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The child hit his head hard, what to do Komarovsky. A child hit the back of his head: what to do and what consequences could there be? The child hit the back of his head, consequences

As soon as the baby begins to learn to roll over, sit up and crawl, he needs an eye and an eye - the little explorer can in an instant roll off the bed or sofa and get hurt. It’s good if he gets away with only fright, but, unfortunately, more can happen. dangerous situations. For example, if a baby falls out of bed, the consequences for the child may not be very happy if he hits his forehead or the back of his head. The consequences of such a fall are different - from hematoma and abrasion to traumatic brain injury. What should parents do in this case? When to call ambulance, and when not?

If you fell infant from the sofa - what to do?

If a baby accidentally rolls off the sofa and hits the floor with the back of his head, his first reaction is quite natural - he begins to cry loudly and uncontrollably. The reason for this is fear and pain. What should parents do?

1. Calm down yourself.

2. Pick up the baby and try to calm him down ( best way- give the breast, rock the baby).

3. When the baby calms down, inspect the site of the impact.

4. If blood is oozing, use hydrogen peroxide.

If you see redness on the back of the head or an abrasion, you can help your baby with a cooling compress. Simply apply a handkerchief or bandage soaked in water to the back of your head. Next steps mothers will depend on the baby's behavior.

What symptoms should parents be wary of??

If the child infancy fell and hit his head, pay attention to following symptoms. Their manifestation indicates the seriousness of the injury and the need to urgently consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

1. The crying doesn't stop long time.
2. The child shows apathy and does not play.
3. The gaze wanders, the eyes roll.
4. The pupils have different size or both are expanded.
5. The baby is too pale.
6. Vomiting began.
7. There is discharge from the ears or nose.
8. The child is irritated by loud sounds and touches.
9. Appeared under the eyes dark spots, hematomas.
10. Cramps.

If a baby over the age of one year falls on the back of his head, other signs will help determine the severity of the injury:

1. The child walks unsteadily, he is carried to the sides, he himself is not able to change the position of his body, and until this moment everything was wrong.

2. Slurred speech, inability to express a thought (if the baby already knows how to talk).

If you notice these alarming symptoms or at least one of them, you need to urgently call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital for examination. It is important to understand that a timely visit to the hospital will help prevent the dangerous consequences of the blow. And what they are, you will find out about this right now.

Consequences of a child hitting their head after a fall

A blow to the back of the head usually does not have serious consequences if a child hits himself while falling from a small height (sofa, bed) onto a soft surface - a pile carpet or a blanket laid on the floor. Usually in such cases, a slight swelling (bump), abrasion or redness appears at the site of the bruise. A child’s crying is more likely a reaction to fear and minor painful sensations. Such an injury, a soft tissue bruise, cannot threaten the health and life of the child.

However, you should still pay attention to further behavior crumbs. If you have the slightest doubt about its adequacy, immediately arrange a visit to your doctor. “Popular about Health” insists that children under 6 months should be shown to the pediatrician after a fall in any case, even if you do not notice any deviations in his behavior. This requirement is due to the fact that in infants the head bones are too soft and mobile. Any fall or blow can have unpleasant consequences.

If you fall from a sofa, the consequences can be more serious. Traumatic brain injury may occur. Any damage to the brain can be judged by the symptoms listed above, but the extent of damage will be determined more accurately by a doctor.

There are two types of traumatic brain injury - open and closed. In the first case, there is damage to the integrity of the skin and bones of the skull. In the second we're talking about only about damage to the brain inside, while the integrity of the skin and bones is not compromised.

What are the most dangerous consequences of a blow to the back of the head??

After hitting a child in the back of the head, he could receive the following types of brain injuries:

1. Concussion.

3. Compression of the brain.

A concussion in a child is a fairly serious injury, but at the same time, at least, the structure of the brain matter is not damaged. A more severe condition occurs with brain contusion. It is characterized by the appearance of one or more foci of brain damage and is manifested by prolonged loss of consciousness, disturbances in breathing and heart rhythm. If you do not provide help to your baby in a timely manner, there may be serious problems with future health or even death.

Brain compression is an emergency condition that can cause a child to die within a short term. At the same time specific area the brain is compressed by the damaged bones of the skull. In this state, fluid may leak from the ears, nose, hematoma under the eyes, signs of pulse and breathing disturbances, and a complete lack of reactions to irritants are clearly visible.

If your baby falls, the consequences can be adverse, so you should not take it lightly. At the slightest sign of brain injury, immediately call an ambulance to save your baby.

Girls, I came across this article. Not mine!!! Just for information. Maybe it will be useful for some, but not for others. Everyone has their own opinion. So, in case it comes in handy for someone. I found it because Matvey had just fallen, or rather slipped, and a lump had formed on the back of his head. I looked for the answer on the internet and found this article. Only he fell just before bed, I lulled him to sleep, but now I’m worried, they said not to let him sleep for 1-1.5 hours. What do you say?

Often our children fall and we ask the question: “should we call an ambulance?” Here, I found it on one of the sites interesting article, about the signs of traumatic brain injuries and first aid for a child.

Often in a situation where a child falls from a bed or changing table, the mother does not know what to do. Should I run to the doctor, call an ambulance, or help the child myself? It all depends on the severity of the injury, but the most important thing is to calm down and think soberly.

A child fell out of bed and hit his head: possible injuries

When small children fall, hitting their head is inevitable. What matters is not exactly where he hit when he fell (forehead or back of the head), but the severity of the brain damage.

A child’s body differs in many ways from an adult’s; the bones of the skull are not completely fused until they are one year old (they are easily displaced), and the brain tissue is fragile and immature. All of these factors predispose to more severe brain damage.

All traumatic brain injuries are divided into:
- open (damaged bones and soft tissues)
-closed (when the integrity of the skull bones and soft tissues is not compromised)

Closed brain injuries are divided into:
- brain contusion
-compression of the brain

With a concussion, there are no changes in the structure of the brain matter, with a bruise, foci of destruction of the brain matter appear, and compression appears against the background of the bruise due to rupture of blood vessels or fragments of the skull.

If a child falls and hits his head (the back of the head or forehead), there may be a soft tissue bruise - the mildest injury when the brain does not suffer in any way. Then a lump or abrasion occurs at the site of the impact.

Symptoms indicating a brain injury

A concussion is manifested by a short-term loss of consciousness. In children less than a year old This can be difficult to notice. This condition can be assumed if some time has passed from the moment of the fall to the appearance of crying (1-3 minutes). The child may vomit. Up to 3 months, vomiting may occur repeatedly. There may be pale skin, sweating, as well as drowsiness and refusal to eat. Children under one year old do not sleep well the first night after injury.

With a brain injury, loss of consciousness may be longer (more than an hour), and signs of respiratory and cardiac dysfunction may appear.

If a child falls out of bed and falls in such a way that the bones of the skull are fractured, his condition may be serious. There may be leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (a light liquid) or blood from the nose or ear. Bruises appear around the eyes (a symptom of glasses). However, symptoms may appear several hours after the injury.

How to assess the severity of an injury if a child falls and hits his head?

If a child falls from a bed (sofa, changing table or other surface), it is necessary to closely monitor his condition. In the case when everything ends with 10-15 minutes of crying, and the child’s condition has not changed, you don’t need to see a doctor.

If the mother has any doubts that the injury is not dangerous, it is better to call a doctor, since it is more reliable to make sure of the child’s health than to treat serious consequences later.

Children under 1.5 years old can have neurosonography. This procedure is painless, inexpensive and performed using an ultrasound machine. It is used to determine the increase intracranial pressure and the presence of life-threatening hemorrhages. In more late age It will not be possible to do such a study if a large fontanel is overgrown.

A child fell out of bed - first aid

If a lump appears at the site of the impact, you can apply ice in a napkin or something cold. Magnesia has a resolving effect; lotions with this solution should be done 2 times a day.

If there is bleeding, a cloth in the form of a tampon is applied to the wound. If the bleeding does not stop for more than 15 minutes, you must call an ambulance.

If a child falls and hits his forehead or the back of his head, he should not sleep for an hour (this applies to children over a year old), because by the adequacy of his answers and reactions to your questions, you can understand whether the brain has been damaged. You can (and should) wake up and check your coordination at night.

The child must be monitored very closely and cared for for 7 days if the doctor has allowed him to stay at home. The child needs peace and absence visual loads(this especially applies to children over 1.5-2 years old).

Should I call an ambulance if my child falls and hits his head?

In case of loss of consciousness and heavy bleeding from the wound, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is better to lay the baby on his side, especially if there is vomiting (in this position he will not choke).

If a child falls from a great height on his head or back, the spine may be damaged. Then the baby’s position should be changed very carefully to avoid spinal cord injury.

An ambulance should be called if any of the alarming symptoms appear:
-deterioration in health
- the child “falls asleep on the go”, experiences dizziness (this applies to older children)
- spasms or twitching of body muscles
- wide pupils do not narrow in bright light or pupils of different sizes
-severe pallor
-blood in urine, stool or vomit
-paresis or paralysis of muscles

For severe brain injuries, appropriate treatment is prescribed only after a thorough examination of the child.

Prevention of head injuries in children due to falls

The situation when a child falls from a bed or changing table occurs most often with children under one year old. Therefore, there is no need to leave the baby alone, especially if he has already learned to roll over. It is better to leave the child on the floor (not naked, of course).

A changing table is a very dangerous thing, as it has a small area. Therefore, the presence of adults alone is not enough; you need to hold the child with your hand. It is better to swaddle your baby on a bed or sofa.

You can lay down something soft or put pillows on the floor, in case the child does fall out of bed.

Children also “love” to fall out of strollers. Therefore, it is better to purchase lower models and strollers with high sides, and do not neglect to fasten the child.

When a child begins to walk, falls occur frequently. This may be due to slippery floors (parquet). Your child can wear socks with rubberized inserts (they will prevent slipping). Rugs and rugs should not “ride” on the floor; they can also cause a fall.

I would like to note psychological side question. There is no need to always be afraid that the child will fall and hit his head - after all, exactly what a person is very afraid of happens. In addition, you can pass this fear on to the child himself.

Pediatricians state that the most common in childhood. These statistics have their own explanations. In children under 5 years of age, the head is relatively heavy and has large sizes compared to other parts of the body. Such physiological feature in children affects the coordination of their movements. Just a slight push is enough for the baby to lose his balance and fall head first.

Fortunately, most falls occur without consequences for the baby’s health and only injure nervous system relatives.

In reserve from nature a whole series protective devices that protect the brain from the consequences of falls: fontanelles of the skull, excessive amounts of shock-absorbing cerebrospinal fluid, etc.

The task of parents is to know the symptoms indicating that a head injury is potentially dangerous and requires mandatory medical attention.

Physiological features of the child's brain

A child's head has a slightly different structure than an adult's. The bones of the baby's skull are soft and flexible, which allows them to avoid serious damage when colliding with a hard surface. During an impact, the elastic bones move and return to their original position.

One more important feature baby brain- its immaturity and high content of cerebrospinal fluid. A child's head can withstand impacts much more easily.

Baby falling from the sofa

Many children under 1 year of age often fall out of bed. At 4 months, the baby is already actively moving while lying down, can roll over, and tries to crawl. Doctors advise to constantly monitor the little researcher at such times.

Children at this age cannot yet assess the danger of their actions and in a split second they roll to the floor. Even a very attentive mother may not keep an eye on the baby when she turns away for the bottle. And, of course, when you fall, the first thing that suffers is your head.

Babies are just learning to use their hands and do not yet have the reflex to put them in front of their heads for protection. According to pediatricians, in most cases there is no reason to worry: the height of sofas is about 50 cm or even less.

A fall from such a height usually does not cause significant damage to the brain. Worse, when falling to the floor, it hits the wooden sides of the sofa or other sharp or hard objects.

Rare, but the most tragic consequences of a child's fall can be a concussion and an open head injury.

Observation after the fall

If a child falls and hits his head, it is necessary to monitor him over the next 24 hours.

The task of parents is to provide peace for the child and not allow too active games on this day.

If in the first hours after the fall the child does not complain of anything and feels well, then the damage internal organs are unlikely, which means there is no reason to panic and there is no indication for an ultrasound.

Alarming symptoms

Doctors highlight a number serious signs Regardless of the age of the child, parents should pay attention to:

  • disturbance of consciousness of any intensity and duration;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • speech disorder;
  • unusual drowsiness;
  • intense headache that persists for more than one hour after the injury;
  • convulsions;
  • repeated bouts of vomiting;
  • dizziness and/or imbalance that persists for more than one hour after injury;
  • pupils of different sizes;
  • inability to move an arm or leg, weakness in an arm or leg;
  • the appearance of dark (dark blue) spots under the eyes or behind the ears;
  • bleeding from the nose or ears;
  • discharge of colorless or bloody fluid from the nose or ears;
  • any disturbances on the part of the senses (even minor ones).

The presence of at least one of the listed signs indicates the need to immediately seek medical help!

1. Calm the child.

2. Place the child on the bed in such a position that the spine and head are at the same level.

3. Examine the child for abrasions, bumps and wounds on the head. Observe his reactions and behavior, check for warning signs, as well as signs external injuries. A bruised limb or dislocation is usually noticeable; if something hurts more, the baby will definitely let you know.

4. Having noticed a swelling lump in the affected area, it is recommended to immediately apply a cold compress for three minutes to prevent further formation severe swelling.

Pay attention to the qualities of the cone: high and hard lump- this is a good sign.

But if the lump does not appear immediately, but a little later, if it is low, large in area and soft (like jelly), you need to seek urgent medical help.

5. If there is an abrasion, carefully wipe it with hydrogen peroxide. If there is bleeding, monitor its duration - if it continues for 10 minutes, call your doctor immediately.

6. If there is vomiting, the baby should be laid on his side so that the secretions can easily drain and do not interfere with the victim’s ability to breathe normally.

7. Provide peace for the child.

8. If the injury is severe, it is important not to let the child sleep until the ambulance arrives. Following this recommendation will also help you avoid missing other symptoms.

10. If you have at least one alarming symptom, you should urgently seek medical help. During the examination, the doctor will be able to determine the severity of the blow and conclude whether hospitalization is necessary.

Little fidgets get out of strollers, fall out of high chairs, and knock when they reach their favorite toy on a high shelf. Bruises, crying, bruises and bumps accompany the childhood of any active toddler. What to do if a child falls and hits his head and when you need to urgently see a doctor, we will tell you in our article.

From this article you will learn

Are head impacts dangerous?

Bumps, abrasions, scratches and hematomas on the head after a blow or fall only at first glance seem harmless. Among serious consequences the following can be distinguished:

  • visual impairment;
  • skull injuries;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hematomas;
  • epilepsy;
  • traumatic meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

Whether they appear or not depends on physical condition child, impact force. In any case, parents need to carefully monitor the behavior and well-being of the baby for several days after receiving even a mild injury. Visit a doctor to be on the safe side and rule out bruises to the brain or spinal cord.

Important! A therapist or traumatologist will tell you how long to monitor a child without serious external manifestations of a head impact.

Types and symptoms of head injuries

Head injuries due to falls or collisions with a hard surface can be divided into several groups:

  • Light damage. They are not particularly dangerous and go away in a couple of days. These are bruises, bumps or small hematomas. In this case, only the epidermal tissue is damaged, small vessels burst. The child usually quickly forgets about the injury and does not experience severe pain.
  • Bruises moderate severity . Open wounds, deep scratches, abrasions, bleeding. The brain and skull bones are not damaged in such bruises. The baby cries for a long time and complains about headache, short-term clouding of consciousness, dizziness. After 1–2 hours, the alarming symptoms disappear, skin wounds heal within 1–2 weeks.
  • Severe damage. These are concussions, open and closed craniocerebral injuries. The child loses consciousness after a fall, blood flows from the wound, and in serious cases the skull bones are crushed. Such injuries take a long time to heal and are accompanied by unpleasant children's health consequences. A concussion does not fully manifest itself immediately, after 1–4 hours or 1–2 days. The baby's coordination of movements is impaired, the skin of the eyelids darkens, and vomiting is observed.

Important! If the baby falls down the stairs or tubing, does not get up, does not cry, call a doctor immediately. There is no need to raise him unconscious. Wait for an ambulance. Possibly damaged cervical region spinal column.

What to do if your child hits his head

With strong impacts, visible damage skull bones, excessive bleeding, parents should not take any action. Call for help and urgently take the child by car to the emergency room.

If the blow is light, the baby gets up on his own, complains, cries, if he falls from his height, first aid is as follows:

  1. Raise a crying child.
  2. Place on a hard surface such as a bed or changing table.
  3. Examine the forehead, back of the head, and crown. Lightly touch the bump, head, back of the head, check the child’s reaction. You will have to determine the degree of danger of the wound yourself in the first minutes.
  4. Ask him how he feels. Pay attention to the expression of the eyes. If the child’s gaze is distracted, the child really wants to sleep, or faints, don’t delay calling an ambulance.
  5. Examine the limbs for dislocations and fractures. When infants fall, they often break their collarbone and dislocate their joints. In this case, you need to help him get up carefully, and it is better to wait for the ambulance to arrive.
  6. Treat the hematoma. If the lump is tall and hard, it means the damage is external; there is no need to panic. Apply a cold spoon, ice, or compress to the swelling. Cool the huge bruise on the forehead and the back of the head.
  7. Shallow scratches and abrasions should be anointed with hydrogen peroxide. If your baby falls on the asphalt while walking, wash the wounds. Iodine and green tea can be smeared on the wounds a little later or the next day.
  8. If there are deep wounds, stop the bleeding and call for medical help.
  9. When vomiting begins, place the baby on its side. Nausea will not go away soon if the baby has suffered a concussion.
  10. Provide your child with peace. But don’t let him sleep for several hours if he feels nauseous or has a severe headache. Let him just lie there.
  11. Give an antipyretic if there are no serious injuries. Nurofen and Ibuprofen will relieve pain.
  12. Monitor his condition more closely for several days. If your baby complains of a headache, vertigo (dizziness), nausea, or loses consciousness, go to see a doctor for additional examination.

How to check if you have a concussion

The first day after injury

On the day of the fall and another day after, observe the behavior and well-being of the victim. Please note:

  • Clarity of consciousness. The baby should respond to voice, touch, cry if wet, etc. For older children, ask simple questions, ask them to bring an object, or tell them about their day.
  • Coordination of movements. Traumatologists advise waking up the baby in the middle of the night and putting him on his feet. If the child stands well and can stretch his arms straight, you don’t have to worry about his health.
  • Appetite. Refusal to eat, nausea - negative symptoms. The child has vomited several times, he complains of a severe headache, he cannot walk on his own - call a doctor.
  • Speech. Talk to the child, listen to the babbling. Slowness of speaking rate and stuttering are reasons to seek medical help.
  • Behavior. Decreased activity, apathy, and constant crying should alert parents.
  • Injuries. Watch for bruises and bumps. If they do not heal and become redder and wider, make an appointment with a doctor.
  • The child's appearance. Paleness, blue lips, differences in pupil sizes are signs of serious consequences of a bruise.

Alarming symptoms

It’s great if the baby feels good after falling from the sofa or getting hit and quickly forgets about what happened. Parents can relax.

Causes to panic and call a doctor are: following signs(Important! The table can be scrolled left and right):

Physical condition, appearance of the injured areaExternal warning signsFrom the side of the central nervous systemFrom the gastrointestinal tractBehavior
There is a dent on the skull that was not noticed immediately after the impact. The bruised area hurts and bleeds.The skin became pale, cyanosis appeared around the eyes, lips, and nose.The baby cries for a long time and is capricious.During feeding, the baby often burps, one year old baby vomits repeatedly.Disadaptation.
The lump on the forehead has increased to a huge size, and swelling is observed.The eyes are crossed.Speech is inhibited, babbling is absent.Food and drink are disgusting.Psychoses. Wants to cry for any reason, even minor ones.
The baby does not turn his head and moves his neck with difficulty.The pupils have enlarged.The baby cannot fall asleep, he has begun to sleep poorly.Increased nervousness.
I feel dizzy and have a headache.There is blood coming from the nose and ears, and there is discharge of a different kind.After one year, the child complains of double vision. Inadequacy.
My back hurts. The spinal cord may be damaged.The temperature has risen.Limbs go numb.
After hitting my temple on the corner, a bruise formed on the side. Short-term loss of consciousness, maladjustment in space.
It hurts to move your arms and legs. Check the bones for fractures, take an x-ray. There is drowsiness.
Limping. Lethargy.
When walking, the one-year-old toddler constantly falls.

Important! The cause of falls for newborns is often the inexperience and negligence of young parents. For a baby, ordinary household objects pose a danger: a changing table, a sofa, a wooden cabinet, a cast-iron radiator, a tiled floor, even a low step. You need to monitor a child starting to take independent steps and a helpless baby 24 hours a day.

This is what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about head injuries. Watch the video:

Negative consequences

Hitting any part of the head is dangerous. The consequences of a fall and bruise depend on the location of the injury, the force of the impact, and the age of the child.

Consequences of a forehead strike

Children fall forward when running and trip over a pipe or step, fall out of their walkers, or crash their bicycle or scooter into obstacles. First of all it suffers frontal part heads. This area is hard, the bones are strong, but serious injuries are life-threatening to the unborn child.

Injuries are divided into two types:

Closed injuries

The bones of the skull remain intact, but the skin, internal parts of the head, and brain structures are damaged. The consequences of closed injuries appear after several hours or days. Recognizing them at home is quite difficult. There are several types of such invisible and visible damage:


Characterized by a short-term loss of consciousness. After a couple of hours, the child will feel ill, vomiting, nausea, and dizziness will appear. The face may turn pale and lips turn blue. Treatment of a concussion is carried out in a hospital, at home later it will be necessary bed rest, activity limitation.

If symptoms are not observed during the day, pay attention to the child's sleep. If he has trouble falling asleep, insomnia or anxiety appears, consult a doctor.

Brain contusion

Severe complication for babies early age. fallen child does not regain consciousness for 5–10 minutes. Form around the eyelids dark circles, blood is leaking from the nose and ears. Brain contusions are caused by strong impacts on a hard surface: concrete, furniture, tiles on the floor, wall. The height of the fall should be more than a meter.

Soft tissue bruises

The most unpleasant, but less dangerous head injury. Children develop large bruises on their foreheads, big shots pea-sized, bruising, shallow cuts. The child cries after the blow, but quickly calms down.

It is almost impossible to detect internal damage to brain structures without X-rays, ultrasound, MRI and laboratory tests. If you notice symptoms of serious complications from a fall, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

Open injuries

There is bleeding, deep wounds, and broken bones. The skin and face should turn white. Medical attention required severe cases surgery. The consequences of complex open head injuries are difficult to predict.

Consequences of a blow to the back of the head

Falling backwards on occipital part, are painful and dangerous even from a small height. The consequences of the impact may be as follows:

  • Deterioration of vision. At the back are the nerve endings that are responsible for vision. Their damage leads to a decrease in this function or complete blindness.
  • Decreased level of concentration.
  • Disorientation in space. If one side of the occipital lobe is damaged.
  • Speech disorders. Delayed articulation, OHP, DRR, stuttering.
  • Migraines. Your head will hurt for several days or weeks after the injury. Chronic migraines are observed in school, adolescence due to overwork.
  • Insomnia. It is difficult for the baby to sleep due to central nervous system dysfunction.

Important! Newborn babies are more likely to get bumps due to the fault of adults. The fontanelle saves them from the serious consequences of hitting the floor or hard surface. It plays the role of a shock absorber. A five-month-old baby and older children do not have such protection. Normally, the fontanel closes at 6 months.

How to avoid future injuries

Fall prevention is important for children of all ages, but especially for those who have already suffered serious head injuries. First, let's figure out which places and activities are dangerous for babies under one year of age and older. It is forbidden:

  1. Riding a wheelchair without seat belts.
  2. Being left alone in infancy on high sofas, beds, tables.
  3. Running on the wet bathroom floor after bathing.
  4. Close doors in front of other children during active games.
  5. Swing hard on a swing.
  6. Running around the apartment without looking around.
  7. Pick up long sticks and play catch at the same time.
  8. Ride a bicycle or scooter without a helmet.
  9. Climb onto high horizontal bars, Swedish walls, slides in wet shoes, in the rain.
  10. Lean out of the windows of a house or car to look down and forward.
  11. Stand on chairs and tables.
  12. Jump into deep holes and rivers with a running start.

Knowing the most common dangers, parents are obliged to talk about them to their children, supervise walks and secure their children when performing active maneuvers. And also follow a few more tips for creating a safe area at home:

  • Buy a crib and playpens with high sides. Even with this type of furniture, it is impossible to leave young children alone at heights. A six-month-old baby or a newborn can easily fall through the side.
  • Tape the door jamb, sharp corners wooden furniture with soft linings. Bump on the corner small child maybe the crown or temple.
  • Cover radiators with rugs and blankets.
  • Put on special indoor socks for your walking baby, with a pimply surface; they will not slip on the linoleum. Or lay down a carpet.
  • Remove glass furniture and floor vases from the house until the baby grows up. Breaking your head on the corners of fragile tables and chairs is even more dangerous.
  • Take care of your child's safety on the street. Hold your baby tightly by the hand for up to a year, and provide support on stairs during the first steps.
  • Fasten seat belts in strollers and cars.
  • Place children's transport on the brakes if you stop for a drink or chat with a friend.
  • Do not let older children push a stroller with babies. A car may unexpectedly jump out onto the road or a hole may occur. The stroller will turn over and the baby will fall.

Not every person manages to fall without consequences at least once in their life. Blows, bruises, scratches, and head injuries rightfully frighten parents. To reduce troubles and health problems, it is worth telling children from infancy how to behave at home, on the street, and to be attentive themselves.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

It is almost impossible to find a child who does not fall. As soon as the baby begins to try to walk, his body, although not completely, is still covered with bruises, abrasions, scratches... Nature has taken care of children's body and provided maximum protection of the head from injury. Most falls do not cause significant harm to the fidget's health. But there are injuries that are life-threatening for the baby and have serious consequences.

Why do children hit their heads most often?

Pediatricians state that it is the head that leads in the number of injuries received. Parents react more calmly when their baby injures an arm or leg. But most of the bruises are to the head.

These statistics have their own explanations. Thus, in children under 5 years of age, the head is relatively heavy and large in size compared to other parts of the body. This physiological feature of young children affects the coordination of their movements. Just a slight push is enough for the baby to lose his balance and fall head first.

Physiological features of the child's brain

A child's head has a slightly different structure than an adult's. The baby's skull bones are soft and flexible. This means that it is difficult to break the skull in a collision with a hard surface. During an impact, the elastic bones move and return to their original position.

Another important feature of the child's brain is its immaturity and high content of cerebrospinal fluid. A child's head can withstand impacts much more easily.

Doctors rarely diagnose a traumatic brain injury or when a child falls and hits their head. Komarovsky talks a lot about injuries and teaches parents to recognize dangerous symptoms. Famous pediatrician gives valuable recommendations, tells how to properly provide first aid for various head injuries.

Examination of the child

If a child falls and hits his head, Komarovsky advises not to panic and to monitor the baby over the next 24 hours. Parents must provide peace for the child and not allow active games. If the little one does not complain about anything during the first hours after the fall and feels well, there is no reason to worry and see a doctor.

The baby's reaction to the blow he receives speaks volumes. With complex head injuries that involve bleeding or a concussion, the child may suddenly become unwell or behave differently than usual. If after a fall the baby stands up calmly and smiles, damage to the head and internal organs is unlikely.

In any case, if a child falls and hits his head, Komarovsky recommends determining whether dangerous symptoms. All parents should know them in order to consult a doctor in time and prevent the development of complications and pathologies.

Alarming symptoms

Doctors identify a number of serious signs that may appear if a child falls and hits his head. Komarovsky compiled a list of the following symptoms:

  1. Impaired consciousness of any intensity and duration.
  2. Inappropriate behavior.
  3. Speech impairment.
  4. Increased sleepiness.
  5. Severe headaches that appeared in the first hours after the fall and persisted for a long period of time.
  6. Cramps.
  7. Repeated bouts of vomiting.
  8. Balance imbalance.
  9. Dizziness.
  10. Different pupil sizes.
  11. Weakness of the arms and legs, inability to move them.
  12. Dark circles under the eyes.
  13. Bleeding or streaky fluid or discharge from the nose.
  14. Sensory organ disorders.

These symptoms may occur in children of different ages. The presence of at least one indicates the need to immediately seek medical help.

Falling off the couch

Young parents often underestimate the capabilities of their baby. They allow themselves to leave the baby on the sofa unattended. Already from 4 months the child is actively moving and trying to roll over. At the same time, the baby gradually begins to crawl. At this age, the baby needs an eye and an eye if the parents want to protect the child from injuries and bruises.

Probably in every family there was a case where, at the age of, say, 6 months, he hit his head. Komarovsky believes that such an event is almost inevitable. All children under 1 year of age often fall out of bed. Kids cannot yet assess the danger of their actions and in a split second they roll to the floor. Even a very attentive mother may not notice the fidgety baby, turning away for the bottle.

In children of the first year of life, the brain and central nervous system are actively developing, and the bones of the skull are not yet strong enough and are not tightly connected. This increases the risk of injury from a fall that results in a traumatic brain injury. Therefore, it is important to prevent yourself from falling and hitting your head. Komarovsky warns of dire consequences. The baby can get a concussion and even an open head injury.

What to do if your baby falls off the couch

If a child falls off the sofa and hits his head, Komarovsky recommends immediately taking the baby in your arms to calm him down. According to the doctor, in most cases there is no cause for concern. The height of the sofas is about 50 cm or even less. A fall from such a height cannot significantly damage the brain. Usually a child can only get scared and therefore cry.

As soon as the baby has calmed down, you should examine him for abrasions, bumps and wounds on the head. It is important to observe his reactions and behavior.

If a child falls off the sofa and hits his head, Komarovsky recommends, of course, if there are suspicious signs, immediately consult a doctor. What are these signs?

Symptoms of serious injury to infants

The following symptoms indicate that the baby has suffered a dangerous injury:

  1. Loss of consciousness for a short or long time immediately after a fall or after some time.
  2. Formation of edema at the site of the impact, which rapidly increases.
  3. Availability bloody discharge from the nose and ears.
  4. Abnormal behavior of the baby, which may indicate headaches.
  5. Vomit.
  6. Constant crying.
  7. Impaired coordination of movements.

A well-known doctor who described in detail the manifestations when a child fell and hit his head is Komarovsky. Dangerous consequences such a blow with untimely medical intervention threatens the health of the baby.

Treatment tactics for TBI in infants

At the slightest suspicion of a traumatic brain injury, the infant should be hospitalized in a hospital for examination by neurosurgeons and neuropathologists. To confirm the diagnosis, the following tests and studies are performed:

  1. Ultrasound of the brain.
  2. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. Electroencephalogram.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the baby is prescribed appropriate medications, physiotherapy and a special regime. Correctly formulated therapy helps to heal the injury with minimal consequences.

First aid before doctors arrive

Most frequently asked question, which all young parents ask: “What should I do? The child fell and hit his head.” Komarovsky recommends examining the baby and performing the following steps:

  1. If there is a minor bruise, it is enough to apply ice or a cold object to the swelling area. This will reduce swelling.
  2. Regardless of the force of the blow, the baby must be kept at rest. If the injury is severe, it is important not to let the child sleep until the ambulance arrives. Following this recommendation will also help you avoid missing other symptoms.
  3. Place the child on the bed in such a position that the spine and head are at the same level.
  4. If there is vomiting, the baby should be placed on his side so that the secretions can easily drain and do not interfere with the victim’s ability to breathe normally.

These are basic recommendations that will help you navigate the situation and tell you what to do if your child falls and hits his head. Komarovsky, as a pediatrician, prohibits taking other actions. During the examination, the doctor will be able to determine the severity of the blow and conclude whether hospitalization is necessary.

Possible consequences

The most common and easiest injury is soft tissue bruise. In this case, the brain is not damaged. After a blow, a lump or abrasion may form on the scalp.

With a traumatic brain injury, the consequences can be different. In mild cases, the child makes a full recovery. If the injury is severe, important brain functions may be impaired.

With severe brain damage, the prognosis for the development of disorders is unpredictable. The completeness of recovery depends on the treatment tactics, the medications used, compliance with the doctor’s recommendations, the severity of the injury, the gender and age of the baby, and the state of his health.

One of the most famous pediatricians who urges parents to respond quickly when a child falls and hits his head is Komarovsky. The consequences of this type of injury can be life-threatening. Timely delivery medical care helps prevent complications.

How to protect your child from falling

If at 3 months a child falls and hits his head, Komarovsky blames the parents in this case. Many injuries could be avoided if the baby was kept completely safe. Most often, infants fall from changing tables. Therefore, it is better to swaddle the baby and carry out hygiene procedures on the sofa or use a table with high sides. In this case, one of the adults must be near the child.

In addition, you can lay a carpet near the surface on which the baby will lie. It will soften a possible fall. Some parents even put pillows or blankets on the floor.

  1. Do not leave your baby alone on or on the sofa. If there is a need to leave the room for a few seconds, it is better to put the child in his crib or stroller.
  2. When near the baby, you should hold him with your hand. Often babies fall to the floor in the presence of their mother.
  3. Try not to leave your baby alone in the room for a long time. Six months old baby may already try to sit up and try to get out of the crib.

Increased attention from parents is also required during walks. A small and curious fidget can easily fall out of the cradle. The baby's desire to sit is a signal that it is time to transfer him to stroller. Seat belts allow you to securely fasten active child and thus protect it from falling to the ground.

Special modern devices can protect your baby from head injuries when moving around the apartment - covers for sharp corners, rubberized mats. It is very important that house shoes the crumbs had a non-slip sole. For children under one year of age, socks with “brakes” are available that reduce slipping.

If the baby fell from the swing

One more thing dangerous place where small children are often injured - playground. There are a lot of children gathering on the slide, who can not only fall themselves, but also push each other. Even in kindergarten It happens that a child falls from a swing and hits his head. Komarovsky considers playgrounds a place increased danger requiring constant supervision of children.

To prevent serious injuries, pediatricians advise parents of preschoolers to always stay close to the child on the playground and support the child with their hands when he climbs high structures. When a child has already learned to ride independently, one of the adults should still watch him and stay at a distance of several meters. This way you will be able to quickly react to the baby’s desire to make a dangerous movement, the results of which can be disastrous.

Falls on playgrounds are more dangerous. All swings and slides are made of metal, which has an increased risk of injury. And if you take into account the concrete surface of the site, then you should not be surprised by the fact that the risk of seriously injuring your head is quite high.

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