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Causes of taste in the mouth in pregnant women. Metallic taste during pregnancy: causes and methods of control. Possible causes of metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women experience a metallic taste in the mouth. Such sensations arise already in the first trimester and disappear by week 1214. There are many reasons for the appearance of iron taste.

Women often feel like they drank or ate something wrong. But it’s not the food and drinks that are to blame. A metallic taste in the mouth is one of the signs of pregnancy.

Main reasons

During the period of bearing a child, changes occur in the female body, so symptoms arise that were previously unknown.

The main causes of iron taste during pregnancy:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • exacerbation of the senses of smell and taste;
  • prenatal vitamins;
  • acid reflux;
  • problems with gums and teeth.

The body of a pregnant woman intensively produces hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. They are responsible for taste sensations. The result of increased hormone production leads to disgust for favorite dishes, and food that the woman has not eaten before causes appetite. Some components, even in small volumes, can cause a metallic taste in the mouth.

The organs of taste and smell are closely related. With increased production of hormones, they become aggravated, which affects taste perception. Sweet and sour flavors are especially noticeable.

For many pregnant patients, doctors prescribe prenatal medications. According to experts, even with a properly varied diet, it will not be possible to obtain the necessary amounts of folic acid and iron that are required for the body of the expectant mother. These components are contained in prenatal vitamins. If a woman regularly takes such drugs, she may not feel the taste of iron, but when pregnancy occurs, it accompanies the woman for a long time.

Acid reflux causes belching. As a result, a metallic taste remains in the mouth. In expectant mothers, hormones affect the digestive processes. This causes constipation and disorders. It is not uncommon to experience a sour, sweet or bitter taste.

Dental problems are common during pregnancy. Caries and bleeding gums appear. The taste of iron is felt. It is recommended to consult a dentist with such problems.

Accompanying symptoms

Pregnancy can be recognized not only by a metallic taste. Often this symptom is accompanied by other symptoms associated with the digestive system:

  • flatulence;
  • increased salivation;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • constipation;
  • heartburn;
  • sour, sweet taste;
  • taste of iodine;
  • excessive sensitivity to odors and others.

Ways to eliminate the symptom

If in the early stages of pregnancy your mouth becomes unpleasant, signs of metal or iodine are felt, nothing bad happens. This is a normal phenomenon that accompanies expectant mothers. But if discomfort and inconvenience arise, you can temporarily improve your taste sensations.

An ordinary mint candy or sweet tea will help get rid of the unpleasant taste. In such situations, water to which sour lemon has been added is also used. If you don’t feel like drinking, you can rinse your mouth with fruit juice to improve your taste. It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods that cause iodine or metallic taste. No need to go heavy on seafood.

To eliminate unpleasant tastes (iodine, metal, etc.), you can eat a dish that contains a sour or sweet ingredient. It is recommended to pay more attention to the oral cavity: brush your teeth more often, use dental floss after meals, and rinse. If your doctor has not banned citrus fruits, you should add oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines to your diet, which will refresh your mouth for several hours.

It is normal for pregnant women to taste metal or iodine. However, this feeling can be irritating and uncomfortable. To get rid of it, it is recommended to review your daily diet or wait until your taste perception is restored. But there is no need to radically change your usual diet, as this may not have the best effect on the child. It is advisable to consult with your doctor, who will create an individual diet.

When you try to get pregnant, you start to believe in all the signs. Even before two lines appear on the test, many girls try to find many symptoms in themselves that pregnancy has occurred. A metallic taste in the mouth is one of grandma's signs.

Pregnancy is determined by the first medical signs and many folk signs. Oddly enough, the reliability of both methods is the same. A metallic taste is one of those old wives' tales that isn't scientifically proven, but has good results. Why does this happen? Is a metallic taste considered proof that a woman is pregnant?

A metallic taste appears in various diseases. Its connection with pregnancy has not yet been proven. However, many women feel a similar taste at the beginning of pregnancy. This leads us to believe in a connection between pregnancy and a metallic taste. It lasts only during the first trimester - up to 12-14 weeks. In most pregnant women, it disappears in late pregnancy.

If you have a strong desire to get pregnant, it is easy to succumb to temptation and mistake a metallic taste for the first symptom of pregnancy. If a number of diseases are absent and proper nutrition is provided, then the taste of metal in the mouth can be considered the first evidence of pregnancy.

Causes of metallic taste during pregnancy

Changes in hormonal balance. During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen and progesterone increases sharply. They are able to influence taste sensations. This explains the different sense of taste when eating. Many taste buds on the tongue also become sharper. Some spices or ingredients in small quantities can leave a metallic taste in the mouth.

Increased sense of smell. The organs of taste and smell in humans are strongly interconnected. A heightened sense of smell can change the taste of food. You may often experience an aversion to many of your favorite pre-pregnancy foods.

A pregnant woman's diet lacks nutrients.

There are dental problems in the oral cavity or the gums have begun to bleed.

Prenatal vitamins. They can leave a metallic taste in the mouth. Prenatal vitamins contain minerals and other ingredients with similar abilities. Taking prenatal vitamins for a long time, a woman may not notice the taste of metal on her tongue. Only during pregnancy does she notice this taste.

Acid reflux. During pregnancy, hormones periodically interfere with the digestion process. Pregnant women suffer from a number of problems: constipation, acid reflux, stomach upsets. Acid reflux causes food to be regurgitated, which causes a metallic taste on the tongue.

How to remove metallic taste in mouth?

The taste of metal in the mouth is not a serious problem. However, its prolonged presence can cause discomfort during pregnancy. Most women try to eat something to get rid of the metallic taste. Sour and spicy foods help well.

The optimal and safest way may be a mint lozenge that is dissolved.

The second good way is a glass of water with lemon. It is not necessary to drink this fruit drink. It is enough to rinse your mouth so that the unpleasant taste disappears.

You can observe and identify those foods that cause a metallic taste in your mouth. Then it is enough to remove them from your diet to make the pregnancy more comfortable.

However, all changes in diet must be agreed with your doctor, especially if the fact of pregnancy has already been established.

Let's summarize: a metallic taste in the mouth is associated with pregnancy, but it cannot be considered one hundred percent proof of its occurrence. When you first experience a metallic taste in your mouth, you should be on the lookout for other pregnancy symptoms. If they are absent, then you should visit a doctor so as not to miss the development of other diseases. A complete examination of the body and a series of tests will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.

The appearance of any alarming symptoms requires close attention and a timely, adequate response. Even a banal unpleasant taste in the mouth can signal quite serious processes occurring in the body. Therefore, if this phenomenon constantly bothers you, it is better to consult a doctor. And you need to be especially careful if an unpleasant aftertaste appears during pregnancy.

Let's talk about why a metallic taste may occur in the mouth of women during pregnancy, and also consider on this page the reasons for such trouble in men, and what treatment for such a symptom can be.

About why women - expectant mothers have a metallic taste in their mouth (reasons during pregnancy)

An unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth can appear for various reasons. Most often, such symptoms are explained by hormonal fluctuations. After all, many changes occur in the expectant mother’s body, which are accompanied by the active production of progesterone and estrogen. Hormones are largely responsible for taste preferences, which is why many women in the early stages of pregnancy notice a change in the usual taste of dishes, including the appearance of a metallic taste.

Also, a metallic taste in the mouth is often caused by taking prenatal vitamins. Some ingredients of such preparations are characterized by similar taste characteristics. Most often, taking them does not affect the taste in any way, but during pregnancy the sense of smell becomes more acute, resulting in a persistent metallic taste in the mouth.

In some cases, pregnant women develop a metallic taste in their mouth due to acid reflux. It provokes regurgitation of food and is explained by the action of hormones.

Sometimes this trouble is explained by problems with teeth or gums. In this case, there is no way to avoid a visit to the dentist. It can also be caused by serious health problems, which are usually easily diagnosed by doctors. Such diseases are represented by anemia, hypovitaminosis, diseases of the digestive tract, fungal infections of the ENT organs, poisoning and diabetes.

About why the stronger sex has a metallic taste in the mouth (reasons in men)

A metallic taste in the mouth in men, as well as in pregnant women, can be caused by various diseases. Among them are the already mentioned gastrointestinal diseases, fungal infections of the ENT organs, poisoning and diabetes.

In some cases, a metallic taste appears due to diseases of the liver or bile ducts, or endocrinological diseases. This symptom also occurs with lead poisoning and during therapy with certain medications, which include acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, antibiotics, bronchodilators, captopril, lithium, chemotherapy drugs, etc. Sometimes an uncomfortable metallic taste in the mouth is explained by smoking, injuries to the head, nose and/or mouth. cavities, inflammatory lesions of the tongue, etc.

About how to correct the metallic taste in the mouth, what treatment for women and men

If you experience a metallic taste in your mouth during pregnancy and your doctor assures you that it is safe, don't worry. It is worth taking measures only to eliminate such a symptom. An excellent effect is obtained by eating spicy and sour foods, sucking mint candy, drinking water with lemon (or rinsing the mouth with it). You can also carefully analyze which product provokes the appearance of a metallic taste, and simply exclude it from your daily diet.

In all other cases, to eliminate the metallic taste in the mouth, it is necessary to correct the causes that provoke its appearance.

So, with iron deficiency anemia, the patient needs to include foods rich in iron in his diet, as well as take special medications (iron supplements in combination with vitamin B12).

Therapy for diseases of the liver and biliary tract requires adherence to a diet. The patient is also given different medications, depending on the type of disease. The unpleasant taste of iron will completely disappear after the activity of the affected organs is partially or completely restored.

In case of diabetes mellitus, the patient is also prescribed a diet, which he must strictly adhere to. Also, patients are given a dose of insulin to fully process the sugar entering the body.

If the metallic taste in the mouth is caused by various dental problems, you need to correct them. So, in case of inflammatory lesions of the gums, the patient must systematically rinse his mouth with special antiseptic solutions and apply ointments to the gums that have an antimicrobial and regenerative effect. In addition, traditional medicine can be used.

If the metallic taste in the mouth is due to the consumption of some medications, then stopping such drugs or adjusting their dosage will help eliminate it. If such a symptom is caused by injuries, patients are shown appropriate treatment under the supervision of a traumatologist, ENT specialist and/or dentist.

If a systematic unpleasant metallic taste appears in the mouth, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination of the body. Timely therapy will help you avoid very serious complications.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Useful table: “First signs of pregnancy”

Causes of the first signs of pregnancy

Delayed menstruation – If fertilization of the egg occurs. Conception occurs, the fetus attaches to the uterus and begins to develop. The body begins to secrete special hormones that block the ovaries and prevent the release of new eggs. Rejection of the decidua layer does not occur. This sign is very significant when.

Breast augmentation – A woman’s mammary glands consist of lobes, which in turn are divided into lobules and milk ducts. In preparation for lactation, under the influence of changed hormonal levels, cells responsible for milk production begin to grow in the breast. Following the cells, the lobules and ducts increase in volume. The breasts swell, pain and increased sensitivity appear.

Metallic taste in the mouth– Often pregnant women are frightened by this strange taste. And they attribute it to anemia, incorrectly selected vitamins, etc. In fact, hormonal balance fluctuates during pregnancy. And this leads to a deterioration in the perception of food taste.

Fatigue– The body spends a lot of energy on hormonal changes.

Dizziness– During pregnancy, the body’s blood supply system undergoes a restructuring. Now the uterus should receive and process blood more intensively. Blood volume increases and, as a result, the load on the heart increases. This can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain.

Increased vaginal discharge– Causes: increased blood flow to the pelvic organs, hormonal changes in the body, and cleaning and moistening the vagina during pregnancy.

Nausea - Hormonal changes in the body can slow down digestion, and if you eat irregularly, cause nausea. A heightened sense of smell is an excellent defense mechanism, but some smells become simply unbearable. A metallic taste in the mouth can also cause nausea.

Changing taste preferences- Natural natural defense mechanism. An urgent need for any product may indicate that the pregnant woman’s body needs some component contained in this particular product. Or, this particular product can lift your spirits. And it will have a beneficial effect on the health of women and children. Conversely, disgusting foods can be harmful.

Frequent urge to urinate– The body begins to actively cleanse itself of harmful substances. The kidneys work harder. The fluid accumulated in the legs during the day actively comes out at night. In addition, the uterus begins to increase in size and puts pressure on the bladder.

Irritability, vulnerability– Big changes not only at the physiological, but also at the psychological level. Uncertainty and worry about the child’s health, lack of understanding of many changes in the body, hormonal imbalance, etc.

How to determine your due date

Approximately 266 days should pass from the conception of a child to its birth, an average of 40 weeks plus or minus 2 weeks. If a woman's regular menstrual cycle is 28 days, then ovulation and conception occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation. In this case, the approximate date of birth is calculated using the formula:

The taste of iron in the mouth, as if you had just licked a battery, is a rather unpleasant feeling that can appear sometimes or bother you constantly. In addition, many diseases of the digestive system can manifest themselves as such symptoms, so such a signal from the body cannot be ignored.

In this topic, we want to tell you why an iron taste appears in your mouth, what you need to do in this case, and which specialists you should contact. But first, let’s look at what taste is, how it is formed, and which organ is responsible for taste perception.

The tongue not only takes part in the formation of sounds, but is also responsible for the perception of taste. How does this happen?

There are more than two thousand taste buds on the tongue, which contain taste buds. The papillae of the tongue are distinguished by their shape, as well as by purpose. There are filiform, mushroom-shaped, leaf-shaped and grooved taste buds.

Various substances that enter the oral cavity, and, accordingly, the tongue, penetrating deep into the taste bud, irritate the nerve endings located there. The signal received by the receptor is sent to the brain, where, after processing, it provides information about the taste of the substance.

It should also be noted that different parts of the tongue are responsible for the perception of a certain taste: the tip is responsible for the perception of sweet taste, the middle part - sour, the edges of the tongue - salty and sour, and the root - bitter.

The taste depends on the following factors:

  • concentration of the main substance in food;
  • the area of ​​the tongue on which food has fallen;
  • food temperature.

An iron taste in the mouth is not always a consequence of any disease, since this is how the body can react to external irritants. It all depends on how often such a sensation occurs, what symptoms accompany it and in what situation it occurs.

An iron taste in the mouth may appear due to the following non-pathological factors:

  • mineral water enriched with iron ions. Such waters are prescribed for the treatment of iron deficiency conditions;
  • poor quality tap water. In an old plumbing system whose pipes are rusty, the water is saturated with iron ions;
  • metal dentures or implants. If a person who has metal dentures or implants eats acidic food or drinks an acidic drink, the iron ions will react with organic acids, which will cause an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. Also, a similar sensation may appear if dentures are made of different metals, which can also react with each other;
  • using aluminum or cast iron cookware when cooking. Organic acids in products react chemically with metal ions from which the dishes are made;
  • presence of piercings on the tongue, lips. The metal from which the jewelry is made reacts with acidic foods or drinks, resulting in a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • poor oral hygiene. Plaque on the tongue, caries and tartar can also provoke a similar sensation;
  • massive body jewelry, watches and metal bracelets.

Metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy

In women, a metallic taste is often observed during pregnancy, the appearance of which is explained by the following:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • iron deficiency;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the female body;
  • changes in the perception of taste receptors against the background of hormonal changes in the body.

Most often, a metallic taste in women's mouth occurs due to hormonal changes in the female body caused by pregnancy.

The appearance of such a taste in the mouth may be accompanied by attacks of nausea, especially early in the morning or when coming into contact with certain aromas or foods. Pregnant women may also notice changes in taste, increased sensitivity and enlarged mammary glands.

Other symptoms, such as abdominal pain, runny nose, cough, bitterness in the mouth or sensory disturbances, are absent in this case.

The listed symptoms are considered normal in the first and second trimesters, but their appearance in the third trimester may be a sign of pathology. Therefore, if you are concerned about such symptoms, inform your gynecologist about this in order to rule out diseases or start treatment in time.

Metallic taste in the mouth in women who are in menopause

During menopause, significant hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, which affect the activity of almost all organs and systems. Therefore, very often ladies complain of a constant or periodic metallic taste in their mouth.

Menopause can also provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, one of the symptoms of which is a metallic taste in the mouth. Also, similar sensations can be caused by anemia, which often appears during menopause.

Metallic taste in mouth during menstruation

Over the course of a few days and during menstruation, women’s hormonal levels also change greatly, which can distort the sensitivity of taste buds.

Metallic taste in men's mouths after running

Not only men, but also women, after intense running, especially over long distances, notice an unpleasant taste of metal in their mouths. This phenomenon can be explained by two reasons, namely:

  • due to excessive physical activity, the capillaries of the upper respiratory tract and lungs are injured;
  • Due to strong physical activity, the capillaries of the gums can rupture, causing them to bleed.

Iron taste in the mouth as a symptom of illness

Often, a metallic taste in the mouth means that a substance has entered the body, which has led to its poisoning. A similar symptom may be accompanied by intoxication with mercury, lead, arsenic, copper or zinc.

Poisoning with the listed substances is most often observed in people working in industrial enterprises.

Persons who have been poisoned by one of the mentioned metals, in addition to an unpleasant taste in the mouth, will experience other signs of intoxication, for example, abdominal pain, dry mouth, thirst, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases even possible disturbance of consciousness.

If the listed symptoms appear, you need to urgently run to the phone and call an ambulance, since heavy metal poisoning threatens not only serious health consequences, but also death.

Also, the appearance of an iron taste in the mouth can be one of the manifestations of the following diseases:

  • periodontitis or inflammation of the gums. This disease is also characterized by bleeding gums, thickening of saliva, bad breath, and loose teeth;
  • anemia due to a lack of iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid in the body. With anemia, patients also complain of general weakness, fatigue, perversion of taste, dry and pale skin, brittle hair and nails, bleeding gums, dizziness, palpitations and other symptoms.
  • liver diseases. Hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cystosis can provoke a metallic sensation in the mouth;
  • pathology of the biliary tract. Most often, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and biliary dyskinesia lead to a metallic taste in the mouth. Patients may also experience pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms;
  • diabetes mellitus The taste of metal in the mouth in diabetes mellitus is associated with the active breakdown of fats, resulting in the formation of a large number of ketone bodies that penetrate into the blood;
  • stomach diseases. Gastritis and peptic ulcers can cause a metallic taste in the mouth. In addition, there are symptoms such as pain in the epigastrium after eating or “hungry” pain in the stomach, flatulence, bowel dysfunction, nausea and vomiting;
  • inflammation of the tongue. This disease can be viral, bacterial, fungal, thermal or chemical in nature. Patients note pain in the tongue, changes in taste, increased salivation, redness and swelling of the tongue;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa. It is characterized by the appearance of erosions, ulcers, aphthae or areas of necrosis on the oral mucosa, which occurs due to a bacterial, viral or fungal infection;
  • otolaryngological diseases. Most often, the taste of metal in the mouth is provoked by a fungal infection of the sinuses, larynx, throat or external auditory canal;
  • diseases of the central nervous system. Experts note that this symptom can often be observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease, brain cancer and multiple sclerosis. In addition to the metallic taste in the mouth, neurological symptoms will certainly be present (impaired swallowing, hand tremors, amnesia, memory loss, changes in motor coordination, etc.);
  • lung diseases. Inflammation, tuberculosis and lung cancer are diseases that can lead to an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth, since coughing produces a variety of mucus that irritates the taste buds. These diseases are also accompanied by cough, symptoms of intoxication, hemoptysis and shortness of breath.

Metallic taste in the mouth as a side effect of drugs

There are a number of drugs that can cause a low-intensity or strong metallic taste in the mouth, namely:

  • antimicrobial drugs (Metrogyl, Tetracycline, Ornidazole and others;
  • glucocorticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone, Metipred, Prednisolone);
  • oral hormonal contraceptives (Yarina, Femoden, Zhannina);
  • antacid drugs (Omez, Nolpaza, Epicur);
  • cholesterol-lowering drugs (Atoris, Simvastatin);
  • antiallergic drugs (Suprastinex, Diazolin, Tavegil);
  • medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (Glycon, Diaformin);
  • antihypertensive drugs (Enap, Ednit, Kaptopress);
  • biological supplements that are aimed at reducing body weight.

Thus, we have looked at what an iron taste in the mouth means and why it occurs. Therefore, if you are bothered by a metallic taste in your mouth for a long time, do not hesitate to visit a specialist. First of all, you need to seek advice from a general practitioner or gastroenterologist, who, after conducting a comprehensive examination of your body, will determine the cause of this sensation and prescribe treatment. If necessary, the doctor will refer you to related specialists: an otolaryngologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a dentist, etc.

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