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The full meaning of the name Alina. How to build relationships. What does Alina sound like in different languages?

Short form of the name Alina. Alinka, Lina, Alya, Ala, Adya, Lin, Line, Alli, Ali.
Synonyms for the name Alina. Alina, Aliina.
Origin of the name Alina. The name Alina is Russian, German, Catholic.

The name Alina translated from Latin means “other”, “stranger”. The name is also common in Scandinavia, where it is considered a form of the name Adeline, meaning "noble", "magnanimous", "majestic". The name Adeline has French and German roots, so the name Alina is related to the names Aline, Adele, Adelaide.

In Slavic countries, the name is associated with the word “scarlet” and artistic images of Scarlet Sails and the Scarlet Flower, that is, with the expectation of happiness and hope. In Christian baptism, Alina is given the name Angelina, less often - Alla. Also given the name Elena.

There are other versions of the interpretation of the name Alina. There is a possibility that Alina is a form of the Latin name Albina, and translated (from the Latin “albus”) means “white, fair, fair-haired.” In Scotland, the name Alina is interpreted as “honest” and used as a paired name to the name Alistair, and in Greece – “ray of sunshine” (as one of the affectionate addresses to Elena). The diminutive term Lina is also an independent name.

The name Alina sounds very soft and tempting, but do not be deceived. Alinas are very irritable, capricious, stubborn and impudent. They do not tolerate any comments, and everything should be just the way they want. Alinas have conflicts and find it very difficult to find contact with others. In childhood, her negative traits are especially noticeable, but with age they soften. Alina can find the strength to control herself, but only if this is her interest.

Alina is proud and strives to command. Stubbornness, intolerance, and the ability to go from one extreme to another make her not a very pleasant companion and a very unreliable friend. Many people find her cunning and inflexible; whatever she thinks, she will definitely express it.

But Alina also has advantages. She has a good memory, she grasps everything on the fly. She has creative abilities and loves to draw. Alina is so capable and can sometimes channel her stubbornness into a peaceful direction. She is suitable for professions that require persistence in achieving goals and hard work. Engineers, musicians, athletes, doctors, journalists, actresses. Alina works in different areas, but the above are the most advantageous for such a complex and very difficult character of this woman.

Alinas are getting married a little late. The older they get, the more intolerant they are of interference in their personal lives - and it doesn’t matter who interferes, their mother-in-law or their own mother. But what attracts men to Alina is her ability to present herself as a superwoman to a man. But he will remain under this impression for as long as Alina wants, until she shows herself in all her glory. Alina always tries to look attractive, she has taste, she is always up to date with the latest fashion trends. She can create a unique outfit out of almost nothing and never forgets to turn everyone's attention to her. He also likes to brag about his culinary achievements.

Sound. Alina is a short name in which all consonants are voiced. Beauty is its most noticeable characteristic. Almost always they also note the tenderness (87%), mystery (83%) and strength (78%) of the sound of the name. Sometimes a certain femininity is also discerned in it (84%). The names most similar in phonosemantic profile are Snezhana, Ksenia and Ulyana.

Alina's birthday

Alina celebrates her name day on March 23, April 26, May 29, June 14, June 16, July 2, August 4, September 29.

Famous people named Alina

  • Alina Kabaeva (Russian rhythmic gymnast)
  • Alina Sharigo (wife of the French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir)
  • Alina Moradei ((born 1928) Italian film actress)
  • Alina Vitukhnovskaya (Russian poetess)
  • Alina Grosu (Ukrainian pop singer; the only Ukrainian singer who has been working on the professional stage since the age of 4)
  • Alina Alexandra Dumitru (Romanian judoka)
  • Alina Zagitova ((born 2002) Russian figure skater (singles). Winner of Olympic gold in 2018, multiple winner and winner of various medals at world-level competitions. She became the first figure skater from Russia to win all titles in world figure skating.)
  • Alina Fernandez (daughter of Fidel Castro)
  • Alina Pogostkina (German violinist of Russian origin)
  • Alina Yanowska (Polish actress, participant in the Warsaw Uprising)
  • Alina (a character from the novel “Alina, Queen of Golconda” by J.-S. Bouflé, which served as the basis for the libretto of the opera of the same name by G. Donizetti)
  • Alina Duval ((1824 - 1903) French theater actress)
  • Andrea Alina Vergara (Argentine ice hockey player)
  • Alina Gut (Polish politician)
  • Alina Dunaevskaya (famous singer, as well as the author of her songs, dancer, actress and model. Actively participates in joint projects with other artists. In 2010 and 2011, she undertook a European tour together with singer Tarja Turunen.)

Willfulness, energy and originality distinguish those with the name Alina. The name Alina began to be widely used recently: its popularity began to grow only in the 80s, at the moment it ranks at the top of the thirty most popular names for newborns.

The influence a word has depends directly on what it means and how it came to be. Unfortunately, the exact origin is difficult to establish. Therefore, a person’s fate depends on what meaning the parents intended when naming the child, and which of the possible meanings they associated the name with at baptism.

In one version, the word comes from a Franco-German root associated with the name Adeline; according to another version, it is of Latin origin. In the Slavic tradition, the meaning is associated with the adjective “scarlet”.

Many claim that the origin is Muslim/Tatar, but Arabic language experts dismiss this possibility. Although Tatar origin is excluded (there is no this name in Islam, but there is a male analogue), it is often used in Tatar families, which may be why the opinion arose that Alina is a Tatar or Muslim name.

If the child's full name given at baptism was not Alina, but Adeline, the meaning of the name Alina should be considered in connection with its Franco-German origin. Then Alina will be a form for the name Adeline, which translates as “noble”, “majestic”.

However, this does not happen often, and usually the Russian name Alina means the Latin “stranger”. Sometimes parents are guided by the concept of “beauty,” associated with the adjective “scarlet,” which has original Russian roots.

The fate of a girl and her character greatly depend on the first years of her life, because the meaning of the name Alina leaves a unique imprint on its bearers - in particular, it is difficult for a child to understand closeness and gain trust in relatives.

In addition, the name Alina is one of those that is almost always used in its full form and does not change when addressed as a diminutive. This means that the character will be very strong, so the child must be taught to adapt to circumstances, and not just break them. However, Alina has diminutive forms (Alinochka, Lina, Alya), and it is better to call her by them more often in childhood in order to make her more flexible to the conditions of the world.

Personality qualities

The child is distinguished by a complex character, it is determined by the meaning of the name Alina, since at the initial stage of development it is difficult for her to establish a strong connection with her environment.

Parents are required to be patient and persistent, to show the girl the boundaries of her rights. Alina’s fate will turn out especially well if her parents (or she herself at a conscious age) reveal the positive aspects of self-control.

Alina is very similar to her father, inherits his character, this hides the secret of her fighting qualities. If parents are choosing a name for their child for baptism, they should think about whether they will be able to put up with a whole range of contradictory qualities of the girl:

  • Waywardness.
  • Reluctance to submit to authority.
  • Iron will.

Indirectly or explicitly, all these qualities are contained in the meaning of the name Alina. But to them are added, of course, positive ones:

  • Determination.
  • A sharp mind that develops quickly.
  • Independence.
  • Charm.
  • Insight (truly magical!).

As a teenager, Alina finds it difficult to get along with a group of women; the company of boys suits her for communication. She often conflicts with both her peers and elders, since the meaning of the name Alina is “stranger”; it seems that she hides antagonism towards those who have not yet earned her trust. She treats those who have earned trust very tenderly and attentively.

To avoid conflicts, adults should not impose anything on the girl; she is able to perceive new information very vividly and draw deep conclusions when there is no coercion. The secret of this name is that it can both amaze with its sharpness and heal any wound with tenderness.

With age, the girl's character will become softer, and her amazing intellectual abilities will allow her to choose any area of ​​application of her powers. If Alina has learned to control herself well, she will be able to succeed in psychology or working with public opinion; any secret of a person is quickly revealed thanks to Alina’s insight, and she knows how to influence people.

Marriage and love

Serious relationships usually start late. If a girl does not decide to choose the birth and raising of a child as her life’s work, her fate is more often connected with concentration on some idea, with the desire for something great.

Alina is suitable for a man with pronounced masculine qualities: pressure, responsibility, strength, dominance - she needs a gentleman who can rein her in when she is flirting and support her when she is confused, someone whom she can trust and fully reveal her feminine side.

. High compatibility in love. Their tandem is extremely emotionally rich. Passion and excitement distinguish the partners, and both Artem and Alina strive for leadership, which means constant quarrels. If they don’t learn to negotiate, they will quickly break up.

There is high compatibility in love with Anatoly, but there may be a difference in goals and priorities. With Yegor there is one hundred percent compatibility in love, along with the difference in family images, which makes life together bright, but unstable.

Low compatibility: Anton, Vladislav, Oleg, Stanislav and Yaroslav. Relationships with them have no basis, which leads to a quick breakup after several emotional clashes.

There are no name days according to the church calendar in Orthodoxy, so Alina can celebrate her angel day on the day on which she was baptized. You can choose a name that will be given at baptism, so that the name Alina is its short form. In order to baptize a child and he had his own patron saint, one should consult the calendar to find out which full name of the holy wife can be converted into the form “Alina”.

For example, a child can be baptized under the name Aquilina. You can baptize with the name “Alina”, then choosing a name day from the Catholic calendar, or baptize the girl with the name of the Catholic Saint Adelaide.
Author: Ekaterina Volkova

The name Alina is a shortened form of the German name Adelina, which in turn is a diminutive form of the Old German name Adela. Translated from German, Alina means “noble.”

There is another version of the origin of the name Alina - Arabic, and in translation it means “alien” or “other”.
The name Alina came into the Russian language quite late - at the beginning of the 20th century, but since then it has not lost any of its popularity.

There is no name Alina in the Christian calendar, so girls at baptism are given the name Angelina, Alevtina, or less often Elena or Alla. The patroness of all Alin is the Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea, also known as Valentina. Alina celebrates her birthday on March 23, April 26, May 29, June 14 and 16, July 2, August 4, and September 29.

Characteristics of the name Alina

Alina is a very feminine and gentle name, but the character of its owner is not at all angelic. Alina is a daring, stubborn, irritable and capricious nature. She always acts as she needs, and cannot stand comments addressed to her. This is a person of extremes, and she always lacks the skill and tact to turn the situation to her advantage. Sometimes Alina can even be aggressive.

Excessive excitability is Alina’s main drawback; she absolutely does not know how to hide her feelings and experiences, be it love or hostility. She loves everything around her to happen exactly as she wishes, and she can only be convinced with affection and patience, but in no case with violence.

Despite being slightly excitable, Alina rarely becomes nervous. By nature, Alya is an extrovert - she knows how to adapt perfectly if necessary. Miraculously, she knows how to curb her character if she herself needs it. She loves to brag, but at the same time she is very dependent on the opinions of others. He easily makes any promises and also easily forgets about them.

The owners of this beautiful name have a tendency to conflict, so they find it difficult to get along with people. Alina prefers to be friends with men, as she cannot stand women. In addition, she enjoys great success with the opposite sex due to her impeccable appearance and relaxed behavior.

Growing up, Alina becomes somewhat softer, but still she will not be able to completely change her unbridled temperament.

Determination is another characteristic feature of Alina. She knows how to achieve her goal, no matter what. For her, there are no obstacles that she cannot overcome - even if it means going over her head.

Alina is a great fashionista and knows how to make a beautiful and stylish outfit out of literally nothing. She has impeccable taste, she is always well-groomed and looks good. He treats money lightly, spends it without thinking or stinging.

The time of her birth is of great importance for Alina’s character. Winter Alina is distinguished by her intelligence and quick reaction, as well as determination. She knows how to carefully think through her every step and consistently move towards her goal.

Vesennaya Alina is a romantic and sublime person, an incorrigible dreamer. Characterized by imbalance and nervousness.

If Alina was born in the summer, then although she is hot-tempered, she is completely unforgiving and kind. Autumn Alina is an enterprising and practical woman, a born businesswoman.

The name Alina is borne by many creative and sports people: violinist Alina Pogostkina, poetess Alina Vitukhnovskaya, gymnast Alina Kabaeva, actress Alina Yanovskaya, singer Alina Grosu.

Alina in childhood

Little Alina is a very difficult child, difficult to raise. There is no parental authority for her. He likes to command and does not react at all to comments from adults. Alya is often brought up in a single-parent family, and this also leaves its mark on the child’s character. The girl never complains, rarely cries or is capricious.

Alina is touchy - she may even demonstratively not talk to her mother for a long time if she does not do as she demands.

The child has an excellent memory, she can grasp any information on the fly, so studying comes easy to her, but only if she wants it. Naturally capable and well-trained, she rarely becomes a good student, which greatly upsets her parents and teachers. In addition, the girl often gets sick and misses classes, which also does not contribute to good studies.

Alina is endowed with many talents - she draws well, is very artistic, loves to read, and has a wonderful literary style. She also loves to patronize and care for someone, but she does it harshly, with her characteristic maximalism.

Parents should raise their daughter with love and severity; under no circumstances should she be spoiled - otherwise, in adulthood, her character will become unbearable. There must be pets in the house so that the girl learns kindness and responsibility from early childhood.

Alina married, compatibility

Despite the large number of friends and fans, Alina gets married in adulthood. A marriage can only be successful if the family lives in a separate area - the woman will definitely not get along with her husband’s parents, nor will she get along with her own parents.

Alina chooses her husband very carefully; she pays attention to literally everything - appearance, manner of dressing, neatness and ability to earn money. Family life will not be boring - Alina’s explosive character and frantic temperament will not let Alina’s husband get bored. In addition, Alina is very jealous and is capable of throwing demonstrative tantrums over any trifle.

However, despite a careful approach to choosing a husband, divorce is quite possible, as is remarriage.

Alina will not make an exemplary housewife, but she is very hospitable and an excellent cook; there is always a place for guests in her house. She will love and pamper her children.

Family life can be successful with men named Victor, Mikhail, Vladimir, Evgeniy, Yakov, Alexander. Marriages with Igor, Dmitry, Alexey, Anatoly, Nikolay should be avoided.

Alina's sexuality

Alina perceives sex more with her mind than with her heart. During sex, more attention will be paid to the beauty of the partner’s body and the aesthetics of the environment, and feelings and pleasure will fade into the background.

Outwardly, the woman is very sexy, and men like her. But it will not be possible to quickly persuade her to have sex, since Alina attaches great importance to courtship, compliments and romantic relationships. However, her moral principles fully allow her to use sex as a weapon to achieve her goal.

If she loves her partner and trusts him completely, then all prohibitions are lifted, she is ready to move mountains for him.

Alina's health

Little Alya often gets sick, catches colds, and has a weak immune system. The girl is too excitable and can lead herself to a nervous breakdown. There are often cases when a child requires the help of a neurologist. A girl may also develop scoliosis, and at an older age her vision may begin to decline.

The girl usually has a poor appetite, but parents should not worry about this and try to force feed the child - she should be fed when the girl gets hungry and asks for food herself.

Parents need to pay attention to their daughter’s general physical fitness and consult with a pediatrician about strengthening the child’s immunity. From early childhood, a girl is required to follow a daily routine. She also needs long sleep and fresh air.

In adulthood, Alina will also get sick often. Due to frequent use of pills, the stomach and intestinal microflora will suffer - a woman needs to pay attention to this.

Business and career

The only profession that Alina should not engage in is teaching. Her character traits do not allow her to become a good teacher or educator. In addition, the woman is completely indifferent to all children except her own. In all other areas of activity, Alina can achieve great success.

Ali has an excellent ability for the humanities, she can easily become a philologist, journalist, translator, secretary. Also, she may not have strong artistic and literary talent.

Vitality and talent as a speaker will help Alina become a good politician. She knows how to stand her ground and has the gift of persuasion. She will always strive for career growth, and no moral principles can stop her on this path. Having taken a leadership position, she will become a bitchy and tyrannical boss. Alina does not know how and does not consider it necessary to find an approach to people or adapt to circumstances. At her core, Alina is a born careerist.

Talismans for Alina

  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • The colors that bring good luck are blue and blue.
  • The most successful day of the week is Thursday, the most successful time of year is spring.
  • Talisman stone - topaz and jasper. Topaz attracts good luck in business, helps in concluding profitable deals, and protects against betrayal and betrayal. Jasper removes all negative influences on a person, warns against trouble and protects from danger.
  • The totem animal is the praying mantis, it symbolizes strength, adaptability and ease of communication. The animal learns to remain motionless for a long time in order to think everything over, and then deliver a sharp blow.
  • The totem plant is verbena and maple, considered a symbol of fertility, life and protection.

Horoscope for Alina

Aries- impulsive and independent nature, with a touch of adventurism. She is almost devoid of sensuality, so she is not very popular with men, but she can make a successful career in business. Attracts weak-willed and unsettled men.

Taurus- gentle and good-natured Alina, with a strong character. Integrity, skepticism and pragmatism are the main qualities of her character. Material wealth is very important to her, so she will choose only a wealthy man as her husband. At the same time, she is a sensual and kind nature, to whom no earthly pleasures are alien.

Twins- a creative and curious person, always open to new acquaintances and knowledge. She loves male attention and really needs it. A happy marriage is possible with a like-minded person who will share her thirst for knowledge and new sensations.

Cancer- a young lady whose character is characterized by frequent mood swings. She is very vulnerable and suspicious, her capriciousness borders on hysteria. Alina-Cancer is a very insecure person who really needs praise and encouragement. The main place in her life will always be occupied by her family, not her career.

Lion- a narcissistic and domineering nature, ready to endlessly spend time and money on creating her own unique image. Natural modesty and uncertainty are carefully disguised under the mask of pride and arrogance. She gets married solely for convenience, and most often this marriage turns out to be successful.

Virgo- a secretive and silent person who constantly engages in introspection. She is very unsure of herself, lives in constant anticipation of betrayal and deception. But at the same time she has a sharp mind, is hardworking and conscientious. Despite her external coldness, serious love passions can boil in her soul.

Scales- a charming, kind and sociable person who lives in harmony with himself and the world around him. She is respected by her colleagues and relatives, and her children and husband love her very much. But Alina-Libra does not know how to handle money at all, so her husband needs to keep finances in his hands, otherwise the family will never get out of debt.

Scorpion- a woman with an independent and very contradictory character. For her, there is only one correct opinion - her own. Because of this categorical attitude, she has very few friends, and in her personal life she is also often lonely. But at the same time, she is not alien to kindness and cordiality, which are especially clearly manifested in relation to her loved ones.

Sagittarius- an easy and pleasant young lady who does not walk, but flies through life. She is very lucky in life, luck is always turned towards her. She absolutely does not accept injustice, lies, vanity and self-interest. Thanks to her natural optimism, people are drawn to her; she easily finds a common language with both men and women. Only a man who has an easy-going approach to life is suitable for her as a husband.

Capricorn- very smart, reserved and ambitious Alina. Under the mask of coldness lies a sensitive, kind and shy woman who is in great need of love and approval. She is very hardworking and diligent, all her decisions are balanced and thoughtful. Her love and friendship are always sincere and selfless.

Aquarius- a purposeful and assertive person, but at the same time kind and sympathetic. She can be irritable and overly emotional. Alina-Aquarius sincerely despises all life cliches, is always ready to embark on any adventure, and loves everything new and non-standard.

Fish- a very cautious woman who does not like surprises. But at the same time she is selfless, knows how to empathize and sympathize. Negative qualities are melancholy, irritability and secrecy. She tends to idealize her man, so she is often disappointed and depressed.

The name Alina is of French-German origin and means "noble". Translated from Latin, Alina means “stranger”, “other”. And translated from Greek it means “sunny”.

    Alina's name day is celebrated: in March - 23; in April - 29; in May - 29; in June - 14; in July - 2; in August - 4; in September - 29.

    Element: air.

    Planet: Jupiter.

    Amulet stone: sapphire.


The secret of the name Alina suggests that at an early age she causes a lot of trouble to her parents. Her character is distinguished by her stubborn and daring disposition. She reacts critically to comments and does not listen to anyone. Usually Alina will inherit her appearance and character from her father. This is a rather conflicted and proud child who strives for leadership in all companies. Very often she is raised by one mother.

The meaning of the name Alina is expressed in the fact that with age, the character becomes more balanced and flexible. However, stubbornness and intolerance still remain. In life, Alina tries to make a good impression, which evokes in those around her a feeling of deliberate intrigue and cunning.

What does the name Alina mean in relation to the stronger sex? Alina constantly tries to take care of her appearance and attractiveness. She skillfully models outfits, hairstyles and knows how to attract attention to her person. However, she lacks proper flexibility and restraint. Very often she says things that she should simply remain silent about. As a rule, Alinas get married late and prefer to live separately not only from their mother-in-law, but also from their parents.

Parents should pay more attention to developing in little Alina a sense of restraint and a sensitive attitude towards others. The secret of Alina’s name is poor health at an early age, which requires due attention to physical development and hardening. Due to her unbalanced character, Alina may have nervous breakdowns, so it is necessary to seek help from a pediatric neurologist or psychiatrist.

Study, career, hobbies

Thanks to her natural abilities, Alina does well at school. She grasps information on the fly and remembers it quickly. However, due to her bad character, Alina is constantly in conflict. She has strained relationships not only with her peers, but also with teachers. Alina enjoys drawing and reading historical novels. And she prefers the company of boys to friendship with girls.

What does the name Alina mean for a career? Representatives of this name can realize themselves in a variety of professions. Many of them become artists, salesmen, journalists, engineers, doctors, musicians and architects. But, according to the meaning of the name Alina, it is not recommended to engage in pedagogical and educational activities. First of all, this is due to excessive natural incontinence.

Alina is proud, cunning, resourceful and touchy. She constantly strives to command those around her. Decisiveness goes hand in hand with inconsistency. She is unable to devote herself entirely to work. Therefore, as a rule, great success in your career is not expected. She often makes hasty conclusions and makes wrong decisions.


Alinas are very sick at an early age due to a weak immune system. Most often they suffer from bronchitis. And at a more mature age, you should pay more attention to the condition of the stomach.


Alina Pokrovskaya - actress, people's artist; Alina Dunaevskaya - composer, singer, actress and model; Alina Orlova – singer; Alina Artz – singer, actress and TV presenter; Alina Znamenskaya is a writer.

Surely not everyone knows that the name Alina is a shortened form of the German Adeline, which in turn is a reduced affectionate form of the name Adela of ancient Germany. The name Alina is translated from German as “noble”. Today we will look at the meaning of the name Alina in every area of ​​life.

Today there is also an Arabic theory about the appearance of the name Alina, which translates as “other”, “foreign”. In our country, women began to be called by the name Alina very late - only at the beginning of the 20th century. Since that time, the name Alina began to enjoy increasing popularity.

It should be noted that the Christian religion does not contain the name Alina; for this reason, during the baptism process, girls are given the name Alevtina, Angelina, and a little less often - Alla or Elena. All women bearing the name Alina are under the patronage of the great martyr of Caesarea Alevtina, better known under the name Valentina. Let's move on to consider the question of what meaning the name Alina has on a woman.

Characteristics of the name

The name Alina represents something tender, feminine, which, however, does not at all correspond to her character, which is very obstinate and explosive. A woman named Alina is a harmful, nervous, stubborn and very daring person. Alevtina always strives to act only as she requires, and she is very categorical about comments addressed to her.

Alina is a person of extremes, who sometimes lacks tact and skill to turn the situation to her advantage. It happens that a woman with this name can show aggression. Alevtina’s main disadvantage is her excessive excitability; she absolutely does not know the art of hiding her own problems and emotions, be it affection or not love. In general, the meaning of the name Alina has a tangible impact on the characteristics of a woman.

Such women like it when things happen only the way she wants, and this attitude can be forced to change only with patience, tenderness, but not with violence. Despite her explosive nature, Alevtina can become nervous on rare occasions. All Alis are extroverts, and when the need arises, they adapt well.

Alevtina has the wonderful gift of curbing her own character only if she herself needs it. She likes to boast, but at the same time she is largely dependent on the opinions of strangers. He makes promises with ease, but with similar ease he forgets about them. A woman named Alevtina is characterized by a tendency to create conflict situations; for this reason, she has great difficulty finding a common language with strangers.

In friendship, a woman named Alevtina prefers men, because she simply cannot tolerate women. In addition, she is always under the pressure of significant success with men, which is facilitated by her excellent appearance, as well as relaxed behavior. With age, Ali softens, but is not able to completely overcome his own explosive temperament.

Features of the name Alina

Determination is another distinctive feature of Alina. The Alevtina woman is capable of achieving her intended goal, by any means, by any means. She sees no obstacles that could stop her; she is ready for anything. As you can see, the meaning of the name Alina significantly influences her character. All Alevtins are great fashionistas who have the knowledge to create a stylish, beautiful outfit from literally everything.

A woman named Alevtina has excellent taste, always looks great, and has a well-groomed body. She approaches finances with ease, is able to spend them generously, without even thinking about them. The period of her birth has a significant influence on Alevtina’s character. Alevtina, born in winter, is distinguished by her lightning-fast reaction, intelligence, and decisive character.

A woman bearing the name Alevtina takes a specific approach to thinking through each step, while moving towards her intended goal without stopping. Alevtina, born in spring, is an “inveterate” inventor, spiritual, romantic person. If Alina was born in the summer, she is characterized by an explosive, but not at all malicious, unforgiving character.

Autumn Alevtina is a practical, enterprising girl, born a business lady. Many athletes and creative women are named after Alina: singer Grosu Alina, actress Yanovskaya Alina, gymnast Kabaeva Alina, poetess Vitukhnovskaya Alina, violinist Pogostkina Alina. Now let's see how the meaning of the name Alina affects childhood.

Child Alina

Daughter Alevtina is a very complex person, difficult to raise. For such a child, parents are not an authority. She loves to lead, absolutely not paying attention to comments from adults. Many Alis are raised in families where there is only one parent (father or mother), which naturally leaves a peculiar mark on Alevtina’s character.

The child does not acknowledge complaints on his part, cries very rarely, and is also capricious. The girl Alina is subject to private insults and is capable of not even talking to her mother for a long time if her parent does not fulfill Ali’s wishes. The child has an excellent memory, capable of absorbing absolutely any information on the fly, for this reason the learning process is easy for her, however, if she herself has the desire.

Today, the meaning of the name Alina for a girl plays a big role. Excellent in learning from birth, capable, however, in rare cases she becomes a good student, which leads to great chagrin for parents and teachers. The girl often misses classes, which is also the reason for her poor performance.

Alevtina is characterized by many talents - she draws beautifully, is artistic, loves to read, and has an excellent literary style. In addition, she strives to patronize someone, to take care of someone, but she does this harshly, with her inherent radicalism. Parents must raise Ali at the same time in love and severity. It is strictly forbidden to spoil a child, otherwise adult Alevtina will be unbearable.

Pets must be present in the apartment so that Alya develops a sense of kindness and responsibility from childhood. This name should be given to girls who were born under the following signs: Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries. It is forbidden to call a child born under the following zodiac signs such as Pisces, Scorpio, Gemini. Now we’ll tell you what the name Alina, the meaning of the name and whose fate is described, gives for marriage.

Marriage, compatibility

Despite the fact that Alevtina has many fans and friends, she becomes a wife only after becoming a mature woman. Happiness in marriage can only exist when the family lives separately from the parents of either spouse. For life together, Alya chooses her husband quite carefully, paying attention to absolutely everything: the opportunity to earn money, clothing style, neatness, appearance.

Family life with Alevtina cannot be called boring, since her explosive temperament, as well as her fiery character, will not allow her husband to relax. In addition, Alya is very jealous and can throw an ostentatious tantrum over any trifle. However, even with careful selection of a spouse, divorce is possible, as well as a second marriage.

Alevtina will not be an ideal housewife, but she is distinguished by her hospitality, cooks well, and her house is open to guests. He always pampers and loves his own children. Alya can be happy with Alexander, Yakov, Evgeny, Vladimir, Mikhail, Victor. It is not recommended to marry Nikolai, Anatoly, Alexey, Dmitry, Igor. How does Alina, the meaning of the name whose character we are considering, behave in her sexual life?

Intimate life

A woman named Alevtina perceives sex more with her mind than with her heart. In the process of intimacy, significant emphasis is placed on the beauty of the man’s torso, the sophistication of the external environment, and pleasure and feelings are in the background. These women have a sexy appearance, which is why men like them. However, “persuading” Alya into intimacy is not so easy, since such women pay considerable attention to beautiful words, romantic confessions, and the courtship process.

However, thanks to her moral principles, she is able to use intimacy as a tool to achieve her own goal. If she feels love for her partner and trusts him, then there are no prohibitions; she can move mountains for him. The woman Alina, the meaning of the name whose character and fate is described, is not capable of true love.


Summing up the results of this article, it should be noted that calling your daughter Alina should be done with caution, since the meaning of this name does not promise an easy life for a woman named so. A woman with this name is a good wife, partner, but only if she has a feeling of love. In childhood, the girl is capricious, willful, wants everything to be according to her wishes.

Having become an adult woman, Alevtina can become a good creative person. To achieve this, parents need to develop her talents and positive qualities from childhood. In this article we said that the name Alina has very contradictory origins and meaning, both for a child and an adult woman.

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