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Why does the toenail turn black? When is it necessary to contact a specialist? Treatment without medical assistance

A large number of people have encountered the problem of a blackened toenail or hand nail. This feature not only looks unsightly, but can also be a symptom of a serious health problem. Solving this problem is quite difficult, so sometimes girls prefer to hide the blackness under opaque nail polishes.

The condition of the nails indicates the overall health of the human body. In our body, all processes are interconnected. Smooth, shiny and strong nails indicate that everything is in order in the body. Therefore, problems with nails almost always mean some kind of deviation in the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the body. The appearance of brittle nails, dull color or dark spots and stripes require finding out the reasons for the malfunctions in the body that led to such problems.

Why do the nails on my toes or fingers turn black? The causes of blackening of the nails on the big toes or hands may be the following:

  • Bleeding under the nail. This happens due to a bruised toe or quite strong and prolonged pressure on the nail or friction of the toe with uncomfortable or narrow shoes. Sometimes hemorrhage can occur after injury to a vessel after a manicure or pedicure.
  • Blackening of nails due to prolonged exposure to aggressive chemicals or household substances, such as potassium permanganate or dye.
  • Impact of smoking on the body can also lead to blackening.
  • Melanonychia. This is a fungal nail disease. Melanonychia usually appears in dark-skinned people, as well as in people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women. Blackness in this disease spreads not only to the nail, but also to nearby tissues. This problem requires antifungal treatment.
  • Blackening of the nail may be caused by kidney, liver, cardiovascular or endocrine disorders in the body.
  • Benign tumors. Vessels grow under the nail, causing darkening.
  • Malignant skin tumor– melanoma.
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Treatment and prevention

If alarming symptoms appear, such as darkening of the toenails, consultation with a specialist is required. Seeing a doctor is necessary in order to exclude or identify and treat serious diseases that may cause such a defect.

Make an appointment with a mycologist

To identify the causes, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and studies, and, if necessary, prescribe the correct treatment.

You should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, since the use of inadequate treatment can significantly harm your health.

To avoid problems such as dark spots that appear on the fingernails and toenails, you must follow simple rules:

  • Avoid wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. You should choose shoes that are half a size or larger, especially if a person suffers from swelling of the feet due to cardiovascular problems or kidney disease.
  • Detect and treat promptly under the supervision of a doctor, fungal infections of the skin and nails.
  • Exercise caution during procedures manicure and pedicure, so as not to damage the blood vessels of the toes and hands.
  • Use protective gloves for hands when performing household chores involving the use of chemicals. This will protect your skin and nails from damage and the formation of black spots on your fingers.
  • Monitor the condition of the body in general, avoid malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs, and also lead a healthy lifestyle.

The main cause of blackening of the nail is hemorrhage due to injury:

  • bruise,
  • pinching,
  • constant compression of tissues when wearing narrow shoes.

If the hematoma is minor, you can treat the nail at home. As the nail grows, the blackness spontaneously disappears.

Other dangerous causes of partial (dots, spots, stripes) or complete blackening, bluing of nails:

  • bacterial infections,
  • fungal diseases,
  • frostbite,
  • vitamin deficiency,
  • obstructive changes in the lungs,
  • liver diseases,
  • renal failure,
  • oncology (melanoma),
  • hemangioma (benign tumor),
  • diabetes,
  • gastrointestinal diseases,
  • intoxication with heavy metals and drugs.

Household external factors that are not hazardous to health for changing the color of nails are stains from tobacco, varnish, and all kinds of dyes used at work and at home.

If the color of nails suddenly changes to black, blue, or brown in the absence of a traumatic factor, it is important to promptly determine the exact cause, since pigmentation may indicate extensive internal damage to the body.

Most women have seen their toenails turn black. But not everyone understands why this happens in some cases. You should always know the reason, so that it is easier to cope with this phenomenon and preserve beautiful fingers.

Many people experience darkening of their toenails. For effective treatment, the cause must be eliminated. It can be caused by external factors: trauma, frostbite, bruise. These situations are not critical and are safe. The blackened nail will grow back and will not bother the person.

But sometimes blackening is caused by internal factors: diseases or fungal infections. In these cases, the patient requires timely treatment.

Subungual hematoma is the name given to darkening of the nail on the toe or hand (more often on the toe). The nail plate or part of it becomes dark red, dark blue or black. In most cases, this condition is accompanied by painful sensations of varying degrees of intensity.

If the appearance of the nail plate on the foot changes, it is necessary to find out the reason. Darkening of the plate on the hand can be caused by the same factors.

The causes of blackening are divided into 2 broad categories:

  • Consequences of exposure to external factors;
  • Diseases affecting color change.

External factors

If the nail turns black not from internal reasons, that is, problems with the health of internal organs, then from external ones. The nail can also turn black due to impaired blood circulation. This can happen when a person wears shoes that are too tight or uncomfortable. As a result, the finger is slightly injured and turns blue due to hemorrhage.

After the cyanosis goes away, the blood coagulates and it is for this reason that blackness appears under the nails. If the resulting hematoma is not too large in size, then it does not require any intervention and can resolve on its own over time.

If the stain is large enough and occupies the entire nail plate, this means that blood circulation in the damaged vessels on the finger is completely disrupted.

Most often, this process ends with the rejection of the broken, damaged nail. After the diseased nail is rejected, a whole healthy plate should grow back.

To alleviate your condition and allow your nail to recover, you need to provide comfort to your finger. Avoid shoes that are too narrow and uncomfortable. Shoes should not be narrow, not tight, and should not rub. It is advisable that shoes be made from natural and high-quality materials.

You should also be careful about your lifestyle: avoid traumatic situations, do not engage in active sports during the healing period of the finger, eat healthy foods that contain a sufficient amount of calcium.

Household nail injury is a common problem. This can easily happen to both fingers and toes. Toes most often suffer from impacts with furniture, and fingers can be pinched in doorways, windows, or simply hit with a heavy object.

Most often, the first pain from such an injury is very strong and sometimes unbearable. It is sharp, bursting and can even put a person in a state of shock. The pain occurs because the blood vessels of the soft tissues burst and hemorrhage occurs directly under the plate, the blood coagulates and turns black.

Such an injury should not be ignored, but should be treated immediately to reduce the hematoma and reduce pain.

How to reduce pain when a finger is injured and reduce a hematoma:

  • First of all, quickly applying cold to it will help to weaken the hematoma in the first couple of days: ice, a cold bottle, dipping in cold water, snow
  • You should keep the injured finger in the cold for no longer than fifteen minutes, so as not to make it worse
  • This application of cold will constrict the blood vessels and thereby reduce hemorrhage, as well as at the same time reduce pain

A severe hematoma under the nail plate with profuse bleeding can burst the nail from below, lifting it. This rejection of the nail plate is quite painful. Only a surgeon can help in such a situation, who, using a sterile instrument, makes a hole in the nail and releases blood through it before it has a chance to clot.

This surgical intervention will help to avoid the death of the nail; in no case should such manipulation be done using improvised means or on your own in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and blood poisoning.

A sore toenail or fingernail has several causes:

  • Traumatic nature. Depending on the bruise, you should choose the right effective treatment to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and eliminate pain
  • Fungal nature - requires mandatory treatment with antifungal and antiseptic agents
  • As a consequence of disruption of the internal organs, a full examination should be carried out to determine the presence of problems and diseases in the body

If you have a finger ear injury, it is quite possible to expect hemorrhage due to rupture of blood vessels. This blood enters the soft tissue, where it coagulates and forms a dark spot. Often the bruise is so severe that it provokes the appearance of a tumor.

This tumor bursts the nail plate and causes it to rise, while “giving” the person very unpleasant painful sensations. The finger tries to tear off the affected nail, which by this time may become rough and flake. It should not be pulled out under any circumstances.

Internal reasons

Blackening of the nail occurs as a result of exposure to internal or external factors on the body. Most often, the nail on the big toe turns black due to hemorrhage, the cause of which is mechanical damage or trauma.

A bruise is an optional cause of injury; wearing tight shoes is also a common cause of burst blood vessels. If the nails on your big toes have darkened due to injury, there is no need to worry about your health, but you should remember that the natural color of the plate may not return.

The darkening disappears only after the healthy plate grows.

Trauma is fairly easy to detect. Spots on toenails due to injury have a local location. When the edges are blurred, you can see a clear outline of the spots. Over time, the spot becomes blacker, acquiring sharp boundaries. Severe injury is accompanied by detachment of the nail plate from the bed.

Occasionally, nails turn black due to external staining. A dark spot may form upon contact with potassium permanganate. Such darkening does not harm the body, but removing it is problematic.

But if everything is more or less clear with the reasons listed above, then what to do if you didn’t hit yourself anywhere, the shoes fit comfortably on your feet, and at one “wonderful” moment you discover a black nail on your big toe? Such cases are not uncommon, and the cause in this case must be sought within your body.

Changes in nail color can be due to various reasons:

  • traumatic hemorrhage,
  • fungal infections,
  • liver diseases,
  • heart and respiratory failure,
  • oncological tumors.

If the blackening of the nail is caused by damage to the finger, the victim must be given emergency assistance using the method of treating bruises.

In other cases with an unclear etiology, you need to immediately visit a doctor.

There are several reasons why the nail plate can change its color. Some of them are internal in nature, others come from outside. These latter ones are the easiest to prevent.

If there is no external influence on the toes, then the doctor will look for the answer to the question “why do the toenails turn black in women.” The patient will have to undergo an examination to find the cause. hidden within herself.

Hereditary factors may be to blame for the fact that a woman has weak nails and fragile blood vessels under them. The slightest pressure on your fingers will definitely lead to injury.

This also includes a predisposition to short-term changes in pigmentation;

  • Another reason for blackening of the plate on the legs may be a woman’s allergy to nail polish. This is connected not so much with the quality of the cosmetic product, but with the reaction of the body, which is sensitive to any chemicals;
  • It is especially important to get diagnosed by a doctor if the cause of blackening of the nails is diseases of the internal organs. A woman may not yet feel the disease, but the body is already beginning to signal problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system;
  • Diabetes mellitus causes black nails because it affects the condition of blood vessels (and not only on the fingers, but throughout the body).

Under the influence of the disease, blood changes its density, causing microcirculation disruption. Poor blood flow leads to bruising under the plate. Due to poor circulation in diabetics, the nail also grows into the soft tissue of the finger.

A concomitant disease is a fungus. for which glucose secreted in sweat is a fertile environment for development;

  • Due to various injuries to the nail plate, the tissues underneath it, and blood vessels, benign tumors sometimes develop - hemangiomas. They are characterized by the growth of blood vessels through which blood flows, and it acquires a darker color.

This is what gives the color to the fingernail. These neoplasms are accompanied by severe pain. but to finally make sure of the presence of a tumor, you should press on the nail. In this case, it should turn white, which will be a signal for a serious examination.

When the toenails of women of any age turn black, only a doctor can answer more reliably why this is happening.

It is within his competence to identify internal factors hidden in the patient’s body. The sooner the cause is determined, the easier it is to maintain the integrity of the nail plate and restore its beautiful appearance.

Large toenails can turn black for two main reasons: external and internal.

External factors include the following circumstances:

  • bruised toe - after a microtrauma, the vessels under the nail plate burst, resulting in a slight hemorrhage;
  • Rubromycosis or rubrophytia;
  • wearing narrow and tight shoes - uncomfortable shoes or boots constantly put pressure on the toes, this damages the blood vessels and leads to the formation of spots on the big toes;
  • external coloring of the nail - poor-quality shoes or bad varnishes can cause the nail to turn dark;
  • exposure to aggressive chemicals on the nail;
  • Interdigital athlete's foot;
  • blue spots on the nails appear as a result of frostbite.

If your fingernail has darkened due to external factors, then these cases are not dangerous and are safe for life. They will not harm the body.

If you are bruised, you should monitor the condition of your toe and nail to avoid complications. In the most serious situations, a bruise can lead to gangrene of the big toe.

Internal reasons say that this darkening is due to various diseases. Blackening of the nails is a symptom that there is something wrong with the body and you should consult a doctor. Internal factors include the following:

  • a tumor of the big toe, which is benign in nature - blood vessels begin to grow under the nail plate, causing blackness to form. The tumor must be treated; perhaps the doctor will remove it. As the tissue grows, a person feels severe discomfort, turning into pain;
  • fungal nail diseases - in these cases there are also additional signs. The nail crumbles and peels off, becoming brittle. The skin around the nail is red, constantly inflamed, sometimes painful cracks and wounds appear on it. Fungal infections typically affect multiple nails, not just the big toe. At the same time, the fingernails also suffer;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular or endocrine system. Often the nail on the big toe turns black with diabetes.

Stains on nails can be of different shades.

There are many factors that cause blackening of a finger. All of them are divided into two groups: internal and external.


Darkening can be caused by diseases of the nail itself.

  1. Fungal infections. You can become infected with them in any public place or by wearing someone else's shoes. It is simple to understand that the nail has darkened due to a fungal infection: the blackening does not disappear after the nail plate grows, but continues to spread further from the base along its entire surface, leading to its destruction.
  2. Melanonychia is a condition in which the nail on the big toe darkens completely or in spots (stripes). The main reason for its development is the accumulation of melanin under the nail plate. A similar condition can occur with a “long history” of smoking, pathologies of internal organs, or the use of low-quality foot care products.
  3. Benign neoplasm. It develops when the capillaries under the nail plate enlarge.

Important! The pathology does not harm the general condition, but can cause pain.

The change in color is influenced by diseases of internal organs and their systems:

  • nervous;
  • cardiovascular;
  • urogenital;
  • digestive;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • excess of some microelements (rare).

Important! You cannot prescribe treatment for such reasons on your own. This can only make the condition worse.


The finger turns black under the influence of a number of external circumstances. The first and most common cause is extensive hemorrhage under the nail due to mechanical damage. This could be a severe bruise, injury, or wearing tight shoes. It is simple to determine that the cause of the discoloration is damage: there is no pain or discomfort, the hematoma spot is localized and has blurred edges.

The toenail turned black. Why does this happen? Most often, darkening occurs under the influence of external factors. The first and main cause of darkening of the nail is hemorrhage under the nail. Harmless bruises and injuries can lead to dried blood. Although blood vessels can burst due to pressure exerted on the fingers, for example, by tight shoes.

In this case, there is no need to worry; a blackened nail may return its color over time; in extreme cases, you will have to wait until it grows completely. The massive hematoma disappears gradually, changing its color towards gradual lightening. Typically, this type of injury does not cause long-term pain, except during an impact, and then goes away without causing discomfort.

A slight bruise is not always accompanied by pain, and uncomfortable shoes only remind you a little of yourself. It is easy to determine blackening from an injury; the lesion is located in the center of the injury and has a blurred edge; it also appears gradually. After some time, the edges become clear, and in some cases the stain decreases.

With a strong lesion, after the nail has turned black, it may peel off completely or partially from its bed. It is better to cut off the peeling edge in time so as not to cause injury later.

There are several ways to prevent unwanted consequences and relieve pain if necessary:

  1. Apply an ice compress to the affected area or hold the injured finger under running cold water. This will relieve pain and prevent inflammation of the bruised tissue.
  2. For those who are not afraid of pain, a minor operation can be performed at home. Using a sharp hot needle, make a hole in the nail plate and blood clots from the blow, the excess will come out on its own. This procedure must be done immediately before the blood dries. Disinfect the puncture site with an antiseptic and bandage it.

If the injury site becomes contaminated, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse it, disinfect it and always keep the affected area clean. To avoid infection in the future, as well as possible secondary injury, it is better to bandage the finger or seal it with an adhesive plaster.

The problem of blackening of the nail can be a disease of the nail or any other organ. Several reasons for internal effects on the nail plate are considered:

  • Fungus. The disease is dangerous, contagious, and, on top of everything else, difficult to cure. You can become infected with the fungus in a public place, in a swimming pool, sauna, or by wearing the wrong shoes or socks. It is quite easy to understand that this is a fungus: after the nail grows, the blackness does not disappear, but continues to affect the nail plate and without treatment it is destroyed. Fungal infections cannot be treated by yourself; self-medication harms both the patient and others. Only a specialist can choose the correct and effective therapy.
  • Melanonychia. The disease is characterized by darkening of the nail completely or partially in stripes or spots. It develops due to the accumulation of melanin, the skin pigment under the nail. The cause may be an infection, a malfunction of one of the body systems, cancer, abuse of hand cosmetics, and even long-term smoking.
  • Benign nail formation. It develops by the proliferation of blood vessels under the plate. A harmless tumor does not cause significant harm to the body, but you still need to get rid of it. Typically, pressure in multiple vessels causes severe pain. In this case, only a specialist will help.

Such a phenomenon as a black spot, which can appear under a transparent nail plate, is a fairly common occurrence. Moreover, almost every person with different hygiene habits and lifestyle can encounter it at least once in their life.

The most common cause of blackening of the nail is hemorrhage under the nail plate, which occurs as a result of a finger injury.

The most common injury is the big toe. It is quite active and differs from others in its size. In this case, if there is a bruise and hemorrhage, pain may be observed over the next two weeks when walking, putting on shoes, or pressing on a finger. Pain may accompany the finger until the damaged nerve endings reach complete death.

Pay attention to the nail after two weeks. If the pain does not go away, and the finger has increased in size (swelling), you should immediately consult a doctor.

The cause of blackening of a large nail (like any other) can be microsis. Microsis is a disease that is easy to catch in public places where you have bare hands contact with the floor, handrails, and benches.

For example: bathhouse, sauna, public shower, toilet, locker room, and so on. In such places, a person with a disease leaves it on the surface, where it is picked up by a healthy person.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to cure microsis on your own, because in order to determine the cause of the fungus, you need to undergo many tests.

Other reasons for changes in the color of the nail plate:

  • A black nail that has a slightly greenish tint is often a symptom of an abnormal and unhealthy gastrointestinal tract.
  • A black nail with a slight bluish tint indicates that a person has problems with blood circulation
  • A black nail with brown and burgundy shades may indicate disorders of the central nervous system and problems with the brain.

Another common cause of blackened nails on both the fingers and toes is hemangioma.

Hemangioma is a disease that provokes the growth and subsequent darkening of blood vessels in the soft tissues under the nail plate. In addition, it causes unbearable and very noticeable pain.

In some cases, it appears even before the nail turns black. Hemangioma is a kind of tumor under the nail, which can also be felt by pressing.

If the dark color of the nail plate turns white, this is a clear symptom of the presence of a neoplasm.

Pay attention to how you feel. If, in addition to pain, you regularly feel discomfort, this is a signal that there is strong pressure under the nail.

In such situations, you cannot do without the help of doctors. The doctor will recommend removing the nail plate and only then performing a series of treatment procedures.

If the nail is removed, you can perform all the necessary manipulations, get rid of the tumor and eliminate the pain. As a result, the dead nail is replaced by a new healthy one.

Not only drug treatment, but also a healthy diet, as well as regular salt baths will help speed up the healing process.

There are a lot of reasons that affect the color of the toenail from within the body; to determine it, you will need to consult a doctor; from the outside it is difficult to understand the reason for the change in nail color. Among the probable reasons, we highlight:

  • Fungus. During the life of fungal spores, the toenail will quickly turn blue and then turn black. The disease in medicine is called melanonychia. People with weakened immune systems are at risk. More often, the fungus affects the nails of pregnant women, teenagers, and children during their growth period. The plate begins to darken gradually from the base to the center, affecting the surface. Observing the growth of the nail will help confirm that it is a fungus. If during the growth process the color of the base of the plate on the leg is dark, it is a fungus. The help of a doctor is required; self-medication is not appropriate and is harmful to others. The process of fighting fungus is long and labor-intensive.
  • The cause of discoloration of the toenail plate is a benign tumor. Blood vessels grow and the color of the nail changes. If the nail turns blue for this reason, a doctor will help.
  • The nail turns blue and black when systemic diseases occur in the body. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and diabetes mellitus affect the color of nails. Correct treatment of the main cause will help to cope with the problem.

Symptom of diabetes

A common cause is a fungus; self-treatment is inappropriate here. To prescribe treatment for fungus, you should consult a doctor. It is worth taking measures to protect against the spread of fungal spores to others. Recommendations boil down to observing hygiene rules:

  • Change socks frequently;
  • When visiting saunas and swimming pools, use closed rubber slippers;
  • Do not allow other people to wear or try on shoes;
  • Do not walk barefoot;
  • The skin of the feet should be dry, it is important that the nails do not accumulate moisture;
  • When performing a pedicure, use separate tools for the affected nail;
  • Treat the surface of the affected nail twice daily with iodine.

The treatment prescribed by the doctor lasts for weeks and should be followed constantly. Even when the condition of the nail plate begins to improve, do not stop the course until complete recovery. When your nails return to their normal, healthy appearance and the doctor says that the fungus is over, stop performing the procedures.

How to recognize a fungus?

The nail gradually turns black. At first it becomes dull, acquires a gray tint, then dark gray, even black;

Nails become brittle, crumble and peel;

You visited public places (sauna, public bath, gym, swimming pool, etc.), or once or several times neglected the rules of personal hygiene. If you do not want to face this unpleasant disease, take your health seriously and do not allow foreign microorganisms to feel free on your body!

What to do, how to treat

First of all, I would like to say that only a doctor can make such a diagnosis. Fungus is an extremely contagious disease that is difficult to get rid of. To stop its development and get good results from therapy, you need to follow a number of rules.

  • Feet must be kept clean at all times. It is advisable to immediately perform hygiene procedures upon arrival home.
  • It is equally important to change and wash your clothes and socks regularly.
  • In public places (swimming pool) wear your own shoes and do not walk barefoot.
  • It is very important not to let your feet stay wet for a long time. After you have taken a shower, you need to dry them thoroughly with a towel and hairdryer.

Treatment at home should only be carried out according to the recommendations of a doctor. There is no point in turning into a traditional healer, because a woman may not know the exact reason why her toenails suddenly turn black.

Only in the case of injury or tight shoes is it possible to apply a number of measures described above to prevent the development of a large hematoma.

But even in this situation, it is necessary to see a doctor to make sure that everything will work out without consequences. In addition, the injury may be quite serious, and then inflammation will develop. as a result of which the plate will begin to move away from the soft tissues.

Under no circumstances should you remove it yourself to avoid infection. After applying a soft bandage with painkillers, you should immediately go to see a surgeon.

All that will be required of a woman at home is not to put any strain on her leg. a black nail appeared on her finger.

Lemon helps remove blackness on nails.

If the plates are exposed to low-quality varnish or chemicals, it is enough for a woman to whiten her nails using, for example, lemon juice.

If the toenail turns black due to a bruise or is caused by other external factors, then the defect is easy to eliminate. A person can wait several months for the nail to grow back.

If desired, you can seek help from a surgeon. The doctor will suggest laser therapy.

and then remove the entire nail or pierce it to relieve pressure. The procedure involves piercing the nail plate with a sterile hot needle, and blood flows out of the indentation.

Within a month, the toenail dies off and a new one grows in its place. Piercing is a painless and safe procedure.

The entire nail plate is removed under local anesthesia. If the nail is not removed, it can interfere with the growth of a new, whole plate. It is also possible for both nails to grow together, which will lead to complications. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medications to relieve pain and promote healing. It is recommended to include a wide range of calcium-containing foods on your menu.

If the cause of the spots under the nails lies in other diseases, then therapy will depend on each specific case. In addition to removing the nail, you will have to undergo a course of treatment. Only eliminating the cause will lead to a solution to the nail problem.

To effectively eliminate fungi, it is recommended to use antimycotic ointments or creams. These include Exoderil and Nizoral. In addition, it is recommended to take antifungal drugs orally: “Ketoconazole”, “Fluconazole” “Terbinafine tablets” (basically, tablets of the azole group are prescribed).

In the initial stages of the appearance of fungus, protective nail polishes help: “Loceril”, “Batrafen”, or you can use “Oflomil”. But these remedies are powerless when the fungus has affected most of the nail plate.

Traditional methods

If the nails on the big toes have darkened due to fungi, then the disease can be treated with complex treatment. But you should use traditional recipes after consulting a doctor. They should be combined with traditional medicine, not replacing it.

  1. The most effective method is iodine treatment. The diseased nail is lubricated twice a day with iodine solution. After some time, the pain will go away.
  2. Oak bark.
  3. Apple cider vinegar.
  4. Foot baths help in treatment. You can add vinegar, potassium permanganate or essential oils to the water. Tea tree oil shows the best results.
  5. Copper sulfate.
  6. Birch tar.
  7. Black spots on the nails should be lubricated with Kalanchoe juice or eucalyptus tincture.

When the slightest darkening of the nail plate appears on the toes, the first thing you should do is find out the cause.

What will get rid of blackening

With one wave of a “magic wand” the blackness from the plate cannot be eliminated (unless you paint your nails with black varnish). It will take some time for the color to change.

Diseases of the nail plate must be eradicated with medication (sprays, ointments, powders).

Here you should also pay attention to where the stain itself is located.

  • If it is located directly in the structure of the nail (i.e., the pigmentation of some of its areas has changed), then until a new clean plate grows, the blackness will not disappear.
  • If the nail is tinted by a hematoma located underneath it, then a number of measures can be taken to help the blood clots resolve.

A black finger is a reason to contact a specialist. A complete diagnostic examination will help you find out why the nail turned black. Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of the change.

In case of injury

Immediately after injury, the leg should be immersed in cold water (it’s good to add ice to it). The procedure will help prevent the formation of a large hematoma.

Advice: If you do this periodically (every 2 days), the growth process of a healthy plate will speed up.

Folk remedies for the treatment of hematoma under the nails

If you don’t have any medications at hand, or they are too expensive, you can try a different way to treat the black toenail. Treatment with folk remedies has a number of advantages. It is inexpensive, all the drugs are at hand, and the effect of such an effect is also good.

  • Number one is a regular iodine solution. It is applied to the nail and the area around it. It must be applied twice a day to kill active spores. After a week's course, you need to take a break of several days.
  • Treatment with bleach is sometimes also promoted on thematic forums, but you should not resort to this method. You may not kill the fungus, but there will definitely be a burn.
  • Garlic – it disinfects and kills any bacteria. Therefore, simply rub the clove into a paste and apply it to the nail every day at night until the condition improves.
  • We will give you one last recipe that can be effective if you are bothered by black toenail. Treatment with propolis (folk remedies can often achieve results no worse than with the help of modern pharmaceuticals) is also quite popular. To do this, you only need to apply a tampon with 20% propolis tincture to the fungus every day. As a result, the diseased nail comes off and a healthy one grows in its place.

Preventive measures

So that you don’t have to deal with the problem in life of how to get rid of dark spots on the plates. You should understand why women’s toenails turn black in order to prevent this in the future.

Preventive measures will protect nails from fungus and subungual hemorrhages.

Preventive measures are so important here.

Black nails are just a symptom of the disease. It is impossible to protect yourself from all diseases that cause your fingernails to darken. The only way to reduce the risk of getting sick is to strengthen the immune system. It consists of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, regular sports training, and a healthy diet.

Additional preventive measures that will protect against external factors are the following:

  • you should not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, they cause dark and brown spots on the nails;
  • carefully choose a pedicurist, make sure that the instruments are treated with antiseptic agents:
  • do not use low-quality cosmetics for your feet - it could be bad varnish or acetone. Their use may cause spots to appear under the toenails.

Often the nail on the big toe turns black due to the presence of Candida fungus. To avoid this disease, practice good personal hygiene. Do not wear other people's shoes, do not walk barefoot in public places. At the first symptoms of fungus, visit a dermatologist.

Pathogens live in humid environments. Be careful when visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool (wear only personal shoes).

Everyone has long known the truth that it is better not to treat a disease, but to take all measures to prevent it. To prevent your finger from darkening, you should follow simple but accessible recommendations.

  1. When visiting places with high humidity, use rubber shoes.
  2. Clean regularly with special disinfectants.
  3. Wear your own shoes.
  4. Buy high-quality, appropriately sized, comfortable shoes.
  5. Walk barefoot less.
  6. Use caution and caution to avoid accidental injury to your finger.

To prevent blackening due to the development of internal problems in the body, it is important to treat them in a timely manner, eat a healthy and balanced diet, and improve your health.

You should not ignore the darkening of your fingernail. This is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a sign of the development of a certain disease of the internal organs. And this is already dangerous!

It has long been known that the best treatment is prevention. You need to follow the rules to help you avoid problems in the future. By spending time on procedures, in the future you will save money required for medications for treatment, and your nails will be healthy.

Rules to follow:

  • Use rubber shoes when visiting public places with high humidity.
  • Regular cleaning using disinfectants. Pay close attention to rugs in the bathroom and grates in the shower.
  • Personal shoes should be worn.
  • Full compliance with personal hygiene.

There are a lot of reasons that influence the color change; this phenomenon should not be ignored. If the color of the nail is not restored, or is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, consult a doctor.

Self-medication leads to disastrous consequences. Of course, they also use folk recipes, agreed upon with the attending physician. The doctor will assess the rationality of use for a particular case. Some traditional medicines can cause serious allergic reactions.

There are several reasons why the nail plate can change its color. Some of them are internal in nature, others come from outside. These latter ones are the easiest to prevent.

External factors

The blackness of toenails is often influenced by reasons that a woman could simply avoid, since they are transient in nature and are not related to the internal state of the body.

Blackening of the nail plate can be due to various internal and external reasons.

Diabetes mellitus often manifests itself in the form of skin pathologies on the lower extremities. In addition to trophic ulcers, every tenth diabetic is faced with blackened toes due to diabetes.

This alarming symptom indicates serious pathologies associated with impaired blood flow, fungal infection or acanthosis nigricans.

However, the most terrible disease in which legs turn black is gangrene, leading to amputation of the toes or limbs up to the knee.

To avoid this, you need to know the causes of blackening of the legs, symptoms of gangrene and methods of treatment.

Diabetes mellitus: the leg turned black, pain and other symptoms appeared

Blacks rarely appear suddenly.

As a rule, darkening of the skin color is preceded by the following symptoms:

  • change in the shape of the nail bed on the toes;
  • gradually increasing painful sensations;
  • decreased sensitivity or, conversely, hypersensitivity of the skin;
  • deterioration in general health (weakness, low-grade fever);
  • redness, peeling, keratinization of the skin area;
  • the appearance of swelling of the limbs;
  • your feet become hot or, conversely, too cold.
All these symptoms appear before the blackening of the fingers and legs, developing gradually. Please note that lightning-fast blackening of any part of the limb indicates tissue necrosis.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently contact a surgeon to find out the cause of the blackening of the skin and prescribe therapy.

Why do feet turn black in diabetes?

In addition to gangrene, there are many other reasons why blackness appears on the fingers, feet and legs. TO

The most common causes among surgeons and infectious disease specialists include:

1. Fungal infection.

We are talking about an atypical fungal infection - candidiasis, and a more dangerous fungus - trichophyton. The disease is accompanied by symptoms such as blackening of the nails and adjacent areas of the skin, and the patient also feels that he has severe itching.

Treating trichophyton is much more difficult than candidiasis. The infection spreads very quickly, so if dark specks appear on your fingers, you should consult a surgeon to rule out not only gangrene, but also fungus.

It is used to prevent fungal infection.

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2. Problems with the vessels of the extremities.

Due to an increase in glucose levels in the bloodstream, thrombus formation is activated. Blood clots appear on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing their lumen and causing congestion.

In this case, dark spots on the legs follow the pattern of the veins and spread to the feet and legs. In the absence of effective treatment, a most dangerous condition occurs - thromboembolism, which leads to the development of necrosis and high amputation of the limb.

3. Injuries.

Injury to the legs often leads to the formation of black hematomas. If the wound is not properly cared for or treated incorrectly, such places can become inflamed and appear, which are difficult to treat.

If the bruise (hematoma) is small and does not spread to adjacent areas of the skin, then nothing needs to be done - the bruise will go away over time. If the bruise gets larger, hurts a lot or bleeds, you should consult a specialist.

4. Wearing tight shoes and placing heavy loads on the feet.

If you have diabetes, your toe has turned black, calluses and corns have developed, then this is most likely the result of improperly selected shoes or increased stress on your feet.

To get rid of blackness, it is enough to choose high-quality shoes that fit and start wearing unloading ones, which reduce the load on your feet.

Click on the picture below to learn more about diabetic foot insoles and order them for home delivery or mail.

5. Acanthosis nigricans.

Appears against the background of insulin resistance. The skin thickens, turns black and itches unbearably. Gradually, the itching gives way to pain and necrotic tissue damage occurs.

Acanthosis is dangerous because in some cases it can develop into a malignant tumor. Patients diagnosed with acanthosis nigricans must be constantly monitored by a dermatologist with symptomatic treatment.

6. Heredity.

In rare cases, blackening of the legs in diabetics is not a complication of an endocrine disease, but a hereditary predisposition associated with pigmentation characteristics.

The patient does not experience any discomfort (except aesthetic) and has no pain. Treatment in this case is not required.

Black toes - diabetes or gangrene?

Blackening of the fingers during gangrene is caused by the presence of iron sulfide, which is formed from hemoglobin cells under the influence of air.

In diabetes, in 95% of cases, dry gangrene occurs, in which necrotic tissue does not rot and acute intoxication does not occur. The patient feels well.

Dry gangrene develops gradually - the course of the disease lasts from 3 weeks to several years. However, this does not mean that gangrene does not require urgent treatment.

The earlier therapy is started, the greater the chance of avoiding amputation and disability.

The first signs of gangrene, in addition to blackening of the skin, are:

  • pain when walking;
  • legs “burn” and swell;
  • the skin changes its color in the following order: pink - red - bluish - brown - black;
  • infection has clear boundaries;
  • there is no or only slight unpleasant odor.
If you have a blackened toe due to diabetes and your doctor suspects gangrene, then it is necessary to conduct a tissue examination. The development of the disease will depend on the correct treatment.

The main focus of treatment is to normalize the blood supply to the necrotic area and prevent infection. In some cases, surgical removal of the affected areas of the epidermis and muscle tissue is required.

How to treat blackened legs with diabetes?

When extremities become blackened, doctors conduct the following studies:
  • Ultrasound of blood vessels of the lower extremities;
  • study of neurological reflexes;
  • tissue sanitization;
  • biopsy of damaged tissue.
Such comprehensive methods allow you to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. The content of the treatment course depends on the cause of the blackening, for example, if you have diabetes, your toe turns black, there is itching, and a fungus was found during tissue examination, then you will be prescribed antifungal ointments and tablets as a treatment. The effectiveness of treatment is assessed by taking a repeat sample, which is examined for the presence of fungal spores.

For problems with blood vessels, treatment is aimed at restoring normal blood supply. For this, vasodilators and other drugs and physiotherapy are prescribed. Treatment of blood vessels is carried out by a phlebologist.

Folk remedies for black toe due to diabetes

With black legs, folk remedies help a lot in combination with traditional medicine. Houses?

The following effective recipes can be used:

1. Take fresh burdock leaves and wash them thoroughly. Do not dry! Finely chop until you obtain a homogeneous paste. Apply the resulting mixture as a lotion to the blackened area.

Keep the lotion for 5-6 hours or until the mixture dries completely. Repeat the procedure morning and evening.

2. Take pink new potatoes and cut into slices without removing the skin. Place these circles on your feet, with a napkin and food-grade polyethylene on top.

Secure with an elastic bandage. Walk for 2-5 hours. Repeat the procedure daily throughout the course of treatment.

Attention! Remember that even the most effective folk methods do not replace a visit to the doctor and medical treatment, but are only an addition to the main therapy.

Prevention of blackening of feet in diabetes mellitus

To prevent the appearance of black spots in diabetes, you must:
  1. Regularly inspect and care for your feet using special foot pads.
  2. Avoid overheating, hypothermia, and sweating of extremities.
  3. Avoid walking without shoes outside the home.
  4. Treat microtraumas in a timely manner: bruises, abrasions, scratches, sores.
  5. Take medications that normalize blood glucose levels.
  6. Follow the correct diet and diet prescribed by your doctor.
  7. Wear comfortable shoes and use insoles for your feet.
These recommendations will help avoid blackening of the legs and prevent the development of such a terrible disease as gangrene.

Our online store contains the most effective and modern foot products for diabetes. We deliver throughout Russia by courier to your home, to pick-up points and by mail. Click on the image below to find out more.

Neat fingernails and toenails in the modern world are not a luxury, but a necessity, because they can say a lot about a person - they can win you over, or they can repel you and cause disgust. Despite careful care of the nail plate, sometimes we notice that our toes turn black. This cannot be ignored; people, underestimating the seriousness of the situation, subsequently face skin diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases and, of course, pathologies in the formation of the nail plate.

Causes of blackening

It is quite difficult to independently determine what causes a black toe, because such a symptom is characterized by several diseases; only a qualified specialist can make a correct diagnosis based on an examination and a series of tests.

Toes turn black due to internal and external reasons. External reasons include the finger turning black due to contact with aggressive substances or paint. A typical example of artificial blackening of a plate on the legs is its contact with potassium permanganate. Mechanical damage can also cause bruising. At first, the finger, and along with it the nail, will be painted purple, but after a couple of days, the color will turn black.

In this case, the situation does not pose a significant danger; a bruise could occur even from tight shoes; when a finger is squeezed, several blood vessels could burst. A person could cut their nails carelessly and injure the skin, or even drive a small rolling pin. All these situations do not require medical intervention; a person can cope with them himself.

The situation with internal causes is much more serious; it is necessary to eliminate them, because if the toes in the body turn black, oncology or some kind of systemic disease, for example, diabetes mellitus or psoriasis, can be diagnosed. When exposed to unfavorable factors, a benign tumor can develop, blood vessels grow accordingly and the finger acquires a dark color. Liver diseases also often make themselves felt by blackening of the toe.

The most common reason that the thumb turns black is a fungus. It can develop not only against the background of a lack of hygiene; an infection can be triggered by a deficiency of vitamins, stress, and even long-term antibiotic therapy.

The nail darkens from the base to the center, gradually. In most cases, this is a mold fungus; other strains of fungi are characterized by roughening of the nail and yellowness.

This type of fungus affects pregnant women, teenagers and people with weakened immune systems. If you notice that the nail has darkened, then even if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and complete treatment, it is not always possible to save the nail plate, you must be prepared for this.

How to treat blackening?

Treatment for blackened nails should be chosen by a doctor. Trying to eliminate the pathological condition of the nail plate on your own is strictly prohibited; you will only aggravate the situation and waste your time. Such problems never go away on their own; every day the blackening will move into a new stage and, as a result, the patient receives not only soreness in the finger, but also moral discomfort, which prevents him from wearing open shoes and relaxing on the beach. So that you do not feel like a second-rate person, and are not afraid to show your nails to others, you need to go to the doctor as quickly as possible, and not paint your nails the same color, as women often do.

Therapy is prescribed depending on the cause that provoked the pathology. If the provocateur was a mechanical injury, it is necessary to treat the nail with hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexine and apply Heparin ointment. If the nail is damaged and rejection has begun, in order to avoid further injury to the skin, the nail is fixed with an adhesive plaster. It is also recommended to apply cold compresses to reduce any pain that may be present and relieve swelling.

Due to metabolic disorders and improper blood circulation, nails turn black very often in people with diabetes. An endocrinologist can prescribe medications for their treatment, based on the general condition of the body.

As a rule, after the blood sugar level is reduced, the condition returns to normal and will not recur if the patient monitors glucose levels.

The neoplasm that forms under the nail and causes the finger to darken is called hemangioma in medicine. This disease requires surgical intervention, because the tumor causes severe pain and it is impossible to get rid of it in any other way. The surgeon completely removes the nail plate along with the vessels feeding the formation, and prescribes subsequent chemotherapy and chemotherapy.

Blackness on the toe due to a fungal nail infection requires immediate treatment, as there is a high probability that the fungus will infect new areas of the skin and spread to the rest of the nails. First of all, a person needs to seek qualified diagnostics, after which the doctor will determine the strain of the fungus and prescribe medications. As a rule, they use internal medications to eliminate infection from the blood - Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Orungal or Nystatin. Local treatment of the finger with the drugs Nizoral, Exoderil, Nitrofungin and Atifin. In addition to creams and gels to eliminate fungal infections, they use special varnishes that strengthen local immunity and kill fungal cells directly on the nail plate. Among such products, we can note Lotseril and Oflomil.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies also work well with blackened nails, of course, they do not always affect the very reason for their formation, but if they are combined with traditional medicines, the effect can be achieved much faster. The following treatment methods have proven themselves better than others:

  • apple cider vinegar is applied to the finger for half an hour, three times a day, a special effect is achieved if the cause of blackened nails was mold. Acetic essence creates an acidic environment on the surface of the skin, which is detrimental to fungi of different strains. It is important to note that regular apple cider vinegar can not only kill a fungal infection, but also minimize the likelihood of its recurrence;
  • If the nail plate begins to turn black, it is recommended to apply a small amount of tea tree oil to it. The oil contains alpha-phellandrene, sabinene and cineole, which can have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The product should be applied with extreme caution; in hypersensitive people, tea tree oil can cause a reaction on the skin;
  • You can make compresses from propolis and a slice of lemon. Propolis in liquid form is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the affected finger overnight. This beekeeping product is an excellent antiseptic; it can kill even gram-positive bacteria and fungus. Lemon can disinfect the nail and whiten the blackened plate.

When resorting to traditional medicine for help, remember that long-term self-medication does not lead to anything good. If there is no effect for several weeks, consult a doctor, as you may simply lose not only your nail, but your entire finger due to your neglect of health.

Preventive measures

The best treatment option is prevention – that’s what doctors like to say. It is much wiser to prevent pathology than to deal with its consequences. Of course, you will not be able to protect yourself from mechanical damage to your toes, but if you follow a few tips, you will minimize the risk of blackening of the toe due to fungus or other factors.

Try to maintain good personal hygiene, change your socks daily, wash your shoes often, and also wipe your feet with a dry towel; after taking a shower, wet conditions are an excellent environment for the proliferation of bacterial and fungal flora. If you notice scratches or other damage on your finger, immediately treat them with an antiseptic. On the feet, the likelihood of developing a bacterial infection is much higher than on other parts of the body, because the fingers are constantly in contact with the floor , where there is dust, dirt and a lot of pathological microorganisms.

If you suspect you have a fungal infection, for prevention purposes, treat everything you touch with antiseptics. It doesn’t matter if it’s a shower mat, nail scissors or a towel, it’s important that no one uses them after you, because the likelihood of infection is very high.

If you notice that you are feeling unwell, have frequent bouts of hunger and are not drinking properly, consult an endocrinologist for advice; it is likely that you have diabetes. This is a very serious disease that can cause a lot of complications and a black toe is the most trivial of them.

Now, you know why toenails turn black, and by being informed in advance, you will be able to recognize the disease and cope with the symptoms at an early stage. Be attentive to your body and to your limbs in particular, do not neglect seemingly trivial diseases; nail diseases are not just a cosmetic defect. An advanced pathological process can develop into serious damage to the skin, joints and put the patient in a hospital bed.

A black nail quite often occurs due to injury, which results in hemorrhage directly under the nail plate. As soon as a hematoma begins to appear, you must immediately seek help from qualified specialists (dermatologist, oncologist).

It is known that a certain category of ailments of internal organs is reflected in the nail plate, which is why it is necessary to identify the disease in the initial stages. As a rule, yellow nails can signal problems with the respiratory tract or the functioning of the endocrine system. What can a black nail indicate? This will be discussed in the article.

What does dark nail color signal?

Any damage to the nail under which blood begins to collect is the most common cause of darkening of the nail plate. The hematoma can remain for quite a long period and does not require specific treatment, except in cases where inflammation has begun to progress.

As soon as nail pigmentation occurs, you must immediately seek help from specialists who will prescribe treatment using immunomodulators or antifungal drugs.

Nail plate injury

As a rule, a black nail can be observed due to strong pressure on the finger or physical trauma. Extremely rarely, the cause may be the influence of high temperature. The most common injuries are to the legs. After receiving a strong blow or bruise, the pain may cause anxiety for 14 days, until the death of the nerve endings located in the nail occurs. If a black nail on your big toe (or any other) does not go away for more than two weeks, plus it begins to increase in size, you should immediately consult a doctor. By making a small hole in the nail plate, the liquid that has accumulated will be removed.

Mycosis is a common problem

Mycosis is, in other words, a fungal disease. As a rule, nail damage can occur when visiting public places (sauna, bathhouse) or when wearing someone else's shoes. It is completely impossible to cope with the disease on your own due to the fact that only doctors can determine the type of fungus.

Other causes of darkening of the nail plate

The cause of changes in the color of the nail plates can be diseases of the internal organs. Qualified doctors note:

  • the green color of the plate indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blue color occurs due to disruption of normal blood circulation;
  • Brown nails may be the result of a disorder of the central nervous system, mainly due to changes in the brain.

The most dangerous reason that can cause nails to turn completely black is hemangioma. Darkening is caused by blood vessels that grow and cause unbearable pain. In certain situations, it occurs before the appearance of the tumor. Simply pressing on the affected finger will help identify the tumor. If the dark color changes to white, it means there is a neoplasm.

How to deal with the problem

If, in addition to the dark color of the nail plate, there is also constant discomfort and severe pain, this is a signal that there is strong pressure under the plate, and the help of doctors cannot be avoided. Since it is impossible to replace the nail plate, doctors recommend simply removing the nail and then undergoing a series of special procedures that will help eliminate pain.

The actions of doctors are based on the fact that they pierce the plate. After this procedure, the nail dies off within one month, and a new one begins to grow in its place. If you do not remove the damaged nail plate, it may prevent the growth of a new one, or they may grow together.

Ways to speed up the healing process

If your nails are not treated promptly, their recovery may take a long time or lead to more serious problems. In order to significantly speed up the healing process of the nail plate, you need to include foods that contain large amounts of calcium in your diet and constantly take baths with salt. They normalize the pressure in the area of ​​the bruise, and the blood will gradually begin to come out from under the nail. To speed up the process of rejection of a damaged nail plate, you can smear it with iodine. A healthy one will grow in place of the dead nail, unless it is re-injured.

To prevent the formation of a hematoma, it is necessary to pour cold water on your finger after the blow or apply ice.

When to worry

In a situation where, after a certain time, the nail injury continues to bother you greatly, you should not take measures on your own. You need to use the help of a doctor who will open the nail and remove the blood.

Symptoms of a more serious situation:

  • swelling;
  • deformation of the phalanx;
  • limitation of motor function.

If the pathology is caused by a fungus, self-medication is contraindicated; only a physician can help. As a rule, treatment of nails affected by fungus is effective if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. He will prescribe special procedures, medications and wellness manicures.

As soon as it is discovered that the nail has moved away from the surface of the finger itself, it is necessary to carefully examine everything. Concern can be caused by a specific smell that comes from the damaged nail plate, the presence of purulent discharge, and shooting pain.

Blackening of the nail plate can be avoided if you follow the following rules:

  1. The right shoes. It is always necessary to buy good, high-quality and comfortable shoes. The size must match, the material must be natural. When choosing sports shoes, you need to take into account that there should be some free space in front of the big toe.
  2. Proper care. When visiting public places, you should always take your own shoes and a towel. It is strictly forbidden to walk on the floor with bare feet.
  3. Caution. The slightest damage to nails is a consequence of human oversight. You must always observe the rules of caution in any situation, be it playing sports, manipulating objects, etc.

In order to prevent the occurrence of the above pathology due to serious illnesses, it is necessary to constantly consume well-cooked meat, vegetables, and fruits. Nutrition should be complete and balanced. Don't ignore the appearance of a black nail. In any situation, it is necessary to see a specialist to determine the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

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