with us, like you play in kindergarten. Warms and makes us happy every day!

Let's rejoice too sunshine. Everyone stand in a circle and repeat after me.

Physical education minute« Sun»

Got up in the morning Sun


And went for a walk

(walking in place)

And on our street

He liked everything

(head tilts left and right)

Ran Sun

golden path

(running in circles)

And it hit Sun

Directly to our window

(fold their hands into a figure "window" )

Together we'll go

WITH sunshine to kindergarten

(walking in a circle)

The sun caressed me

All the guys at once.

(children stroke their heads with their hands)

Educator: Guys, do we have sunshine in our group? (children show the sun depicted on the wall).

Educator: Guys, what color is the sun?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: What is its shape?

Children:- Round ( Together with the teacher, they draw a circle in the air with their finger).

Educator:- What else does the sun have?

Children:- Rays (draw straight lines in the air with your finger).

Educator: Guys, the weather outside is still cold. Do you want it to become warm?

Children: YES!

Educator: Then let's draw a sun to make it warmer outside!

But before you start drawing, I suggest you play a little.

Game: “Collect the sun”

(the teacher made a manual “Collect the sun” with his own hands)

Educator: And now, I will show you how we will draw the sun.

(the teacher shows how to outline a circle drawn on a piece of paper with gouache, then paint it over, and then draw straight lines from the circle - rays, children watch).

Educator: Now, guys, sit down at the tables and each draw your own sun.

(Children draw on their own, with a little help from the teacher, attention is focused on how to hold the brush correctly)

Educator: Now show me how great you turned out! sunshine. Look how beautiful the rays are, how many there are, and how beautiful they are, all the kids did their best! Well done! Now the weather will improve and it will become warm! (Children look at their work.)

Summary of an open lesson on art activities in an early age group. “Soap bubbles.” Teacher of the MKDOU “Belozersky kindergarten” Vera Vasilievna Zavgorodnyaya.

"Soap Bubbles"

Target : 1) continue to work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various types of activities (play, visual arts.);

2) teach children to draw round objects;

3) continue to teach listening and understanding the questions asked, being able to answer them and repeat simple phrases;

4) instill in children a friendly attitude towards each other and the ability to work side by side.

Material : set for blowing soap bubbles; tape recorder, disk with a recording of a smooth melody; gouache, red, yellow, blue, green; rags, plates for spreading gouache, carrots for each child.

Progress of the lesson


The teacher shows the children a set for blowing soap bubbles and reads a poem about a soap bubble:

Born in soapy water

Turned into a ball.

I flew towards the sun,

Yes, it didn’t make it - it burst

The teacher and children blow bubbles, watch them, and catch them. At the end of the exercise, the teacher asks questions.

Children answer them:

How many bubbles did I blow? (many)

What shape are the bubbles? (round)

How big were the bubbles? (big and small)

What did the bubbles do? (flying, bursting, spinning, rising, falling, colliding).

What did you do? (we blew bubbles, caught them, jumped)

Children sit in a circle. The teacher sings the song “Palms - palms” and shows the movements. The children repeat after him.

Ladushki - palms, clap their hands rhythmically.

Loud firecrackers...

They clapped their hands,

They clapped a little.

Yes... They put their hands on their knees.

They stirred the foam, blew bubbles, imitated movements.

Bubbles were flying and the kids were amused.

Yes... They put their hands on their knees.

They folded their fists, beat with their fists: Fold their palms into

“Knock-knock, knock-knock! » fists.

“Knock-knock, knock-knock! » They knock their fists against each other.

Yes... They put their hands on their knees.

The little hands danced, squeezing and unclenching

The kids were amused, fist bumps.

So they danced and amused the children.

Yes... They put their hands on their knees.

The little ones are tired, the little ones are asleep, they put their palms together,

Bayu - bayu - bayushki folded in a boat

Bye - bye - okay. under right, then under

left cheek.

Yes... Place your palms on your knees.

Everyone joins hands and stands in a small circle.

The teacher recites a poem and slowly steps back.

The children repeat after him.

Blow up a bubble

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst!

The circle expands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” “Then everyone claps their hands and says in unison: “Clap!” ", they run into a small circle and join hands again.

The teacher turns to the children: “Come on, bubbles, get into a jar!” »

Children run up to the teacher and close to each other.

I take the bubble blower and put it in the jar.

The teacher strokes the children's hair with his hand.

Let's check that all the bubbles have collected in the jar.

Calls children by name, makes eye contact with them.

One, two, three, I'm blowing bubbles!

Children scatter around the group.

Smooth music sounds - children pretend to fly soap bubbles. The music fades out - the children lie down on the carpet in a comfortable position.

Practical part:

The teacher says to the children: “Guys, let's draw our soap bubbles! »

We invite all children to the table, where tinted sheets of paper are laid out, plates with gouache are placed and carrots are laid out.

The teacher demonstrates how to correctly draw soap bubbles with carrots.

Summing up the lesson.

Self-analysis of the lesson

You watched the lesson “Soap Bubbles” in the nursery group.

The program objectives of the lesson correspond to the requirements of the program and the age of the children.

I conduct classes on a grid in the section “Visual activities. Drawing".

I believe that the hygiene requirements during the lesson were met.

During the lesson, I used verbal and practical methods, and a gaming technique.

These techniques and methods correspond to the requirements of the program and the age of the children in the nursery group.

All stages of the lesson are interconnected, their duration corresponds to the norm.

During the lesson, she activated the children's attention with a surprise moment, which aroused the children's interest and desire to study.

Through games, songs, and poems, she aroused emotional interest in children and a desire to play with each other.

During the lesson, she encouraged the children and worked individually with them in order to develop their understanding of speech and activate their vocabulary.

I think that the selection of methods for activating children was very successful in solving the tasks. The children during the lesson were active, emotional, and interested.

Therefore, the result of the lesson is positive.

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