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Various forms of work to educate patriotism in children's associations. Forms and methods used in patriotic education

Yulia Gladkikh
“Forms and methods of patriotic education of preschool children.”

Patriotic education children is one of the main tasks preschool educational institution.

Patriotic education is a purposeful process of influencing an individual with the goal of formation of patriotism, as a quality manifested in love for one’s Fatherland and service to it.

Cultivating a sense of patriotism in preschoolers, the process is complex and lengthy, requiring great personal conviction and inspiration from the teacher. This very painstaking work must be carried out systematically, systematically, in all age groups, in different types of activities and for different purposes. directions: nurturing love for loved ones, to kindergarten, to your hometown, to your country.

So that instill a sense of patriotism in preschoolers, teachers should use a variety of forms and methods organizing children's activities. Teachers can use the following in their work: methods:

1. Targeted walks, excursions to places of military glory, to monuments, to the local history museum, etc.;

2. Stories teacher, conversations with children about the glorious history of their native country and hometown;

3. Observations (for example, allowing to see the working life of citizens, changes in the appearance of the city, district, street, new buildings being erected, etc.);

4. Demonstration of thematic slides, videos, illustrations;

5. Acquaintance with Russian folklore - fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, songs, games;

6. Acquaintance with folk art, embroidery, painting;

7. Acquaintance with the work of domestic writers, composers and artists;

8. Visiting thematic exhibitions or organizing them independently;

9. Participation in feasible socially useful work (work on the kindergarten site, joint work with parents to improve the territory of the kindergarten, etc.);

10. Personal example teacher who loves his job, his street, his city and takes an active part in public life (it is important to remember that the teacher’s worldview, his views, judgments, active life position are the most powerful factor education).

Great importance in patriotic education, has an active variety of activities preschoolers, so how to be patriot- this is not only to know and love your country, but also to actively work for its benefit. For this purpose, various forms of work:

1. targeted walks, excursions;

2. conversations;

4. reading fiction;

5. holidays, entertainment, leisure evenings, quizzes;

6. and, of course, the main one form work - directly educational activities (various kinds of educational activities, studying state symbols of the Russian Federation, children gaining knowledge about the location, climate of their hometown, its history).

Interaction with parents. Holding exhibitions of crafts and drawings on the topic with their participation "My family", "My mom is the best" etc., improvement of preschool educational institutions, holding competitions, holidays and matinees, joint work on the site. Contact with parents and family is of great importance in solving problems of moral and patriotic education.

GCD is held once or twice a month, depending on the age group. The knowledge acquired during educational activities is consolidated in various forms outside GCD. And throughout the year teacher returns several times to what the children learned earlier. Some topics are repeated in each age group, but with a certain complication ( For example: "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Cosmonautics Day", "Victory Day"). Educational activities should be carried out using visual material.

When meeting preschoolers with the history of his native city and native country, teacher you have to tell them a lot, so when writing a story teacher must remember following:

Throughout the story, it is imperative to use visual material. These can be photographs, reproductions of paintings, slides, various diagrams, chalk drawings on a blackboard, etc.

Making up a story teacher should include questions for children. This is necessary to activate cognitive activity, attention, arouse the interest of children, teach them to assume and reason. In this case the story teacher turns from a monologue into a kind of conversation with children, which contributes to more successful learning.

Talking about some historical events, teacher Dates should not be used frequently, as preschool age children do not have access to chronology. But in order for children to understand that the events described took place a long time ago, the following should be used: expressions: "It was a long, long time ago", “This was when your mom and dad were little.”, etc. Some dates should be communicated to children without requiring them to be memorized (For example: 1941 , 1945, April 12, 1961, etc.)

The language of the story should be very simple. If the story contains words unfamiliar to children, For example: "prince", "commander", their meaning should be explained. Do not overload the story with complex grammatical structures.

In the process of introducing children to the sights of their hometown, teacher often tells them about various architectural structures, temples, cathedrals. In this case, you should not consider their architecture in detail or use special terminology. It is enough to highlight something important that distinguishes this or that building from others.

When working with children to get to know their hometown, it is necessary to use this form of work, as targeted walks and excursions, since it is impossible to know and love a city only from illustrations. Children should know the area in which they live, see the beauty of the streets they pass through every day. But it should be remembered that for targeted walks and excursions outside preschool You should leave the institution with the permission of the administration and accompanied by 2-3 adults.

Conversation – method of persuasion. Her tasks: formation of civil and patriotic ideas of children; explanation of norms and rules of behavior in society, nature, rules of communication; discussion and analysis of the actions of the children of the group, the life of the group.

Most often, the material for conversations is facts from the life of the group, works of fiction, publications in children's newspapers and magazines; current events in the group, questions and problems that concern children.

In order for the conversation to achieve its goals and objectives, the following must be observed: requirements:

Formation views best occur in dialogue;

Taking into account the age characteristics of children (emotionality, visual-figurative thinking, etc.), it is necessary to conduct a conversation in simple, accessible language using clear, convincing facts and examples;

The conversation should be problematic in nature, resolve life problems that arise in the classroom;

While having a conversation, teacher relies on the life experience of children, on their relationships;

The success of the conversation depends on the activity of children, which can be caused by problematic questions, appeal to their life and moral experience, and well-chosen illustrative material. It is advisable to involve children in searching for material for conversation;

Maintain the integrity of the child’s personality, goodwill, tactfulness teacher;

The children themselves must draw conclusions at the end of the conversation.

Topics of conversation:

“Preserve the beauty and richness of nature - this is our common home” "Me and my little Motherland", “Who do we call good?”, "What's happened "beautiful deed"?»», “One’s own land is sweet in a handful”, "What does it mean to be patriot, "Let there always be a mother", “Everything in the world is created by labor”, etc.

Holiday is special form of educational work. Its distinctive features are that, firstly, it is based on joy and positive emotions. Secondly, it is distinguished by the diversity of children’s activities, the unity of various directions educational work. Thirdly, a holiday, as a rule, requires careful preparation, since it involves organized actions of its participants according to a certain, pre-developed scenario.

In our work, we use holidays as a means of uniting children, allowing them to develop social and value-based relationships with each other, the school, and the people around them. Holidays give adults and children the joy of communication, cause shared experiences, and give everyone the opportunity to feel their unity with a group, school, city, country.

In our opinion, the effectiveness of holidays depends on compliance with the following pedagogical principles: conditions:

Children should actively participate in all stages of organizing the holiday (from planning to results analysis);

It is necessary to involve parents in planning, choosing a plot, drafting a script, and in external registration;

All children should have the opportunity to demonstrate their talents and abilities;

When developing a holiday, you should not use ready-made scenarios so that adults and children can show their own creative abilities;

In order for everyone to find a place at the holiday, it is necessary to provide a variety of activities (games, singing, dancing, dramatization, music, poetry reading, etc.);

Serious material support ( registration, costumes, musical recordings, theatrical props, reproductions of paintings, etc.).

Games are the most important sphere of a child’s life and an effective education method. It satisfies the child’s needs for activity, communication, emotional saturation, and self-realization.

Civil patriotic education of preschool children impossible to imagine without gaming registration, game elements. That's why we use the game raising Children have value-based attitudes towards their country, its history and culture, their people, their traditions, customs, art, etc.

In the civil process patriotic education we use a variety of games: educational, mobile, desktop, social and pedagogical, etc.

Using the suggested forms and methods of patriotic education, you will succeed. You will show children the beauty of your hometown, introduce them to the talent of the Russian people, some heroic pages of history, teach children to love their city and their country, and be proud that they live in such a beautiful country as Russia.

Currently, during a period of instability in society, there is a need to return to the best traditions of our people, to its age-old roots, to such eternal concepts as clan, kinship, and Motherland. In this regard, starting from preschool age, it is necessary to form in children high moral and moral-psychological qualities, among which patriotism is important. With love for Russia: methodological recommendations. - Moscow: Education of a preschooler, 2007. - P. 45.

The concept of patriotism is a feeling of love for the Motherland. The concept of “Motherland” includes all living conditions: territory, climate, nature, organization of social life, features of language and way of life. To be a patriot means to feel like an integral part of the Fatherland. This complex feeling arises even in childhood, when the foundations of a value-based attitude towards the world around us are laid. But like any other feeling, patriotism is acquired independently and experienced individually. It is directly related to a person’s spirituality, its depth. Therefore, without being a patriot himself, a teacher will not be able to awaken in a child a feeling of love for the Motherland. It is to awaken, and not to impose, since the basis of patriotism is spiritual self-determination. It is no secret that preschool graduates’ ideas about Russian culture were fragmentary and superficial Voronova, E. A. Raise a patriot: programs, events, games / E. A. Voronova. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008. - P. 81..

These problems could be compensated for by participation in folklore festivals, visits to various folk art exhibitions, and local history exhibitions in the museum. However, this is not always possible for kindergarten students, not to mention the fact that such exhibitions are designed for the perception of an adult, and for children a large, pedagogically competent processing of the material is required.

Based on the above, the following priorities have emerged:

  • 1. Surrounding objects that awaken a child’s soul for the first time, cultivating in him a sense of beauty and curiosity, must be national. This will help children from a very early age understand that they are part of the great Russian people.
  • 2. It is necessary to widely use all types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings,

Objectives of moral and patriotic education

  • - Formation of interest in Russian crafts and traditions
  • - Fostering a caring attitude towards all living things, towards the surrounding world, towards the nature of the native land - and nature in general
  • - Fostering love for your hometown, street, home, and family
  • - Expanding the child’s knowledge about Russian cities
  • - Fostering love and respect for work
  • - Formation of a child’s basic understanding of human rights
  • - Introduction to the state symbols of Russia - coat of arms, flag, anthem
  • - Raising in children a tolerant attitude towards the traditions of other peoples Developing a sense of pride in the achievements of their homeland

These tasks in kindergarten are solved in games, in classes and in everyday life, not only instilling patriotic feelings in children, but also forming their relationships with friends and adults. Moral and patriotic education is a complex pedagogical process.

Methods of patriotic education

  • - Targeted walks, excursions to places of military glory, to monuments, to the local history museum, etc.
  • - Stories from the teacher, conversations with children about the glorious history of their native country and hometown
  • - Observation of how people work on the territory of the kindergarten and in the city, how its appearance changes thanks to this work
  • - Demonstration of thematic slides, videos, illustrations
  • - Listening to thematic audio recordings, these can be the voices of birds of the Russian forest or the anthem of the Russian Federation
  • - Introduction to Russian folklore - fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, songs, games
  • - Introduction to folk art, embroidery, painting
  • - Acquaintance with the work of domestic writers, composers and artists
  • - Visiting thematic exhibitions or organizing them independently
  • - Participation in holidays
  • - Participation in feasible socially useful works.

However, there are a number of problems that hinder the effective organization of work on the patriotic education of children and youth, namely:

  • - imperfection of the legislative framework for civic and patriotic education;
  • - insufficient equipment of the remaining material and technical base of educational institutions, military-patriotic clubs and associations;
  • - lack of interest in the media in promoting the patriotic education of children and youth and preparing them for military service;
  • - small number of highly professional personnel in public military-patriotic clubs and associations, educational institutions dealing with issues of patriotic education; - insufficient software and methodological support for the educational process;
  • - lack of a system for coordinating the activities of interested structures of ministries, departments, scientific and educational institutions, public and religious organizations involved in the civic and patriotic education of children and youth.

Civic-patriotic education

Forms and methods of educational work that shape the growth of values ​​in civic-patriotic education

The modern school is called upon to solve vitally important tasks of implementing the value foundations of education, one of which is civic-patriotic education. The task of civic-patriotic education assigned to schools at the present stage involves not only the formation of faith and beliefs, but also the translation of theoretical proposals into concrete actions. In this regard, the search for new methods and forms of organizing the process of continuous education has recently intensified. The continuous education of students determines the main conditions for the effectiveness of civic-patriotic work in an educational institution: professionalism, a high level of ideological conviction of teachers. To effectively solve this problem, the school is required to create a holistic system for the formation of civic and patriotic guidelines among students. The organization of the educational process experiences some difficulties associated with the small number of methodological developments, organization and planning of civil-patriotic work. The educational institution has the following goals and objectives.

Target : to instill in students a love for the Motherland, to introduce them to social values ​​- patriotism, citizenship, historical memory, duty; to form the foundations of national identity.

To achieve the goal of civic-patriotic education, the school solves the following main tasks:


studying the history of your region;

nurturing a sense of love, pride in one’s Motherland, and readiness to defend it;

development in adolescents of respect, mercy and sympathy for war and labor veterans, families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland, and elderly people;

creating the necessary conditions for nurturing patriotism as a spiritual component of a citizen’s personality.

Correctly defining the goals and objectives of civic-patriotic work helps to choose the optimal methods and forms of organizing educational activities:


· competitions of drawings, songs, poems, essays

· search and research work

· stock

· staging

· lessons of courage

Methods: conversations, watching videos, excursions.

The modern world requires new educational approaches that can develop a sense of civic duty, love for the Motherland, and respect for the historical past.

Civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren,

as the main direction of ideological work

Patriotic education begins with learning the value of the Motherland. In the process of development, a person gradually realizes that he belongs to a team, class, school, people, and Motherland. The pinnacle of patriotic education is awareness of oneself as a citizen of the country.

The modern school is called upon to solve the vital tasks of implementing the value foundations of education, one of the defining concepts of which is ideology.

Today in the republic much attention is paid to the work of children's public associations. The task of school teachers is to plan forms of work that will arouse interest among the children, and then joining the ranks of the BRPO and BRSM will occur on the initiative of the children themselves.

It is very important that the formed assets of children's public associations serve as assistants in all district and school-wide events and various promotions.

It is at school age that it is most advisable to introduce children to patriotism and citizenship.

Educational events dedicated to Conscript Day, Internationalist Warrior Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day and Independence Day greatly contribute to the formation of citizenship and patriotism among students.

As part of the annual planning for the formation of civic and patriotic feelings in students, such events as the lesson “I am a Minsk resident”, the school competition “My native kut, how dear you are to me”, lessons of courage with the invitation of WWII veterans are held; organization of exhibitions of children's creativity.

In the annual planning of educational work of the school, in the direction of “Civic-patriotic education”, various forms and methods are provided for achieving the above goals. The formation of patriotic values ​​in a modern schoolchild should be a purposeful and targeted process, the main goal of which is moral and psychological preparation for defending the Fatherland and serving it. Because it is on the basis of patriotic values ​​that a responsible, courageous, spiritually developed personality can be raised. Educational activities of a patriotic nature contribute not only to the formation of patriotic concepts, but also to the improvement of interests and ideals. Students form the core that will shape the future of our republic and develop the idea of ​​Belarusian statehood.

Civil-patrioticeducation should be guided not only by love for the Motherland, but also by faith in oneself, in one’s own strengths, in the great achievements of our fathers and grandfathers. This is love for every corner and every citizen of our multinational Belarus. Children need to be educated on victories, not defeats, on creation, not on destruction.

The tasks of educating young citizens of the Republic of Belarus have expanded significantly. The emphasis has shifted to the area of ​​civic-patriotic and ideological-moral education. Thus, the education of a citizen and a patriot is at the center of the formation of the educational space of an educational institution.

Educational work in the civic-patriotic direction will be considered effective if students acquire knowledge of the history of Belarus, modern economic, socio-political and cultural life of society. If they develop a sense of pride for their country - the Republic of Belarus, and if their ideological and political consciousness, information and legal culture are at a high level. Children must fully master the knowledge of the constitution and symbols of the Republic of Belarus, strive to defend their ideals, form an active life position, participate in the life of the class, school, and the activities of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" and BRPO.

A person devoid of patriotic feelings is a stranger in his Fatherland. An active form of manifestation of patriotism is specific activity for the benefit of the Fatherland, serving the interests of the people. Patriotic activities are diverse in their manifestations: defense of the Fatherland; the ability to put the interests of the Fatherland above private interests; readiness to come to the aid of the country; conscientious work; service to the Motherland. Patriotism today acts as the spiritual basis for the revival of Belarus.

The work of the class teacher

in civic-patriotic education

Youth and children's public associations BRPO and NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" created at school help to develop feelings of citizenship and patriotism in children and youth.

Youth organizations today must be imbued with the spirit of a true community of children and adults. We must help our children become real organizers of “new interesting and useful things.” If we develop a clear system of work for our primary organizations, teach our children to be friends and value friendship, to be kind, honest, not to be afraid of difficulties, to boldly move forward, to lend a helping hand in time to people, to their native nature, to the Fatherland, then we will be able to solve the main task - to help become worthy citizens of their country. Otherwise, we will not be able to resist the attempts of some adults to use the name of the pioneer as something past and long forgotten.

The heroic events of the history of Belarus, the country's achievements in the field of politics, economics, culture and sports create real prerequisites for carrying out events on patriotic and civic education.

Therefore, the school uses such forms of civic-patriotic education as thematic conversations, lessons of courage, military glory, peace, meetings with veterans of wars and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, as well as actions, months, concerts, congratulations to veterans, lectures, festivals, sports events, game programs. They are aimed at developing civic activity, initiative, and creativity of students, providing assistance and support at the stage of development of the personality of adolescents, and the formation of patriotism. It is very important to note the development of project activities, which contribute to the development of student independence, intellectual and creative abilities, and the formation of socially significant qualities.

Speaking about the interaction of the teacher-organizer with class teachers and children's class groups, it is important to say about the creation of a positive psychological climate and an active educational environment at school, which includes:

Preserving school traditions: inviting veterans to class, congratulating them on holidays, providing all possible assistance.

Development of creativity, which manifests itself in the preparation of exciting events.

Supporting student initiative and self-government, creative initiative and directing them in the right direction.

Participation of class teachers in a variety of school activities.

When planning various events, the interests of the children are taken into account, not forgetting that each class is already a detachment of October students, pioneers, or a cell of members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

Children are not interested in dry and boring extracurricular activities. They involve a break from studying so that the children can not only get some educational moments, but also have fun. We conduct all events in a playful way, in the form of competitions, brain rings, and KVN events. At the end of the events, the guys publish newspapers, collages, etc.

We must teach our children to study and relax in a dignified, interesting and beneficial way for them and for society.

The role of preserving traditions in civic-patriotic education

Patriotic feelings are formed in the process of life and existence of a person located within a specific sociocultural environment. From the moment of birth, people instinctively, naturally and imperceptibly get used to their environment, the nature and culture of their country, to the way of life of their people. Therefore, the basis for the formation of patriotism is the deep feelings of love and affection for one’s culture, one’s people, one’s land, perceived as the native natural and habitual habitat of a person.

Already in kindergarten, children through folklore and painting become acquainted with the life and history of their people. Belarusian folklore combines words, musical rhythm and melodiousness. Folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children. Art helps to perceive what cannot be directly observed in the surrounding life; it develops and educates feelings. Their active and varied activities are of great importance for the patriotic education of children. Dancing games, round dances, and holiday celebrations provide a huge field for activity in this direction.

Folklore contains the entire life and history of the Belarusian people, the customs and rituals of our ancestors, which can be widely used in life today. With the help of traditional folk dances, children become familiar with the culture of their people. Elements of folklore are used in choreography lessons. During extracurricular hours, children attend performances, concerts, and performances by folk groups. Using the example of folk customs and rituals of our ancestors in choreography lessons, we show how important the role of folklore is in the education of the current generation. In order to raise worthy people, it is necessary to educate them as patriots; in order to instill patriotism in modern children, it is necessary to teach them from childhood about the past, about the history of our region. A people who have forgotten their language, history and customs will disappear without a trace. Folklore in choreography lessons is the most important way to prevent

Achieving the goals of civic-patriotic education should be carried out through the interaction of school, family and society, which contributes to the formation of stable ideas about the world, society, the state, the fundamental rights and responsibilities of children and students, their social ties and relationships.

At school, the planning and organization of civic-patriotic education is carried out in such a way that the ideological orientation, issues, content of educational activities, and information hours are proactive in nature and contribute to the development of the cognitive, intellectual, and cultural needs of students.

Currently, a search is underway for new technologies to create favorable conditions for the socialization of students and the education of civic and patriotic feelings.

Much has been written about how important it is to introduce the younger generation to their native culture from a young age, about how this instills in children a sense of pride in their fatherland and deep respect for it. Therefore, children need to study the culture of their ancestors and the history of their people. In the future, this will help them show interest and respect the national traditions of other peoples. Thus, moral and patriotic education is an important task of preschool educational institutions.

Today you can find a lot of methodological literature on this topic, but often it touches only on individual issues of patriotic education, and there is no integral system that would fully reflect the problem. Perhaps this is natural, since patriotism is multifaceted in its essence. This is pride in one’s people, and the desire to preserve its wealth and increase it, a feeling of an inextricable connection with the outside world.

Objectives of moral and patriotic education

  1. Formation of interest in Russian crafts and traditions
  2. Fostering a caring attitude towards all living things, towards the surrounding world, towards the nature of the native land - and nature in general
  3. Fostering love for your hometown, street, home, and family
  4. Expanding a child’s knowledge about Russian cities
  5. Fostering love and respect for work
  6. Formation of basic concepts in a child
  7. Introduction to the state symbols of Russia - coat of arms, flag, anthem
  8. Raising in children a tolerant attitude towards the traditions of other peoples
  9. Developing a sense of pride in the achievements of the homeland

These tasks in kindergarten are solved in games, in classes and in everyday life, not only instilling patriotic feelings in children, but also forming their relationships with friends and adults. Moral and patriotic education is a complex pedagogical process.

Methods of patriotic education

Forms of patriotic education

Materials for classes on patriotic education

  1. Reproductions of paintings
  2. Methodological literature
  3. Visual and teaching aids
  4. Illustrations of various types of troops, portraits of heroes
  5. Modern means of TSO
  6. Audio recordings
  7. Maps, atlas, globe
  8. Fiction
  9. State symbols

How to introduce a child to patriotic education?

We all know that preschool age is the most important period in the development of a little person’s personality; it is during this period that civic qualities are laid in his soul, and ideas about culture, society and a person’s place in it are formed in his mind. The key points in nurturing a child’s love for the Motherland are the following: the child’s assimilation of the norms of relationship and behavior that are accepted in his country, city or village, the accumulation of social life experience, and familiarization with the national culture. Love for the Motherland begins to form at an early age, from the first mother’s songs, from pictures in the alphabet, from the corner of the city where the child lives, from “a small corner of distant childhood.”

  1. It is necessary to instill in a child a caring attitude towards things around him, toys and books, and explain to him that human labor is invested in each of these things. Form, go to the library with your child, show him how books are stored in the library, and teach him how to use it.
  2. Organize excursions to monuments, tell your child everything you know about the history of these monuments (you can and even need to prepare in advance if you don’t have enough information). You will see that the child will become interested. You can also make “travels” throughout the country with the help of illustrations, a colorful map or globe.
  3. Invite your child to build a house using toy building material, and then play with him in a “housewarming party”, place “tenants” in the house; they can be any toys, dolls, bears and bunnies. Check whether the house is comfortable to live in, whether it is solidly built, and whether it is cozy enough.
  4. Cultivate respect for bread. Tell your child how bread is grown, how much effort and labor is put into this process. Watch how the bread is delivered and how it is unloaded. Buy fresh, still hot bread with your child, enjoy its aroma and taste - or bake it yourself. Explain to your child that bread should not be thrown away; you can dry it into crackers or give it to the birds.
  5. Tell your child about your work, what benefits it brings, and what you love about it. The child should have an idea of ​​who and how his parents work. Of course, it’s good if your work brings you joy, then the child will see and feel it.
  6. When you return from kindergarten, play the game “Who will notice the most interesting things?” with your little one. This exciting game is not only interesting, but also develops observation skills and forms an understanding of the world around us. At home, you can continue the game by inviting your child to draw what he liked most during the walk.
  7. Remember that love for the great Motherland begins with love for the nature of the native land. Nature cultivates responsiveness and sensitivity in humans. Try to spend as much time as possible in nature, ski in winter, bike in summer, or walk, go into the forest, admire its beauty, enjoy the singing of birds and the babbling of streams. Teach your child to protect and preserve nature.
  1. Introducing the child to the traditions of the Russian people, oral folk art, games, cultural heritage, art, holidays and folklore.
  2. Drawing up a child’s pedigree, his deep knowledge of the history of his family, his relatives, family traditions. Introducing the child to the traditions of the kindergarten, the city or village where he lives, the history of the city, its coat of arms, famous citizens, and the sights of the city.
  3. Organizing what is feasible, planting vegetables, flowers, shrubs, observing the city at different times of the year.
  4. A productive, creative, playful activity in which children are given the opportunity to care for people, nature and animals through different seasons.

Kindergarten teachers and parents should cooperate closely and be prepared for the problems of patriotic education, this will increase work efficiency. Also, a heuristic environment should be created in kindergarten and in the family. A heuristic environment implies a productive field for the child’s initiative and creativity, for his independent activity. Cooperation between parents and educators involves trusting business contacts, teaching family members how to communicate with the baby, their active involvement in the pedagogical process, as well as the organization of a subject-development environment on the territory of the kindergarten and in the family. A teacher ready for moral and patriotic education is a person with the proper level of professional skill and competence, capable of independently solving the tasks assigned to him.

As mentioned above, instilling patriotic feelings in children should begin with instilling love for your home, for the street where you live, for the kindergarten that the child attends.

  1. When walking, draw your child’s attention to the sights of the city and its beauty.
  2. Tell us about what is on your street, on nearby streets, alleys, squares and parks.
  3. Give your child an idea of ​​the work of public organizations, such as a library, post office, or store. Observe the work of employees of these organizations, talk with your child about the value and significance of their work.
  4. Involve your child in all possible work to improve the yard and summer cottage.
  5. Learn to give the correct assessment of your actions and the actions of other people.
  6. Read books with your child about your native country, its traditions, heroes and culture.
  7. Encourage your child to maintain order and behave correctly in public places.
  8. Don't neglect expanding your own horizons.

In conclusion

Certain subjective and objective reasons were the result of the fact that the moral and patriotic education of preschool children faded into the background. In the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, the point of view was supported that preschool institutions should not engage in “politicization” of the pedagogical process due to the ambiguity of the political events taking place in the country. The result of this approach was the lack of love for the Motherland in the younger generation, a lack of kindness and spirituality. Today, issues of moral and patriotic education of preschool children are again becoming relevant and priority, their basis is the continuity of generations and national culture. In addition, much attention is paid to the legal development and socialization of youth.

Forms of work on patriotic education of preschool children

“A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart”

K. Paustovsky

Subject patriotism- is now a burning and important topic for our country, for the Russian people. The feeling of love for the Motherland is one of the strongest feelings; without it, a person is flawed and does not feel his roots. Whether a person will feel attached to his native land or move away from it depends on the circumstances of life and education. Therefore, it is important that the child is already in preschool age, I felt personal responsibility for my native land and its future.

How to awaken in a child a feeling for the Motherland? Exactly "awaken", because it exists in every soul, and it needs to be nurtured and strengthened. You cannot force someone to love the Fatherland. Love is necessary bring up. What does it mean to be a patriot of his country?

V. P. Astafiev has wonderful words: “If a person has no mother, no father, but has a homeland, he is not yet an orphan.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote “Speaking about education citizenship and patriotism, we must first of all take care that the little person becomes a Man with a capital P, so that he can distinguish bad from good...”

Currently, Western culture has rapidly burst into our lives - music, films, books, animation, toys - all this has a great influence on receptive child psyche. It is alarming that under the massive influence of Western culture, the younger generation is growing up and is being formed on values ​​alien to our originality. Much of the life of our ancestors has already been lost. Modern cosmopolitanism is gradually distorts feelings of patriotism, love for the Motherland in Russian society. In this regard, right now there is a need education children have moral patriotic feelings, moral foundations and culture of behavior already in the early preschool age.

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin pays special attention to raising patriots of our country: “We must build our future and the future of our children. And such a foundation is patriotism. This is respect for our homeland and the traditions, spiritual and values ​​of our peoples. This is responsibility for your country and its future.”

The moral climate in society as a whole largely depends on what children see, hear, and read. In the Program education and teaching in kindergarten, it was noted that the moral patriotic education is considered as one of the most important aspects of the overall development of the child. It is carried out in all types of children's activities and is aimed at upbringing from the first years of life, love for one’s own family, hometown, home, region.

In our educational institution, teachers have been successfully implementing moral tasks in their activities for many years. patriotic education through an introduction to educational– educational process of new forms of work with children and parents. After all, parents are aware of the role of parental education in the development of moral qualities of a child’s personality.

We, teachers, working and gaining experience in this important direction, we realize that the rudiments of moral qualities must form in the child as early as possible. From the first years of his life, awaken in him love for his native land, educate moral, spiritual, patriotic feelings. It is in preschool age lays the foundation personalities: the holistic develops perception of the surrounding world, emotional attitude towards people around, sympathy for their needs and experiences. Here character traits begin to develop that lay the foundation for moral and patriotic education: hard work, mercy, humanity.

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is surprised by, what evokes a response in his soul. And although many impressions are not deeply realized by him, but, passed through his childhood perception, they play a huge role in the development of personality patriot.

The sequence of this work in our group is represented in scheme: Family - Kindergarten - Home street - Hometown - Country - Rights and Responsibilities. Under the guidance of adults, children gradually elements of patriotic feelings and social relations.

In senior preschool As children age, the foundations of citizenship are laid and interest in the Motherland develops on an emotional and sensory level. We use the following techniques patriotic education, as ethical conversations about the city, native country, world; excursions, observation of people's activities and social events; examination of illustrations about the features of the nature of Russia and other countries; acquaintance with elements of national culture; discussion and compilation of stories about the professions of parents, kindergarten employees, and other townspeople.

When meeting preschoolers with the history of our hometown, we have to tell a lot, so when compiling a story we pay attention to such points as the use of visual material (photos, reproductions of paintings, diagrams).

When composing a story, you need to include questions for children necessary for active cognitive activity and teach them to reason.

When talking about historical events, we try not to use dates, because for children preschoolers chronology not available. But so that children understand that the events took place a long time ago, we try to use such expressions: “it was a long, long time ago” or “this was when your moms and dads were little” etc.

It should also be remembered that the language of the story should be simple and understandable to children. To do this, it is necessary to explain the meaning of unfamiliar words.

In the process of introducing children to the sights of their hometown, we talk about various architectural structures and temples. In this case, it is enough to highlight something important that distinguishes this or that building from others.

Now our national memory is gradually returning to us, and we are beginning to have a new attitude towards ancient holidays, traditions, folklore, arts and crafts, and decorative and applied arts.

In his work We try to use various types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, etc., since oral folk art preserves special features of the Russian character, ideas about goodness, beauty, truth, courage, and hard work.

To accompany the reading aloud of fairy tales, epics, and short stories, visual aids, reproductions of paintings, illustrations in books, photographs and postcards on the topic are used, since children retain visual-figurative thinking and need to rely on visual impressions to remember and assimilate the material. When reading fairy tales and stories with new words, e.g. "spinning wheel", "sieve", "grasp", a clear understanding for children is given by a natural object or at least its image, because a verbal description of children difficult to perceive.

A large place in introducing children to folk culture is occupied by folk holidays and traditions, which reflect centuries-old observations of the characteristic features of the seasons, weather changes, the behavior of birds, insects, plants associated with labor and various aspects of human social life.

It is very important to introduce children to folk decorative painting. After all, she is able to captivate children with national fine arts.

For patriotic education of children we use information-communication technologies when viewing visual material, viewing multimedia presentations, cartoons, listening to songs and poems.

Solving the problem patriotic education contributes to the current method of projects. Its main goal is the development of a child’s free creative personality, the opportunity to feel like a researcher, and to unite children and parents. In groups it is advisable develop pedagogical projects such as "Hometown", "Mother's Day", "Victory Day". The project method is effective in all age groups.

Using the suggested forms and methods of patriotic education, it is necessary to show children the beauty of their hometown, introduce them to the talent of the Russian people, teach children to love their city, their country and be proud that they live in such a beautiful country as Russia. Getting to know their hometown and home country evokes positive feelings and emotions in children, as well as the desire and desire of the child to draw what he just heard about. That's why Job continues in art classes. Children's drawings, reflecting a strong and pure feeling of love for their hometown and native nature, allow them to create expressive images based on their own observations and make them think about their relationship to the natural world. And finally, the game is beloved and exciting form conducting classes for children patriotic education. It lights up and captivates, delivers a lot of positive emotions, allows you to consolidate a large volume in a short time information.

But without being a patriot himself, the teacher will not be able to awaken in the child a feeling of love for the Motherland. Educator must infect children with his love for the Motherland, talk with sincere surprise and admiration about the wealth of the country and worthy people, public holidays.

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