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Why don't women love me? Revelations of an honest man. Why don't other women like beautiful women?

Why don't women like women? But for this!

Our attentive readers are already aware that female friendship is not a myth, but even the truth. Strong, unbreakable truth. True, there is also women’s hatred of their own kind. And this is also true.

Pics tried to understand the reasons for this phenomenon. And I didn’t understand a thing, of course.

Why is she fat?

There are men who like fat women, and there are men who don't like fat women. Fat women are the first to be noticed. The second - no. That is, they don’t notice at all. And only women notice everything. Every fold and every bump. Everything that is loose and everything that needs to be pulled back. “Look, she's fat!” - the woman screams. “You're fat! Have you seen how they look at you?!” - the woman screams. If you ask her why she is so upset, the woman will answer that being fat is very harmful. Joints, heart and liver suffer. But she's not a doctor, no.

Why is she skinny?

Indeed - why would that be? Anorexic, no less. And this is very harmful, people die from it. And if she’s not anorexic, then she’s probably very stupid. Because he doesn’t read books, but only squeezes dumbbells in his gym. Ugh, what a fool.

What is she eating?

He's eating straight away. Naturally, he takes a piece of cake and puts it right in his head. And here you are on a diet. You've been dreaming about a boiled egg for two weeks now. Hatred. Kill.

Why doesn't she eat?

Doesn't eat anything. All the normal people took a slice of pizza, and she sits and chokes on her black coffee. And he looks at you disapprovingly. He's probably thinking about how fat you are. I just want to take this piece of pizza and shove it down her throat. With your foot. And so that she doesn’t imagine it.

Why does she look better than me?

A mortal sin in general. Such people should be burned at the stake on the full moon.

Why does she look worse than me?

And he does nothing to somehow change the situation. Nightmare! And you sit next to her, look at her unpainted roots, butt ears and outrageously thick cuticle. Ugh be like that.

Why is she married?

And he drags around his suitcase without a handle, God forgive me. This is the best case scenario. At worst, she sits at home, submissive. Ugh, it’s disgusting to look at how a woman has turned into an appendage to her bald and thin-legged master. We blame her.

Why is she not married?

And she sits here, all made up and shooting eyes. He's sitting at a family party, by the way! Staring at other people's husbands, by the way! We need to ask her why she is still not married. Haha.

Why isn't she friends with me?

Female friendship is a special matter. If it exists, then it can only be undermined by a ton of TNT. If it is not there, then it cannot be glued together with a ton of “Super Moment”. But if one woman wants to be friends, and the other does not, then a ton of priests (a ton is the total weight), simultaneously howling about love for their neighbor, is powerless. Here there will be only hatred towards one's neighbor. Amen.

Why is she friends with me?

Comments, as they say, are unnecessary.

What kind of guy is she?

A woman who takes the side of men in a controversial situation is worthy of all censure. Although no - let them stone her to death. On the main square. Because she betrayed the sisterhood. Because she sold herself to her enemies.

What kind of woman is she?

How dare they demand something from you only on the grounds that you are also a woman?! And get into their position, and judge for yourself, and also think that the same thing will happen to you someday - only on the basis that you also have two X chromosomes. Go to hell! We have nothing in common except chromosomes!

Why is she a feminist?

Why? It is because of her that normal women are not given their hand on the bus. Because of her, you sit in a cafe and think about whether to pay for your coffee or not. Because of her, femininity has become devalued. At all. Only the tits remained from that femininity. Who has them, of course.

Why is she a patriarch?

Why? It is because of her that normal women are paid less than men for the same work. Because of her, you sit in a cafe and think about whether to pay for your coffee or not. Because of it, women's achievements are devalued. At all. Only the tits remain from those achievements. Who has them, of course.

Why is she successful?

And he invites you to drink wine and eat barbecue at his dacha. Ten kilometers from the capital. You just don’t know what dress to wear to such kebabs. Oh, let her eat her own marbled beef, cooked on sequoia charcoal. Because beef may be tasty, but hearing about how a successful woman interviewed Dmitry Anatolych is unbearable!

Why isn't she successful?

And it whines, and it whines, and it whines. About the fact that living with two children, a husband, a mother-in-law and a dog in a small two-room apartment is unbearable. About the fact that the state pays child benefits. for which you can buy 3 lollipops. About the fact that buckwheat has become more expensive. How long?!

Why is she mumbling?

And everyone owes her. Let, help, give in. Only because she did what every cat does every summer. They're done with their foals!

Why is she childfree?

And also - that she is a barren, selfish and an infantile fool. It would seem that who cares, right? Noooo. There is a matter. Whose children will keep this dragonfly in their old age, huh? Our children! That's the same!

Why is she so smart?

She sits and shows off her doctoral dissertation – she also started twerking. Outhouse jokes are not funny to her, you see. Vaenga’s songs make her ears curl, you see. Well, sit alone then, without an ensemble.

Why is she so stupid?

Quotes from Coelho are a diagnosis. When will the Internet be turned off for these girls, huh?

Why is she discussing women?

The chicken is stupid. He doesn’t have his own life, so he sits on the Internet, writes about fat people, about mothers and about feminists. I feel sorry for her, wretched, of course. But a ray of hatred must be sent. She asked for it herself.

Why doesn't she discuss women?

How special we are, please tell us! She's taller than that, look! Well, let her go out to drink coffee alone. And after the corporate party we’ll all go to the bar, but we won’t invite her. She's boring, there's nothing to talk to her about - that's it. And two - she called us gossips, girls!

What is she anyway?

Yes! What is she all about?!

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You admire your friend's ring again - she has been dating her lover for only six months, and he has already proposed to her. But your relationship never even reaches the third date, not to mention the fact that no one offers you marriage. And you constantly ask yourself: “why don’t men love me?” Why do men carry some women in their arms, but do not pay attention to others?

I want to get married, but the relationship ends quickly

The obsessive desire to get married can scare men away. Even if he completely shares your views on life, he prefers to make decisions himself. In addition, men often worry that their partner wants to get married because it’s supposed to be so, all their friends are already married, and their parents demand grandchildren, and not for the sake of living together with him.

A man should take care of a woman, but he shows no interest in me

Forget about the word should. Men value their independence very much. If he feels that his freedom in the relationship will be limited, your romance will never continue. One of the main problems of many women is that they place too many demands on a potential candidate.

I try to dress brighter, but men are in no hurry to get acquainted

There is an opinion that men like beautiful women. So it is, but with a small caveat - beautiful and well-groomed, and not beautiful and provocative. When dressing up for men, the main thing is not to overdo it - an overly bright and vulgar outfit will only lead a man to have ambiguous thoughts about where you work. Such women scare men away, and they try to stay away from them.

The men I talk to don't want relationships

In fact, of course, they are needed. A normal, accomplished man wants a relationship - they value comfort in the home, regular sex and having a close and understanding person nearby. But in order for a man to decide on a relationship, you need to meet his criteria. Learn to be an interesting conversationalist and a promising partner in the eyes of men.

Men pay attention to other women, but not to me

Have you noticed that other women around you are literally basking in attention from men, but you hardly get any of it. Most likely, the fact is that they consider themselves attractive and sexy - it is this confidence in themselves and in their merits that attracts men like a magnet.

I can't get a man interested on the first date

Pay attention to what you say in a meeting with him and how well you listen. Tell him about what you like, about your hobbies and work - let him know that you are a serious and interesting woman. Do not ask a man how much he earns and how - this will establish you as a mercantile person who wants to ensure a comfortable existence for himself.

Men like stupid women, but trying to act like a fool leads nowhere

Stupid women are liked only by insecure men, or those who only want to satisfy their sexual desires. If you want a serious man, you need to interest him. Men love women who strive to achieve something in life and are interested not only in themselves.

I don't know where to meet an interesting man

Today you can meet a decent man almost anywhere. If you are hesitant to approach a man at a party, find places where your potential partners hang out - for example, enroll in a programming course, a motorcycle school, or take up any extreme sport. Finding a common language in a relaxed atmosphere is much easier.

Ask your friends to introduce you to their acquaintances who may be a suitable match for you - there will probably be many interesting men among them.

And finally, the Internet provides enormous opportunities - today the easiest way to meet someone is online. If you are not confident in yourself and are embarrassed to talk to a man “live”, try starting a dialogue with the man you like online.

I can't meet a man on my own

If you lack self-confidence and you don’t dare approach the man you’re interested in yourself, arrange for him to approach you himself. Try to attract his attention - straighten your back, make sure your movements are graceful, and carry yourself with dignity. Smile at him, hold your gaze on him - this way he will understand that you are interested in him, and it will be easier for him to decide on specific actions. Remember that men can be insecure too.

I don't find myself attractive enough

To attract an interesting man, you need to love yourself. Treat yourself with love and respect, stand up for your principles in life and don’t settle for less than you deserve. Engage in self-improvement - acquiring new skills, expanding your horizons and working on yourself will help you feel more confident in your own abilities and attractive - men will definitely feel and appreciate this.

I'm an inferior man.
I have a lot of advantages and I'm even cute. But I don’t have that same animal magnetism at all. I am deprived of sexuality. They put me up as an example to others and all that. But women don't love me.
I'm lonely. This is my frustration that I can't overcome.
Every day I want to live less and less. I'm already drowning in self-hatred. Today I woke up and realized that hatred was pouring over the edge. I hate the whole world.
I'm in pain.
I want to die. Every time I try, but my inner core holds me. This is not how people should die.
But I don’t know how much longer I can hold out. There is a noose at home. Just in case...
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Guazimodo, age: 26 / 06/21/2016


Who defined this, about animal magnetism? This is all very relative, time flies, you see, by the age of thirty, those who possessed animal magnetism will turn into fat bald guys and violent aunts. 26 years is also a kind of transitional age, from youth to youth. there is a reassessment of values, the girls understand that they are no longer carefree young beauties, it’s time for them to arrange their lives and look for a reliable man to play the role of husband, sexy macho men are not suitable for her. It is precisely at this age that it turns out that men of a type like you are the best option for family life. in fact, many people look around at their peers and fit themselves into this framework: everyone has girlfriends, but I don’t, everyone has families, but I don’t. but in fact, everyone has their own path. if you are a believer, try to ask God for help, all the best to you

Anna, age: 49 / 06/21/2016

Who told you that some kind of animal magnetism is needed?! It is quite enough to simply be neat, polite, unobtrusive, kind, able to help and support. Smile more often and don’t have complexes. You are no worse than other men. Maybe we came across the wrong women who only need flirting instead of family life. Don't despair! Don't die! Everything will still be fine!

Irina, age: 28 / 06/21/2016

Please throw out the noose. Who told you that you are deprived of sexuality??? This is such a multifaceted concept, for each its own. Do you think that if women don’t pay attention to you now, then life is over? In vain... Moreover, you have a core, and therefore character. Decency, courtesy and tenderness will not push a girl away, but on the contrary, will bring her closer.

Relax, age: 38 / 06/21/2016

My dear, have you ever heard that women love with their ears? This is the main thing for us. It's not magnetism. Maybe you only choose girls who have model appearance and are very arrogant? Should we pay attention to the more modest ones? You will succeed.

Veronica, age: 33 / 06/21/2016

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When my colleagues talk about some “spirited pretty girl” in my presence, I have to make the remark: “Do you know that it is not good to praise some women in the presence of other women?” So I put them in their place. And indeed, who knows, if men were a little more tactful, the level of competition in sorority might be a little lower.

Men complain that the basis of female hostility is a sense of competition. If so, then jokes directed at oneself can be regarded as a compliment, because people have a desire to compete in relation to those whom they consider no worse than themselves. Otherwise, why then strive to surpass a person whose merits you don’t even think about? On the other hand, not everything is so simple, and behind hostility towards other girls lies not always the dream of being better in everything.

Women's lack of solidarity

The manner in which you share your achievements is an important aspect in women’s relationships. How jealously you perceive your friends’ successes largely depends on how they present them. You can report a promotion at work after the fact, or you can describe in vivid colors how the boss was choking on praise for your merits. You can talk about a neighbor in love with humor, or you can regularly present detailed reports about his suffering. This is not about false modesty or about downplaying your strengths. This is more of a story about tact.

Do not rush to doubt the sincerity of your friendly feelings if your friend’s successes do not make you happy. Instead of hired smiles, it is better to openly say that her dedication in work or lack of laziness in caring for herself is worthy of respect.

Got along in character

It also happens that you notice your own traits in your friend. And although you are quite pleased with these traits in yourself, in the character of another girl they cause irritation. “Sveta can be capricious,” Inna says about her classmate. — Sometimes she doesn’t respond to messages or is silent for a minute or two before answering a question. If she doesn’t like something, she will always do it her way. She’s demanding, and since we’re both like that, it’s difficult for the two of us.”

Communication with a girl who is somewhat similar to you is an opportunity to look at your behavior from the outside. Surely she also notices that you both have character, and is also not ready to adapt. Don't try to outdo her in harmfulness. And if she is clearly going too far, tell her about it or interrupt your communication for a while. And look who can't stand it first.


She is 26 years old and does not have a single day of work on her resume. Her son is now in his fourth year, and for the fourth year now she has been reposting to groups about children’s motor skills and educational games. My son scatters pasta on the floor, and she, touching him and annoying me, says that I deserve more than the job of an assistant. I consider profession to be the key component in life, and family. I talk about looking for a new position, and she talks about queues in kindergartens. We have different everything: from opinions to the ability to understand housekeeping. And most importantly, we laugh at different things.

When her actions don’t make you respect her, and her jokes don’t make you want to at least smile, when you don’t want to meet her, and if you do meet her, then you have nothing to talk about, the best thing you can do is not talk at all.

Look at yourself

Think about it if the successes of other girls spoil your mood. This is a signal that something is going wrong in your life. If you are sad that a colleague has been promoted, but you have been working in the same place for several years, your job probably does not bring you joy. If you are offended that someone else was given a huge bouquet, take a closer look at your man. Perhaps he is not attentive enough to you.

I had the chance to meet Nastya at work. Very pretty, she got on my nerves with her excessive spontaneity. She grabbed other people’s glasses and tried them on without asking, expressed her delight at the gifted souvenir vigorously, and at a historical exhibition she was photographed exclusively wearing long gloves. And I was always ashamed of her, so loud and too sociable. And apparently for good reason: I myself am often encouraged for no apparent reason: “Don’t be sad, everything will be fine!” Relatives say this is due to a dissatisfied expression on his face.

The best cure for love for men is time, and for dislike for women - a rich life, in which your talent is revealed to the maximum, and the merits of your appearance are correctly emphasized. The main thing is to manage your resources correctly. And you should pay attention to other girls only in two cases: if you have something to learn from them or if you are a man. The second, I think, is excluded.

According to the LMS theory, male attractiveness consists of three components: Looks, Money, Status (appearance, money, status). The authors of the theory “isolated” only these three most important components from the observable world. Please note that the behavior, actions, and personality of a man are not assessed, and this is absolutely correct. There is a myth that supposedly women take his personality into account when choosing a man, but this is an unsubstantiated myth.

Well, this myth is strong only because women themselves also believe in it. They believe because it is more unpleasant for women than for men to realize that they are animals, so they invented and believe that they make choices not exactly the same as females of other animals. Females of other animals really do not take into account personality and actions, but a woman supposedly does, and therefore is not an animal that is different. Allegedly :)

But the most interesting thing is why there are three components, and why they are exactly like that. My post will be about this.

When a man is looking for a woman, he pays attention only to her appearance and nothing else. Yes, men are also very inclined to deceive themselves, supposedly he is able to take something else into account when choosing. But as observations show, no. A man selects women solely based on their appearance. Some men are convinced that they take into account the woman’s personality and how she will behave with him. But in fact, it all comes down to the banal “I need her not to irritate me too much and give me enough for free” :) That is, this does not apply at all to the attractiveness of a woman for him - it relates more to the price for the “product” than to the quality the "product" itself. Let me note that in my worldview, the sexual and marriage market is a market and a man is also a “commodity” there.

Therefore, when a man observes women’s choices, as a rule, it is either not entirely clear to him, or he understands the choice completely incorrectly. If a woman is with a handsome guy, then everything is clear, she values ​​the same thing as him, and therefore it’s clear to him. But when the same woman leaves the handsome man and goes to the rich man, it is no longer clear to him, and he prefers to invent to himself “she is with him for the money, they are all prostitutes,” and he is mistaken. And this is only a consequence of the defensive reactions of the male psyche, since any poor man really does not want to admit that rich men are simply genetically better than him, this is again a blow to self-esteem, and in order to avoid it, he deceives himself by allegedly observing banal prostitution. Although this may indeed be banal prostitution sometimes, in most cases it is not.

And it’s even more incomprehensible to a man when he watches a woman leave this rich man in order to go to an ugly, not rich, but high-status guy. This is something that just doesn’t fit in his head anymore. I will help you understand these observations of yours.

As we see, men and women do not choose each other equally. Men are only interested in a woman’s appearance (and even more precisely, in the quality of a woman’s genome, which is assessed only by appearance because there is simply no other way), and women are interested in a man’s appearance, money and status. Moreover, in most cases, women’s interest in a man’s money is not (domestic) prostitution and does not even have anything in common with it. Simply put, a woman with boobs is better than a woman without boobs, just as a man with money is better (stronger) than men without money (weak). The strong devours the weak, which in our world rather means squeezing out money, both through legal means and not so much (women don’t care about the way of making money at all, anyone will do).

Why are they different?

There is such a cool status - general. And there is an equally cool status - the wife of a general. There are thousands of times fewer unmarried millionaires than wives of millionaires. And so on. The fact is that social status is many times more likely to pass from man to woman, rather than from woman to man. Well, and even more obviously - money. It is no secret to you that women with children are many times more likely to be supported by a man than men with children. Despite the fact that you can get money and social status from a woman, including billions of dollars from a woman (Jeremy Meeks, hello!), a man is still not inclined to consider such benefits, he does not even look for them. It's just not cool for a man to receive money from a woman, he can't be proud of it. For women, on the contrary, if she bought an expensive thing for herself, she usually lies that a man allegedly gave it to her.

The appearance does not pass on to anyone (well, except for children). If a woman dates a handsome man, then she will not become more beautiful. The opposite is also true. But money and social status are divided. It was “yours”, it became “ours” - her very first goal.

That's why a man seeks beauty, and a woman seeks beauty, money and status, all in one man. Ideally or in dreams. That is, if a woman definitely needs a rich man (let’s say she’s beautiful), this doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like him. This does not mean that she will deceive him and fuck him, it does not mean that she will not like sex or communication with him, rather, on the contrary, she will only like him more. That his appearance doesn’t make him important, by the way.

And everything is arranged this way because it serves the main and ultimate goal - reproduction. Even if both a man and a woman do not even think about reproduction, the rules of the game still do not change. Sexual desire for both sexes is strongest where the most efficient reproduction is offered.

Ultimate Goal

Appearance communicates precisely the quality of the genome. This is why both sexes care so much about appearance. Simply put, appearance is most strongly correlated with genomic health. The most beautiful people have the least number of faulty genes and genome deviations from the norm, so their children are the healthiest on average. Since the ultimate goal is still reproduction, a woman, with her sexual desire, cannot ignore the quality of appearance (read “genes”) of a man. A man's appearance remains important no matter how cool or rich he is. A woman’s appearance remains not the main thing, but the only thing, since she still won’t give her money and status; she usually simply doesn’t have these benefits.

There is no need to confuse money and status. For two men of equal social status, financial incomes can differ thousands of times. Yes, there is a correlation, a high-status man usually has a high income, but not absolutely always. The difference can be very big.

A handsome man offers a woman high-quality genes, and therefore high-quality healthy children, which is extremely important for a woman, even if she is not planning children at all and is not thinking about it. It's something subconsciously "instinctive" to love tall, handsome men. Free of charge :)

A rich man offers a woman high-quality provision for her offspring, and therefore this will also affect the quality of her offspring (will there be enough money for all of them to go to university later? Will he get millions if the child needs surgery? and so on). The social status of a man is inherited very well in the modern world too. And this is also a high-quality future for the offspring. Think for yourself, who is easier to become a millionaire, the son of a shepherd from the village or the conditional grandson of Putin? In order not to delve into political matters, I will note that it will be much easier for Putin’s conditional grandson to become one even without resorting to any corrupt methods.

The more efficient reproduction a woman offers (including completely unintentionally), the more we want her. A beauty without any visible special defects contains genes without any special defects, which means that the offspring will also be at least half without any special defects. That's why men want beauties - the best survival rate of offspring is from beauties.

But a woman would want more than just beauty from a man. A man's wealth increases the likelihood of offspring survival, a man's social status also increases the likelihood of offspring survival, and more money means better genes (stronger he means than average men), due to these two points (better for the offspring both in terms of the genes passed on and according to capabilities) with equal appearance, a richer man evokes more sexual desire in a woman. As well as a more status man. Which of these three do women want most sexually would be an incorrect question, because women rather want a balance of the three components, closing all the holes :)

That's why we don't see the most beautiful women among the richest men. That's why we don't see the most beautiful women in the most beautiful men. That's why we don't see the most beautiful women among the most status-conscious men. The theory fits perfectly, because we see the most beautiful women in such “balanced” men, when out of the three components he has more than average. And his appearance is more attractive than average (even if he’s not handsome), and his income is above average (even if he’s not rich) and his position in society is enviable (even if he’s not a star) - for some reason such a balanced man ends up being hunted by women, including the most beautiful ones . Actually, the most beautiful one gets it.

Well, about the status

It is a mistake to think that social status is just some stupid show-off and nothing more, and supposedly it is not important for the survival of the offspring. I'll correct it.

Digging into the very depths of the process, you will find that ultimately women are not even interested in status, but in a man’s ability to gain access to resources (“a man should be a breadwinner” - this is what they realize).

Well, for example, “Soul of the Company”. A man who is the life of the party is more attractive to women than an ordinary man. We have long noticed and know this. But why then doesn’t the woman who is the soul of the company become more attractive? The fact is that resources can be personal and general (group, so to speak). A man's ability to join a new group and become a member of the group (to become stronger, the group is stronger than one) also means gaining access to the common resources of the group. That is, the “life of the party” is more attractive because it is easier for him to get money when he needs it. Who finds it easier to feed their children, the one who has many friends willing to help in difficult times, or the one who has no friends? If a man has just been given an expensive gift with the signature “As a sign of respect,” then it is easy to understand that such a man can easily feed all his offspring.

Therefore, social status is what we see, the surface. The female’s “instinct” is not interested in the status itself, but in the man’s ability to obtain resources (this is his most direct and main responsibility according to his biological program). Therefore, women tend to consider all poor men as cowardly weaklings, and any rich man as tough and strong. Since they tend to judge by the result, whoever took more money is stronger. Well, girls, as they say, love winners. Losing weaklings, due to defensive reactions of the psyche, try to hide the truth from themselves, “They don’t like me because I’m an ugly weakling,” instead, they fool themselves a la “They’re all prostitutes and just fools” :)

Well, about balance

Let me remind you that the Western theory of LMS says that it’s all a mess of the sum of points, which is definitely not true. It's more of a set of filters and minimum requirements. That is, a woman wants all three components at the same time with some minimum limits (filters) for each of them. That is, the man of her dreams should not be the most handsome, he should be ENOUGH handsome (that is, no worse than some limit for the quality of appearance). He doesn't have to be the richest, he has to be rich ENOUGH. It's the same with status. Yes, a woman can think and even say that she is looking for such and such, but her behavior does not confirm this. When along the way she encounters a man who has all three components sufficiently, her legs simply spread apart automatically. Despite all the stupid beliefs that she believes in there. However, men’s beliefs about sexual selection are even more stupid than women’s. Which is not surprising, since women carry out a more complex, sort of three-dimensional sexual selection of men (in three components), and men carry out a simpler selection.

An apt analogy

A couple of times I was able to come up with good analogies. A man mistakenly views a man's appearance and a man's money as something separate and unrelated. Which is not true. Simply put, grandmothers speak about the genetic quality of a man, and his appearance says the same. But let's make an analogy.

Let's divide a woman into body and face :) What is more important, body or face? :) If you say “body”, then imagine a woman with a perfect body and a disgusting face - and... you don’t need that anymore. You kind of "filter" her out because of her face. There is no “sufficient” quality. On the contrary, it’s the same, with a beautiful face and a disgusting body, you don’t need her like that either. This is how we divided a woman into 2 parts, body and face, and in the same way women divide a man into 3 parts: appearance, money, status. Moreover, younger girls do not yet differentiate between money and status; they perceive it as one thing, like “cool”. That is, they see a man in two parts: looks and coolness. Later, with life experience closer to 22 years old, she will already clearly distinguish between status and money and not mix them together. And not consciously, but unconsciously.

This is not surprising. It is not surprising that this comes only with life experience. After all, even our concept of beauty is also brought up by the experience of observation, we are not born with the concept of beauty, who is beautiful and who is not, we learn by observing people in childhood. To put it more scientifically: the number of megabytes in the human genome is simply not enough to describe the concept of beautiful appearance. There is not enough “disk space”, so people only develop the concept of beauty, coolness, respect and other things after birth. Everything that could not enter the genome.

Therefore, if a very young girl does not get wet from cool guys with big money and big dicks... then this is only because she is very young. With experience, she develops the same general programs of what kind of men she should want (for example, she will understand that society’s respect for a man correlates with his wealth and other achievements).

Well, in the best traditions, I appeal to those beggars who are accustomed to blaming others for all their failures: in quite many cases, men are beggars because they are cowardly weaklings, and the reason is precisely this (and not the government is to blame), and women do not like them because they are all fools and prostitutes, and because by nature it is harmful for a woman to love cowardly weaklings, because such a person will not protect the offspring. Such men will not agree with me, since their defensive reaction of the psyche will again invite them to believe in the version “I’m not a weakling, it’s just that they’re all stupid prostitutes,” which seems to be much more pleasant and comfortable than the truth, which stings the eye.

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Is there love at first sight: the opinion of psychologists Dispute whether there is love at first sight
I walked, I saw... and I fell in love. A love that really couldn’t and shouldn’t happen. This...