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Happy Friendship Day greetings to a friend. Poems about friendship. The power of kinship and friendship is great

On the day of friendship, my dear friend,
I wish you happiness
Fate connected us with you,
Now we are in her power
It's good to be friends with you
I trust you
There is no one kinder than you,
I know this for sure!

Happy friendship day to you
Congratulations my friend
The world holds on
In handshakes.

Cover your back
Lend your shoulder
Friendship is burning
Hearts are hot.

A friend will not deceive
A friend won't betray you
Last shirt
If necessary, he will give it back.

I wish you friendship
We have saved
Friends until I breathe
The last one was.

On International Friendship Day
I wish you strength, my friend,
So that everything can be overcome,
What casts a shadow on fate.

I wish you lasting health
And strong, plump muscles,
So that there are no tears or pain
And not the despair of relatives.

I wish you strong-winged friendship,
And preserve our friendship,
In a sincere, beautiful impulse
It’s beautiful to believe and love!

In life we ​​are looking
All close people.
Happy Friendship Day, buddy!
Look more fun

After all, we are each other
Found with you
Like two good friends
Let's go through life!

IN international friendship day
I hasten to wish you soon, friend,
So that we are not too lazy to meet,
Make friends, communicate, learn more.
AND strong friendship surprise around
After all, you are my closest, best friend.

Happy Friendship Day, congratulations to my friend,
My friend, there is no one dearer to you,
You will always extend your hand,
It’s more fun in grief with you,
I wish you blessings and happiness,
Don't get sick and smile
We'll go a long way with you,
Live and enjoy life!

I'm not afraid to go into battle with you,
Can you save me?
Shoulder to shoulder with you always,
You are my friend forever!

Today the whole world celebrates
Friendship Day, I congratulate you on it,
May our friendship be strong
As powerful as a rock!

Friendship Day today
And I congratulate you.
Success and happiness
I wish you more.

Better health
And always positive.
You are my friend!
And this is my reward.

I congratulate you on Friendship Day,
Trusted friend, you.
I know that you won’t leave me in trouble,
You won't forget about me.

If you need help -
There's always my hand.
Only support and help
In your difficult moment, she.

Be healthy and happy always,
Just stay like this.
And I wish that, boy,
You were loved by fortune.

International Friendship Day has arrived today
Many sincere words I want to say
You have always been an excellent friend to me,
He never judged and knew how to support.

I know in right moment you'll always be there,
Let problems pass you by
So that you walk through life with a confident look,
May your best mood never leave you.

Thank you for adding to:

Friendship. What is it?
Days and nights without rest,
Constant return
And communication to boot!

Are you going on a hike?
Take a friend and go!
Do you want to treat your dacha?
A friend will solve your problem!

Is the toilet broken?
A friend will fix everything in one go!
Did you feel sad for some reason?
A friend is coming to wash the dishes

And he will dance for you
Will make you laugh again, lovingly.
Is your friend planning a birthday party?
You're bringing him jam!

Is he going on vacation in June?
Be a neighbor on the bus!
Is his job on fire?
Help him on Saturday!

Is he having a falling out in love?
Don't waste your time:
Find out and help

Invite everyone in the world!
IN general friendship you appreciate:
There will be joyful days!

Friendship is stronger than all solutions,
Even than concrete and glue!
There are no such laws in the world
To ignore her.

* * *

Not everyone can be friends
Friendship does not allow “but”...
She only gets stronger over the years
And he knows no mistrust.

It contains advice and support,
Lots of heartfelt conversations.
A great gift is to be able to make friends
And cherish this feeling!

Friendship is a golden card
The best starting point!
It contains all the salt and sugar of life,
Our strength, light and thoughts.

If you have the one
Who will always understand everything -
You're lucky in life
And so don’t be sour!

There is a shoulder for support
And my heart is warm
Because there is attention
And mutual understanding!

If there is friendship in your life,
You don't need more than that!
Because in this feeling
There are secrets to happiness.

I am grateful to all my friends
That keeps me afloat.
And I myself will give them support,
I will always help you everywhere!

May our friendship last for many years
It won’t lose its flavor
And gives us spiritual light,
The fire that burns from goodness!

Let's be friends and don't say goodbye
Don't know boundaries and stupid quarrels.
So as not to be offended by anything,
Having a heartfelt conversation!

You can live without friendship
But it's just very difficult.
There is melancholy and boredom all around,
When a friend is not around.

It's so lonely then
And there is anxiety in my soul...
Therefore I wish everyone
More true friends!

I don't have many friends
But they are a wall!
I'm not lonely with them
Even when I'm alone...

They are on Skype, on the phone,
In my heart and soul.
And they will understand and will not drive you away...
I am proud of my friendship!

Friendship is what matters
What is given according to merit.
If you betrayed me once,
That means he’s not worthy of a friend!

If God has you since birth
Taught me how to be friends
Take care of this skill...
Cherish this gift!

Friendship is a very bright concept.
Everyone wants to experience it in life.
But it’s not given to everyone in life,
And it's quite rare...

Only if it happens in life,
The main thing is that it lingers forever!
Make every effort for this -
Always value your friendship!

I would like to drink some spring water
From pure, cool sources!
I want to wash myself with rainwater,
Drink from birch sap!

I wish you to swim through a waterfall
And go through the sea without fear!
But in general, it doesn’t matter: what to drink, where to go...
And most importantly - with a devoted friend!

* * *

You don't need much to be happy
And among this there is friendship!
I wanted to talk about her today
I wish everyone around me to find her!

When there are friends with you in the world,
Things are easier for you to argue!
You can hope for their help
After all, friendship is a source of goodness and warmth!

Today is a holiday - birthday!
Everyone is in a hurry with wishes.
So let the congratulations never cease,
The words sound wonderful!
Let there be everything you need in life,
So that happiness increases again -
Warmth of hearts and joy of friendship,
Prosperity, love!

We wish you always
Hello for many years to come,
Good luck at home and at work,
Clear heaven and friendship,
Good meetings, children's smiles,
Live forever like a fellow!

Let them combine in you
Only the best qualities!
There are people in your life
Laughter, fun, eccentricities!
Let the help be friendly,
And your destiny is bright!
Happiness in the house is marital,
And love is only reciprocated!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations
On your birthday from friends.
From all the neighbors and neighbors,
From just people on the street.
May this day be kinder
Let it be brighter life a hundred times
Be more energetic, more fun
And I’m always happy to meet new people.

Your birthday is a bright day!
Let the lilacs not bloom now,
The roses under the window don't smell,
But is that really the point?
Look into the eyes of your friends,
What could be warmer than their eyes?
They contain roses and lilacs,
There is a sea of ​​affection in them on this day!

It's your birthday again everyone
I collected it for the house today.
There will be jokes, loud laughter,
And there is a lot of happiness in it.
Let it be like this for another hundred years,
Or maybe two hundred.
It's great that you are our friend,
It's a pleasure to be with you.

Why do flowers bloom in spring?
And the birds of paradise sing?
How good it is that we are with you!
Friends will always understand you.
And we give pure congratulations
We will give you a bouquet on this day.
No need unnecessary words flowery.
Your holiday is the answer to everything!

The years fly by, it’s a pity, of course,
You can't keep them for an hour.
We know: youth is not eternal,
And we are sad about it sometimes.
It doesn’t matter how many times it hit,
Well, why count years?
Keeping up with the times is important!
And don’t be left behind on the road!
Let there be everything you need in life,
Why life is good:
Love, hope, loyalty, friendship
And an eternally young soul!

Happy friends and girlfriends day,
I wish you peace, health, good luck!
Let that shoulder always be nearby,
Which you can easily rely on!

Let there always be words nearby,
Who will always support you!
Faithful and devoted friend- he is alone,
Keep his friendship sacred!

Today is a holiday for you and me,
The man is so close and dear to me!
I'll be waiting today, come see me!
Faithful, my best friend!

I'll share my problem with you,
I know that you will help me solve it!
You are never faced with a dilemma,
You know exactly what to do!

Friendship is one of the most sacred feelings given to man. True friend will always rush to help. With all my heart, I sincerely congratulate you on Friendship Day to all those who cherish this in their hearts with great love and devotion. most precious feeling- friendship. Happiness to you, dear ones, and the same wonderful, faithful friends. I wish you great success, endurance, courage, patience and wisdom on life path. Let friendship always be strong, like granite, and always lead through life like a guiding star.

People are designed in such a way that they willingly share joys with loved ones, friends and even enemies, but with problems everything is different. More often than not, we want to avoid upsetting our family once again, so we come to our friends to grieve. So that they listen to us, support us, reassure us, and help us find a solution to the current situation. And you know what is distinctive feature friends - this is understanding! No matter what situation we find ourselves in, no matter what adventures we find to our advantage, no matter what mess we make, a friend will always understand. And he will say: “Well, this could happen to anyone.” There is never even a shadow of condemnation in the words of friends, unlike loved ones and relatives. Friends are people of a different rank, equal to us in spirit, in idea, in life. With friends, grief does not disappear, but there is hope that it will end and that life will change in better side. With friends, joy becomes immeasurable. An unforgettable vacation with friends, even if it’s on a bench near the house. With friends, life is not lived in vain, since there are people who witnessed your life and who will tell stories about you to their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. And now on Friendship Day I want my friends to just smile, because this wonderful people who deserve to go through life with a smile. And I want my friends to realize that their lives are imprinted in my life, and that I am incredibly happy and grateful for this.

Today has come the kindest and wonderful holiday for everyone - Friendship Day! Every person has friends, because without them it is impossible to live in the world. Some have a lot of them, some have few, but they definitely have them! They will help in trouble and rejoice with us in our victories and successes. On this day, we wish you to hold hands with your friends more tightly and say many kind and sincere words to each other. With friends, nothing is scary - no loneliness, no problems, no difficulties. May each of us have a million of the most genuine and loyal friends! WITH have a wonderful holiday everyone!

good friend one cannot be born, one can only become one. After all friendly relations also require work on yourself and proper attention. But you are so sincere and kind person with whom it’s easy and simple for me, with whom I don’t think what to say and what to do, how to act so as not to offend you and not destroy our friendship. I can be myself and trust you one hundred percent. This is the person who is there during the most important moments of my life. Thank you my friend! I thank you for everything and I just want to believe that this friendship will last a lifetime!

Friends Day is a wonderful occasion today,
To congratulate you, dear friend.
You are so reliable, cheerful and dexterous,
I am not afraid of sorrow and boredom with you.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart health and success,
May you always be lucky in everything.
Joy, smiles, a lot of laughter,
So that good always overcomes evil.

I cordially congratulate you on Friendship Day,
After all, you couldn’t find a better friend in the world.
I wish you positivity, cheerfulness, good luck,
Never be sad and never be sad!

Let all problems be solved easily,
Let illness not disturb the body.
Let your soul be light, reliable and warm,
And walk through life proudly, briskly, boldly.

Happy Friends Day greetings in verse

“If a friend suddenly turns up,” Vysotsky once sang to us,
Our friendship is not this way or that, our friendship is stronger than damask steel!
You are with me in dashing troubles, and you are with me in joy.
When you are nearby, you know, friend, I am behind a stone wall!
Let our friendship and our brotherhood grow stronger day by day,
In a fast, tough, dashing age, this friendship is such a wealth!
May God give you strength and love, endless happiness!
Friend! Thank you, dear! Happy Friends Day, I congratulate you!

Why are friends given to a person?
Why is homo sapiens worthy of friendship?
Believe me, it is impossible to live alone in the world -
After all, as has been proven, one is not a warrior in the field:
One cannot have time, cannot achieve, cannot live!
Without friends, we are absolutely nothing, period!
Well, my friends, happy holiday! Let's be friends
So that you don’t get lost alone in the big world!

Friends are not chosen, they are given by fate,
Years and distances are weaker than you and me,
Let your body and head be strong as flint,
But you can’t fool your heart, it’s always with you!

I want to congratulate you on Friends Day today,
May our friendship become stronger over the years,
The doors of the houses are open for dear guests,
Dashing memories of student undertakings!

Happy Friends Day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You are my friend, you are like family to me.
We didn't eat a peck of salt, but a lot of poods.
We've been friends with you for half our lives.
I wish your eyes to shine with happiness,
May everything work out for you.
Happy Friends Day, be healthy, and thank you -
Friendship is becoming less and less common these days.

Everyone in the world really knows
What more important than a friend- No.
He always suffers with you,
If necessary, he will give advice.
I send these lines to the one I love.
There is no better friend in the world, I value our friendship!
Let hope live in our hearts, along with faith, and love -
What I want to tell you, you know without further ado.

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