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Why did the girl stop communicating as before? What should you do if a girl doesn’t want to communicate? About gifts and romantic actions

Many men at least once in their lives are faced with a situation where a girl categorically does not want to communicate. As a result, what happens when a girl doesn’t make contact, and what to do if a girl flatly doesn’t want to communicate?

Let's understand the reasons

Someone else's soul is darkness, and a woman's soul is even more so. If a girl does not want to communicate, there may be a lot of reasons for this. If you can’t find out the reason why a girl avoids communication, you should analyze your behavior, last days communication. In some cases, the reason lies only in the chosen one’s capriciousness, daydreaming and tendency to exaggerate, and sometimes in deliberate tactless behavior.


The most common reason for silence is resentment. Asking the question: “Why doesn’t she want to communicate with me?” men tend to analyze the behavior of the silent woman, and not their own.

Maybe she was talking about something very important to her, and you did not react properly, or forgot her request, or ignored her request. Analyze the last few days and remember after what exactly she stopped communicating. Perhaps the reason was really resentment.

Gone feelings

It may be that this is not a short-term game of silence, but that the girl simply left. Taking advantage of the situation or moment, she decided to end the relationship that no longer suits her. You should already know about the reasons for leaving, because it is not common for women to leave suddenly - there are always conversations in advance, or hints or hysterics.

If she leaves, there is no point in trying to talk to her. It’s better to think about what you’re doing wrong - understand, if she has feelings and the reason for her leaving is eliminated on your part, everything can be returned very easily.

Personal problems

Before you understand the reason for this behavior, remember whether she spoke in lately about any problems in the family, with best friends, at school or work. It is possible that she does not want communication for the reason that she is completely immersed in solving problems that you have not shown attention to.

In this case, it would be appropriate to write to her and ask if you can help her with anything. Even if nothing happened, there will be nothing wrong with such an action, but it may show her a different side of you.

Is it all about hormones?

Unfortunately, this could be the reason. Female body- a rather complex system, since any hormonal fluctuations lead to sudden changes in mood. Nothing special happens to many girls, but some experience changes menstrual cycle very spicy. IN in this case, if you don’t want to make the situation worse, just wait it out.

Selfishness and pride

Unfortunately, many girls today are guided by these qualities. It is possible that she limited communication only to see how much you want this communication. She is waiting to see how hard you will woo her.

In this case, it is impossible to convince the girl, especially if these qualities were brought up in her from childhood. It may be an instilled feeling of being overzealous self-esteem and selecting the best candidates for her hand and heart, but in relation to a man this is not the most delicate behavior.

If this is not typical for your girlfriend, it is possible that she received advice on such behavior from one of her friends and decided to immediately implement it and try it.


We all don't want to talk when we are overcome by jealousy. Often, jealousy that does not have serious grounds is a great exaggeration. And the jealousy that really had objective reasons, often ends in a break in the relationship.

Analyze whether there was any reason for jealousy. Perhaps you were communicating with someone who really caused her serious doubts and anger. Some model of your behavior with the girls you know may seriously not suit her, and this is also worth thinking about seriously.

If real reasons there was no reason for jealousy, it was useless to persuade her - until she herself understood that she was exaggerating, the situation was unlikely to change. All that can be done is to write to her sincerely and truthfully that this is all nonsense and there was no reason.

How to behave?

When communication with a girl stops for unknown reasons, especially if you communicated well before, it’s difficult to immediately decide how to behave.

If you really need this communication, you should look for a contact. She doesn’t necessarily have to respond and provoke dialogue, but it’s worth speaking out.

If the reason is not clear, you can write her a message saying that you did not want to offend her, and if this did happen, then you apologize and want to communicate with her the way you communicated. At the same time, clarify that her behavior is dishonest towards you, because you are not even aware of the reasons for this sudden change in it.

After reading this and understanding your point of view, she can proceed in two ways. Either restore communication and explain, if this relationship is also dear to her, or simply remain silent and continue this game for a long time.

There is no point in going along with this. Silence in response to a sincere and good-natured desire to resolve the issue only shows that she treats you with disrespect. And further humiliations and attempts to call for dialogue will only worsen this attitude.

If the reason is known, all that remains is to explain and begin to jointly restore normal communication.

About gifts and romantic actions

Some men prefer to take the fortress by storm. When girls leave and don’t want to talk, a man mobilizes all his strength and realizes everything possible romantic actions. It could be gorgeous bouquets flowers at home or at work, waiting at the entrance day and night, an invitation to a restaurant, poems in SMS... The list can go on indefinitely.

This approach can work, in addition, you will understand what the girl wanted and what she was dissatisfied with. If a girl accepts gifts and attention with an arrogant air, but does not want to communicate, as she did not want, or communicates with the appearance of a royal favor, most likely you will have to say goodbye to her.

The fact is that in the future there is nothing bright for such relationships. They will consist only in the impeccable fulfillment of all her “wants”, and in case of refusal, she will immediately be offended and break off the connection. If this scenario does not suit you, it is better to leave immediately.

If she realized that your intentions to solve the problem were sincere, and you are not bribing her with these gifts, but just want to please her, then she herself will be inclined to quickly forget about this period and solve the problem.

By the way, selfish girls with excessive pride only want gifts and attention from a man when they are offended and silent. Therefore, it will be very easy to reveal her intentions with the help of such bait.


For real strong relationships there can be no barriers. Adults completely refuse dialogue only in those cases if they believe that it is no longer possible to save this relationship. If the chosen one often uses silence as a way to attract attention to herself, it is worth considering whether she is still the same a capricious child, as in childhood?

Hello, This is Lesha Doc and in this article I will answer the question of a guy who found himself in a difficult situation

And the subject of his letter sounds like this: "The girl won't say where she is"

my new site


I'll answer you personally.

My personal email: [email protected] (all free)

And here is his letter that he sent to me:

Hello, Alexey.

Introductory: She is 35 years old, 2 children, a bitch, to put it simply. An unloved child in childhood.

I'm a couple of years younger than her, from fatherlessness, children and serious relationship wasn't there before! Walked around with girls, cars, motorcycles, don't care in general.

We met a couple of years ago, “love”, initiative on my part, the girl’s importance is raised to the moon, I’m Alen, she’s at the helm, and so on for just over a year.

I fired up correspondence with Vasya a couple of times, and with a friend, about another Vasya. By the way, girlfriends are bitches after one, clubs, dancing, second round of marriage! I forgave, I believed, my rose-colored glasses grew, and I begged for forgiveness myself!

Trust is gone the paranoia only grew! Tired of it! I sent her, got frostbitten, ignored my aunt! Three weeks of blockade! She broke through all conceivable and inconceivable moves, she broke through! I believed it!

2 weeks of mad affection from her! Family, love, blah blah... I got what I wanted, the silken auntie looks into my mouth, I love, I can’t. Everything is bad, I'm getting even. Several times during the reconciliation, I disappeared in the bathroom with my phone, changed the password, and realized that after three weeks of ignoring it, I found a pill for loneliness! Overdone.

Now the finale!

He blames her to the point of nausea, we quarrel, he disappears for the night. They leaked information to me that she was not at home last night. The next day she showed up, blaming, offended, manipulating, in general, old scheme! I'm crazy, I feel it lies about where he is. I eat her “truth”!

Like we make peace, we meet in the evening, paranoia is boiling inside, “where was she, with whom…”. Her phone rang, she didn’t answer, I was torn about what was going on, stupid excuses on her part! I snatched it, I can’t get in, she doesn't answer the password, she yells, the people around are in shock, the aunt is hysterical, she doesn’t want to open it at all.

In the process of fighting, she blurts out that in addition to what was told, she was in another place, in general, she lied! Just as I felt! There is no trust! Broke my phone and fell into the fog! Further debriefing this evening I’ll miss it, there’s a separate story, the police, hysterics... Attempts to punish me, etc.... in general, a complete shock at her inadequacy.

Actually a question! Am I driving, looking from the outside, if I want something like this back? The third day is shaking, I regret that I lost my temper, I justify to her that it was possible to calmly ask, and not take away the bodies. and other outbursts of anger. What if she’s masculine, etc. There are a lot of qualities in her that catch you, in everyday life it’s ok, sex is ok, when you don’t get involved - the relationship is good, in short, it’s a mess in your head! I'm afraid of losing her, I'm only thinking about how to get her back.

So, let's understand this situation.

And I’ll say right away that as soon as a guy voluntarily gets involved with a guy in a skirt, he himself admits to his impotence.

In other words, the guy himself signs his helplessness, ignorance and femininity. But the girl, on the contrary, takes everything upon herself masculine qualities.

As a result, in such relationships everything goes upside down from the very beginning. A girl can do whatever she wants with a boy may be cheating on him, may be lying to him, can tell him what to do, etc.

All this leads to the fact that the boy begins to suffer and turns into a rag, he loses self-respect, willpower, responsibility, commitment to goals, etc. disappear. And the guy’s psyche becomes sick.

That's why the guy broke our girl's phone, because he turned into a hysteric during the time he was building a relationship with this bitch.

This girl made him incapacitated, and this entailed the fact that now this boy cannot live without this girl, since he is already accustomed to having everything decided for him, being held responsible for him, being told what to do. And now he can’t live without this and the thought that this madam has abandoned him breaks him.

Although, if the guy were a man, he simply wouldn’t be able to communicate with her for even a couple of minutes, because everything she would tell him would irritate him. Because real man can’t communicate normally with a man in a skirt, and certainly won’t want to build any kind of relationship with her, since this is complete nonsense.

And weak guys, on the contrary, strive to find just such a girl and surrender to her with all your guts. Since weak people always strive to be with strong people- this is a law of nature.

What should I do?

If you want to remain a weakling, then run to her and beg her for forgiveness on your knees, plus buy her a new phone.

If you want to become strong, then come to study with me, I will help you with this, plus you will find a feminine girl.

This article is only small part what is on my sites, they contain a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics that interest you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls, without wasting your time. Now I have 2 sites: lesha-dok..

Click: More articles on this topic

By the way, if you want to be guaranteed to get a girl from scratch, then go to my new site

Click: Guaranteed to get a girl for a relationship

If you have a question for me, then write, I I'll answer you personally.

My personal email: [email protected] (all free)

What guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only your relationships with girls will change, but your whole life in general. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))”
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The tips from your articles are useful, they change your own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thank you!”
Maxim, Ukraine

“Alexey, thanks a lot to you for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of behavior between guys and girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)”

Lining up romantic relationships always inspires, charges with optimism and faith in a bright future. During this period, men want to accomplish feats, be as useful and enterprising as possible. They strive to surprise girls as much as possible and don’t let them get bored.

But it happens that everything changes. Many young people are faced with a common situation when a girl suddenly stops communicating. Such behavior in some cases is perceived as the termination of all relationships. In fact, such an assumption is not always true. Before sounding the alarm, you need to thoroughly understand the situation.


Why does the girl so suddenly decide to stop communicating? There are usually reasons for this. In fact, there needs to be some visible reason for communication between two people to stop. Of course, it is very unpleasant to realize that there is little communication with the person who is of interest. Let's consider the most common reasons why girls stop talking to guys.

Various flavors

When people have opposing ideas about life, it becomes incredibly difficult for them to understand each other. Sometimes it feels like you are talking to a stranger. Various flavors often give rise to open conflicts in which there can be no winners. To create a strong union, it is necessary that two people look in the same direction, have common judgments and ideas about life. Otherwise, a fight will begin. Constant quarrels They incredibly exhaust partners and do not allow them to enjoy each other’s company.

Real employment

In some cases, the girl will communicate less with the guy than before, due to her work or study load. If a young man knows that his dear friend has started a session or is submitting a quarterly report, do not be offended. There is no need to demand increased attention to yourself, this can only cause genuine irritation on her part. If her busyness is real, then it means that she really cannot now devote enough time for private interaction.

It takes very little tact and patience from a young man to understand this. When we're talking about In order to take tests and exams, many students forget to eat on time, let alone spend many hours with the person they like. Busyness doesn't last forever. You need to try to accept it as inevitable and wait a little.

Losing interest

In some cases, the girl suddenly stops communicating with the guy. He writes to her tender messages on your cell phone, hoping to get an answer. She openly ignores any messages, as if they have absolutely nothing to do with her. When a guy passes her in the hallway educational institution, the young lady pretends not to notice him. Why is this happening? What's the matter?

As sad as it may be, we have to admit the obvious. The girl is not interested, she does not want to continue communication. Due to certain circumstances, not every representative of the fair sex can say out loud everything that she really thinks. Many are afraid of offending, seeming impolite, or simply do not want to tell the truth until a specific moment.


This reason is quite serious and often occurs in life. A girl can feel offended for any reason: a guy didn’t keep a promise, didn’t do something, didn’t live up to expectations. There is a category of people who experience negative emotions for any reason. If a girl is one of them, she becomes extremely difficult to please. It must be remembered that resentment is a powerful weapon for manipulation.

With the help of this tool, many representatives of the fair sex strive to realize their desires. Some people succeed due to the fact that men cannot stand women’s tears, pouting lips and generally dissatisfied facial expressions. If a girl has stopped communicating because of resentment, you need to find out what exactly upset her so much. Perhaps there is still a way to improve the situation?

Intention to separate

Sometimes it happens that girls wait until the last minute, without announcing to the guy their intention to end all relations with him. Silence this kind acts as a kind of defensive reaction that does not allow the existing problem to be detected in time. The girl continues to pretend to be an inaccessible person, and the young man is at a loss, not knowing what he can really do. We need to think not about why the girl doesn’t want to see me, but to face the truth. Sometimes this can be very painful to do due to lack of experience in such situations.

What to do

In solving any problem it is necessary concrete steps. If nothing is done, the situation will not be resolved. Very often a guy is afraid to find out the truth because he doesn’t want to be disappointed. It is necessary to remember that it is better not to deceive yourself. Sooner or later you will have to part with the illusion. What can you do if a girl really doesn’t behave very nicely? Let's try to figure it out.

Heart to heart conversation

This is the first thing to do when the situation starts to get out of control. A conversation is needed to clarify an alarming moment. In some cases, it really helps to immerse yourself in the problem for a while, to find the painful point in order to try to solve difficulties in interaction. It is best to directly ask the girl what does not suit her in communication. This creates a chance to save the relationship and give it the opportunity to develop further. Moment confidential conversation allows you to talk frankly about simple and complex things.

Care and attention

Girls love it when people show affection to them genuine interest. If a young man is so busy that he doesn’t have time to go for a walk with his chosen one, doesn’t give him a bouquet of flowers once again, doesn’t take him to the cinema or a cafe, then is it any wonder that his dear friend is offended? Nobody wants to feel forgotten and unwanted. Girls in such cases begin to suffer. They just need care and attention. The more a young man tries for his chosen one, the more he wins her.

Bug fix

If during the conversation it turns out that the guy offended the girl in some way, you must definitely try to make amends. There are a great many ways for this purpose. Correcting the mistake will help restore trust within the couple and will certainly reduce emotional stress. Only for this it is necessary to know what the reason for the girl’s dissatisfaction is.

Thus, if a dear friend has stopped responding to signs of attention, this is not yet a reason to despair. It is necessary to carefully reconsider the relationship and, of course, analyze your own actions. It should be noted that in some cases, representatives of the fair sex refuse to interact with young people for no apparent reason. They simply don’t want to explain themselves and therefore ignore any attempts at rapprochement. That's why you always need to understand whether it's worth fighting. And when it is really necessary, we must act decisively and persistently.

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You are dating or getting along well with a girl. But one day the lady stops communicating with you as before. Until recently, she paid you a lot of attention. Perhaps she said beautiful and nice words. And then she suddenly grew cold. What could this mean and why does this happen?

This situation is quite common. From the point of view of relationship psychology, the explanations are quite simple, although the nuances may be different. Let's figure it out.

Let's divide the reasons for this behavior into 3 parts for better clarity.

#1 She had troubles in her life. It could be anything, from disagreements with parents to illness. If the trust between you and your beloved is high, try to bring her to frank conversation. Explain that if she tells you exactly what’s going on, it will be much easier for both of them to resolve the situation. For example, let's take a quarrel with parents. The girl described the situation to you. You can discuss this topic and also reassure her and give her some advice. In this case, she will be grateful that you were not afraid to “take her out.” clean water"and helped resolve the problem. This first point is the lesser of the evils. Further - worse.

#2 Someone said some not-so-nice things about you. Whether this is true or not is not so important. Since suspicions have already crept into her head, and she is thinking about how to proceed with you. It will be difficult for her to tell about the situation, since she will have to “turn in” the informant. You can determine that this is exactly the case by asking questions that are appropriate to your situation and suspicions. And by the girl’s reaction, track what’s going on. Then clarify the situation from your position. For example, a person said something bad about you because he thought he was right. Although from an objective point of view the situation is the opposite. If you really didn’t do anything wrong, everything will be fine.

#3 She started to have feelings for someone else young man . And, naturally, I’ve grown cold towards you. However, for some reason he does not dare to talk about it. Maybe she's scared. Or she’s not sure about her new hobby and is keeping you “in reserve” for now. So that if something happens, they can come back to you and pretend that nothing happened. In this case, it will be more difficult to get the lady to have a frank conversation. She may pretend that she told you about her problem. But she made up the situation, and the reality is different. Here you should have strong insight in order to determine, without her explanations, based on the nuances of behavior, what is really happening with your friend.

Article on the topic: Why does a girl ignore and what to do in this case?

How to get a girl back who has stopped communicating?

Remember. A girl will never stop talking to you without a reason. In 100% of cases there is a specific explanation. Another thing is that she can pretend to be innocent. It's like she doesn't understand what's going on. And everything seems to be fine. Just like before.

A) Find out what's wrong.

B) Take an appropriate behavior strategy.

Much depends on the situation in which she finds herself. If she finds herself in a difficult life situation, or if she has worsened some complexes about herself, it won’t be so difficult to get her back. It is enough to show confidence and intention to understand the situation as much as possible. When she trusts you with this, she will immediately relax. It's done.

It will be completely different if she stopped communicating with you because of someone else. I’m warning you right away: threatening or begging you to stay will only make the situation worse. First, try to make sure that she tells you as honestly as possible what the matter is. If this did not work out, and you see that the attitude towards you has become “nothing” - stop communicating with her. Yes, yes, absolutely. This best way out from the situation. The girl will immediately understand that she will not be able to control you with her whims and at will. Accordingly, your value in her eyes will increase sharply. Because you will come across as a self-sufficient person. And vice versa, without receiving explanations and changes in behavior in better side, your efforts to attract her attention will only make things worse. It's like with a cat. You chase her away - she comes to your lap. If you want to hold her, she runs away.

Now you know why a girl can suddenly become cold and stop communicating as before. And what should be done in such cases. Good luck!

You've finally fallen in love, for a long time everything is fine and wonderful, and then, like a bolt from the blue, the beloved girl stopped answering calls, citing some personal problems, or even disappeared completely without any explanation. Before sending the next batch of SMS and letters via email or social network, cool down and analyze.

Here is a sample list of reasons from life experience for those who have already stumbled on this rake:

1. The boomerang principle worked. Previously, you did not approach relationships with girls very responsibly and intimacy. We played, quit, next one. Without love and remorse. Finally, your soulmate has been found, the one for whom you are ready to do anything. This is where the boomerang principle worked, congratulations, this is your reflection in the mirror, she behaves exactly the same as you. Should we be surprised now?

2. After several meetings, the girl realized that you are not her person. It is difficult for her to say this when looking into their eyes when they meet, so she began to avoid them.

3. The girl really has problems, it’s true, but she preferred to solve them alone. I’m not used to complaining, crying on my shoulder and ruining the evening with my other moods. It's really worth the wait here. A little means missing 2-3 meetings. If it’s more, she’s not interested in you, which means you’re not that valuable in her life. Don't run after a girl - be above it.

4. You used offensive humor in mutual friends, acquaintances. Pride won.

5. A long lie on your part has been revealed. In this case there is nothing to talk about.

If the girl is 14-15 years old, then this behavior is:

- advice from parents who are protecting their daughter from early intimacy with guys, who can also interfere with the educational process;

- advice from friends telling tall tales with whom they saw you and when;

- the girl is just trying to sell herself, the game is so devoid of logic.

It will be great if your girlfriend’s behavior turns out to be a simple misunderstanding and everything will work out. But, as a rule, if there is a break in communication for 3 weeks or more, the maximum that you can hear when meeting is “let’s remain friends.” Be prepared for this.

Sometimes guys don’t know what to do if a girl doesn’t want to communicate, doesn’t respond to messages and phone calls. Finding themselves in such a situation, some respond by completely ignoring their friend, while others seek to meet with her. But before you start acting, you need to find out what provoked this situation, and whether there is a desire to continue communicating with the girl. Restore previous previous relationship not always possible.

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Why does a girl ignore a man?

Women do not want to communicate and ignore men when they do not want to enter into relationships with them and have close communication. This situation can happen after casual acquaintance when a girl gave her phone number not for the sake of communication, but to quickly “get rid of” the guy. The man could behave insecurely or cause her hostility, so the girl did not want to continue the dialogue with him.

Some representatives of the fair sex They begin to ignore men immediately after the start of communication in order to attract more interest. This tactic of behavior is reasonable and allows you to gain the favor of the guy you like. By showing initiative, a man can continue communicating with her and move to another level.

If ignored by a former passion, many men believe that she has found someone else and her personal life has improved. She can block him in social networks and avoid meetings in every possible way. Usually in such a situation, the girl is simply testing the guy’s feelings, and has not even thought about finding a replacement. If everything is good in her life, she has no reason to limit communication.

    The girl could stop communicating with the guy so that it would hurt him, and he would realize that he could completely lose her. Trying to establish contact and sort things out is useless until her aggression decreases. After a short period of time, she will meet you halfway. If a man has offended a girl in some way, she will expect him to take the first step towards reconciliation and an apology. After all, he is the initiator of the quarrel, so the chosen one will not be the first to show interest in restoring the relationship.

    A man should not constantly call and send messages to a girl who does not want to communicate with him. If the reason for such an attitude was a quarrel, then the woman needs to cool down and think about everything. This will avoid mistakes and rash actions for the sake of revenge.

    If a woman ignores her partner long time, he will have to stop loving her. No matter how difficult it may be, a man should not torture himself while waiting for a miracle. She made a choice and he needs to start his life with clean slate. You should not try to return your beloved and surprise her with heroic deeds. In this case, time will be wasted.

    The guy stopped writing

    Why did she grow cold?

    Some young people, while in stressful situations, begin to exaggerate the problem. It seems to them that the girl has begun to treat them worse than usual and is ignoring them. Then a man needs to think:

    • Maybe the girl was cold before, but as the relationship developed, this no longer suited him.
    • Perhaps he demanded too much attention from her, and she realized that she could not satisfy her partner's needs.

    Some guys themselves provoke the girl to avoid communicating with them. At first they warmly and sincerely treat the chosen one, and then they begin to behave very coldly. Any initiative to establish contact on the part of the woman is suppressed. If a girl no longer has any feelings, she will not pass the “test” and will refuse such a relationship.

    What to do?

    A man must understand what mistakes he made and what contributed to the girl’s cold attitude. If he does not understand the situation, he will again face a similar problem. Don't be surprised if the ignoring began after a quarrel. The chosen one is offended and will refuse to communicate until she hears a worthy apology.

    Many men respond to refusal of communication in kind. This method will only work if the guy has made no mistakes and is confident that he is right. If the quarrel was provoked by a man, ignoring him will only worsen the situation, and the girl will completely refuse communication.

    If a man values ​​his partner and does not want to break off relations with her, he needs to make an appointment. If she does not answer phone calls, you can write her a message, but in this case it is better to refuse unexpected meetings on the street. During the dialogue, it is advisable to be as calm and sincere in your feelings as possible. She must see open person, whom you can trust. You need to come to a compromise and find a solution that will satisfy both, even if the result is separation.

    Girls who are completely ready to end a relationship or have already started a new one usually do not hide and make contact. They answer calls or messages, but do it with particular coldness. They are no longer interested in a man’s life, and they do not experience emotions from communication. No amount of manipulation or ignoring in response will help in this situation.

    If a girl doesn’t write, doesn’t call and avoids meeting, there are always reasons for this. They can be identified by analyzing events over last period. Is it worth continuing such a relationship or starting new life After parting, everyone decides for themselves. But in order to build strong union, it is necessary to get to know girls better and not provoke them to ignore them.

When asking himself the question, what to do if a girl doesn’t want to communicate with me, a guy can’t always find the answer on his own. Why doesn't she answer my messages? What is he doing without me? Since she doesn’t want to see me, does she have someone else? Men are at a loss when a girl suddenly leaves or simply stops communicating without explanation. Men want, but don't know.

Nobody wants to lose their girlfriend, but all attempts to resolve the situation are met with a categorical “I don’t want to talk”? Then it’s time to take a sober look at the relationship and figure out why this is happening. What are you doing wrong?

Why did she start to ignore

If a girl suddenly realized that she no longer wants to communicate, before taking any steps, she needs to figure out the reasons, and for this she will have to conduct an analysis and objectively evaluate the man’s actions. So, what could be the reasons that girls begin to ignore:

  1. Resentment at some action or inaction.
  2. Manipulation. She has some goal that she would like to achieve in this way, playing the game “understand me.”
  3. Loss of interest. She discovered that the chosen one was not at all what he had tried to seem at the beginning of their acquaintance. The girl concluded that she didn’t like him and didn’t want further communication. Perhaps a rival has appeared on the horizon, so all her attention is focused on him.

How to understand these fickle girls, why they leave and what they want to achieve with their behavior? Girls don’t make such decisions overnight; this thought probably ripened in her head for quite a long time while you were still communicating, but alarms went unnoticed.

She either directly said that she was not happy in the relationship, or tried to indicate in hints what she wanted, but never got it. Let's figure out what to do in this or that situation, if we want.

What to do at the very beginning

The first thing you need to do is calm down and take a short break. Both partners need a little time to comprehend what is happening. And you need to answer the question of whether you really need it, are you ready to take action so that? If she doesn't want to communicate with me, is it worth wasting my time or is it time to leave? If a guy is determined, then he should use the pause wisely and analyze his actions. Remember her reaction and draw conclusions.

Girls love determination and responsibility in men. When you need to achieve your goal, you should go to the end. Initiative has always been the prerogative of men; you should not expect action from it. Under no circumstances should you become limp and humiliated, this is a way to lose respect. You must always remember that a girl will not leave worthy man. If she understands that she is important, then she will not end the relationship.

Having understood the main reasons for the breakup, having analyzed all the mistakes in communication, you should begin to work on yourself, eliminate shortcomings, develop strengths and move directly to action.

Let's move on to action

Let's look at the steps that should be taken depending on the reasons for her leaving. If this is an insult, and the reason is known, then everything is in the guy’s hands. The result will most likely not take long to arrive. Even if the act does not seem so terrible, you need to take it for granted that for her it could be really important and offensive. Apologize to her personally, be sincere, admit that you offended her and promise not to do it again - that’s right decision. And be sure to keep your word!

The guy needs to be prepared for the fact that she will not forgive immediately, but a start has already been made, and you should not go off the chosen path. Gifts and surprises will help speed up the process significantly. Presents do not have to be expensive, but commensurate with the offense that caused the offense. It is better to give one rose 10 times than to bring 10 roses once.

But the reason for her resentment is not always known; it happens that for no reason at all she simply stops talking. Everything is more complicated here. There is no need to turn on the “minesweeper” when trying to guess the real reason. It is better to calmly ask why the girl left and does not want to communicate, and say that without knowing the reason, it is impossible to do anything for reconciliation. She won’t tell you everything right away, but you need to be patient and behave with dignity. When her answer about the reasons is received, it is time to apologize. If she constantly evades, and she herself cannot explain anything, you need to be extremely careful. If this behavior does not go away after a couple of days, there is an attempt at manipulation.

How to resist if she manipulates

If a man calmly and without accusations asked a specific question about what she was offended by, and expressed a desire to improve the relationship and make amends, but there was no answer, you need to wait a while and ask the same question again. If she does not explain anything, then it is important to remain firm and, without accusations, indicate that there are no reasons for such behavior on her part and in order to preserve your relationship it is better to stop it. Further tactics are counter-ignoring. The ball is in her court, the guy's job is to make her understand that he is not going to play these games.

Maintain perseverance, do not give in to whims, without losing your face and not breaking into hysterics. This is the best reaction. If you cope and do not succumb to provocation, then she will understand that such games do not bring the desired result.

Another effective way resist manipulation - move away. Actively engage in her life, spend her time as usefully and brightly as possible, and publicly, so that she can see who she can lose due to groundless grievances.

This distancing technique causes strong attraction and interest among women, but here you need to not go too far so that she doesn’t have real reasons to be offended. It is important that she does not seem that she is indifferent. You need to alternate moving away with getting closer, when you let her know that you still want reconciliation and still have feelings for her, and then move away again if she continues the manipulation.

What to do if a guy is no longer interested in her

There is only one reasonable method here - to become interesting person. And first of all, interesting for yourself. You need to stop trying to get in touch with the girl for a while and focus on your development. Where to start? Do something that develops masculinity:

  • sport;
  • improving your professional skills;
  • reading books on self-development;
  • exploring new areas of activity;
  • increasing your earnings;
  • achieving your goals.

Sooner or later, the changes will become noticeable to others and to that same girl. At some point, she will look at her ex with completely different eyes. This will be a new start to communication. But you shouldn't hope for quick results.

But what if he would be happy to apologize and demonstrate his best masculine qualities and positive changes, but she just disappeared from the radar and there is no way to talk? You can make some effort and end up in her news feed, on the pages of the magazine she reads, or even on television. But the fastest and least expensive way is to convey what you want to say through her girlfriends.

Even when you can’t talk to your chosen one, no one will forbid you to communicate with her friends. The main thing here is to demonstrate your changes for the better and the seriousness of your intentions, but without unnecessary intrusiveness.

The friend will certainly convey all the details of the conversation to the girl, only she will also add her impressions and emotions, and this can play a key role in forming a new opinion about the guy. In this situation it will be useful to use psychological techniques to win over a friend, for example, by giving her a compliment.

There's always one in the gap useful thing. This is a reason to take a critical look not only at your relationship with a girl, but also at yourself, at your strengths and weaknesses. Is the guy ready to change and become the kind of man his beloved wants to see in front of him? If yes, then these tips will help.

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