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Rules for real women: how to live in harmony with your nature? How does a woman stop being a woman?

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The modern world cultivates stereotypical roles in women: “businesswoman”, “bitch”, “blonde”. Meanwhile, each representative of the fairer sex is unique in nature and does not resemble any template. This is exactly what psychologist Yulia Sviyash talks about in her book.

website publishes 10 commandments that may change your life and the way you think about yourself.

She doesn't chase happiness.

She's not chasing anything at all. Running for happiness is the most popular and stupidest sport. We are all running somewhere. Towards a brighter future, to tomorrow, to next year etc. A real woman does not engage in this type of “sport”. She floats through life, always being in the present day.

The present is the most interesting and important thing that occupies her attention.

Of course, she has plans for the future, but she does not put off life until tomorrow. Doesn't wait for her real life will begin when she finally loses weight, when the prince gallops in, when the circumstances are right, etc. - she lives now.

Being a real woman is a great privilege, and she understands it.

She is in awe of the fact that she was born a woman and sees a special value in this. She not only knows herself as a woman at the conceptual level, she feels like one. For her, being a real woman is not a test, not hard work and not a cross that must be borne throughout her life. This is a gift and blessing from fate. A real woman cultivates femininity at all levels: internal (sensations, feelings, thoughts) and external (body, clothes, behavior).

She lives at her own pace.

When you live too slowly, you don't have the feeling that this is life. When you live too fast, you don't have time to experience life. Each of us has our own pace of existence. A real woman knows and feels it well and lives in accordance with it. She regulates her own loads and thereby sets the pace for the circumstances around her.

A real woman lives in such a way as to do what she wants and at the same time not lose her taste for life. In her actions, the most important thing is not the number of body movements performed per unit of time, but the accuracy of calculation and awareness of what she is doing and why.

She comes first.

And this does not mean that she is selfish, callous, indifferent or cynical. She just knows that behind the excessive desire to engage with other people lies the fear of living her own life. own life. A real woman is interested in her life. She never loses the sense of the value of her personal space. But at the same time she is capable of supporting, helping and participating in the lives of other people.

She doesn't say yes if her heart says no. And he always listens to himself and trusts his feelings.

She doesn't need a "record book for public opinion."

Every girl receives this book for parents, teachers, neighbors, relatives, friends and colleagues as a child. And girls devote their whole lives to passing “exams” for her. A real woman threw away her record book. Let others check the boxes: married - not married, normal - not normal, alone - not alone, like everyone else - not like everyone else...

A real woman lives by her own guidelines, comes up with them herself and embodies them herself. And, if they are not similar to the standards of others, it does not really bother her. She allows other people to evaluate themselves the way they want. He knows that the mission “to please everyone” is stupid and impossible.

A real woman works on herself, but never does it in order to earn someone else's approval. She does this out of love for herself.

She has outgrown her “good girl” self.

« good girl" - this is a pupil of parents. She has one task - to please others, to gain approval. Like it even when own desires are protesting. A “good girl” lives by the principle “I should” or “I shouldn’t.” She rarely asks herself what she really wants. A real woman left her “good girl”, and at the same time left the constant desire for approval and praise. This doesn't mean she doesn't care how she's judged. She just doesn’t prove anything to anyone, especially to her own detriment.

A real woman treats her traits, which are usually called shortcomings (and who doesn’t have them?), condescendingly. She sees them, but doesn't dramatize them. Doesn't hide them, but doesn't show them off either.

She doesn’t play out the “How hard my life is!” drama.

Looking at her, you cannot say that she survives: day and night she earns money, washes, washes, cleans, takes care of her husband and children. You would never think that she was exhausted doing repairs or building a dacha. Even when she really heavy loads, a real woman takes the time to recover and look good.

She will not play the victim because she knows that circumstances are difficult not in themselves, but because of her attitude towards them.

Loneliness for her is a gift.

A real woman appreciates and loves her periods of loneliness, if they exist. She does not seek to drag random acquaintances or men into her life, just so as not to be left alone with herself. Being alone with yourself is a blessing. Best time in order to recover, fill your life with peace and depth. A real woman is interested in herself and enjoys solitude with pleasure.

She loves her age. Always!

A real woman lives in her present, real age, taking advantage of all its advantages. She doesn’t tell herself stories about how at this age something is “too late” or “it’s too early.” This philosophy is an excuse for those who use years to cover up their fears or internal inhibitions.

A real woman can do anything at any age. And therefore she does not and will not have regrets that she did not have time to do something. This does not mean that she does not take care of herself and does not strive to look good. She just doesn’t look younger and doesn’t pretend to be the person she was 20 years ago. A real woman knows: every age has its own beauty, sexuality and charm.

And be filled with the energy of sensuality and pleasure. They will help with this simple rules which every woman should follow.

The first rule of a woman is to live happily

A woman's main purpose is to enjoy the process of life itself. Find something beautiful and wonderful in every day. Dance, laugh heartily, hum your favorite songs to yourself, change outfits and admire your reflection in the mirror. She should enjoy everything a woman does. Otherwise it will turn out crooked, askew, tasteless and without soul. Whether it's cooking, cross-stitching or cleaning the house - everything should be a joy.

Experiencing the energy of pleasure should be as natural for a woman as breathing. The basis of a happy and harmonious life is getting high from even the smallest everyday activities. You should enjoy drinking aromatic tea. Enjoy biting into your favorite candy or savoring strawberry ice cream and cream. Every woman has her favorite desserts that can provide a few minutes of gastronomic pleasure.

It’s also useful to pamper yourself with spa treatments, massages, shopping, walks on the fresh air and other amenities. Photo: Depositphotos

The third rule of a woman is to be on top

A woman doesn't always have to wear heels to feel attractive and sexy. Although heels important element femininity. To be on top means to maintain a feeling self-esteem, know your worth. Don’t waste your time, don’t lower your bar if someone can’t reach it. You must be able to choose the best possible, maintain self-respect and realize your worth.

Always keeping your mark is what is important. To be above difficulties, problems, gossip, failures. To be above people who intrigue and judge behind their backs.
Photo: Depositphotos

The third rule of a woman is not to sweat the small stuff.

Don't take anything personally other than money. Maintain inner balance. Stay on course for happiness and peace. In life, sometimes there is a lot of fuss, unnecessary worries, meaningless experiences. There are inappropriate people, unpleasant meetings, petty quarrels and other troubles. You need to have the wisdom to get rid of all the vanity, of everything that is still impossible to fix.

The only salvation from these troubles is to change your attitude towards them. A woman must learn to be internally independent from all the hustle and bustle of life. Why worry about something you can’t change anyway? Worrying won't change anything. Positive changes will happen only with a calm attitude towards everything that happens.

You need to think less and feel more. And these feelings should be bright, pleasant and joyful.
Photo: Depositphotos

The fourth rule of a woman is to always love!

Home food For female soul- this is love. It nourishes, fills with energy, transforms. Love makes life more beautiful, inspires, gives strength for new achievements. Moreover, love does not have to be limited to any one man. Love for life, for people, for all living things - this is what truly fills a woman.

It follows from this...

Rule number five - be happy even when alone

Photo: Depositphotos

If nearby in this period There is no beloved man in life - this is not a reason for melancholy and worries. self-sufficient and happy even when alone. She loves and accepts herself, enjoys her company and does not betray her principles.

If there's no one nearby worthy man, then it’s better to be alone, not to waste your time, not to be content with little. A woman should also enjoy communicating with a man. A man is not the goal of his whole life; a woman’s ability to be happy and enjoy every day does not depend on him.

When a woman learns to be happy without a man and not depend on him, then someone will appear who will complement her. The same holistic and harmonious person. And not the one who destroys, tries to manipulate or shows weakness.

In a relationship with a man there should be sincerity and reciprocity. Pretense and lack of love is destruction and unhappiness for both.

These five rules for women can be supplemented and continued for a long time. But by observing at least what is listed, you can already find happiness. It's time to let spring and renewal into yourself, to be filled with solar warmth and light. And it is important to remember that there should always be spring in a woman’s soul, despite the weather outside!

As part of the festival " Women's solidarity", organized on the occasion of the International women's day- March 8, the GENDERDOC-M Information Center held events calling on society to show solidarity with women in their struggle for gender equality. The festival organizers believe that lately, despite large number conversations and debates about women in politics, about women - victims of humiliation and even violence, in issues related to the protection of women's rights, we have not moved forward one step. Moreover, these conversations and discussions are often condemned by women themselves. Therefore, the festival organizers believe that in promoting women’s rights in our country and protecting them from discrimination and violence, solidarity becomes a fundamental factor for success.

The festival started on March 6th with a Discussion Club in which nine women spoke. They told their stories with an emphasis on solidarity social groups the ideas they represent or the ideas they espouse.

Executive Director of the GENDERDOC-M Information Center Anastasia Danilova noted in her speech that the importance of solidarity in human rights work became obvious to her when people who were not members of the community began to come to the LGBT Community Equality Marches. Until then, LGBT people felt alone in their fight for equal rights.

“The purpose of the Solidarity March, which will take place on March 8, is for every woman who has suffered physical violence, every woman who has been denied a position on the basis of her gender, every woman who has been humiliated during childbirth, every woman who was discriminated against for being a woman, and those women who were condemned simply because they loved people of the same sex felt our solidarity and the strength of the people who marched. At the march, it will become clear who is who, and how many of us are – those who came to say: “I am here because I am not indifferent to the situation of women in our country, and the idea for which you are fighting is important to me too.” - said Anastasia.

Civil activist Alina Andronaki spoke about how people often judge her for attending public events with her child. "They tell me that I bad mother that I don’t think about my child - I put him in danger, use him as my own PR. I don’t understand why society reacts this way to my actions - after all, a child is happiest when he is in his mother’s arms, at his mother’s breast.”

Alina believes that many representatives civil society when it comes to equal rights, find themselves in power double standards: “You cannot consider yourself a feminist and fight for equal rights only when it is convenient for you, when you have time for it. Either you fight for someone's rights or you don't. There is no other option."

“No, I don’t blame women who go on maternity leave to care for their children. I respect them. Being at home for three years with a child is difficult. It is very difficult to give up what you were a part of and devote yourself entirely to your child and family. But this does not mean that women who choose not to take such leave should be condemned. When we see someone going beyond the norm, that someone should at least be supported, not humiliated or criticized. Fighting for women’s rights means being in solidarity, including with those who think and act differently from you,” summed up Alina Andronaki.

Loretta Gandrabura, former vice minister of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Moldova, spoke about the importance of feminine forms of job titles and professions. “In 2009, I insisted that the sign on my office door read Vice-ministră ( feminine from Romanian Ministru – ed.). Immediately comments and anecdotes started pouring in. I didn't care. I knew that this was the norm in the Romanian language. Language is power."

Ms. Gandrabura said that she experienced many unpleasant moments when doctors of science reprimanded her for this. "Someone thought I was playing with fashion trends. But I insisted on my point. Because she knew how powerful language is. I started working with profession classifiers. After we have analyzed everything based on the materials Explanatory dictionary of the Romanian language, 1998 edition, Orthographic, Ortho-Epic and Morphological Dictionary, as well as the Dictionary newest words 2013, it came as a surprise to us that in 99.9% of cases the names of professions and positions masculine have a female form."

At the end of her speech, Loretta Gandrabura called on everyone present at the Discussion Club meeting to use female forms positions and occupations.

Among the speakers was Irina Revin, a businesswoman, a woman with disabilities. She spoke about her disappointments at the beginning of her career. “It was very painful for me, because it was women who told me that nothing would work out for me, that I needed to know my place and not meddle in the holy of holies of men, that I did not have enough strength and energy to overcome stereotypes. They also said that this world is a world of sharks, and I am small and fragile. That I will not be able to realize the potential that I have. Probably, this gave me strength, it became the impetus for me to check whether I would succeed or not, whether I could win.”

Irina pointed out the importance of solidarity and supporting each other in a healthy society. “For me, this march is not only an event for those women who want to be in solidarity with each other, for me it is also the solidarity of society, which tells us that we are individuals.”

Natalia Duminica, an activist fighting for the rights of Roma, spoke about the stereotypes that are instilled through mass media. The media and police continue to point out the ethnic nature of crimes committed by Roma. It’s as if only Roma people commit illegal acts. From which all representatives of this people suffer.

Paula Cerescu spoke about “ageism” - age discrimination, which affects both young people who are trying to get a job and older people who are excluded from social life too early.

Blogger and TV presenter Diana Guzha told listeners about the stereotypes and virtual “stones” that she encountered after she allowed her 12-year-old daughter to live in another country, far from herself, but with the girl’s father.

Veronica Teleuca, coordinator of the national coalition “Life without Domestic Violence,” spoke about the alarming statistics of cases of domestic violence. “Last year, 27 women died as a result of domestic violence, that’s two women a month. And, paradoxically, in all cases, women who are victims of violence are condemned. As from the side of society, starting with relatives, social workers, and ending with police officers, doctors and representatives of judicial institutions.”

“Women’s solidarity is still at the beginning of its journey, probably also because there is competition among women themselves. Women have a certain good purpose: win a man, build a house, start a family. And automatically other women become competitors here. Besides, we are a very closed society. However, the cases that we know about prove that it is very difficult for us to leave our comfort zone and become in solidarity with other women, regardless of the circumstances,” Veronica emphasized.

The “Women’s Solidarity” festival will last three days, during which events will be organized various events, and its culmination will be the Solidarity March, which will take place on March 8.

To understand how to make a woman happy, you need to imagine her as a deposit account in a bank - the more you invest in a woman, the more she will give you in the future! Often a man loves not even the woman herself, but the feelings that he experiences when he is next to his woman. But women are different, they want to feel necessary, important, one might say, the main thing in the life of their beloved man. Yes, we almost forgot, to feel like the only one in your man’s life!!!

It is important for a woman to feel with every fiber of her soul that she is to her other half like water in hot weather, like air, like the meaning of life. Every moment she wants to feel that a man loves and appreciates her, sometimes it looks intrusive, but this is the nature of most women on Earth.

Almost any woman will be inspired and filled with energy and new strength by these simple and uncomplicated phrases spoken by a man:

It seems simple words, but what incredible power they are endowed with! After a woman hears this addressed to her, she simply blossoms and remains in a great mood for a long time.

Now we will try to talk about simple, but very important advice, by accepting which a man will be able to better understand a woman’s needs, will be able to avoid negativity in relationships, and painlessly smooth out any rough edges in a couple and how to make a woman truly happy.

How should you love your woman?

What does it mean to love your woman correctly? Can one man love his chosen one differently? Does it happen? different love the same man to the same woman? Love is in some way a science and a trade, having mastered it, you yourself will become happier, and you will make your woman happy - build strong union And good family!

First of all, it is important to show concern for her mood, well-being, state of mind. After all, it is obvious that if your companion is happy, then you, as her chosen one, will receive this warmth and light, care and love.

Successful man– is doubly successful if he understands and realizes how much his success in life depends on his wife or girlfriend who is next to him, how happy and positive she is. And this means only one thing: the other half should be protected from negative emotions, and, if possible, even from unpleasant thoughts, although this is still a task.

Imagine for a moment that your woman is the bank where you deposited your money into a savings account. And the more you “deposit into this bank”, the more effort you put in, the more women and will return it to you, and with “interest” too! It's right to love a woman- is to desire her, and do everything possible to get to know her better inner world, try to get closer to her in soul, habits, hobbies, make her happy and cheerful. If you manage to prevent a woman from getting upset and being in a bad mood due to life's troubles, then you will literally “hit the real jackpot” because happy woman- this is a huge wealth for a man.

The dream of every woman is to find a man who will be in love with her with all his heart, and who will show these feelings to her and show how valuable the chosen one is to him. It happens in life that a man seems to have provided his other half with everything: wealth no worse than others, a house, the opportunity to go on vacation, but the woman is again not satisfied with everything, she is irritated and capricious. But a woman lacks only one thing - love and signs of attention. She wishes constantly feel that she is loved, and for her this is the most important thing.

Of course, a man can love his lady, but only one thing is important in this - a woman must feel this love, and every lady has her own criteria in her head male love, which very often differ from what a man thinks about love. Most women tell their men about this, but it is important for a man to simply listen carefully. How often can you find married couples where the spouses constantly show interest in each other’s affairs? The wife asks her husband how he is doing, and he is interested in her feelings and emotions? That's the same!

Important: Show interest in your wife or girlfriend's feelings. Treat her like a defenseless little girl. Pamper her with flowers and pleasant little things. Expensive gifts you don’t always need it, you can give it every day small surprises, since attention to detail is important for a woman. Let it be a chocolate bar or a cute keychain - it’s important for a woman that you thought about her and took care to please her. Every lady loves surprises, and this great way show love. Movie tickets, a sudden invitation to a concert or theater, a trip to a cafe, a walk in beautiful place, show that it is important for you to please your woman.

Be generous to get more than you give!

Be generous with money, gifts, tender words, in the manifestation of emotions. Greedy, petty and stingy men, rarely achieve success with women, and even if by chance such a stingy guy managed to get a woman’s heart, then certainly not on long time.

They say: "What more people gives, the more he will receive.” Money can be considered a means of solving material problems, but it can also be considered a kind of energy and resources for building a family. If a man is not stingy, and from pure heart gives without being greedy and without calculating spending in his mind, what is right and what is wrong to spend on, the more the woman will give him love. And with this feeling, self-confidence always comes to a man, and, as a rule, success - he achieves his goals. Although a reasonable measure is needed here, not all women in our time can resist the numerous temptations to spend money, especially if it is on a credit card, and there are several nearby shopping centers

A woman who experiences difficulties in material income, who constantly lacks the love of a man, is very often a deeply unhappy woman. Many men mistakenly believe that they main task– to ensure material wealth in the family and that’s where their functions end. They don’t understand that it’s impossible to make your partner with money alone, that their woman needs care, warmth, tender expression of feelings and time to be given to her, although it seems like we already told you this a little higher.

Loving a woman = caring about her state of mind

Men ask how to take care of internal state your chosen one? You should clearly understand the common truth: women differ from men in that they mostly live by emotions, feelings, sensations, and they always prevail over reason and logical thinking. Of course, intelligence is not alien to a woman, and there are plenty of examples where a lady “outdoes” any representative of the stronger sex with her intelligence and logic. But, still, feminine nature emotional, and there is no point in arguing with it.

The man's task is to help the woman manage her emotions as a couple. It is important what a man does at the moment when a woman ceases to control the emotions that overwhelm her, be it justified excitement or sudden causeless anxiety. A loving man must find out which vulnerable and weaknesses his chosen one has, and this must be done not in order to “press on sore spots,” but in order to protect and take care of her. Yes, a man will have to learn to deal with irrational behavior, but the game is worth the candle!

Ideally, you should not bring your wife to such situations when she no longer “sees the edges” and, like raging water, breaks through the dam, but what if the cause of the explosion is not you, you just happened to be nearby at the time of the storm?

Here you are next to a woman, she is in confusion, does not control her emotions, and instead of “quenching her storm,” you unwittingly “pour salt into her wound” - reasoning strictly logically, not understanding that you need to work with emotion here. Many men often cannot even realize when they need to stop appealing to rationality, but understand how painful and bad she is and begin to extinguish the fire in her soul.

As a result, the woman experiences even greater anger and fiercely resists the situation for one reason: she is in pain, and she, like a wounded tigress, begins to protect herself from her own pain, and to attack, including the man, as an external irritant.

How to give love if the answer is silence?

You know that a man can be frightened not only by strong female emotions and hysterics, but a woman’s silence and withdrawal into herself also often do not bode well for anything pleasant for a man. Sometimes when a woman is silent, it may mean that she does not want to let off the “steam” that has accumulated inside her. Here, too, you need to keep your eyes open! In this state, a woman needs emotional release, let her spend her emotions.

Don't run away from women's emotions - discuss the problem together

If you can’t shake the feeling that your other half is crossing boundaries, her control and pressure on the man are increasing, and she begins to fill almost all of your space with her presence, figure out what the reason for this behavior is. You are probably not giving her the attention she expects and wants from you. Think about the fact that perhaps it is her fears that are disturbing her soul and knocking with continuous hammers. Help her fight her fears and help her overcome them together.

Try to discuss problems that arise together. Keep in mind that if a lady begins to control you more and demand more, then the reason lies in one thing: her attachment to you grows stronger, which means her fears that you will leave her and betray her intensify. She's simply afraid of losing you. This is normal female behavior. What to do in this case:

  1. Be sensitive to her fears. It’s clear that no one requires you to bore her with calls 20 times a day, even if she doesn’t mind. If it's important to her, you can call a couple of times a day.
  2. If you defend your boundaries with a wolfish grip, pushing her away and getting irritated, then her demands and suspicion will grow.
  3. In a calm voice, explain to her that there is a lot of work and you are busy, that you cannot be with her 24 hours a day, that she should learn to share you with work or other activities that are important to you.

Let a woman live her life to the fullest - don’t limit herself to everyday life

Loving correctly does not mean that a woman should become only a source of satisfaction men's desires and needs. It is a mistake to think that a woman’s main task is to take care of everyday life, to be a wife and mother. Women in modern world they don’t want to limit themselves to such roles - that’s not enough for them. They want to go to work, build a career, study, have hobbies, enjoy life outside the home and kitchen. Find out what your woman would like to do in life, and help her self-realize in this area, help her find her place in life and work for the soul.

You shouldn’t limit her freedom and “tie” her to the house, convincing her that this is her main task in the family, because you definitely won’t be able to make a woman happy. Give us the opportunity to do your favorite job or hobby, communicate with colleagues and friends. It is very important for women to relieve emotional stress, and gatherings with friends or going to the gym will help her with this. And you, as a man, will only benefit from this, since excess energy will not be splashed out on you.

Many men are annoyed that their wife spends hours talking on the phone with relatives and friends, but here you have a choice. Either let her talk on the phone or be patient with listening to her stories and thoughts for several hours. If you want to spend the evening alone with the TV or computer after work, then give her the opportunity to hang out on the phone with her friends. Well, if you are ready to constantly be with your wife, then you can “remove” her girlfriends from your communication, are you sure you want this?

  • Do not narrow your woman’s life only around your loved one, give her the opportunity to spend time without you and do interesting things;
  • Do not make your lady your property, because after a while you yourself will not be happy that there is too much of her in your space, and she suffocates you with her own love.

A man should keep his own emotions in check

The correct way to love the lady of your heart is also not to give your emotional state dominate your mind. A man's strength lies in his will and mind. If your relationship with your other half doesn’t work out, you don’t need to immediately blame the woman for all your troubles.

A man should not stoop to swearing and screaming, unreasonable reproaches and humiliation! If you do not control yourself and your emotions, then this is the end of the relationship. You will instantly lose the respect of a woman, and will be identified with a brawler and a doormat. In any situation, do not allow yourself to break down; you need to keep your emotions under control.

Forget about profanity, derogatory words and insults altogether, because you are a man, you are a support, not a bedding. And even if your woman has crossed the boundaries of what is permitted, you should not stoop to the level of a market hack. If you can't resolve it with words conflict situation, then it’s better to retreat peacefully, give both yourself and her time to cool down, but under no circumstances try to mock or torment a woman in stressful situation. Know how to show respect to a woman even just for her gender, because you were also born by a woman.

Know how to communicate and tell a woman about your feelings

If you knew how many couples and even families have broken up for only one reason - the man did not tell the woman about his feelings and needs. The man is silent, withdraws into himself, and the woman can only guess what is in his soul and what he feels for her, what does not suit him about his chosen one.

I once came for a consultation with a psychologist. married couple, and while working, my husband chose a picture where a boy covers his face with his hands from... a crow! He later explained that this is exactly what he feels when his wife breaks into a scream when communicating with him. This caused incredible surprise to the wife, and she said that in her life she would never have thought that her scream would have such an effect on her husband. She was always sure that he didn’t care that “water off a duck’s back” was her raised tone.

Don't be afraid to talk to your woman! Tell her what you would like from her, from relationships, from life in general, share with her what you feel.

Consistency is the key to a strong couple relationship

To love correctly also means that a man, despite quarrels, insults and “showdowns,” is constant. He continues to take care of the family, do what is necessary, bring home money and fulfill the responsibilities assigned to him and do everything to make his woman happy.

If a man deliberately withdraws from business after a scandal and does not speak, then this has a detrimental effect on the woman. She thinks that she has lost her man and stops relying on him and his support. The worst thing will happen when a woman stops believing in your reliability and loses her sense of stability. A woman must know and feel that there is a man in her life.

Take care of your child as usual, fix something around the house, help with housework, ask how your wife’s day was. Of course, this is not an easy job and it is easier to come home, relax, lie on the sofa in front of the TV and escape from worries and problems. But by choosing this path, you will not build happy family and you will feel a lack of something. You don’t always need to wait for the initiative from a woman, you need to take it into your own hands, since the weaker sex is also very much waiting for what you want to build strong relationships, full of harmony and love.

It is very important for a woman to know and feel that a man sincerely wants to be with her, that he is happy and feels good. If you move away from a woman, she will feel abandoned and will simply begin to wither and dry up, like a flower without water.

Listen to a woman and do not ignore her requests

Choose time to listen to your other half, and, if possible, fulfill her requests. Many men will be surprised by one truth: a woman almost always says what she wants, you just need to learn to listen to her. If a woman is naturally modest and does not know how to openly say what she wants, then she will still try to express herself through hints. You need to understand the subtle language of communication and hear between the lines. Offer help yourself, and do not wait for the moment when the woman asks you.

Maintaining a man's dignity

A man should not allow his significant other to cross the boundaries of what is permitted and humiliate himself. Promiscuity and emotionality have never led to good, and if time after time, a woman is allowed more and more, love and relationships can be thrown into the trash. Never and under no circumstances should you forget that you are a man and you must be able to stop a woman if she has crossed the line and forgotten about the limits of respect. We love people through ourselves next to them, and through our feelings of ourselves.

When a woman is in harmony with you, she is calm and peaceful, she will love not only you, but also herself. If she is angry and anxious, you caused it and you allow her to remain in this state, then she ceases to feel love not only for herself, but also for you. Your task is to stop the woman and how you do it is up to you to decide. Maybe you need to raise your voice a little so that she understands that the situation is heating up, or maybe you need to hug and kiss her to calm her down. Maybe she will stop arguing when you speak to her confidently and in a calm tone– you know better what “works” with your woman. But never humiliate her, don’t insult her, don’t scream so that the veins bulge on your face, don’t leave, slamming the door in your hearts, showing that you don’t care about her experiences and feelings.

For most representatives of the fair sex, the worst thing is when, in an emotional outburst, they are ignored and rejected, without accepting this state and not considering it something important. A woman wants to feel that you are listening to her, understand her condition and sympathize with her. Let her talk.

Gratitude is the path to happiness and well-being in marriage

Learn to sincerely thank a woman for what she does and appreciate her deeds. Often a man does not notice how much female labor is invested in home comfort, delicious dinner and in the achievements of your children. Sometimes a woman spends many hours cleaning her apartment, but the result of her work will not be very noticeable.

Many women, when tidying up their apartment, enjoy the process. They can sort through cute trinkets, photo frames, going into pleasant memories. A woman can rearrange things all day, creating comfort, and you need to know that she worked and did not lie on the sofa. And if your wife earns money on the same basis as you, then household responsibilities should be divided between household members. And a woman is not obliged to carry the entire burden of household chores on her fragile shoulders.

Without romance, love is weak - hugs, kisses and tenderness

To love correctly is to have an idea of ​​what love language your woman recognizes and what is important to her. This could be help with housework, tender hugs and kisses, kind words, care, nice surprises or leisure activities.

Study your other half to know what will please her and make her happy. The correct way to love your chosen one is to notice all the details: new hairstyle, beautiful dress, mood. Every man knows that women react very sharply to the fact that a man does not notice a change in her appearance. A new blouse or haircut that suits you so well. Men by nature are designed in such a way that they do not notice little things, but for women, on the contrary, little things are very important.

To build good relationship, you need to learn to notice all the little things. Gradually build your relationship, brick by brick, building your love space. First you need to reach mutual understanding about all your problems and desires. And the most important thing is to hear what worries each other, without pushing away from the problems.

Try to always be in a good mood and remain calm. Don't allow yourself to show your dissatisfaction every day and don't indulge in petty things. You are a man who must not only provide good things for your family financial situation, but also to hold it in your hands. Auspicious and healthy mind in the family is a task, the fulfillment of which largely depends on the strong shoulder of a man. If you stick healthy image life, always cheerful and calm, all household members will follow your example.

Early rise, contrast shower, joint activities sports, hiking and walks in the park are the key to vivacity and wellness for the whole family. Try to get rid of bad habits, set a good example for your children, and never forget that you are the head of the family. And this means a lot, and you have a huge responsibility for your wife and children.

Don't forget about your territory, hobbies and men's self-development. Discovering in yourself masculine qualities, you will strengthen your inner core - your woman will always admire you and give you love, women love smart, confident, purposeful men. No rudeness, raised tone, softness or weakness. Take the initiative strong hands, accept important decisions- this is the only way you can make a woman happy here and now!

Once upon a time...

...I heard such an expression as “be yourself.” When I was still at a young age, I didn’t understand HOW you could not be yourself. After all, I know that I am me. Not just anyone, but me!

And what does it mean to “not be yourself”? If not by yourself, then by whom? And how to live when you are NOT you? Is it possible to pretend? Deceive? Wear masks? Playing roles that are strangers, not your own... How does a woman cease to be a woman, how does this happen?

Then I really didn’t understand how you could NOT be yourself...
However, life is a magical thing. And, being a woman, throughout my life I have had to observe how many women periodically become “not themselves.” Some for short periods of time, some for longer periods. Some understand what they are doing, while others are completely “unconscious”.

Now I bitterly have to admit the fact that many, yes, many women do not live their own, not real lives, play roles, wear masks and thus lose themselves.
And, sometimes, these roles and masks get used to life so much that she forgets that she is first and foremost a woman. A woman is a goddess, a woman who is a protector, a guardian of clan and family, a woman who gives birth and creates, a real one.

And then, as if by pattern, life begins to flow according to someone else’s scenario. A woman begins to PLAY rather than live and ceases to be a woman.

Often a woman is not aware of the existence of the game itself. And, since she herself is in a state of “playing out” life, she automatically expects the same from those around her. Turns on general game, a manipulation effect occurs. And their men are the first to fall into the crossfire.

A woman loses her femininity, forgets her purpose, makes mistakes, stops feeling and creating peace, harmony, and behaves incorrectly with a man - her divine companion.

And, worst of all, she begins not to create, like the Goddess, but to destroy. Destroy yourself, a man, a family, a family, a world...

What accompanies the loss of feminine divinity? What behavior in a woman leads to destruction? How does a woman stop being a woman?

How does a woman stop being a woman?

1. Lack of cleanliness and beauty in clothes

A woman must maintain her beauty appearance, dress clean.

Modern fashion is not always generous to women. More and more designers are competing to see who will create a more interesting, more unusual, original outfit. Many of the women “trust” them and dress according to fashion. Sometimes without caring that some parts of their body become too accessible to the opposite sex.

Thus, women do not acquire beauty and forget about purity. By dressing too revealingly, they revive impure thoughts in men. A man looks at a woman dressed “openly” only through the prism of lust for her body. Automatically.

A lustful gaze hits painfully energetically, piercing a woman’s self (aura). Destruction occurs.

Sight loving man caresses, the woman feels admiration, amazement. This fills her with strength, that she is loved, that she is a Goddess and wants to create.

2. The desire to quickly solve the mystery

A woman should have a mystery, a zest. It's a hackneyed phrase, isn't it? However, not everyone can say what it means on a deeper level.

Essentially, a woman is like water. You never know in which direction it will “flow” now. There are many currents and directions in her soul. It can be calm, like a centuries-old pond, or in an instant it can turn into a raging and rapid waterfall.

Agree, sometimes we women do not always understand the motives of our behavior. And what can we say about our dear men. They are ready to throw themselves into the pool headlong just to understand the mystery of the woman they love. And they will do it again, and again, and again, striving to accomplish a feat - getting to know their woman. To infinity.

Trying to reveal everything secret about herself during the first acquaintances, a woman makes a mistake. After all, if a man comprehends a woman’s secret, he loses interest in her - he has already won! What's the point in fighting further?

How many lives are unsettled because girls, afraid of losing a man, quickly allow him into their bodies and reveal the veil of secrecy to him. How many families are destroyed because a woman stops keeping her secret, kills the mystery in herself: she wears curlers in front of a man, cooks ordinary meals, and ceases to interest a man.

You can't rush to reveal your secret. Let the unraveling happen gradually. Then not only the outer shell will be important, but also the soul.

3. Give in to me. After all, I'm a woman!

One of the superbly working manipulations of women is overuse feminine power.

What is the strength of a woman? When a woman knows how to be soft, flexible, flexible, she trusts the opportunity to protect and control a man.

The moment a woman begins to use her femininity dishonestly, manipulation occurs. With the help of frequent and excessive whims, tears, feminine flirtatious insults like “well, honey, I’ll be offended,” a woman begins to control. That is, he puts on the role of a man (yes, albeit in such a veiled way), steps along the male path - along the path of management. And is she at this time?

By becoming a “man,” even if not a real one, a woman destroys herself. By pestering those around her with her whims, she destroys relationships. Who would want to be controlled?

Without even realizing what arsenal a woman uses at the moment of whims, a man will intuitively try to escape from the manipulator. That’s why relationships can’t last long based on whims and grievances. Everyone wants freedom.

Therefore, even flirtatiously and innocently batting her eyelashes in front of her man, a woman must clearly understand that everyone has their own freedom. And be honest with yourself and those around you, so as not to live your life like a man. And remain yourself - a woman.

4. Quarrels and gossip

Quarreling, engaging in gossip and back-and-forth, a woman enters into a state of struggle. Lack of acceptance of someone else's point of view, someone else's opinion plunges a woman into confrontation.

In an effort to prove and impose her point of view, her view of life, a woman acts in a masculine way.

Let's look at the gossip and bickering from the perspective of a man/woman. When a woman contradicts her man, he, trying to prove that he is right, automatically takes the position of a warrior. And here two scenarios arise.

There is only one option, when a man begins to “put pressure” on a woman in response, to show irritation and aggression, to show his strength.

Option two, when a man, losing respect, as if not wanting to “get his hands dirty,” moves away. Because he feels that the “enemy” is weak and there is no point in competing with a woman.

When a woman truly supports a man and trusts him, even if she thinks that he is making the wrong decision, circumstances will develop favorably in the future, supported feminine power, faith and wisdom.

5. Myself, or my will be done

A woman is very self-sufficient by nature.

What can't a woman do? She will give birth to a son, plant a tree, and build a house. It even flies into space. How many different professions Women have mastered it - they can do a lot, learn it easily, and quickly implement it.

However, it is important to remember that a woman cannot fulfill one of her main purposes - to continue the family line, to give birth to a child - without a man.

Living life in the position of “I can do everything myself,” a woman destroys her man. And even your children.

Since children learn from their parents' examples rather than words, it is important to remember that when a mother is bossy, the daughter will also be bossy.

A boy, seeing a “strong” mother and a “weak” father, will never learn to make decisions on his own and take responsibility for them. And he is unlikely to be able to truly love a “powerful” woman.

It is important to remember that children most often exhibit qualities and patterns of behavior that are present in their parents, even if they stubbornly hide them.

It is unnatural for a woman to act without the help of a man. The ability to ask a man for help, to express your request to him, is vitally important for both sexes.

A man, fulfilling a woman’s requests, develops fortitude, moves, constantly finding new solutions, new options for the development of events. A woman learns to trust what is happening, develops sensitivity and acceptance.

Such interaction in tandem eliminates opposition. A woman creates harmony and peace, following her feminine destiny.

Addressing yourself

Perhaps, reading this article, you, dear woman, remembered the moments when you somehow put on a mask and played an incorrect role that was not yours. I wasn’t myself—a woman.

I’ll say this: it doesn’t happen to anyone! Now you shouldn’t go back to the past and blame yourself for your actions, for living in accordance with the present time.

The real role of a woman, the importance of the female path in our time is greatly distorted. Women have new priorities: to become successful, not to depend financially on a man, to achieve freedom, to not owe anything to anyone - and most importantly, to achieve everything on their own.

Most women have forgotten their purpose - to create as women, to create harmony and peace, to unite their clan and the man’s clan, and lead to prosperity. They forgot that they are Goddesses, Beregini, Guardians.

Now the memory of the female soul is increasingly being revived. More and more women become themselves, real, without extraneous roles and masks.

It's not always easy. After all, in order to learn to live in a new way, to learn to act honestly, it takes a lot of effort.

But I believe that we, women, have a unique gift of birth and creation! And we, Goddesses, just have to want it - and every particle of the universe will help us live like a woman, following our feminine destiny.

I believe in you dear women! I believe in us!

Every day, when you wake up in the morning, remind yourself that you are and will be YOURSELF - a woman, a Goddess, a Bereginya, a Guardian.

May he abide feminine power in us!

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