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Various techniques and ways to hint to a guy that you have warm feelings for him. How to tell a guy that I like him: a guide to action

It’s no longer a secret that the VKontakte social network, which has already gained wild popularity and has millions of users, is used for a variety of purposes and directions. Among modern youth, this social network is widely used not only for correspondence with friends, but also for dating the opposite sex.

Now, with this kind of communication and dating, many girls ask themselves the question “How can I hint to a guy that I like him in VKontakte correspondence?” Such a question often arises not only from the girl’s invisible inner modesty, but also to create some kind of intrigue and flirtation. So how can you do this unobtrusively and effortlessly? There are several options.

The most common of them are:

  • liking photos and posts,
  • sharing videos or audio recordings,
  • various sets of emoticons.

A few examples of hinting to a guy in VKontakte correspondence that he likes him:

Option 1liking photos and posts.

This is probably the simplest way of expressing sympathy, which almost all boys and girls resort to. Liking a photo or post in an album or on the wall of a person you like, even with its heart-shaped logo, implies an expression of sympathy. And if you add a comment with an admiring meaning to the like, then thanks to the fast notification system in this social network, your object of sympathy will definitely notice your sympathy mark.

Option 2sharing videos and audio recordings.

As for videos, as an option, send the young man a video of what you are both interested in, or a video or video clip where the plot is an expression of sympathy. The same principle applies to video recordings. You can find an audio track with a composition you both love, or a track, or a fragment of a song where the text talks about a girl’s sympathy for a guy.

Option 3various sets of emoticons.

One of the most effective methods, since when corresponding in personal messages, a huge selection of emoticons, pictures, or pictures with inscriptions is provided. There is a choice for every, as they say, taste and color. You can either simply send a smiling face with smiles, kisses, etc. Or choose emoticons with images of animals demonstrating an ambiguous emotional state. Well, if you need a completely opaque hint of sympathy, there are many emoticons with captions that can tell the guy you like that you were embarrassed, or for other reasons, did not write in the text of the message.

In conclusion, we can say that all the proposed options are quite effective for expressing sympathy. But we must not forget that the sympathy expressed in correspondence must be supported in a personal meeting. Good luck!

Before you actively begin to turn your acquaintance into a serious relationship, answer two questions for yourself. First: do you know this guy well enough, his habits and nuances of character? Perhaps, when you first met, he seemed like a fairy-tale prince to you, but during subsequent communication he will turn out to be rude, uncouth and “narrow-minded.” Second question: do you really want to reduce the distance between you by becoming his girlfriend? Imagine that the development of the relationship has taken place, you have become a couple, each has at least minimal responsibilities towards each other, responsibility towards each other. Are you sure that this guy is what you need, and you definitely don’t want to wait for the next prince? Then it's time to act.

Which guys need hints of a closer relationship?

Usually guys are quite active and are the first to propose a serious and closer relationship. But there are exceptions:

  • He is also not indifferent to you, but he is afraid to take the first step towards getting closer (kiss, write a letter, send a valentine or talk to you directly) because he does not want to lose you and is afraid of scaring you away. Usually he communicates nicely and kindly with you, doesn’t mind going somewhere together, is always ready to help, actively sets topics for conversation, and he definitely doesn’t have a girlfriend. If all this is about your potential boyfriend, then you can safely take the first step yourself, and then he will make sure that he likes you and take the initiative into his own hands. Note: guys of this type are afraid to scare away a girl because of their sympathy for her and strong attraction, they are afraid of losing “their only one,” since their natures themselves are romantic and faithful. Therefore, hint at the relationship easily and delicately (this will be discussed below), avoid open pressure, so that he does not get scared of you and think that you want to “eat” him and are not at all the girl of his dreams. Act carefully and remain a princess at the same time.
  • "Brakes in life." This is the saddest type. Such guys make henpecked husbands, husbands who are not able to take responsibility for their family. They always need someone to push them and often hope that everything will sort itself out and work out on its own; they prefer to go with the flow. Often they are dependent on the opinions of relatives, friends and their mother, who protects them all their lives and does not let them go far from themselves.

Indecisive guys are often looking for a “mommy” girl who is ready to surround them with care so that they can continue to lead their measured existence. If you feel that your potential boyfriend is one of these, then think about whether you are ready to play the role of “I am both a woman and a man” for the rest of your life or the period of your relationship?

Which guys should you stay away from?

There are three types of guys you should be wary of and for whom hinting at a relationship is not only not worth it, but also useless. He is “hunting” for completely different girls than you, so he has not yet taken any active action:

  • The guy likes to "sail and throw." He does not perceive any girl as a future companion or wife. His goal is to seduce and disappear with minimal losses for himself and without falling into the mud in front of mutual acquaintances. There are no actions in your direction because he doubts, does not know how to approach you, he is afraid that if you learn about the frivolity of his intentions, you will humiliate him in front of his friends, leaving him in the cold. Be wary if you know that he doesn’t have a girlfriend now, but just recently broke up with his 20th.
  • These guys like to “giggle”, look at you meaningfully, sometimes take you by the hand and pretend to be a “modest” person who doesn’t dare to do more. And as soon as the girl takes the first step (and he is just waiting for this!), he will immediately say that you understood everything wrong, that he did not expect such a turn. You will feel humiliated. And the moral of this fable: all the girls hang themselves on him, he is the king and the king, but you are one of 100. These are very self-centered types.
  • He communicates with you often and in a friendly way, but he will never offer a relationship and you should not hint at it, because his interest is self-interest. This guy is for love “of convenience”, and you are not his cup of tea. Unfortunately, this type is by no means uncommon. Take a closer look: if he often talks about money, his expenses, inheritances, real estate, and likes to mention his influential relatives and acquaintances, then this is a reason for you to think.

Careless hints that will make a guy run away

There are three important points that you should a priori observe if you want to start a serious relationship with a guy, and not scare him off:

  • Don't talk to him about his past or current (potential real) girlfriends. If he himself starts such conversations, then reduce them to nothing, avoid them. If you begin to support the topic of his “personal life”, give advice on how to behave with one and the other, then he will perceive you only as a friend.
  • Don’t tell him in all the colors about what kind of loving husband you dream about, about your future five children, about what kind of wedding dress you want and what country you want to go to on your honeymoon. The guy may simply be afraid of your premature attempt to marry him or he will think that you are not in love with him, but are considering him as an option in order to quickly jump out of marriage, and it doesn’t matter to whom.
  • Don't introduce your parents. Before an explanation of high feelings occurs between the two of you, meeting your parents is taboo. It is inappropriate and will be perceived as “attacking with complaints,” even if your parents are very gentle and cheerful in nature.
  • Do not approach him openly, showing your violent feelings and open sexuality. A normal guy will not build a serious relationship with a “sex bomb” who is ready to do anything at once, because he is such a “cute”.

Remember that your boyfriend must conquer you himself. Your task is to gently and delicately hint to him that you are ready for this, that you expect steps towards rapprochement from him, and that you are very attracted to him.

  • Don't talk nonsense incessantly. Learn to listen to the guy, but don’t be silent in the conversation, keep the conversation going. At the same time, do not interrupt your interlocutor, let him speak, show genuine interest in everything the guy says. Girls who talk too much, incessantly, give the impression of hyperactive, restless people, whom not everyone can be around for a long time.
  • Don't chase him. Walking “on your heels” and “like a shadow” will only lead to him avoiding you.

10 ways to hint a guy about a relationship

  • Smile more often when talking to him. Don't whine, don't complain about life. Let him see the “light” in your eyes, joy, express sympathy and lightness. A smile and a positive attitude are the most effective way to win someone over.
  • Unobtrusively find out: “How are you?” There is no need to ask this question every day, literally and directly. Intersect with him and find out “news” from his life. The main thing is to let him know that you care about his life, his affairs, his well-being, his mood.
  • Try to spend as much time with him as possible. Sign up for the same sports club as him, talk with him, find common interests, topics to continue the conversation. Each of your meetings should be more interesting than the previous one.
  • More humor: “as a joke,” ask him out on a date—what if he agrees? Try to laugh and joke (but not all the time, of course, in moderation). With “jokes” it will be easier to talk him into spending time together, and then the candy-bouquet stage is just around the corner.
  • During your joint trip somewhere (to an amusement park, just a walk, to a museum), casually take his hand. You can start with light, short touches “on occasion”: he helps you put on your coat, passes you a glass, holds your hand in cold weather, when it’s icy outside.
  • Take the two of you on a trip somewhere. If you don't dare invite him, make it seem like you're not going alone. Allegedly, this will be a joint trip to the cinema, but your friends will refuse to get as close to the point as possible - they will suddenly have urgent matters to attend to (agree in advance with your friends/acquaintances). And so you will find yourself in the cinema together, and after the screening, take a leisurely stroll through the park, perhaps he will offer to take you home.
  • It’s good to go out into nature together, maybe in the company of friends. The main thing is that you have the opportunity to communicate with him alone and that he sees you in an unusual, romantic and mysterious image: a long dress, a wreath of wild flowers... Perhaps, after communicating in such an informal atmosphere, the guy himself will take steps towards getting closer and hinting no longer necessary.
  • Through his friend. This is a very effective way. You need good and trusting communication with a guy's friend. Tell him about your liking and perhaps your friend will let your potential boyfriend know that it’s time to act and his ears will buzz about what a “cool girl” you are. Just make sure in advance that your friend is an adequate person and will definitely not make you laugh.
  • Going to a disco. Alternatively, invite him to dance and charm him. But ideally, let everything work out by itself: a fiery dance at a disco or party will flow into a “white” dance, and after the waltz that you “suddenly” dance at your best friends’ wedding, he won’t want to let go of your hand.
  • Always keep yourself “in good shape”: a neat appearance, a well-groomed face, beautiful makeup (the latter is not necessary, depending on the situation). Let him notice that you always look beautiful, then the thought will flash through his mind that perhaps you are trying this way just for him.
  • “Freeze” in front of a display case with beautiful flowers during your walk together. This hint is very subtle, but perhaps the guy will guess and soon give you a bouquet and invite you to meet.
  • Tell him about your friend/acquaintance, to whom her boyfriend gave “such a bouquet!” Tell us about an “unforgettable” date between friends, about a friend’s romantic wedding that you attended. This is also a subtle hint, but you can guess the subtext.
  • Show that you are not comfortable/scared to be anywhere. Demonstrate that you are looking for protection and support: a dark park, a slippery path, heavy rain, or let’s say you have trouble seeing and literally broke your glasses an hour ago (any excuse is good). You need to show that you need to be “protected”: covered with a jacket, taken by the arm, escorted, covered with your umbrella...
  • Give a gift made with your own hands: knit a scarf, mittens, a hat, bake cookies and, tying the box with a beautiful ribbon, give it as a gift for Valentine's Day. Just carefully find out in advance what color the guy prefers, whether he wears knitted things at all and whether he eats sweets. Well, if he doesn’t eat sweets, you can also find a way out, for example, make apple pastille without sugar or give him dried fruit.
  • Remember that eyes are the mirror of the soul. Look into a guy's eyes, and they will say everything for you: about your feelings, about your sympathy for him. But the view must be supported by common interests and regular communication. If you just look with your eyes wide open, it will be perceived as if you have a crush on him and are staring.
  • Ask him to help you, for example, with the computer (you yourself will mess something up in advance). He will come to your house, treat him to tea with what you baked yourself. Let him gradually get used to you, to your housekeeping, to the fact that you are nearby. If he likes this state of affairs, he will take further steps himself.

Many girls ask questions: “How to hint to a guy that you want him? What needs to be done so that the young man understands everything literally without words?” Let's find out how to reach your loved one and move to a new level in the relationship. The most popular methods range from banal and obvious to ridiculous and unpredictable.

Say it directly

It's not a joke when they say that men don't take hints. Therefore, girls think about how to hint to a guy that they want sex, because random signs tell them absolutely nothing.

Sometimes the easiest way to reach your future partner is to speak directly. More precisely, talk about intimate topics and not be embarrassed about it. It is enough to start with a question about experience and former relationships, gradually liberating both yourself and him by talking about sexual fantasies. When your relationship reaches the peak of trust, you can enter a new phase and start talking directly about intimacy.

Interesting fact: guys note that it is much easier for girls to cross this barrier, which fetters and confuses. As a rule, men can avoid kissing and careless touching for months so as not to hurt the girl, while the fair sex begins to use all available means - sexy tight clothes, provocative poses, erotic messages for the night with arousing pictures. In our society, a girl will not be called a pervert if she shares a nude photo of herself, when men can be very

"Random" touches

How to hint to a guy that you want him and what you need to do for this? You just need to show assertiveness and courage, and not be afraid that you will be misunderstood. To do this, you need to touch your partner whenever possible. If you have already overcome the first kiss, then all other gestures will only break the wall between you and take you one step closer to each other.

You need to touch gently and carefully, without causing pain or discomfort. You can hold their hand while crossing the road and smile flirtatiously, saying that you are afraid of cars. You can also put your arm around your shoulder if a guy shows you a photo on his phone. Take advantage of the moment while on a date in a coffee shop or restaurant - run your hand over your cheek or shirt as if you were removing small crumbs. But at the same time, you must ensure that the young man is not offended by your actions. Perhaps a simple gesture will shame him and make him doubt himself. Always be guided by one truth: before you hint at intimacy with a touch or glance, evaluate how it looks from the outside.

There is contact!

Psychology answers the popular question of how to hint to a guy that you want to kiss him. For those who are especially shy, this method will be extremely painful, because they will have to establish eye contact, while playing with their eyes, like a cat.

To begin with, the best way to hint would be to stealthily catch your partner’s gaze, and then switch to total contact, when you not only look into the man’s eyes, but also inadvertently perform exciting actions. For example, you can straighten your hair with a smooth gesture, lightly lick your lips, adjust the strap of a dress or top, or unobtrusively smooth out your skirt. A man, perhaps unconsciously, will definitely notice these gestures.

Very, very intimate...

What if you've already had a few crazy nights, but just can't step into a new stage? And how to hint to a guy that you want cunnilingus? It would seem that only married ladies who have been married for 5-10-15 years should ask for this. However, cunnilingus is one of the ways of satisfaction and there is nothing shameful in it. Again, for those who are especially shy, this experience will not only be painful, but also difficult. However, smart men take advantage of modest girls, insistently demanding to satisfy them. Only the stronger sex does not hint that they want a blowjob, but loudly and clearly presents it with a fact.

Small gestures during a conversation

If you want to learn how to hint to a guy that you want him and what to do in this case, then you need to learn to make small but important gestures. For example, roll over while talking, but without slouching or rolling your eyes. Watch your gait and the way your hips move. On a date, watch your speech: do not use rude words, try to restrain too loud and ridiculous laughter, do not raise your voice, but on the contrary, speak in a sweet and languid voice.

To create the maximum effect, you can go on a date with your hair pulled up, and then suddenly let it down. You can achieve the same effect if you take off your jacket in a hot room, leaving only a tight dress on.

Kiss mi, my dear

Let's find out how to hint to a guy that you want him. What needs to be done for this? It’s simple: kiss, because it excites, brings you closer and satisfies. During a gentle kiss, become a passionate priestess who is ready to swallow the man whole. Don’t be afraid to wrap your arms around his waist, squeezing his hands slightly and digging your nails into the skin - this will only encourage the guy.

Try the French kissing technique by using your tongues, touching your neck, and running your hands through your hair. And if your young man is shy, then do not be afraid to control him and lead him, as if in a dance. If necessary, place his hand on your hips, lower them a little lower, and press yourself as close as possible. Even if these actions do not directly speak about sex and intimacy, but the instincts will do the job - the man will begin to get excited and desire you.

Very often, shyness and timidity prevent couples from reuniting, especially for beautiful girls. If a woman likes a man, but he shows no interest in her, she begins to wonder how to tell or hint to a guy that I like him, without being intrusive. As a rule, women are better at hiding their tender feelings than men, but you still need to talk about feelings, because being an initiator does not mean being rejected. And we’ll tell you how to unobtrusively be the first to express your sympathy to a guy.

Reconnaissance before the battle

Of course, before you open your heart to the man you dream about every night and say about your love, you need to clearly understand what you can count on in the future. No one likes to be laughed at, of course, not every guy, having heard a declaration of love, will laugh at a girl, but it’s still worth protecting yourself from troubles, otherwise in the future you won’t want to confess your feelings to anyone at all. It will work to your advantage if you have mutual acquaintances, and even more so friends, then you should boldly begin your little investigation to find out all the smallest details of his personal life, preferences, and anything else that may be useful to you. You don’t have mutual acquaintances or friends, so try to find them. If, for example, you study or work together, then there will be no problems.

Let’s say you do find mutual friends, then you will have to find a friend who will not give away your secret, because if he is not stupid, he will immediately understand the reason for your such interest. Ask a reliable friend to find out what the guy who constantly dreams about you thinks about, whether he has a girlfriend or maybe he’s already in love with someone, if so, then alas, this is most likely not the hero of your novel, but everything can be drastic to change means you shouldn’t give up. Ask the same friend to observe how the guy reacts to your appearance and whether he looks at you when you are not looking at him. After all, men also don’t always know how to hide their feelings, which means they can give themselves away.

Subtle hint

Let's say your little investigation ended more or less successfully, that is, the guy who is dreaming is single and does not show antipathy towards you, then you need to proceed to step number two, namely, very subtly hint about your sympathy to the first. Before you start making hints, you need to start communicating, but at the same time not scare off the guy with your talkativeness, which means you need to say only the right things.

  • First, don't avoid conversations. Let's say you are in the same company, then the guy may think that you are not interested in him and will also not make contact with you.
  • Secondly, tell him about your life, family, friends or hobbies. This way the guy will understand that you are open to conversation and ready to let him into your life. Just avoid talking about your ex-boyfriends and other personal details.
  • Thirdly, after telling about yourself, do not forget to ask about his life, but at the same time listen to him carefully.
  • Fourth point, laugh at his jokes, even if the joke is not funny. Give the guy a compliment, for example, how good he looks today, or that his shirt suits him very well.

Quite attentive guys will already understand at this stage that you liked him, and, in the end, your nice conversation will end with an exchange of phone numbers.

In addition to conducting conversations, you can tell a guy that you like him with your body language.

For example, eye contact. To tell a guy about your feelings with your eyes, do not stare at him endlessly, but only glance lightly, periodically lowering your eyes to the floor. Also, do not forget to smile, and do it naturally, since a forced smile is always noticeable. Use tactile contact, try to touch the guy you constantly dream about more often, as if by chance.

When communicating with a guy, you can easily and naturally touch the curls of your hair. Don't cross your arms over your chest, it may be interpreted a little differently. And try to be as close as possible to the guy you dream about and really like.

Direct confession

Unfortunately, it is worth recognizing that men are thick-skinned, which means they cannot always recognize subtle hints. But wait, first you have to understand, the guy really doesn’t understand the hints, or he just doesn’t want to offend you by being indifferent to you, thereby giving false hope?! Yes, this is not very nice from the guy. But what should you do if the guy you constantly dream about is really such a “slow-witted” person, and how can you tell him about everything? Try using subtle hints.

For example, ask a friend to casually tell this guy that you like him, let’s say the sympathy turns out to be not mutual, you can always translate your friend’s words into a joke. But if such hints do not go through, then there is only one way out - you will have to pluck up courage and directly admit that you like him. Wait, don’t rush to immediately stun him with your confession; you will have to carefully prepare for this battle.

First, think carefully about your speech, what exactly you will say. Practice in front of the mirror. And don't laugh. This advice will help you be more confident. For such a serious conversation, you need a suitable place; choose a place so that no one can disturb you. Try to stay alone, as even your best friend will become a third wheel, and his friends are of no use here at all. Make an appointment in advance so that neither you nor he has anything planned. Start the conversation with an unrelated topic, gradually leading to the main thing, and don’t forget to smile. Under no circumstances should you throw a tantrum if the guy said that he doesn’t feel the same way about you. Do not forget about your dignity and do not give free rein to negative emotions. In this case, it is better to remain friends or just friends.

Virtual declaration of love

For you, a direct declaration of sympathy is like execution? Then confess your sympathy to the guy through a message on a social network or SMS. You can simply be the first to write a message with the words: “I like you,” or you can simply and unobtrusively start a correspondence with him. Are you hanging over your keyboard and don’t know what to write to the guy you like? Start with a simple question, for example, ask how he is doing, if he passed his coursework in strength of mathematics, or how he spent his weekend.

Let’s say the guy answered, then it’s important to start a live conversation. Something like “OK”, “haha” or an emoticon will not work. Be an interesting conversationalist and flirt. You can even flirt through messages, for example, send him an ambiguous emoticon, have fun, joke and laugh at his jokes. It is important not only to start the conversation correctly, but also to end it on time.

Let’s say the guy you often dream about has stopped asking counter questions and answers only in the affirmative, then most likely your conversation has tired him, you need to end the correspondence so as not to completely discourage him from communicating with you. It is important to finish the correspondence first, and not wait for the guy to do it.

The guy stopped responding to the message, there is no need to bombard him with question marks and phrases: “Where did you go?”, “Did you receive my message?”, “Why don’t you answer?” - such persistence can ruin everything. When your correspondence through correspondence becomes something normal, and it is still easy for you to communicate with each other, you can try to confess your sympathy to him or casually say that you dream about him every day. In any case, you will already know how to approach and what to write to the guy you like.

  • If you like a guy and dream about him every night, never talk to him about other girls.
  • Remember that the stronger sex, like women, are greedy for compliments, so do not forget to shower them with pleasant words.
  • Always remain yourself.
  • Don't flirt with other guys under the nose of the one you like, it's not nice. This way you won’t cause jealousy, but will only push you away.
  • Never be afraid to text your guy first. The main thing is not to do this all the time.
  • Never, we repeat, never send your erotic photos to a guy.
  • Do you dream about your guy every night? Look into the dream book of the guy you like, perhaps there you will find a hint on how to tell the guy first about your feelings.

Mini Guide for Men

Before a girl confesses her sympathy to you, she will hint at this in every possible way; simple instructions will help you determine the degree of her interest:

  1. The first thing that changes in a girl when she sees the guy she likes is her gait. Showing off your figure is a sign that you care.
  2. The second sign is that the girl often addresses you by name. A lot of questions from a girl can mean that she is interested in your life.
  3. Smiling and being able to touch you also means she likes you.
  4. A change in a girl's behavior when you appear also means that you are not indifferent.
  5. Very often, a girl who likes a guy begins to ask him for help, even in some trifles.
  6. The girl is the first to start a conversation and write messages on the social network. And also likes and comments under your photos can reveal a girl’s feelings.
  7. And, of course, flirting. Surely any guy will be able to recognize flirting on the part of a woman, because a girl will not flirt with a guy she doesn’t like.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with being the first to tell a guy that you like him, because in fact it’s worth it, since somehow you will form a new couple in love, in case of mutual feelings, or at least you will stop tormenting yourself with doubts and false hopes. Love, date, but do not forget about self-esteem.


First of all, find out how the man treats you. To do this, come closer to the man (up to half a meter) and evaluate his behavior. If a man does not move away, does not leave and continues to behave as if nothing had happened, then he also sympathizes with you.

Next, evaluate his gestures. Look how his posture has changed. If he straightened his shoulders, tucked his stomach, straightened his clothes, began fiddling with his watch strap, or his mobile phone - this is also a good sign. A man wants to seem more attractive to you, even if he himself is not aware of this.

When talking to you, a man's arms should not be crossed or hidden behind his back. If he puts his thumbs in his pockets or in his belt, it means you are of interest to him.

Evaluate the man's gaze. Shifting eyes, a confused expression on his face, and slightly closed eyes indicate that the man is uncomfortable, he is not ready for contact and does not want to continue communication. And, conversely, an undressing, attentive look speaks of interest.

Use language of postures and gestures

Poses. Avoid closed gestures: don’t cross your legs, don’t keep your hands in your pockets, don’t hide behind your purse. This way you put a barrier between yourself and the man.

Touching. Find reasons to casually touch a man. Pass the plate, accidentally brushing his hand, casually touching his knee under the table, lightly patting him on the shoulder when you laugh at a good joke together. However, such touches should be light and short.

Preening gestures. Also, do not forget about feminine preening gestures - sensually pushing hair back from the face, straightening your hair, showing your wrists, swaying your hips while walking.

Smile with your eyes. When meeting a man, smile, even if you are very embarrassed or you subconsciously want to hide your sympathy. Try to smile with your eyes too. A man will definitely feel the positive energy coming from you.

Give compliments. A compliment addressed to the object of your adoration should be realistic, specific and sincere. Give compliments casually: “Do you like this too?”, “I appreciate people with a sense of taste,” “Tell me, where did you buy such stylish glasses?”

Show interest

To show your sympathy to a man, it is important to be sincerely interested in everything that is important to him. Ask the man to tell you something about himself. Ask about his favorite hobby, friends, childhood, dreams that he wants to make come true. Try to ask about everything positive so that he associates communication with you with positivity.

Confess your feelings

Give the man your phone number, business card, email address, social network page address. At the same time, tell him that he can call or write to you just like that. It is important to convey this information without much emotion, so that the man does not think that you are dragging him into your network.

You can confess your feelings in person. Start the conversation with a neutral topic and gradually move on to the most important thing. Do not confuse the man with long conversations, but simply say that you really like him and would like to date him. Don't rush him to answer. Perhaps the man will be surprised by this turn of the conversation and will need time to think about everything.

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