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State pension co-financing program. Pension provision in Russia

Launched in 2009 state pension co-financing program. As the name suggests, the formation of a pension (its funded part) occurs at the expense of the funds of the future pensioner and the state.

Who can participate in the state co-financing program

The co-financing program is intended for everyone who is registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. Since all citizens over 14 years of age can be registered in this system, then You can become a participant in the co-financing program at the age of 14.

The program is also valid for those who cannot form the funded part of their pension in any other way - these are citizens born in 1966 or earlier.

People who have reached retirement age, but continue to work and have not applied for a pension, can also influence the size of the funded part of their pension.

How to take part in the state pension co-financing program

To become a participant in the co-financing program, you need to submit an application to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence. Moreover, you can do this yourself or through an employer.

In addition, you can submit an application through a transfer agent - some banks (for example, Sberbank), Russian Post, and non-state pension funds play this role. A mandatory requirement for such organizations is the existence of an agreement with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the certification of signatures.

It is also possible to submit an application through the online portal of government services.

You can join the program only until October 1, 2013 - in this case the state will participate in co-financing. If a citizen enters the program after October 1, 2013, he will pay additional contributions to form his pension, but the state will not co-finance these expenses.

The procedure for co-financing a pension

A citizen makes additional contributions to form the funded part of his pension, and the amount of these contributions can be any, but not less than two thousand rubles per year. The state will add an amount equal to the amount of citizen contributions, but not more than 12 thousand rubles per year.

Special conditions apply to those who have reached retirement age but have not applied for a pension. For such citizens, the state will increase the amount of contributions 4 times. A citizen can pay contributions in any order - at a time or in installments. If a citizen has entrusted the transfer of contributions to his employer, then such contributions are paid monthly in equal installments. You can stop paying contributions and resume their payment at any time. The program is designed for 10 years, this period is counted from the moment the first installment is paid. It will be possible to use the money accumulated as a result of the program from the moment the citizen is assigned.

If a citizen paid voluntary contributions, and the state doubled them as part of the co-financing program, then the accumulated funds in the event of the citizen’s death before his pension is assigned are inherited by his legal successors. The funds that a citizen allocates to the formation of his pension within the framework of the co-financing program are exempt from taxation - a tax deduction is provided in the amount of contributions paid during the year.

State co-financing of pensions in 2013-2014

This year is the last chance to take part in the state pension co-financing program. October 1, 2013 is the deadline for joining the program and increasing the funded part of your pension at the expense of the state.

It's not often that governments pay citizens for taking care of themselves. This is precisely the meaning of the state program, which doubles the pension capital of participants. What conditions have the country's leadership set for future retirees? When can you join the program and how can you use it to quadruple your savings?

Co-financing is the transfer of additional government funds into the account. The amount contributed depends on the size of the participant’s contribution, but does not exceed it. It turns out that in old age people receive increased payments and for this they do not have to work long and hard.

How to become a participant in the state pension co-financing program

Currently, citizens are not accepted into the program. Those who did not care about this before can no longer change anything. In the matter of pension savings, they must rely only on their own strength. However, the program is fully operational. People who recognized its prospects in time are increasing their pension capital at a double-accelerated rate.

Those who joined late should only blame their own sluggishness for lost profits. Enough time was given. Having assessed the dynamics of citizens' entry as insufficient, the government extended the deadline for another 1 year, after which the Pension Fund finally stopped accepting applications.

The crisis that broke out drew a dividing line between the citizens participating in co-financing and everyone else. The Russian Federation no longer wants to lose money, because by doubling pension contributions, it was actually doing charity.

Citizens included in the program do not risk anything. Their desire to receive money in old age due to regular transfers of contributions to the funded part was supported in 2017. The state does not go back on its words and does not intend to interrupt the assistance promised to the population.

Co-financing of savings in pension accounts of Russians occurs in the following sequence:

  • a person registers in the program;
  • transfers money to the savings part;
  • the state adds the same amount.

The future pensioner decides how much money to save, but if you put in a million, you shouldn’t count on a million on top. They will add no more than 12,000 rubles, provided that the contribution exceeds 2,000. If you transfer less, you will not receive an additional supplement.

Additional privileges of the pension co-financing program

A return of 100% is a fantastic chance. This opportunity is not missed. However, created to help pensioners The program has other advantages:

  • Participants have the right to. To use it, you must confirm the expenses incurred. Contributions are transferred personally or by the employer, so for supporting documents they go to the accounting department at the place of work or take them at home. It makes no sense to carry payments in an amount exceeding 12,000, since this is the maximum amount of co-financing.
  • Transfer of savings by inheritance. There are two options for obtaining it. In the first case, the money will go to relatives if payments have already begun and the time limit for issuance upon registration is limited to a period of 10 years. In the second - if the pension was not claimed by the deceased citizen. The heir can be determined in advance. It doesn't have to be one person. If there are several of them, the pension recipient determines the shares that fall on each person claiming the money.
  • The increase in the contribution transferred to the pension account is not 2, but 4 times. A method for ascetics, the only condition of which is the refusal to receive pension payments. This includes both the pension and savings parts. When the pension is assigned and paid, the program ends for such a citizen.

The money is taken from a fund specially organized by the government. Payments last for 10 years, counting from the date of the first transfer.

Time to make the first payment according to the co-financing program

The starting point is registration in the co-financing program. From now on, it doesn't matter when the money arrives in your retirement account. With one exception, the first admission must be made before January 31 of the year following the date of entry. Otherwise, such a citizen loses his membership and the state will not increase his contributions in the future.

There are two payment options to choose from:

  • On your own, using bank transfers. In this case, the details for transferring money are obtained from the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. When visiting the bank, you must also take a passport of a Russian citizen. The money has been coming for a week. Based on the specified period, actions are adjusted.
  • Instructing the employer to replenish a personal pension account. You should start by visiting the accounting department of the enterprise, where the necessary application is written. It also indicates the amount that the employee wants to transfer to the Pension Fund. The money will be sent to its intended destination on the day the salary is paid.

To avoid losing your savings, you need to control your payments. Thrifty citizens come quarterly to the Pension Fund, where they check the amount reflected in the account. To prevent groundless disputes, all payment documents are stored. They will become a compelling argument if there is a discrepancy between the amount of money sent by the citizen and the information obtained about the financial condition of the pension account.

The funds accumulated by the citizen, including money added under the co-financing program, paid:

  • the whole amount at once;
  • for life;
  • for a period determined by the pensioner, which is always more than 10 years.

If desired, you can exit the co-financing program. They won't fix any problems. The condition for renewal is annual payment of contributions. If you do not do them, the program will automatically stop working. There is no need to go to the Pension Fund and terminate the contract, nor do you need to notify anyone.

Participation in the pension co-financing program

In 2009, a program for co-financing the funded part of the pension was launched. Now Russians voluntarily contribute to their pensions, and the state invests these funds in assets, returning the money to citizens with interest. Within the program, you can receive a maximum of 480 thousand rubles.

The essence

The pension co-financing program has been developed for all categories of the population. Its essence is that a citizen deposits funds into a separate account. The minimum investment amount is 2,000 rubles per year. The state doubles this money and pays an additional amount equal to the contribution. Co-financing a pension allows participants to receive a maximum of 12 thousand rubles. per year. If a citizen contributed 12 thousand rubles under the program, the state will pay the same amount. But if the investment amount exceeds this figure, then the budget will still receive only 12 thousand rubles.

The maximum duration of the program is 10 years from the date of receipt of the first contributions. Each participant can decide to terminate or resume transfers and regulate their size. The maximum amount of additional payment that can be received within the framework of a project such as pension co-financing is 120 thousand rubles. For working pensioners who have not yet applied for benefits, the maximum contribution for the year is 48 thousand rubles. Over the entire duration of the program, you can receive 600 thousand rubles.

How to become a member?

You need to write an application for state support at the pension fund at your place of residence, send it through your employer or transfer agent. This is an intermediary between the PF and the population. Non-state pension funds, asset management companies (AMCs) and other financial institutions can act in this capacity. If the citizen is outside the country, you can send an application certified by a notary or consular officials by mail.

Pension co-financing program

All listed contributions are included in the citizen’s savings and credited to his personal account. That is, management is carried out by the same organization that manages the funded pension. By default, this is the AMC of Vnesheconombank. Citizens can choose an AMC or NPF as an agent.

The funded pension is stored in an individual account and can be paid:

  • at one time;
  • several payments within a specified period;
  • in installments along with the main payment.

In the second and third cases, the payment amount is calculated using a simple formula. The Russian pension, stored in an individual account and including the funded part and investment income, is divided into a specified number of years or months. The size of the payment directly depends on the amount of money in the account. Therefore, a program of state co-financing of pensions was developed so that citizens could independently replenish their social benefits.

Payment of funds

At the end of each year, citizens can decide on the formation of savings and insurance contributions. If a person refuses to form savings, then all insurance premiums paid at a rate of 16% will be sent to the insurance payment.

“Silent people” who had never previously chosen an AMC or a non-state pension fund had to submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by the end of 2015 to choose the option of accumulating pension savings. All other citizens can also switch to another PF or refuse a specific intermediary AMC or NPF. To do this, they must also submit an application. For persons who wished to remain “silent” for 2016, pension savings at the expense of employers will no longer be formed in 2017, and all contributions will be directed towards insurance payments.

For persons who in previous years submitted an application to the Criminal Code or Non-State Pension Fund at least once, and it was satisfied, the funded pension will continue to be paid from insurance contributions. They do not need to submit an additional application for 6%. You can receive savings in the form of a pension (social, labor, disability, in case of loss of a breadwinner). After the death of a person who did not manage to receive his payment, the money will be given to his heirs.

Changes in pension co-financing

Any citizen can transfer contributions. But co-financing for pensioners will only work if the citizen does not yet receive social benefits from the state. For a retired judge, the limitation is to receive a monthly allowance. These features do not apply to military personnel, fire service employees, or internal affairs officers.

The state pension co-financing program is limited in duration. The last applications were accepted in December 2014. The program began to operate if the first payment was made before January 31, 2015. Persons who did not meet these requirements in time will not receive funds from the National Welfare Fund.

Long-term pension savings programs have long become commonplace in European countries. In Russia, the demand for them is not so great yet. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

Lack of control

By investing money in a pension plan, a person loses control over it. Unlike mutual funds and deposits, pension co-financing cannot be terminated early. But sometimes situations arise when you need a large amount of money. For example, to organize a wedding or open your own business. In such situations, savings may be required.

Lack of confidence in the pension scheme

Most of Russia's working population works unofficially and receives wages in an envelope. In the best case, the official income of such citizens is shown to be several times lower than the actual one; in the worst case, it is absent altogether. In theory, pension co-financing is precisely intended for such categories of citizens. But then the program must be valid for life.

I want to live well now, not in the distant future

As you know, the hardest thing is not to earn money, but to save it. Under this program, citizens have to independently transfer funds to the PF or AMC account. That is, a person must consciously refuse to satisfy his needs in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. today, in order to receive an amount twice as large in a few decades. It's hard, first of all, psychologically. When a regular salary is issued, all deductions are made by the accountant. The employee already receives a “net” amount of funds.

In addition, the retirement age is constantly increasing. Some people just don't live up to it. The mentality of our fellow citizens is also of great importance. Everything state-owned and long-term is seen as another way of withdrawing funds from the population.


4 million 680 thousand citizens receive money from savings. Almost 16 million people participate in the pension co-financing program.

In 2012, since the Russian Federation Law “On the Procedure for Payment of Pension Savings” came into force, 5 million people applied for benefits. For 4.5 million applications, a decision was made to make a one-time payment, since the amount of funds in the accounts was not enough to issue a pension. Another 3 thousand people receive urgent payments. And only 20 thousand citizens use funds from the funded part of their labor pension. The average amount of such payments is 9.4 thousand rubles, 831 rubles. and 692 rubles respectively.

As of December 31, 2014, 15 million 934 thousand people became participants in the co-financing program. For 2014, the total amount of contributions amounted to 9.6 billion rubles. That is, the average transfer size increased from 6,962 thousand rubles. in 2013 to 8,497 thousand rubles. in 2014. Over the same period, the amount of contributions transferred through employers increased by 7 1% and amounted to 200.5 million rubles. Over the previous two years, about 40 billion rubles were collected. Transfers amounting to 12.422 billion rubles were received from the state.


Pension co-financing payments will be available to citizens who:

  • annually transfer more than 2 thousand rubles. in the form of contributions;
  • submitted the application by December 31, 2014 and paid the first installment by January 31, 2015.

As of today, new participants can no longer join the program. Existing clients of the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund can continue to form or refuse to accumulate a pension.

As one of the main measures for state social protection and provision of pensioners, an accumulation system is provided. It implies the opportunity to contribute part of the funds from wages to the funded pension system. At the same time, the state provides an additional opportunity to take care of future payments. For this purpose, a program for co-financing payments made by citizens was developed.

State pension co-financing program

The state pension co-financing program implies the opportunity to receive additional subsidies from the state in accumulating pension benefits. It was initially calculated that participation in this system would be limited to the end of 2014. However, such an opportunity was provided in 2018.

This accumulation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • the participant deposits funds into a special savings account;
  • if the amount of accruals is from two to twelve thousand rubles per year, then they will be doubled by the state;
  • if a citizen has the right to a pension, but has not yet applied for it, then the increase is fourfold;
  • participation in the co-financing program is calculated for a ten-year period.

In practice, this scheme operates as follows. If the depositor received less than two thousand rubles per year, then these payments will not be taken into account. If deposits exceed the limit, then doubling will occur from the maximum possible 12 thousand.

The main difference of this system is the possibility of participation in it by citizens born before 1967. Since they cannot participate in the main funded system, this option is the most attractive. For others, it is an alternative option.

Pension co-financing program - latest changes in 2017

The latest changes in the state pension co-financing program in 2017 relate to its extension. The structure of charges remains the same. The existing system allows the employer to participate. The state encourages such payments by providing the latter with benefits.

It is also necessary to take into account that in the event of the death of the investor, the funds accumulated by him are not written off. This point has a similar resolution with the funded part of pension provision. If the investor has written a corresponding statement, then the funds are transferred to the successor. In the absence of such a document, the money is distributed among the closest relatives.

Is it possible to join a pension co-financing program in 2018?

The state co-financing program was extended to 2018, which means every citizen can take part in it. To do this, you need to submit the following documents:

  • passport confirming Russian citizenship;
  • certificate of individual pension insurance;
  • application for participation.

The latter is written when submitting documentation to the Pension Fund and does not require filling out the form in advance. You can submit documents either in person or through your employer. There is also an option to apply through a private company that has an agreement with the Pension Fund.

Co-financing of pensions for working pensioners

The state co-financing program for pensioners who continue to work without applying for a pension provides the opportunity to quadruple their accruals. For example, under this system, 10 thousand were deposited per year. Accordingly, they are increased by the state to 40 thousand.

On the one hand, such an offer looks tempting. On the other hand, few people count real numbers. For example, it is worth considering a citizen who can count on a pension of 8 thousand per month. It will be 96 thousand per year. The co-financing program suggests that the pensioner refuse this money altogether, that is, not apply for a pension, and regularly contribute 12 thousand for 10 years. Which will be multiplied by the state and the annual income in this case will be only 48 thousand. rubles

That is, in practice, the attractiveness of the state co-financing program for working pensioners is very doubtful. It is recommended to independently calculate the benefits based on real indicators and not on the proposed benefits.

Co-financing a pension - how to get money for pensioners

For many citizens, the issue of receiving accumulated funds becomes relevant. Pensioners who are just applying for old-age insurance, or those who are already recipients of payments, can submit a corresponding application to the institution where the savings are stored:

  • if the Pension Fund was involved in it, then you should contact the local branch;
  • if it is a non-state pension fund, then the lump sum payment should be processed through it.

Separately, it is necessary to understand the rumors that often arise around the fact that co-financing of pensions will be cancelled. Many perceive this situation as a loss of all investments and the possibility of further participation in this program. In practice, this is out of the question. If such initiatives arise, it is in order to suspend the registration of new participants. All existing deposits are retained.

Reviews on pension co-financing

Reviews from citizens participating in the pension co-financing program most often indicate its positive aspects. The accessibility of the design and the opportunities provided is noted. It is especially relevant for people born before 1967.

For most citizens, such a savings scheme is another opportunity to influence future pension security. It is necessary to take into account the possibilities of investing the contributed funds. That is, they are not indexed by the state in accordance with the level of inflation, but their growth is carried out at the expense of the profit of the institution in which the deposits are kept.

Reviews note the positivity of this point. However, in practice, it should be noted the low efficiency of this investment due to the limitations of its capabilities. This is especially true for state management companies.

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The program of state co-financing of pensions began in Russia since October 2008 and was originally designed until October 2013. Over the five years of this program, more than 15 million Russians became its participants. This indicator of the activity of our citizens was one of the reasons for its extension.

Taking into account the changes made to the current legislation, it became possible until January 2015, subject to making the first voluntary contribution no later than January 31, 2015. Now take part in the co-financing program it is forbidden.

What is “co-financing”?

Concept "co-financing" was introduced by Law No. 56-FZ of April 30, 2008. “On additional insurance contributions for funded pensions and state support for the formation of pension savings”.

Co-financing is state support in the form of additional charges, allowing citizens to increase personal contributions to their future funded pension.

Can participate in the co-financing program several sides:

  • the citizen himself;
  • state;
  • employer.

The participation of the latter party is not necessary, but in many enterprises such a step is an additional motivation for employees as part of the social package provided to them.

State co-financing is voluntary and is carried out on the basis of a personal application from a citizen.

State support for the formation of pension savings

The principle of participation in the co-financing program is that the citizen transfers additional insurance premiums (DSI) for your future funded pension and its proportionate increase by the state.

The right to receive funds from the state under the co-financing program are insured persons who have completed two conditions:

  • filing a corresponding application in the period from 10/01/2008 to 12/31/2014.
  • payment of the first installment no later than January 31, 2015 in the amount of at least 2,000 rubles per year.

It is important that for citizens who have paid a smaller amount, co-financing is not provided.

This program is valid (continues to be valid for those who join it) for 10 years. Consequently, it will last until 2025. The increase in the personal contribution of a citizen with the help of state support begins with next year after paying the first installment.

Co-financing of citizens' pension savings is carried out by translation cash from the federal budget to the Pension Fund budget on the basis of a corresponding application generated by the Pension Fund before April 20 of the year following the payment of the DSA.

Although this program is often criticized, it also has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • state participation in the formation of a citizen’s future pension;
  • the right to receive a tax deduction from the amount of contributions paid by a citizen;
  • receiving investment income while effectively managing your savings, including funds from the state;
    inheritance of pension savings.

However, after the extension of the program in 2014, some of its conditions became not available to all participants. However, a guaranteed increase in a citizen’s personal contributions on a thousand-for-thousand basis makes such investments one hundred percent profitable.

It is important that insured persons participating in the program are provided with benefits in the form of a tax deduction, that is, the opportunity to return 13% of the contributions paid.

The amount of contributions under the pension co-financing program and the procedure for increasing them

According to Art. 13 Federal Law No. 56 of April 30, 2008, the amount of the contribution under the state co-financing program is established depending on the personal contribution paid by the citizen in the previous year and does not exceed 12,000 rubles per year.

The increase in personal contributions for participants in the co-financing program is carried out in the following order:

  • a citizen deposits money into his individual personal account using his pension insurance certificate number (SNILS);
  • the state doubles this money and transfers the received amount to the insured person also to his personal account.

Direct calculation of the contribution for each citizen is carried out by the Pension Fund on the basis of individual personalized accounting data.

It should be borne in mind that you can transfer over 12,000 rubles to your account, but the state will double the money only within this amount.

Payment of contributions through an employer or bank

Payment of contributions can be made two ways: through an employer or through a bank.

  • In the first option, the citizen needs to contact to the accounting department of your organization and write an application for voluntary entry into the co-financing program indicating the specific amount of the monthly contribution or percentage of your salary. In the future, the citizen has the right to change the amount by submitting a corresponding application to the accounting department.
  • In the second option, the citizen needs contact the bank yourself and transfer money to your personal account at the Pension Fund. The necessary payment details can be obtained in several ways:
    • in the territorial body of the Pension Fund;
    • in the bank itself;
    • using Internet resources.

Contributions can be transferred either in equal amounts throughout the year or in one-time payments. It is important to keep a copy of the payment document when paying yourself to reconcile payments with the Pension Fund and to receive a tax deduction.

A tax deduction is provided to the insured person up to 12,000 rubles, transferred by him as additional contributions to the funded pension.

You can receive a deduction by choosing one of the following methods:

  • submit an application to the accounting department;
  • submit documents to the tax office.

Is the program valid in 2018?

The opportunity to join the program is clearly limited by the current law - this is the period from October 1, 2008 to December 31, 2014. Therefore, become a member this year not possible.

  • As for citizens who have already entered into legal relations, the program continues for them in 2017.
  • The contributions paid by the personally insured person this year will be doubled by the state and transferred to his individual account in 2018.

Taking into account the fact that state support is designed for each citizen for 10 years from the year following the year of payment of the first voluntary contribution, its maximum effect for those who joined in the last days of possible entry into the program will last until 2025.

Participation in the program does not depend on the pension option chosen by the citizen. By refusing to form a funded pension under compulsory pension insurance, you can continue to pay voluntary contributions, receive co-financing from the state and income from investments.

Co-financing a pension: how can pensioners get money?

Pension savings accounted for in the individual account of the insured person are paid together with the investment income received only when the citizen retires. There are several options for receiving this money:

  1. lump sum payment- savings are paid in a lump sum, provided that the cumulative payment is less than 5% of the amount of the insurance pension, including the basic payment, and the amount of the funded pension as of the day of its appointment;
  2. urgent payment- the duration of such payment is determined by the pensioner himself, but cannot be less than 10 years;
  3. funded pension- the amount of such payment will be lower than for urgent payment, since it will be calculated based on the expected payment period (in 2018 - 246 months), but will be paid for life.

It is worth noting that as a result of the extension of the co-financing program, it has undergone a number of changes regarding:

  • rights of pensioners- voluntary contributions will be co-financed by the state only for those persons receiving pension payments who entered the program from 10/01/2008 to 09/30/2013;
  • lump sum payment- since 2015, savings are paid once every five years, and not every year, as was previously the case.

The procedure for receiving payments and the necessary documents

If the right to payment from pension savings arises, a citizen may at any time apply for her appointment. An application for such payment can be submitted in person or through a legal representative in several ways:

  • through the territorial body of the Pension Fund;
  • by mail;
  • through a multifunctional center (MFC);
  • via the Internet.

To apply for payment you must submit following documents:

  • proof of identity and place of residence;
  • pension insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • a set of documents necessary to establish an insurance payment (work book and other documents on length of service, earnings, presence of dependents, as well as clarifying additional circumstances).

If the insurance pension has already been assigned, then it is not necessary to re-submit the documents available in the pension file.

The processing time for an application depends on the type of payment and is:

  • no more than 10 working days - when assigning a funded pension or urgent payment;
  • no more than 30 days - if a lump sum payment is assigned.

As a result of checking the submitted documents, a decision is made to assign or refuse payment, indicating the reason. In case of a positive decision, a lump sum payment is paid within two months from the date of the decision.

Special conditions for co-financing pension savings

According to Art. 13 Federal Law No. 56 of April 30, 2008, special conditions for co-financing pension savings are provided for some insured persons. To do this, citizens must meet the following requirements:

  • there is a right to insurance payment in accordance with Art. 8 Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013;
  • There is no application to the Pension Fund for any type of pensions or payment of pension savings.

If the above conditions are met, a citizen can count on an increase in his contributions fourfold. The amount of state co-financing cannot exceed 48,000 rubles per year.

Thus, by transferring 12,000 rubles per year to the account of his future funded pension, a citizen can replenish his savings by 60,000 rubles, taking into account 48,000 rubles from the state.

Payment of funds after the death of the insured person

The funds accumulated by a citizen during participation in the co-financing program are inherited by the legal successors of the insured person in the event of his death in the same manner as pension savings in the compulsory pension insurance system (MPI).

Pension savings are inherited only if death occurs:

  • before payment is processed or until it is recalculated taking into account additional contributions;
  • after the appointment of an urgent payment(you can receive the unpaid balance);
  • after it was appointed, but lump sum payment not paid.

If a citizen has not determined in advance the legal successors of his pension savings, then the heirs can be divided into two lines:

  • in the first - children, spouse, parents;
  • in the second - grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren, brothers, sisters.

To receive funds accumulated by a citizen, his relatives need contact to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia no later than six months from the date of his death. A missed deadline can only be restored through a judicial procedure.

To apply for payment of funds after the death of the insured person, the following documents must be submitted:

  • identification of the applicant;
  • confirming family relations with the deceased;
  • death certificate.

The decision on payment is made within the seventh month from the date of death of the citizen, a copy of this decision is sent to the heirs within 5 working days. Direct payment of funds is carried out no later than the 20th day of the next month from the date of the positive decision.

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