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Developmental lessons on the surrounding world for preschoolers. Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world. Long beak and two wings

Nina Rusina
Work program “Child and the world around us”

Work program« Child and the world around» . Explanatory note.

Environmental work program world for children of the preschool group is compiled on the basis of the basic general education programs preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa. The foundation of mental development baby is sensory education, orientation in the surrounding world. Section Contents « Child and the world around» consists of three components: subject environment, phenomena of social life, the natural world.

Each component of the section has its own basic basis.

Introduction to the objective world involves the formation of ideas about the object as such, and as a creation of human thought, and the result of labor activity. In introducing children to the phenomena of social life, the core theme is the life and work of people. At the heart of connecting with the natural world is helping child in realizing oneself as an active subject of nature.

Natural environment. Environmental education. The purpose of the section is to familiarize children with living and inanimate nature, to develop a consciously caring attitude towards it, and to form the principles of an ecological culture.

Realization of the goal occurs through the solution of the following tasks:

Clarification, systematization and deepening of knowledge about plants, animals and natural phenomena; about the state environment.

Formation of knowledge about the vital manifestations of all living things (nutrition, growth, development).

Formation of ideas about cause and effect relationships within the natural complex.

Development of an emotionally friendly attitude towards living objects of nature in the process of communicating with them.

Formation of the need to take care of the environmental cleanliness of your yard, kindergarten, group, village.

Development of a conscious attitude towards oneself as an active subject the surrounding world.

Forming the habit of rational use of natural resources.

Developing skills to interact correctly with nature.

Developing an interest in the natural world.

Formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality, primarily to nature in all its manifestations.

Expanding children's ideas about their native land.

Fostering respect for people of different nationalities and their customs.

Selection software material was carried out based on principles:

The encyclopedic nature of the baby ideas and knowledge about everything that is his surrounds;

Natural conformity (man is part of nature, and he obeys its laws);

Educational value of knowledge.

Mental education in program organized on the principles of communicative and cognitive activity of children and enriched with modern developmental content. It provides:

Formation child's holistic picture of the world around him;

Developing interest in objects and phenomena surrounding reality(the world of people, animals, plants, habitats of humans, animals, plants (earth, water, air);

Familiarization with household items necessary for a person, their functions and purpose (clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, etc.);

Formation of initial ideas about oneself, about the nearest social surrounded.

The program is addressed

Children of the pre-school group of the MBOU "Verkhnezhirimskaya Secondary School"

Implementation deadlines programs: given program designed for 1 year - 34 hours (1 lesson per week).

Characteristics of age and psychological characteristics.

At the age of 5-7 years child gradually extends beyond the family circle. His communication becomes non-situational. An adult becomes not only a family member, but also a carrier of certain public information. Wish baby performing the same function leads to a contradiction with its real capabilities. This contradiction is resolved through the development of play, which becomes the leading type at this age.

Children continue to develop perceptions, but they cannot always take into account several different signs at the same time. Generalization and reasoning skills continue to develop, but they are still largely limited to visual signs of the situation. The imagination and attention of preschoolers continue to develop, it becomes voluntary. Coherent speech develops. In the preschool group, preschool age is completed. His main achievements are related to the mastery of the world of things as objects of human culture; children master forms of positive communication with people; Gender identification develops and the student’s position is formed.

Connection programs with adjacent disciplines:

Physical culture

Speech development

Organization of the educational process.

Gaming technologies.

Educational methods and training:

Verbal method (story, explanation, conversation, working with a book and notebook).

Visual method (display of paintings, cards, posters, presentations, etc.)

Method of didactic games

Problematic method

Partially searchable

Characteristics of competencies.

In the process of implementation programs key and general subject areas are formed competencies:

Cognitive competence

Personal competence

Self-educational competence

Social competence

Competent attitude towards one’s own health, personal self-improvement

Communication competence

Information competence.

Knowledge, abilities and skills by the end of the study year:

By the end of the year, children can:

Distinguish and name types of transport; items that facilitate human labor in production; objects that create comfort and coziness indoors and outdoors.

To know that objects are the creation of human thought.

Establish connections between the properties and characteristics of various materials and their use.

Select and group objects in accordance with the cognitive task.

Have an idea of ​​the history of creation of objects.

Know your date of birth, your middle name, home address and phone number; parents' names and patronymics.

Know the coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia. Have an idea about the President and the Government of Russia.

Have an idea about your native land; about people of different nationalities, their customs, traditions, folklore, labor, etc.

Have primary ideas about school and library.

Caring for plants in a corner of nature.

Have an idea of ​​various natural objects; about the vegetation of a forest, meadow, garden, field; domestic and wild animals, birds; Red Book; nature of the native land.

Know the essential characteristics of objects, their properties and qualities.

Calendar and thematic planning.

Topic name Number of hours Date

September: Day of Knowledge. (n.r.k. *) 1

Nature and man. 1

Dangerous situations. 1

Gifts of autumn. (n.r.k.) 1

My home, my family. (n.r.k.) 1

Where do frogs spend the winter? 1

Rights and responsibilities of a preschooler. 1

Leaf fall, leaf fall - yellow leaves are flying. 1

October: Excursion to school. (n.r.k.) 1

Journey to the autumn forest. (n.r.k.) 1

Transport. 1

The cranes are flying away. 1

At the leather goods exhibition. 1

How animals prepare for winter. 1

Excursion to the school canteen. (n.r.k.) 1

Nature and us. 1


Our planet. Planet Earth is in danger. 1

The tree can swim. 1

Travel across Africa. 1

Six-legged babies. 1

Excursion to the library. (n.r.k.) 1

Autumn came, bringing eight weather conditions. 1

December: Family and genealogy. (n.r.k.) 1

Meeting winter. (n.r.k.) 1

Air transport. 1

The underground riches of the Earth. (n.r.k.) 1

Ground transport. 1

Which branch is the baby from? 1

Where did the Christmas tree come from? (n.r.k.) 1

Who guards environment. 1

January: Journey into the past of an object. 1

Young ecologist. 1

Familiarization with road signs. 1

Australia. 1

Water transport. 1

Wintering birds. (n.r.k.) 1

Excursion to the school museum. (n.r.k.) 1

The corner of the planet where we live. (n.r.k) 1

February: Meet me: my friend is a computer. 1

Domestic and wild animals. (n.r.k) 1

The teacher's story about groom's work. (n.r.k.) 1

Fauna of the polar regions. 1

Our army is dear. 1

Plants and life on Earth. 1

Wonderful miracle. A wondrous miracle - golden Khokhloma. 1

We are all inhabitants of planet Earth. 1

March: Grandma's chest. (n.r.k.)

Holiday "Vesnyanka".

Dymkovo toy. 1

Forest and man. 1

National holiday Maslenitsa. The birds have arrived - they have brought spring. (n.r.k.) 1

Moscow is the capital of Russia. 1

Getting to know reptiles. 1

April: Rules and road safety. 1

Plants near us. (n.r.k.) 1

I want to be an astronaut. 1

plant kingdom: herbs. (n.r.k.) 1

Earth Festival. The earth is our common home. 1

Who is in charge in the forest? 1

May: Our army. Victory Day. 1

Seasons. 1

Healthy food. (n.r.k.) 1

Seasonal clothing. (n.r.k.) 1

Hello, summer is red. 1

*national-regional component

The period of voicing the first meaningful questions starts in a period that falls within the time interval of 3-4 years. Such activity indicates the baby’s readiness to receive information that is understandable to him at this stage of development. Interaction with peers within the children's team has a positive impact on the child. Children growing up in such conditions tend to improve their analytical function. They are able not only to understand the essence of certain situations, but also to draw appropriate conclusions. It is desirable that the process of familiarizing children with the features of the world around them takes place under the supervision of qualified teachers. In most cases, the latter are teachers of preschool institutions.

The inability to attend kindergarten due to specific circumstances places a certain responsibility on the shoulders of parents. The adults surrounding the baby should strive to extend the age of the “why” as much as possible. The child's interest in getting answers to questions tends to wane over time. Sometimes its complete disappearance may be recorded. The latter situation is typical for families in which children are not provided with reasonable and understandable answers. A similar picture is observed when a preschooler is ignored by older household members, in which a lack of dialogue is stated.

Play as a method of introducing a child to the world around him

Ideas about the world around us during preschool education are formed by conducting thematic classes and taking part in gaming activities. It is desirable that at the final stage of an important stage the young citizen realizes his own place in society and forms a clear idea of ​​the people and objects around him. The “World around us” program is focused on mastering skills that are significant for a preschooler, which is a holistic set of activities that implement a variety of educational methods and methods. The multifaceted technique is designed to help children establish cause-and-effect relationships.

During the classes, widespread methods of awakening the potential abilities of an individual can be used. The latter included role-playing games, drawing, modeling and appliqué. As practice shows, each of the mentioned types of activities has a special role. The game form is the best way to promote the understanding and consolidation in the child’s memory of concepts and terms that are unsuccessfully explained within the framework of instructive conversations. It is advisable for teachers and parents to take into account the inherent love of preschoolers to identify themselves with their favorite fairy-tale characters.

Understanding the world around us

The stage of familiarization with the environment implies the possibility of conducting simple experiments, during which children must move from the role of followers to the role of leaders. The function of controlling the situation is assigned to the teacher located nearby. Parents should know that an experienced teacher prefers explanations rather than prompts. Only with this approach is it possible to make independent decisions, the totality of which forms the first life experience.

Since prehistoric times, it has been the case that men work more outside the home, feed their families, so they are often faced with the question of how dad can...

Preschoolers imagine the world around them as an interesting and, importantly, unknown space, within which various subjects, plants, animals, birds and phenomena exist. This is precisely where children differ from adults, who perceive the manifestations of life as an initially implied given. It’s not easy for a little one to find, let alone understand, himself in the huge world. The formation of a harmoniously developed personality is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. During early childhood, it is necessary to awaken in children love for family, homeland and the people around them, to teach children manifestations of kindness and responsibility. In addition, it is advisable to put into young minds the idea of ​​the importance of caring for the environment as a whole and its individual components. Parents and nearby adults should, by their own example, demonstrate to the child a positive attitude towards infirm people and the elderly, expressed in participation and care.

Examples of activities

As part of the "World Around" program, you can learn poems about the seasons with your children. Productive interaction between preschoolers and the teacher is also recorded during solving riddles. During your walk, you can take a few minutes to observe nature. Kids are quite capable of describing the weather, the sky, the effects of rain and gusts of wind.

One of the blocks may be dedicated to migratory birds. During the lessons, children can learn the names of birds typical of their native land, learn to distinguish them and identify those that winter in other countries. The lessons are focused on expanding vocabulary (singers, waterfowl, migratory birds, feeder, wedge, flock, nest, etc.). The use of materials with bird sounds, learning thematic poems and guessing riddles is encouraged.

The next module may be dedicated to autumn, associated with the harvest period.
Children can voice the names of vegetables and fruits they know. If you have a vegetable garden or summer cottage, harvesting is indicated. The lack of land is a reason to go to the market or store together. It is likely that the child will respond favorably to a short story about a fruitful plant unknown to him. You can also invite your child to sculpt vegetables from plasticine or dough, or create a hand-drawn composition using special stamps. Creating a painting from seeds guarantees an interesting pastime.

In the autumn period, it is advisable to familiarize preschoolers with the concept of “leaf fall.” On fine days, you can start collecting a herbarium, while simultaneously learning from your children the names of trees and shrubs typical of the region. Multi-colored fallen leaves are an excellent material for creating colorful bouquets, some of which can be given to parents. In addition, you can invite children to demonstrate their skills and imagination in applications on the theme “Mushrooms in Autumn” or “Autumn Forest”.

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Program content:

  • Introduce children to the taiga and forest zones. Master the actions of using a model that reflects the relationship between plants, animals and living conditions in a natural area (using the example of a forest).
  • To consolidate knowledge about autumn phenomena in wildlife. Activate the mental and speech activity of children (the ability to form new words. Select definition words, form diminutive words).
  • Cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.
  • Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the beauty of the surrounding nature.
  • Activating the dictionary:
    Autumn, September, October, November, falling leaves, frowning, crimson, rustling, flying away, cooing, etc.
  • Preliminary work:
  • Looking at illustrations of “The Seasons”, reading poetry from works about autumn.
  • Getting to know the folk calendar, signs, asking riddles.
  • Material:
    Pictures, diagrams, model, sound recording, illustrations, ball, projector, laptop, board, leaves.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment (2 min.)

What a miracle!
Everyone needs hands, friends.
Strong hands will not rush into a fight.
Kind hands will pet the dog.
Skillful hands know how to sculpt.
Sensitive hands know how to make friends.

They say. That fairy-tale characters love to travel.

Is this true?

Name such heroes?

(frog traveler, Baba Yaga, Puss in Boots)

Do you like to travel?

Today we will hit the road.

Before you and I go on our journey.

Tell me, what time of year is it now? (autumn)

What are the autumn months?

How can you call the MONTH OF SEPTEMBER differently according to the folk calendar?

SEPTEMBER - deciduous, leafy.

Remember the signs of September.

  • In September the leaf does not stay on the tree.
  • In September, the fur coat trails behind the caftan.
  • September - collects birds on the road.
  • In September there is one berry, and even that bitter rowan.

OCTOBER - gloomy, dirty.

Remember the signs of October.

  • October thunder - snowy winter.
  • In October the birds fly low for early winter.

NOVEMBER - ice smith, semi-winter road.

Remember the signs of November.

  • In November there will be snow - bread will arrive.
  • In November, dawn meets dusk.

(an upset squirrel appears on the screen)

The guys took the squirrel away from its home, and in order to return home, is there a lot of light, warmth, water, and is the soil rich?

And I have hints and diagrams that will help you find the answers.

(we sit down at the tables, there are diagrams on the board)

2. Children doing work at tables (10 min)

The squirrel does not know what kind of soil it has, but there are a lot of trees and bushes, the grass grows, thick, juicy, and stores nuts and berries for the winter.

So what kind of soil is it? Dry or fertile.

Let's agree that if the soil is rich, we will denote it with a MUCH icon, ENOUGH with a smaller icon, and LITTLE with an even smaller icon.

The soil is rich (a lot) (I put an icon)

It is hot in summer and cold in winter, all the animals and birds have adapted to this, some fly to warmer regions, some hibernate, some live on supplies.

So, it doesn’t have a lot of heat and not a little, but ENOUGH (I put up an icon).

In summer it is light, the days are long and the nights are short, but in winter, on the contrary, the night is longer than the day, but there is enough light for all plants and animals, there is ENOUGH warmth. (I put up an icon)

There is also enough water for everyone in the fall. There is a lot of rain, there are dry hills and clearings.

This means there is not little or too much water, but ENOUGH

I think that we coped with the task and helped to tell about where the squirrel lives.

And you guessed it, (in the forest)

What is the name of her house? hollow.

Look what we came up with.

What color do we use to denote the forest? (green)


Laying out the model.

In the forest there is enough light, enough heat, rich fertile soil, enough water.

Now, each of you build your own model on the tables. (children are building)


Hands raised and waved
These are trees in the forest
Elbows bent, hands shaken
The wind blows away the dew.
Let's wave our hands smoothly.
These are the birds flying towards us.
As soon as they sit down, we will show them the wings and fold them back.

Guys, we have returned the squirrel home to the forest (showing illustrations)

In gratitude, she wants to play games with you:

4.1 game "PICK THE WORD"(ball) (3 min)

  • The leaf turns yellow, withers, falls, dries, rustles, rustles.
  • Rain - drizzles, pours, falls, drips.
  • The wind blows, howls, howls.
  • Birds fly away, fly over, sing. etc.

5.2 game "Call me kindly""(2 min)

The word FOREST is a little forest, little forest.

What is the name of the berries that grow in the forest? (forest)

  • What berries grow in our north? (blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.)
  • Who looks after the forest? (forester)
  • What are the small trees that grow under large trees called? (undergrowth)

And now only boys answer

6.3 game "What is the forest doing?"(3 min)

It grows, makes noise, burns, dies, lives, breathes, pleases, purifies the air.

And now the girls are answering

What kind of forest?

  • Big, huge, dense, dense, autumnal, beautiful.
  • What does the forest give to animals and birds? (gives housing, food)

(Forest slide show)

7.4 game "What's extra?" (5-6 min)

Slides of animals, mushrooms, trees, berries.


(breathe fresh air, pick mushrooms, relax, collect medicinal herbs, etc.)

So our journey into the imaginary forest has ended. What useful things did you do while traveling?

  • Who did you help?
  • With what?
  • The forest is our wealth.
  • The forest is our friend; it retains moisture and helps people grow a good harvest.
  • The forest is a storage room. Free nuts, berries, mushrooms, fish.
  • The forest is the green outfit of our planet.

Organization: MBOU of additional education "Istok"

Locality: Ufa

Children's age: 5-6 years

Type of lesson: introductory lesson

Form of study: collective

Target: to give every child the opportunity to feel like a traveler to the beautiful places of the surrounding world, a member of a friendly team, to awaken interest in the subject “The World Around us”.



  • give a basic concept of what the “world around us” is;
  • expand children's understanding of types of transport,
  • develop children’s ability to recognize modes of transport by sound;
  • summarize children’s knowledge about the flora and fauna of the forest, the underwater world, the North Pole, and Africa;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about the country in which they live, about the capitals of our big and small Motherland.


  • promote the development of creative perception and imagination;
  • activate memory, creative thinking, imagination, speech;
  • compare the image with the movement.


  • develop teamwork skills, communication culture, the ability to hear and listen to each other;
  • arouse interest in the subject offered for familiarization.


Laptop, speakers, multimedia installation, pointer, travel map

Handouts: - badges, pictures, glue.


1. Organizational stage - 5 min.

2. Generalization of children’s existing knowledge – 5 min.

3. Expanding knowledge and understanding – 20 min.

4. Summing up the lesson – 5 min.

ABOUT organizational stage


Hello guys!

My name is Angelina Alikovna, I work at the Children's Center with the same children as you. Today in our lesson we will learn a lot of interesting and educational things and take an exciting journey. Do you like to travel?..


Children's answers


I hope you enjoy it, especially since we have a very fun guest with us. Let's look at the screen and find out who it is?


Guys, do you know who this is?


This is a clown


Well done! What did the clown bring with him? (balls)

Guys, it seems to me that these are complex balls, something is hidden in them. And we can find out if we solve the riddles. Listen carefully.

One fire warms the whole world. (Sun)

Dressy sisters

Guests are greeted all day

The bees are treated to honey. (Flowers)

A spider dreams at night

Miracle - yudo for a bitch.

Long beak and two wings.

Arrives - things are bad. (Bird)

It contains salt water.
Ships sail on the water,
Waves, wind in the open air,
Seagulls are circling over... (Sea)


Children solve riddles


The sun, flowers, birds, sea and much more, everything that is called around us the surrounding world.

This is the name of the subject that I teach my children at the CDT, and this will be the name of the topic of our lesson today. Let's read it together.


Children read the name of the topic on the screen.


Oh guys, look, something else appeared on the screen. I think this is already an invitation to go on a journey.

But the journey is not easy; we have to overcome forests, fields, sea and even mountains.

Are you ready?


Children's answers

Generalization of existing knowledge


Then, let's go. But how will we get around? What do we need for this?


We will go by transport


That's right, well done! What kind of transport can we use to start our journey?


Bus, train, car, taxi, helicopter, ship, boat, motor ship, boat, plane, etc.


It's good that you know so many types of transport. Let's choose on which one exactly we will start the journey and drive along the road through forests and fields. Listen carefully and try to guess the transport by sound.


Children guess vehicles by sound

(motor ship)

Expanding knowledge and understanding


Guys, can we travel along the road by boat?



Because he floats on water.


What is the name of a vehicle that moves on water?


This is water transport



Children guess the plane by its sound


What is the name of transport that moves through the air?




Let's keep listening


Children guess the car by sound


Can we drive along the road? What else? Shall we listen further?


Children guess by sound (bicycle, motorcycle, train)


How can you describe all this transport in one word? and why?


Ground. Because he travels on the ground


Guys! But we all won’t be able to ride a bicycle, a motorcycle, or even a car. What kind of transport do we need to fit everyone? Let's listen.




Right, look, our clown has already left. It's time for us to hit the road.

And to make it more fun for us, we will sing and repeat the movements to the music.


Children sit and perform the movements they see in the video and repeat the sounds while listening to music.


Well done guys! You did everything right.

And here is our first stop - this is a forest. Oh, something is wrong, there is something missing in this forest. What's missing, guys?


Trees, mushrooms, berries, flowers, birds, animals (fox, hare, wolf, bear, squirrel).


Well done, right. Now our forest looks beautiful and you can even hear its sounds. The forest is not only priceless beauty, but also home to many animals, birds, plants, and insects. And all this must be protected! What could happen if we don't do this?


Children's answers


Forests are cut down, polluted, and often die from fires. If this continues, many forests will disappear, and with them animals, birds and plants. Our task is to prevent this from happening and preserve this wealth!



(on a boat, ship, motor ship, steamship)



Look, the clown has already sailed on the boat. Let's catch up with him on a big ship. Stand in a circle and repeat after me


Well done! You did great! Now we can relax a little and take a trip to the underwater world.


In the depths of the seas and oceans, there is an underwater world that is incomparable to anything, amazing, and unlike the one that surrounds us on earth. The underwater world has its own rules and conditions for survival. But besides all the dangers, this world conceals amazing beauty and its uniqueness. Its colors, strange corals and algae, and diverse inhabitants are simply amazing. Here we met unusual lionfish, butterfly fish, funny clown fish, dangerous sharks, graceful jellyfish, crayfish with large claws, a cute turtle, starfish and much more. This is what the underwater world is like - colorful, moving and full of surprises.

(on the screen there is a video about the underwater world)


Well, we didn’t even notice how we swam to the shore, and in front of us were high mountains. Look, our friend has already flown in a hot air balloon, but what will we fly on?


By plane


So we take off!

Children stand in a circle and repeat the movements of the airplane to the music.


Well done! Our plane is flying, now we can sit in our seats and look out the windows. What will we see when flying over the earth? ( the sound of a blizzard is heard, an image of snowfall appears on the screen).

Oh, guys, it's getting cold. I wonder why it got so cold?


We're flying over the North Pole


That's right guys. The North Pole is one of the most unusual places on our planet and it is not surprising that it is called mysterious and enigmatic, because this region is fraught with many wonders. Gigantic expanses of ice and snow, huge icebergs of the most incredible, bizarre shapes, rare animals and birds. Despite the cold, snow and ice, the nature of the North Pole is incredibly beautiful.

Tell me, what is the climate here?

(video about the North Pole on screen)


Cold, winter.


Right. It's winter here all year round.

We continue our flight...

(the sun appears on the screen and African music plays)

Guys, can you feel it getting really hot! What's happened? Let's look out the windows. What do we see?


We're flying over Africa


That's right, how did you know that this is Africa?


Children's answers


The nature of Africa is very diverse. Summers here are long, hot and dry. Various plants grow here and there are islands of trees. Various animals live in the vastness of Africa. All of them have adapted to the local climate and can travel long distances in search of a watering hole. Africa is the kingdom of the world's hottest sun and hot sand.

(video about Africa on screen)


Guys, it's time for us to return to our native lands. What is the name of our Motherland? And who will name its main city?

Look, here it is - our Moscow! What do we see with you?

(short video)


Children's answers


The Moscow Kremlin and the Kremlin chimes are the main clock of our country, St. Basil's Cathedral, a historical museum, monuments to the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and the famous commander Zhukov.


Our plane is descending, fasten your seat belts. We are flying over the city where we live. Surely you all know what it's called?




Our plane landed at the airport in Ufa, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan. You see on the screen the City Council building, the monument to Salavat Yulaev, the Friendship Monument, the mosque, the theater building.

Summing up the lesson


Guys! What a long journey we made, we learned and saw a lot, but all this is only a part the world around us.

Our lesson has come to an end.

Tell me what did you like most? Why? What new have you learned? How did you feel when you were flying on a plane or sinking to the bottom of the sea?


Tell me, do you want to learn even more about the world around you? Come to our Center and we will make many interesting trips with you.

And in conclusion, we will make a map of our journey as a gift for the clown.

Children make one large map of their journey with their own hands.

Well done! This map will help other children make a similar exciting journey.

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your active participation. Goodbye!

List of used literature:

  1. “Studying the world around me,” Egupova V. A. // Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2014
  2. “The world around us for preschoolers,” Khanina O. G. // Phoenix-Premier Publishing House, 2012.
  3. “Riddles. The biggest book" // Publishing house "AST-Press", 2009.
  4. "Hello, world!" Vakhrushev A. A., Akimova Yu. A., Kochemasova E. E., Belova I. K. // Balass Publishing House, 2016

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Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Save Kolobok” in the second junior group Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten "Rosinka" in the town of Pionersky Summary of direct educational activities "Acquaintance with the outside world + speech development" on the topic "Save Kolobok" with children of the second junior group Compiled...

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Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world - Synopsis of the educational event “The diverse world of professions”

State government social service institution of the Krasnodar Territory “Novokubansky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors” Synopsis of the educational event “The Diverse World of Professions” Compiled by the teacher: N. E. Margachenko hut. Maryinsky 2019...

Summary of GCD for experimenting with water and other objects. Goal: Developing interest in cognitive and research activities; Objectives: To develop attention, observation, logical thinking and the ability to draw conclusions. Materials used: Basin with water, towel,...

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