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Working as a realtor: pros and cons. How and where real estate agents work are their professional responsibilities. Who is this profession suitable for?

In the real estate industry, the most interesting job is that of a realtor or real estate agent. This is so because this profession requires not only certain knowledge in the field of real estate and economics, but also involves creativity to the cause, which attracts quite a lot of people. First you need to figure out who a realtor is and what he does.

So, realtor is individual entrepreneur or legal entity in the form of a real estate agency or real estate agency that acts as an intermediary in all transactions concerning all types of real estate between the seller and the buyer and which receives payment for its services as a commission.

If working as a realtor interests you, then you need to familiarize yourself with its aspects and nuances that will help you better understand it and decide for yourself whether you need it or not.

What does it take to become a realtor?

People who want to try themselves as a realtor need to know that this profession requires certain professional knowledge, therefore priority is given to realtors who have a complete higher or incomplete higher education.

Also, a good realtor should have the following qualities:

  1. Ability to find common language with people, in other words, a realtor must be sociable. However, you should not go beyond professions. The number of transactions that he will conclude, and therefore his income, depends on how well a realtor can communicate correctly with people.
  2. Flexibility. Since the real estate market is constantly experiencing various changes and trends change, the realtor needs to monitor these situations, that is, be flexible and able to act depending on the situation.
  3. Good appearance.
  4. Striving for new knowledge. This refers to the general outlook of a realtor. A good realtor always strives to learn something new, unknown, as in his professional field, and beyond.

These and other personal and professional qualities skills that a person possesses are simply irreplaceable in the work of a realtor, so a person who wants to become one must try to develop the above-described qualities.

Pros and cons of working as a realtor

Just like any type professional activities, the work of a realtor has its advantages and disadvantages, which you need to familiarize yourself with before starting your actual activities.

The advantages of working as a realtor are as follows:

  • Independence. If you work as a realtor, then your income depends entirely on you. You decide for yourself exactly how much time you need to devote to work, namely communicating with clients, working with documents and carrying out transactions. However, it must be remembered that in order to achieve success in any activity, you must not be lazy and do your work efficiently and conscientiously. This statement also applies to the work of a realtor.
  • Possibility of part-time work. This advantage will be appreciated by senior students of higher education educational institutions who find it difficult to combine work and study. However, the work of a realtor is great for combining, since you choose the amount of time you want to devote to your side hustle.
  • There are no age restrictions. People of any age, starting from eighteen years old, can engage in real estate activities.

The disadvantages of working as a realtor are as follows:

  • Unstable income. However, since your earnings directly depend on your desire for work and the time you devote to it, this disadvantage of working as a realtor can turn into a significant advantage.
  • Always be on top. Since this work involves constant communication with people and the conclusion of necessary transactions, in any situation it is necessary to discard your Bad mood. Nevertheless, this circumstance is not too big a drawback, since it develops the habit of being in good mood no matter what.

It should be noted that due to individual characteristics, each person will find additional advantages and disadvantages in being a realtor. Some may find it boring, difficult and uninteresting, but others may find it fascinating.

Self-study, where to start?

In the profession of a realtor, self-education is an important matter, so you need to devote a sufficient amount of time to it. Self-study involves independent study of literature and other information sources related to the real estate industry.

It is necessary to begin self-study with literature written successful people and renowned real estate agents. Self-study also includes attending special seminars and forums related to this topic, where you can always learn something new and interesting.

The acquired knowledge must be tested in practice so that the efforts are not made in vain.

Working in an agency is a step to success

It is most preferable to start working as a realtor in a real estate agency, since at the beginning of the journey, a novice realtor will need some advice and recommendations, which can be obtained from his work colleagues.

Also, working in an agency involves official employment, full social package and other aspects that are so necessary in modern life. Many successful realtors, who today have independent practices, began their path to success as ordinary employees of a real estate agency.

In order to succeed while working in an agency among the same realtors, you need to be persistent and do your job well.

Qualified real estate appraisal

The job of a realtor is not only to formalize transactions, but, if necessary, to evaluate a particular property. Therefore, before performing this work, you need to find out on what basis it is carried out, or better yet, visually observe how qualified professionals evaluate real estate.

Risks in working as a realtor

The profession of a realtor, despite all its many advantages, is associated with some risks.

  1. Instability of the real estate market. Since the real estate market directly depends on the economic situation in the country, it is possible that the percentage of transactions related to real estate will decrease, which is why the income of realtors will also fall.
  2. Since the realtor is an intermediary in concluding transactions, he is fully responsible for the process of completing the transaction, necessary documents, and financial responsibility falls entirely on the realtor.

The ability to communicate is a step towards a successful transaction

A successful realtor must be able to find a common language with clients of any complexity, therefore, in this profession, this quality and skill must be developed by everyone possible ways. Some aspiring realtors attend special acting courses that help in communication, some practice at home on their family and friends.

It is also very important to understand psychology when working as a realtor. human relations, know exactly when it is necessary to be persistent and when to be weaker. Statistics show that greatest number Successful transactions are concluded by those realtors who have well-developed skills in communicating with people.

Ability to win over clients

If you know how to communicate correctly with people, you will certainly be able to win over the most unapproachable client.

In order to do this, a realtor must have the following qualities:

  1. Good appearance;
  2. Well-delivered speech;
  3. Broad outlook;
  4. Knowledge of psychology.

For free bread

If you feel that further career growth working as a realtor in an agency is not expected and you experience some restrictions in your activities, then in this case it's time to bounce back free bread. You can open your own real estate agency based on your existing experience or be a realtor on your own.

Working at an agency

To be a realtor, you can carry out real estate transactions either independently or work for an agency. On the job market you can often find an advertisement “Real estate specialist required,” which in its own way is synonymous with the word realtor.

By working for an agency at the beginning of your professional career, you receive several benefits, such as:

  • The agency's existing client base;
  • Stable salary;
  • Social package in the form sick leave, vacations and so on.

Therefore, many realtors choose to work in an agency instead of independent work, which is associated with many difficulties.

Strive to be the best

An important nuance in the work of a realtor is the desire for constant learning. A good realtor must improve in his field through numerous available funds in the form of books, seminars, and also strive to become the best among your colleagues.

Appearance will help in work

Appearance plays a very important role in life, and even more so in working as a realtor, since it determines how your clients will be disposed toward you, and therefore the success of transactions. Basically, the first thing people do when communicating with stranger pay attention to appearance.

Therefore, a realtor must always be neat, neatly dressed and take care of his appearance very carefully. Also, before communicating with clients, you must refrain from smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Dmitry Balandin

Let's look at the pros and cons of being a real estate agent, let's be honest about it.

High income with high activity

For experienced expert An income of 100 thousand rubles a month is not income. A specialist whose earnings level is below 80 thousand is very weak, and, most likely, just very lazy. My personal statistics speak about this.

Professionalism in real estate

Most people have the most expensive property - an apartment. For a real estate professional, an apartment is not something you save for all your life, but something that can be easily sold, bought, exchanged on the most favorable terms. Most of our employees either regularly change their living space and increase it, or purchase additional real estate for rent or for the younger generation.

The ability to understand what is happening around you in the real estate market is worth a lot, right? It gives not only good income, but also personal advantages in knowing what is sold cheaper where, what is more expensive, which objects are risky, which deserve attention.

Work close to home

Almost all of our employees live nearby and work in their area. They know almost everything about their area and have information about current offers here.

Flexible schedule

The agent creates his own schedule. Showing an apartment is an action, the time of which can always be agreed upon. This means there is time to do household chores at a convenient time.

Communication with people

A big part of this job is communication. The wider the circle of your friends and acquaintances, the more effective you are. The agent's phone number is usually unlimited, since most negotiations take place over it. Therefore, this profession is not suitable for people who prefer to work with technology rather than with people.


A good agency devotes a lot of time to training and supervision. Experienced specialists teach courses, curators help with practice and guide beginners at all stages of transactions.

Opportunity to retrain from any profession

On the one hand, it doesn’t take much time to become a qualified realtor. On the other hand, an expert is always learning, since there are a lot of nuances that need to be known well and that can be encountered in the second, fifth or tenth year. Experienced specialists are always in touch and exchange information.

Let's look at the cons.

Real estate agents in almost all agencies do not have a fixed salary. This is due to the fact that the percentage of completed transactions is very high and the motivation must also be high. No one guarantees an agent's earnings except himself. No one will constantly kick you and force you to work, you will have to do it yourself.

The first deals don't happen right away. In order to conduct the first transaction, at a minimum you need to prepare it, and at maximum, you need to find both a seller and a buyer. Therefore, the profit from the first transaction can come in a month, or in 2-3; not everyone can withstand such a time.

Clients don't fall from the sky, you have to look for them. The percentage of people applying to any agency is not high enough to good earnings, according to recommendations - too, so a specialist should not hesitate to call the apartment seller and offer his service, competently explaining why he can sell the apartment better and more expensive than the owner himself.

The profession's rating is not very high now. Public opinion creates a not very pleasant picture; TV shows stories in which realtors allegedly deceived or robbed someone. And although scammers and realtors are completely unrelated occupations, journalists often mix them up for hot stories. A professional realtor values ​​​​his reputation very much; it is the most valuable thing for him, since the best client is a client by recommendation. And most people who have seen enough negativity on TV will still look for a reliable specialist through their friends, because... a professional will be able to answer all questions and help you get favorable price for an apartment.

Therefore, everyone decides for themselves whether it is worth using the opportunities that the profession of a real estate agent provides.

Where to go to work? Such thoughts occur to perhaps 70 percent of the working population at one time or another in life. The reason is simple - someone is looking for their first job, someone wants to change their field of activity. The need to make changes in life is identified and... There are always two options. You can, of course, sit and wait for the employer to call based on the resume posted on the website. Or you can start your active search.

If you study the statistics on job search sites, you can easily notice that the largest number of vacancies is presented in the sales field, and real estate specialist is among the most in-demand professions. What is the reason? Let's look together at all the pros and cons of working in this profession.


Flexible work schedule. An experienced realtor does not need to be constantly in the office; he plans his own time. This is convenient if you have no problems with time management.

No special education required. Large agencies spend a lot of time on training and supervision. Experienced specialists and business trainers conduct lectures and practical exercises, and the mentor accompanies the newcomer at all stages of the transaction.

Opportunity to retrain from another profession.

High earnings. And this is not a joke. The financial result of your work is not limited and depends to the maximum on yourself, on your personal desires and capabilities. For an experienced expert, an income of 100 thousand rubles per month is not income. And a specialist whose earnings level is below 50 thousand is most likely just very lazy. Statistics show this.

Lack of routine. Each transaction and each client is unique and different from others.

Continuous professional and personal growth. The real estate market is dynamic and sometimes changeable; in order to always be on trend, you need to keep learning.

Creative emotional work. Large quantity new interesting and useful acquaintances.

Self-realization and moral satisfaction from work. By helping people solve housing issues, you will receive a lot of grateful feedback.

You can start successful career at almost any age. The main thing is perseverance and the desire to learn.

You will gain professional knowledge in the real estate industry. The ability to understand what is happening in the real estate market provides not only good income, but also personal advantages. You will always know where and what is sold cheaper, what is more expensive, which objects are at risk, and which ones deserve attention.


Inability to combine with other work. You will not be able to become a full-fledged specialist and expert if you try to “keep up with two birds with one stone.”

Psychological stress. If communicating with people tires you, the profession of a realtor is definitely not suitable for you.

Responsibility. When conducting and processing a transaction, mistakes are simply unacceptable.

The work schedule may be irregular. Apartment showings can also take place in evening time, because you need to adapt to the client’s convenience.

You need to look for clients; they don’t always come on their own, even to a large real estate agency. You shouldn't be intimidated by cold calling. But when you become a successful, experienced specialist, clients will come to you based on recommendations.

The first deals will not happen right away. You will need to understand all the intricacies of the market, learn how to search for and attract clients. Your first income will come to you no earlier than in 1.5-2 months.

- “You can’t catch both fish and pond without labor.” Achieving great results in real estate requires persistence. The result will always depend only on you.

Be that as it may, the profession of a realtor opens up great opportunities for everyone. And only you can decide whether you want to connect your life with this profession.

Surely many of you, at some point in your life looking for work, have come across advertisements offering work as a realtor. The advantages of this vacancy were attractively described nearby:

  • flexible schedule,
  • high pay
  • possible without work experience, etc.

Who is a realtor and are the promises made true?

Let's consider all the pros and cons, and what are the secrets of success in this profession?



  1. So, the first three points in the list of “Pros of working as a realtor” can be successfully counted as cons. A realtor is a restless “creature”. If you like a fixed work schedule, a quiet environment, and a clearly established salary, then you are clearly not a potential realtor. Even if you are in a desperate financial situation, try to look elsewhere. This is a job for people who are energetic and have their time. The secrets of success are to always be in touch, in good health and in a good mood.
  2. A realtor must devote himself fully to his work if he wants to receive a solid payment. It is very difficult to combine this work with any permanent position. If so, you are more likely to receive a small fee rather than the high earnings promised in newspaper advertisements.
  3. There are no clear operating rules. The success of a real realtor depends only on himself, on his ingenuity and diplomacy. A realtor must be able to persuade a client to make a purchase, but how he does it is not important. The main thing is to be polite and tolerant. Many people tend to view these aspects of the profession as disadvantages.

So, if you don't have any special knowledge, but strive to work and earn money, love communicating with people, have a wide circle of acquaintances, know how to always be in the center of events, prefer a flexible work schedule, neither heat, nor rain, nor blizzard bothers you, then you are a born realtor, and success is certain will accompany you in your work. Otherwise, think carefully. Of course, this profession is also good because you can leave it at any time without committing yourself to burdensome obligations. Why not try it? - you say. Perhaps so. After all, there are no clear rules in this work: come up with them yourself.

Hello. Working as a realtor has both advantages, so and cons. In this article you will learn all the pros and cons of working as a realtor. I have been involved in real estate for 8 years and I have something to tell you.

Here summary articles:

  1. What awaits you at the beginning of your real estate career?
  2. Why do 80% of newbies leave the business in their first year as a realtor?
  3. Pros of working as a realtor
  4. Disadvantages of working as a realtor
  5. Prospects in the real estate business after 2-3 years of work
  6. What to do to make good money in the real estate business?
  1. What awaits you at the beginning of your real estate career?

I remember my first acquaintance with a real estate office on one of the streets of my city: everything seemed mysterious and magical to me.

I had no idea about sales, real estate work or the topic of real estate. But I really needed money, as it was sorely lacking.

I had my first interview under the scrutinizing gaze of realtors sitting at their desks and under with a gaze two managers of this small real estate office. There were 5 people in total.

After the interview and receiving a positive call from the manager that I was accepted for a test period work as a realtor, I went to work full of hope for better life within the next month.

They promised 25% of the transaction (i.e. 25% of the 2% realtor commission - a fourth, the average in our city was then about $125)

First plus working as a realtor– It is not necessary to have any education. You can work without any experience at all. The main thing is desire.

But I didn’t quite understand, or rather didn’t understand at all, what I needed to do to find a buyer for the property. They simply told me: “The main thing is to find the seller-owner.” Look for sellers, and we will do the rest ourselves. Now one of the buyers urgently needs a 3-room apartment.

First disadvantage of working as a realtor– you may be used “blindly” due to your inexperience The challenges of working as a realtor. Be careful.

I obediently searched the newspaper for advertisements for 3-room apartments. I searched for three days. True, at that time I did not yet know how to find out the needs and motives of the owners. I didn’t even know who exactly I was looking for, what kind of buyer. I was just “blindly” looking for objects for a “colleague.”

After I proudly gave my colleague a list of 3-room apartments, she said “THANK YOU, but I will not share the commission in case of a transaction on these apartments,” since “I myself could find these properties in the newspaper.” That's what she said.

I was shocked! This was a blatant USE of me “blindly”. If she had immediately told me that she would not share anything, then I would not have been looking for three-room apartments in the newspapers for three whole days, but would have found out “how I should have it in their agency.”

Second plus working as a realtor– your earnings depend on your agreements with people. As you agree, you will earn money.

After such a “cold shower”, I began to try to find out from this real estate agency how I needed work as a realtor they have it to make money.

No one really explained anything, and I didn’t understand why.

Second disadvantage of working as a realtor– it is not beneficial for your colleagues to develop a potential experienced competitor. Every man for himself.

I was running out of money and had no deals for almost 2 months. No deals at all. There were showings, but they were so stupid that buyers (coming to the apartment) in front of the threshold, without even entering her, turned around and left.

Working as a realtor, at the beginning, has more disadvantages than advantages. Since you need to engage in real estate business on a permanent basis, and not part-time. Otherwise there will be no proper result.

If you plan to work at your main job and devote the remaining time to real estate business, then you will not earn much. The exception is when the economy is booming and people don’t really count their money.

More precisely, if you still manage to earn money, then you won’t last long. You'll just be exhausted. And working as a realtor implies a certain consistency and the development of regular clients and connections.

And since there is nowhere to get experience at the first stages, there will be few transactions. Money, accordingly, too. These are certain inconveniences and, possibly, dissatisfaction of people close to you.

Third disadvantage of working as a realtor– possible financial difficulties and disputes with loved ones at the beginning of a realtor’s career.

Therefore, before you start working as a realtor, know that there may be many difficulties and you will have to learn a lot of information that is new to you.

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