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After what week does the belly begin to grow? When does a pregnant belly start to grow?

Thoughts about pregnancy often lead to the appearance in the subconscious of a picture depicting an expectant mother with a large belly, where the baby is comfortably located. Having decided to give birth to a second child, every woman is puzzled by how much earlier than the first time she will begin to experience corresponding changes in appearance, and when her belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy.

What explains a woman’s interest in the volume of her abdomen?

Such questions arise for several reasons:

  1. It is interesting when others find out that a woman is pregnant.
  2. By the time the tummy appears, you can judge whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally.
  3. Some people hope to find out the gender of their unborn child by the size and shape of their belly.
  4. Every woman wants to at least know approximately in what month she will need special clothing.

General features of carrying a second child

All this is very important for the expectant mother. You need to figure out what exactly affects the period when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy.

Photos of women expecting the long-awaited birth of a baby and being at the same stage show differences in volume. During the first pregnancy, on average, the abdominal enlargement occurs between the 16th and 18th weeks. Slender lovers of tight clothes are “declassified” immediately. But those around her may not be aware of changes in the position of a curvaceous woman until she goes on maternity leave, that is, almost until the 25th week. It turns out: despite the fact that the uterus enlarges in everyone according to the same laws, outwardly this manifests itself in different ways.

Why is my belly bigger the second time?

There are several other reasons that influence an increase in the abdominal circumference and, as a result, a change in a woman’s appearance:

Anatomical specifics of a woman giving birth repeatedly

All of the above is fair and objective. Yet the scenarios for the development of the first and second pregnancies are different. The first birth brings irreversible changes to the female body. This fact allows us to identify the reasons that influence changes in the circumference of a woman’s abdomen.

If you want to know when the belly begins to grow during a second pregnancy, you should not take into account the reviews of mothers who have already given birth again. Just as when carrying your first child, the timing of the appearance of a tummy can vary significantly for each pregnant woman. However, generally, during the second pregnancy, the belly will become noticeable earlier by about 4-6 weeks, that is, those around you will be able to rejoice at the woman’s changed position a month faster.

The reason for this is that the uterus does not return to its original state after the first birth, which is quite normal. Therefore, in thin women, the tummy will begin to be visible at 12 weeks. And let friends and relatives vying with each other based on its shape about the gender of the baby who is about to be born!

Location of the uterus

In addition, it is impossible to say unequivocally when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy (photos by week help to see a noticeable difference in the increase in volume).

But changes in the position of the abdomen will certainly affect the timing. The uterus will now be located much lower than in the first pregnancy. As mentioned above, during the first pregnancy, the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdominal wall and ligaments “suffered” greatly before and during the first birth, and no longer hold the stomach so vigorously. On the one hand, this makes things easier for the pregnant woman: she is less bothered by heartburn and nothing makes breathing difficult. On the other hand, the lower spine and pelvic bones suffer. A bandage can help here; you can buy it only on specialized websites or at a pharmacy. And only the one that the doctor recommends.

It’s different for everyone: reviews from pregnant women

When the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy (feedback from women can be an invaluable source of information), many also note differences in the shape of the abdomen. On the forums they write that in general, for women with a narrow pelvis, the second time it sags more and looks flatter, and it drops much later. This discourages those who like to tell fortunes about the sex of the child based on the shape of the belly. None of them can imagine that it is not a girl, but, on the contrary, a male baby who is comfortably developing in the rounded belly that greatly increases the mother’s waist.

The mothers themselves claim that when they are pregnant for the second time, it is more difficult for them to hide their position, since the belly becomes noticeable earlier than the first time. This is confirmed by the women themselves. They admit that when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, the second baby becomes the object of congratulations a whole month earlier.

Negative experience of a previous pregnancy

It happens that the previous pregnancy is interrupted, and the woman is unable to give birth to a baby. It is no coincidence that, worrying about the current baby, the mother, being in the early stages, will look forward to changes in her own appearance, and at the next appointment with the doctor she will ask when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy after a miscarriage. Typically, there are no differences in the volume and timing of the appearance of the abdomen depending on the outcome of previous pregnancies.

Mandatory visits to the gynecologist

Women try to figure out when the belly begins to grow during their second pregnancy. And their desires are not always connected with the desire to find out the gender of the child or to acquire appropriate clothing in time. The doctor is very interested in this information, whose attention should never be neglected by pregnant women. To give birth to a healthy baby, you need to regularly attend appointments with the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, where he will feel the tummy, measure it with a tape and a special device.

And all the signs outlined above will help him not in guessing the gender of the child, but in deciding how the pregnancy is progressing, whether there are any reasons for concern and a threat to the baby. This was the case the first time and this will be the case in all subsequent pregnancies. Every mother, regardless of whether this happens for the first or second time, must go through this period under the supervision of a doctor: take tests on time, follow a diet and physical activity.

A few words in conclusion

If the changes occurring in the uterus comply with accepted standards, neither the size nor the shape of the abdomen will in any way affect the health of the mother and her baby, and certainly not in any way affect his gender.

For parents looking forward to the birth of a baby, it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a girl or a boy. And when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy with twins, the happiness of expectant mothers and fathers certainly knows no bounds. By the way, this happens quite early, and it won’t be difficult to guess why. And yet, the main thing for parents is to help every baby be born healthy and on time.

Waiting for a baby is one of the most anxious periods for women. Any information is important, such as the degree of uterine enlargement and imaging of pregnancy. Changes depend on the characteristics of the body, the weight of the expectant mother and other things. In addition, it matters whether the woman has given birth before.

At what week does the belly begin to grow during the first pregnancy?

When waiting for the birth of a baby, a pregnant girl’s belly increases due to several factors:

  • amniotic fluid content;
  • fetal development;
  • growth of the uterus.

At what age does the belly begin to grow? This is a very sensitive issue. For some women, it increases already in the first months, while others manage to hide for a long period the fact that they are preparing for the birth of a child. Gynecologists believe that the belly should be visible after the 16th week of pregnancy. If an ultrasound determines twins, then roundness may begin to appear 3-4 weeks earlier.

A woman preparing to become a mother for the first time may develop a belly much later than those who are about to give birth to a second child. Size takes longer to increase due to muscles that actively resist stretching. In addition, the rate at which your belly grows may depend on other factors. Sometimes it becomes noticeable that a woman is going to become a mother, only in the later stages. Muscle stretching occurs much faster in those who have already gone through childbirth.

When does the belly start to grow in pregnant women with twins?

Another question of interest to expectant mothers concerns multiple pregnancies. Noticeable roundness, if two fertilized eggs were visible in the ultrasound photo, appears earlier. In this case, the volume of amniotic fluid increases faster, so changes occur about a month earlier. Pregnant twins already in the third trimester have a belly that is visible to the naked eye.

During a multiple pregnancy, the uterus enlarges several weeks earlier than when carrying one child. The mother's overall body weight also grows faster. However, a big belly does not necessarily mean that a woman will have twins. Sometimes this is a sign of incorrect calculation of the timing of pregnancy, a large fetus, or the formation of amniotic fluid in a significant amount. The position of the unborn baby also matters.

At what stage does the belly begin to grow during the second pregnancy?

It is believed that the baby of a mother who has become pregnant for the second time is slightly larger. The size of the tummy corresponds to this. Doctors confirm this fact. During the second pregnancy, the fetus grows in height and gains up to 500 grams more weight than when expecting the first child. The skin and muscles stretch faster, the navel twists, and already at four months the roundness is clearly visible.

Each woman's uterus grows individually. If the period of waiting for the first child remains invisible to others for a long time, then the second pregnancy becomes visible earlier. The abdominal muscles are already stretched after the first birth, so the process goes faster. It is important to take into account the physiology of the expectant mother, especially the structure of the pelvic bones. An expectant mother with a narrow pelvis “rounds up” faster during pregnancy than women with a wide skeleton.

At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow? Visual changes may not occur until the tenth week. After this, a slight roundness appears, growing every day. The most active period of fetal development begins in the thirteenth week. After the first pregnancy, the wall of the abdominal muscle is no longer as elastic as before, so it may seem that the “interesting position” appears visually faster.

For every woman, becoming a mother means making huge changes in her life. Therefore, they want to know everything about this, especially how the fetus should develop correctly, in what month does the belly appear in pregnant women? These questions are asked quite often, especially by those who are preparing to become mothers for the first time.

First, let’s explain the definition of “tummy.” In the first months of pregnancy, a woman’s belly may grow, the reason for this is poor nutrition or gas formation. In these first months, the uterus is not yet enlarged.

Pregnant women come to a point when they begin to think: “at what stage does the belly begin to grow?” Let's try to answer this question. The uterus begins to grow only at 16 weeks from the moment of conception. Therefore, the belly will be noticeable to other people only in the 20th week of pregnancy. If a woman plays sports, i.e. if she has developed abs, her tummy will become visible much later.
Also, the appearance of a belly depends on what type of pelvis the pregnant woman has. If the expectant mother’s pelvis is wide enough, her tummy will become visible only by the 4-5th month of pregnancy. In obese women, it will be possible to notice the “position” even later. In women who give birth for the second time, the belly may appear earlier. The number of embryos can also affect the size of the abdomen, namely, making it larger. This is the only thing that can really affect at what month the belly appears in pregnant women. If the expectant mother has triplets or twins, then the belly may be noticeable already in the first 3 months.

In general, the answer to the question of what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow will be as follows. If a woman has one fetus and its development is going well, then the belly should appear only at the 12th week of pregnancy. Already at week 16, your tummy will become noticeable not only to you.
And by the 27th week of pregnancy, the question is: at what stage does the belly begin to grow? - will not be relevant, since by this moment it will be impossible to hide your baby under blouses and other clothes.
At the same time, the expectant mother should be interested not only in what period the belly begins to grow, but also in how her baby should develop correctly.
At 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, the fertilized egg reaches a diameter of 22 mm.
At the time when it is necessary to register, namely, by 12 weeks, the length of the fetus will be seven centimeters, and its weight will reach 20-25 grams. At this time, when you come for an ultrasound, you can see that the fertilized egg has almost completely filled the uterine cavity.

By the 17th week of pregnancy, the fetus will reach a length of 12 cm, while its body weight will increase to 100 grams. By this time, the question of at what time the belly begins to grow disappears on its own, since all the worries associated with it are already behind us. The tummy has noticeably grown and become rounder.

By week 20, the length of the fetus will reach 25 cm with a weight of about 300 g. At 24 weeks, your baby will have time to grow significantly. By this time, its length will be almost 30 cm, and its weight will vary from 600 to 700 grams.

By week 28, the length of the fetus is usually 35 cm with a body weight of about 1.0-1.2 kg. At the 32nd week, body weight will increase to 1.5 kg with a fetal length of 40 cm.
At week 36, the baby is practically formed, and its indicators by this time will be as follows: weight - 2.5 kg, and length - about 48 cm.

However, it is impossible to say that these indicators are the same for everyone. They are quite individual, since the baby in the womb of each mother is formed in its own way. Therefore, the above data is very average, and your baby may reach large sizes or be slightly smaller due to individual characteristics.
The body weight of the fetus by the date of birth is usually 2.6-5.0 kg, and its length can reach 54 cm.

Thus, for the expectant mother it should be important: to carry the child for the entire required period and provide him with everything necessary for full growth and nutrition, but the tummy and its size are not the most important thing.

When the belly of pregnant women begins to grow, absolutely all expectant mothers are interested. After all, it is very difficult, especially for first-time mothers, to realize that this is not a dream, and that a new life is actually developing inside them. It’s scary that you yourself won’t understand whether everything is okay with the child, whether he is developing. Another reason is more banal - you need to know approximately when you will have to update your wardrobe. In this article we will answer these questions and dispel some myths.

Oddly enough, the time when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy is not “individual”. On various women's forums you can read that one mother's belly grew at 5 weeks, and another only at 30. Maybe this is true. But the key word here is “belly”. The belly can also grow in a non-pregnant woman due to overeating, or become visually larger for a certain period of time due to increased gas formation (the situation is not uncommon among expectant mothers, by the way). So, those who claim that the belly can begin to grow in the first trimester can only be mistaken in that they confuse the “stomach” with the uterus. The uterus begins to grow rapidly from about 16 weeks of pregnancy. And after the 20th, close people can already understand that a woman is in an interesting position by her rounded tummy. Of course, the angle of “bulging” of the uterus depends on the position of the child inside, and on the characteristics of the pelvis and the elasticity of the abdominal wall. Therefore, for some ladies, mainly those involved in sports, the tummy begins to clearly appear closer to the third trimester, and only if they wear tight clothes. At earlier stages, the tummy is visible in multiparous women. But very little depends on the height and weight of the fetus in the first two trimesters. Since all healthy children develop approximately the same until the third trimester of pregnancy.

What can a doctor say about when the belly begins to grow in pregnant women? At approximately 7-8 weeks, the doctor registers the expectant mother for pregnancy. And from about this time it begins to monitor the development of the fetus. Gynecological examinations are often not recommended, because the size of the uterus is determined by measuring with a centimeter tape. The woman lies down on a flat couch in the doctor’s office, and the doctor measures the length of the uterus. Normally, the length of the uterus is equal to the number of weeks. For example, at 10 weeks of pregnancy, the height of the uterus is 10 centimeters. So, there is no need to talk about any noticeable belly at this time. But not only the length of the uterus is measured, but also the circumference of the abdomen. This data is regularly recorded in the individual medical record. pregnant woman card. The abdominal circumference, as you probably already guessed, is a more variable value. It depends on the position of the child in the uterus, and on the amount of amniotic fluid, and on the volume of the fat layer.

All expectant mothers dream of an impressive belly. But is it so good when pregnancy is clearly noticeable even in the second trimester? An impressive tummy is a risk factor for the development of uterine tone. In addition, due to the sharp stretching of the skin on the abdominal wall, scars begin to form on it - stretch marks. For this (and not only) reason, doctors recommend that expectant mothers not overeat and wear a prenatal bandage.

Having learned about the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother certainly wants to know when her tummy will begin to grow. This issue is especially concerning for first-time mothers. After all, this is a completely new state and feeling for them, and they need to determine exactly when they should update their wardrobe.

So, let's find out what influences the increase in the parameters of the abdomen, how it grows week by week, how its growth differs during multiple pregnancy and why the abdomen needs a bandage.

Is your belly or uterus growing?

Various women's forums are replete with revelations that for some women, the belly begins to grow from the fifth week of pregnancy, for others - from the tenth, and for others, the roundness becomes visible to others at thirty weeks. But the key word in these revelations is “belly.” But it does not grow in pregnant women from overeating. Therefore, expectant mothers who claim that their belly is growing already in the first weeks of pregnancy confuse the “stomach” with the uterus. It grows at an accelerated pace from the 16th week of pregnancy, but already from the 20th week, those around you can really visually determine the interesting position of a lady by her rounded belly. By the way, the angle of protrusion of the uterus largely depends on how the baby is located inside, on the structural features of the pelvis and the elasticity of its abdominal wall.

What determines the size of the belly during pregnancy?

For each woman, the beginning of the growth of the tummy, or rather the size of the uterus, is purely individual. This depends on many factors. The first of them is what type of pregnancy a woman is in. If it is the first, then the rounding of the tummy becomes visible at four to five months. During the second pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are already stretched, which is why the tummy appears earlier. The roundness of the abdomen also depends on the structure of the pelvis. So, in women with a narrow pelvis it is visible much earlier, with a wide one - later.

Another parameter that influences the onset of the appearance of a tummy is the woman’s activity. If she plays sports or is a professional athlete, then the roundness of her tummy will appear by the third trimester. And then when wearing tight, tight clothes. It is a mistaken belief that the roundness of the abdomen depends on the size and weight of the fetus. Little actually depends on these factors. After all, all babies in the mother’s womb grow and develop approximately the same until the third trimester.

How do doctors record abdominal growth during pregnancy?

After registration, the gynecologist who observes the woman regularly measures the size of her uterus. From this period, he monitors the intrauterine development of the unborn child. In this case, the size of the uterus is measured using a centimeter tape. To do this, a pregnant woman simply lies down on a couch in the office, and the doctor measures the length of the female reproductive organ. You should know that during a physiological (normal) pregnancy, the length of the uterus corresponds to the number of weeks. For example, at 12 weeks the height of the uterus is 12 centimeters. And at this time it is too early to talk about a noticeable rounding of the expectant mother’s tummy. By the way, the observing doctor also measures the abdominal circumference. He enters these indicators into the woman’s medical card.

It should be borne in mind that abdominal circumference is not a constant indicator. It depends on the location of the fetus in the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid, and largely on the abdominal fat.

Growth parameters of the uterus and abdomen during pregnancy

The expectant mother should know that the uterus is constantly growing, only visually its rounding begins to be noticeable at certain times. How does the uterus grow over the weeks of pregnancy? At what pace?

It goes something like this. At 4 weeks of pregnancy, it resembles the size of a chicken egg. At week 8, its size increases to the size of a goose egg. The uterus “looks” like a man’s fist at 12 weeks. Then its bottom reaches the top point of the pubic symphysis. By 16 weeks of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is determined midway between the navel and pubis. At 24 weeks, the uterine fundus is at the level of the navel, already 4 cm above it at 28 weeks, and at 32 weeks the fundus is between the navel and the xiphoid process. The uterus reaches this process at 36 weeks, and at 40 it descends.

As for the growth of the abdomen itself in an interesting position, almost no changes occur in it until 12 weeks. In the first trimester, the small embryo is well protected by the pelvic bones from external influences. Further, from 12 to 16 weeks, the growth of a pregnant woman’s belly can be determined by a friend, mother, colleague, in a word, those people who constantly communicate with the woman and know her usual parameters. If a woman is thin, then, of course, the curves will be more noticeable. Starting from the 17th to 20th week of the period, the tummy is already visible to everyone around. Especially if the woman’s clothes are tight-fitting. As a rule, at this stage, expectant mothers visit stores or departments for pregnant women in order to update their wardrobe.

After 20 weeks of bearing a child, pregnancy can no longer be hidden from others. The exception is very plump women or those who wear very loose clothing.

Usually, after the 28th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother again updates her wardrobe, since her clothes are already becoming too tight for her. A rounded tummy urgently requires spacious, special, comfortable clothing.

When does the belly start to grow when pregnant with twins?

What if the mother is carrying twins? When does her tummy begin to round in this case?

Yes, the question is relevant, since the timing differs significantly from a singleton pregnancy. So, when carrying twins, already in the first trimester the rounding of the tummy becomes visible. During a multiple pregnancy, the uterus begins to enlarge 4 weeks earlier. The general weight gain of such a mother also makes itself felt. But you should not worry about a big belly and think that you will have twins or triplets if this was not determined by an ultrasound. The reason for a significant increase in your tummy may simply be a large amount of amniotic fluid. Or perhaps the due date was simply calculated incorrectly, that is, an error in the gestational age.

Factors influencing abdominal growth during pregnancy

So, what factors influence the start of your belly's rounding?

This is, first of all, heredity. Ask your mother how she carried you when her belly became noticeable. In most cases, women repeat the pregnancy scenario of their mothers.

The beginning of rounding is also influenced by a woman’s constitution: height, build, weight. In petite ladies, the rounding of the tummy is more noticeable, in plump ones it is much less.

Significantly affects the growth of the abdomen and overall weight gain, or rather, the advice of grandmothers is to eat for two. In fact, this improper nutrition causes a woman to “overshoot” the norm of weight gain during the period of bearing the unborn child.

It happens that the size of the fetus is large, and this is confirmed by ultrasound. Then, of course, the roundness of the abdomen will be visible earlier than usual. By the way, in our time, cases of the birth of large children have become more frequent.

The type of presentation is also a factor influencing the noticeability of abdominal growth. If the baby is in an area closer to the spine, the tummy will not be so noticeable, and when it lies closer to the front wall of the uterus, then the tummy will visually grow earlier.

Bandage and growing belly

Expectant mothers should not be worried about the beginning of their belly growth. It grows and let it grow, become rounder. What's more important is how you feel about it. Thus, a solid abdomen is always considered a risk factor due to the possible occurrence of uterine tone. Also, due to stretching of the skin, scars, that is, stretch marks, begin to appear on the abdominal wall. That is why doctors advise, and sometimes strongly recommend, pregnant women not to overdo it with eating for two and to wear a bandage. It should be purchased when the tummy begins to grow. A prenatal bandage will protect the skin from stretch marks, slightly reduce the load on the spinal column, and fix the baby in the correct position.

Bandages come in the form of high-waisted panties or a belt with a clasp. When buying a bandage, first try it on and choose the most comfortable model.

It should also be taken into account that the appearance of stretch marks as the abdomen grows must be prevented. For this purpose, special gels and creams should be used to moisturize the skin and improve blood circulation. A good way to prevent stretch marks when the tummy is rounded is a contrast shower.

So, the rounding and growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is, first of all, an increase in the uterus and its “pet”. It doesn’t matter when your belly is visible to others, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and healthy!

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Question: “At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?” concerns many expectant mothers- after all, everyone wants to know in advance when she will need to buy new clothes. And any woman wants to show off her new position to others! It would seem that this is simpler - our mothers and grandmothers always told us that the belly becomes noticeable only in the fifth month of pregnancy - and before that there was no need to worry. But not everything is as simple as it seems. So at what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?

Abdominal growth during pregnancy from the point of view of doctors

At about 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, you register with the antenatal clinic - and it is from this time that your tummy and the baby inside it become the main objects of observation. Your gynecologist monitors the growth of the fetus, at each appointment he measures the circumference of your abdomen - and, of course, almost from the very beginning of pregnancy this figure will gradually increase. After all, you are getting better, and your volumes are gradually increasing, millimeter by millimeter.

But you, of course, are interested in the question: “At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?” in the sense of its obvious visibility to others. Gynecologists have an average indicator for when the belly becomes noticeable - this is 16 weeks of pregnancy (about 4 months). But this indicator, of course, is very variable - after all, the abdominal circumference can change from time to time, and this depends on many factors: on the distribution of amniotic fluid, on the position of the baby in the uterus, on how much you ate, on the thickness of your fat layer or whether you have bloating due to digestive problems.

Expectant mothers often confuse the concepts of “abdominal growth” and “uterine growth.” Belly growth may not be solely related to pregnancy. Depending on yours, it may increase simply due to excess weight or overeating. But the growth of the uterus is a separate matter. During pregnancy, active growth of the uterus begins around the 16th week, but the tummy can be noticeable only after the 20th week.

By the way, a large belly that appears early is not at all as good as it might seem to you at first glance. The fact is that a large belly is a risk factor for the occurrence, and the appearance of stretch marks is more expected precisely if your belly quickly grew during pregnancy.

In any case, as soon as you notice an increase in your abdomen, start wearing a prenatal bandage, which will protect your skin from stretch marks and help reduce the load on your spine.

Why do you need to measure your belly?

Doctors don’t just measure the size of your tummy so they can write the data down on a card and forget it. The gynecologist has special tables with which he checks and concludes whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The size of the abdomen can “tell” the doctor about several alarm bells. Namely:

About low or high water pregnancy

Are there pathologies in fetal development?

About possible infectious diseases of women

About gestosis or placental insufficiency

About the development of multiple pregnancy

If the doctor identifies the slightest deviation, he will definitely refer you for additional studies that will either confirm or refute the doctor’s suspicions.

Factors for abdominal growth during pregnancy

We cannot say at what stage of pregnancy your belly will begin to actively grow. And no one will say - after all, the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is an individual phenomenon. However, there are several factors that determine the answer to the question: “At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?” right at your place. What are these factors?

1. What kind of pregnancy are you carrying?

If you are pregnant, your tummy will appear a little later. This happens because your abdominal muscles have not yet been stretched, and they actively resist stretching. But if you are becoming a mother not for the first time, your tummy may please you with its appearance much earlier - and this does not mean that you may have uterine tone. It’s just that the muscles of your tummy are more flexible and prepared for the baby’s growth.

2. Your anatomical features.

As a rule, in women with a narrow pelvis, the tummy appears earlier. This is due to the fact that the baby cannot “hide” between the pelvic bones, so he has to grow only forward - and the uterus almost immediately begins to rise above the level of the pubic bone. If you have a wide enough pelvis, the uterus will first grow to the sides, and only then forward. In this case, the belly will become noticeable later.

3. Features of the location of the child and the amount of amniotic fluid.

If the baby is located closer to the back wall of the uterus (closer to the spine), your belly will begin to grow in the later stages of pregnancy. If there is a lot of amniotic fluid in your uterus, this may be the reason that, due to the larger size of your uterus, your tummy will grow faster.

4. Your heredity.

Oddly enough, the rate at which the belly grows during pregnancy can be determined by heredity. Therefore, in order to answer the question: “At what stage of pregnancy will the belly begin to grow?” ask the same thing from the women in your family. There is a chance that it will be exactly the same for you.

5. General weight gain during pregnancy.

If during pregnancy, it is logical that the fat layer on your stomach will also increase. The same applies to the situation when you are of a heavy build or have not very elastic abdominal muscles - in this case, your pregnancy will be noticeable earlier.

6. Your baby's size.

If your baby is developing very actively, your tummy may also be noticeable much earlier. But, contrary to popular belief, the size of the abdomen at the end of pregnancy practically does not depend on the size and weight of the child. There is a great influence of other factors: your build, the location of the baby, the order of pregnancy, etc.

So that you don’t worry about the question: “At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?”, regularly visit your doctor, follow all his recommendations and, of course, take into account all the factors of belly growth during pregnancy listed in our article. Have an easy and carefree pregnancy!

Carrying a child, especially for the first time, for women is a wonderful and incomprehensible process that entails a lot of questions. One of the important aspects to find out during pregnancy is: when does the belly start to grow? This is due to the need to plan expenses for new clothes, designed for two people, as well as inform others about an interesting situation, and reduce workload due to the peculiarities of well-being. There is nothing overly complicated, everything is explained by simple anatomical truths and some factors that influence the visibility of the abdomen. Let's look at everything in more detail.

Anatomy of pregnancy: when and why the belly begins to grow

The uterus is located between the skeletal system of the small pelvis, and in the first months of pregnancy it is still too small to go beyond the boundaries of its “rookery”. During the first month after conception, it stretches to the size of a chicken egg. During the second month of pregnancy, she will have to increase to the size of a goose testicle or a large apple.

Only by the 12th week (beginning of 4 months) does it reach the size of an orange and begins to protrude over the pelvic bones. Throughout the rest of pregnancy, the shape of the uterus resembles a balloon tied together with a thread. It is from the moment it goes beyond the boundaries of the small pelvis that the uterus can already be felt tactilely, and it begins to increase the volume of the hips. At first, the changes will be minor (up to about 16-20 weeks), after which, looking at the woman, you can see her position.

Factors influencing the volume and rate of abdominal growth during pregnancy

1) The physical form of the girl - the muscles, which are in good shape, are reluctant to stretch under the pressure of the uterus, so the belly is noticeable at a later stage. The presence of an apron of fat also delays the appearance of a belly, i.e. it is hidden in soft deposits, allowing you to hide pregnancy for up to 6-7 months

2) The number of fetuses also affects the volume of the abdomen for obvious reasons - the uterus has to keep up with the growth of 2-3 babies, so it protrudes beyond the boundaries of the small pelvis earlier. The belly during multiple pregnancy can become noticeable even in the second month

3) The mother’s build affects the visual visibility of the abdomen - height and width of the hips also affect the external volume. The wider the pelvic bones are, the longer the uterus will not protrude beyond its boundaries.

4) The size of the fetus also affects how long it will take for it to remind the world of its imminent birth due to the enlargement of the mother’s belly

5) Heredity also plays a role, but here you can no longer predict “in whose footsteps” you followed. Previously, it was recommended to contact mothers and grandmothers with questions about the rate of abdominal growth during pregnancy, but you can inherit the shape of your hips from your father too?!

6) A weak uterus due to sutures and ruptures can also remain in the pelvic area longer due to the severity of amniotic fluid, therefore, the belly will be noticeable later

7) And again about amniotic fluid - if there is a lot of it, which is popularly called “hydropsis of pregnancy,” then it significantly affects the volume of the uterus

The position of the fetus can change the shape and size of the abdomen several times over the course of a week - the way your baby now prefers to lie will depend on where the belly is directed and how much it protrudes forward

9) How far along are you in your pregnancy? If you are carrying your first child, the tummy will appear later due to muscle resistance. The second and subsequent times the body will be ready for the load, the muscles will become more pliable, making the tummy more noticeable

10) External influences. It happens that, due to personal prejudices and career considerations, expectant mothers hide their situation by wearing shapewear, corsets, and bandaging their bellies. This is very harmful both for the baby, who cannot develop correctly and naturally due to lack of space, and for the mother, whose internal organs are unnaturally displaced under the pressure of the pregnant uterus

Is it good or bad when your belly starts to grow quickly during pregnancy?

If the development of your pregnancy fits into the norms established by medicine, then you should not worry about either a slowly or rapidly growing belly. Follow the dogmas of proper and healthy nutrition, engage in moderate physical activity and be proud of your position, because you will soon release a new little person into the world! An excessively large belly causes uterine hypertonicity, which may not turn out very well, and therefore requires increased attention from doctors. There are certain optimums that indicate the good health of the baby and mother, so enjoy every moment and do not forget to visit a doctor for control.

The rapid growth of the abdomen also causes stretching of the skin and the formation of unaesthetic bright blue stripes, which can sometimes only be eliminated through surgical cosmetic interventions. To prevent stretch marks, you need to use gels, creams and folk masks for the skin.

The fact that the tummy is rapidly increasing in volume may indicate a violation of the diet. If a mother eats “for two,” then excess weight may appear that is not related to the development of the fetus. Resist the temptation to eat a fatty piece of meat or a super sweet cake - this will affect your appearance when pregnancy and all the excuses along with it are behind you.

To protect yourself from doubts and fears about the development of your child, visit your doctor regularly - the feeling that someone is controlling your condition, and the benevolent speeches of the doctor leading your pregnancy will calm you down and add moral strength. Regularly measuring your belly and listening to your baby's heartbeat gives you an almost complete picture of the health of the little miracle inside you. Do not skip tests - they reflect the progress of chemical processes in your body.

How to hide a rapidly growing belly from unnecessary attention

A happy pregnant woman attracts looks, but they are not always pleasant to her. How to hide your pregnancy if you are afraid that they will jinx you or look at you the wrong way? Do not under any circumstances use bandages, corsets or manual “pulling” of the abdomen, because the health of your unborn child is important to you, isn’t it? Wear slightly flared items that are not figure-hugging, made from natural fabrics. Visit a maternity store - there are a lot of stylish and cute things there.

And most importantly, understand for yourself that there is nothing bad in pregnancy, be prepared to accept the views of people who, for the most part, are happy for you. Don’t think that anyone will judge you for being “overweight” during pregnancy, and don’t worry about the opinions of others at all. For you now, only you and your future child should exist.

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