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Useful tips for every day. For everyone and about everything Useful tips on all sorts of topics

Simple but wise advice for every day. By following the recommendations below every day, you can fill your body with energy and maintain vitality if you try to adhere to these simple rules (well, really, what’s so hard about proper nutrition or daily exercise?). Read and share with others. After all, life experience gives us joy only when we can pass it on to others.


First, pay attention to your daily routine. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, if possible. Each person needs a different number of hours to sleep. By observing yourself, you will find your time. On average, a person needs 6 to 8 hours to recuperate.

Start of the day

Start your morning with a contrast shower or simply wash your face with cool water - this will immediately invigorate you and you will wake up faster after the night. Then drink a glass of water. A dehydrated body needs to replenish fluid reserves for normal metabolism and start working.


It is advisable to start your morning with a healthy breakfast and include citrus fruits. Tea with lemon or rosehip tea brewed the night before. Also pay attention to tonic herbal teas. Don't forget about green tea. It tones very well due to the content of microelements, antioxidants and vitamins.

Fresh air

More fresh air! Ventilate the room more often. You're outside more. Walks in parks, squares, and forests will be very good for you. You will saturate your body with oxygen and air ions, thanks to which you will receive a fresh supply of energy. It will also help you to emotionally detach and relax.

Physical activity

Well, where would we be without her? Exercise supports metabolism and is necessary for our body to develop harmoniously. Don't forget to train him regularly. It’s even better if sports take place in the fresh air and in the company of like-minded people. Jogging with friends cycling, playing with a dog.

Think positively

Pay attention to your mood. Try to approach life with optimism. A good mood allows you to feel happy in everyday affairs and worries. On the contrary, a depressive state takes away a lot of your vitality.

Find something you like

Some people enjoy growing flowers, others like to draw, dance, and read books. Do what makes you happier. Thanks to this, you will relax, be emotionally distracted and rest.

Try meditation

For thousands of years, meditation has been considered a means to improve the mind and body. Today, scientists have proven that meditation not only improves the structure of the brain, but also enhances human energy, prolonging life.

Stop avoiding mistakes
Mistakes are not so scary and there is no need to be afraid of them. The greatest harm that your mistakes can bring you is the fear of making them. Because of it, you can miss a lot of opportunities and never achieve your goals.

Stop trying to do everything yourself
Remember the saying that one head is good, but two are better. Don't hesitate to ask for and accept help when you need it, and you'll get much better results than if you worked alone.

Stop dwelling on the past and focusing on the future
Life is what happens to you in the present moment - here and now, don't miss it. Live in the present! It's so beautiful!

Stop being offended
It’s difficult, but by holding grudges we only make things worse for ourselves. When you forgive someone, you do it not only for the sake of that person, but also for your own sake. Anger and resentment are destructive feelings; they will never allow you to be completely happy.

Stop complaining
Instead of telling others how terrible your life is, take action to fix it.

Stop buying things you don't need
Manage your money wisely, otherwise it will start managing you. Don't waste your time trying to impress others. Remember, you are valuable in yourself, and things are just your frame.

Stop saying "I can't"
Most likely your “I can’t” is your “I don’t want”! By saying “I can’t” we limit our own capabilities, but why?

Stop comparing yourself to others
All people are unique, and everyone is good in their own way. And why be like others? You are unique in the eyes of God and why should you be someone else’s copy?

Stop blaming others
Put yourself in their place, maybe you would do the same? Free yourself from the need to blame others for what you have or don't have, for what you feel or don't feel. Stop wasting your energy and take full responsibility for your life.
But in general, in most cases, we ourselves are to blame, but the defense mechanism of pride is simply triggered, which tries to shift all the blame onto others.

Stop making promises you can't keep
Sooner or later you will pay. It’s better to promise nothing at all than to promise and not do it! “It is better for you not to promise than to promise and not fulfill Ecclesiastes 5:5.”

Stop thinking about bad things
After all, thoughts are material! What you think about happens! Isn't that right?

Stop being jealous
Envy is a great sin, and that says it all! Appreciate what you have and strive for the best! “Do not be jealous of evildoers, do not envy those who do iniquity, 2 for they will soon be cut down like grass and wither like green grass. Trust in the Lord and do good; live on earth and keep the truth. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart Psalm 36."

Stop taking yourself too seriously
Smile and don’t be afraid to make fun of yourself) After all, laughter prolongs life! But you shouldn’t make yourself a laughing stock either.

Stop making decisions based on emotions
Calm down, think and... make a decision for which you will not be ashamed and which you will not regret for the rest of your life.

Stop doing the same thing over and over again
Diversify your life! You have to be versatile and try as many different things as possible, because life is not endless on this sinful earth, but it is so interesting! If you have a dream of going to the sea or visiting beautiful places, then do not limit yourself. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil.4:6,7)

Stop tolerating what doesn't suit you
Just find the strength and change it! No matter how difficult this step may be.

Stop hanging out with people who drag you down
“Whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain!”

Stop trying to control everything
Don't pretend to be God. Believe me, Everything is under control! Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

The Word of God says to cast all care upon the Lord. Please note that it is not just one, but all concerns. It is wonderful to know that the Lord cares about us, sympathizes with our needs and wants to help us.
But sometimes it is so difficult to give your own problems to the Lord. Of course, we say: “Lord, I give You my worries,” but in reality we don’t do that; we keep these worries in our minds, continue to think and talk about them.

Stop paying too little attention to loved ones
Call your parents...

Stop spending all your free time in front of the TV or on the Internet
There are much better, useful things you can do. Develop and don't fade away.

Stop frowning
Smile more often and people will smile at you!

So that a mosquito bite does not bother you and does not cause much inconvenience, you can cover this place with simple nail polish or seal it with tape; the tooth will disappear due to the fact that oxygen will stop flowing.

If you can’t open the packaging of a flash drive or similar packaging, use a regular opener. Nothing will happen to it, and you will preserve your health, nails, teeth, keys, and everything that you usually use to open.

If your mascara has dried out, the best way to revive it is with lens fluid.

If you need to remove excess shine when you are in a club, cafe, bar, restaurant, etc., then take disposable pads in the toilet.

And in wine corks, you can grow small flowers, and not just put them in a jar, as many do.

If you went to another room and the phone remained in the next room, then in order not to miss a call and hear it clearly, put the phone in a deep plate.

If the candle is hard to reach, you can light it with dry pasta or spaghetti.

The disc can be easily restored using a banana.

You can use candy instead of lip gloss. The contents are poured into a plate, diluted with water and applied as convenient as possible to your lips.
Instead of using hair conditioner, try using fabric softener. Well, only if you are not afraid to experiment. The main thing is not to forget to dilute it.

To remove all the small debris from your bag, try using a brush with adhesive tape.

If you don’t like the smell of onion or garlic remaining in the kitchen, then put it on a piece of newspaper. She absorbs odors.

You can use a regular spoon to open the lids on jars. You can simply hit the bottom with your palm, then turn the jar over and then it will open easily.

If you want the flowers to last longer, drop a few drops of vodka into the water and add a pinch of sugar. They say that some tablets thrown into water also help, for example analgin, citramon, and so on.

An ordinary rubber band will help you create a neat French manicure.

The picture does not have to be hung on a string; you can take an opener from a metal can of cola or beer.

If there is a small fire in the kitchen, then don’t worry, cover everything that is burning with soda, no worse than a fire extinguisher.

For those owners whose entire home has been damaged by pets, any cold balm will do.
It’s good if your pet gnaws on one thing. Then there will be less hassle.

If the mirror fogs up after a shower, a hairdryer will help restore it to its previous form.

If after a bowl of hot drinks there are stains on the furniture, then regular mayonnaise will help remove them.

If you don’t like ironing things, but you need to run out urgently, but you don’t have an iron, or you just don’t have time, or you’re too lazy, then spray your clothes with a solution made from water, vinegar and fabric softener.

Is debris accumulating all over your car? Place a container for bulk cereals.

Haven't you tidied up your toilet for a long time and haven't washed it for a long time? Is the toilet already overflowing with dirt and germs? Throw a couple of Alva Bestcera tablets into the toilet, and all the dirt will disappear in just 20 minutes.

Dirt from clothes can be easily washed off using antibacterial hand gel.

If you remember to take dental floss with you on your hike, you can use it to cut cheese.

If wearing shoes in bags is not very convenient and transporting them on a business trip, for example, then put your shoes in a shower cap.

If you get sunburn, tea bags will help you get rid of them. The bags should be infused in boiling water, and then this liquid, soaked on gauze, should be applied to the burned area. You need to be careful not to rub this area.

Again the topic of burns, say goodbye to the old ways, when you instantly grab your earlobe, rinse the burn with cold water or sprinkle the area with soda. Try mustard.

If you don't have time to eat the cheese before it goes moldy, spread it with butter. this way it will not become crusty.

Recently, so-called life hacks, or life tricks (useful tips that make life easier), have gained unprecedented popularity. On the Internet you can find many videos on how to create this or that device designed to make life easier for a modern person. But, as practice shows, in everyday life it is more important to know the simple nuances of cleaning, cooking and maintaining one’s own health than to have the skills to assemble outlandish products. Useful advice for all occasions will be useful to people of all ages, regardless of their social status, level of material income and personal preferences. It is quite possible that you will also learn a lot of interesting things from this modest collection of practical recommendations.

Cleaning the kitchen

  • First of all, you should forget about the habitual paper napkins and towels, as well as cotton rags. They are not only ineffective in removing contaminants, but are also powerless against many bacteria that live in any kitchen. Spare no expense in purchasing special microfiber cloths - they will serve you for a long time, cope even with old or stubborn stains and help cleanse surfaces of germs. Moreover, thanks to the special texture of the fabric, microfiber cloths can remove dirt even without the help of cleaning products. (Good advice from other housewives will suggest another miracle invention -
  • Every day, billions of housewives around the world wash huge mountains of dishes. How to quickly cope with this annoying responsibility? Fill an empty sink with hot, soapy water just before eating and gradually place empty dishes in it. While you are having breakfast, lunch or dinner, dirty plates and cutlery will have time to soak in foam and hot water - it will not be difficult to wash them completely.
  • Everyone knows that this is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. To disinfect your sponge and make it completely safe to use, wring it out every night and microwave it on high for one minute. Throw away your old sponge as soon as you notice an unpleasant odor coming from it.

Cleaning the bathroom

  • It is useful for owners of shower stalls fenced off with special curtains to know the following: if mold stains appear on the curtain, you need to wash it along with several terry towels. This will help scrape off plaque from the canvas. After washing, simply hang the curtain in place - it will dry quickly.
  • After washing your hair, do you find a lot of fallen hairs on the floor? To avoid picking them up one by one, wet a wad of toilet paper and swipe it across the floor every morning.
  • Make the most of the time children spend in the bathroom before bed. While they play with other toys, wipe down the mirrors, clean the toilet, and throw away any accumulated debris. After preparing your child for bed, quickly clean the bathtub and sink, and wipe the floor. The bathroom is clean!

How to sweep the floor correctly

Often, useful tips for every day are quite specific: some authors offer sophisticated cleaning methods, others offer unique methods for getting rid of the ubiquitous dust. Meanwhile, not all housewives know how to properly perform ordinary household chores - for example, how to sweep the floor in such a way as to completely get rid of dirt and at the same time reduce the effort required.

  • The simplest recommendation determines the cleaning order: you should always start from the very top and finish with cleaning the floor. Thus, all dust and any debris, including crumbs from the kitchen table, will end up either on a rag or on the floor, and they should be removed from it last. Although useful tips for every day are quite obvious, not everyone adheres to them and therefore spends much more time and effort on cleaning than required.
  • Inside living areas, the floors are swept with brooms with finer bristles to successfully remove even the smallest dirt. In your yard, you can use brooms and brooms with thicker, stiffer bristles to help clean porous surfaces.
  • When cleaning with a broom or broom, hold the handle like a canoe oar: with one hand at the very top and the other in the middle. It is useful to know that for the best effect you need to move your hands in opposite directions. Start from the outer sides and corners of the room and sweep dust and debris towards the center - it will be easier to collect and remove it there.
  • Store brushes and brooms with the bristles facing up, resting on their handles. This way you will quickly find the thing you need and can keep your stubble in perfect order.
  • Choose your scoop carefully. Ideally, it should have a rubber edge - then you will no longer have to deal with the annoying strip of dust that remains after each stroke of the broom.

Cleaning the bedroom

To ensure your bedroom always looks neat, follow these helpful tips for housewives. Make your bed first thing every morning. If you do, immediately after waking up, pull the blanket up to your chin and carefully, sideways, get out of bed so that it is half tucked. Before leaving the room, finish what you started.

Storing things

  • Most women's closets are filled to capacity with clothes that no one wears, and as a result, housewives have to clutter the surfaces of their bedside tables with things that simply no longer fit on the closet shelves. Declutter your clutter, get rid of clothes you haven't worn in a year, and promise yourself to immediately go through freshly laundered items every week.
  • The most effective and useful tips for every day come down to one principle: stick to minimalism. Get a wicker basket, a polyester trunk or a large plastic box, put an interesting book, moisturizer, knitting or anything else you prefer to do while lying down. Leave only your alarm clock, night light, and a pack of tissues on your bedside table.


  • Many life hacks (they are also life tricks; useful tips that make life easier) are based on replacing some means with others. If you use fabric softener when washing, then you have probably already noticed that terry towels, after being treated with conditioner, lose their ability to absorb moisture well. To prevent this negative effect, add a quarter cup of white vinegar to the washing machine during the rinse stage or throw a couple of new, clean tennis balls into the dryer. These measures will help get rid of static electricity and soften the fabric.
  • Almost everything can be washed in cold water - this is a big plus for maintaining the environment. However, only use the hottest water possible when washing sheets, towels and underwear. Panties and bras should be dried immediately to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

  • Psychologists advise measuring the time it takes you to complete a certain household chore. If you know exactly how many minutes you spend on a particular task, it will be easier and more enjoyable for you to do it. It's surprising but true: most household chores only take ten minutes.
  • Try on the machine principle of multitasking, that is, with a clear conscience, combine business with pleasure. While enjoying an exciting telephone conversation with your best friend, you can fold laundry, fluff pillows, collect books and magazines scattered around the apartment, wash dishes, sweep or dust.
  • The author of the “Flying Housewives” method gives good useful advice for all occasions. And one of the best recommendations is to identify in time the so-called hot spots - places where garbage and trash most often accumulate. The rubble can be anything: a mountain of papers, a warehouse of scattered toys, or a pile of things that came from nowhere - dismantle the “hotspots” immediately, since one thing lying out of place attracts a dozen of the same things.
  • Get a beautiful vintage style box or buy a regular plastic container with a lid. It will be convenient to put there randomly found elements of children's puzzles and construction sets, nuts that appeared out of nowhere, lost buttons and similar small items. Once you need such an item, you will know where to look for it.


  • According to the results of recent studies, it has been revealed that drinking oolong tea in the amount of three cups per day significantly alleviates the symptoms of mild eczema: oolong tea contains health-improving polyphenols.
  • Headaches caused by overexertion can be relieved with peppermint oil or a special balm containing menthol. The medicine is rubbed into the temples.
  • If you suffer from chronic fatigue and are regularly overtired, forget about endless cups of coffee and extra sleep. Surprisingly, but true: if you do a couple of simple physical exercises or just take a short walk in the fresh air, you will have a significant increase in strength.

The right diet

  • Helpful tips for life include practical advice on proper nutrition. So, for example, if you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), try adding potassium to your diet, which lowers sodium levels and promotes healthy heart muscle. This element is found in bananas and oranges.
  • Don’t be afraid to add more garlic and onions to your main dishes - fresh, fried, stewed. Both products have antiviral and antibacterial properties. In addition, they improve immunity.
  • Some good advice can be gleaned from alternative medicine. Thus, Ayurveda suggests drinking teas with the medicinal herb tulsi (aka holy basil), as this natural herbal component reduces the level of cortisol in the blood and thereby relieves stress.
  • If you have dry skin, eat more avocados. The unique fruit is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which are very important for skin health. You can add avocado to salads and sandwiches. Gourmets even make smoothies out of them.

  • For an acute migraine, drink a full glass of water - one of the causes of headaches can be dehydration.
  • If you have problem skin, choose lotions and soaps containing calendula extract. Medicinal flowers are known for their antiseptic properties.
  • If you have indigestion, drink a cup of mint tea immediately after eating. Mint has a choleretic effect and promotes rapid digestion of food. However, this medicinal plant should be used with caution if you are prone to heartburn.
  • If you have intestinal bloating, chew and swallow half a teaspoon. A similar recommendation is given by any book of useful health-related tips: fennel (dill) is available, inexpensive and absolutely harmless - it’s not for nothing that even newborn babies are given so-called “dill water” to relieve colic.

April 15th, 2016

Do you have a snag on your clothes, a button that has come off, and you can’t zip up the back of your dress? These helpful tips will help you deal with these minor annoyances.

1. To make it easier to thread a needle, first apply some nail polish or hairspray on it.

2. If you have a small hole in your T-shirt, It’s better not to sew it up, but to glue it.

Apply a little glue to the edges of the hole and use your fingers or tweezers to close it.

3. Get rid of puffs hiding them with a needle and thread.

Pr put the needle through the loop of the tie and tie the thread to the tie. Then find the base of the puff and pull the needle and thread to the wrong side to hide the thread.

4. Master simple method for mending a ripped seam.

5. Roll up your sleeves before putting on your shirt to make it look neater.

6. Quickly attach the loose button, using a paperclip or clamp.

Only use this trick on knitted items where you can easily thread a paper clip through.

7. If your jeans are too tight in the waist, the following temporary measure will help - attach the elastic to the button.

8. Even an old-fashioned T-shirt will look fashionable if tuck her into jeans.

Place your index finger in the center of the edget-shirts. Twist the edge around your finger twice and tuck it into your waistband.

9. Fasten the broken zipper using key rings.

10. Lighter rear zipper fasten with ribbon and paper clip.

If the fastener hole is large enough, you don't necessarily need to use a paperclip. Simply thread a long enough ribbon or string to secure the clasp.

11. To smooth out wrinkled T-shirts, hang them in the bathroom while you shower.

This is convenient when you need to quickly get ready for work in the morning and don't have time to iron. If you don't have an iron nearby, you can spray some water on your clothes and hang them up to dry overnight.

12. To dry clothes faster, wrap them in a towel and lightly stamp them down so that it absorbs excess moisture.

This method is convenient when you are traveling or need to dry several items quickly.

13. To quickly repair shoes with superglue, add a drop of water to it.

Supreglue can be used to repair soles. However, you often have to wait until the glue dries. Since water acts as a catalyst for superglue, it will help it set faster.

14. Heat a nail to make a hole in the belt.

Hold the nail with pliers and apply heat. Once the nail is hot, point it at the belt and add a hole.

15. Learn quickly fold t-shirts.

16. Seal the worn out sole with bicycle tire repair kit.

17. To get rid of unpleasant odors ingrained in fitness clothing, first soak or wash them with vinegar.

18. To get rid of odors in shoes, place them inside antistatic wipes before you put it on.

19. To keep your shoes from washing out longer, ask your shoe repair specialist to add metal plates for the toe and heel of shoes.

20. To prevent textile shoes from getting wet, wax it.

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