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Congratulations in your own words on the wedding from witnesses. Congratulatory speech of a witness at a wedding. Witness at a wedding. Speech rough plan

The groom is always waiting for some special words and congratulations on the wedding from the witness, because this is such a rare occasion when the relationship of two long-time friends is in the center of attention of relatives.

The best man can show his friend his devotion, and the bride can present the groom in the best possible way.

What memories will make the witness's speech sincere?

To make your performance stand out, we can talk about three different periods the life of the groom related to his attitude towards the female sex. Congratulations on the wedding from a witness in your own words may look like this:

For example:

  • start with a childish act, speaking of his boyish gallantry: “Once, when we were still going to kindergarten, one girl hit him on the head with a book. And he began to cry. I tell him: “Give her back!” And he answered me: “I can’t. She's a girl!
  • go to memories from school life : “And when we were already in school, all the girls knew that he was always ready to help and they shamelessly took advantage of this. I was even angry with him for this: “Why don’t you send them away with their endless requests?!” And he answered me: “My upbringing doesn’t allow me”;
  • remind one of the events recent years : “It happened just recently similar story. It's my mom's birthday. And then he collapses. With flowers! Remembers my mother’s birthday!”
  • combine all three events with a conclusion: “And such a noble attitude towards women remains in him to this day. So let your union be a union of male nobility and female devotion!”

It will be very consonant if you agree with the witness so that she prepares similar memories of the bride. By the way, it’s okay if the groom and the witness haven’t known each other for very long. You can borrow memories from the groom's parents by explaining your idea to them, or, in as a last resort, come up with it yourself.

Another option is to retell how the groom shared his impressions of his future bride:

  • as soon as they met;
  • after the first date;
  • before proposing marriage.

How more difference between periods of life in memories, the brighter and more fun they will turn out to be.

How to make a small scene

In the popular American version, this funny skit is called "Dance for a Dollar." Its essence is that guests wishing to dance with the bride must pay one dollar, putting it in a special bag. For a witness, you can change this option as follows: let during one dance guests pay the groom for the right to dance with the groom.

When the dance is over, the witness can say to the bride:

“If your fiancé was able to withstand such a test of beauty with honor and return to you, then this is a good sign that speaks of the true strength of his love for you. Let him continue to choose only you from all the women who will meet on his way!”

What can you say when giving a gift?

Not the most necessary, of course, but a very interesting gift - wall map in wooden frame , where you can stick colored flags with symbols like:

  • places we have already visited;
  • the purpose of our next journey;
  • our dream place.

Interesting to add checkboxes to indicate the most different places taking into account the newlyweds' trips: where they studied, where they went on business trips, where their friends live.

Such a gift gives enormous scope for imagination, and congratulations should be associated with words such as:

  • journey,
  • roads,
  • returning home,
  • satellites.

Maybe these congratulations will give you new, brighter and more original ideas:

  • “This is a map of the journey through life that begins today and will last throughout your long life”;
  • “The whole world is open to you, and you are open to the world. Let peace settle in your hearts, and you give him a new family”;
  • “No matter how far the paths take you, always walk along them together. And may your home always be a place where you want to return.”

A witness congratulates the happy newlywed couple

Words about strong family And mutual love, popular wedding poems and parables, which sound quite harmoniously from the lips of the witness, cause a completely different reaction from the guests when they are pronounced by the witness. Women, as a rule, forgive platitudes more easily, and even treat them with a certain understanding. The witness congratulating the newlyweds faces the difficult task of finding a reasonable balance between masculinity and lyricism.

For the bride

  • “Now you have a shoulder to lean on”;
  • "I trust you with my best friend and I believe that it is you who will be able to make him happy! May your union bring you both something that you could never achieve separately!”;

To the groom

  • “May there be as much wealth and abundance in your life as your mutual love is in it now!”;
  • “It takes courage to decide not to start a family. It takes courage to keep it. I believe that you can do this, and your children will appreciate it!”;
  • “The French have a saying: “If all the popes in the world extend their hand to me, I will choose only yours, dad!” May your future sons and daughters someday say such words to you!”

One of the most memorable congratulations for newlyweds at a wedding should be what the witness says. After all, she will receive almost as much attention at this celebration as the bride herself. A girl can congratulate newlyweds in several well-known ways.

Standard congratulations in prose

This option is considered classic. It can also be used as a . When composing such a speech one should take into account such a factor as the presence of a sense of humor in newlyweds. The witness must be sure that her jokes used in the congratulations will please both the heroes of the occasion and their guests.

You can compose a classic congratulatory speech yourself. To do this, you should know that it should consist of an introduction, a main part that contains wishes, and a logically completed ending.

Here are several text options from a witness of this type:

First option

Dear “Name of the Bride” and “Name of the Groom”! Today is a very touching and exciting day. The day when you created a strong and reliable union! I, as a witness to this event, want to join the congratulations that have already been heard here today, and with all my heart I wish you to carry your love through all the adversity and difficulties. After all, it’s no secret that at any life path there will be a lot of them. Love and take care of each other, do not quarrel over trifles and, if possible, give in to each other. Peace, goodness and love to you! Bitterly!

Second option

Just recently, I still remember the day when you first met. I really liked how reverently and tenderly you began to treat each other from the very first days. It was too early to talk about love then; it seemed to me that you were united mutual sympathy. Today I am a witness at your wedding. I am very glad that before my eyes a strong and strong feeling. Keep your love and always be together: in sorrow and in joy. May your whole life be sweet, but for now - bitterly young!

Third option

My friends, how glad I am to attend your wedding, especially as a witness! Today your family was born. I hope that this is not just a word for you, and that you understand how important it is to protect and protect each other from all troubles and adversity. Take care of your family, which over time will become at least a couple more little people, take care of each other, show attention and love! I sincerely wish you many happy years together! Bitterly!

Congratulations to the bride's best friend in verse

Everyone knows that poetic speech is perceived by the ear much better than prosaic speech. It is soft, melodic and can be chanted. Not every witness will be able to compose poems for the newlyweds on her own. This task can only be accomplished by a true master of artistic expression who is passionate about poetry. There is no need to be upset about this, because you can take it already ready congratulations in verse and read it to the young people at the wedding. Remember that it is better to memorize such a text or write it in beautiful postcard to congratulate the bride and groom clearly and distinctly, and not confusingly, while trying to find a replacement for certain words. Here are several options for congratulations for the newlyweds from the witness in verse:

There are, my friends, miracles in the world:

We started a family today - thank heavens!

You love each other and don’t hurt each other,

You will remain family in joy and in sorrow!

And do not lose faith in the wonderful power of love,

Let the groom be sweet, and let the bride be sweet!

And I want to congratulate you on your wedding and nothing more,

And together with the others I will shout to you “Bitter!”

Protect your wonderful, strong union, friends.

Don’t let each other’s gossip and misfortunes hurt you.

Today you have finally become husband and wife,

And may various sorrows pass you by!

It is both an honor and a pleasure to be your witness!

Look at the bride - she is incredibly beautiful!

The groom is not inferior to her,

Looks like he's flexing his muscles.

I congratulate you, dear ones, and wish from the bottom of my heart,

So that your children can be so good too!

Cool congratulations from a witness at a wedding

If the witness wants to stand out from the crowd of guests, who will probably use template toasts and poems from postcards purchased on the eve of the wedding to congratulate the newlyweds, she can use funny ironic speech. What is important to consider when choosing or compiling it yourself:

Cool congratulations for newlyweds can be in prose. Here are a few of their options:

Option 1

My dear friend! I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart and teach you a few lessons worldly wisdom. Your husband didn’t want to watch a movie with you and is playing on the computer. Go out into the entrance and turn off the electricity - there will be a reason to hold romantic evening by candlelight! Scatters socks around the apartment - pour borscht on top of them. Don't want your mom to come visit? Invite her along with her sisters and grandmother - let her appreciate the scale of the real tragedy! And you, groom, also keep up with your beloved! Your wife won't let you go to football? Invite the friends you were going to go with to your place - set up a sports bar in your apartment. Can't go fishing? Don't let her go shopping with her friends. Complaining about lack of attention? Follow her around all day and shower her with compliments. Jokes aside, but in reality I wish you that similar situations has never happened in your life! Let peace and mutual understanding reign in your family! Bitterly!

Option 2

Dear newlyweds, my friends, with all my heart I want to wish you to increase your wealth! No, no, I'm not talking about material values- apartments, cars, a two-chamber refrigerator - these are all little things. I'm talking about your offspring. It is advisable to have at least three children. And better - more. Make your grandparents happy and ruin the state on maternity capital! Cool congratulations from the witness can also be in verse:

The role of the witness is important

I'm at a wedding - oh I need it!

Greetings to the young

And I hasten to congratulate them:

I wish them to prosper

Never lose heart

And don’t hurt your soul -

Just love and don’t grow old!

How wonderful our groom is,

And the bride is beautiful!

I hasten to congratulate them -

The soul asks for this.

I wish them wealth

And patience, of course

Don't grow old and smile

And don’t change in appearance!

Original congratulations from a witness at a wedding

You can also congratulate the newlyweds in original ways. The witness can use a song as a gift for the bride and groom. It is recommended to do this only girls with good vocal abilities. You can write a song yourself, for example, remake any famous hit in a wedding style. Or you can use options for ready-made wedding songs. Here is their list:

  • “Oh this wedding”;
  • "Wedding Flowers";
  • "Bitterly";
  • "Weddings";
  • "Wedding Stories";
  • "Together and forever."

However, use wedding songs not necessary. Can be selected as wedding congratulations love song.

  • “I love you to tears”;
  • “For me, there is no one more beautiful than you”;
  • "If it weren't for you."

One more original version congratulations to the newlyweds is a dance that the witness can give them. In this case, you can also include a witness. When congratulating the newlyweds on such a wonderful event as marriage, the witness should use as many warm and kind words. After all, the most best congratulations is something that comes from the depths of the soul. The witness can tell the bride and groom how much she values ​​their friendship and how glad she is that she was invited to the wedding in this capacity. You can also thank the parents of the newlyweds for raising and raising such wonderful children. Surely they will be pleased to hear this. Main - don’t be afraid to give a congratulatory speech in public, and then the performance will be thoughtful, clear, and will be remembered by both the heroes of the occasion and the guests gathered at the wedding for a long time. Well, if the witness asks for help at the wedding from the witness and several other friends, then all of them together will be able to “create” something like this original congratulations– watch the video:

I, best friend brides and witnesses at your wedding, I want to congratulate you, newlyweds, on your marriage. I vow to invite you to my wedding. I solemnly promise to catch wedding bouquet and get married within one year. I promise to visit you every four weeks. Get bored with your stories about my adventures. And be godmother to your firstborn.

I congratulate you on your wedding day and with all my heart I wish you to create happy family, a strong unit of society! Love each other, surround your children with love and spend every day in such a way that you don’t forget to say kind words and show tender care! May your home always be warm, comfortable and peaceful!

Newlyweds! I want to give you some irreplaceable advice in family life! Firstly, the groom should always please his wife with all sorts of little things. And, as you know, the best little things are considered to be trinkets with large, large diamonds. The wife should be more upset, but only because her husband couldn’t watch his favorite football game. Newlyweds are required to scream as often as possible, but only in bed! Appreciate, respect and pamper each other!

I was lucky to see a real miracle - your wedding, because on its day your love sparkles like fireworks semiprecious stones and it seems that the whole world has become brighter! I want to wish you to live for many years as happy and carefree as today, knowing only love and tranquility, peace and tenderness!

IN beautiful fairy tales Always happy ending, which necessarily says about the wedding feast and happily ever after life together. I want to wish you, newlyweds, that your fairy tale turns out to be even more wonderful and prosperous than all those they write about in books! Let your wedding day be the beginning of a new fabulous chapter in your life, which you will read together!

With all my soul, with all my heart, I wish you to live in love, so that harmony and joy surround you every moment. Let there be no problems or quarrels in your young family, let the laughter of children be heard, and there will be a long life together. On such a significant day filled with happiness, I wish you to bask in joy, fun and smiles. Let everything in the family be as in good fairy tale- the hut is full of pies, the tablecloth is self-assembled, the wife is like Elena the Wise, and the husband is like Ivan Tsarevich! Keep your swan loyalty and drive away the snake-jealousy!

I want to wish yours married couple fidelity. After all, the person who adheres to the principle of “free love” cannot know true love, in his soul there is only emptiness and loneliness. Therefore, be faithful to each other, appreciate and protect your sincere feelings to each other!

On your wedding day, I wish you, first of all, what you need for a strong, friendly family, in which every day is a holiday! I wish you fidelity, tenderness, mutual understanding, passion and boundless love! May your every business end in success, and may your home remain cozy and warm in any weather!

Today, on your wedding day, I would like to congratulate you especially beautifully... It would probably be fair to compare your love with a fruit tree, for which it is now spring, the time to bloom. Take care of your love, and very soon it will give you the fruits of eternal happiness, a long-lasting family and a truly fabulous life!

I am glad that I had such a great honor to witness the consolidation of this marriage. After all, there is nothing better than that moment when two people step towards each other, especially two people close to me. Have a happy life and love for each other.

It was a great honor for me to be a witness!
My girlfriend became my wife today!
All loved ones gathered here, family and friends
Please accept gifts and congratulations from me!
Keep and cherish your little world of happiness!
And remember, my dear, congratulations on your wedding!

Today I am a witness, and not just any accident, but a wonderful event, have a wonderful holiday, a magnificent celebration in honor of the marriage of our dear newlyweds. I sincerely congratulate you and from the bottom of my heart I wish you throughout life to be witnesses of only happy and happy events, I wish you to feel each other, not to give in to stupid doubts and quarrels, to constantly stick together and never miss your opportunities.

I witnessed your wedding,
Let me now congratulate you.
There is no better, more beautiful couple in the world.
Let everything always be class.

Let your family grow, of course.
May you have many children.
Let everything be resolved successfully
Shine forever as you do now.

My dear friend,
Today is your wedding.
You are insanely beautiful
And you are very happy.

May today be a bright day
The honeymoon is very hot.
May your husband love you madly
Cherishes, appreciates and doves.

Listen to congratulations from your friend,
And securely create your own family center.

I got an honorable role.
And the main place at the wedding,
Well, of course, after the bride,
I tried to occupy myself today.

And I became a valuable witness
An important step in a friend’s life.
There were two blessed lovers,
And now before us are the spouses!

And let it become for you, young people,
Life is like a mirror lake!
So that you float along it, kissing,
Like swans, five at a time!

I'll be from the unmarried shore
Send you my wishes,
Let the miracle happen quickly:
Swans are rocking in their cradle!

There is at a wedding, everyone has known for a long time,
A lot of different good signs.
In my arms, bride friend,
Try to toss the bouquet!

My beloved friend!
Today is your wedding.
Let the blizzard not knock on the windows,
And love will never pass!

Today I am your personal deputy.
And I wish you nothing but good luck!
I won't let anyone hurt you,
Husband will offend - he will get back)

Live without grief and troubles,
And carry love through the years
Let the young light not go out in your eyes,
You are a super couple! Don't ask anyone.

You, my friend, are so beautiful
So desperately happy
And the groom is respectable, prominent,
Even a little jealous!

I wish you a hundred years
Live without grief and without troubles,
But say goodbye to partying,
Yes, mess with the kids!

Don't get old, get younger
Get better every year
Be happy always
Congratulations on the year!

How great it is at this wedding
To be your witness.
Let the poets squint now,
I want to express my verse.

Let the butterflies flutter, the birds,
And joy takes over you.
I wish to merge together in love,
And you will never be apart!

Happy wedding day, friends! I testify today that your love is strong, reliable, and forever. It is also obvious to me that you should have healthy, happy and cheerful children. And I make a promise from you that we will accompany you all your life, celebrate every anniversary together!

My friend is my wife today,
She is beautiful in the bride's dress,
I wish her strength and participation,
Sincere feelings, tenderness, happiness!

May your flight be bright and long,
I wish you understanding with your loved one,
Together to common goal go
AND strong union create!

One of the main characters There is a witness at the wedding. And it is she who usually has the honor of meeting the groom at the ransom at the gate and giving a solemn and congratulatory speech. And she has quite a few other honorable and troublesome things to do. Therefore, it can be difficult to come up with and write a speech and there is not enough time. So we prepared different options speeches of a witness at a wedding, which are written in prose. And you yourself choose which speech suits or likes you best. You can adjust it and change it to suit your style and the newlyweds. The main thing is to say everything clearly and beautifully.

Dear (name of the bride and groom)! Today you became husband and wife, today you tied yourselves in the sacred bonds of marriage. And today you have a special event - a wedding. And I envy you a little, because they give you a lot of money today... This is of course a joke. In fact, I sincerely envy you, you have found your happiness, you are now together forever. You will rejoice together, and together you will solve problems, which, I hope, will be few. You will go to bed together, wake up together and do everything together and together.
Love each other, respect each other and always know that you now have a common home, your own hearth, where you are always welcome and accepted. Bitterly!

Family life begins when the wife has the right to legally demand his salary from the husband, and the husband has the right to demand from his wife delicious dinner and a TV remote control. This is an ironic joke, but that's essentially what it is - family life begins when someone demands something from someone. I wish you never to demand anything from each other, but to resolve everything quietly and peacefully. Always listen to each other and listen to each other. And not just respect each other, but respect everyone’s choice.
I have known you for many years, and you are very good people. A good people there should be as many as possible. Therefore, I wish you to give birth to more such good children, because this is both a pleasant process for you and a benefit for the whole society. And now I just want to say – Bitter!

Many people wonder: what is love? And you know, today I will answer this question! Love is when you look into each other's eyes with incredible intensity. for a long time, but you still can’t get enough of each other. Love is when you feel the warmth of his lips, the sincerity of her smile. Love is when another world is not important to you, because you create your own world! In general, what am I explaining to you, because you yourself see true love in these two people who today united their hearts and proved that true love exists! And they are real and happy example! And it's not necessary unnecessary words- bitter!

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