Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Holiday program dad mom I am a sports family. Scenario for the holiday “mom, dad, me - a sports family” at school. Competition - competition: “Dad, mom, I am a sports family

city ​​of Petropavlovsk

GU " High school No. 42"

Eleusizova Mayra Ashimovna

teacher primary classes

Scenario sports festival"Dad, Mom, I - sports family»

Target: Involving parents in joint work with the school to preserve and improving children's health.
Tasks:- Instill in children an interest in systematic physical exercise culture and sports; - Develop agility, strength, mobility, activity, attentiveness; - Foster feelings of mutual assistance, collectivism and goodwill.
Sports equipment: jump ropes, hoops, balls, skittles, balloons, rackets, gymnastic sticks, scooters.
Celebration progress:
Presenter 1: Hello dear guests - dear mothers, fathers, children! We are very glad to see you at our holiday - “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family!”Popular wisdom says: “Densaulyk is zor baylyk”, “Health is our wealth.”Presenter 2: Today the program includes fun relay races, sports competitions, as well as songs, screams of fans and good mood. At our holiday we are pleased to welcome friendly sports families of 1 “B” and 1 “C” classes.Let us greet our participants with loud applause. (Sports march sounds)
Presenter 1: Our success will be assessed by a jury consisting of:
Presenter 2: Two teams of dexterous and strong They will compete with us today. Try to compete like this, So that no one is left behind. - Now the teams must introduce themselves.
Command representation: 1. Team:"Friendship » Motto:“Be friends always, be friends everywhere, be friends on land and in water.” Greetings:“We are a sports family. Physical education from us to everyone - hurray!”
2. Team:"Jumpers" Motto:“Jump with us, jump like us, jump better than us!” Greetings:“Not a step back, not a step in place, Only forward and only all together!”
Presenter 1: We open our sports festival with a song................................... performed by Nabat Garifullaevna.


Presenter 1: The jury gives the floor to announce the first scores after the “Greeting” competition.
Presenter 2: Teams are invited to the start. We listen carefully to how to correctly complete the task of the first relay.

Relay 1 " Fast feet».

Participants of each team line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. The guides have relay batons in their hands. At the signal, the guide runs out from behind the starting line, runs, overcoming obstacles to the turning post, runs around it, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The first team to complete the task wins.

Presenter 1: And now the jury gives the floor to sum up this relay.

Relay 2 “Balloon”

On signal from balloon Dad runs to the counter, filling the balloon with a gymnastic stick, runs back without a task, passes the balloon to the child. He, in turn, runs to the counter, filling the ball with his hands. She comes running back and hands the ball to her mother. She runs to the counter, hits the ball with a tennis racket, comes back and passes the ball to the second child. So the competition is repeated until all participants run with the balloon to the stand and back. The winner is the team whose members finish the relay race first.

Presenter 1: While the teams are resting and the jury is counting the points, let's solve riddles:

    The whistle sounds - a goal has been scored,

What's the game call? (football).

    Yes, the question was quite simple,

Now I'll ask it more difficult:

The game has a puck, a stick, ice -

We play ...... (hockey)

    Even an old man is ready to do it,

In our fast, impetuous age.

And it’s called.............(running)

    Muscles taut like an arrow

There are competitions of a special rank.

And strength is needed here more than dexterity,

The athlete has a heavy...... (barbell) in his hands

Presenter 1: We ask the jury to announce the scores for the previous competition. The next relay race is called " Wedding ring».

Relay "Wedding Ring"

Participants in pairs (child and adult) stand inside the hoop and run to the counter and back, passing the hoop to the next pair of participants.

Presenter 2: The jury gives the floor. The next relay is called “Big Race”

Relay "Great Race"

The children start the relay race. At a signal, the child rolls on a scooter to the counter and back, passes the baton next child. After the children have completed their part of the relay, the adults continue. Mom runs with the hoop in her hands, rolling it to the counter and back. Passing the baton to dad. He jumps rope to the counter and back. Having come running, he passes the baton to the second mother. And mom then passes the baton to dad.

Presenter 1: Many children in our school attend sports sections. We invite one of them to demonstrate their art.

Performance by karatekas

Presenter 2: Scores for the previous competition. The next relay race is called “Kangaroo”.

Kangaroo relay

The children start the relay race. At a signal, the child on the ball-trampoline jumps to the stand and back, passing the baton to the next child. After the children have completed their part of the relay, the adults continue. Moms carry the ball, holding it with their stomachs, without using their hands, and dads do the same, but they hold the ball with their backs. They go around the counter and return to the team.

Presenter 1: The jury gives the floor. The next relay race is called

« Strong dad».

Relay "Strong Dad"

Dad starts the relay race. He takes the child in his arms and runs to the counter. They both run back, holding hands. Mom and dad sit the second child in their arms, which are previously crossed. Then the second family continues the relay in the same way.

Presenter 2: While the jury sums up the results, let's play with you.

Game "Catch the ball". All participants clap their hands rhythmically to the music. The guide (Albina Berikovna) stands in front of them with a ball in her hands and throws the ball to any of the clapping children. They must catch the ball, throw it back and continue to beat the rhythm together with their hands.

Presenter 1: The jury gives the floor. And finally, the final “tumbleweed” relay race.

Relay race "Tumbleweeds - Field"

Participants are divided into pairs (father - daughter, mother - son). An adult has a hoop in his hands. He places the hoop on the floor, the child jumps into the hoop, then the adult turns the hoop over and the child jumps into it again. The child runs back with a hoop in his hands, dad crawls like a cuttlefish, and mom runs back, holding the child by the hands.

Presenter 2: While the jury sums up the results of today's competition, meet Nabat Garifullaevna.


Presenter 1: To sum up the results of today's competition, the jury gives the floor. All competition participants are awarded certificates and medals.
Presenter 2: We'll tell you goodbye That we are pleased with the meeting. We wish all families, all students Good luck, success in school.

Presenter 1: Our holiday is over. I hope you remember it. We think that each of you will always remember that health is the main wealth of a person, and in order to maintain it, you need to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. We wish all our guests and participants good health!

(A sports march sounds, competition participants leave the hall)


Solodova Marina Dmitrievna, physical education instructor at MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 1 named after Yu.A. Gagarin", Sakhalin region, Aniva city
Description of material: I offer you the development of this event “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”, which will give a lot of positive emotions children, parents, fans. The scenario will be of interest to physical education teachers and educators.
Target: propaganda and formation healthy image family life.
- develop physical qualities: endurance, speed, strength, reaction;
- create a cheerful and joyful mood in children and parents;
- communicate on issues physical education children between kindergarten and family.
Inventory: hoops by number of families; umbrellas according to the number of families; balls according to the number of families; jump ropes according to the number of mothers; rope 10 m; blue, red, yellow, green balls, four baskets; gymnastic sticks according to the number of families; four 1-liter containers, 4 packages of apple juice.
Audio equipment. Audio recordings: song “Our Heroic Strength”, sports march, music for competitions.

The progress of the holiday

Physical education instructor
Welcome dear guests!
We've been waiting for you for a long time,
We don’t start the holiday without you.
Let's greet our participants with thunderous applause!!!
A sports march sounds. The participating teams appear to the accompaniment of applause, take a lap of honor and line up in front of the jury.

Today here at the stadium
We are sports, skills are compatible.
We celebrate this glorious holiday with you
We will dedicate it to wonderful games.
Physical education instructor
We see friendly faces here
We feel the sports spirit all around us
Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian
Here everyone is a friend of sports and art.
Let us open our Sports Festival “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”
The jury will evaluate your progress, as well as a welcoming speech.
Jury presentation.
Representation of families.

Physical education instructor
dads - (take a step forward)
Here they are in front of us - slightly cheerful, in some places fit and even invincible in some ways, and in what exactly - we will find out later (dads take their places).
mothers -
(take a step forward)
They are always in shape. Constant training makes itself felt: the stove, running to the shops, weeding, washing, cleaning. And we are sure that today they will set the tone for their teams (mothers take a step back).
Physical education instructor
And finally, team captains! (children take a step forward)
This is them from the cradle for many years They were hardened by constant training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting themselves new challenges: hard in learning, easy in battle.
Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a mistake.
Whoever turns out to be more friendly will win the battle.
Time for business, time for fun. Teams, the floor is yours.
First competition – “Business Card”
Name, motto, emblem
The jury evaluates the results
Children read poetry
1st child
We invite everyone now.
Celebration of sports and health
It starts with us!
Our dads, our moms,
You are at the start with us!
2 – child
Sport straightens our shoulders,
Strength. It gives us agility.
He develops our muscles,
Calls us to set records!
3 – child
And they came today
Everyone wins, of course!
All teams, all heroes
They can convince you of this!
Physical education instructor. Tell Sportik, how do you start your morning?
Sportik. Of course, with morning exercises!
Physical education instructor. And now I suggest our teams start the holiday with a warm-up. Will you help me?
To the soundtrack “Our Heroic Strength”, the teams do a warm-up.

Physical education instructor
And now we invite our teams to take their places at the starting line.
I announce the second competition. Sportik, do you like to ride in a car?
Sportik. No, I love walking and running!
Physical education instructor. Now we’ll check what our participants love most: driving or walking.
Second competition "Funny Taxi"
Teams line up in a column one at a time. At the signal, dad, holding in outstretched arms the hoop, like a steering wheel, runs to the landmark, goes around it and returns for mom. Mom takes dad by the waist - the relay race is repeated, the parents return for the child. The child takes his mother by the waist - the relay race is repeated, the family finishes.

The jury evaluates the results
Physical education instructor. Do you know what sporting event took place in our country?
Sportik. Of course, the Winter Olympics!
Physical education instructor. Well done, now we’ll check our participants, what do they know about the Olympics?
Third competition “Intellectual warm-up”
Stage 1. The instructor asks questions, the jury evaluates the speed and correctness of the answers.
1. Where and when did the Winter Olympics take place? (In Sochi, February 7 – 23)
2. What were the Olympic Games like? (XXII)
3. What animals were mascots? (Leopard, White bear, Bunny.)
4. What sports did the participants compete in? (Biathlon, bobsleigh, figure skating, short track, curling,speed skating, skiing, luge, ice hockey, ski jumping, skeleton.)
Stage 2. The instructor reads an excerpt from a fairy tale, the teams must name it.
1. “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother...” (“Kolobok”)
2. “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie.” ("Masha and the Bear")
3. “Don’t drink this water, brother, you’ll become a little goat...” (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)
4. “Apple tree, apple tree, hide me...” ("Geese-swans")
5. “Sleep the little eye, sleep the other one...” (“Tiny-havroshechka”)
6. “Frog, little frog, give me back my arrow...” ("The Frog Princess")
7. “Little goats, kids, open up, open up...” ( "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats")
8. “What do you want, old man?” ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")
9. “At the behest of the pike, at my will...” (“At the command of the pike”)
10. “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass...” (“Sivka-burka”)
Now we’ll check how united our teams can be!
The time has come for the most important competition.
The fourth competition “Under the Umbrellas”
Now all the teams are rushing to the stadium, it is raining outside. The father carries the child behind his back, and the mother runs after them, covering the child with an umbrella from the rain. (Each team is given an umbrella)

The jury sums up the results
Fifth competition “Family Relay Race”
- The child hops to a landmark, goes around it, and returns to the team.
- Mom goes through a relay race, jumping rope.
- Dad continues the relay race, dribbling the ball with one hand.
- The family, holding the rope together, runs to the landmark, goes around it and finishes.

The jury sums up the results
Sixth competition "Salute"
Balls are scattered all over the path three colors. At the signal, the teams collect balls of their color in a box. Having collected all the balls, the teams line up at the starting line.

The jury sums up the results
Seventh competition “Frog Traveler”
Dad and mom carry a stick on which the child sits, holding onto the necks of the parents. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

The jury sums up the results
Eighth competition “Taste of Victory!”
At a signal, team members run to the opposite side, where a drink called “Taste of Victory” awaits them (labels made by the organizers of the competition). The team that drinks the drink in the fastest time wins. cocktail straw.

The jury sums up the results
Ninth competition "Tug of War"

Pairs of competing teams are determined by drawing lots. The competition is for elimination.
The winning teams compete against each other. The remaining team wins.
Physical education instructor. This was our final competition. The participants did a great job! Our competition is coming to an end. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, we will all dance a fun dance together. Let's stand in two circles for the Fixies dance.
The jury sums up the overall result

Sports festival scenario

"Mom, dad, I'm a sports family!"

Goals and objectives:

  • strengthening relationships between school and family;
  • bringing children and parents together;
  • fostering a sense of collectivism, empathy,
  • development of the creative and physical potential of students;
  • development of interest in physical culture and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: rubber balls, basketballs, jump ropes, hoops, skittles, gymnastic benches, racks,

Venue of the holiday: gym

Celebration progress:

Host: Good afternoon, dear friends! We sincerely welcome you to our traditional holiday“Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”

We have been waiting for you here for a long time, we don’t start the holiday without you, and there is a place and a word for each of you!

A guest is a guest - a joy for the owner, and even more so, today large and friendly families. We thank you all for responding to our invitation to the sports festival.

We all know very well how useful it is to do physical exercise, how necessary it is to harden yourself, do exercises, and be outdoors, but how difficult it can sometimes be to overcome yourself, get up early, do a few exercises, take a bath. cold water... We put it all off until later. What if we study together, as a family?

Not only the whole family, but four families will set an example for us in this, and we will support them. So on sports ground Participants of the family sports festival “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family” are invited! (Teams go out to the soundtrack “March of the Knights”):

And now I present to you our jury, which will closely monitor the success of our teams.

Chief Judge:

Jury members:

Sports have their own laws and our athletes must swear to abide by them.


Don’t spare your arms or legs, shake out the fat a little,

So that you can run faster than a turtle today.

We swear!

It is the honor of the team to protect and justify the trust.

Well, if we lose, still don’t be discouraged.

We swear!

Help mom and dad - where to hold and where to push,

And never trip up your opponents.

We swear!

And for the fans to sit and cheer diligently:

Stomp, clap and whistle, but it's not cool to make noise.

We swear!


Let's go on a sporty journey, friends! We start the competition with

1. Command View.

2. Fast feet

The participants of each team line up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time, with relay batons in the hands of the guides. At a signal, the leader in the column runs out from behind the starting line, runs in a straight line to the turning post, runs around it, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of his team.

3. Space flights

Each family lines up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time, led by the father, with the child bringing up the rear. A rotating stand is installed in front of each column at a distance of 15 m. Dad has a gymnastic hoop in his hands. At a signal, he puts it on his belt and runs forward, runs around the counter, returns to the column and, together with his mother, does the same thing in the same hoop. Then a child joins them, and together they make a “space flight”. The family whose members return to their starting position faster wins.

4. Once again, all team members participate in the competition. The competition is called "Papamamabile." Let's imagine that the whole family went on a multi-day hike. On the way, the child twisted his ankle. He needs a break. The task of the participants is to move it to a certain distance with clasped hands and return it to its place. This vehicle called papamamabil.

5. Relay “Keep your head cool and your feet warm!” (running in bags)

6. Captains' competition "Taste of Victory"(labels made by the competition organizers). The team that drinks the drink through a cocktail straw the fastest wins.

The jury sums up the results.

Questions for fans (application)

7. Relay race with balls and hoop.

8. Relay race with balloon and a racket.

9. Dad competition (jumping rope).

10. Competition for mothers “Accurate throw”.

We have the best life
Because with us there is laughter!
We will never part with him,
Wherever we are, we laugh.
Young, perky laughter,
It's not a sin to laugh, is it?!

Leading:What we are now offering is very rare species sports Few people know anything about him. Since the sport is called “Night Snipers,” one thing is certain: these competitions must take place at night. Therefore, we will blindfold the participants, and night will come for them.

11. “Night Snipers” competition

Dads with helmets on their heads, blindfolded, with a ladle in their hand, crawl on all fours. At the same time, they knock on the floor with a ladle, looking for treasure. The treasure is located under the pan in the center of the circle. (Previously on the line (Previously on the starting line, dad, standing on all fours, rotates around himself while everyone counts to five). The winner is the team whose dad hits the pan first. start dad, standing on all fours, rotates around himself until everyone count to five). The team whose dad hits the pan first wins.

Presenter: Our sports holiday “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family” has come to an end. Let's greet our friendly, sports families once again. Today they proved that the most important thing in a family is mutual understanding, mutual assistance, and the ability to enjoy everyone together.

Today we joked and played.

More closer friend we became friends.

So smile more often

And don’t give up sports!

Host: All the best to you in life and health, wealth, peace and warmth.

A family warmed by love is always reliable and strong.

So that your union is in only joy,

So that the children are near you,

Let's just say to you, friendly and sporty people:

"Be healthy, in good hour

The jury gives the floor


And for fans, sports quiz questions are offered.

1. Name your homeland Olympic Games? (Ancient Greece)

2. What were the winners of the Games awarded? Ancient Greece? (Wreath of laurel leaves)

3. The mathematician and philosopher, who left his famous theorem as a “legacy” to schoolchildren all over the world, was crowned at the Games with the laurel wreath of a champion in fist fighting? (Pythagoras)

4. Mascot of the Olympic Games in Moscow? (Misha bear)

Leading. Dear viewers, I suggest you play the game “Say the Word.”

Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

People all need...(charging).

Who does exercises in the morning?

Do you want to break the record?

This will help you... (sport).

Who is involved in sports sections?

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my...(bicycle)!

Where can you ride a bike?

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race.

And it’s not the horses that carry me,

And shiny...(skates).

Who can skate?

To become a great athlete,

There is a lot to know.

Dexterity will help you here,

And, of course...(training)

If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

You hit the wall - he doesn’t moan,

You will throw yourself on the ground,

He will begin to fly upward. (ball)

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron skids.

I filled the bars with slats.

Where is the snow? Ready:.. (sleigh)

I can’t feel my legs with joy,

I'm flying down a snowy hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this?.. (skis).

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,

The ice just creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who's carrying me? (skates).

1. Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of horses do I have?

Summing up



Goals and objectives

Formation of a healthy lifestyle for families.
- Upbringing physical culture and moral cohesion of the family.
- Development of sports and motor skills in children and adults.
- Prevention and prevention of diseases in children.

The sports ground is decorated. Cheerful music is playing.

They enter to the music “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”


Hello, Dear Parents! Hello, dear guys and guests of our holiday! We have gathered here to compete in strength, agility, speed and endurance. We also gathered to get to know each other better and make stronger friends, to see what our children can do and what their parents can do.

And it doesn’t matter who wins this competition, the main thing is that we will feel the holiday atmosphere. Let our motto today's meeting there will be the words “Inseparable friends – adults and children”!!! I urge the teams to fight fairly and wish everyone success. And may the best man win!

1st student: Look, we have

The whole class has gathered here.

Mom and dad are nearby.

Dads threw sofas

Moms threw pans

And they pulled on the suits!

Lesson 2: Everyone wants to compete,

Make a joke and laugh.

Show strength, dexterity,

And prove your skill!

3rd lesson: We are all happy about this meeting,

We did not gather for a reward,

We need to meet more often

May we all live together!


Let us open our family all-around championship “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!” And introduce the teams participating in our competitions.

Our favorites dads(take a step forward)

Here they are in front of us - slightly cheerful, in some places fit and even invincible in some ways, and in what exactly - we will find out later ( dads fall into place).

- Niches are irreplaceable... mothers(take a step forward)

They are always in shape. Constant training makes itself felt: the stove, running to the shops, weeding, washing, cleaning. And we are sure that today they will set the tone for their teams (mothers take a step back).

And finally captainschildren (children take a step forward)

It was they who, from the cradle, for many years tempered them with constant training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting themselves new challenges: hard in learning, easy in battle.

Now let's take a closer look:

1 team ( Name)
Dad …
Mother …
Team captain...

2nd team ( Name)
Dad …
Mother …
Team captain...

3rd team ( Name)
Dad …
Mother …
Team captain...

4 team dad mom

Team 5 dad team captain


Well, now we present to you the panel of judges. Who will evaluate our competition? Let's meet our jury:

- Head teacher thinks he's the best family vacation- this is a sport.

- Deputy By educational work . I still can’t understand what health it takes to become a real fan!

- believes: if you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll run when you’re sick!

LEADING: So, are our teams ready? Are our fans ready? Is the jury ready??? Then we start the competition. First of all, let's warm up to music! Well done! The competition begins!!!


When the whistle blows, each team member must, in turn, run to the ball, which is located at the end of the court, run around it, come back and pass the baton to the next participant .

2nd COMPETITION « Running in a hoop »

Dad takes the hoop, climbs into it and runs with it to the pin, runs around it, runs back, very tenderly takes mom with him, the two of them run, then the three of them run with the child.

3rd COMPETITION "Sharp Shooters"

Each participant must make three throws into the hoop; The team with the most hits wins.

4th COMPETITION « Through the swamp »

Teams are given two hoops; you need to reach the pin by stepping on the hoop and shifting it; back - run.

5th COMPETITION “Triple Jump”.

The first participant performs a long jump. The second one places where the first jump ended, etc. The total length of three jumps is calculated.

6th COMPETITION “Obstacle Course”:

Jumping forward with a ball clamped between the knees, jumping to the hoop - climbing into the hoop; back - the same thing.

7th COMPETITION “The Jumpiest”:

Select 1 representative from the team. He jumps rope. The team whose representative jumped and didn’t get knocked down the most times wins.

7th COMPETITION "One for all and all for one."

The child starts running first to the counter and back, then the father puts the child on his shoulders and runs with him to the counter and back, then the parents put the second child on their arms crossed together and run to the counter and back.


So, all the competitions are over , Let's give the jury the floor and find out whose family today has become the best, the fastest, the most attentive, the most friendly and athletic.

The jury sums up the results.



Student 1

There are no losers today
There are simply the best of the best.
May there be light of friendship in every heart,
Will light a ray of good deeds.

Student 2.

Thank you, and goodbye!
See you again in this gym.
Combine sport and knowledge
And warm your soul good light.

Student 3.

Thank you all for your attention,
For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter.
For the fire of competition,
For failure, success.
Now the moment of farewell has come,
Our speech will be short.
We say goodbye to everyone,
See you again!

Everyone is invited to flash mob.


Families can be awarded in the following categories:

    “The most united family”;

    “The most strong-willed family”;

    “The fastest, most dexterous, most skillful.”

Sports festival scenario

"Dad, mom, I am a sports family!"

Goals and objectives:

    formation of a healthy lifestyle for families of schoolchildren;

    education of physical culture and moral cohesion of the family;

    development of sports and motor skills and skills in children and adults;

    strengthening relationships between school and family;

    fostering a sense of collectivism and empathy;

Equipment: rubber balls, basketballs, jump ropes, hoops, skittles; gymnastic benches, racks.

Venue of the event: small sports hall.

Competition participants:

Family teams consisting of father, mother and child are allowed to participate in the competition.

Celebration progress:

Leading: Good afternoon, dear friends! We sincerely welcome you to our holiday “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”

We all know very well how useful it is to do physical exercise, how necessary it is to harden yourself, do exercises, be outdoors, but how difficult it is sometimes to overcome yourself, get up early, do a few exercises, douse yourself with cold water... We put all this off for “later.” What if we study together, as a family?

Today our friendly families will set an example of how important it is to exercise as a family.

So, participants of the family sports festival “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family” are invited to the sports ground!

(Teams go out to the soundtrack “March of the Knights”):

And now I present to you our jury, which will closely monitor the success of our teams.

Chief Judge: (introduction)

Jury members: (introduction)

Leading: Sports have their own laws and our athletes must swear to abide by them.


It is the honor of the team to protect and justify the trust.

Well, if we lose, still don’t be discouraged.

We swear!

Help mom and dad - where to hold and where to push,

And never trip up your opponents.

We swear!

And for the fans to sit and cheer diligently:

Stomp, clap and whistle, but it's not cool to make noise.

We swear!


Let's go on a sporty journey, friends!

We start the competition with...

1. Presentation of commands . (name, motto)

2. Fast feet

The participants of each team line up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time, with relay batons in the hands of the guides. At a signal, the leader in the column runs out from behind the starting line, runs in a straight line to the turning post, runs around it, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of his team.

3. Space flights

Each family lines up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time, led by the father, with the child bringing up the rear. A rotating stand is installed in front of each column at a distance of 15 m. Dad has a gymnastic hoop in his hands. At a signal, he puts it on his belt and runs forward, runs around the counter, returns to the column and, together with his mother, does the same thing in the same hoop. Then a child joins them, and together they make a “space flight”. The family whose members return to their starting position faster wins.

4. “Papamamabile.” Once again, all team members participate in the competition. The competition is called Let's imagine that the whole family went on a multi-day hike. On the way, the child twisted his ankle. He needs a break. The participants’ task is to move it to a certain distance with clasped hands and return it to its place. This vehicle is called a papamamabil.

5. Competition “Cross the swamp” » Each participant is given 2 sheets of paper - bumps. We have to go over bumps.

6. "Shopping trip" competition for mothers and their children. Use a jump rope to overcome a given distance.

7. "Rhythmic gymnastics" - competition for mothers: at a signal, mothers roll the hoop forward to a turning cone; having bypassed the cone, they move back, rotating the hoop on their belt. The team whose mother finishes the relay first wins.

8. Penguin Run : The child, holding a volleyball between his knees, jumps to the turning cone, runs around it, and runs to pass the ball to dad, then to mom. If you lose the ball, pick it up and continue the competition. The team that finishes the relay earlier wins.

9. "In the kitchen." Relay race with a balloon and racket.

10. "Tunnel". Participants overcome obstacles through hoops.

The jury sums up the results.

The competition is a quiz for fans.

Leading: And for fans, sports quiz questions are offered.

Dear viewers, I suggest you play the game “Say the word”:

Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

People need everything …(charger).

Who does exercises in the morning?

Do you want to break the record?

This will help you …(sport).

Who participates in sports sections?

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer:

This is mine …(bike)!

Where can you ride a bike?

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race.

And it’s not the horses that carry me,

And the shiny ones …(skates).

Who can skate?

To become a great athlete,

There is a lot to know.

Dexterity will help you here,

And of course …(training)

If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

You hit the wall - he doesn’t moan,

You will throw yourself on the ground,

He will begin to fly upward. (ball)

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron skids.

I filled the bars with slats.

Where is the snow? Ready :.. (sled)

I can’t feel my legs with joy,

I'm flying down a snowy hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this?.. (skis).

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,

The ice just creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who carries me ? (skates).

1. Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of horses do I have?

2. When is spring takes its toll,

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

And she - through me.

3. Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These red horses

And their names are …(skis).

4. I am from the palms

I fly in the palm of your hand -

Lie still

I don't want to! (ball)

Leading: Our sports holiday “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family” has come to an end. Let's greet our friendly, sports families once again. Today they proved that the most important thing in a family is mutual understanding, mutual assistance, and the ability to enjoy everyone together.

Today we joked and played.

We became even closer to each other.

So smile more often

And don’t give up sports!

Leading: All the best to you in life and health, wealth, peace and warmth.

A family warmed by love is always reliable and strong.

So that your union is only a joy,

So that the children are near you,

Let's just say to you, friendly and sporty people:

“Be healthy, have a good time!”

The jury gives the floor.

Announcement of competition results, awarding of winners.

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