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Fasting days are a salvation from edema and excess weight during pregnancy. Fasting days for pregnant women - menu for the day. What kind of unloading can be done for pregnant women?

Proper nutrition when carrying a child is of no small importance, because it depends on the mother how healthy her baby will be born. Therefore, mothers need to choose exclusively healthy products that will help the baby develop and provide him with the necessary nutrition. Many mothers often dilute their usual diet in the 3rd trimester with fasting days for pregnant women, eating low-calorie foods.

You should carefully plan your diet, choosing the healthiest

During fasting days, a woman can remove accumulated bad substances from the body and can also avoid gaining extra pounds.

  • Short-term mono-diets help speed up metabolic processes and help the body use up excess fat reserves for energy needs.
  • Moreover, fasting days during pregnancy will help mothers get rid of excess water in the body, successfully eliminating swelling. At the same time, the baby will not experience any lack of nutrition, so such unloading does not have any negative consequences.
  • A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced and contain a sufficient amount of nutritional components. The proportion of fatty acids in the third trimester should correspond to the norm, as well as the content of mineral and vitamin components.
  • If a woman simply eats a lot, as they say, for two, then this will not give her anything good. Nutrition for a pregnant woman should be based on the principle for two, and not for two. Banal overeating can cause a lot of complications; it disrupts the course of natural intraorganic processes and provokes the development of various pathologies in the baby.

Strict diets in the second trimester, as in other periods, are contraindicated. Therefore, a fasting day for pregnant women is most suitable for weight control. You can arrange such fasting once a week or two, as your health and the course of pregnancy allow. If you strictly follow the rules of unloading, then on these days the mother’s body will receive all the necessary nutritional components. As a result, material metabolism and other indicators of the patient’s health will improve. Gynecologists consider the third trimester, when the baby is finally formed, to be the best time for such unloading.

Lean beef with vegetables is an excellent choice

In the last trimester of gestation, the baby is already fully formed; systems and organs are maturing and improving in his small body. But you still can’t neglect proper nutrition during these weeks. The nutrition program should also remain balanced, but the number of fasting days can be increased to 2 per week. The most useful are considered to be unloadings on beef (or chicken breast) and fish. But you can adjust your diet from your favorite dish.

In order for fasting days during pregnancy to be beneficial, you must follow medical recommendations. Firstly, you can only hope for results with a systematic approach, while limiting the diet is allowed no more than 2 times a week. It is also important to change the mono-diet, for example, first live for a day on buckwheat, then on kefir, and next time on apples, etc. In order for food to be digested as easily as possible, you need to chew it thoroughly and drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

You cannot maintain a monoration for more than a day, otherwise negative consequences cannot be avoided. It is necessary to calculate the volumes of food so that during fasting vegetable days the volumes do not exceed one and a half to two kilograms, and during meat and fish days - 0.5-0.7 kg. In this case, it is necessary to divide the daily amount of food into 6 parts. It is not at all necessary to start unloading at the beginning of the day; you can do this at 6 pm and end the fasting day at 18:00 the next evening. Also, on mono-diet days, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity.

Benefits and indications

If you follow your doctor’s recommendations during pregnancy while restricting your diet, then such breaks in nutrition will help restore the normal course of metabolic processes and improve the functionality of the body as a whole.

  1. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, which is cleared of slag and toxic deposits.
  2. It also has a positive effect on kidney activity, because such nutrition allows you to remove excess fluid. As a result, mommy’s swelling decreases, her nails and hair become stronger, and her complexion improves. Therefore, such one-day fasting is recommended for edema.
  3. It is recommended to carry out fasting days if you are overweight, which is fraught with the development of gestosis, diabetes or obesity in the fetus, and traumatic injuries during delivery.
  4. Experts also recommend such one-day mono-diets for late toxicosis, which provokes premature birth, increased blood pressure and frequent attacks of convulsive muscle contractions, which is dangerous due to fetal hypoxia.
  5. And, of course, it is extremely important for mothers suffering from swelling to sit on fasting days, because such phenomena prevent the internal organs from functioning fully.

In general, fasting days are considered a useful procedure and are often recommended for patients who have problems during pregnancy.

Cons and contraindications

Any dietary restrictions are only under medical supervision

But doctors do not rule out that short-term mono-diets may also have a negative effect. That is why you cannot make decisions on your own regarding such fasting; only a doctor should select a menu for such days. Also, you should not resort to this method of cleansing the body more than 1-2 times a week, otherwise fetal starvation may occur, which is fraught with various consequences.

Only a specialist will be able to correctly assess the beneficial and negative properties of products, study the likely risks and select the most optimal option for a woman. In the third trimester, unloading is considered the safest; at other stages of gestation, it is better to refrain from such practice.

For some patients, such mono-diets are strictly contraindicated. These include slow weight gain or even weight loss during pregnancy, the presence of various chronic infections and pathologies, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended that a woman first undergo a comprehensive examination, including endocrinological, cardiological consultation and other specialists.

What to unload on

There are a lot of different mono-diets, so for each mother the doctor will be able to choose the most preferable and safe menu. It is important to alternate monorations with the replacement of vegetable fastings with meat or kefir ones. Experts still give the greatest preference to mono-diets on vegetables, kefir or fruits, because with a protein diet, the structures of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system are subjected to incredible overloads.

Cottage cheese

The most gentle and simplest version of a mono-diet is considered to be cottage cheese fasting, because such diets provide full saturation, but at the same time, daily calorie consumption decreases noticeably. A large amount of protein helps the body get rid of excess fluid reserves. At the same time, the body, and therefore the baby, receives a lot of useful substances such as calcium and vitamin A, potassium and lysine, fluorine, etc.

During the day you can eat no more than 0.5-0.6 kg of cottage cheese, and you should choose a low-fat product, filling it with yogurt or milk. It is important to drink your daily fluid intake. The diet can be supplemented with a small amount of berries or fruits, and at night it is recommended to drink 200 ml of kefir.


Kefir relief is also quite popular among mothers.

  • A one-day mono-diet with kefir is considered effective for cleansing the intestines.
  • It increases the efficiency and functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The kefir diet helps eliminate constipation and improve intestinal microflora.
  • Kefir also has a diuretic effect, so it helps remove excess water and get rid of hyperedema.
  • On such a one-day mono-diet, carried out once a week, extra pounds are lost by 1-2 per month, which is considered the most optimal for pregnant women.

During the kefir day, mommy should drink up to one and a half to two liters of fermented milk drink with low fat content. It is also possible to replace kefir with drinking yogurt or fermented baked milk.


Food should be fun

From the point of view of nutritionists, buckwheat is considered a very valuable product. During the heat treatment process, a lot of useful components are preserved in it. Buckwheat is rich in calcium and lysine, minerals and polyunsaturated acids. Buckwheat porridge helps reduce cholesterol and normalize metabolic processes, as well as strengthen the cardiovascular system.

To unload, cook porridge without adding salt. You can not cook it, but simply steam it with boiling water overnight, close the lid tightly and wrap it in a warm blanket. In the morning, for breakfast, buckwheat will be ready to eat. You can add apples, dried fruits or soy sauce for taste.


Meat meals are more suitable for mothers who cannot limit themselves in food. Such a menu, rich in proteins, perfectly fills you up, helping you not to feel hungry. The main thing is to divide the daily amount of meat into 6 meals and eat it during the day. The meat can be boiled, steamed or stewed. It is better to opt for lean veal or chicken.

You can supplement your diet with vegetables such as pumpkin, cabbage, peppers, and corn, which are also recommended to be baked or boiled. Experts recommend that in the third trimester you eat fish rather than meat, because this product is more suitable for a mono-diet.


If mommy prefers fruit to meat, then fruit unloading is ideal for her. For such a dietary day, take 1 kg of berries or fruits and prepare a salad from them. It can be topped with low-calorie yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

You need to divide the resulting volume of salad into 4 doses and eat it during the day, and about half an hour before going to bed you need to drink a glass of yogurt or kefir.


The apple diet is considered quite healthy, because this fruit contains a lot of iron, which is so necessary during pregnancy, especially with anemia. And the fiber contained in apples helps cleanse the intestinal structures and relieve a pregnant woman from constipation, which is quite common in the third trimester.

Apple unloading is contraindicated for patients with gastritis and other gastric pathologies, because the acid from apples will provoke irritation of the gastric walls and cause an exacerbation of the disease due to increased acidity.

During the day, mommy needs to eat 2 kg of apples, which are consumed fresh, baked, chopped into salads with yogurt, etc. It is best to supplement the apple diet with unsweetened green tea. Clean water is not recommended on such a day.


Vegetable loadings are also no less popular:

  1. When they are consumed, the body receives many vitamins, and the intestines begin to work without failures;
  2. Constipation and other digestive problems typical of pregnancy are eliminated.
  3. It is best to choose vegetables for the menu that have a neutral taste, for example, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, etc.

The products are finely chopped and seasoned with low-fat yoghurt or sunflower oil; low-fat sour cream will also work.


For such unloading, it is necessary to prepare 1.5-2 kg of ripe watermelon, which is divided into approximately five to six parts. This is your daily norm, i.e. 5-6 meals. In between drinking watermelon, a woman should drink plain water.

You need to drink at least 2 liters of regular drinking water per day. Staying hydrated is extremely important because watermelon is a powerful diuretic and you need to drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration.

Exit from unloading

After unloading, you cannot have a blast and eat your fill, otherwise a one-day mono-diet will be in vain and useless. And the body, if it comes out of unloading in such an incorrect way, will experience extreme stress, which is not at all beneficial. The next day after the fasting diet, you need to eat light food such as vegetable salads, low-fat steamed or stewed fish and low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt.

Unloading helps to get rid of excess weight, expels excess water, normalizes metabolic and digestive processes in the pregnant woman’s body. You just need to apply this practice correctly, then it will be beneficial.

There is a myth that during pregnancy a woman can eat everything, even for two. Caring relatives feed the expectant mother with all their love, without thinking about the consequences. In fact, overeating and the predominance of sweet, fatty foods in the diet can cause a number of serious problems in the health of the woman and the fetus, up to the threat of miscarriage. And then they come to the rescue - fasting days. When carried out correctly, they can cleanse the body and alleviate a woman’s condition.


Is it possible to do fasting days during pregnancy?

It is not only possible, but also necessary to unload the body while waiting for a child. Such days are held according to the indications of the doctor leading the pregnancy. It is unacceptable to prescribe your own diet. A woman should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins throughout the entire period.

Fasting days for pregnant women and nutritional adjustments are aimed at facilitating the functioning of organs, improving metabolism, getting rid of excess fluid, and improving anabolic processes. The wrong approach, fear of spoiling your figure and a hungry diet can lead to a disastrous outcome.

Indications for unloading the body

The main indication is sudden weight gain. During a normal pregnancy, a woman gains up to 12 kg. They consist of the child’s weight, amniotic fluid, child’s place, the necessary set of adipose tissue, and enlarged mammary glands. Not every woman fits into the given norms. Often they are achieved by the third trimester, and by 40 weeks the gain can reach 20 or more kilograms.

In addition, there are other indications for fasting days:

  1. Obesity. This also includes the risk of gestational diabetes in pregnant women, in which blood flow to the fetus is disrupted.
  2. Preeclampsia. Main signs: increased blood pressure, swelling of the extremities, the presence of protein in the urine.
  3. Fast weight gain. If the average gain exceeds 0.5 kg per week, then the doctor may prescribe a special diet or one fasting day.
  4. Constipation, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

After a fasting day, a pregnant woman experiences a sharp weight loss. If swelling is observed, the weight may immediately decrease by 1-2 kg. Mostly water comes out. In the following days, some of the weight will return, which is natural. Systematic fasting days will have a positive effect on the condition of the fetus, and will help the woman maintain a slim figure.

Rules for fasting days

In order not to harm the unborn child, a woman must take a responsible approach to unloading. The main rule is to prevent the feeling of hunger. To do this, the daily ration is divided into 5-6 equal parts, food is consumed every two hours. There are other rules to follow:

  1. During pregnancy, you can unload the body no more than once a week. Otherwise, a number of unpleasant side effects occur due to a deficiency of nutrients: weakness, dizziness, decreased hemoglobin levels.
  2. Calorie content on a fasting day should not be less than 1500 kcal.
  3. Sufficient amount of liquid. During a fasting day, it is important to consume at least two liters of purified water.
  4. Slow absorption of food, chewing thoroughly. This will not only help to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but will also speed up saturation and prevent overeating.
  5. Decreased physical activity. You should not engage in physical education for pregnant women, gymnastics, and you should avoid visiting the pool. Enough walks in the fresh air.

If a strong feeling of hunger appears in the evening, you are allowed to eat natural yogurt, drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk, regardless of the chosen diet for fasting, as well as the amount eaten per day.

Video: Elena Malysheva about nutrition during pregnancy

Main types of fasting days

For pregnant women, the most optimal are fasting days on kefir, buckwheat and apples. These products are not only able to satisfy the feeling of hunger, but also do not allow you to lose energy, despite their low calorie content. In addition, they are rich in substances necessary for a pregnant woman: vitamins, minerals, beneficial bacteria.

Kefir day

The most popular type of one-day diet, which allows not only to rid the body of everything unnecessary, but also to normalize stool. For a fasting day, only fresh kefir is used. It is unacceptable to drink a fermented milk drink that is two or three days old. Otherwise, it may cause constipation. It is allowed to replace kefir with natural yogurt, sourdough, fermented baked milk.

During the day, a woman needs to consume 1.5 liters of fermented milk product with a fat content higher than 1.5%. As a supplement, up to 0.5 kg of cottage cheese is allowed into the diet.

Advice! If the goal of a kefir day is to get rid of constipation, you can add a little steamed prunes to the drink or additionally consume a compote of this dried fruit brewed in a thermos.

Unloading on buckwheat porridge

A fasting day on buckwheat for pregnant women is of great benefit. In addition to getting rid of excess weight, porridge will fill the body with essential microelements, help raise hemoglobin levels, and improve digestion.

It is advisable to prepare the porridge without cooking in order to retain the maximum amount of vitamins in the cereal. To do this, 250 g of the dry product is thoroughly washed, poured into a thermos, and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. This needs to be done the day before. Then the porridge is divided into 5-6 doses, consumed every 2-3 hours. If swelling is observed, buckwheat is prepared without salt.

Additionally, you can add 0.5 kg of apples or 0.5 liters of kefir. These products are consumed between main meals.

Fasting days on fresh apples are relevant in the summer and autumn periods. In winter and spring fruits, the concentration of nutrients in fruits is much lower. You need to consume 1.5 kg of fruit per day. The variety of apples does not matter. You can supplement your diet with dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt.

Advice! Eating raw apples all day is boring, and they also cause increased gas formation. Some fruits can be baked in the oven. You can add cinnamon for taste.

Fasting days for edema

If a woman who is expecting a baby has weight gain caused by edema, you can create a one-day diet of diuretic products:

  1. Cucumber fasting days. You need to eat up to 1.5 kg of cucumbers per day; you can prepare salads with herbs and a small amount of oil, lemon juice, but without salt.
  2. Watermelon fasting days. You need to eat up to 2 kg of pure ripe watermelon pulp per day.
  3. Rice fasting days. Boil a glass of dry rice in water until fully cooked, divide into several portions. You can eat porridge with the addition of dried apricots, carrots, fresh or baked apples.

Additionally, a decoction of rose hips, lingonberries, and cranberry compote is introduced into the diet. These drinks also help remove excess fluid from the body.

Video: Nutritionist Kovalkov about excess weight during pregnancy


It is not recommended to carry out fasting days for women with diabetes. Care should be taken when adjusting the diet for people suffering from bronchial asthma, endocrine diseases, food allergies, and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Any diet during pregnancy should be agreed with your doctor.

Fasting days are a useful necessity. But you need to approach it wisely. Only in this case will the pregnancy proceed safely and a healthy and strong baby will be born.

Did you come to this on your own or someone suggested it, but you are wondering whether it is possible to arrange fasting days during pregnancy. In general, the answer is yes, and in some cases it is even very necessary. But it also happens the other way around: for many expectant mothers, any unloading is contraindicated. So everything is individual. However, let's talk about everything in order.

In fact, fasting days should be prescribed by doctors. And this is usually done with excess or unevenly increasing weight, with swelling and other manifestations. But often expectant mothers themselves decide to unload themselves - as a preventive measure or if, from their point of view, it is excessive. This, in principle, is also not bad, much better than having to return to normal for months after childbirth. And during delivery, extra pounds are not at all beneficial. But you should know that you can arrange fasting days during the period of bearing a child only after the 28th week of pregnancy, when all the main organs and systems of the baby are already formed. You can “unload” no more than once every 7-10 days. And in any case, you need to first consult about this possibility for you personally and about the most suitable fasting day.

A mandatory rule to follow on this day: the entire portion of the required foods should be divided into 5-6 equal portions, which should be eaten at equal intervals. Chew your food thoroughly, slowly, without rushing: this is the only way it will be well absorbed and bring greater satiety. Also on this day you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water. If you have an irresistible feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir.

There is an opinion that it is best to arrange fasting days on the same day of the week: this way the body will more easily accept food restrictions, preparing in advance for the upcoming cleanse.

Options for fasting days during pregnancy

There are many different options for unloading during pregnancy. Doctors advise choosing single fasting days without resorting to longer diets.

This can be meat, kefir, milk and other fasting days. But fruits, vegetables and juices are considered the most beneficial for pregnant women:

  • Apple day: throughout the day you can eat 1.5-2 kilograms of apples in their pure form or as a salad with the addition of olive oil and lemon juice, for example, as well as herbs or celery roots and parsley. You can bake the apples and sprinkle them with cinnamon, but do not sweeten them.
  • Watermelon day: 1.5 kilograms of watermelon pulp per day. Don't forget about water either.
  • Fruit day: apples can be replaced with other fruits - for a total weight of 1.5 kg. Only these should not be bananas.
  • Vegetable day: instead of fruits, you can eat 1.5 kg of fresh vegetables. Zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers are recommended. A little vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream in addition is not prohibited.
  • Juice day: involves drinking, not eating. Drink from vegetables, fruits or berries - 1 liter throughout the day.
  • Compote day: if it’s not the season for fresh juices, replace them with compotes. Boil 1 kg of fresh apples or 100 g of dried fruits in 1.5 liters of water with the addition of no more than 4 tablespoons of sugar. And drink throughout the day.
  • Fermented milk day: to unload on this day, you need to choose your favorite fermented milk product with a low fat content (no more than 1.5%). You can drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir, fermented baked milk or yoghurt per day, and eat up to 600 g of cottage cheese per day in 6 divided doses.

If you have a hard time with food restrictions and need a fasting day, try more “filling” options. Perhaps one of these fasting days during pregnancy is more suitable for you:

  • Meat day: 400 g of lean meat boiled without salt. Each serving can be washed down with a glass of tea without sugar. It is also allowed to add some raw vegetables - up to 800 g per day without spices and salt.
  • Fish day: everything is the same, only instead of meat - low-fat fish (pike, perch, pike perch, bream, cod). If desired, you can drink rosehip decoction - 2-3 glasses a day. If it’s too difficult, add some stewed vegetables (cauliflower, green beans, bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini).
  • Potato day: 1 kg of boiled potatoes. If hunger bothers you, add 2 cups of low-fat kefir.
  • Rice day: Boil 150 g of brown rice and divide into 3 equal portions. You can flavor each one with a pinch of cinnamon, grated apple or chopped sweet pepper.

However, remember that each of the fasting days has its own therapeutic effect and contraindications. For example, fermented milk days are recommended for obesity and atherosclerosis, cucumber days for hypertension, apple and watermelon days for hypertension and kidney diseases. But meat fasting days are contraindicated for chronic diseases of the digestive organs and cardiovascular diseases.

In one fasting day you can get rid of 300-800 g. Basically, this removes excess liquid. But we want to note once again that consultation with a doctor before organizing unloading is mandatory!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The benefits of fasting days are difficult to overestimate, because this is how we help ourselves naturally cleanse ourselves and remove all impurities and toxins. However, it is no secret that severe calorie restriction puts the body into a state of stress. This raises a logical question: “Is it possible to do fasting days during pregnancy?”, why is this even necessary, and whether such a drastic change in lifestyle will harm the expectant mother and her baby.

In ordinary life, a fasting day is a kind of help for the body. It involves a significant restriction of calorie intake and involves eating only light foods that the body easily digests without any effort. At the same time, the process of self-cleaning begins, and the removal of accumulated toxins finally becomes possible. The morning after a fasting day, a person feels lightness throughout the body, a surge of strength and energy. Taking a break from heavy food once a week will not only cleanse the body, but also remove excess fluid from the body, and generally bring your figure to the desired shape.

As for expectant mothers, periodic fasting days will help them not gain extra pounds and cope with swelling during pregnancy, and after childbirth they will quickly return to their original shape. However, a developing baby in the womb needs vitamins and a varied diet for health and normal development, so only a doctor can advise on fasting days.

  1. You need to prepare your body in advance so as not to put it into a state of stress. Give up flour and sweets at least a day before, and don’t overeat at night.
  2. The minimum interval between fasting days should be 1 week, and preferably 10 days.
  3. You shouldn’t give yourself the same fasting day every time. We must try to ensure a variety of incoming nutrients, otherwise the baby will suffer from a lack of one or another important microelement, and this, in turn, can negatively affect its development.
  4. The entire daily diet must be divided into 5-6 meals, the interval between which should be approximately the same.
  5. For maximum saturation, food should be chewed thoroughly, slowly.
  6. On this day you need to drink up to 2 liters of regular water. It is also acceptable to drink green tea without sugar.
  7. If you arrange fasting days regularly, then the interval between them should be the same - this way the body can adjust in advance, it will be less susceptible to stress.

Indications and contraindications for fasting days during pregnancy

As a rule, indications for fasting days during pregnancy are:

  1. Excess weight or uneven weight gain. These conditions should not be allowed not only because it will be more difficult to get into shape later. The fact is that this state of affairs can lead to the development of gestosis, diabetes mellitus or fetal obesity. A fetus that is too large, in turn, can significantly complicate the birth process.
  2. Swelling. They are formed due to the fact that the fluid entering the body of a pregnant woman is poorly excreted; it accumulates in almost all internal organs, significantly reducing the efficiency of their functioning.
  3. Late toxicosis. A very dangerous condition that can lead to premature birth, provoke oxygen starvation of the fetus, thereby causing intrauterine growth retardation.

However, despite the obvious benefits of fasting days during pregnancy, they have a number of significant contraindications:

  1. A woman’s weight is too low even before pregnancy.
  2. The presence of diseases in which calorie restriction or refusal of a particular product is unacceptable.
  3. Diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Fasting day during pregnancy: menu

There are a lot of food options for fasting days. They may differ in the calorie content of the diet, and if a woman has a hard time coping with the feeling of hunger, then it’s worth choosing more “full” options to begin with. Since a fasting day implies an emphasis on one selected product, let it be something pleasant to the taste that does not cause disgust. For example, if a woman cannot tolerate kefir or cottage cheese, then a fasting day on one of these products will not bring any benefit, and whether she will be able to withstand it to the end, subjecting herself to obvious torment, remains in question.

Fasting day on kefir during pregnancy

You need to take 1.5 liters of kefir with a fat content of no more than 1.5% and drink it throughout the day, taking into account the previously given recommendations.

Fasting day on cottage cheese during pregnancy

600 g of cottage cheese is eaten throughout the day in 6 doses. Cottage cheese should also be chosen with the lowest percentage of fat.

Fasting day on apples during pregnancy

Throughout the day you need to eat 1.5 - 2 kg of green apples. You can eat it straight or bake it without sugar. In the second case, it is permissible to add a little lingonberries (frozen berries are acceptable) or sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon.

There is also this option: a salad is made from apples, celery, arugula and spinach. You can use lemon juice or a little olive oil as a dressing. A single serving of this salad should not exceed 200 g.

Fasting day on fruits during pregnancy

Instead of apples, it is permissible to take any other fruit, with the exception of bananas and grapes, or make a mixture of fruits in the form of a salad with lemon dressing. The total quantity is no more than 1.5 kg. As an alternative, it is permissible to spend the day on freshly squeezed juices from the same fruits, the limit is 1 liter.

Fasting day on vegetables during pregnancy

In 1 day you need to eat a total of 1.5 kg of fresh or steamed vegetables. For maximum effect, it is better to choose green vegetables and season them with fresh herbs. Particular attention should be paid to cabbage, broccoli, celery, and parsley. It is unacceptable to use salt, but you can season it with lemon juice or sour cream with a minimum percentage of fat content.

An alternative is also possible - a fasting day on vegetable juice, no more than 1 liter. per day. It should be noted that holding “drinking” fasting days does not cancel the drinking regime rule - up to 2 liters of ordinary water, among other things!

Fasting day on buckwheat during pregnancy

Take 200-250 g of buckwheat in dry form. The cereal is washed, boiled with a minimum of salt and eaten during the day in 6 meals.

Fasting day on meat during pregnancy

An excellent option for those who find it difficult to tolerate the feeling of hunger. However, you should know that a large amount of meat, even in 1 day, can significantly complicate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, this option for a fasting day during pregnancy is not suitable for those expectant mothers who have problems with these areas. In any case, to prevent constipation, you should remember about the drinking regime. In addition to water, unsweetened green tea should be consumed in sufficient quantity.

Over the course of the whole day, in several doses, you need to eat 400 g of boiled unsalted meat in its finished form. You should choose low-fat varieties, such as veal or turkey. You can add fresh vegetables and unsweetened tea.

Fasting day on fish during pregnancy

Fish day is also suitable for those who have a hard time feeling hungry. At the same time, fish is much lighter than meat, and it does not have any negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract, heart or blood vessels. Take 500 g of boiled or steamed fish. Instead of salt, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice and add a small amount of raw or steamed vegetables.

Fasting day on potatoes during pregnancy

In general, in any diet, potatoes are excluded due to their high starch content, however, fasting days with their participation during pregnancy are allowed. Boil 1 kg of potatoes without salt. You can wash it down with unsweetened tea, preferably green, and low-fat kefir (up to 400 ml).

Fasting day on watermelon during pregnancy

If the third trimester falls at the end of summer or beginning of autumn, a great option would be to spend a fasting day on watermelon. Since its season falls on August - September, during this period you can feel its rich sweet taste and get maximum benefits in the form of vitamins and minerals.

Up to 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp can be eaten in 1 fasting day, in no case forgetting about the recommended drinking regime - up to 2 liters of ordinary water in addition to all other liquids. Watermelon has a strong diuretic effect, so it is advisable to eat the last portion 3 hours before bedtime.

Fasting day during pregnancy with edema

As a rule, swelling can appear starting from the end of the second trimester. There are many reasons for fluid retention in a pregnant woman’s body, and to prevent edema, doctors usually recommend excluding smoked and salty foods from your diet, ensuring moderate drinking throughout the day, with the exception of the late evening, and in some cases having a fasting day. In such a short period, you can get rid of up to 1 kg of weight, and this is mainly just excess fluid.

For swelling, any of the methods described above are suitable. But you should know that one fasting day can only alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman for some time. For a good result, you need to constantly adhere to the diet recommended by your doctor, and periodic fasting days will consolidate this result and significantly improve the well-being of the expectant mother.

Effective fasting day during pregnancy in the first trimester

The expectant mother should know that there may be no indications for a fasting day in the early stages of pregnancy. Rather, on the contrary, at the moment of conception and development of the baby, the appearance and improvement of its internal organs and vital systems, the pregnant woman must ensure that the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals enters her body with food and special multivitamin complexes.

In addition, during this period, many expectant mothers experience toxicosis of varying severity, and, instead of gaining weight, they rapidly lose weight. So there can be no question of any hunger strikes.

Fasting days during pregnancy in the second trimester

As a rule, fasting days in the second trimester are also not recommended. It is rare that a doctor can recommend such a mono diet to his patient, even for a period of 1 day; there are simply no indications for this. The exception is when the expectant mother, already in the second trimester, begins to gain more weight than normal and suffer from edema.

The main weight gain usually occurs in the third trimester, and that’s when the diet in general and fasting days in particular begin to be especially popular. From the 28th week, fasting days are allowed for those expectant mothers whose health allows this, and for whom it becomes an essential necessity.

Fasting day during pregnancy: third trimester

In the third trimester, the baby in the tummy is actively gaining weight, and his mother, as a rule, is gaining weight along with him. The main increase in her weight begins after the 28th week, so you need to monitor her nutrition especially carefully from this moment on. If the pregnancy is going well, the expectant mother’s health is fine, she previously practiced fasting days, then from now on you can introduce a similar mono diet for no more than 1 day.

If during such a day a pregnant woman feels unwell, then this diet is definitely not suitable for her. We need to get out of it as soon as possible, but very smoothly. You shouldn’t rush into everything in order to satisfy your tormenting hunger - the fasting day that has begun will only bring harm, and then there was no need to start it at all. The most important thing is the health of the expectant mother and her mood, because the baby feels all the changes.

Fasting days during pregnancy: let's summarize

So, fasting days should be carried out only after recommendations from doctors. During pregnancy, a woman should pay special attention to her diet, and sharp restrictions can put the body into a state of stress, which is why preparation for such unloading should begin in advance. Ideally, during pregnancy, the diet should minimize the content of sweets, flour, salty and fatty foods. With this diet, the need for fasting days will be minimized.

However, sometimes it is necessary to give the body rest and the opportunity to get rid of waste and toxins. And if a pregnant woman also suffers from edema, then excess fluid should also be removed. This must be done competently, under the supervision of a specialist. And if, in the midst of a fasting day, a pregnant woman feels unwell or has a feeling of insurmountable hunger, she must gradually give up this diet. The expectant mother should not experience discomfort, because the baby feels everything and suffers with her.

How to do a fasting day during pregnancy: video

Everyone knows about the benefits of fasting days, although it is quite difficult to answer the question about the acceptability of this style of eating for a pregnant woman. It should be borne in mind that strict “starvation” diets during pregnancy are strictly contraindicated, but giving your digestive system a break from eating high-calorie foods is sometimes necessary.

In some cases, even doctors recommend that some women “unload” the body a little in order to prevent too much weight gain, as well as to improve the absorption of nutrients, normalize metabolism and correct other disorders.

Indications for use

Periodic fasting days may be recommended for pregnant women in the following cases:

  • uneven or during pregnancy;
  • the appearance of other symptoms;
  • occurrence .

important Before you decide to carry out fasting days, you should definitely consult with the doctor monitoring the pregnancy, and, if necessary, undergo additional types of examinations.


  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • some metabolic disorders:, etc. (in these cases, it is necessary to comply with specially selected ones, excluding regular fasting days);
  • a number of problems with the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, etc.);
  • body weight deficiency.


When organizing a fasting diet during pregnancy, a number of important points should be taken into account:

  • Eating one type of food should be done no more often than once every 7-10 days;
  • types of fasting days should be alternated, for example: this Monday – cottage cheese day, the next – apple day;
  • During fasting, you should eat one type of product, although some nutritionists allow a combination of products from the same group (for example, apples and pears or cottage cheese);
  • You should drink about two liters of water during the day;
  • you should eat often, but in small portions, to prevent a strong feeling of hunger;
  • If your health worsens or any unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately return to your normal diet.

Examples of fasting days

The most popular types of fasting days during pregnancy are:

  • Apple– during the day you should consume about 1.5-2 kg in its usual form or in the form of a fruit salad with the addition of. If the fruit seems too sour, you can bake it in the oven.
  • Fruit- carried out in the same way as apple, but with the inclusion of several types of and (, etc.) in the diet.
  • Fermented milk– in the daily diet it is necessary to include any product of lactic acid fermentation (usually kefir) with a fat content of about 1.5%. You can drink up to one and a half liters of the drink throughout the day. You should pay close attention to the freshness and taste of the product, check the expiration date in order to prevent indigestion.
  • Juice– during the day you can drink one liter of any fruit or vegetable juice (preferably freshly prepared or at least produced by direct extraction).
  • Vegetable– you are allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg of fresh or boiled (zucchini, pumpkin, etc.) during the day.
  • Buckwheat– one cup (250-300 ml) of buckwheat should be washed, boiled and consumed during the day.
  • Rice– similar to buckwheat fasting day. Rice (preferably brown or brown) can be additionally seasoned with pieces, lemon juice or a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Fish– You are allowed to consume about 400 g of lean fish throughout the day.
  • Curd and berry– the daily diet should include 600-800 g of various

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