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Correct male legs. About guys' beautiful legs ()

This is an indisputable fact and has long been known to everyone. Let's talk about male sexuality. First of all, according to absolutely all surveys conducted, when meeting a man, a woman evaluates his butt and arms. And, as always, there is an animal rationale behind this. If a man has strong hands, then the subconscious tells us that he is a good provider and a real protector; behind such a man, a woman feels like behind a stone wall. And a man’s strong butt and legs indicate that he can run fast and catch his prey.

Strong legs and character of a man

From the point of view of a man's character, strong legs indicate his strong leadership qualities and the fact that the man stands firmly on his feet. Such a person is always self-confident, enterprising, strong, active, and proactive in life.

But, perhaps, perhaps the most important thing for a modern woman that a man’s legs speak about is his endurance. We are talking about the sexual aspect here.

Man with strong legs in bed

A man with strong legs is like God in bed. He can give a woman simply unearthly bliss, masterfully wielding his strong legs non-stop. With such a man, a woman will forget everything in the world and hours will turn into minutes.

Why are strong legs so important for a man?

Because women appreciate it.

How important are strong legs for a man?

Not long ago, intimate issues were something shameful and vulgar. It was more of a masculine theme, and men were more likely to stare at women intently and without shame, leaf through men's magazines with naked beauties, and retire to bathrooms. In the past, sexy bodies were only displayed by women, and there were exclusively men's magazines. Now a mass of naked men with bare butts and languid eyes appeared.

The meaning of male legs for a woman

Emancipation in the modern world has progressed so much that women now carefully examine and study men. They want sex and think about intimacy, no less than men themselves. Although, as is still commonly believed, thanks to various surveys, men think about sex more often.

And so, if previously only women cared about appearance and figure, now men also have to pay due attention to this. They spend hours in the gym, practicing football, martial arts, anything they can to build an ideal masculine body: strong legs, six-pack abs and huge biceps.

As we said earlier, it is strong legs that are sexually attractive to a woman on a subconscious level. When meeting such a man, a woman expects a lot from such a relationship. And, I must say, not without reason. Since strong legs of a man are not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also a worthy application in practice. You can compare such a man with a thoroughbred stallion who warms the soul and pleases the eye. In bed, he masterfully wields his pelvis and strains his hamstrings no worse than professional racehorses.
Of course, in the modern world, in order to succeed, a male no longer needs muscles, but brains.

But tell yourself honestly: what kind of man will a woman go to the ends of the earth for: a dumb jock or a smart nerd?

A woman's instinct will push her into the arms of a jock.

Of course, we will exaggerate the situation a little in order to understand it as clearly as possible. In life, strong legs alone are not enough, everything is more than individual. There is compatibility or incompatibility of temperaments, characters and life priorities.


From all that has been said, we can draw the following conclusion. Strong male legs can tell us a lot, but in pursuit of an ideal image that pleases the eye, do not forget about the soul and the development of your inner world.

And remember that there are no strong legs without a good butt. You can find everything about pumping up your butt on the website

Whether you're an athlete or just love smooth skin, shaving is a hassle-free experience. All you need is a little patience and concentration, especially if this is your first time doing this. The more often you shave your legs, the easier it will be in the future!


Part 1

Preparing to shave

    Decide on the shaving area. Think about which area of ​​your legs you want to shave. This doesn't apply to all men, but men's legs are equally hairy from the knees up to the knees, and it can be difficult to find the right line to stop at. Think about the reasons why you shave your legs. Then look at yourself in the mirror and determine the desired shaving margin.

    Trim your leg hair. If this is your first time, use scissors or an electric clipper to pre-trim the hair before shaving, otherwise it may simply clog the razor blades later. To speed up the process, use an electric clipper. If possible, do this outside, wearing the shortest shorts possible, otherwise the house will be a mess. If this is not possible, you can lay one or more towels on the floor and do the procedure while standing on them, so that in the future it will be easier for you to remove the cut hair.

    Take a shower. Wash off any hair particles that may remain on the skin after cutting. Water will help soften the hairs and make subsequent shaving easier. Remove any dirt that could clog your razor blades or cause infection. Exfoliate your skin using a washcloth using gentle circular motions.

Secrets of beautiful men's legs

Inflated legs are a headache and a secret dream of many men. Sometimes under the loose trousers of a broad-shouldered guy there are legs with weak and ugly calves. The reason for this discrepancy is on the surface - devoting a lot of time to training the abs and arms, men forget about the leg muscles.

Features of men's leg training

Men's leg training consists of three main stages: increasing muscle mass, increasing strength and developing muscle quality. To build muscle mass, you will need to perform exercises that involve as many muscle groups as possible. Beautiful, sculpted legs are easy to achieve with the help of hard, but light-weight training. To achieve proportions, you will have to train not only pronounced, but also passive muscles.

Of course, the gyms have everything you need to leave the sports club with strong and sculpted legs, but you can also achieve good results at home. The main thing is not to be lazy and devote to intensive training at least three days a week.

Squats for beautiful thighs

For those who do not know how to pump up their legs, it is recommended to start with squats. Squats provide the greatest gains in muscle mass and strength, and also place stress on various muscle groups. It is important to consider that performing exercises with your legs shoulder-width apart strengthens the outer side of the thigh, while normal leg positioning engages the muscles on the inner side.

To effectively build muscle mass, it is not enough to do regular squats. Squats with the leg extended forward are more effective, as well as sumo and plie techniques. You can make the task more difficult using a barbell or dumbbells. In this case, the barbell must be held on the shoulders, and the dumbbells must be held in straight arms. Exercises with weights pump up the muscles of the front and back of the thigh, as well as the buttocks area.

Exercises for sculpted calves

Before pumping up your calves, it will not be superfluous to know that the muscles of the lower leg include three main groups: the tibialis anterior, the soleus and the gastrocnemius. Beautiful relief can be achieved if you pay attention to all three muscles.

Calf raises are a simple but quite effective calf exercise. To perform it, you need to stand on a step (or any small elevation) so that your toes are on the surface and your heels are hanging down. Lifts should be performed as slowly as possible, concentrating the load on the calf muscles. The effect will be noticeably enhanced if you do the exercise on one leg. Later, to increase the load, you can pick up dumbbells.

Calf raises are performed not only while standing, but also in a sitting position. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair, and place your socks on a stand about 10 cm high. Next, lower your heels as close to the floor as possible, and then very slowly rise onto your toes. To increase the load and improve efficiency, it is recommended to hold an object between your knees.

In addition to regular exercise, you need to walk more, climb stairs more often, run and ride a bike. In addition, we must not forget about stretching the muscles - this will help restore their length and reduce the risk of injury.

This erotic influence is not due to the free-thinking of our society, half-naked singers on TV screens or miniskirts. Regardless of sexual morality, culture and fashion, a woman’s legs have always fascinated the male half of the population, increasing the level of hormones in their blood. Why do women’s legs excite such attraction in men? The answer is simple, a woman's legs are significantly different from a man's legs. In women, the knees are softer, the hips are more rounded, the legs are slimmer, the skin is smooth as silk (in ideal condition). But the most exciting thing is the triangle located at the very top of the legs. This triangle is the pinnacle of sexuality, which is also hidden from prying eyes.

Morris Desmond wrote that men subconsciously draw in their imagination this hidden part (we are talking about the place where the thighs meet) of the female body and the image they draw is so powerful that it is often difficult to cope with the rules of politeness. Beautiful female legs attract the gaze of the opposite sex better than any hypnosis. But not only beautiful legs themselves awaken a man’s fantasy; men’s fantasy is also influenced by the movements of the legs. For example, the “leg-to-leg” position exposes part of the thigh, and a man takes the swaying of the hips as a hint of sex.

The feet are close to the genitals, which is why they have been taboo for centuries. Women's legs were covered with long dresses up to their toes, and their underwear was frilly. Back in the 19th century, girls were forbidden to even bare their ankles, so they wore high lace-up boots.

Fear of the unforeseen influence of women's legs sometimes manifested itself in a rather grotesque form. For example, in Victorian England, even the legs of pianos and furniture were covered with covers so that men would not have dubious fantasies. Among the highest circles of society, there was censorship of language - in England, for example, chicken legs were called “dark meat”; in the Kaiser’s Germany, underwear and stockings were called “unspeakable things”.

However, no prohibitions could eradicate the desire for voyeurism in men; on the contrary, the charm of women can never be completely hidden. The outline of legs that men see under long trousers or a skirt, the momentarily exposed ankle, ignite the imagination of most men, regardless of culture, even if the culture strictly adheres to moral laws. Every man knows this, because as soon as spring comes, men immediately notice that women have become noticeably more beautiful.

Long legs usually attract more looks, why? Super-long legs can be attributed to the vagaries of nature, because this is not a very common phenomenon. Experts from the fashion world believe that only 1 in 100,000 women can be considered “barbine legs”. Could this be the reason why super-long legs are considered more attractive? Scientists have found explanations for this too. Some argue that long legs indicate good health of the owner, and this is a significant argument in relations between opposite sexes. Biologists say that men instinctively want to share their genes with a strong and healthy woman. People with long legs tend to be tall, which indicates a strong immune system.

In Bristol, scientists from the University found that women whose legs were longer than 74 cm had healthier hearts. In addition, such women are less susceptible to heart attacks.

Long legs have another explanation, for example, long legs indicate the girl’s maturity. Slender and long legs mark a girl’s adolescence and sexual maturity, while short legs refer to childhood. In addition, fast-growing girls exhibit unusual child-female sexuality.

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