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Why do I always meet people by chance? Coincidences: is there a pattern to them? According to the laws of the Universe

A. This is the topic! In short, throughout 10th grade I got to school by bus, which runs every 40 minutes and on which I have a very long ride: from final to final. It goes without saying that my route and landing time coincided with some people, as a result of which over the course of the year I knew many strangers by sight. Moreover, with some of them I managed to take the same bus not only in the morning, but also after school. I remember there was such a topic with a guy with a tube. Once we looked at each other and involuntarily grinned. Girls. Here I was lucky with such shots... For example, a girl who looked like a Down with a half-open mouth and fish eyes. A rather pretty girl, who apparently had seasickness, because she got on the bus looking normal, and while driving she turned pale, sweated, rolled her eyes... I wonder where they are now? What was their fate? After all, I haven’t traveled on this route for three years... More on the topic. In my district I constantly see an aunt in a purple jacket who is always in a hurry to get somewhere

07/12/05, Angel with broken wing
Interesting topic =). You can meet the same people not only in your own area, but also in places where you often visit. And sometimes, you can meet the same people in different places (if the city is not very big, of course). I remember when I was in St. Petersburg in the summer, my relative and I discussed the topic of how often you can meet the same person in such a big city as St. Petersburg. Again, probability theory. In small cities the probability is greater, in large cities it is correspondingly less. And what’s most amazing is that that day in the metro (at different stations, not far from each other, however, located) I crossed paths with the same person 3 times. :). And so in my city, sometimes (about once every six months) I come across the same very strange person in different places of the city. :). And who else? Neighbors don’t count...probably that’s all...

07/12/05, Angel with broken wing
Of course, I met the same people more than once when, for example, I went to school in another area, or often to visit someone, or on the way to the store in the evening. I just didn't pay attention to it. That's it, from now on I will keep track and record who and how many times I met on the street. :) In general, jokes aside, sometimes for some reason it becomes interesting how the fate of this or that person turned out, whom you simply stopped meeting on the street.

07/12/05, Yamamura Sadako
Indeed, you walk, look at familiar faces and feel uplifted)) For example, we have one guy who wears a coat in winter, a mustache and a hat a la the wild west. We christened this guy Pedro)) He also sometimes accompanies a child to school, whom we christened Pedrenko, his wife is Pedrita)) In general, we already know a lot of people: some guy who always (!) walks with a trunk with eggs, got our nickname Eggs... And so on ad infinitum))

08/12/05, Makushev indoutka
Yes, yes, there is such a thing. When we go to the first couple, we always meet one guy on Mira Avenue, he’s so tall and we call him Stepan or Styopka (aka Uncle Styopa). And we always go and wonder, where is Stepan? and we look, he is coming towards us in the distance. And also near the institute (also when to the 1st couple) there is always a grandmother who sells milk from her hands. In general, this is so common, certain people are on a certain path.

08/12/05, Finnochka
Well, yes, mostly I love it). It’s interesting to see such a person whom you seem to know, but you don’t know at all. In my area I often saw one guy, then I met him several times in the center. Recently we stood together at a bus stop, I just smiled at him. That's how we met.

08/12/05, Rona
I have such “friends” here. Some of us travel back and forth on the minibus regularly. I just see some in my area. Most of the people I know are strangers among the students at the nearby school. Regularly and at the same time, I meet a dwarf who lives nearby, especially since he is easy to recognize. Without them, some days are not the same, they are not real. This is a habit.

13/12/05, SIMM
This is so cool! I live in Moscow, but similar meetings happen here all the time (!). For example, on the way to work on the bus almost every day I see one eccentric woman - in huge glasses, with small blonde curls, with unimaginably long earrings (so multi-tiered) and, finally, in any weather she is dressed in long sleeves and a short black robe . Here someone wrote that on the subway at several stations he crossed paths with the same person. And the same thing happens to me. And, it seems to me, there is nothing surprising here. It’s probably true what they say that Moscow is a big village :). You're riding in a carriage and you notice: yeah, this is a girl who lives somewhere in my area, and this is a family who constantly gets off at Dmitrovskaya... Not every day, of course, but it happens. And once I happened to see at the Mayakovskaya station a man whom I had seen once in my life somewhere in the center... That's it. And everyday travel ceases to be boring.

13/12/05, social_distorter
but then I feel so sad. I meet mostly crazy people. For example, a man who walks around in a white T-shirt, a colorful tie and wrapped in a bright colorful blanket. Another little frail old lady. And another guy who looks kind of normal if you don’t look closely at him. It's better not to look closely.

13/12/05, mad bird
I had a whole team of them. a broad grandfather in an airfield cap with a huge nose and heavy mittens. Another grandfather - in a bluish padded jacket and a knitted hat, looking like a heroin lizard. a small seventh grader (?) resembling a pig with sheep's eyes and hormonal troubles. he constantly bought some crackers in the morning. then - a purple coat, I remember the faces. it's very bright. where are they now?

06/04/07, 3 Sofia 3
This is my street, and strangers are mine too! I wouldn’t be surprised if they soon stop being mysterious and incognito to me! I often admire them from the window, or come across them in a hurry on the boulevard. A plump, middle-aged woman with a knapsack, who is in a hurry somewhere in the morning. She lives in my area, but far from me, and we don’t know each other. There are two more schoolchildren whose names I also don’t know. Cheerful, mischievous guys are arguing about something and quarreling loudly. But here are two thin blondes with heavily painted doll-like faces, as if they had stepped out of a book of jokes about blondes. You can use these “hangers” to set your watches: at exactly half past twelve o’clock, the idle people in an open convertible go shopping. Sometimes in the evening you can spot them in Kolomenskoye, leisurely strolling with their poodles. I can also remember a student who returns home late. Glasha calls him Pedestrian, because throughout our lives, every day we see him on the street - either returning from university, or walking with his dog. This is so cute!

07/04/11, Murkisa
And I fell in love with my stranger! I meet him almost every morning on my way to work. We exchange glances, look into each other's eyes for a split second and walk past. I really want to meet him, but I don’t dare. I don’t know what to do.

    No. You will no longer understand each other.
    You need to understand his situation very well.
    You can only do harm.
    And if he asks, then of course!

    coincidence?? I don’t know, there are many cases in history when, independently of each other, scientists introduced the same concepts into science

    I have a friend, one eye is black, the other is blue.

    Yes, classmate. His mother has green eyes, his father has brown eyes, and his eyes are multi-colored. And only then, the green eye began to change color to brown. Moreover, it’s strange - up and down! It's like the paint is creeping.

    Standard situation. Wife with her lover, husband rings the doorbell. The wife is in a panic.
    - God! How I wish all this didn’t happen!
    - I hear you, my daughter! I will do as you wish, but for this you will die in five years.
    - Of course do it! Better in five years than now!
    Bright flash. The lover is as if it never happened. There were no disputes with my husband. They live for five years in love and happiness. Suddenly, my wife receives a letter in the mail that she has won a cruise to the Mediterranean. And then the day of departure arrived. The ship sails away from the shore and begins to sink. The wife recalls the events of five years ago and turns to God:
    - God! And for my sake alone you are destroying so many innocent people?
    - Innocent? Yes, I'm tired of bringing you all together, you whores!

    This is rare. There's a guy like this in our area. It looks unusual, especially when the eyes are contrasting - one is brown, the other is blue. This is such an unusual play of nature =) People with such multi-colored eyes have “magical powers”. According to the legend of "Tristan and Isolde", Tristan had different eyes - gold and blue. And Woland from "The Master and Margarita" had eyes of different colors. This used to be called the "devil's mark."

Meetings.. Passers-by pass by and it doesn’t mean anything.. they don’t know each other, they are indifferent to the people they meet. I will tell you about one person, meetings with whom occur so inexplicably often and completely by chance. This young man is a year older than me and studied in my own specialty, in my own college. He somehow walked into our audience and there was silence... just like in the movies. Big blue eyes matched mine and for the first time in my life I was speechless. After that, random meetings began...
We saw each other everywhere... in the dining room, in the corridors, during breaks between couples, we bumped into each other in doorways... My friend doesn’t believe that this is a coincidence, but she’s wrong. I never looked for him in the crowd, didn’t look for his location, didn’t run when he saw where he was going and didn’t try to walk nicely to attract his attention, like most girls in our school. But he didn’t look at anyone, no matter how hard they all tried, and they tried very hard, believe me. He has one whom he loves, and she is enough for him, he does not need another... Isn't this a good trait? Have you seen such devotion?
I remember how one day I left before the bell and big blue eyes met mine again, it’s hard to unsettle me, but I was dumbfounded. There was a silent conversation for several seconds, and neither of the two of us looked away... But the bell rang, the students went about their business, I turned away, waved to someone, and when I looked in his direction, there was no one there. I finished my studies, defended my thesis, and it seemed that everything, there would be no unexpected meetings, but I was wrong.
My life is very fickle, I can’t say where I’ll be in an hour, I’m always heading somewhere. And how strange it is that I meet this man everywhere, attractive and inaccessible. Not always, but so often... I go shopping for wallpaper, meet him on the street, rush out of my friend’s house, run into him near her house, go shopping, see him again, walk in the park, he’s sitting on a bench. .. Quite by chance, incomprehensibly, we find ourselves in the same places at the same time. I meet acquaintances less often than I meet this stranger... I can’t understand why fate brings us together like this? He is already married, to the very one he loved then, they have a beautiful girl, and you just need to see his face, which lights up with happiness when they all walk along the sidewalk together.
And I pass... Silently, like all passers-by, only our eyes meet and look at each other in surprise, as if they met again. And I can’t understand why life is so funny? We hardly know him, but every time we meet, my heart skips a beat, as if just passing by we are missing something, maybe each other... And fate constantly gives us a chance to fix it and pushes us back again... I Maybe I could reassure myself that I was making it up... But I entered the first year in 2005, That turns out to be five years of similar meetings... Really random, with the same person, a stranger...
I don’t know how to understand this. Today we met again, I already perceive it as in the order of things, big blue eyes, shining and looking at me, I turn away, too quickly, too nervously, trying to leave quickly. And I know that I will encounter him again...for what? What makes us appear somewhere at the same time? The more often we meet, the more I think about it...
Complete strangers, we will pass by and just touch each other with our eyes, as always we will remain silent or smile slightly, everyone will go their own way and further... Until the next meeting... Has anyone ever had this, I haven’t heard. I don't know what to think anymore...I simply don’t have words to explain this and my mind is not able to understand why they happen...

We are meeting some of these people for the first time, and some we have already met in past incarnations. There are many such people, but not all of them leave an indelible mark on our lives.

Wandering between worlds, I keep memories within me.
About your every incarnation.
And at the appointed time.
I recognize you.
At the first touch.
In the cycle of death and birth.

Fleur, song "Memory".

When people meet to jointly solve karmic problems, such relationships are usually called karmic.

Such relationships can be positive. Souls meet again to move through life in the same direction, to complement and support each other. Such souls are also called kindred spirits. As a rule, soul mates are long-time acquaintances. Sometimes the history of their acquaintance lasts many thousands of years. Dozens of times they come to earth together to help each other.

Unfortunately, there are often relationships that reach a dead end, and getting out of such a dead end is not easy. Partners are forced to work off debts accrued in the past. Such souls can be kindred, but their task is more complex - they teach each other, going through pain and negativity.

How does such a karmic connection differ from other relationships? Such a connection in the past was the result of conflict, a clash of interests and points of view, accompanied by strong emotions. Partners could have previously been enemies, to the point that one of the partners could turn out to be the murderer of the other. In any case, there was an unpleasant situation, after which one of the partners or both of them was immediately left with resentment, guilt or another unresolved emotion.

This is important to understand. Emotions and feelings in this case are the key point. Only if, as a result of a serious conflict with someone, a person then cherishes resentment, anger, and a thirst for revenge all his life, then he can be congratulated on developing a new karmic connection. And the stronger the negative emotion, the more trouble this connection will cause later. Only if, after the conflict, he forgives the other and no longer attracts this person emotionally, then with a high degree of probability crossing their paths in the future will not cause trouble.

I remember the allegory: “He Left His Heart There” - this is what they say when a person puts a lot of his emotions into something and subsequently often mentally returns to it. This could be some place on earth that is especially dear to the heart, and you have been dreaming about it for years, drawn to it. It could be another person whom you loved or hated. Resentment also makes people mentally return to the offender again and again. There is such a beautiful theory: when a person experiences strong emotions, he puts part of his soul into it. This part of the soul pulls him back. This is why souls that were once “hooked” on each other with strong emotions are attracted - parts of their souls seek reunification with their parent soul.

The simplest thing a soul can do to find peace and regain a lost piece of its soul is to forgive another soul and accept it for who it is. For this purpose, souls meet again and again. There is a feeling of strong attraction or strong repulsion. There are two ways out of this situation: patiently work off joint karma or forgive each other. The purpose of the new meeting is to provide each other with an opportunity to practice. This happens by recreating the same situation that once connected them. Partners play the same roles or change roles, depending on their task.

For example, an abandoned woman in a past life was very worried. In the next life, her karmic partner is worried about the breakup initiated by her, because he must understand what it means to be abandoned and not experience strong negative emotions about it.
Another example: in the past, two people did not share something and had a big row. One of them harbored great resentment and anger. The next time they meet, they will again sort things out, but the task of both is to get out of the conflict with honor, getting rid of condemnation and resentment. That way, if they fail, the next lesson will be more brutal.

So that karmic partners do not miss each other and do not pass by in the bustle of everyday life, their meeting always carries the shade of something unusual, bright, memorable and sometimes fatal. So-called love at first sight is often a difficult karmic connection. Souls experience great attraction and interest in each other. Sensitive people experience the so-called deja vu, the feeling that this once happened, that they have been waiting for this moment, they have been working towards it all this time.

At first it is passionate love. But such people, as a rule, are not at all similar to each other. Usually strange sensations arise: it seems that the person is very interesting, and is strongly drawn to him. But as soon as a close relationship begins, a situation of mutual misunderstanding inevitably arises, which brings pain to both. It is difficult to break off such a relationship, because the attraction is very strong. So such relationships revolve according to the following scenario: attraction - rapprochement - conflict - distance - attraction. And the main task here for both partners is to balance joint karma, to correct mistakes made once by going through the situation again. And this time they have the opportunity to do the right thing.

A karmic connection can last only a few months, or it can drag on for many years. It depends on how quickly the partners can correct their mistakes. A karmic connection can be interrupted by the flight of one or both partners, but in this case the issue of the karmic knot remains open and sooner or later it will come up again.

How can you tell if a relationship is karmic?

The most reliable way is to have a synastry drawn up by a good astrologer.

Only if this method for some reason does not suit you, then it remains to analyze the relationship by studying the main signs of a karmic connection given below.

So, the main signs that will help you understand that we are dealing with karmic relationships:

At the very first meeting, there is a strong mutual attraction to each other, strong interest. You may feel that you already know this person, that you have seen them somewhere.

Another person evokes feelings or emotions in you that you cannot explain to yourself. These feelings may be completely illogical and not typical of you. This also includes not entirely adequate actions. That is, actions that are not typical for a person in relation to other people, but with a given partner, it’s as if something forces you to act this way and not otherwise.

Relationships begin quickly and unexpectedly. At the same time, it seems that even the partners themselves can change little here. There is a certain predetermination in such relationships.
It is very difficult to break such a relationship. Even if you do this by force, the image of this person will subsequently haunt you for many years. And all because you left work without finishing what you started.

Relationships are often negative. Despite the strong attraction to each other, karmic partners cannot agree. They are very different in character, lifestyle and other parameters. "Together is bad, apart is impossible."

A karmic connection often resembles a love spell in its effect. People feel bad together, but they cannot separate. And if they break up, then they are drawn to each other with an irresistible force.

Dissatisfaction with the existing situation characterizes this connection. Dissatisfaction with change and the inability to do anything.

A sign of unraveling a karmic knot is a state of inner peace, satisfaction, well-being, the removal of claims against another person, and the cure of a complex disease. (c) Irina Fedorova (Elleirina).

1. You constantly think about the person you dream about. Perhaps you are in love with this person, miss him and, through a dream, feed on pleasant emotions from what you see.

2. The person you dream about constantly thinks about you. Maybe he has a crush on you or something is bothering him about you. Therefore, through an energetic connection, his image comes to your mind.

3. There is some unresolved situation between you. You probably didn’t say enough or didn’t have time to do something to each other. Therefore, your brain scrolls through the situation over and over again and looks for ways to solve the problem.

4. You are under the influence of this person. Perhaps this person controls you, your activities, and therefore unconsciously comes to sleep. For example, this could be the project manager, your boss.

5. Our desires and dreams materialize in a dream. For example, you had a fight with your loved one. Afterwards I started having a dream about reconciliation. Here the dream is the result of your desire.

6. A hint in a difficult situation. Higher powers can give signals about the right choice and making the right decisions in the form of certain people from your environment, so that you can find the answer to some of your questions with the help of this person.

7. This person is from your past life. Even after death, the karmic connection with the soul most dear to you is not destroyed. Therefore, this or that person can show his true essence through a dream and, perhaps, remind you of a past reincarnation.

8. Prophetic dream. It is likely that repeating the same dream with the same person is a prediction of your future. You need to look at what exactly you are dreaming about. If you dream about something bad, you need to take a closer look and be more careful about some things. This will help you avoid any mistakes or troubles.

9. A strong astral connection has been established between you. For example, this could be a consequence of spiritual practices that you do with this person.

10. A person asks for help through a dream. If the person you dreamed of practices OS and OBE, it is quite possible that through a dream he reminds you of himself so that you contact him. Or he asks you for help through a dream, which in reality he simply won’t say to your face due to various circumstances.

11. They cast a love spell on you, or you had a love spell cast on you. A love spell is an action by which the second and/or fourth chakras of the desired person are forcibly blocked and connected to the chakras of another person. Thus, an energetic connection is established, which is reflected in dreams at the subconscious level of the “victim” and the person in love with her who resorted to magic.

12. Someone is controlling your sleep. Perhaps you are disturbing someone or they want to do something through you, so they use the OS practice and mentally impose actions with a specific person who you dream about. It is possible that your dream is controlled by the person you are dreaming about in order to satisfy some of his goals.

13. You have picked up an astral entity. If you constantly dream about a person who hurt you, and through a dream he reminds you of a mental wound and puts pressure on you, it means that at that time an astral essence is hovering next to your body. It feeds on your energy due to the fears and negative emotions that your body experiences without realizing it, “viewing” this dream imposed by the essence itself.

14. Unexpected news about this person. If you live in different cities and are not in contact with each other, then it is quite possible that you will hear some news about this person, receive news, or write a letter to you.

15. Prediction of a meeting. Let's say you haven't seen each other for a long time. Then a periodically recurring dream will signal an imminent meeting with this person.

16. Emotional discomfort. You were probably once in love with this person, but never achieved reciprocity. This gnaws at you, like the fact of loss, which is reflected in the dream.

17. You are connected by some common cause that others can see. For example, you host one program that is watched by millions of people. Looking at you, people create around you and the dreamed personality a certain halo of metaphysical connection - like a “pair” of leaders. This massive external influence can cause recurring dreams with certain people.

18. The person desires you. You may be the object of hot passion, which the dreaming person is replaying in his imagination, thinking about you. Even if you are not familiar (this is a random passer-by or a distant neighbor), his strong emotions are transmitted to you in a dream.

19. Accident. Consider this situation: you were under severe stress or shock. Brain activity could be impaired, and the psyche could be damaged. It's unlikely, but it's entirely possible that this is what causes random déjà vu with the same person who has nothing to do with you. Just a random projection of the brain in the subconscious onto your reality.

If you often come across a person

“I have had several cases in my life when I met the same person again and again in different parts of the world. This woman's name was Olga. We met in our first year at university during a trip to a sanatorium.

We talked, discussed common topics... After returning, our paths diverged - we studied in different courses, even different faculties.

Two years have passed. There have been many changes and meetings in my life. One summer I decided to go to America for an internship. My parents supported me in this, and I flew away.

In a foreign country, among strangers, where Russian-speaking people were a rarity, I met her again by chance. I was simply speechless.

I gathered my courage and approached. We chatted...

In two days I was going to return to Russia, Olya decided to stay in the USA. Our paths diverged again. We said goodbye warmly.

About a year later I met Olga in my hometown. It turned out that she had come to stay and the next day was flying to the States... In some incomprehensible way, fate allowed us to meet again. But for what?

Video Answer to a question I always meet the same person

According to the laws of the Universe

The man in your life is here to teach you something. And also - like attracts like. If within yourself you are not ready to allow yourself to meet a normal, decent man, you will not meet him.

Within your reality this will be impossible. And everyone lives in their own reality. For example, you think that there are no normal men, they are over or “they were still puppies.”

Only in your world, honey. For professional women, believe me, they exist.

Once again: you need to analyze what scenario you are playing out and change yourself first. Otherwise, you will meet the same type with different appearances.

As they say, if you want to get a result that you haven’t gotten yet, start doing something you haven’t done before.

How to end up with the same men?

To prevent another fan from getting labeled “the same as everyone else!”, try changing the algorithm.

1. Understand yourself

Do it yourself or with the help of a specialist, whatever you like, but find the reason why the circle is closed.

Understand your strengths and weaknesses, work with self-esteem and parental scenarios, reevaluate your past experiences, deal with your fears and complexes.

This may take more than one week or even a month. But it's a must.

2. Write a checklist

Remember all your exes, from the very beginning. And draw a table: the first column is the names, the second is their general qualities. You'll see, there will be a lot of coincidences.

Think about what features attracted you to them? And do you have in yourself what you are looking for in a man?

If you were looking for strength and confidence in a man, does that mean you lack your inner, feminine self?

In a sense, give yourself what you expected from men. Look at the problem from a different angle.

Become self-sufficient (not to be confused with the “I myself” position). And then it is precisely such men - self-sufficient, and not gigolos, tyrants, beggars and mama's boys - who will begin to come into your life.

3. Ask yourself what you want

Ask yourself a question and answer honestly: “What do I want from life, a man and relationships?”, “What kind of man do I want to meet?” Formulate specific and real qualities and compare: how much you meet his request.

Do you want a non-drinker? Don't meet people in nightclubs and bars. True? Don't hook him up with sex. And so on.

Write your own stop list - a list of what you will NOT tolerate in a man under any circumstances and stick to your principles. If you don't pass the "control" - look for someone else.

In numerology, one represents energy. And if a person constantly comes across a few, it means he pays too much or little attention to himself. It is worth analyzing your behavior and understanding whether the person has become too self-centered or withdrawn.

The deuce symbolizes the harmony of relationships and emotions. Therefore, the appearance of 2:22 on the clock has a significance; related to this, problems with the emotional state may have arisen, and if you take a more sober look at the situation, it would be appropriate to start looking for compromises so that everyone can feel good.

The number three represents a symbol of life goals and guidelines. Those who see it often should seriously analyze their past and present and start making plans for the future.

The number four symbolizes the hard work of a person. Its appearance warns of problems in business and health; more attention should be paid to these aspects.

Five is a symbol of risk and adventure, it can warn that a person is too careless about his life, and if he is not careful, he will soon lose something very important to himself.

The number six is ​​a symbol of peacemaking. A person constantly has to see the same numbers on the clock; their meaning lies in the fact that they are trying to communicate the dishonesty of his actions towards himself and people.

Seven symbolizes success, so its appearance is a good sign for a person; it promises good luck and the opportunity to experience harmony.

The number eight is a symbol of infinity and its appearance warns of imminent changes in life. She says that now it is very important to pay attention to those events that require a person to make important decisions. The angels warn that his future fate is being decided now.

Nine is a symbol of development, and its appearance speaks of repeating events in life; it is worth accepting the lesson and moving on, rather than stepping on the same rake.

The future, according to the oracles, can only be found out on Tuesday and Thursday; these days are associated with receiving such information from above. Identical and mirror numbers on the clock are also very important; numerologists attach special meaning to the meaning of 11, 20 and 14.

To figure out whether a person sympathizes with you or not, you need to carefully look for the truth in his gaze. A person's eyes will be clear if he truly likes you.

There are hidden and overt forms of showing interest. If a person openly demonstrates sympathy, then respect is noticeable in his gaze. The eyes are open wide, and the stronger the sympathy, the more the pupils dilate.

People use hidden expressions of sympathy if they are afraid of disappointment or deception. But, despite the fear, he is trying to somehow contact you, observe or watch. The hidden sympathetic gaze is different: a person looks at a person he is interested in furtively, so as not to be noticed. If eyes meet, he immediately looks away. But from the outside, such behavior is very noticeable.

The views of the different sexes are quite different. Women are more resourceful. They are the ones who know how to “shoot” with their eyes and play “staring contest”.

Our life consists of different, sometimes unrelated, events.

We justify them logically, bringing order to perception. If an incident does not fit into a logical chain and causes unexpected consequences, this leads us to confusion. And the question arises: what was it?

Hello Andrey!

One of the types of unusual events are strange coincidences that occur in the life of any person. For example, we go somewhere and meet there an acquaintance whom we were just thinking about; we run into the same person on the street several times in a row; We call a friend and find out that it was at that moment that he wanted to call us.

My friend Andrei, once leaving a building on Myasnitskaya Street in Moscow, noticed two men unknown to him. He looked at them, and they at him. Andrei went to the metro, people followed. At the Okhotny Ryad station, he switched to Teatralnaya and entered the carriage to go towards the Tsaritsyno station. And he saw the same people at the end of the carriage, looking intently at him! He felt a little uneasy... Coming out of the subway, Andrei hastily got into the car and started the engine to drive home. Then he noticed those two again at the traffic light, stepped on the gas and drove off.

The next day, two different people called Andrei one after another, and each offered their help in educating their son abroad. This happened just at the moment when he was already desperate to solve this problem.

Game of probability - sign of higher powers

Psychics and psychologists have come up with a special term for such situations - phenomena of synchronicity. They occur contrary to all laws of nature and science. Magicians believe that coincidences are educational material with the help of which higher powers force us to be more attentive and more serious about the episodes of our own lives.

The cosmos sends us impulses and tells us: the time has come, believe in chance, listen to your intuition! It has been noticed that the signs of fate given through coincidences are better perceived by people with an open mind - that is, those who prefer faith to dry logic. There are many more coincidences in their lives. It is also important that each of us has our own karma, but very often, under the influence of circumstances, people deviate from their destined path. And higher powers, with the help of a series of signs, are trying to return us to it.

Psychology professor Allan Combs from the University of Asheville (North Carolina, USA) says: “My long-term observational experience shows that coincidences usually follow a sequence. The more you get used to them, the more often they happen. And if you dismiss them as nonsense, they will avoid you. If you just take an interest in them, they can serve you well.”

8 knots of fate

What to expect from those coincidences that happen to everyone from time to time? Here not only psychology comes to our aid, but also folk household magic. It is impossible to guess all possible options, but here is a list of the most common ones.

Pursues a certain number. For example, all the hardest days of the year fall on him, relatives get sick, and troubles happen. This means that you need to think about changing your field of activity, or even your place of residence. If this is not possible, drink water only from underground sources on this day - this will ward off illness and unnecessary troubles.

We got angry with a person, and trouble happened to him. This suggests that you are expecting some kind of decision from him in your favor. To make him accept it more quickly, on such days cut the bread with a new, previously unused knife.

You meet the same strangers several times a day. This means that you will soon receive news - good or bad. On the day of such a meeting, you should not close the curtains at home at night. This will help ward off bad news and attract good news.

We started making plans and something bad happened. This means that you are going down the wrong path, plans need to be reviewed and adjusted.

After a new love acquaintance, my ex-partner came. Your new choice is not your destiny. You are given a chance to think. Perhaps there is a third person waiting for you and this meeting is not far off. To bring it closer, carry a magnet wrapped in paper in your purse.

We thought about the man and immediately met him on the street. Everything you do today will give good results. But in order for all your plans to come true, you need to change a large bill the next day and give the change to a beggar.

We lost an item, and then a relative found himself in a difficult situation. With a loved one, everything could have been much worse. But since you suffered, he got the lesser of two evils. Go to church and light two candles - for the health of your loved one and for the glory of God.

They wanted to call the man, but he called himself. The matter in question must be brought to an end.

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