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Pulse of a pregnant woman. Pulse during pregnancy: normal. What should be the pulse rate of pregnant women?

How long did it take you to achieve this goal? Endless trips to doctors, exhausting queues in hospitals to see the best specialists, in pharmacies - in search of the most effective, most imported vitamins to prepare the body for bearing a fetus. And she regarded the fleeting delay as a miracle that had finally happened. And so you waited! A new life is born in your body. And from that day on it went. It seems to you that you are doing ten-kilometer cross-country runs every day, you just can’t catch your breath! Your heart works like a mad motor! But don’t be surprised, mommy, everything is normal, because your heart is now entrusted with a huge responsibility, it now bears a double burden: it is responsible for both the life of the baby and the life of the mother, pumping 1.5 liters of blood more than in your previous life before pregnancy. And your pulse will also be 10-15 beats faster. This is due both to the fact that blood volume will increase and to the fact that the fetus will grow and develop.

Normally, in a healthy woman before pregnancy, the pulse rate should not exceed 90 beats per minute. However, with conception, literally in a couple of weeks, this figure will rapidly increase to somewhere around 110 beats per minute. The pulse can increase up to 140 if the mother likes to keep herself in shape even in this position, and plays sports, swimming, for example. But you should not forget that any sports activities must be discussed with your doctor, because all sorts of exercises that include stretching the abdominal muscles (and this includes seemingly harmless step and aerobics) should be excluded immediately. The child's heart rate will not increase at 140 beats per minute, but you should not rely on this. But starting from the second trimester, the heart gradually increases in volume, reaching a peak between 27-32 weeks.

Doctors have noticed that in healthy mothers in the “side lying” position, the pulse does not change. But with the “on your back” position, things are different: in the third trimester, the pulse can reach 120 per minute. This is due to the fact that in this position the uterus, pressing on the stomach and aorta, reduces the return of blood to the heart, which leads to its rapid beating. Therefore, pregnant women in their last stages are not recommended to lie on their backs for a long time, so as not to be surprised later, where did this lack of air and dizziness come from? From blood and oxygen deficiency.

A common complaint in pregnant women is tachycardia (excessively rapid heartbeat). But it is worth remembering that the causes of tachycardia can be alcohol consumption, smoking, high or low blood pressure, ARVI, simple stress, toxicosis, increased stress on the heart, etc. Innocent Naphthyzin and other medications can also be a cause. Tachycardia does not cause pain, but, naturally, it causes discomfort. This diagnosis is made when the rate is 90 beats per minute in a calm state, but if it exceeds 120 (a woman may even lose consciousness, feel nausea and weakness), then you should sound the alarm and seek the help of a doctor who will prescribe sedative herbal preparations, vitamins and rest for a long time, don’t be nervous and take walks more often.

Also, bradycardia (slow heartbeat) can cause no less concern for expectant mothers. This is not a pathology, because mothers often go to extremes, even thinking about terminating the pregnancy. You should sound the alarm if your heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute. In other cases, treatment is not worthwhile. Bradycardia can be observed in women involved in professional sports to an interesting position. However, diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, heart (myocarditis, coronary disease), jaundice, uremia, damage to the central nervous system are a direct path to bradycardia. Also, irritation of the cranial nerve by the uterus. This nerve passes through the chest and abdominal cavity. Bradycardia can even reach the point of involuntary urination and darkening of the eyes. The development of bradycardia in the fetus is possible only if the mother takes medications. Fortunately, current technologies make it possible to promptly detect and prevent the development of bradycardia into a chronic form in newborns. With bradycardia, not only pharmaceutical drugs help, but also taking fish oil, olive oil, and algae.

Slowing the pulse within normal limits (not lower than 60) does not cause complaints in pregnant women. And only if there is a deviation from the norm, loss of consciousness, nausea, intolerance of stuffy rooms, and weakness can be observed. If you constantly suffer from bradycardia, then there is a high probability of having a baby with low body weight and signs of hypoxia. They may prescribe caffeine, atropine sulfate, anything that will make the heart work faster and be more excitable.

Diabetics should keep their blood sugar levels under control. In general, the slightest acceleration or deceleration of the pulse should not cause any concern for mothers, because this will not in any way affect the condition of the baby in the womb. But, if you are very worried about the state of your pulse, do not hesitate and consult a doctor for your own peace of mind. He may prescribe you an ultrasound of the heart, or registration of the heart rhythm using a hotler, or an ECG. But this is just nothing on the way to meeting a new person!

And remember, if your pulse goes over 120 or falls below 60, go straight to the doctor!

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So it happened, what the woman expected most of all. She's pregnant. The best time in her life had come, albeit marked by some anxiety. You have to listen and worry about everything. Moreover, some moments are invented by women, since the fears are great and simply do not go away.

The woman always feels like her heart is beating wrong and her pulse is wrong. Note that the heart rate per minute in an ordinary person and in normal condition ranges from 60 to 80 beats.

What should your heart rate be during pregnancy?

Let us immediately note that a rapid pulse in this case is a medical norm. The increased load on the heart leads to the fact that, compared to the normal state, it begins to pump as much as 1.5 liters of blood more. This fact causes the heart rate to increase by 10-15 beats. The expectant mother's pulse is normal - up to 110 beats per minute, but sometimes from 120 to 140 beats per minute is observed, especially when playing sports, the types and duration of which should be discussed with your doctor. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the female body.

The second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by an increase in the stroke volume of the heart. The maximum is observed in the period from 27 to 32 weeks, decreasing in the last 3-4 weeks. The average is 70-80 beats per minute. Often in the second half of pregnancy the numbers jump per minute to 86-92 beats. Doctors have noticed some interesting features. For example, if a woman’s body is healthy, then her pulse does not undergo any changes in the position on her side, but in the position on her back in the third trimester, the pulse per minute reaches 100-120 beats. This is explained by the increased load on the body.

The main problem that most women face during pregnancy. Among the many causes that contribute to tachycardia are high levels of hormones that increase the heart rate. Also, the causes of tachycardia include weight gain, increased load on the heart, increased metabolism, and as a result, a lack of minerals and vitamins, which leads to hypotension and anemia.

There are other factors that provoke increased blood pressure, namely, changes in the water-electrolyte balance during particularly severe toxicosis and subsequent vomiting, as well as a shift in the anatomical position of the heart due to the displacement of the naturally growing uterus. Tachycardia is also caused by smoking, alcohol, certain medications, and consumption of caffeine-containing products. Note that even such an innocent drug as “” can lead to rapid heartbeat.

The expectant mother should know that during pregnancy the body's sensitivity changes, as a rule, to foods too. If there were no problems with their use before, now they may appear. For example, seemingly harmless sprays for a runny nose, but they can also lead to an increase in heart rate.

Doctors can diagnose tachycardia in a pregnant woman even in her calm state, with a heart rate per minute above 90 beats. With this type of tachycardia there is no pain, but slight discomfort is felt. Such attacks of tachycardia go away on their own.

When the pulse is 120 beats per minute or higher, the woman feels worse, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes loss of consciousness are observed. Such symptoms should be a reason to visit a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary examination and treatment. In the absence of any pathologies, the pregnant woman will be prescribed sedative herbal preparations, as well as preparations containing magnesium, potassium, and vitamin and mineral complex supplements.

Bradycardia is another worrying condition during pregnancy. A weakened pulse is observed; you should be especially wary if it is below 60 beats per minute. It develops due to the impact on the vagus nerve or its centers with lesions of the central nervous system, accompanied by increased intracranial pressure, with cholelithiasis, hepatic or renal colic, and with an ulcer. Weakening of the pulse is observed with uremia and jaundice. Taking medications like quinine, digitalis, and rauwolfia alkaloids also leads to a decrease in heart rate.

When the pulse slows down, the expectant mother has no complaints, however, as well as when the pulse accelerates. Fainting, dizziness, and nausea are observed in isolated cases. In general, these symptoms do not have a negative impact on the condition of the pregnant woman, nor on the condition of the child; they do not lead to termination of pregnancy and do not require special treatment. But, it should be remembered that, despite the rarity of bradycardia, this condition can lead to serious heart problems.

The expectant mother may be prescribed caffeine, atropine sulfate, aminophylline, which increase the automaticity of the sinus node of the heart and excitability. But the appointment will be useful in the absence of pathologies. In other cases, a woman will have to undergo Holter monitoring, echocardiography, studies regarding thyroid hormones and with a mandatory doctor’s prescription.

Hormonal changes do not bypass the nervous system; naturally, a rapid pulse can also occur with neurosis. The doctor will prescribe sedatives to the pregnant woman, such as: Novo-Passit, Persen, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, valerian. In general, the use of medications should be treated with extreme caution and only after consultation with a doctor. The main thing is not to harm the child.

Due to the changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, many life processes during this period occur with some peculiarities. Certain indicators and conditions may go beyond the normal range, but this does not always indicate the development of pathology.

Many pregnant women do not even suspect that certain changes are occurring in their body, because this does not always affect the general well-being of the expectant mother. But women also often notice some abnormalities in themselves and begin to worry. The pulse during pregnancy also often goes beyond the established norms. Should we sound the alarm in such cases?

What is the normal heart rate during pregnancy?

The pulse of a healthy person normally ranges from approximately 60 to 90 beats per minute - this largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, changes in this indicator are influenced by many factors, and therefore this value is unstable. However, during pregnancy it can change even at rest, due to a variety of reasons.

As a rule, in the early stages of pregnancy the pulse remains unchanged, but with the onset of the second trimester it often increases - on average by 10-15 beats per minute. Most of all cases of increased heart rate in pregnant women occur after 26-27 weeks of pregnancy - at this time the number of beats per minute in a pregnant woman can reach 110 or 120.

A few weeks before giving birth - after about 32 weeks - the indicator usually returns to its previous level. However, in some women, changes are observed already from the first weeks of pregnancy, especially if the expectant mother suffers from early toxicosis.

Increased heart rate during pregnancy

First of all, the frequency of oscillations of the arterial walls is affected by the blood volume of a pregnant woman, which constantly increases with increasing period. Until the end of pregnancy, the blood volume of the expectant mother increases by an average of one and a half liters, because all products and substances necessary to ensure the vital functions and normal development of the fetus are delivered to it along with the blood. This puts increased stress on the mother's heart, forcing it to contract more often and beat faster, pumping blood through the arteries. It is completely physiological that the pulse may increase in this case.

But this is not the only reason for changes in heart rate in a pregnant woman. Other factors can also affect fluctuations in arterial walls:

  • hormonal changes in a woman’s body: some hormones, intensely produced during this period, contribute to an increase in the pregnant woman’s heart rate;
  • deficiency of vitamin and mineral substances (it is more pronounced during the period of toxicosis): mainly there is a lack of iron, magnesium, potassium;
  • displacement of the heart under pressure from the growing fetus - in late pregnancy;
  • emotional shocks and disruptions in the nervous system;
  • physical activity: heart rate increases during physical activity and sports;
  • body position: in a position lying on your back, the pulse quickens;
  • general weight gain during pregnancy: excess weight provokes many disorders in a woman’s body;
  • unhealthy lifestyle of the expectant mother: primarily smoking, drinking alcohol and unhealthy diet (in particular, caffeine-containing drinks and foods cause an increase in heart rate);
  • taking and using certain medications (very often this applies to vasoconstrictors).

Doctors call increased heart rate during pregnancy sinus tachycardia. In most cases, it is physiological in nature, that is, it is an absolute norm and does not require special treatment. However, situations cannot be ruled out when a rapid pulse turns out to be a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and then the deviation from the norm cannot be ignored.

A pregnancy pulse of 100 or 110 may be normal if the woman is not worried about anything else. In the supine position, sometimes the pulse in the third trimester of pregnancy reaches 120 beats.

Indicators above 100-110 should be a reason for additional examination of the expectant mother.

Doctors believe that a physiological increase in this parameter in a pregnant woman does not cause any harm to her or the child if this indicator does not exceed 140 beats per minute against the background of the general well-being of the expectant mother. However, high grades should be a reason to see a doctor. Medical consultation is also necessary if a rapid pulse is accompanied by nausea, dizziness or headaches, darkening and ripples in the eyes, fainting, malaise and feeling very tired, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat and pain/tingling in the heart.

Slow heart rate during pregnancy

If the symptoms described above occur, a pregnant woman's pulse may also slow down. Often this condition is accompanied by a simultaneous decrease in blood pressure.

A slow heart rate is called bradycardia, which can also be considered normal during pregnancy. However, it is still necessary to see a doctor and describe how you feel: some correction of the condition may be required. If the readings drop to 60 beats per minute or lower, consultation with a doctor is necessary! This may be associated with increased intracranial pressure, ulcers, cholelithiasis, jaundice, renal or hepatic colic, uremia.

If a woman experiences a slow or rapid pulse during pregnancy, the doctor will first prescribe vitamin supplements. If the heart rate exceeds the norm, you will need sedatives suitable for expectant mothers: based on valerian, motherwort.

If you feel tachycardia, you should lie down and relax - very often peace and rest bring the condition back to normal. But in order not to miss any deviations in health, you need to regularly visit the doctor, without missing scheduled examinations.

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIOVA

Many expectant mothers complain of tachycardia during pregnancy; a pregnant woman notes shortness of breath, pounding heart, difficulty breathing or irregular heartbeat. Sometimes the pulse can even be felt in the neck; many women can see it visually. Tachycardia causes many problems during pregnancy, but is an increased heart rate really a threatening condition?

What is the normal heart rate during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes numerous changes, including an increase in the volume of blood that the heart must pump. By the end of pregnancy, blood volume may increase by 1.5 liters, so the heart must adapt to the new load - the heartbeat increases. Thus, an increased heart rate during pregnancy is a normal condition; it is another matter to what numbers the heart rate can and should increase.

This norm is different for every woman. Usually, the pulse can increase by 10 - 15 units. That is, if the patient had a heart rate of 90 before pregnancy, then in this state a heart rate of 100 during pregnancy will be the norm.

When does your heart rate increase during pregnancy?

    1.2 trimester of pregnancy. That is, until the 20th week there should be a normal pulse during pregnancy. Around week 27, the heart rate reaches its maximum and lasts until week 32, and then returns to its normal values.
    2.Physical exercises during pregnancy.
    3.Lying on your back.
    4. Weight gain also puts a strain on the heart.
    5. Hormonal changes.
    6.Lack of microelements, which can not only cause tachycardia, but also hypotension and anemia. It often happens that tachycardia is combined with low blood pressure during pregnancy.
    7.Pathologically rapid pulse during pregnancy. Tachycardia can also be caused by certain diseases or poor lifestyle during pregnancy. It must be remembered that during pregnancy the sensitivity of the body changes and those foods that previously did not cause any problems for a woman can now become harmful.
  • Any caffeine-containing products and medications.
  • Medicines. Very often, a “light” nasal spray “Naphthyzin” significantly increases the pulse during pregnancy. Therefore, you should be wary of any drugs, even the most innocent ones.

When is treatment required?

It is necessary to clearly distinguish when a rapid pulse during pregnancy is the norm and when it is a pathology. Most often, a pregnant woman just needs to lie down and calm down. There is no need to worry about the child, because not only the woman’s body adapts to changes, but also the fetus’ body is protected from any influences. Even if the pulse in pregnant women increases to 140 beats per minute, the baby’s heart beats at a normal rate and he does not experience any hypoxia.

Caution should arise if, in addition to an increased pulse, a pregnant woman has other complaints:

  • Weakness,
  • Dizziness,
  • Nausea,
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Lack of air.

In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination to understand the cause of these symptoms. Most often there is nothing to worry about; the doctor can prescribe magnesium, potassium, and vitamins. It is necessary to regularly visit your gynecologist, who measures your pulse and blood pressure during pregnancy at each examination. The doctor will be able to adequately assess the condition of the expectant mother, because sometimes pregnant women feel the problem not so much physically as emotionally.

Hormonal changes also affect the nervous system, so a rapid pulse during pregnancy can occur due to neurosis. In this case, the doctor should prescribe basic sedatives. It is not necessary to take medications; valerian and motherwort will cope with this problem. If they are not enough, then, for example, Novo-Passit is allowed to be taken by pregnant women.

Allowed sedatives during pregnancy

    6. Motherwort.

It is not necessary to use alcohol tinctures of the above medications; if your pulse is high during pregnancy, you can buy herbs and brew them as tea. You should only resort to medications as a last resort, and then only after consulting your doctor. Despite the instructions, which necessarily contain a section on the effects of the drug on pregnant women, your gynecologist may decide that this drug is contraindicated in your condition. You should always listen to the opinion of a specialist and not self-medicate, especially when the life of an unborn child depends on your actions.

Pregnancy is often called a borderline state. For all nine months, a woman’s organs and systems function under strain, withstanding maximum loads to support the life of the mother and the growing fetus. According to physiological transformations, the usual health parameters also change, one of which is the pulse. For the health and well-being of a woman and her baby, the correct interpretation of certain characteristics of the pulse, which makes it possible to distinguish between normal and pathological, is very important.

Normal heart rate during pregnancy

The pulse is a periodic dilatation of blood vessels, palpable (palpable), which normally occurs during contractions of the left ventricle of the heart. If a healthy woman has an optimal heart rate of 60-70 beats per minute, then during pregnancy its value can increase to 110-120 beats.

This heart rate should not be a cause for concern and is explained by the increased load on the heart and blood vessels during pregnancy. Physiological tachycardia (fast pulse) is an adaptive reaction that allows the heart of the expectant mother to pump increased volumes of blood - about 1.5 liters above normal.

information Indicators of normal pulsation in pregnant women vary slightly depending on the gestational age and have individual differences for each woman. On average, the physiological standard for pulsation speed during pregnancy is 10-15 beats higher than before it.

Increased heart rate during pregnancy

Increased heart rate in a pregnant woman has a physiological and pathological root cause. The first of these includes:

  • emotionally triggered moments (joy, fear, excitement);
  • positional tachycardia (accelerated heart rate when lying on your back);
  • physical activity (or sports activities);
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy

information Tachycardia in these situations is temporary and is not accompanied by a deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother or other pathological signs. Even in cases of short-term acceleration of the pulse to 140 beats per minute, this variant of physiological tachycardia does not require correction with medications and a reason to visit a doctor for additional examination.

Pathological tachycardia in pregnant women is provoked by:

  • uncontrolled use of medications (vasoconstrictor action);
  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (consuming caffeine-containing products and smoking);
  • pathological conditions and diseases (toxicosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hormonal dysfunctions, autonomic reactions, acute and chronic infections)

information In such cases, tachycardia is accompanied by deterioration of health and complaints of lack of air, nausea, palpitations, sweating and a feeling of heat, dizziness. The best tactic in any of these situations is to immediately contact a medical facility for examination and treatment of the pathology that caused the rapid pulse.

How to lower your heart rate during pregnancy

In most cases, tachycardia in pregnant women does not require special therapy. In cases where the general condition of the expectant mother does not suffer, and tachycardia does not exceed 120-130 per minute, you should pay attention to:

  • daily routine (duration of night sleep, daytime rest);
  • body weight (adjust your diet, eliminating overeating);
  • taking medications (after consulting with your doctor);
  • posture during sleep and rest (use the position lying on your side, excluding sudden movements and lifting);
  • physical and mental stress (eliminate stress and physical strain, adjust sports activities);
  • content in the diet of foods and drinks that provoke tachycardia (exclude coffee and tea from the menu, replacing them with compote and chicory)

information These recommendations will help normalize the heart rate and will bring undoubted benefits to the health of the woman and her unborn baby. In some cases, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination - take a blood test, record an electrocardiogram, and examine your hormonal status.

Reduced heart rate in a pregnant woman

A decrease in heart rate below normal is called bradycardia. This symptom often accompanies hypotension - low blood pressure. During pregnancy, minor bradycardia can be regarded as a physiological condition, especially in trained women and athletes.

The good health of the expectant mother, the absence of any complaints and normal laboratory tests during regular examinations confirm the physiological nature of bradycardia up to 70 beats per minute. In any case, a decrease in heart rate below 60 per minute should be a reason for medical consultation. The appearance of bradycardia may be the first symptom:

  • increased intracranial pressure due to brain pathology;
  • diseases of the urinary and biliary tract (jaundice, uremia, colic);
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications (cardiac glycosides);
  • endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism)

How to increase your heart rate during pregnancy

If a pathology is detected in a pregnant woman, bradycardia should be treated by a doctor. If the examination does not reveal any abnormalities, the expectant mother is recommended:

  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • , rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • special sets of gymnastic exercises for pregnant women;
  • rational daily routine and sufficient rest;
  • light tonic drinks - green or black tea;
  • daily heart rate monitoring

information Compliance with these routine steps will allow a woman to safely endure her pregnancy and give birth to a healthy, full-term baby.

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