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Increased sweating of feet in children. Why do my child's feet sweat a lot? Natural Causes of Sweating


Hyperhidrosis is a process during which the body produces excessive sweat. This disease can be limited or widespread, and the causes of its occurrence are varied. Sweating in the feet area armpits and palms is most often provoked by some kind of stress. This disease is very common and most likely to be acquired due to an idiopathic cause. In addition, the appearance of hyperhidrosis is also possible with malignant formations, diseases endocrine system, as well as due to infection. You can immediately tell the diagnosis, since it is obvious, but still, determine possible reasons its occurrence is necessary. In order to treat hyperhidrosis of the armpits, feet and palms, aluminum chloride, water iontophoresis, botulinum toxin, and extreme casesurgery. There is a distinction between general and local hyperhidrosis.

Sweaty feet most often occur in adults and less often in children. To the child this problem brings considerable inconvenience and makes parents worry. At first glance, it is difficult to determine whether increased sweating in a child is a sign of some kind of disease.

Decisions must be made based on the reason why the child has increased sweating in the legs. Once the cause is established, half the journey has already been completed. After which it is necessary to ensure that the child’s socks are dry all the time, and, therefore, they need to be changed more often. In addition, it is not advisable to dress your baby too warmly and not to wear clothes made of synthetic materials. It is advisable to give massages and bathe the child daily in water that is slightly diluted with salt.

Many of us are accustomed to thinking that only adults sweat. In fact, babies up to one year old can sweat. A small organism gradually learns the process of heat exchange, so it quickly cools when the temperature drops and warms up when it rises. The restoration of thermoregulation continues during the first year of life.

Sweating allows you to quickly get rid of excess heat. If you put warmer socks on your baby, his feet will immediately sweat. So why Baby's feet are sweating ? What are reasons and features this condition?

Causes of sweaty feet in infants

The causes of sweating feet in infants can be different.

In small children under one year old elevated muscle tone . They clench their fists and stand on tiptoes, which makes the baby’s feet sweat. These are the main natural causes of sweaty feet in a baby, which will disappear within a year. There are also a number of reasons why a child’s feet may sweat:

  • Clothes and shoes that are poorly breathable. It is preferable to wear tights for the child from natural fibers that allow air to pass through;
  • Heredity . With age, foot sweating disappears;
  • At rickets Increased sweating may also occur. At the same time, baby sleeps and eats poorly, skin is pale, sweat smells bad . This disease is observed until the age of two;
  • Sweating is possible when malfunction thyroid gland . The sweat smells unpleasant, like that of an adult. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.

First of all it is necessary to exclude all natural causes of sweating. If your baby's feet are sweating (the reasons are listed above), then you need to create comfortable conditions vital activity:

  1. The air temperature should not be higher than 22 degrees, and the humidity should not be higher than 60%. The room must be regularly ventilated to supply oxygen;
  2. The child's body must breathe. For this cloth should be from natural materials : linen, cotton. No need to wrap the baby up. The blanket should be light.
  3. You should bathe your baby every day to keep the skin clean and breathing.
  • Stressful situations also provoke increased sweating. These include lack of sleep, undereating or overeating;
  • At vegetative-vascular dystonia Sweating may also occur.

Causes of excessive sweating and methods of treatment

The baby needs to be given a daily bath and other hygiene procedures

When all natural causes have been eliminated, and the child continues to sweat, you should contact a specialist. You may need to get tested to determine the cause of your excessive sweating.

In medicine this process is called hyperhidrosis . It happens primary (idiopathic) and secondary.

The first type is inherited. There is an assumption that it occurs with an increased amount sweat glands. Another reason may be a stronger reaction to various external and internal stimuli. One in two thousand people are affected by this type of sweating.

Primary type of hyperhidrosis may occur as early as three months of age when they begin to notice that the baby’s arms and legs, as well as the armpits and head, are sweating. During puberty, an exacerbation may begin. Treatment of the baby consists of hygiene procedures .

Secondary hyperhidrosis occurs against the background of another disease. Then not only your hands and feet sweat, but your whole body. Sweating is accompanied by other symptoms, these include: lethargy, excessive excitability, insomnia, poor appetite . When the temperature rises it is necessary consult a doctor . It is also possible that rashes on the child’s body, upset stomach, vomiting, shortness of breath .

Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of increased sweating. This requires an examination and test results. Let's look at some causes of secondary hyperhidrosis.

  • One of the signs VSD is sweating of the baby's hands and feet. Treatment consists of creating a calm environment for a child. They will also help therapeutic massage and water treatments .
  • Also, the reason why a baby’s hands, feet and other parts of the body sweat may be past viral diseases . If there is a heart complication, shortness of breath may be added to excessive sweating.

To prevent the causes of increased sweating for the baby, a favorable psychological situation . Room necessary ventilate regularly . It is also important from the first days of life harden the baby . All this will contribute to proper, healthy development.

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Children are very playful, they run and jump a lot.

Often their parents notice that their child's feet sweat a lot. Some of them are wondering: is this normal and how to get rid of sweaty feet in a child?

First, remember why you need sweating in the first place. Thus, the body tries to regulate body temperature, prevents itself from overheating, and removes toxins.

However, excessive moisture production may indicate a malfunction of the body, some kind of disease or infection. Why do some children also have unpleasant foot odor? What is the cause of foot hyperhidrosis and strong odor?

There are actually many reasons, but one should not draw pessimistic conclusions ahead of time. In order to be sure that this process is happening due to something bad, you need to consult a doctor. Only a therapist can determine which system of the body has failed and tell you which specialist you need to go to.

Let's look at the reasons why a child's heels sweat:

  • Has your baby complained about? It’s worth listening - for him it may simply be cramped or simply uncomfortable. In this case, the leg does not receive required quantity air - it must circulate.
  • - leatherette, etc. They do not allow air to pass through or breathe, and retain moisture. Because of this, it overheats and the sweat glands begin to secrete more water to stabilize the temperature.
  • How well do you select clothes for your child? Tight and made of synthetic materials also do not allow the feet to breathe well. Because of this, sweat does not evaporate and the foot remains wet.
  • The reason may be various diseases. They must be accompanied by a number of specific symptoms: elevated temperature, irritability, or lack thereof. Sweaty feet may indicate problems with the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive systems, metabolic disorders, renal or liver failure, decreased immunity, rickets. If you notice that profuse sweating stop is accompanied by at least one of the above manifestations - this is a signal to get worried and take the child for a consultation with a doctor.
  • If one of the parents notices this, then it may simply be hereditary hyperhidrosis - the body’s tendency to produce increased sweat. IN in this case- this is the norm for a child.
  • Also strong discharge sweat lower limbs May be age factor. Thermoregulation develops in children under 7 years of age and the feet sweat the most.

Feet may sweat for no good reason, but sometimes parents get worried. For example, what to do when a 10-year-old girl’s feet sweat a lot. It’s unpleasant for them and for the girl too. We'll look at all the recommendations a little later.

If you notice that something is wrong with your child, he feels differently and this is accompanied by sweaty feet, take him to the doctor!

It is extremely unpleasant when your feet stink. This is just a sign that there is a high probability of health problems. However, the reasons for the appearance of odor can be very different - from weather conditions, to serious illnesses.

The most common ones are:

  • . It is more difficult for a growing body to cope with unnecessary fat.
  • Fungal infection. Because of this, a child, like an adult, often has sweaty feet and an unpleasant smell. The liquid that the sweat glands excrete has no odor. But, interacting with bacteria, it acquires pungent odor. Hygiene must be at the proper level; feet must be washed every morning and evening.
  • Drink more fluid than necessary. In this case, the body does not have time to remove it naturally and does this through sweating.

To make sure it's real serious problem, go see a pediatrician. And he will tell you exactly which specialist to contact in this case.

It is worth remembering that before you start taking any measures, you need to determine what contributes to the appearance of copious discharge sweat and foul odor. Only after this can treatment begin. You also don't need to use everything at once - start with basic hygiene.

How to get rid of heavy sweating child's feet:

  • Maintain careful hygiene. Needs rinsing problem area and change socks at least 2 times a day. It is advisable to purchase a spare pair of shoes so as not to wear one every day. This is necessary in order to let it dry. You should not re-wear socks or tights if they have not yet been washed. Otherwise, germs will again penetrate the skin through sweat.
  • Using children's or to normalize the functioning of the sweat glands. This will also help combat the problem.
  • Using baths with medicinal herbs And essential oils. Lavender oil fights well against odor spreaders and prevents bacteria from developing and spreading.
  • Application special to combat odor and excessive sweating of feet. There are actually a lot of such funds, so you can choose what you need.

  • You need to let your leg breathe. Tight or small shoes are completely unsuitable. Only with natural shoes your foot will feel comfortable. It is also important to wear boots appropriate for the weather and not overheat them.
  • Wash your baby's feet twice a day and massage them. It may include the most simple exercises: patting, circular massaging, pinching - in general, everything that improves blood circulation.
  • If sweating is accompanied by other complaints, you should immediately. He will be able to make the correct diagnosis.
  • You should not “play doctor” and make your own verdict about the disease. There is no need to resort to folk remedies before going to the hospital. Don’t rush to search on the Internet for “signs of rickets” or “how to find out that a child has cancer” if you know that sweating is one of the signs. There will be many symptoms that match thousands of different diseases.
  • Don't delay making an appointment with a doctor. When a 6-year-old child's feet sweat, this is normal (provided there are no third-party complaints). But when a child is 8-10 years old and his limbs sweat a lot, then the cause must be immediately diagnosed.

Don't panic ahead of time. But it is better to find out the cause of increased sweating in a child as soon as possible. Then its elimination will be timely, which means the child will be healthy and all your worries will disappear.

We are used to thinking that sweating feet is more common in adults, and especially in men. But in reality, this same problem very often manifests itself in children 2, 3, 4, 5 months old... And almost always at this age, sweating of a child’s feet is the norm.

Meanwhile, intense sweating accompanies many health problems, and in combination with other signs may indicate the development of a particular disease. How to determine: is sweating feet in children a disease or normal? Let's figure it out.

As many parents know, heat exchange processes in newborn children occur in a special way. The baby's body is just learning to respond “correctly” to changing temperature conditions external environment. In this regard, babies very easily succumb to overheating and hypothermia; they instantly freeze when the temperature drops and warm up very quickly when it rises.

Sweating is very simple and convenient way get rid of excess heat. Therefore, the small organism uses it on every occasion. If you put slightly warmer socks on your baby, your feet will immediately start sweating.

The process of improving thermoregulation child's body lasts for approximately a year, and therefore the feet of newborns and children up to 12 months often sweat. As soon as heat transfer reaches its normal development- the baby's sweating will go away.

In addition, many babies have increased muscle tone, including and in particular in the limbs. This contributes to sweating of the legs and arms; the baby loves to clench his hands into fists and stand on tiptoes. Will help improve your condition special gymnastics and massage.

These are the most important causes of sweating of the extremities in children under one year old. At an older age, there may be more of them, and therefore it can be more difficult to determine why this particular child’s feet are sweating. However, all the factors influencing sweaty feet, which we will talk about further, are also relevant for newborns: any problem can appear even at a very early age.

When parents contact a pediatrician with a complaint about intense or frequent sweating of a child, especially during feeding or during sleep, the doctor will mainly suspect rickets if the baby is no more than 2-3 years old (rickets is less commonly diagnosed in children under 5 years of age). It should be noted that profuse sweating indeed often accompanies this disease, but in itself in no way indicates it! Diagnostic assumptions about the development of rickets are based on completely different signs, and several of them must be observed, and not just a few.

Therefore, do not rush to give vitamin D to your child if the reason for this is only his intense sweating. It is imperative to make sure that the baby really needs vitamin D in this case, since its excess is no less dangerous than its deficiency.

In older children, the above causes of sweating fade into the background and lose their relevance. The “root of evil” should be sought elsewhere. And it’s not always that this other thing turns out to be so bad.

If you are only embarrassed by wet feet, then most likely there is no reason to worry. Excessive sweating is a feature of many people, and not only adults. Does daddy sweat all the time too? Why be surprised then - the son had someone to follow. Children often outgrow this “sweating” period, but this not very pleasant feature can remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Another reason why a child’s feet sweat may lie on the surface - he is simply hot. This is facilitated by wearing tight or poor quality shoes(made from breathable materials), socks and tights made of synthetic fabrics.

If the room is too hot and the air is too dry, then the child will certainly sweat not only in his feet. At the same time, he may express irritability or anxiety, because in a stuffy room his health worsens and his head begins to hurt.

When, along with sweating, other signs of trouble are noted, then the cause of sweaty feet needs to be looked for inside, and here, most likely, you will need the help of a doctor.

Sweaty feet may be accompanied by multiple dysfunctions internal organs and systems. And in such cases, this symptom is almost always combined with others:

  • increased body temperature;
  • irritability, moodiness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased or lack of appetite; breast refusal;
  • skin rashes, frequent allergies, urticaria;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, etc.

It is not at all necessary and not always, but, nevertheless, sweating of the feet can be a companion to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular or nervous system(in particular, vegetative-vascular dystonia, circulatory disorders), kidneys, endocrine disruptions, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, a sign of helminthiasis, that is, the presence of worms in the child. In the latter case, in addition to sweating, skin rashes, tendency to allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis, frequent bronchitis. In this way, the body tries to get rid of toxic substances released during the life of helminths.

Of course, excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle also lead to metabolic disorders and the development of hyperhidrosis (that is, excessive sweating).

Perhaps in search real reason Parents will have to visit more than one specialist. But if the child is sweating and expresses anxiety, then this definitely needs to be done.

Your child's feet are sweaty and stinky

Most often, feet sweat in newborns and infants up to 12 months, less often - after a year and in older children. And in most cases, there are no serious deviations in the child’s health.

But if a child’s feet sweat very much and stink like an adult’s, then this condition can hardly be considered normal. And most likely, it indicates disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland. This means that, first of all, parents should show their child to an endocrinologist, and it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor, since we're talking about about serious things. Sweating due to endocrinological disorders is observed not only in the legs, but also in other areas, and the sweat almost always has a strong, pungent odor.

What to do when your child's feet are sweaty

You should visit a doctor in any case if, in addition to sweating feet, something else bothers you. Perhaps the pediatrician will be able to immediately determine the cause of increased sweating in the extremities. Although it is unlikely to do without standard tests. If suspicions fall on the development of any disease, the doctor will refer you to a specialist for further examination.

However, you must always start with the simplest and most obvious. Don’t overheat your child, don’t put a lot of warm clothes on him, perhaps give them up altogether: many kids wear thin knitted shirts all winter and never wear knitted sweaters and tights. If a child is playful, active, cheerful, eats and sleeps well, but sweats and complains that he is hot, it means that he simply has an accelerated metabolism (like, most likely, one of his parents).

Always maintain an optimal indoor microclimate, preventing temperatures from exceeding 20-21 o C and keeping air humidity at 50-70%.

Daily walks fresh air- a sacred rule for any parent!

Costs more attention pay attention to the shoes that the baby wears, and if you previously allowed yourself to save on them, now you will have to find another way to save family budget. Children's shoes must certainly be of high quality!

Very effective for treating sweaty feet and in general for preventive purposes hardening procedures, which are especially convenient to carry out in the summer: contrast shower and baths, massage wet paths, walking barefoot in the dew, etc. Annual summer trips to the sea with a child are also welcome.

If your child’s feet sweat a lot, you can use these tips: traditional medicine and conduct a course of foot baths using sea ​​salt, pine extract or herbal infusions and infusions (from oak bark, sage, string, chamomile, calendula). These plants have a pronounced bactericidal and skin-drying effect. But do not forget to first make sure that the child is not intolerant to the product used.

Foot baths and enhanced hygiene of feet when they are sweating heavily - prerequisite child care. And don’t be too lazy to massage his legs every morning: pinch them, stroke them, tingle them slightly, rub them, pat them - this is especially useful for vegetative-vascular dystonia (like hardening the legs), but it will not hurt any child at all.

It is likely that sweaty feet individual feature body in a child with time will pass(against the background general well-being). You just need to avoid stress and special attention pay attention to your diet (since all this can increase sweating).

But if there is reason to suspect a disease or illness associated with this symptom, then you must play it safe and undergo the necessary medical examinations with your child.

Health to your children!

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Often parents go to the doctor with a problem when their child’s feet are sweating. Increased secretion sweating is called hyperhidrosis. The disease can occur at any age. Its appearance can be influenced by both external and internal factors.

A baby's sweat glands begin to function by the end of the third week of life. But their final formation continues during the first six years. Throughout this period, the body reacts sharply to any changes, and many children’s legs, armpits, and neck sweat.

Why do my child's feet sweat a lot? In addition to the immaturity of the sweat glands, there are other features that lead to increased sweating in a baby:

  1. The skin of children is thin and very vulnerable.
  2. High fluid content in the skin.
  3. In newborns, blood flow is much faster than in adult children. Blood flows to the extremities large quantities, so your feet and hands sweat.
  4. Narrow ducts prevent the accumulated fluid from being fully released.

Children born ahead of schedule, artificial people, small patients with diseases digestive tract and prone to allergic reactions.

There are quite harmless reasons Why do one-year-old children's feet sweat?

If your baby's legs and other parts of the body sweat, you should pay attention to the clothes. There is no need to wrap up the baby; it is better to choose high-quality clothes, natural material, for example, linen or cotton.

Hot indoor air leads to increased sweating. It is recommended to ventilate the room daily and monitor air humidity. An air temperature of 20-22 degrees is considered comfortable for a full-term baby, and the humidity should be 60%.

It is worth putting diapers on your baby as little as possible. After water procedures It's good to stay naked for about 10 minutes. Worth giving up cosmetics, especially if they have fatty base.

Reason heavy sweating hands and feet, a baby often becomes deficient in vitamin D (rickets), which is manifested by increased activity of the sweat glands, drowsiness, bad sleep and appetite, dryness oral cavity, baldness occipital region. Sweaty feet smell unpleasant and feel sticky to the touch.

Hypertonicity of the muscles leads to the fact that the legs are in a tense, elongated state, and the arms are clenched into a fist. At the same time, parents can observe that the child’s feet and hands are sweating.

Sweaty feet and hands of a baby are observed during teething. A sweaty baby becomes irritable, sleeps and eats poorly, and body temperature may rise.

Problem in preschool children

Why does my child sweat in certain areas of his body, including his feet? There are cases when increased formation of foot sweat leads to external factors, after eliminating which the problem disappears:

  1. Feet may become sweaty due to tight, low-quality shoes.
  2. Tights and socks from synthetic material lead to disruption of heat exchange processes, joins bad smell and fungal infection.
  3. Infrequent changes of underwear and lack of regular water procedures cause the body to sweat and become covered with prickly heat.
  4. Keeping the child in a room with hot air, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  5. No air baths.
  6. Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Excess body weight. During any motor activity more energy and fluid begin to be spent, as a result the child sweats a lot.
  8. Overwork, fear, stress.
  9. Excessive fluid intake. Children aged 4 years show increased physical activity, so they drink a lot.
  10. Taking some medicines may cause side effects in the form of sweating in infants.

What else can cause sweaty feet? Some diseases can cause excessive sweating of the feet in children, especially at the age of 5 years:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by impaired vascular tone. As a result, blood flows to the legs and other parts of the body in different quantities.
  2. Increased sweating can be caused by diseases of the central nervous system.
  3. Pathological processes occurring in respiratory tract. For example, tuberculosis is characterized by coughing, a prolonged slight rise in body temperature, and loss of appetite.
  4. Pathological processes occurring in the lungs or kidneys.
  5. Infectious inflammatory processes caused by viruses and bacteria.
  6. Oncological neoplasms.
  7. Feet sweat and smell in the presence of endocrine diseases.
  8. Infection with helminths.
  9. Fungal diseases of the feet in a child.

If your feet sweat a lot due to a disease, then other signs will certainly be present. For example, the body temperature may rise, the child becomes whiny, irritable, the quality of sleep and appetite deteriorates, skin rashes are observed, and bowel movements may be disrupted.

You should be wary of the fact that along with sweating, your feet stink. Sweat is sticky and can even change color. First of all, you need to contact an endocrinologist or cardiologist.

In children over 6 years of age, sweating may occur due to increased physical activity, changes in diet, and stress. You may find that the feet are smelly and cause discomfort to your child.

In a teenager, the formation of sweat on the feet can increase most often due to stressful situations, vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic diseases of internal organs. Many teenagers move little, sit more at the computer, and their diet includes foods that provoke changes in the functioning of the sweat glands (spicy, salty foods, chips, carbonated drinks).

Ways to solve the problem

What to do if your baby's feet are sweaty? If a child’s feet sweat, treatment begins with changing external conditions:

  1. Ventilate the room every day for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Bath regularly or simply wash your hands and feet with soap.
  3. Your child’s feet need to be treated every day air baths. For this purpose, remove socks and shoes for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Be sure to do gymnastics with your baby.
  5. It is best to choose socks and tights from cotton, linen, or wool and change them every day.
  6. Shoes for children need to be chosen from quality material, for example, leather or canvas. Shoes need to be dried well after wearing, so you need to have a second pair in stock.
  7. The baby needs to be fed as long as possible breast milk. The diet of an adult child should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Salty, spicy, sweet dishes are excluded.
  8. It is not recommended to swaddle the baby tightly or use warm clothes.
  9. Bathing water can be made with decoctions from medicinal herbs, for example, with string, chamomile, oak bark.
  10. Baby foot powder helps dry the skin and prevent bacteria from growing.
  11. An atmosphere free of stress, conflict, agitation and anxiety should be created.

If the causes of sweating feet in children are discovered, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Medicines against sweaty feet, which can be used in childhood:

  1. Excessive sweating is reduced by Teymurov's paste. At the same time, it disinfects the surface and relieves inflammation. The paste is rubbed into the skin for two minutes before going to bed. It is recommended to wash off the composition in the morning. Approved for use in children over one year of age.
  2. Helps with hyperhidrosis Zinc ointment. It dries, disinfects and stops the proliferation of bacteria. Thin layer The product is applied for 15 minutes three times a day. It is allowed to treat sweating and skin irritation in children under one year of age.
  3. Chlorophyllipt solution reduces sweating, eliminates unpleasant odor and inflammation. It should be used with caution in young children, as it may cause allergic reactions.
  4. Calamine cream prevents the development of inflammation and irritation, prevents the attachment of fungal and bacterial infection. After application, a protective film is created from damage. Approved for use in children under 3 years of age.

Simultaneously with all pharmacy and folk remedies the child may be prescribed sedatives, for example, Novopassit, Glycine, Persen. You can brew a decoction based on valerian, motherwort, St. John's wort, lemon balm or mint inside. May be discharged vitamin complexes, immunomodulators and anti-inflammatory drugs.

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