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Development of a baby at 10 months. If the baby falls. Babies begin to react to unpleasant situations and harmful objects

It seems like just yesterday that a helpless baby was brought from the maternity hospital; his skills were limited to the ability to suckle at the breast and announce his problems with a piercing cry. Today he is 10 months old and his list of skills is quite impressive. How to understand whether a child is developing correctly, whether there is a developmental delay, and what features parents should pay special attention to? What should a 10 month old child be able to do? The country's leading pediatricians give the answer.

Physical development

From 2 months to a year, the growth rate of an infant slows down significantly compared to earlier stages. The mass is not growing as actively either. The average statistical data for children of the described age is 76 centimeters in height and 10 kilograms in weight. The data is provisional and may vary slightly up or down. The main thing is that the child must grow according to a certain schedule; significant deviations are a cause for concern for mothers and fathers, which must be discussed with the local pediatrician at the next visit.

Sleep-wake schedule

Parents of the older generation, remember what your child could do at 10 months? Sleep at night with short-term awakenings for feeding for 11-12 hours. If the child successfully tolerates the growth of teeth, mothers will finally have the opportunity to get enough sleep at night. The duration of daytime sleep should be a total of 4 hours. This is the period when the baby’s body adjusts from resting three times a day to twice a day. The first sleep - the morning one - occurs 1-1.5 hours after waking up from the night, its duration is 1 hour. Lunchtime sleep, after an active walk in the company of mom and a hearty meal, is up to 3 hours. The described regime should be maintained until the age of one and a half years - this is the key to good health, full development and high resistance to infections.

Nutrition standards

What can a 10 month old child do in terms of development and nutrition? The skills are practically indistinguishable from an adult. The minimum rate of breast milk or adaptive formula is 200-230 ml up to 3 times a day. The baby receives the rest of his nutrition in the form of vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, meat broths, boiled meat, fish, etc. The baby's stomach is still too tender for spicy seasonings, coffee, cocoa, smoked meats and fried meat. The infant diet should not include store-bought products rich in preservatives and all kinds of chemical additives.

Motor skills

Ten months is an important stage in the development of motor skills. Any deviations are evidence of improper development, vitamin deficiency and underdeveloped muscles.

What should a 10 month old child be able to do:

  1. Confidently crawl in a knee-elbow position without getting tired or showing whims.
  2. Sit supported by your arms or with a little help from elders.
  3. Rise from a sitting position on your own or using a foreign object as support.
  4. Walk leaning on objects.
  5. Climb and descend several steps on a short ladder.
  6. Use cutlery - cup, spoon, sippy cup.
  7. Respond appropriately to the offer of a potty. The procedure of going to the toilet should not be accompanied by physical and emotional discomfort.

Hand motor skills

What can a child do at 10 months? His fingers are becoming more and more flexible. Using his thumb and forefinger, he sorts through small objects. The baby with interest grabs pieces of solid food and throws them at his feet. Tiny things and more still pass the test. Keep your baby surrounded by objects that are edible and not small enough to cause choking. To help mothers, there is a simple rule to avoid asphyxia of the baby - do not let them play with anything that will not dissolve in water, whole grapes, raw carrots.

Even more mobility

What can a child do at 10 months? It's good to crawl! Most babies make attempts to move on all fours at an earlier age, but movements can only be called coordinated now. Sometimes the crawling speed of a child can exceed the walking speed of an adult. Some “personalities” even master the skills of moving up stairs.

The baby sits confidently without support, walks with his mother’s hand or holding onto a support. By letting go of the edge of the sofa for a couple of seconds, the baby can demonstrate balance skills. The first steps towards even greater independence will be a real test for the elders, who will have to spend more than one hour in a half-bent state. Most babies acquire confident walking skills by 14-15 months.

Principles of communication

What can a child do at 10 months? Rationally respond to requests and instructions from elders, perform basic actions without prior demonstration or assistance from parents. The baby should repeat gestures seen once or twice no more than a week ago.

The child plays independently. Mom can leave him in the playpen or crib and go to the kitchen or do wet cleaning. The child continues to actively get acquainted with the world around him and studies new things with genuine interest.

Memory develops at an accelerated pace, which allows a little person to remember the location of objects that are important to him, furniture, places where toys are stored, and to distinguish his own clothes from someone else’s.

What should a 10 month old child be able to do? The development of social skills determines the desire to communicate with peers and older comrades. Gestures seen are stored in memory and can be reproduced as intended.

Speech becomes intelligible. The baby utters its first deliberate words. The long-awaited “mom” and “dad” will be blurry and not always clear. Parents should encourage the child’s efforts in every possible way, communicate with him more, read, all this together will accelerate the development of speech skills.

Time spent in front of the TV should be limited to watching cartoons and children's educational programs. Movies with scenes of violence or obscene language will have a negative impact on the child’s psyche, and it will be extremely difficult to wean him off the words he hears.

Expression of emotions and perception of the surrounding world

What can a 10 month old child do? Perhaps one of the impressive achievements is the manifestation of adequate emotions in accordance with the situation. A whim and a manifestation of dissatisfaction in response to a selected toy, fear at a sudden noise, a smile at the sight of loved ones are evidence of the child’s correct assessment of the environment.

The closer it gets to one year, the more the toddler strives to behave like an adult. Having mastered the movements of the hands and fingers perfectly, the baby repeats the gestures he has seen.

The baby will be truly delighted if he takes part in an entertaining TV viewing or telephone conversation.

A ten-month-old child should not be scolded for broken toys. They do not break, but study objects, trying to understand how they work. What can a 10 month old boy child do? Inquisitive at such a tender age, they begin to show interest in the laws of physics. Mischievous people will unmistakably determine what to pull to make a plate fall to the floor, how long a stick to take to reach a distant object.

If your baby is developing at a slow pace

By watching other children on the playground, mothers can compare the children's skills and abilities. If, when answering the question about what a child can do at 10 months, you cannot name even half of the list listed, there may be a problem of inhibited development. Don't give in to panic prematurely. It is enough to show the child to a reputable pediatrician, who, in turn, will conduct a series of tests aimed at checking the physical and mental health of the baby.

If the doctor makes a disappointing diagnosis, contact the children's center for increased socialization as soon as possible. Minor problems are effectively resolved within 3-4 months. In more advanced situations, professional help may be required for a period of six months to a year.

Question about premature babies

What should a child born prematurely or with minimal weight be able to do at 10 months? Often, premature babies need more time to master the world around them and acquire the listed skills. Parents are able to remove the line between born healthy and weak children; they should conduct additional classes with their child every day and actively introduce them to the world around them.

An important point that many parents miss is that you need to talk to your children. It shouldn't be a stream of meaningless phrases. An option that will be convenient for everyone - just comment on your actions. For example, when going out, list the items of clothing the baby is wearing and describe their color. While walking, talk about the objects around you, their shape, and purpose. Your efforts will not pass without a trace; unexpectedly for everyone around you, your child will begin to share his own observations and surprise you with his knowledge.

Boys and girls - different rates of development?

At 10 months of life, the difference between children of different sexes becomes noticeable, both physically and psychologically. Boys gain weight, outstrip their peers in height, and show more physical activity. What can a 10 month old girl child do? Babies delight moms and dads with their emotionality. They smile more often, laugh, repeat movements and sounds with interest in order to attract the attention of their elders, and ask to play with them.

Breasts of the stronger sex show independence; their priority is research. They are of little interest to the conversations and emotions of adults. While girls focus specifically on them, trying to earn the praise of their elders by demonstrating new achievements. Fine motor skills in young representatives of the fair sex develop faster. They learn walking and talking skills earlier.

Games to develop coordination, movement and rhythm

Spinning on our stomachs. The child lies on the floor, on his stomach. A bright toy should be placed next to it. To reach it, the baby will have to turn around. Relying on outstretched arms, the child will learn to rotate around its axis. To complicate the game, you can shake the rattle near the legs; the baby will hear the sound, but to see its source, you will have to make even more effort.

Making sound. The parent gives the baby a hard toy in both hands. He starts banging them. You need to say out loud: “You knock and hear a loud sound.” Now the toy in one hand should be replaced with a handkerchief. Comment on the action: “Now there is no sound!” Speaking out your baby’s actions forms his passive vocabulary.

Developing your fingers. Place a large container in front of the child - a bucket, pan. Offer 4-5 small, non-hazardous objects (balls, soft cubes, etc.). Show that small objects can be thrown into a large container. If the baby has mastered the rules of the game, the parent changes the location of the container.

Educational games at ten months of age should include exercises for working with objects. A child’s toy “arsenal” should be replenished with large pyramids, cubes of different shapes, colors and sizes, soft educational books and laces.

A child at any age should develop harmoniously. Modern pediatrics focuses on the mental development of the baby - this concept is adhered to by foreign scientists, while domestic pediatricians have always considered the child’s physical indicators more important. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Each baby grows in its own way, slightly behind or ahead of the norm. However, there are indicators that characterize the “golden mean”.

The skills and abilities of children depend primarily on their individual pace of development. However, it is still worth comparing the existing indicators with the norm

Social skills

A 10-month-old child crawls well and is able to overcome obstacles. Some babies bypass the crawling stage and immediately stand on their feet - in this case, teaching him to crawl is no longer worth it, because all this fits into existing developmental norms. The baby acquires social skills:

  1. Listens to the speech of others, repeats sounds and simple words. The child knows the meaning of many words and relates them to objects. The word “mama” associates him with his mother, he knows his own name.
  2. Boys become more independent and enterprising. They try to explore everything, not paying attention to the discontent of their elders. Girls, on the other hand, strive to earn praise by doing what they are taught.
  3. The child actively copies adults, repeats their gestures and movements. During this period, you need to be very careful, otherwise the child may develop a habit that will be difficult to wean him from. But he can be taught new games - for example, he will willingly roll a car or cradle a doll if he sees his parents doing it. But he won’t learn to play like that on his own; he needs to be shown a new game.
  4. A 10 month old child is more interested in small toys and objects than large ones. At the same time, hand motor skills develop, which has a positive effect on mental development. The child must be closely monitored, as he may put the toy in his nose or mouth and swallow it.
  5. The baby begins to take an interest in other children and enjoys playing with them on the playground, although he is still too small for kindergarten.

Touching, smiling and gestures are additional ways for a 10-month-old toddler to communicate with other babies and adults.

Physical parameters

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The age of 10 months is the time to consolidate previously acquired knowledge, as well as move forward on the path of development. For successful activities with the baby, parents should take into account some features of the period.

At the 10th month, the baby develops physically a little more slowly. He still sleeps 12–14 hours and gains about 400 grams per month. Everyone gets better at what they learned before, but acquires fewer new skills.

By the beginning of the 11th month, the baby should confidently sit down without assistance, stand up and stand, walk, holding onto furniture and walls with his hands. He can easily roll over from his back to his tummy and crawl. Those children who do not like to crawl can still get to the toy they are interested in in this way. If your child doesn’t like crawling, don’t insist - the baby may like to move on all fours, while he already lifts his knees off the floor.

At 10 months, it’s time to start teaching your baby to walk, but it’s best to support him under the arms while doing so. The baby's legs are strong enough and he can take his first steps. This is the time to think about buying comfortable boots. Shoes should be slightly larger than the actual size of the foot - so that the big toe does not rest against the wall. It is not worth purchasing shoes without backs; they cannot support an unstable foot. The right choice will help the baby develop a healthy gait, which determines the future condition of the spine.

A baby’s first pair of shoes should not only be adorable, but also practical, comfortable, and soft.

Mental and speech development

A 10-month-old baby not only copies adults, imitating their gestures and facial expressions, he shows his own taste, especially in food, and insists on his own. Often parents see this only as the child’s whim, but he learns to defend his own independence.

  • The baby knows the names of most objects in the house and can point to them in response to a spoken word. He recognizes toys, cars, animals in pictures, and looks at books with pleasure.
  • Children at this age often respond to music. They like to “dance” to the beat of the melody, holding onto a support and standing on their legs - some sway, others try to squat or simply nod their heads. It is useful to develop this tendency, and you can also choose a melody that the child likes and let him listen to it.
  • By the 11th month, the child begins to pronounce meaningful sounds, for example, “ma”, “dai”, “am”. You can already have a “real” conversation with your baby and get answers to simple questions. The child can show which bucket or shovel he wants to take for a walk, which blouse he wants to wear. It is very important to give the child the opportunity to make a choice, to make a decision.

The child will enter his 11th month already knowing how to eat and drink from dishes, clap his hands, wave his hand to mom or dad, assemble a pyramid and stack cubes on top of each other (see also:). He is able to fulfill the simplest request of an adult: give a toy, raise an arm or leg when getting dressed.

This is not the only thing the kid can do. He can already deal with two objects at once: he scoops porridge into a plate with a spoon, moves a cube with a stick, collects small objects from the table with his fingers. Parents should help their baby explore the world around him by coming up with interesting games and exercises.

Little explorer

Children at this age become less clumsy and have better control over their bodies. A 10-month-old child easily grabs a toy suspended above the crib. The baby likes to explore all available places, find different objects and play with them - he likes finds much more than his own toys.

For the normal mental development of a child, it is important to make such discoveries from time to time. Therefore, it is better to prepare future finds for the baby by placing bright books, elegant towels or simply beautiful boxes in convenient places. Let the child find what the mother has prepared, and dangerous objects should be removed higher to protect the baby from injury. It is advisable not to forget about electrical sockets - it is worth putting plugs on them so that the baby cannot play with them.

If a baby gets his hands on a complex toy, he will try to open it to see what’s inside. The same applies to items not intended for play.

Don't forget that a 10-month-old baby puts everything he finds into his mouth. Therefore, if your baby plays with small objects, you should not leave him unattended, but you can give him an apple or carrot, which he will happily gnaw on.

So what should a child be able to do?

The baby can:

  • sit down and sit without assistance, play with toys;
  • can sit on the potty and knows what it is for;
  • crawl, creep in the chosen direction;
  • holding on to something, stand on your feet;
  • walk when held;
  • imitate gestures and facial expressions, pronounce meaningful sounds;
  • play with toys, performing simple actions: rock a doll, put rings on a pyramid, stack cubes;
  • climb on and off a low bed;
  • fulfill simple requests from adults: show mom, do “okay”;
  • drink from a cup, scoop porridge from a plate into a spoon;
  • know the names of household items, recognize toys and animals in pictures;
  • pick up toys with both hands and throw them, throw them out of the crib;
  • understand what is said to him, including the words “no” and “impossible”, if adults used them in conversations with him;
  • laugh with adults;
  • respond to your name by making sounds or turning your head;
  • take small objects with your fingers, put small things into large ones;
  • play with other children;
  • make a simple choice - which shovel to take for a walk.

If parents are concerned about whether their child is developing correctly, it makes sense to watch the video from Dr. Komarovsky’s school. This most popular specialist these days will answer many questions that concern moms and dads.

What can a 10 month old child do?

The most important thing for a 10 month old baby is to do everything “like a big one.” The child has already mastered the movements of the arms, hands and fingers, and facial expressions enough to repeat everything after adults. Be careful - your random gesture may please your child so much that you will then have to wean him off for months. Imitating mom, dad or older brother, the baby will beat the drum, press buttons, rock the teddy bear, poke a doll with a spoon, rub his hands under water...

However, although this may seem strange to you, the baby is not yet capable of transferring these actions to other objects. Those. while rocking the bear, he will not rock the dog until you show that this can be done. Consequently, the “repertoire” of children’s games directly depends on your imagination, desire to teach and show. Load the cubes into a dump truck and a box on a string, feed the animals in your house, put them to bed, take them for a walk...

The baby begins to be interested in connections between objects. If you let him talk on the phone with his grandmother, he will then carefully examine the receiver, as if trying to look inside and discover where the grandmother hid.

A similar interest provokes a child to “break” toys. In fact, the baby does not break them on purpose; he is interested in learning how they work and what they are made of. In addition, he often simply cannot calculate the force applied to a fragile thing.

A new skill appears - with the help of one object the child can get another: with a spatula, move the cube towards him, with a spoon, bring the cracker closer. Of course, the toddler must first be introduced to this possibility, although some children “reach” this on their own, through an unexpected and successful experiment.

The baby enthusiastically grabs the smallest crumbs found on the floor or anywhere else. In fact, it will be much better if the baby satisfies his interest in little things by playing with harmless cereals under your supervision.

If you are engaged in modeling and drawing with your child, he already confidently runs crayons, felt-tip pens or paints across the paper, and when working with dough, he learns to tear small ones from a large piece and can stick them on a board, pressing them with his finger.

Descents and ascents

As for motor skills, the baby continues to train his ability to crawl. Now he moves around the apartment like a small meteor. Many children lift their knees off the floor and run on all fours, like monkeys. A 10-month-old child can already sit upright for a long time, without bending to the sides, stands confidently, and steps along the support.

It's time to master the ascent and descent. It is very convenient to do this on a low sofa or, if you have your own home, on a small staircase with two or three steps - the child cannot yet do more. Teach your baby to climb onto the sofa by pulling himself up on his arms and pushing off the floor with his legs. And you need to go down with your butt first - this way the baby will never break his nose!

By 10 months, babies usually develop and identify a “favorite” type of activity. Some draw with pleasure, others step over and rhythmically squat to the music, others can place cubes on cubes for an entire hour, fourths cannot be taken away from watching the cars through the window, fifths freeze with a book in their hands, sixths don’t need anything other than a couple of glasses and a basin with water, the seventh requires the constant company of other children... Pay close attention to your child's constant interests and try to satisfy them daily.

At 10 months of life, after constantly clinging to his mother, the time finally comes when the baby turns his attention to other people. That is why this age is good both for weaning (if you do not intend to breastfeed until two years old), and for starting to attend developmental groups or “mother + baby” clubs.

From the moment the child gets up, go for a walk - at least 15-20 minutes a day to the playground, where your child can wander around the sandbox, swing on a swing, and most importantly, see how other children play and take part in it as much as possible participation.

Little hands play

Fine motor skills games that a baby can master at 10-12 months:

  • sorting, pouring beads, buttons, cereals, nuts from one container to another;
  • laying out matches, toothpicks, beans, nuts, cotton swabs, curly pasta, pebbles;
  • unscrewing caps – large (from plastic bottles) and small (from cream tubes);
  • finger painting on flour, sand, fine grains;
  • finger games with rhymes (such as “Thieving Magpies”);
  • games with laces, knots, ribbons;
  • using different sized spoons for eating;
  • digging or pouring sand or snow with a scoop, rake, spatula, stick. molds.

Try to have your child do everything with both hands. and not just the right one. Indeed, at this age, the right hemisphere of the brain, for which the left hand is “responsible,” develops much more actively. And acting with both hands at the same time (especially when they perform different movements) leads to the development of interhemispheric connections.

Let's play with friends!

Playing round dance is very simple. First, the mother sings a song and performs a dance herself or with a doll, and the baby sits and watches. If the baby liked it, invite him to change places with the doll: “Let’s dance, and Lyalya will watch.” Take the baby by the hand or in your arms and slowly start the dance, performing all the movements with his arms, legs, and head.

It’s good if all this happens in front of a large mirror in which the child can see your reflection and his own, so he will quickly understand what is required of him. Of course, at first the baby will be able to perform only the simplest movements: clapping his hands, perhaps stomping his foot. Having mastered the movements together with his mother, your child will dance beautifully with other children.

Fuck the king
  • The king walked through the forest,
  • Through the forest, through the forest
  • Look for a princess
  • Princess, princess (we walk in a circle one after another).
  • Let's jump with you
  • And we kick our legs,
  • And let's clap our hands,
  • And we'll stomp our feet,
  • We nod our heads -
  • And we start again (And we don’t play anymore - to end the game).

A round dance exercise will help your baby learn to perform simple movements and develop coordination of the whole body and tiny fingers. To improve hand motor skills, you don’t need a large number of people—you and the little ones are enough.

  • Mill, mill grinds flour (we perform circular movements with our hands).
  • The wind, the wind is blowing stronger - oo-oo-oo-oo (we blow like the wind).
  • The mill grinds flour even faster (we speed up the movements).
  • We ground flour
  • These are such big bags - (we show the volume by raising our hands above our heads).
  • Let's make pies.
  • From flour, from flour we will bake pies, (we make pies with our palms).
  • Carcasses, carcasses, let's make cheesecakes (draw a circle on the other palm with your finger).
  • Okay, okay, let's bake pancakes (we make pops).

At ten months, your baby is already an interesting conversationalist and a worthy playmate. There is something to talk about with him, something to discuss. The facial expressions of a ten-month-old child are almost formed, the gaze has become meaningful, desires and whims have appeared. The kid is preparing to become at least a rock climber, he even storms obstacles that seem insurmountable at first glance - the back of the sofa, the wall, the shelves. And some children have already taken their first steps.

*Data are indicated according to centile tables of domestic pediatricians

What can a 10 month old child do?

stand, walk, holding onto something;

Trying to get up from a sitting position;

Object to him if you try to take his toy;

Unable to pronounce “mom” or “dad” clearly;

Play peek-a-boo;

Understand the words “no” and “impossible”, but do not always obey prohibitions;

Pick up an object with your thumb and forefinger.

At 10 months, a child moves more and more. Make sure that the load on his body is not too great. Don't let your baby stand for a long time. Hold him first under the armpits, and after 2-3 weeks - by the arms. If by ten months the baby still has no teeth, consult a doctor: the baby may have a calcium deficiency.

Child development 10 months

At ten months, the child realizes that he is smaller than many objects around him, and that these objects block his view. Therefore, the child tries to climb higher! Your hands go numb from the weight when you bring your child to the switch for the 25th time and turn the light on and off. Yes, and this will continue for several more weeks.

A ten-month-old baby may already be able to climb into a chair or into your bed, but you must monitor him closely! The child will master the ability to get down from a height later, but for now help him, tell him where he needs to put his foot in order to get down.

If you have an older child, the younger children will become especially close when they are 10 months old. They already have similar interests. And although the youngest child cannot yet be an equal play partner, children find common activities.

A ten-month-old child develops a desire to build with blocks. Teach him how to build a tower from three or four cubes and then show him how interesting it is to knock it down with a ball.

By 10 months, the child’s movements became more conscious. He knows how to take a toy from above, from the side or from below. He can gently lower his arm at an angle. The main thing is that the child evaluates how best to act in this situation. Now the child devotes more time to one toy (up to 10 minutes). He is constantly learning. For example, having mastered the construction of a house from cubes, a child tries to use rings and boxes in the same way.

This month, your child may show an interest in reading. At 10 months, children like to look at pictures of babies just like them.

Games for developing speech in 10 month old children

1. Sit opposite the child and place several familiar toys in front of him. Then ask him to give you, for example, a typewriter. Repeat the word “give” several times. Then hide it behind your back and tell your baby: “Ask me for the car, say “give it.”

2. Look at a family photo album with your child. The child will try to repeat the names of close relatives.

3. Talk to your child constantly, and very soon he will learn to understand everything you tell him. When showing a 10-month-old child a new object, give clear and understandable explanations. Avoid verbosity.

Exercises for 10 month old babies

1. Step by step!

Place the child on a flat surface, such as a table. Facing him, support him with your elbows. Encourage your little athlete to take a few steps.

This exercise will help strengthen your back and leg muscles. Very soon the child will learn to walk independently. Therefore, such training with his mother is very important for him.

2. Funny rings

Place your baby on the bed and place large rings in his arms. You also hold on to them and move your hands in different directions, as well as up and down.

This is a good warm-up for the muscles of the back and arms. Another big plus is that such an exercise will certainly amuse the child.

What to do if a 10 month old child grinds his teeth?

Children often grind their teeth. The sign that teeth grinding is somehow connected with worms is not true.

In fact, bruxism (teeth grinding) is associated with tension in the child. Young children are constantly striving for activity. And if their freedom is limited, the kids become nervous and tense. Sucking a pacifier, sucking a finger, pulling back the ears, plucking eyebrows with fingers and grinding teeth in a 10 month old baby are all ways to calm down internal energy. Make sure that your child can play active games, run, jump, and sing without any restrictions. Hit with pillows, soft, safe swords, hit a toy cooking utensil with a hammer, stick pencils into plasticine.

How to potty train a child?

It is difficult for an adult to believe that a small child not only does not feel that he wants to go to the toilet, but is not even aware of what is happening. Only when his pants get wet does he realize that something has happened and it causes discomfort.

First of all, the child will learn to feel pressure on the bladder, and this will be possible only when nerve connections between the brain and the bladder arise and differentiate. According to psychologists, a child can periodically pee in his pants until he is 3.5 years old, and at night - until he is 4.5 years old.

After a year, the child can be explained the purpose of the potty, why there is a toilet in the house and why adults go there from time to time. If you are not embarrassed, take your child with you to the toilet. When your child is one year old, it’s time to switch to panties.

Do not force your child to sit on the potty. Otherwise, he will develop a persistent dislike for this useful item. On the contrary, he should like the potty and associate it only with positive emotions.

Don’t shame your child for puddles and soiled pants, don’t show your disgust when you wash his butt... Be patient! At one year of age, the child is just beginning to master personal hygiene skills.

  1. The baby crawls confidently. Some for short distances, others simply impossible to catch up with. The speed of movement of a baby especially increases if he has managed to grab something forbidden and is trying to hide.

    It happens that a 10-month-old child crawls very little and immediately tries to walk. Moreover, this will be more typical for a boy than for a girl.

  2. Children at 10 months stand well. Many people try to walk while holding the edge of a sofa or bed with their hands. And some kids are already mastering the skill of walking without any support.
  3. The child finally masters the pinch grip. The baby likes to hold small objects with his fingers; if you give him a pencil or pen, the baby will try to draw, imitating the actions of his parents.
  4. A baby at 10 months is even more interesting in terms of communication. It is easy to teach him to wave his hand goodbye or turn his head as a sign of agreement or disagreement. The child also responds to simple requests from an adult. The baby can take something, bring it, give it away, or perform certain actions with toys (roll, close, open).
  5. The child improves control of his body. Due to the fact that the increase in body weight is no longer as significant as before, it is easier for the baby to control his movements. The connection between thinking and motor skills is strengthening. Hand manipulations, leg movements, head turns become even more conscious. And the more the baby plays with his hands and fingers, the sooner and stronger this connection will be strengthened.
  6. The development of a child at 10 months already makes it possible to determine the leading hand.

    If the left hand turns out to be the main one, under no circumstances should the baby be retrained. In this case, it is better to choose games that involve both hands.

  7. In addressed speech, the child easily guesses the intonation. If the speech has an approving tone, the baby rejoices and smiles. If the baby hears disapproval in the voice of a loved one, he becomes upset.
  8. The baby understands the word “no”. The main thing is not to abuse it. It should be prohibited in situations where the child’s actions could harm him or others. In other cases, it is better to distract him by transferring his attention to something more interesting.

    The ban should be carried through to the end. There is no need to follow the lead of a baby who, with his cry, is trying to get permission for something that threatens him, which was previously prohibited. Once again, gently tell your child why it is not possible, and how this action or object threatens him.

  9. At the tenth month, a child can say his first words. Or he often repeats the most popular syllables for a long time - “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”.

    But even if this doesn't happen, don't worry. The development of a child at ten months does not yet imply clear, conscious speaking of words.

  10. The baby's feelings and emotional reactions become more diverse. For example, a 10-month-old child may experience feelings of jealousy. It manifests itself when another baby becomes the center of attention of loved ones.
  11. He holds the mug tightly with both hands and drinks on his own.

Child's height and weight at 10 months

Due to increasing physical activity, the child’s body weight does not increase at the same rate as before. During the tenth month, the baby is 400 - 450 grams heavier and grows 1 - 1.5 centimeters.

The baby still sleeps twice during the day and once at night. The total sleep duration is 12 - 14 hours. Each child independently chooses his own regime. Some people wake up earlier and, accordingly, go to bed earlier. Others sleep very little during the day, literally 30 - 40 minutes. If your baby sleeps twice during the day, make sure that the gap between naps is no more than four hours. This way you will avoid problems with going to bed at night.

Parents should watch their child and the signals he gives very carefully. It is in this way that you can choose the optimal daily routine that is most suitable for your baby.


At 10 months, the child receives almost adult food. The exception is that it can be in a more crushed (ground) form.

Naturally, children should not be given fried or fatty foods. The same applies to canned food, smoked meats, semi-finished products and sweets.

The baby receives formula or breast milk before bed, at night or after the main meal as a drink.

Breastfeeding usually involves more breastfeeding than is required to satisfy hunger or thirst. Don't worry. This is fine. Everything will fall into place when the baby and mother are ready to give up breastfeeding.

To instill a food culture in your child, it is useful to organize meals together. This way the child will learn the skills of eating independently. In addition, eating together as a family is a great way to become even closer and dearer to each other.

How to develop a child at 10 months?

At 10 months, the development of the baby, as before, occurs through play. It is important for parents to both set aside separate time for this and weave play elements into the context of the family’s daily life. It’s just great if both mom and dad play with the baby, because their style of play is different.

  • in development motor skills It is important to help the baby improve his crawling skills and lay a strong foundation for subsequent upright walking.

Do not limit your baby to the confines of the playpen. Having secured the space in advance, let him float freely on the floor.

Place toys on the floor to make it more interesting for your baby to crawl from one activity to another. To strengthen the muscles of your arms and legs, it will be interesting to play catch-up. Of course, the child does not yet know how to walk well enough for this, but he is already crawling quite well. The baby will be interested in both running and catching up.

If your baby doesn't want to crawl at all, build a play tunnel at home. Show your child how to overcome it by crawling. It's rare that a baby can resist such entertainment.

Show how it turns out that it is easier to take the first steps if you hold on to the bed or sofa.

  • physical activity. First of all, these are exercises on a fitball and exercises in the pool. This will strengthen the baby’s muscle frame and serve to prevent umbilical hernia;
  • talk to your child more. Talk about the world and phenomena around you. Accompany your actions with comments.

This way you can learn the skill of cooking together. Mom will cook on the stove in real dishes, and the baby, sitting on the floor, will repeat. This will also have a positive effect on hand motor skills.

At this age, it is easier for a child to perceive poetic forms and melodic speech by ear. To better understand fairy tales, you can use finger games.

Parents can make their own set of finger toys for several fairy tales. This is a great option for family leisure.

  • role-playing games. Choose your favorite toy together with your baby and show the baby how to care for it - feed it, put it to bed, etc. The baby will be happy to repeat these simple steps.

Young children are great imitators. And parents are the best role models for them.

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