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The shell is twisted. French style in a beautiful shell. #4 Alternative for long hair

200 03/25/2019 7 min.

The stylish and graceful “shell” hairstyle has not left the fashion Olympus for many decades. This is not surprising - after all, it is easy to do, suitable for any type of hair, very feminine, and gives a noble and stylish look.

In addition, it goes well with any look, suitable for daytime wear, as an evening and even wedding hairstyle. In this article we will look at the features of this hairstyle and find out how to do it on long and short hair.

Benefits and Features

Another name for the hairstyle is the “French bun.” There are also names such as “snail”, “banana”, and even “twist”. Let's consider what characteristic features the hairstyle has and what advantages it can boast of.

What you will need:

  • Massage brush. Use the option with natural bristles - this brush is more gentle on your hair.
  • A comb with a long, pointed, straight tip. This comb is very convenient to grab strands, adjusting their volume and direction.
  • Fine-tooth comb will help level the surface of the hairstyle, rid the shell of “cocks”, “loops” and other flaws.
  • Styling products: modeling mousse or foam, hairspray. If you are doing your hair for a holiday, you can use styling products with a shiny effect - they will add shine to the strands.
  • Bobby pins and stilettos. If you are doing an evening hairstyle, use more elegant accessories.

Options for short hair

Let's consider what hairstyle options are suitable for short hair.


This name speaks for itself - the hairstyle is distinguished by its enviable speed of execution. Therefore, it is also suitable for beginner self-taught stylists.


  • Comb your hair and gather it down at the back of your head.
  • Twist a tourniquet out of them - the strands should be directed inward. Twist the shell from the back of your head, gradually moving up to the crown. As you work, secure the strands with hairpins to prevent hair from flying around.
  • Having reached the top of your head, secure the last strands, and you will have a neat shell - stylish and beautiful.
  • Use bobby pins to hide blemishes and irregularities, and secure your hair with hairpins.
  • If necessary, spray the styling with varnish.


This hairstyle option is well suited for those ladies who naturally have wavy or curly hair. The good thing about the hairstyle in this case is that it does not require preliminary straightening of the strands, which is necessary in all other cases. As you know, frequent use of a straightening iron, in addition to taking up quite a lot of time, also causes significant damage to your hair.

This shell is made similarly to the classic version. Do not try to smooth out stray strands too carefully - in this case they are appropriate and, on the contrary, add even more charm to the image, making the hairstyle slightly careless, which will look very stylish.

Shell for long hair

Let's consider hairstyle options that will look good on long hair.


This option is the most common shell, the basis on which all other options are built. It is easy to perform on long hair - in this case it will look most advantageous and decorative. This shell is made quite quickly and simply.



This hairstyle is a variation of the classic look. The main feature is that in this case, not one large shell is twisted on the head, but two smaller ones. This option looks unusual and original. More suitable as an evening sophisticated styling. Two shells can be placed on the head symmetrically, mirror-like, and can even be “nested” one into the other - but the latter option is more likely to be within the power of a professional stylist - such a “feat” is unlikely to be achieved on our own.

As for the tools and means, they are standard here. You will only need more hairpins and bobby pins than when creating the classic version.


  • Comb your hair, spray it with a spray bottle and carefully divide it into two equal parts using a straight vertical parting. Do not try to make a perfectly even parting - it will still not be visible behind your hairstyle.
  • Twist one part of the hair into a tight plait and make a loop out of it, pull through the ends and secure this loop with hairpins.
  • Do the same with the other half of the hair.
  • You can connect strands or form separate shells facing each other or in different directions. Or you can connect these bundles into one structure.
  • Fix the finished hairstyle with hairspray and decorate it with accessories that suit your style.

With roller

This hairstyle is based on the classic shell. However, a special foam roller is placed under the hair, which adds volume to the hair. This hairstyle is more suitable as a sophisticated evening option.

This option can be classified as retro styling. Despite this, the roller is now very popular - its ability to add volume to the hair is invaluable.

But how to make a hair cone using a roller is described in detail in this video

The photo shows how to make a shell with a roller:

Buy a styling roller that matches the color of your hair. This will help hide it under your hair more securely.


This is one of the most popular and common hairstyle options. Based on French styling, a huge variety of shells are created: everyday, wedding, evening, and fancy. The French shell, like the classic one, can be either single or double. In any case, she will look graceful and stylish.

The peculiarity of this option is that before the strands are twisted, they are combed. This technique gives the hairstyle pomp and volume. Suitable for fine hair.

The wedding version of the “shell” can have a complex, step-by-step design, implying multi-layering. In addition, wedding hairstyles are very beautifully decorated with hairpins with pearls, rhinestones, flowers, etc. The shell can be combined with braids, braids, and plaits. You can see how this happens in the video in this article.

Bangs and “shell”

Also, the “shell” can be combined with bangs or done without it. In both cases, it looks interesting and beautiful in its own way. With bangs you get a more mischievous look, without them you get a more strict, classic, graceful look.

Bangs functions:

  • Gives the hairstyle mischief and light spontaneity.
  • Bangs help hide some imperfections in appearance. For example, wrinkles on the forehead, corrects the shape of a long, narrow face. Elongated oblique bangs will help “hide” full cheeks and make the face more harmonious and graceful.
  • Torn bangs will make your hair look more youthful and stylish. This hairstyle will look good combined with everyday looks.

How to decorate

Let's consider what accessories are suitable for decorating your hairstyle.

  • A nice hair clip with a mechanical clip will work as long as it is light enough. A heavy metal accessory will make your hair heavier and will look unharmonious on your hair.
  • The shell can be decorated with a crab hairpin. This is probably the easiest and fastest option. Suitable for everyday work and walks around the city. Gives a casual look.
  • Elegant hairpins with rhinestones, pearls and other elegant decor are perfect for decorating an evening shell and for a wedding option.
  • An elegant lace mesh placed on the shell will make your hairstyle even more elegant and decorative.
  • If you are creating a wedding shell, then an elegant tiara with sparkling stones or romantic flowers is perfect for decorating it.

In the video, do-it-yourself shell hairstyle step by step:

For those who have very long hair, it is worth reading the information about. But how beautiful such a hairstyle will look on your hair can also be seen in the video in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn about what beautiful hairstyles with loose hair for school exist and how to do them correctly. For this you should go

Useful points that will help you create a more harmonious shell hairstyle.

Although the hairstyle is universal, stylists still advise doing it on straight strands. An even hair structure will help your hairstyle look especially elegant - as they say, “hair to hair.” Therefore, if you have naturally curly hair, then you cannot do without the help of a straightening iron.

To make a “shell”, you need practice and at least minimal training. It may not work out the first time without preparation. But after a few tries you will definitely succeed. Therefore, if you are planning to make a “shell” with your own hands for a special event, then practice in advance, “get your hands on” so that you don’t get into trouble right before the celebration itself.

If you are making a shell for a holiday, decorate it with decorative accessories: elegant hairpins, beautiful clips, hairpins, elegant bobby pins, ribbons, etc. All these decorations will make your hairstyle truly festive.

In the video - DIY shell hairstyle for long hair:

We looked at how to make a “shell” hairstyle for short and long hair. Now you know how and with what means you can create this elegant and trendy hairstyle on your head. Therefore, for everyday looks and even for evening ones, you will now always have an interesting and original styling option in your arsenal.

Perhaps it is quite difficult to come up with a more elegant hairstyle that would be known for its simplicity and sophistication.

“Shell” has held the first position in its femininity for many, many years. This luxurious and eye-catching hairstyle is loved by women all over the world.

Why did this hairstyle get such a name? The fact is that if you carefully examine the “curl” of the hairstyle, it is easy to guess that its shape resembles a sea shell.

A lot of attention is paid to creating a “Shell” hairstyle for long hair. Of course, given the length of the hair, there is a lot to work with. What should those ladies do, whose hair can be classified as medium length and choosing a hairstyle for them is a little more difficult? Let's start getting acquainted with creation techniques, step by step.

“Shell” hairstyle: creating a sophisticated look

In any case, you need to take into account that it is easiest to create a “Shell” hairstyle for medium hair if it is first wound with a curling iron or curlers. Use styling mousse to give your hair some rigidity, volume and make it more manageable.

The main auxiliary materials for securing the hairstyle are bobby pins and hairpins. Then, the “Shell” can be decorated with simple or sophisticated accessories, which will distinguish it favorably from the hairstyles of your friends, if, for example, it is a wedding, and all the “friends” are dressed and hairstyled the same way.

“Shells” can be varied - with bangs, without them, with strands on the sides, with a curl at the back and top of the head, with a tail. It all depends on your mood and desire. Come up with the best image for yourself and create the option that you like.

The simplest hairstyle - “Shell” for medium hair (photo) - backcombing on straight hair

Wash your hair with a suitable shampoo. Dry them. If you decide to exclude the use of a curling iron to create curls and want to do a hairstyle for straight hair, then be sure to use volumizing mousse to dry your hair. This indispensable assistant will make your efforts easier.

Comb your hair along its entire length to make it appear fuller.

- Divide your hair into your usual parting.

-Put one side of your hair smoothly back. Try not to comb your hair, but rather run a comb over it.

— Attach the laid out strand with bobby pins so that they securely fix the hair on the back of the head.

— We also lay the hair on the opposite side in an even strand and, twisting the edge, form a shell.

— Secure your hair with hairpins, hiding them in your hair. To be safe, spray with varnish.

In the case of this hairstyle option, bangs can be any or even absent. The hairstyle is suitable as an office option. The main thing is to choose a little time to create it.

We draw out the contour of the face with a “Shell” hairstyle for medium hair (photo)

The previous hairstyle for medium hair can be diversified by creating additional volume on the crown of the head.

This hairstyle is perfect for women with round, square and trapezoidal face shapes. The hairstyle visually elongates the contour of the face and creates the perfect image.

We carry out all the steps according to the previous photo and step-by-step description. The only point is the formation of a voluminous crown:

— Separate the thick bangs or part of the hair above the forehead;

— Create root volume. It is best done with a small, wide-toothed comb;

— Take the resulting voluminous strand back;

- Pin with bobby pins to the back of the head.

All other stages are as in the previous photo.

Complete your hairstyle with an elegant elongated bow-clip, which will help hide “mistakes” and hairpins.

This hairstyle can be diversified by adding one or more headbands (ribbons) so that its styling creates a “Greek” effect. Looking at the photo, you can easily understand how best to secure the elastic hoops and add a special twist to this option.

“Shell” step by step for medium hair cut with a ladder (“Cascade”)

Does your haircut have uneven ends because it's shaped to add extra fullness? Great! These “subtleties” of your everyday look can be transformed into “innovations” using the “Shell” hairstyle.

Pay attention to the photo. And visually imagine that you need to beautifully shape your hair, adding small curls to it. So:

- Wash your hair. Dry it with a hairdryer and styling product - mousse;

- Separate all the short hair that forms the cap on the crown of the head;

- For longer hair, comb it smoothly and pull it back, forming a shell curl. The edge of the hair can be pulled up;

— Secure the lower part of the shell with hairpins (you can use hairpins with decorative elements);

— We finely wind the crown part of the hair and those that came out of the shell onto a curling iron;

— By distributing the curls, we form a single beautiful image;

— Add decorative elements to your hair and get admiring glances from others.

In French: creating a “Shell” for medium hair (photo)

The French “Shell”, in its original version, is not much different from other hairstyles. Its main advantage is simplicity and classic sophistication. This hairstyle is different in that it is created on hair of medium and low density or on straight hair. Although, if you don’t want to “lose” your natural curls and straighten them with an “iron,” do it on curls. The result will be no less charming.

- Comb your cleanly washed and dried hair, smoothing it on the sides of the hair, as if “licking” it.

- If desired, this hairstyle can be supplemented with a couple of strands released from the frontal or temporal part of the hair.

- Pull one section of hair back. Secure at the base of the neck with long bobby pins. A couple of pieces are enough if your hair is not very thick.

— Bring the edge of the tourniquet upward.

— Gradually secure your hair from the bottom to the top with hairpins.

— Hide the final edge of the hair under the “Shell” itself or in the crown of the hair.

- Attach bobby pins.

Long ponytails in the “Shell” hairstyle for medium hair (photo)

Summarizing the variety of hairstyles and their creation, it should be noted that the “Shell” hairstyle can have options with tails that are not tucked into the “roller” itself.

In this case, when forming the hairstyle itself, its ends are pulled up or down.

The main curl of the “Shell” is attached to the head with bobby pins and hairpins, and the loose hair that forms the ponytail can simply fall along the neck or be curled and have tight curls or light waves. An unconditional addition will be holiday hairpins, if necessary.

You may want to decorate your hair with fresh flowers, which will look especially delicate.

Whichever hairstyle you choose, one thing is clear - it is not at all boring and can add some elegance to your young age, and sophistication to your mature age.

Most girls associate the French shell with Soviet-era hairstyles, and few people know that in fact its homeland is France. Despite the fact that this method of creating a beam appeared a long time ago, it does not lose its relevance in our time. In addition, this hairstyle can be varied, has several variations and looks different depending on the situation.

The French shell hairstyle can be done for any length except short and is suitable for absolutely all girls, regardless of the type of haircut and whether the hair is naturally straight or wavy.

Curls arranged in this way emphasize the beautiful curves of the neck and add lightness and elegance to the image. Every girl can twist such a “snail” on her own, and to make it easier, there is an algorithm for the necessary actions that will ensure the desired result.

To make a French shell bun, you first need to prepare the items that you may need to create it:

  • comb;
  • a comb with frequently spaced small teeth and a handle with a pointed end;
  • styling and fixing products;
  • hairpins and bobby pins;
  • accessories for evening styling.

To understand the principle of creating a French shell, watch the video.

Before you start shaping the bun, you need to dry and comb your hair well. It is necessary to decide in advance on the type of hairstyle and prepare the necessary accessories so that they are “at hand”.

Classic French Shell hairstyle

To make a classic version of the French shell with your own hands, all you need to do is learn how to make a spiral out of hair and put it in a bun.

Apply your usual styling product to your hair and comb it well.

Secure the shell well with pins and bobby pins, and then fix everything with varnish.

To have an idea of ​​what a French shell looks like, see the photo.

The classic version of this hairstyle looks discreet, elegant and somewhat formal, especially if done on straight hair. This styling emphasizes the beauty and well-groomed hair and adds charm and French charm to the image.

Smooth, shiny hair perfectly styled in a shell can't help but attract attention.

French Shell Hairstyle for Curly Hair

How to make a French shell for owners of beautiful curls that they got from birth? It is necessary to follow the same algorithm, but with some amendments.

When twisting your hair into a spiral, the tip of the ponytail does not have to be hidden under the bun; it can be left hanging in beautiful curls.

When forming a rope of curls, it is not necessary to wrap them too tightly. A loose “snail” on natural curls looks playful and playful.

To make a light, careless shell look more harmonious, you can let out a few strands near the face.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a French Shell hairstyle

To create a loop bun option, follow the step-by-step instructions for creating a French shell hairstyle with a loop. It looks original, interesting and will complement both an everyday office look and an evening look. It all depends on the chosen hair accessories.

Well-combed curls are gathered into a ponytail with your hands at the desired height in the occipital region.

The hair is then wrapped around the index and middle fingers.

Turn the resulting loop counterclockwise again.

Holding the loop with your fingers, you should continue the rotational movements, twisting the rest of the curls.

Then the ends are disguised as a “snail”, and the loop remains on top.

Secure everything with hairpins and wear a hairpin as decoration.

Festive version of the French Shell hairstyle

How to make a stylish French shell for yourself, see below. The principle of its creation is a bit reminiscent of the classic version, but the end result is a more festive version of this hairstyle.

It is necessary to collect the hair on the top of the head, backcomb it and temporarily pin it with bobby pins.

The remaining hair is carefully combed with a brush, slightly tucked to the left, and secured with bobby pins.

Now the curls are wrapped in a spiral so that the “shell” is located higher and secured with hairpins.

The remaining ends are not hidden anywhere, but are laid in a loose “spiral” on top, clamped with bobby pins and everything is well sprayed with varnish.

Beautiful hairstyle "French bun-shell" with a tiara

The French shell bun hairstyle with a tiara looks very beautiful. It can be done for any special event, be it a wedding or graduation. It is based on the same classic version of this bun, complemented by modern stylish “tricks”, and in combination with an elegant tiara, the hairstyle takes on a royal look.

How to make a French shell hairstyle in a festive style, look at the algorithm below and practice.

To create such a shell, the hair must be perfectly smooth and well dried. Divide the hair into four parts and use bobby pins to create a base for the “snail” on the bottom.

Form a not very tight tourniquet, hide the ends under it, and secure with hairpins. Comb the part of the hair that is located above the “shell”.

Now you need to carefully lay it on top of the bun and attach it with bobby pins.

We take a strand from the left side and lay it so that it wraps around the “snail”. To make it lie tighter, we fix it on the back side with hairpins. At this stage, you need to spray your hair with hairspray.

Attach the right strand to the “snail” too, wrapping the ends of both with rings and securing with bobby pins.

All that remains is to wear a tiara or add other chic accessories.

For more French shell hairstyle options, see the photo.

Shell hairstyle for medium hair is a classic styling option. Ideal for work or study, as well as for evening and formal events. Doing it at home is quite simple - the main thing is to decide on the type of hairstyle you want and study the nuances of creating an elegant look.

Who is it suitable for?

The main advantage of the hairstyle is its versatility. It looks equally beautiful on different hair lengths. But experts note: it will be easier to perform it on straight curls. Therefore, for girls with curly hair, it is better to straighten it first using an iron.

Other advantages also include:

  1. Laying has many options. It will complement any look - everyday, wedding, evening.
  2. If you practice several times, it will take very little time to create a hairstyle the next time.
  3. An ideal choice for those with thin, weakened hair. By styling your curls in an elegant shell, additional volume is created. The strands can also be corrugated or lightly backcombed.
  4. The look can be complemented with any accessories of your choice - a hoop, shiny hairpins, decorated bows, hairpins, which will give it more brightness and sophistication.
  5. No special equipment is needed for installation. Even a beginner can cope with the task.

Required Tools

  1. Massage comb. It is better to choose a large square or flat one of medium hardness. It will help give the strands the necessary shape and comb tangled hair without tearing it out.
  2. A brush with small teeth and a pointed tip. The accessory is indispensable for quickly separating curls, creating a parting or backcombing.
  3. Curling iron with wide plates. If the hairstyle is planned to be smooth, with strict straight lines, then before styling it is necessary to straighten the hair well.
  4. Styling products – varnish, mousse, foam, gel. They should have a strong hold and help keep your strands looking beautiful all day long.
  5. To secure, you will also need bobby pins, hairpins, and bobby pins.
  6. If desired, for a special event, the curls can be decorated with various accessories - a headband, a bow, flowers, decorated hairpins or a comb.

Types of hairstyles

There are many types of shell hairstyles for medium hair. You should choose them based on your own preferences, as well as depending on the event for which the styling is being created.


The basis of a classic French hairstyle is a simple braid. Having learned how to make this element, you can continue making the traditional “snail” without any problems.

  1. Apply a little foam to clean hair, this will make it easier to work with. Dry.
  2. Comb the strands and gather them at the back of your head.
  3. Do not secure the tail with an elastic band, start twisting it into a tight rope. If you want your hairstyle to look more casual, you can make it a little looser.
  4. Wrap the tourniquet in a loop, hide the ends of the curls inside the shell.
  5. Secure the “snail” with hairpins or bobby pins.
  6. Use a thin comb to comb any stray hairs back.
  7. Fix the result with varnish.


The evening version is created according to the classic scheme. But you can complement it with a variety of shiny or more discreet jewelry.

  1. You can add shine by using glitter varnish as a fixation.
  2. You can complement the look with small decorated hairpins, hairpins with pearls, a comb or a headband with rhinestones.
  3. Fresh flowers can serve as an original accessory in the summer.
  4. You can leave one or more curls on top without twisting them into a shell. Screw or corrugate them. The strands will serve as an elegant frame for the face.


For such a special celebration, a romantic, gentle image is created. Feminine shell styling will help decorate it.

Important! If the bride wants an original variation of her hairstyle, the plait can be collected on the top of the head, almost at the neck, on the right or left - almost at the temple, twist it diagonally.

Fresh flowers, hairpins with rhinestones, tiaras, and combs are used as decorations. The shell visually makes the girl’s neck longer and her silhouette more graceful.

Double French bun

An interesting and unusual variation of the classic styling. Especially suitable for those with thick and voluminous hair.

  1. Divide the curls into three parts. The first is the strands of the upper part of the head. The second is the occipital region. The third is the lower ones.
  2. Start working with the third part. Twist the strands into a rope, pointing it upward. Tuck the ends of the strands into a shell. Secure with pins.
  3. With the separated curls at the back of the head, you need to do the same steps, but the second bun should be secured in a downward direction. The result will be two identically located “snails”.
  4. Next, start working with the top strands. They can be lightly combed, making a voluminous “tuft”. Or divide it into two parts, twist the curls so that they fall, framing the face. Another option is to treat your hair with a small amount of gel, form a wave (which goes to the right or left) and secure with bobby pins.
  5. If desired, decorate your hair with decorated hairpins, barrettes, or a hoop.
  6. The final stage is fixing the double shell with varnish.

Step-by-step instructions for a seashell hairstyle:

  1. Prepare your hair for styling. Comb the strands with a thin comb, sprinkling each with varnish. Highlight the parting. It will look very impressive with a side parting.
  2. Gather the curls at the back of the head, without securing them with an elastic band, and twist them into a rope. Next, wrap it in a shell, hide the ends of the strands in the formed “snail”. If you want a more discreet hairstyle, make the braid tight. For a more romantic and casual look, leave your hair a little looser.
  3. The finishing touch is to fix the styling with varnish.

Important! If you want the effect of a luxurious professional styling, do not comb the front strands, leaving them smooth.

The shell hairstyle with bangs has not lost its relevance for many years.

  1. When forming a tourniquet, the bangs must be separated, since in the future they can be effectively styled.
  2. To create a voluminous hairstyle, pin it back after lightly combing it.
  3. For a 60s-style hairstyle, comb your bangs well, apply a little mousse, and shape them into a smooth wave. Spray with varnish and secure with bobby pins to maintain its shape throughout the evening.
  4. It will look original if you separate the front strands using a hoop or silk ribbon.
  5. Experts advise not to style short bangs, but simply spray them lightly with hairspray to fix them.

The birthplace of the elegant shell hairstyle is France. That is why it is often called a French bun or a French twist.

Invented a century and a half ago and once adorning the spectacular heads of court ladies, it changed its shape many times, leaving unchanged only the principle of twisting the strands into a voluminous roller with the outline of a sea shell.

Belonging to a refined classic style, this hairstyle remains relevant and in demand even today and is equally appropriate in any setting: at home, in the office, at a friendly party and at a special event.

Who is it suitable for?

classic version of the shell

The main advantage of the French bun, which exposes the neck line, is its ability to emphasize the grace of posture, making the appearance of its owner more graceful.

Is this the reason for the enduring popularity of this styling?

Shell fits:

  • For owners of long and medium hair of any thickness and structure.
  • Representatives of all ages: young girls, mature women and older ladies.
  • Graduates of secondary and higher education institutions. It is also suitable for little girls. Among the diversity, the shell occupies a special place.
  • For society ladies going to a ball or a representative reception.
  • Business women conducting responsible negotiations.
  • Teachers of schools and universities.
  • For brides seeking to create a particularly sophisticated look.

shell hairstyle: back view

Hairstyles based on the French bun have many faces: they can be smooth, deliberately careless, framed by luxurious curls, ponytails, plaits and braids. They are given volume with the help of combing, decorated with fresh and artificial flowers, decorative pins, combs and hairpins. A regular bun is no less relevant than a shell. Can be worn in everyday life or for festive events. This hairstyle always looks appropriate.

Another advantage of this type of hairstyle is its compatibility with clothing of any style and style: they can be combined with wedding dresses, formal suits, and open cocktail dresses.

On long curls

Long hair is good for creating luxurious evening hairstyles. Seashells framed with large curls or curls look great. To create them, you need to leave some hair on the sides of your head. An alternative to the shell is for long hair.

With bangs in retro style

  • Mentally drawing a line at ear level, separate a large strand of hair from the forehead that falls in this area. These will later be used to form bangs.
  • To prevent the separated strand from interfering with the creation of the hairstyle, it is intercepted with an elastic band or a hair clip.
  • The remaining curls are used to create a classic French bun.
  • After this, the bangs are laid. A bottle of varnish (its diameter should not exceed 4 cm) will help give it the appearance of a voluminous roller. The strand is simply wrapped around it. The bottle is removed, and the hair is carefully pinned up with hairpins.
  • To achieve a smooth styling, arm yourself with a fine-toothed comb and, after sprinkling it with hairspray, go through the unruly strands that spoil the overall appearance of the hairstyle.

shell with bangs in retro style

For the bride

This unusually elegant hairstyle is very simple to perform.

  • Having carefully prepared the curls for styling (washed, dried and combed), they are wrapped in a classic French bun, leaving the long ends of the hair outside.
  • Separating small strands, they are randomly distributed throughout the head, creating fancy patterns of curls. Each element of the pattern is secured with pins. Decor made from stones, pearls, fresh or artificial flowers looks especially impressive.

wedding hairstyle shell

Double in mirror design

This type of hairstyle looks very impressive thanks to two rollers of hair twisted towards each other. Each roller is made according to a standard pattern.

  • Since the double French bun is one of the most fragile hairstyles, before creating it you need to carefully prepare the curls by treating them with a special styling product.
  • Having divided the entire mass of hair with a straight central parting, they begin to twist the rollers one by one: first on one side, and then on the other side of it. The strands are twisted in a mirror image, towards each other.
  • To fix this style you will need a significant number of pins and hairspray.

Custom shell

It is better to entrust such installation to a professional or use the services of a volunteer assistant, since you will need another pair of hands.

  • Before creating a hairstyle, the entire mass of hair is parted into four parts: the parietal, two temporal and occipital.
  • The hair of the parietal zone is given the maximum possible volume using a tight backcomb and secured with hairpins.
  • Strands of the temples are divided into three or four parts and twisted into tight strands. Having collected them at one point, they are fixed with invisible pins, and the ends are hidden inside the hairstyle.
  • The hair from the back of the head is twisted into one tight shell and pinned with hairpins.

non-standard hairstyle

evening hairstyle

Stylish look for medium length hair

On medium-length hair, you can create a spectacular shell in the form of a wave. It should start above the ear and end at the back of the head, effectively wrapping around the auricle. By the way, the French often call this particular hairstyle a banana because the resulting roll is similar to the shape of this fruit.

  • Having combed the curls well, they are pinned with a row of long bobby pins above the ear before twisting. They will act as a frame for the future shell.
  • Having taken care of the base of the hairstyle, they begin to carefully twist the curls, trying to ensure that the resulting roller is tight and even. If a girl’s hair does not have the required thickness, you can put an artificial thin roller inside or curl the strands not too tightly. Another way out of this situation can be a strong backcombing of thin strands, thanks to which the shell will turn out to be especially stylish and voluminous.
  • This hairstyle is suitable for an office employee or a school teacher, since it harmoniously combines beauty, severity and practicality. If you add a luxurious flower or a beautiful hairpin to your hairstyle, it will be quite suitable for creating an evening look.

Shell styling has a number of undoubted advantages: it is extremely convenient, practical and compatible with any situation. The specificity of curling the hair visually lengthens the neck, making the silhouette of the owner of this hairstyle seem slimmer. Is it any wonder that this ancient hairstyle continues to be popular among women living in the 21st century.

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