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What are the signs to determine the energy connection between a man and a woman? Energy channels between people How a couple exchanges energy

The biofield of each individual is, first of all, an open system, so interaction with other individuals can greatly change the aura.

The exchange of energy between people is an everyday process that not everyone thinks about, but sometimes it is simply impossible not to notice the consequences of such communication. For example, if the subject is an energy vampire, he will take away so much life force that his interlocutor will be lethargic, sad, tired.

Equal reception and transmission of energy

The first type of energy communication is the most acceptable, comfortable and always expected exchange of forces. Such interaction is typical for very close individuals who are on good terms and understand each other almost perfectly.

If people correspond to each other, their auras also coincide and can contact without dangerous changes in their structure.

Ideal energy exchange is always sealed, because energy flows are not wasted. Good communication partners always speak to the point, rarely compete, and radiate flows of trust.

A full exchange of vital force can be easily observed from the outside, even without psychic abilities. During the process of energy transition, the participants in this process do not get tired, do not interfere, and act together without unnecessary clarification. If this form of interaction reigns in a family, then it will become an example of prosperity and love, because the spouses will be sensitive and friendly, maintaining harmony even in times of difficulty.

However, it also happens that equivalent energy exchange is hidden from others, and a married couple is a closed system, harmonious, but independent of external factors. In such a situation, it may seem to outsiders that one of the family members is constantly pleasing the other, but this will be a false conclusion. Outsiders think that such partners constantly argue or ignore each other. But in difficult or simply important circumstances, these families make decisions almost silently, consulting with each other on an intuitive level.

Regardless of the degree of external manifestations, people with full and equal energy exchange are considered long-livers, because their good character traits help them in everything.

These are very successful and holistic individuals who know how to communicate with friends and acquaintances on the principles of sincere mutual assistance, ease, and constant support.

Energy Absorption

If a person, in the process of communication, draws the vital forces of those around him into his biofield, he is a typical energy vampire. This individual takes energy by creating a constant atmosphere of negativity. He talks about his difficulties and troubles, first arousing sympathy and then irritation. It is also characterized by inducing negative emotions in the interlocutor.

If someone you know is an energy vampire, you can gradually adapt to him and stop feeding him regularly.

It is much more difficult when your closest life partner suffers from vampirism. Living together becomes more difficult for the unhappy donor, who seeks energy on the side and turns into a power absorber from his children or friends. It is interesting that an energy vampire is often able to enter into a full-fledged exchange with other people, but he will always have a specific (weakest in spirit) object for stealing energy.

A person who gives his powers to an energy vampire quickly becomes irritable and scandalous. If he does not have the will to change his communication style, such interaction leads to real chronic illnesses and even death. The aura of such a person will be dull and small, loose.

In the line of people who absorb energy, there are also those who know how to take only negativity and purify it within their own biofield. This positive example of energy contraction is usually manifested by healers, teachers, and psychologists. Such individuals want to complain about life and cry into their shoulders.

These absorbers of negative flows do not belong to vampires, because their goal is to process bioenergy flows and change the aura of the planet for the better.

In this way, these people improve the souls of others and work off their own karma.

The pulling of negative energy often occurs in the relationship between parents and children. Thus, the strong connection between mother and child allows women to take all the suffering for themselves in order to protect the baby from pain at any age. The mother’s selflessness simply dissolves everything negative in the layers of her powerful biofield. By this act, parents often help their children overcome their karma.

Return of life force

The unilateral transfer of energy to another person is usually carried out by those who are a constant source of positivity. Such individuals unselfishly bestow their light on society; they receive joy from the good emotions in their surroundings. These are unauthorized and conscious donors, to whom, in fact, the given energy always returns.

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone can be a sincere donor of energy, because there must be a special level of spiritual development, and soulfulness must be observed in a person. Let's say, the desire to benefit from one's good deeds is simply a form of energy exchange, and this is another form of interaction.

The person who gives his vitality must control his emotions and be able to understand his own problems.

He is also obliged to make sure that his energy is needed and that it will be useful. Otherwise, constant feeding of the energy vampire will have zero effect, and the karma of such a recipient will worsen even more. By the way, people with heavy karma usually give energy, because they need to understand the life lesson of mercy and kindness. When an individual selflessly shares something, he learns to absorb cosmic vibrations and reaches a new level of spiritual growth.

In the process of releasing the accumulated energy, the whole life acquires meaning, the soul expands. For the sources of life force, giving is as natural as breathing. It is believed that such people become conductors of God, the energy of unconditional love. In life, it is very important for these individuals to learn to use their potential for their own benefit, too, solving karmic problems and accumulating strength to overcome failures. Otherwise, sooner or later a person will become embittered towards the whole world.

You can be a source of energy in the family, at work, in the process of “healer-patient” or “mentor-student” relationships. The main thing is not to imitate your high thoughts, not to fake it and not to be afraid of losing your vital energy irrevocably. You must always focus on your true desire, so that gifts with energy evoke admiration, and not irritation or sympathy. In the process of giving away power, you cannot be intrusive.

Often, energy vampires take on the temporary role of life force donors in order to receive from a person the energy of his favor and gratitude. This process occurs on an unconscious level, and there is no danger in it for the acceptor. If a vampire sends you benevolent aspirations, although not too sincere, you need to accept them and send streams of light and warmth to the person.

Neutral role in energy metabolism

Sometimes a person’s position in communication can resemble simple defense. The task for this individual is to maintain his current potential. In a situation of a nervous breakdown, the presence of an energy vampire, the accumulation of negativity, mental pressure, the person does not ask the question of how to transfer energy to another person or how to take something from him. Here you just want to get a break, without entering into energy exchange, to become a closed system, to preserve your own freedom.

Maintaining neutrality at the moment of energy interaction is the right of every person, and it is worthy of respect and acceptance.

True, very often an individual does not know how to properly isolate himself from other people’s energy; he simply shows aggression and pushes away the environment itself. In this case, of course, you need to learn to withdraw into yourself while maintaining harmony with the outside world. We are talking about a special state of consciousness that often arises during meditation. The brain continues to work, but it does not perceive the environment; it concentrates on the internal state of the individual.

At the same time, all actions remain under control, and information is perceived even more carefully, because only the most important must be isolated from it, so that energy is not wasted.

Exchange of sexual energy

The process of classical energy exchange involves verbal or non-verbal communication, in which there is a constant circulation of internal personal potentials. Sexual intercourse is also a form of communication that brings pleasure and activates energy channels in the structure of the biofield. During sex, the human energy system works very hard, because the aura of the partners is connected by special chakras. The main point of reception and transmission of sexual energy is in the lower abdomen, since according to Eastern tradition the corresponding energy center is located there.

It is generally accepted that women during intercourse give their energy to the stronger sex, because by nature the potential of the fair half of humanity is greater. A large supply of vitality is needed for the birth and upbringing of a baby in the future. If a woman has not had an intimate relationship for a very long time, her energy begins to form stagnations and traffic jams, interfere with her usual way of life and destroy the aura.

As for any man, he literally feels the pain and depression of his condition without sex. He lacks energy, and if he cannot get it from his usual partner, then it is almost impossible to avoid physical betrayal. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the state of the intimate sphere in the family.

Simple ways to transfer energy

  • Wishes and affirmations. The most natural version of the energy message is thoughts. You need to formulate your intentions, wishing people well, prosperity, health, etc. At the same time, it is worth consciously investing energy flows into your desires. Usually the mental message is positive, but some sorcerers and magicians send negative energy to people in this way, which is called the evil eye, damage, curse.
  • Visualizations. In addition to words and thoughts, you can use the power of imagination. You can imagine how your energy flows to people in different ways. For example, it is allowed to mentally color the environment in pink, which corresponds to the flow of love and harmony.
  • Embrace. A person’s bright soul and his closeness to God provide the opportunity to transmit positive flows directly. You can transfer energy to loved ones, children and life partners through hugs. At this moment, you just need to love the person for who he is and mentally thank him for his presence in your destiny.
    By sincerely hugging a person, we share with him our inner peace and radiance, turning him into a joyful and cheerful person. During a hug, you can merge with your personality into one ball of light energy and provide both with protection from loneliness and failure.

An energetically filled person with his inner light is able to dissolve any darkness in the soul, eliminate depression and restore faith in life.

Exchange of energy between people at a distance: Reiki

The meditative technique of working with Reiki energy allows, with the proper level of spiritual development, to transmit your life force at a distance. Energy transfer tactics were developed in the East back in ancient times.

First, you should prepare for the transmission of energy in a special way:

  • Choose the person you want to influence. You can even send energy towards a specific situation that involves several people and requires immediate resolution. Reiki practice advises before a session of sending power to visualize the recipient and meditate. You can turn to a spiritual mentor for advice.
  • Get permission from the person to whom your message is intended. Energy received outside of a person’s desire usually ricochets back with a negative meaning, i.e. the addressee will then have to work off karma. You can find out about an individual’s consent directly or through visualization. In the second case, you should close your eyelids and imagine the desired person next to you. Ask him a question and listen to the answer. If there is no clear “yes” or “no” (or the image dissolves immediately), listen to your intuition, your inner voice. Remember, if a person refuses energy, it can always be sent deep into the Earth or into Space.

The Reiki technique suggests using different objects or symbols to transmit life force. For example, you can charge a doll, pillow, or decorative item with energy and give it to an individual. A person will be able to receive the required dose of energy from the aura of this thing, which plays the role of an intermediary. Many esotericists transmit energy at a distance using a photograph of an individual.

If there is no photo, you can build a phantom image before your eyes, imagine that the person is nearby, or visualize the merging of your biofields. Direct transfer of energy can be done through the hips of the individual when the right side of the donor's body touches the left side of the recipient and the outflow and reception of force begins.

Regardless of what type of energy transfer was chosen, you need to mentally draw a special sign in front of you. The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen symbol is activated by the addressee’s individual mantra, which is repeated three times. If it is necessary to release energy at a specific moment in time, the symbol must be depicted again at the end of the practice and the place and date must be clearly stated. To complete the session, you need to mentally send the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol to the person.

Transmission of Qi energy in Chinese practice

In the Qigong technique, much attention is paid to receiving vital force and its circulation between people. The master of this tradition, first of all, transmits an energy impulse to a person, and the distance of the object does not matter.

The supernatural nature of Qi energy allows it to move through any stretch of space, overcoming various obstacles. A specialist in the field of Qigong is able to transfer power to several people at once, and it comes to them with his efforts simultaneously.

The Qi energy inside and around an individual is a single whole, it merges, so it is enough for a master to simply penetrate the man-space space and send a message from there to another person.

During close contacts in Qigong, energy is transferred using the palms. Qi comes from the energy center inside the body into the hand, then passes through the fingers and is sent to the recipient. But how to transfer energy to a person at a distance? This issue is also solved simply in Qigong: the master transforms Qi into the energy of thought - Shen - and directs it in the form of an impulse to the desired object. The purpose of the impulse is to excite the environment, so the address directly perceives the vibrations of the modified Qi.

As already mentioned, a Qigong master needs to merge his consciousness with the Cosmos in order to send energy. How to do this was described in ancient times by Liu Han Wen.

Exercise “the art of wisdom”

  1. If you are new to this area, stand up straight and lower your arms to your sides. Or take a cross-legged sitting position if you already know the basics of Qigong. Close your eyelids and relax. There is a Kuei Yin point in the human body near the anal area. Think about her.
  2. Make your body vibrate. Start with your fingers, then feel the movement of the spine, internal organ systems, muscle tissue. The internal flow of Qi affects the body, relaxing joints and muscles.
  3. Breathe at a comfortable rhythm. Feel the breathing of every cell: it is natural and almost imperceptible. Pleasure and peace fill the soul and spread throughout the body. Your eyes are closed, but the third eye is awake. With this inner vision you look at a natural phenomenon: a waterfall, a shooting star, etc.
  4. Imagine how your body expands and dissolves in the vastness of the Universe. The mind merges with the Cosmos. Focus on your stomach, in the area of ​​the Tan Tien point. Raise your arms up and slightly forward.
  5. Think about the Bai Gui energy head center that has opened. Try to remain stable in your chosen pose. Visualize the energy points on your feet opening. This is a couple of Yun Quan zones.
  6. Imagine that a flow of energy from Space is descending towards you. It penetrates through the Bai Gui, enters the palms and shoulders, spreads throughout the body, cleanses and charges with a stream of power. It goes into the earth through Kuei-Yin and Yun-Quan.
  7. You mentally capture the entire flow of energy. It unites you with heaven and earth. Imagine how positive vibrations are now flowing out of the earth and into the sky. Rewind the picture several times, and then join your palms in a prayer gesture.
  8. Expand your consciousness. Merge with the Universe, feeling how it controls your breathing process. As you inhale, the stomach finds itself in the center of the Cosmos and the body is filled with strength; as you exhale, the energy of life affects all processes of the Universe. The heart rhythm begins to coincide with the rhythms of the Universe.
  9. Lower your arms, placing one palm in the other. Touch your Tan Tien energy center just below your navel. Don't open your eyelids, just look inside your body. Feel the energy pearl in your stomach. Rub your palms together, cover your eyes with them, and then finish the exercise. Now you are full of strength to transfer energy over a distance.

Energy Transfer and Healing

In many practices, additional life force is given to people to restore health. Quick sessions of so-called healing are based on the transfer of energy using the hands, or rather, different positions of the palms.

  • Place your hands on the recipient's shoulders.
  • Gently move your palms to the top of your head.
  • With one hand, touch the area between the spine and skull. Place your other palm on your forehead.
  • One hand moves to the back, to the area between the shoulder blades (7th vertebra), and the second to the chest, just below the thymus (jugular notch).
  • Touch your hands to the middle of your chest on both sides. The palms will be at the level of the heart muscle.
  • Place your hand on the solar plexus, and with the other palm touch your back at the same level.
  • Place one hand on your lower abdomen and the other on your lower back.

Energy transferred in this way helps to bring a person out of shock and save him in case of an accident or natural disaster. In emergency cases, you can immediately place your palms on the solar plexus and kidneys, and then move to the outer side of the shoulders.

If a child needs healing energy, you need to reduce the practice time to 20 minutes maximum.

You need to be attentive to the baby’s reaction to the power received, because he cannot always express his desires out loud.

It is possible to treat children and adults with the help of transferred energy even from a distance. The flow of vital healing force in this case travels approximately the same path as thoughts in the information space of the planet. Vibrations are of great importance in this process. It is not enough for a person to simply send energy mentally; one must follow the natural laws of nature.

Energy healing sessions must be arranged in advance so that the donor and recipient are free at this time and can completely relax. It is believed that sessions of 15-20 minutes should take place in the evening for at least four days in a row. The addressee must write down the first and last name of the person to whom he is sending energy. If he does not know him by sight, a good quality photo will be required.

Before practice, you need to tune in to the initials and portrait.

Healing through life force can take even a month, but the results will be no worse than when transferring energy with the palms.

It is best if the acceptor lies or sits during the session, allowing the flow of energy to carry him along and resonate with the vibrations. If love and light are sent to a person, his consent is not required, but permission is always required for remote healing of serious illnesses with energy.

There is also mental energy treatment. This is a way of influencing a person face-to-face or in absentia with the aim of ridding him of mental problems. Practice helps energy penetrate the inner essence of an individual, cleanse him of experiences, fears and worries. Such a transfer of power can give a person new life attitudes and change the circulation of energy in his biofield.

It is worth noting, however, that the transfer of energy for human healing is possible only if the donor has the proper level of spiritual development. You need to know for sure that the recipient does not suffer from vampirism himself, that he has activated his higher chakras and will not spoil the karma of his acceptor.

The exchange of energy between people is in most cases a positive process that accompanies any activity in everyday life.

There is no need to be afraid to share your positive potential with the outside world, since the response helps to heal and strengthen the aura. At the same time, it is worth remaining vigilant and promptly stopping attempts to steal energy and damage the biofield.

According to tantric teachings, when a man meets a woman, an exchange of energy begins between them.

It is natural for a man to be charged with energy from above (ideological), and for a woman - from below (energy of power). To bring an idea to life, a man needs to be “charged” with feminine power. And a woman, since she is a “bank” of energy, is not able to spend it for action, but only gives it away, because she receives the type of energy she needs only in the process of interaction with a man.

There is always an exchange of energies between the stronger and weaker sex. As soon as a boy is born, he already has a mother who inspires him, giving him her maternal love. Then he meets his first, second love, a pretty employee at work - in all representatives of the fair sex, a man strives to find that very source of energy, filled with strength from which he can successfully realize himself in life.

Then, when a love relationship begins between a man and a woman, the woman gives herself (not only physically, but also taking care of her loved one, morally and intellectually), and the man, receiving feminine power, is able to create and take active actions in life.

Everything is clear with this, but this is only the initial stage, during which energy does not flow yet, because the exchange itself does not occur. Having been filled with the necessary feminine power that allows him to embody his ideas, a man should return energy to the woman (in the form of gifts, financial care, physical assistance), in such an amount as to inspire his lady to further return.

And this interaction is constant.

Energy connection between a man and a woman

When people feel sympathy for each other, they actively exchange their energies and this process gives them mutual pleasure. When contact occurs between the biofields of two individuals, channels are formed through which energy circulates from one side to the other.

These streams can vary in color and shape (they can be seen by people with extrasensory abilities).

Partners are connected through these energy channels through one or another, based on the type of their communication:

  • by – family relations;
  • by – relationships like lovers, married couples or friends for easy pastime;
  • by - family ties, relationships between colleagues at work, bosses, friends in sports hobbies - those people with whom you are forced to compete;
  • By - this type of connection will tell about relationships in which objects interact with each other emotionally - these are the people towards whom we feel love. But for the relationship between a man and a woman to be harmonious, it is important that they have a well-developed channel of sexual energy;
  • by – relationships between like-minded people, work colleagues;
  • by - often communication through this channel speaks of copying one’s idols, leaders of sects and various organizations. The hypnotic channel is well developed; other people's thoughts and ideas are suggested. People are connected to each other by telepathic communication
  • according to – the connection is present only at the level of egregors (collective, family, religious and others).

And the more both partners show their interest in each other, the more extensive the energy channel is formed between them. And with the establishment of strong relationships, it is observed.

This is how love relationships are formed, over which neither time nor distance will have power. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, even if a lot of time has passed since their last meeting.

In a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, clean, bright, pulsating channels are formed. Then the partners trust each other, they are sincere, but at the same time maintain their personal living space. In this case, we can talk about equivalent energy metabolism, without disturbances.

And if the relationship is unhealthy, for example, one of the partners becomes dependent on the other, then the channels become dim and heavy. In such a relationship there is no freedom; lovers often show irritation, aggression and anger towards each other over time.

When one of the partners wants to take complete control of the other, the aura is observed to wrap around from all sides.

With the death of a relationship, the same thing happens with the channels - they become thinner, weaker. After a long period of time, the movement of energy through the channels stops and people become as if they were strangers, as if nothing had connected them before.

And if a separation occurs, but the energy channels are preserved, then people continue to be drawn to each other. This scenario may also happen when one of the former lovers breaks the energetic connection and closes off from subsequent influences, and the second continues to restore the relationship, breaking through his layer of energetic protection.

Energy connection between people during sexual contact

If there was a close relationship between people, the channels do not collapse for a long time after separation. This is especially pronounced during sexual contacts.

When we enter into sexual relations with a new partner, a new channel is formed along the sexual chakra. Such channels remain active for a very long time (for years, and sometimes they remain active even throughout life).

In this case, it does not play a significant role whether the sexual partners managed to get to know each other sufficiently or whether their connection was fleeting (at a party, at a graduation, etc.), the energy channel along the sexual chakra will still be formed and will be active for a very long time.

And if there is a channel, energy continues to circulate through it. And whether it will be positive or negative, you can only find out about this if you know both partners well.

An interesting feature is that people living together typically adjust their energy shells relative to each other. For harmonious intimate relationships, synchronization of biofields is necessary. That is why, often lovers, when they live together, over time acquire similarities with each other (often even physical).

When a person does not want to contact anyone, he closes the circuit of his own, as a result of which all energy flows emanating from those around him are reflected. Then other people feel like they are not being heard.

Features of male and female energy in a couple

As mentioned above, in the case of mutual feelings between lovers, a single energy field arises, which will be maintained in the future if the conditions of the partnership are met. A couple will become stronger if both partners fill their union with their energy, supporting both themselves and their beloved.

A very important point is that each of the partners must act based on their nature: the man - like a man, and the woman - like a woman.

For example, when a woman develops masculine energy in herself, manifesting herself in the physical world like a man, then if she lives alone, perhaps this will not affect her well-being. But, being in a couple’s environment, her man will be forced to develop a feminine demeanor (the same rule applies to men).

In general, in a couple, the man is responsible for the world of material wealth, and the woman is responsible for sensual manifestations and the atmosphere of the relationship as a whole. Therefore, a man gives energy through the material chakra, and a woman receives it, and she, in turn, gives energy through the heart chakra.

This was how nature intended it to be, and actions against it will negatively affect the condition of the partners individually and the couple as a whole.

Like belt ends - left and right

They separate first in order to tie them together -

So you and I:

We'll part, but, really,

Just to meet again!

A person spends most of his life among people. He may not talk much to those around him, but he breathes the same air with them, eats food that someone else prepared, lives in a house built by someone else. Only hermits living far from civilization can say that they practically do not communicate with anyone.

When meeting for the first time, life energies first come into contact with each other. And only then, after a few seconds, at most within a minute, other information about the person will be collected: who he is, what his energy is, whether he is suitable for us to communicate with. People's experience says: “The first impression is the most correct.” After this, the mind “turns on” - it evaluates the person’s clothing, general appearance and behavior; Based on this data, the first impression is corrected and the image of a new acquaintance is created. The ability to speak is assessed - beautiful, correct speech, a velvety voice are very attractive to other people. It is not without reason that those whose lives depend on the ability to communicate with a large number of unfamiliar people specially train their voice and speech. A person who can carry on a conversation is always attractive and endearing. But in everything you need to know when to stop - long conversations deplete a person’s vitality. They are especially harmful on an empty stomach.

People with low energy often love long conversations. Experiencing strong emotions, a person “opens up”, and his life force can be “pulled” onto himself, so such people can provoke you into arguments and quarrels. This is used by the so-called gossipers, debaters and “truth seekers”. But although the “pulled” vital force causes a surge of strength in a person, it does not benefit the body.

It happens that the mother-in-law is dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law and finds fault with her every step, causing conflict. This is a sign of her lack of vital energy. In this case, the most correct position is to behave politely and calmly. If the mother-in-law understands that scolding her daughter-in-law is useless, then it is likely that after a while she herself will calm down.

The exchange of energy in a family greatly affects the health and happiness of all its members. Most people do not think about behavior in the family, and this is in vain. Family life unites and harmonizes energy, so in the family you need to behave politely and respectfully. People in a family become more vulnerable to each other, and a man and a woman, who have lived together for several decades, become similar to each other, they understand each other without words, and even their physiological rhythms begin to coincide.

Over many centuries of living together, people have empirically created a set of rules that help them live happily - these are politeness and etiquette. If it were not for politeness and basic rules of behavior, most people would have quarreled with each other long ago and turned communication into a complete showdown. All discontent in the family, quarrels and disputes reduce the vitality of the spouses and take away happiness and good luck from the family. In families where there is a lot of arguing and quarreling, children are born weaker than they could be. Their vital energy is somewhat reduced, and they require more attention to their health and upbringing. Children with reduced vitality need to communicate with older and more active children and young people under 25 years of age. Children attending kindergartens or school must communicate with children of other ages, as well as with adults and the elderly. Long-term communication between children of the same age causes a one-sided increase in vitality and stagnation of energy. If you do not have the opportunity to ensure that your child communicates with people of a different age, then you need to keep him busy with music, dancing, drawing, calligraphy or modeling. At least an hour a week should be devoted to walking in a beautiful area and you need to start from a very tender age, otherwise excess energy will accumulate, which can interfere with normal development in adolescence.

Children from birth to 16 years old have an excess of vital energy, and for their proper development they must share it with other people so that the constantly renewed energy contributes to their development. From 16 to 70 years (the upper limit may vary depending on the health and living conditions of a person), the acquisition of vital energy prevails over its conservation, and after 70 (the age limit is average, it is individual for each person), on the contrary, conservation prevails over its acquisition. Therefore, communication between children under the age of 16 and people over the age of 60-70 is very useful. Children give off excess energy, and older people receive it. Such an exchange is mutually beneficial - children’s aggression decreases and they become calmer, and older people become more active. Sharing life experiences makes both children and older people wiser. In most cases, older people have enough time to teach children drawing, singing, calligraphy, various crafts and arts. A family of three generations is energetically more prosperous than a family of two, and even more so than a single person. Always a family consisting of three or four generations had a better chance of survival in harsh times. Gradually, with the development of civilization, a single person could provide himself with the means necessary for life, so the number of large families began to decrease. But human energy does not keep up with the economic factors influencing human life. Therefore, life in a large family is still more prosperous. If it is not possible to live in a family consisting of several generations, then in order to maintain vitality you need to communicate with people of different ages, from children to the elderly.

One of the first signs of depletion of vital energy is a reluctance to see other people and irritation when communicating with them. In this case, you need to relax in natural conditions (near the sea, forest, meadow, etc.), alone or next to a friend, recharge with vital energy and only then continue your activities. When you are short on time, you can restore your vitality through exercise, meditation and delicious food. After all, it is the food that the human body needs at the moment that is tasty; By regulating taste preferences, the body maintains energy balance.

If you suddenly have to communicate with unpleasant people, then you should maintain a calm state of mind and cross your legs or arms in order to thus preserve your vitality. A prudent person should not be in places of crowded gatherings too often, because the energy of the crowd is very strong and can cause harm to a person with normal vital energy. Unfortunately, there are people who “feed” on the energy of the crowd; for them it is like a drug. They may know perfectly well that this will not benefit them, but it intoxicates them, and they fly there like flies to the light.

Communication with friends, relatives and colleagues is very useful. Joint admiration of cherry blossoms (hanami), red autumn maples, koi carp, the full moon, visiting exhibitions and participating in holidays help to better understand each other. The general festive mood allows people with weaker energy to receive vital energy attracted by all other holiday participants or khans. And energy means prolonging life and maintaining health.

For example, participation in the Kingo Matsuri fish festival can not only bring a lot of joy, but also help you learn many new fish recipes. By taking a break from everyday worries and switching to something new, the mind rests and the body renews energy. Even one day dedicated to gaining new positive experiences helps improve your life.

The flower doll exhibition held in the fall in the city of Nihonmatsu brings a lot of joy. Since the 19th century, large, human-sized “Kiku-ningyo” dolls have been created from living chrysanthemums. Their luxurious clothes made from fresh flowers amaze with the variety of shades. The dolls stand and sit in various poses; from a distance they can be mistaken for living people. This exhibition helps to increase vital energy.

To maintain health and increase life expectancy, 128 holidays are celebrated a year. If a person does not celebrate his birthday, the New Year holiday and the spring equinox, then his vitality begins to gradually weaken regardless of age, immunity decreases and diseases appear. These days, the interaction between human energy and the energy of space is changing, so you need to be happy, cook delicious food and communicate with nice people. Traditions have been developed experimentally, the implementation of which allows you to use the energies of the cosmos in the most beneficial way to improve your life. Traditions are not immutable; they change over time. As the energy of the cosmos changes, tradition changes. To improve your life, it is very useful to study traditions by asking older people about how they used to spend holidays. Sometimes it is very useful to put on national clothes and dance national dances - they contribute to maximum preservation of vitality.

Gifts are also very important to preserve vital energy. They don't have to be expensive, as long as they are chosen with love and packaged beautifully. It is very pleasant to receive, but no less pleasant to give them. People rarely give gifts to themselves, and in vain. You can give gifts to yourself for any occasion: graduation from university, start of vacation, holiday, birthday, long-awaited purchase. Give something that brings joy - a beautiful flower, a delicious cake, a beautiful painting. Gifts to yourself are a means of raising your vitality.

Pair dancing is useful for maintaining and restoring health. During the dance, the energy of people interacts, promoting mutual harmonization.

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There are different types of energetic interactions between people.

Let's call them something like this:

Equal exchange

Pulling energy onto yourself

The ability to be a source of energy

Neutral position.

Now let's try to take a closer look at all four types of energy interaction between people. Equal exchange Equal exchange usually exists between close people with good mutual understanding and favorable relationships. Such an exchange occurs in cases where the hermetic principle of people matching each other is observed. If it's at work, then people are great partners and don't need many words to explain things to each other. They do not quarrel over primacy or the amount of remuneration, since they exchange exactly those impulses that their partner needs, and therefore are able to agree on any issue.

Equivalent energy exchange is easy to fix. For example, two people do not get tired of each other, do not interfere with each other, they start and finish work at one moment, almost without saying a word. Married couples with equal energy exchange usually look like models of ideal well-being. Not so often, but even today there are such harmonious families where goodwill and sensitive attitude of spouses towards each other reign. Of course, all sorts of ups and downs happen in them, but balance is still maintained in any adversity. But it sometimes happens that an equivalent exchange of spouses is invisible to others, and then they can make a strange impression. It seems that one of the spouses is literally following the lead of the other, but such an impression is almost always deceptive. Such families are like closed systems, well-functioning internal mechanisms that live regardless of external circumstances.

At the same time, spouses may quarrel endlessly, or they may practically not notice each other. (So ​​it seems from the outside.) But if an issue that is important to them is being decided, one glance is enough for them to understand their partner’s agreement or disagreement. Spouses with equal energy exchange never make decisions without consulting their “half,” although this “advice” will be either incomprehensible or invisible to outsiders.

In the spring, manure is brought to the dachas from the state farm. The car approaches the site. The driver offers the goods. The man and woman think for a while, silently look, evaluate. She turned around and walked away, loudly talking about bad people profiting from the needs of summer residents. The driver frowned and wanted to leave. The man said: “Load it there.” It’s a mystery to the driver how the couple came to an agreement. Was he caught in a domestic scandal? And a few minutes later they were calmly dragging manure across the potato field, the woman loudly talking about how good the manure they had bought. Married couples with equal exchanges are long-lived. Their energetic integrity is the key to good luck and prosperity. Equal energy exchange between friends and neighbors is characterized by absolute unobtrusiveness and reliable mutual assistance and support.

Energy vampirism

We have already mentioned people - vampires, who endlessly tell you about their misfortunes and problems. Usually such people initially evoke sympathy in you, and then dull irritation appears, which later turns into a desperate state, which can be expressed in one word: “Run!” Preferably away, out of sight.
If in friendly, neighborly and work relationships you can still somehow adapt to “vampires”, trying not to “feed” them and not lose energy, then in a marriage living together is almost unbearable for the “donor”. Moreover, a “vampire” can have an equal exchange with other people and only draw energy from one specific person.
The donor spouse, who constantly “feeds” the vampire spouse, may himself gradually become a “vampire” in relation to other people: co-workers, friends or his own children. Or, irritated by the loss of strength, he begins to create scandals, which ultimately lead to divorce. But this is the best option. The worst is when the donor spouse, unable to resist the pressure of the “vampire,” begins to get sick, waste away, and may even die at a young age.
An intelligent family - a husband, a Ph.D., very smart at work, a hard worker who provides for the family, quietly terrorizes his wife, a medical worker, a woman talented in many fields, passionate about foreign languages ​​and the history of the city. Terror is expressed in the fact that the spouse is constantly dissatisfied with everything. He established a routine whereby when he arrived the house should be perfectly clean and a hot dinner should be on the table. Having crossed the threshold of the house, he walks around the apartment and checks if everything is perfect. Sitting down at the table, he finds fault with the fork, which is placed crookedly, with the tea, which is not hot enough, with the smell of the kitchen, which could have disappeared before his arrival. One day, when he came home, he stood in the hallway for three seconds, turned around and left the house for the whole night, without saying a word. The reason for his offense was that he did not see his slippers in the hallway; they were on his wife’s friend who came to visit.
The woman pursued her hobbies in secret when her husband was not at home. Several times she tried to leave her despot. But the people around her and her relatives did not understand her, they considered her capricious: after all, her husband is courteous and well-mannered, pleasant to talk to, provides for his family well, and if there are quarrels, who doesn’t have them. And the husband, like a true “vampire,” cried and persuaded her to return, since he “cannot live without her.” The end is sad and even terrible. At 42 years old, a blooming, beautiful woman suddenly feels unwell and within a few months she burns out from cancer. The stress associated with constant loss of strength causes a fatal disease.
Drawing energy onto oneself can also be positive. There are people for whom everyone wants to “cry on their vest.” Often such people become professional psychologists, teachers, and doctors. They have the ability to attract negative energy, process it and release it purified into space. Naturally, they are not “vampires”; their karma is their duty to cleanse the psychic space of the planet. Such people must understand that the ability to purify the souls of other people was given to them not for enrichment, but as a means of working off their solid karma. There's nothing much to be proud of here. Now there are much more such people than at all other times. This indicates that the planet needs urgent cleaning, so as not to die, suffocating in the negative energy of people.
Sometimes a mother, passionately wanting to help her sick child, manages to take on his pain, his suffering. To pull on herself all the negative things that were due by fate to her beloved person. The intensity of her dedication is so high that everything bad instantly “burns out” in the flames of such energy. In this case, the mother not only helps her child, she helps him overcome his own karma. Mother and child have a special energetic relationship. A mother has the right and opportunity to help her child in absolutely everything (even in overcoming his own karma); it is important that there is a close connection of spiritual kinship and love between them. For a child, a mother is a conductor of cosmic energy, and a father is a conductor of earthly energy. Therefore, when there is no mother’s love, we lose heaven, when there is no father’s authority, we feel insecure in human society.
People are sources of energy
For someone who strives to give gifts to others, does it selflessly and at the same time receives joy from seeing the joy of others, a source of energy from the Higher powers opens up. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of being a “donor”.
It is important that donation be conscious, corresponding to the level of development of the energy of your soul. Otherwise, you will burn out in other people's problems without solving your own. And of course, it is important that the “recharge” goes “as intended,” that is, benefits the soul of the so-called “vampire.” If you endlessly nourish someone, trying to help, and the person only happily “eats” your “tasty” energy and is not going to change anything in his life, then you are not bringing him any benefit. You aggravate his karma by putting someone else's burden on your shoulders. Your energy is going in the wrong direction. This means that your karma also suffers.

The ability to be a source Not all people have energy for others.
The heavier a person’s karma, the more important it is for him to learn to give. By disinterestedly, without second thoughts, giving something to people, a person gains immeasurably more - the ability of the soul to absorb the energy of the Cosmos, the energy of high vibrations of space, so he becomes stronger and develops his spirit. But this does not mean being a source of energy.
To do something and give away is the whole meaning of our life. If, by giving, we have grown the energy of the spirit for new journeys in the Universe, then our life has not been lived in vain. To accumulate, acquire, preserve, comprehend - this is the first half of our earthly task. This is precisely what we focus on due to our misunderstanding and childhood underdevelopment. And only those who, while accumulating, think about where they will give it, win. By giving, he solves the second, most important for the soul, half of the problem. By giving, the soul rejoices, expands, becomes larger. Leaving the earthly plane, she will be able to let into the vast cosmic space of unearthly happiness.
Here are two entrepreneurs. One has a goal - the pocket should be full, no matter why. Another thinks about a rich and prosperous life for his family, society, and wants to produce a beautiful, high-quality product that everyone needs. With an equal amount of initial energy and the desire to work, the first will quickly exhaust its energy capabilities, the second, by investing and giving, will increase its energy every time it sees the usefulness of its work.
A woman wants to buy expensive cosmetics. What does the return have to do with it? A woman takes care of her appearance, strives to be attractive - in these minutes and hours she accumulates energy, which she then uses. Where? It depends on her inner deepest desires. If she wants to give the joy of delight and admiration to one person, she “unintentionally” gives it to all the people around her. It shines like the sun, gives warmth, gives back, and therefore at this moment acquires the ability to be a conductor of cosmic energy to the souls of people. A direct communication channel is established between the giving person and the infinite energy of the universe, feeding everything around with the pure energy of Light: “I’m happy that you like it!”
Another woman has accumulated energy with the specific goal of achieving favorable conditions for herself from life or from a certain person. She does not give, but bargains. Her beauty is cold and often repulsive. Despite all the sophistication of her taste, people find it unpleasant and uncomfortable to communicate with her, because the energy impulse coming from such beauty tells us: “Is it possible to get something from you?” There is no light source, there is no gift, there is a business exchange. Only the lamp shines, turned on by a great desire to receive. Such a woman will quickly burn out and go out, without gaining anything for her soul, but only having spent the energy of her young forces.
You are preparing a festive table, guests will come to you. You want to make everything better than your friend’s, so that everyone will admire and think: “Yes, Sveta’s table was more luxurious than Masha’s!” You are looking for delicious recipes and chasing unimaginable products. Everything is very great, and the guests are happy. But something was missing for complete delight. You did all this to gain their admiration energy. Well, you've made an equal exchange.
And Masha baked simple pancakes and wanted to please the visiting guests. She invested in them the joy of giving, without wanting to receive anything in return. Everyone who eats this pancake miraculously tastes together with the food a bunch of light forces, a flow of fresh energy, given from a big soul just like that, and it seems to him that this is the most delicious food in the world. “One flour, but not only hands,” people say, emphasizing the importance of not only flour, but also hands, the human soul invested in the work. People for whom giving is like breathing, for whom it is not difficult to carry out the second (and main) half of the earthly task, are sources of energy. Giving is easy for them.
A sincere desire to give is truly a very high state of soul, it is the ability to establish a direct channel of communication between Higher powers and people. One can even say that through the person who gives, the Lord God himself sends his love to people. People - sources of energy, in fact, do not themselves generate so much force, but are only conductors of heavenly forces. This is their destiny (if we consider destiny as a task from God the Father to his son or daughter going to earth). Why they suffered such a fate, we will not consider now. Let's just say that these people have no less problems than others. These problems are just special. All of them are associated with the inability to accumulate one’s own strength and solve one’s own karmic problems. It’s as if people take high energies and pass them on to others, but they don’t know how and even seem embarrassed to use this energy for themselves. But in vain!
For them, it is the ability to accumulate, oddly enough, that expands the soul. However, this is strange only at first glance. Everything must have development. If people give without knowing how to accumulate, then sooner or later they will certainly begin to feel annoyed that their own problems are not being solved. This can even make them angry: “I help everyone, but no one can or wants to help me!”
But if a person with such a destiny learns to use heavenly powers to help solve his problems, then, by solving them, overcoming his karma, his soul develops, and therefore expands. Then the task of God the Father is fulfilled in the best possible way. Fate becomes happy. As you can see, the accumulation of energy and its release are two sides of the same process of life, and neither one nor the other should be neglected.
Of course, anyone can be a source of energy. For some this is important in the family, for others in service, in partnership, in healing. You just need to remember that this high and pure state cannot be imitated, cannot be replaced. Everyone feels this energy, any lie - and there is no longer Light, no gift. You must also remember that in this high state of spirit you cannot lose anything; it connects you to the high energies of the Cosmos.
“He who knows when to stop knows everything,” says the wise man. Before you give, check whether you have this desire, this condition, whether you have something to give. In life we ​​meet unmercenary people who strive to help everyone. Sometimes it's exciting because they have the energy that we talked about. And sometimes, looking at such a person, we experience a strange feeling. A kind, seemingly selfless person evokes pity and irritation, a vague desire to get rid of it quickly and run away.
Most often these are hidden “vampires”. Under the guise of goodwill and the desire to help everyone, they try to “draw upon themselves” our energy of gratitude. Often unconsciously. It's hard to blame them. Because most often these are people who did not receive love in childhood. They try with all their hearts to be good in order to somehow make up for this deficiency; they want to receive the energy of love and gratitude at any cost, even at the cost of humiliation. However, just as it is easy to deceive emotions, it is so difficult to deceive energy sensations. If you feel that you are being “pulled”, then... send such a person your warmth and goodwill, and God will not leave you.

Be like the Sun! The sun shines and warms everything around, without wanting anything in return. Be like the Sun, and you will come closer to it, and you will understand it, and you will become more than just living on Earth, you will become living in Space, living in Eternity.

Neutral position
The neutral energy position is associated with protection and conservation of energy. Every person has moments in life when he should not enter into energy exchange with the people around him. Here is an approximate list of them: when you feel the limit of your strength, the tension is on the verge of breakdown; you know that a break is needed; when you feel the presence of a “vampire” and do not want to “feed” him; when you don’t want to give any information about yourself; when you are irritated or angry and do not want to throw out your negativity on others, wanting to understand it and deal with it yourself; when you feel mental pressure on yourself and want to maintain your energetic freedom.

Every person has the right to enter or not to enter into energetic interaction with the world around him. We must respect this right in every person. Let us remember: I am free to the extent that I recognize the freedom of the people around me. Including the freedom to make mistakes!

It’s not at all difficult to believe that you need to “close yourself” sometimes. But it is much more difficult to learn to “close up” and at the same time be neutral. Very often we think that we have “closed ourselves”, but instead we have released thorns and do not notice how we are showing aggression towards everyone who is nearby.
How to enter a neutral energy position? How to hide without disturbing the harmony of the world, as well as the harmony of your inner space? In energy science, this state is called the average mode of attention, in psychology – withdrawal into oneself, in esotericism it is close to the concept of “meditation”. This is an altered state of consciousness that is not characteristic of a person in everyday life. Being awake, but being in this state, our brain begins to work as if we are “disconnected” from the world around us. However, at the same time, we control all our actions, and our perception of information becomes even more acute, because we become able to highlight only what is important to us. We save energy, but at the same time we seem to see the world more clearly and clearly and understand ourselves.

The biofield of each individual is, first of all, an open system, so interaction with other individuals can greatly change the aura.

The exchange of energy between people is an everyday process that not everyone thinks about, but sometimes it is simply impossible not to notice the consequences of such communication. For example, if the subject is an energy vampire, he will take away so much life force that his interlocutor will be lethargic, sad, tired.

Equal reception and transmission of energy

The first type of energy communication is the most acceptable, comfortable and always expected exchange of forces. Such interaction is typical for very close individuals who are on good terms and understand each other almost perfectly.

If people correspond to each other, their auras also coincide and can contact without dangerous changes in their structure.

Ideal energy exchange is always sealed, because energy flows are not wasted. Good communication partners always speak to the point, rarely compete, and radiate flows of trust.

A full exchange of vital force can be easily observed from the outside, even without psychic abilities. During the process of energy transition, the participants in this process do not get tired, do not interfere, and act together without unnecessary clarification. If this form of interaction reigns in a family, then it will become an example of prosperity and love, because the spouses will be sensitive and friendly, maintaining harmony even in times of difficulty.

However, it also happens that equivalent energy exchange is hidden from others, and a married couple is a closed system, harmonious, but independent of external factors. In such a situation, it may seem to outsiders that one of the family members is constantly pleasing the other, but this will be a false conclusion. Outsiders think that such partners constantly argue or ignore each other. But in difficult or simply important circumstances, these families make decisions almost silently, consulting with each other on an intuitive level.

Regardless of the degree of external manifestations, people with full and equal energy exchange are considered long-livers, because their good character traits help them in everything.

These are very successful and holistic individuals who know how to communicate with friends and acquaintances on the principles of sincere mutual assistance, ease, and constant support.

Energy Absorption

If a person, in the process of communication, draws the vital forces of those around him into his biofield, he is a typical energy vampire. This individual takes energy by creating a constant atmosphere of negativity. He talks about his difficulties and troubles, first arousing sympathy and then irritation. It is also characterized by inducing negative emotions in the interlocutor.

If someone you know is an energy vampire, you can gradually adapt to him and stop feeding him regularly.

It is much more difficult when your closest life partner suffers from vampirism. Living together becomes more difficult for the unhappy donor, who seeks energy on the side and turns into a power absorber from his children or friends. It is interesting that an energy vampire is often able to enter into a full-fledged exchange with other people, but he will always have a specific (weakest in spirit) object for stealing energy.

A person who gives his powers to an energy vampire quickly becomes irritable and scandalous. If he does not have the will to change his communication style, such interaction leads to real chronic illnesses and even death. The aura of such a person will be dull and small, loose.

In the line of people who absorb energy, there are also those who know how to take only negativity and purify it within their own biofield. This positive example of energy contraction is usually manifested by healers, teachers, and psychologists. Such individuals want to complain about life and cry into their shoulders.

These absorbers of negative flows do not belong to vampires, because their goal is to process bioenergy flows and change the aura of the planet for the better.

In this way, these people improve the souls of others and work off their own karma.

The pulling of negative energy often occurs in the relationship between parents and children. Thus, the strong connection between mother and child allows women to take all the suffering for themselves in order to protect the baby from pain at any age. The mother’s selflessness simply dissolves everything negative in the layers of her powerful biofield. By this act, parents often help their children overcome their karma.

Return of life force

The unilateral transfer of energy to another person is usually carried out by those who are a constant source of positivity. Such individuals unselfishly bestow their light on society; they receive joy from the good emotions in their surroundings. These are unauthorized and conscious donors, to whom, in fact, the given energy always returns.

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone can be a sincere donor of energy, because there must be a special level of spiritual development, and soulfulness must be observed in a person. Let's say, the desire to benefit from one's good deeds is simply a form of energy exchange, and this is another form of interaction.

The person who gives his vitality must control his emotions and be able to understand his own problems.

He is also obliged to make sure that his energy is needed and that it will be useful. Otherwise, constant feeding of the energy vampire will have zero effect, and the karma of such a recipient will worsen even more. By the way, people with heavy karma usually give energy, because they need to understand the life lesson of mercy and kindness. When an individual selflessly shares something, he learns to absorb cosmic vibrations and reaches a new level of spiritual growth.

In the process of releasing the accumulated energy, the whole life acquires meaning, the soul expands. For the sources of life force, giving is as natural as breathing. It is believed that such people become conductors of God, the energy of unconditional love. In life, it is very important for these individuals to learn to use their potential for their own benefit, too, solving karmic problems and accumulating strength to overcome failures. Otherwise, sooner or later a person will become embittered towards the whole world.

You can be a source of energy in the family, at work, in the process of “healer-patient” or “mentor-student” relationships. The main thing is not to imitate your high thoughts, not to fake it and not to be afraid of losing your vital energy irrevocably. You must always focus on your true desire, so that gifts with energy evoke admiration, and not irritation or sympathy. In the process of giving away power, you cannot be intrusive.

Often, energy vampires take on the temporary role of life force donors in order to receive from a person the energy of his favor and gratitude. This process occurs on an unconscious level, and there is no danger in it for the acceptor. If a vampire sends you benevolent aspirations, although not too sincere, you need to accept them and send streams of light and warmth to the person.

Neutral role in energy metabolism

Sometimes a person’s position in communication can resemble simple defense. The task for this individual is to maintain his current potential. In a situation of a nervous breakdown, the presence of an energy vampire, the accumulation of negativity, mental pressure, the person does not ask the question of how to transfer energy to another person or how to take something from him. Here you just want to get a break, without entering into energy exchange, to become a closed system, to preserve your own freedom.

Maintaining neutrality at the moment of energetic interaction is the right of every person, and it is worthy of respect and acceptance.

True, very often an individual does not know how to properly isolate himself from other people’s energy; he simply shows aggression and pushes away the environment itself. In this case, of course, you need to learn to withdraw into yourself while maintaining harmony with the outside world. We are talking about a special state of consciousness that often arises during meditation. The brain continues to work, but it does not perceive the environment; it concentrates on the internal state of the individual.

At the same time, all actions remain under control, and information is perceived even more carefully, because only the most important must be isolated from it, so that energy is not wasted.

Exchange of sexual energy

The process of classical energy exchange involves verbal or non-verbal communication, in which there is a constant circulation of internal personal potentials. Sexual intercourse is also a form of communication that brings pleasure and activates energy channels in the structure of the biofield. During sex, the human energy system works very hard, because the aura of the partners is connected by special chakras. The main point of reception and transmission of sexual energy is in the lower abdomen, since according to Eastern tradition the corresponding energy center is located there.

It is generally accepted that women during intercourse give their energy to the stronger sex, because by nature the potential of the fair half of humanity is greater. A large supply of vitality is needed for the birth and upbringing of a baby in the future. If a woman has not had an intimate relationship for a very long time, her energy begins to form stagnations and traffic jams, interfere with her usual way of life and destroy the aura.

As for any man, he literally feels the pain and depression of his condition without sex. He lacks energy, and if he cannot get it from his usual partner, then it is almost impossible to avoid physical betrayal. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the state of the intimate sphere in the family.

Simple ways to transfer energy

  • Wishes and affirmations. The most natural version of the energy message is thoughts. You need to formulate your intentions, wishing people well, prosperity, health, etc. At the same time, it is worth consciously investing energy flows into your desires. Usually the mental message is positive, but some sorcerers and magicians send negative energy to people in this way, which is called the evil eye, damage, curse.
  • Visualizations. In addition to words and thoughts, you can use the power of imagination. You can imagine how your energy flows to people in different ways. For example, it is allowed to mentally color the environment in pink, which corresponds to the flow of love and harmony.
  • Embrace. A person’s bright soul and his closeness to God provide the opportunity to transmit positive flows directly. You can transfer energy to loved ones, children and life partners through hugs. At this moment, you just need to love the person for who he is and mentally thank him for his presence in your destiny.
    By sincerely hugging a person, we share with him our inner peace and radiance, turning him into a joyful and cheerful person. During a hug, you can merge with your personality into one ball of light energy and provide both with protection from loneliness and failure.

An energetically filled person with his inner light is able to dissolve any darkness in the soul, eliminate depression and restore faith in life.

Exchange of energy between people at a distance: Reiki

The meditative technique of working with Reiki energy allows, with the proper level of spiritual development, to transmit your life force at a distance. Energy transfer tactics were developed in the East back in ancient times.

First, you should prepare for the transmission of energy in a special way:

  • Choose the person you want to influence. You can even send energy towards a specific situation that involves several people and requires immediate resolution. Reiki practice advises before a session of sending power to visualize the recipient and meditate. You can turn to a spiritual mentor for advice.
  • Get permission from the person to whom your message is intended. Energy received outside of a person’s desire usually ricochets back with a negative meaning, i.e. the addressee will then have to work off karma. You can find out about an individual’s consent directly or through visualization. In the second case, you should close your eyelids and imagine the desired person next to you. Ask him a question and listen to the answer. If there is no clear “yes” or “no” (or the image dissolves immediately), listen to your intuition, your inner voice. Remember, if a person refuses energy, it can always be sent deep into the Earth or into Space.

The Reiki technique suggests using different objects or symbols to transmit life force. For example, you can charge a doll, pillow, or decorative item with energy and give it to an individual. A person will be able to receive the required dose of energy from the aura of this thing, which plays the role of an intermediary. Many esotericists transmit energy at a distance using a photograph of an individual.

If there is no photo, you can build a phantom image before your eyes, imagine that the person is nearby, or visualize the merging of your biofields. Direct transfer of energy can be done through the hips of the individual when the right side of the donor's body touches the left side of the recipient and the outflow and reception of force begins.

Regardless of what type of energy transfer was chosen, you need to mentally draw a special sign in front of you. The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen symbol is activated by the addressee’s individual mantra, which is repeated three times. If it is necessary to release energy at a specific moment in time, the symbol must be depicted again at the end of the practice and the place and date must be clearly stated. To complete the session, you need to mentally send the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol to the person.

Transmission of Qi energy in Chinese practice

In the Qigong technique, much attention is paid to receiving vital force and its circulation between people. The master of this tradition, first of all, transmits an energy impulse to a person, and the distance of the object does not matter.

The supernatural nature of Qi energy allows it to move through any stretch of space, overcoming various obstacles. A specialist in the field of Qigong is able to transfer power to several people at once, and it comes to them with his efforts simultaneously.

The Qi energy inside and around an individual is a single whole, it merges, so it is enough for a master to simply penetrate the man-space space and send a message from there to another person.

During close contacts in Qigong, energy is transferred using the palms. Qi comes from the energy center inside the body into the hand, then passes through the fingers and is sent to the recipient. But how to transfer energy to a person at a distance? This issue is also solved simply in Qigong: the master transforms Qi into the energy of thought - Shen - and directs it in the form of an impulse to the desired object. The purpose of the impulse is to excite the environment, so the address directly perceives the vibrations of the modified Qi.

As already mentioned, a Qigong master needs to merge his consciousness with the Cosmos in order to send energy. How to do this was described in ancient times by Liu Han Wen.

Exercise “the art of wisdom”

  1. If you are new to this area, stand up straight and lower your arms to your sides. Or take a cross-legged sitting position if you already know the basics of Qigong. Close your eyelids and relax. There is a Kuei Yin point in the human body near the anal area. Think about her.
  2. Make your body vibrate. Start with your fingers, then feel the movement of the spine, internal organ systems, muscle tissue. The internal flow of Qi affects the body, relaxing joints and muscles.
  3. Breathe at a comfortable rhythm. Feel the breathing of every cell: it is natural and almost imperceptible. Pleasure and peace fill the soul and spread throughout the body. Your eyes are closed, but the third eye is awake. With this inner vision you look at a natural phenomenon: a waterfall, a shooting star, etc.
  4. Imagine how your body expands and dissolves in the vastness of the Universe. The mind merges with the Cosmos. Focus on your stomach, in the area of ​​the Tan Tien point. Raise your arms up and slightly forward.
  5. Think about the Bai Gui energy head center that has opened. Try to remain stable in your chosen pose. Visualize the energy points on your feet opening. This is a couple of Yun Quan zones.
  6. Imagine that a flow of energy from Space is descending towards you. It penetrates through the Bai Gui, enters the palms and shoulders, spreads throughout the body, cleanses and charges with a stream of power. It goes into the earth through Kuei-Yin and Yun-Quan.
  7. You mentally capture the entire flow of energy. It unites you with heaven and earth. Imagine how positive vibrations are now flowing out of the earth and into the sky. Rewind the picture several times, and then join your palms in a prayer gesture.
  8. Expand your consciousness. Merge with the Universe, feeling how it controls your breathing process. As you inhale, the stomach finds itself in the center of the Cosmos and the body is filled with strength; as you exhale, the energy of life affects all processes of the Universe. The heart rhythm begins to coincide with the rhythms of the Universe.
  9. Lower your arms, placing one palm in the other. Touch your Tan Tien energy center just below your navel. Don't open your eyelids, just look inside your body. Feel the energy pearl in your stomach. Rub your palms together, cover your eyes with them, and then finish the exercise. Now you are full of strength to transfer energy over a distance.

Energy Transfer and Healing

In many practices, additional life force is given to people to restore health. Quick sessions of so-called healing are based on the transfer of energy using the hands, or rather, different positions of the palms.

  • Place your hands on the recipient's shoulders.
  • Gently move your palms to the top of your head.
  • With one hand, touch the area between the spine and skull. Place your other palm on your forehead.
  • One hand moves to the back, to the area between the shoulder blades (7th vertebra), and the second to the chest, just below the thymus (jugular notch).
  • Touch your hands to the middle of your chest on both sides. The palms will be at the level of the heart muscle.
  • Place your hand on the solar plexus, and with the other palm touch your back at the same level.
  • Place one hand on your lower abdomen and the other on your lower back.

Energy transferred in this way helps to bring a person out of shock and save him in case of an accident or natural disaster. In emergency cases, you can immediately place your palms on the solar plexus and kidneys, and then move to the outer side of the shoulders.

If a child needs healing energy, you need to reduce the practice time to 20 minutes maximum.

You need to be attentive to the baby’s reaction to the power received, because he cannot always express his desires out loud.

It is possible to treat children and adults with the help of transferred energy even from a distance. The flow of vital healing force in this case travels approximately the same path as thoughts in the information space of the planet. Vibrations are of great importance in this process. It is not enough for a person to simply send energy mentally; one must follow the natural laws of nature.

Energy healing sessions must be arranged in advance so that the donor and recipient are free at this time and can completely relax. It is believed that sessions of 15-20 minutes should take place in the evening for at least four days in a row. The addressee must write down the first and last name of the person to whom he is sending energy. If he does not know him by sight, a good quality photo will be required.

Before practice, you need to tune in to the initials and portrait.

Healing through life force can take even a month, but the results will be no worse than when transferring energy with the palms.

It is best if the acceptor lies or sits during the session, allowing the flow of energy to carry him along and resonate with the vibrations. If love and light are sent to a person, his consent is not required, but permission is always required for remote healing of serious illnesses with energy.

There is also mental energy treatment. This is a way of influencing a person face-to-face or in absentia with the aim of ridding him of mental problems. Practice helps energy penetrate the inner essence of an individual, cleanse him of experiences, fears and worries. Such a transfer of power can give a person new life attitudes and change the circulation of energy in his biofield.

It is worth noting, however, that the transfer of energy for human healing is possible only if the donor has the proper level of spiritual development. You need to know for sure that the recipient does not suffer from vampirism himself, that he has activated his higher chakras and will not spoil the karma of his acceptor.

The exchange of energy between people is in most cases a positive process that accompanies any activity in everyday life.

There is no need to be afraid to share your positive potential with the outside world, since the response helps to heal and strengthen the aura. At the same time, it is worth remaining vigilant and promptly stopping attempts to steal energy and damage the biofield.

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