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Correct during contractions. How to behave during childbirth: practical advice. Passive relaxation exercises

The birth of a child is a natural process. All stages and processes occurring at this moment are laid down by nature and controlled by instincts. For a successful delivery and reducing the risk of negative complications, it is very important for a woman to behave correctly.

What to do during contractions? How to behave during childbirth? Is it possible to sit during contractions? What mistakes should you avoid? Let's look at the answers to these questions later in the article.

To understand how to behave correctly during the birth of a child, let’s look at childbirth in stages.

There are 3 stages in childbirth:

  • first period;
  • second period;
  • third period.

First stage of labor

At this stage, disclosure occurs. It includes:

  1. Latent phase - uterine contractions occur once every 15 minutes. Gradually their intensity increases and the time period is reduced to 5 minutes. The duration of this phase can reach 7 hours. During this period, the cervix dilates by 3 cm.
  2. Active phase - uterine contractions occur more frequently. The interval between contractions does not exceed 4 minutes. The duration of this stage is about 5 hours. The active phase is characterized by increased pain in a woman. At the end of the stage, the cervical dilatation is 9 cm.
  3. Transitional phase - the interval between contractions is no more than 1 minute. The pain and intensity of uterine contractions reach their peak. The dilation of the cervix reaches 10 cm. At this stage, the baby’s head descends into the birth canal.

Second stage of labor

At this stage, active contractions stop and begin. The baby is expelled from the uterine cavity and moves along the birth canal.

The duration of this stage depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. May vary from a few minutes to several hours.

Third stage of labor

At this stage the baby has already been born. He is placed on his mother's stomach. During this period, the woman gives birth to the placenta.

This process takes about 10 minutes.

How to behave during contractions

The process of dilation of the cervix is ​​the longest and most painful for a woman.

Correct behavior of the woman in labor at this stage can significantly alleviate discomfort and speed up the process.

During contractions you can:

  • stand with support against a wall;
  • get on all fours;
  • lie on your side;
  • walk;
  • give a relieving massage.

During contractions you cannot:

  • contract and tense muscles;
  • afraid;
  • sit;
  • lie on your back;
  • eat and drink;
  • scream;
  • specifically to hold back urination.

Psycho-emotional stress and fear during the period of cervical dilatation provoke muscle cramps and increased pain. Muscle tension disrupts the blood supply to tissues.

A sharp cry changes the breathing pattern, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of matchmaking.

The position of a woman on her back or sitting also impairs blood circulation and prevents the baby from moving correctly through the birth canal.

The ban on food and drink is also not accidental. The birth of a child does not always happen according to the planned scenario. Sometimes anesthesia is required.

If a woman eats, this may cause vomiting.

Mom's behavior during pushing

Pushing is the phase of active expulsion of the child from the uterine cavity. A woman’s behavior can significantly speed up or, conversely, slow down the process.

  • push while inhaling;
  • observe proper breathing techniques;
  • follow the advice of doctors;
  • maintain psycho-emotional calm;
  • for one match you need to push 3 times;
  • relax your thigh muscles;
  • Bend your knees for more effective muscle tension.

During pushing you cannot:

  • spontaneously tense muscles without following doctors’ recommendations;
  • scream;
  • push “into the eyes.”

Not only the speed of the process, but also the health of the child depends on a woman’s knowledge of how to behave during labor.

Improper breathing and muscle contraction can cause serious complications for both mother and baby.

How to behave during the final stage of labor

The placenta is expelled from the uterine cavity 10-30 minutes after the birth of the baby. A woman begins to experience postpartum contractions.

The placenta separates from the uterus and exits through the woman's birth canal. After expulsion, the doctor carefully examines the tissues of the child's place.

This is necessary to determine whether all parts of the placenta have been delivered.

To stimulate the process, the woman puts the baby to her breast. Sucking stimulates the production of natural oxytocin and the contraction of the uterine muscles.

If this is not enough and the placenta remains inside, the woman is given an additional injection of oxytocin.

Pros of proper mother behavior during childbirth

As labor approaches, all women raise the question, “How to give birth correctly?” Currently, there are a large number of manuals, special literature, courses and video lessons that will help a woman properly prepare for the birth of a child.

Some expectant mothers do not pay enough attention to studying the technique of labor breathing, the rules of muscle tension and behavior in the delivery room.

Correct behavior of the mother during childbirth is important. It makes it possible:

  • reduce the soft tissue of a woman’s birth canal;
  • reduce the pain effect;
  • speed up the pace of the baby’s progress through the birth canal;
  • reduce the risk of birth complications for the baby;
  • The likelihood of developing postpartum depression is significantly reduced.

A woman’s behavior during the birth of a child is very important. Screaming, fear, and excessive stress can greatly harm not only the mother in labor, but also her baby.

A calm psycho-emotional state, following the advice of specialists and proper breathing make childbirth easier.

Useful video: how to behave correctly during childbirth

It is necessary to imagine how childbirth will proceed and behave accordingly. There is a lot of work to be done between mother and child, and you need to know how to do your part correctly.

Understanding how to behave during labor and labor will significantly reduce pain. It is important to know what positions are best to take during contractions and how to breathe correctly. It is important not to worry and focus all your thoughts not on your feelings, but on the child, the long-awaited baby who is about to be born.

At different moments of childbirth you need to behave differently:

  • The first phase is associated with the onset of contractions. They cease to be uneven and occur periodically and not too often - once every 20 minutes for 1-2 minutes. At this time, you can behave as usual, do business, read, collect things, take a bath. The time between contractions allows this, you need to save your strength. You should try to breathe deeply, deeply. It is in this phase that you need to get to the maternity hospital in order to meet the next phase already there.
  • The second phase is an increase in contractions. They already happen every couple of minutes and continue for the same amount of time. Here you already need to adhere to certain rules, for example, you cannot sit or lie on your back. It’s better to walk, you can squat down or get on all fours. You can breathe deeply only between contractions, and during a contraction you need to switch to shallow breathing “like a dog.” Under no circumstances should you hold your breath - the oxygen content in the blood, and therefore in the child’s body, depends on this. Save your energy and try to distract yourself, sing songs, recite poems, listen to music. You should not scream - screaming can provoke cervical spasms, but moaning as you exhale is possible and even necessary to help the muscles of the cervix relax.
  • The third phase is pushing and the birth of the child. The first attempts should be treated with caution and not rush to help them: if the cervix is ​​not fully dilated, this can pose a danger, so if you want to give birth without tears and incisions, do not rush and listen to the doctor’s advice. It is imperative to breathe, either like a dog, or often sobbing, but regularly. Before starting to push, you can take in some air and forcefully release it, this will help the baby move. The birth process itself will take about five minutes.
  • The birth of the placenta is no longer painful or scary. The baby is born, he is on your chest and you only need to push once at the doctor’s prompting for the placenta to come out.

You are not alone during childbirth

At this difficult moment in life, there will be doctors next to you who will definitely tell you how to behave correctly during childbirth. You just need to carefully follow their advice. The participation of your spouse, who should be aware of everything that awaits you and have a good understanding of what to do and how to give birth without pain and ruptures, will not hurt.

Dad should not only worry about you, but also really help:

  • control the actions of doctors and nurses if they do not pay as much attention to the woman in labor as she would like, because she herself has no time for control now;
  • give a lower back massage, it is useful and relieves pain;
  • remind you to breathe properly.

Prepare for childbirth

Physically, your body will prepare itself for childbirth and do everything that is needed. You need to mentally prepare for childbirth in order to be calm and do your best to help the child be born on his own. If you are psychologically prepared for the pain that accompanies the birth of a child, you will be able to direct all your strength to help him be born into this world without pain. You simply take on his pain - this consciousness will help you, because you are already a mother!

A lot of media teach expectant mothers how to behave during childbirth for a happy outcome. Special courses are also organized that mothers and future fathers can attend.

However, when contractions begin, you can panic and forget everything, this happens to many women giving birth for the first time. And yet it is better to literally memorize the most important rules that will help not only you, but also the baby. After all, he, too, is undergoing changes that are inexplicable to him.


The first stage, the first real contractions. How to behave correctly? What should I do, should I rush to the maternity hospital?

Childbirth can be divided into 3 stages, and they last up to 18 hours for women giving birth for the first time, and up to 12 hours for experienced women. The first stage can be felt the day before: weak contractions begin, which last no more than 30 seconds. They repeat approximately every half hour. This is not a reason to worry, this is how labor should begin.

Make sure you collect the necessary things, continue to be at home, and do light activities. Right now it is advisable to do an enema and not eat anymore.

How to understand the onset of the second stage of labor? When is it time to go to the maternity hospital?

The second stage differs in the nature of the contractions: they become longer (up to 3 minutes), and the interval between them is reduced to 2 minutes.
If you went to the hospital in advance, for example, on the recommendation of a doctor, continue to behave calmly, but warn the medical staff about your condition. It is advisable not to lie down, but to walk or stand. If you are at home, the time has come to go to the maternity hospital. Now you must listen to the obstetricians and follow all their recommendations. At the same time, do not forget the rules on how to behave competently during childbirth so that it is less painful.

So, remember the main ones:

1 .Don't tense your body muscles. Relax them throughout labor.

2. Breathe slowly and deeply. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Your correct breathing is important for the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal.

3. Set yourself up for good emotions and be positive. Don't be angry, don't be irritated, calm down and talk to your child. You will meet him soon!

The second stage can last 6-10 hours. Now is the right time to give yourself acupressure, which will partially relieve the pain. From the front, press with your thumbs on the anterosuperior edges of the iliac bones, and from behind, press on the lumbar rhombus. If the pain becomes unbearable and you are giving birth for the first time, you may be given a pain-relieving injection. It will not eliminate pain completely, but it will make you feel better.

Stage three: labor has begun. How should you behave when labor has already begun? How to breathe correctly, how to help the baby be born?

At stage 3, you will feel the urge to push.
Now you will be taken to the delivery room, or you are already in the prenatal room. In the delivery room you will be offered lie down on the birthing table. How to lie on it correctly? You need to rest your feet on the table and hold on to the handrails with your hands.

When the doctor tells you to push, you will need to take a deep breath and hold your breath. Then strain your abdominal muscles and exhale air through your mouth. After this, you can relax and repeat everything as the midwife suggests.

The most important moment - the emergence of the baby's head - occurs not while pushing, but in a relaxed state. You are breathing through your mouth at this moment. Try not to forget this at the most important moment, since childbirth can really be made easier by proper breathing. You help the baby when the head comes out by being calm.

And when the hangers come out behind it one by one, you will have to push one more time. This will require effort, since reflexively you will want to push even at the moment the head comes out.

How to set yourself up for psychological positivity? Who will help you do everything right?

Don't worry if you forget everything. There will be a doctor and midwife nearby, and they will tell you how to do the right thing. The fear that literally shackles many women before childbirth can harm the process. Psychological discomfort can turn into physical, so it is important to behave correctly in this matter.

Try to communicate with positive people at home and in the maternity hospital, and believe in a successful birth yourself. U Loyalty is given by women who have already given birth and whose birth went well. It is their support that will be very useful to you.

The absence of fear is already a favorable birth, so wait for your baby in a joyful mood, and you just need to endure the pain for the sake of the baby. Many women worry about the attitude of doctors and midwives towards them on the day of birth. If you are afraid that they will be rude to you or raise their voice, it is better in advance, even during pregnancy, to find out the opinions of friends who have given birth about different maternity hospitals.

You have the right to choose where exactly you want to give birth. In any case, behave calmly, as you can make labor easier on your own. This is the main goal you are striving for: a calm psychological state will add many chances to a successful birth.

What happens in the first minutes after birth? What does the doctor do immediately after childbirth? How should a woman in labor behave?

Immediately after the baby is born, the placenta should come out. To do this, you may have to slightly strain yourself one more time, or it will be enough for the midwife to lightly press on your stomach. After this, the doctor will check the integrity of the tissues of the cervix and perineum. If there are tears, they will be sewn up immediately. At this time you do not need to do anything, you will not feel pain or discomfort. You will be happy and completely occupied with your newly born baby. Congratulations!

How to behave during childbirth, video

A maternity hospital is for a woman, people say that the army is for a man. Those who were not will be, and those who were will not forget. Almost every woman can experience such unforgettable sensations, with the exception of cases of surgical delivery. How to make the birth process less painful and is it possible?

The first stage of the birth process is. All expectant mothers may experience contractions with varying degrees of pain. Some will have a barely noticeable pain in the lower abdomen, like before their period, while others will be ready to climb the wall, which, by the way, can be done if you have a wall bars at hand. During this period, doctors recommend walking, dancing a little, hanging on something, and swinging on a fitball. It is not recommended to sit at this time, especially on a hard surface. The vertical position helps to more easily survive contractions, and this position also has a beneficial effect on the active dilatation of the uterus.

If you don’t want to eat, that’s great; now it’s important not to overstrain your body with excess food. If you really want to refresh yourself, it is better to choose something light and sweet. You can, for example, eat a banana and drink compote. Don't try to “feed” yourself potatoes. Heavy food most likely will not stay in the body and will be released in the form of vomiting.

Correct Actions

If you want to know what to do during contractions, follow these guidelines:

  • Breathe correctly. This will be the key to painless contractions. A woman in a calm and confident state can help herself through a difficult birth journey. The breathing technique should be as follows: inhale slowly through the nose and exhale a little longer through the mouth. You can accompany the exhalation by pronouncing or singing the low vowels a, o or u. The method of diaphragmatic-thoracic breathing is also of great benefit. The woman in labor takes an inhalation, which begins in the abdomen (to do this, you can put one hand on the stomach and make sure that it rises first when inhaling), and then the breathing phase captures the chest (put the other hand on the chest - it’s her turn to rise). During one contraction you need to take 3-4 such full breaths. Proper breathing will help saturate your baby with oxygen, and incorrect breathing technique will lead to a lack of oxygen in the baby (hypoxia).
  • Don't shout. Screaming will not help ease the suffering, but will only exhaust the woman in labor, and she needs to save energy, otherwise the final stage of labor risks being delayed. Screaming, as well as high-pitched sounds, can have a detrimental effect on the birth process, leading to spasm of the necessary muscles.
  • Relax. In between contractions, and this process can take a very long time (up to 12 hours), the woman needs to calm down and preferably even sleep. This will perfectly restore strength for the subsequent even more important period of childbirth - for pushing. Listen to your favorite music, talk on the phone, do meditation, etc. Help your body relax by any means.
  • Self-massage - maybe a massage: massage your lower back with your fists or make stroking movements in the lower abdomen, moving from the groin to the sides.
  • Prepare for childbirth. While there is time, the expectant mother can take a shower, shave, check all her things and documents again and go to the maternity hospital.

Transition period

The relatively calm pain of the latent period of contractions is replaced by an active period, when the pain will be even more noticeable and severe. This stage ends with two scenarios:

  1. Premature labor – your doctor will advise you to lie on your side to slow down the labor process.
  2. Slow movement of the baby's head through the birth canal - in this case, doctors recommend squatting to speed up this process.


Following the contractions come pushing. Here a woman needs to behave as correctly as possible so as not to harm either herself or the baby.

Important! Listen to the midwife! This is the most important thing. Experienced doctors will tell you how to breathe correctly and what to do to minimize the pain of the process. Once you feel that contractions have become frequent, with an interval of 1 minute, carefully monitor the urge to push. Doing this now is strictly prohibited. The baby has not yet prepared to come out, and early attempts will cause damage to the baby’s head and will also lead to tears in your perineum.

How to behave during childbirth? It is important to learn how to breathe correctly. This is very simple to do: breathe often, like a dog, or as if you were blowing out a candle. In this case, only the exhalation should be heard clearly and loudly.

Follow your doctor's instructions strictly. A step to the left, a step to the right - a mistake costs your life or your child’s. Remember this great responsibility. As soon as you receive the signal to push, you need to draw the maximum amount of air into your chest, hold your breath and, pressing your chin to your chest, sharply release the air through your mouth, creating maximum pressure in the anus.

It is important not to push upward into the head. Excessive pressure can cause the eye capillaries to burst, and the birth process itself will be slowed down.

During one attempt, you need to follow this breathing technique 3 times. If you do everything correctly, already on the second push the baby’s head will appear, and with the next push the baby’s final birth will occur.

Completion of labor

Now the baby is already on your chest and emotions are overwhelming your soul, and the labor period is almost over. All that was left was to push one last time for the placenta to come out. In another way it is also called a children's place. When you hear a characteristic squelch coming from yourself, you know that you have done it, you have completed it. Now the young mother needs to rest for 2 hours. During this time, the medical staff will closely monitor the woman in labor due to the risk of bleeding.

Sometimes a woman who has given birth creates an illusory feeling of lightness and floating. She feels as if everything inside is full of energy and is ready to run home with her baby in her arms, but these feelings are deceptive. They are the result of the euphoria of victory; in fact, a woman needs proper rest to restore the lost strength.

Let's summarize what behavior would be prudent to ensure that childbirth is as painless as possible:

  1. Breathe correctly at each individual stage.
  2. Take the correct body position to facilitate labor.
  3. Be attentive and calm.
  4. Comply with all requirements of medical staff.
  5. Set yourself in a positive mood.

Any woman is capable of giving birth, but only your actions can make this process comfortable and painless. Do not be afraid of anything and expect a joyful meeting with your little one.

So, you realize that you are in labor. What actions are prohibited during childbirth?

∗ When labor begins, you should not panic, rush around the apartment randomly, or rush. It is very important to maintain composure and tune in in the right way. It’s good if all things are collected in advance, because rushing around the apartment looking for what you need during childbirth is not a pleasant pleasure, especially since at the end of pregnancy the sense of balance is disturbed, weakness and dizziness may occur. Careless movements, especially when taking a shower, are fraught with a fall, which may result in placental abruption. And this is an extremely dangerous situation that can lead to significant blood loss in the expectant mother and threaten the life of the baby.

∗ If you forget some of your personal belongings at home, do not be upset, because in all maternity hospitals, if necessary, you will be given hospital slippers, a robe, a towel and a nightgown. And everything else will be brought to you while you are in labor. But we must not forget the documents. Before leaving home, check that you have a passport, exchange card, insurance policy, and a contract for childbirth management, if one has been concluded. Thus, in the absence of an exchange card, doctors will not have confirmation of the necessary examination, which may serve as a reason to assign you to a special observational unit or to transfer you to a special maternity hospital, where unexamined patients, infected and women with suspected infectious diseases give birth. Considering that labor often begins suddenly, it is better to carry medical documents with you at all times.

∗ Under no circumstances should you drive to the maternity hospital by yourself. And although the first contractions are not painful, it will be difficult to predict their intensity after even a short period of time. And with severe pain, getting safely to the maternity hospital will be problematic. So if none of your relatives or friends can take you, then it is better to call an ambulance service.

∗ Immediately after arriving at the maternity hospital, the filling out of medical documents that doctors will use during childbirth begins. Some of the data will be taken from the exchange card, some will be entered from your words. It is important to answer all questions accurately; in no case should you hide anything, even if it seems to you that it has nothing to do with the events taking place. Thus, vacuum aspiration suffered 10 years ago can provoke bleeding during childbirth, and blood transfused in early childhood can cause hemolytic disease in a child. Of course, the doctor should be warned about such risks in advance.

The first stage of labor: you can’t be afraid, scream or strain your muscles

∗ This period is the most painful and longest in time, and its duration, the well-being of the woman in labor, and the condition of the fetus depend on correct behavior. The main thing: you should not be afraid of childbirth and labor pain! The strength of the pain depends on the individual characteristics, pain sensitivity, emotional state of the woman and her attitude towards the birth of the child. Nature has provided the woman with the painkillers she needs for childbirth - her body releases hormones of joy and pleasure - endorphins - during labor. They help the expectant mother to relax, relieve pain and give a feeling of emotional uplift. However, the mechanism for their production is fragile. If a woman experiences fear, then the secretion of endorphins is reflexively suppressed and a significant amount of adrenaline (stress hormone) is released into the blood, which causes convulsive muscle tension, including the muscles of the uterus, which increases pain.

∗ In addition, during childbirth you should not squeeze or strain your muscles. When tension occurs, the pain threshold decreases, blood supply is disrupted, which increases pain. A vicious circle arises: tension – pain – slowing of labor. If during childbirth the muscles are relaxed, then the pain is less, the cervix opens faster, and the child does not experience significant difficulties in moving through the birth canal.

∗ During contractions, you can choose a body position that is comfortable for you: you are allowed to lie on your side, walk, stand on all fours or kneel. But there are two positions that are prohibited during childbirth: you cannot lie on your back and you cannot sit. Lying on your back, the heavy pregnant uterus compresses the large vessels passing behind it, disrupting the blood flow to the heart. In response to this, blood pressure reflexively drops sharply, causing fainting and disruption of the blood supply to the placenta and fetus. If for some reason you have to lie down during childbirth, it is better to choose a position on your side.

At the beginning of the first period, the sitting position will not cause harm. However, by the end of it, the baby’s head is already entering the birth canal, and by sitting down on a hard surface (chair, bed), the expectant mother creates additional pressure on her. But you can sit on a fitball or toilet - in these cases, such pressure is excluded.

∗ In almost all maternity hospitals there is a ban on food and drink during childbirth. This requirement is justified by the fact that during labor there may be a need for general anesthesia, during which there is a risk of reflux of stomach contents into the mouth, and from there into the lungs. This can lead to the development of severe pneumonia. In addition, during contractions, due to the reflex connection that exists between the cervix and the stomach, vomiting sometimes occurs. The more contents are in the stomach, the greater the likelihood of this unpleasant phenomenon.

∗ You should not scream during contractions. While screaming, you continuously exhale air, and your breaths are shallow and short. It is known that in order to maximize the enrichment of blood with oxygen, which is necessary for both the mother during difficult labor and the baby, so that he does not experience oxygen starvation, a deep breath is necessary. So instead of screaming at high altitude, slowly, deeply and rhythmically inhale air through your nose and exhale it through your mouth. If contractions become very strong, frequent shallow breathing will help, in which you also inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. But you can’t inhale deeply through your mouth during contractions, this will lead to rapid drying out of the oral mucosa, which is quite painful to bear when there is a ban on drinking. If the mucous membrane is still dry, you can rinse your mouth with water without swallowing it.

∗ During contractions, urination should not be delayed. Go to the toilet often - at the first urge. Firstly, frequent urination stimulates contractions, and secondly, an overfilled bladder inhibits the progress of the fetus along the birth canal.

Second stage of labor: you can’t sit down and push “in your face”

During this period, a woman can control the birth process to a greater extent than in the first. Although pushing occurs involuntarily, a woman can control it to a certain extent, strengthening or restraining it if necessary. However, unauthorized actions can harm both mother and child. That is why during this period it is necessary to get together and strictly follow all the instructions of the doctor and midwife.

∗ When there is very little time left until the birth of the child, you will be taken to the delivery room. When moving to the birth bed, you cannot sit down - in fact, this means sitting on your baby’s head. While on the birthing bed, under no circumstances should you squeeze your thighs. All of these actions can cause serious injury to the newborn.

∗ If you receive the “go-ahead” for pushing, do not spare any effort. But it is not only the applied force that matters, but also where it is directed. It is important to do this correctly; you cannot push “in the face.” In this case, the woman in labor greatly strains her face, puffs out her cheeks, and small hemorrhages may even form on her eyes and face, but the pushing is ineffective, and the fetal head does not move along the birth canal. The effort should be directed downwards, to empty the body (like bowels during stool). In this case, you need to strain your abdominal muscles as much as possible.

∗ If you do not feel any pushing or it is too weak, you will be guided by a doctor and midwife. It is very important to follow all their instructions exactly. During the birth of the fetus, there are times when it is necessary to reduce the force of pushing. Sometimes, for the best progress of the baby, the doctor may prohibit pushing during one or more contractions. You will not be able to stop the effort, but you can significantly weaken it. It is necessary to relax and breathe very quickly and shallowly, with your mouth slightly open - “doggy style”, or like “inflating a balloon” (up, in the face, stretching your lips with a tube). Just as in the first stage of labor, you should not scream, since screaming occurs on exhalation, and during pushing you need to hold your breath. In addition, when screaming, muscles contract, including the pelvic floor and perineum, which increases the risk of ruptures. In addition, screaming prevents the mother from fully interacting with the medical staff, which is the key to the normal course of the second stage of labor and helps to avoid ruptures.

Third stage of labor: you can’t completely relax

After the baby is born, you cannot relax completely, believing that your work is over. After all, the placenta still has to be delivered, followed by a procedure for examining the birth canal. The baby's place, or placenta, includes the placenta and membranes. The period of its separation can last from 5 minutes to half an hour or a little longer. After some time, you may feel pain lasting no more than a minute. This is one of the signs of separation of the placenta from the walls of the uterus, after which the woman is asked to push. But it is worth noting that usually the placenta is born without any difficulties.


During the entire birth, you cannot refuse necessary medical procedures. For example, in the first stage of labor, vaginal examinations and recording of the fetal heartbeat are necessary, which are often uncomfortable for the woman in labor. But these actions help the doctor determine how labor is progressing, assess the child’s condition, and, if necessary, prescribe some medications. You should not strain yourself during doctor's examinations, as tension will only increase the discomfort.

During the vaginal examination, try to relax, breathe quickly and shallowly, and do not strain the muscles of the perineum.

Many women are afraid of prescribing drug stimulation during labor. You have the right to express your attitude towards this procedure and your wish not to use it if possible, but remember that sometimes only with the help of medications you can complete childbirth with minimal risk to the child.

If any actions of the staff cause you doubts, ask them to explain to you the need for certain manipulations.

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