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The child fell on the floor, what should I do? Defense mechanisms of the child's body. Blood and tears! Algorithm for the mother of a scratched person

The baby's first independent movements cause delight among the whole family. Unfortunately, it is rare that a baby does not fall when trying to become an adult. The greatest horror grips parents when the baby falls from a height: from a changing table, from a crib, from a sofa to the floor. At the same time, he screams so loudly that the rich imagination of moms and dads immediately paints the darkest pictures: injury, concussion, fracture...

About falls

Famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky tells whether you should be afraid of such falls, what consequences they can have, and what parents should do if their child falls onto the floor from somewhere.

According to Komarovsky, there are usually no serious consequences. If anything is traumatized, it is only the psyche of parents, grandparents. Adults are ready to grab a confused, screaming toddler and rush right now to an x-ray, an ultrasound, to a traumatologist, a surgeon, and wherever.

Prudent nature took great care to ensure that the consequences of the fall were minimal for the child. For this purpose, the baby has a “fontanelle” on the head, and the amount of cerebrospinal fluid in babies is incredibly large, and for good reason: it performs shock-absorbing functions, significantly softening a fall from any height. Of course, we are not talking about flying from the third floor, but to the height of a crib or changing table protective functions and the mechanisms of a child’s body are quite sufficient.

This fact should reassure parents somewhat. However, caution should be exercised. Evgeniy Komarovsky advises mothers and fathers of “flyers” to carefully monitor their child for the first 24 hours after the fall. If possible, the baby should be provided with physical rest: cancel massage sessions, refuse active games, outdoor entertainment.

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the symptoms that indicate a serious injury in the next video.

fallen child screams heart-rendingly not from pain, as parents think, but from fear. A sudden change in body position in space causes real panic in the baby. If at the same time he feels a strong response of panic, which the parents will demonstrate (and he will certainly feel it, you can be sure), his fear will only intensify.

The main thing that parents should do if a child falls from a height is to remain calm (as much as possible in such a situation). The baby must be carefully lifted, examined for injuries and reassured. If after half an hour the little one starts smiling again and acting as if nothing had happened, there is no reason for an emergency trip to see a traumatologist or surgeon. Possibility of damage internal organs minimal.

Observations of the child in the next 24 hours should be based on recording any (even minor) changes in his behavior. Naturally, the most dangerous consequences An unsuccessful landing results in various head injuries. Parents should be aware of the symptoms indicating such damage:

  • Impaired consciousness. It doesn’t matter how many months or years old the child is (a 6-month-old child fell out of bed or a newborn was dropped). Even the shortest loss of consciousness is a reason to immediately go to see a doctor or call an ambulance.
  • Changing the pace or purity of speech. If the child already speaks, even if only syllables, careful observation parents are able to notice that he began to “communicate” less often, more often, louder or quieter, his speech became unintelligible, signs of stuttering appeared, and so on. In this case, a traumatic brain injury may be suspected, and this condition requires mandatory medical attention.

  • Drowsiness. If a child begins to sleep longer after a fall, he constantly lies down and falls asleep quickly, even if he has long “exhausted” his daily supply of sleep time - this is a reason to take him to the hospital.
  • Inappropriate behavior. This is the most difficult thing. It is sometimes quite difficult for parents to explain to the doctor what exactly the inappropriate behavior of the baby is (especially if it is a newborn or a 5-month-old child). However, they will definitely notice strange things, mother's heart"will tell you." Don’t be shy and think that the doctor won’t understand you; go to a medical facility right away.

  • Headache. This symptom can be recorded if the child is already at the age when he can tell or show his parents that he has a headache. It’s not she who should be wary headache, and its duration. If the fall was without consequences, it will pass quickly. In case of a head injury, it is quite severe pain will persist both an hour and an hour and a half after the fall. Babies who cannot speak are likely to express their feelings through crying. It will not be sharp and piercing. The nature of the crying will be aching, constant, with short breaks (a few minutes, no more).
  • Cramps. This symptom is clear to everyone, just as it is clear that there is no need to wait for a second attack. After the first convulsions, you should call an ambulance.

  • Nausea and vomiting. If a child vomits more than once, it may indicate a concussion. The little one needs qualified medical care.
  • Dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. If a child who is quite confident on her feet in the playpen at 10 months experiences unsteadiness or imbalance after a fall, you should consult a doctor. This also includes symptoms such as loss of coordination and inability to move an arm or leg.

  • Pupil size. If the pupils are the same, there is no reason to worry. If one is larger than the other, this is one of the easiest signs of head injury to diagnose.
  • Circles under the eyes. If, a short time after the fall, dark blue circles appear under the eyes or in the area behind the ears, this is a very alarming symptom.

  • Discharge from the ears and nose. Not only bloody and bloody discharge, but also completely transparent.
  • Feelings and perception. If, after a fall, a child’s vision has decreased even slightly, hearing has deteriorated, or the sense of smell has disappeared, this is good reason to seek medical help.

Why do children most often fall on their heads?

This is explained physiological characteristics kids. From birth until about the age of five, a person’s head is quite heavy (when compared with the general proportions of the body). An imbalance leads to a fall on the heaviest part of the body, the head. It is most dangerous if the child hits the back of the head or temporal area hard.

Evgeny Komarovsky says that falling on your head usually does not lead to injury. The bones of a child's skull differ from those of adults in that they are soft and flexible. When landing on your head, they move apart, absorb shock, and after a few minutes return to their original state.

What to do if there is an injury

If a child has one or more of the above symptoms, he should be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible. In a hospital setting, the baby will undergo an ultrasound of the brain, tomography (computer or magnetic resonance imaging), and, if necessary, an encephalogram. If damage is detected, hospitalization will be indicated, under constant medical supervision. the child will pass a course of treatment using medications and special physical procedures. If everything is done in a timely manner, the health consequences will be minimal (or the injury will not affect the baby’s further development at all).

  • Bruise, lump, swelling. Something cool should be applied to this place, but not a piece of frozen meat from the freezer, so as not to cause hypothermia of the brain.
  • Peace. The child does not need to be carried in your arms back and forth around the apartment and at the same time intensively rocked. It is better for the baby to be in a horizontal position on its side. No pillows! Komarovsky emphasizes that the head and spine should be at the same level.
  • It is better not to let the baby sleep until the ambulance arrives.
  • When vomiting, never let the child lie on his back so that he does not choke on the vomit.
  • Do not give any medications.

An infant who has never fallen out of bed or off the sofa during the first year of life is very rare. And this is not because his parents are irresponsible, far from it. The whole point is that the child is at this age especially observant and easily catches the right moment to fall off the sofa, even when mom and dad are nearby.

Not all parents know what to do similar situation, but it is extremely important not to get confused and not to panic.

Should I worry?

Although in the vast majority of cases, falls from a sofa, bed, etc. high places are not dangerous and should not be ignored. But there is no need to panic.

First of all, the baby needs to be examined. You should not do this immediately after the child has fallen. His crying and even a piercing scream may be a reaction to fear, and in in this case It will be very difficult to know if there is an injury.

There is no need to panic if the baby falls from a small height; fortunately, Mother Nature has provided a number of protective mechanisms for the baby in this case. However, parents should be vigilant and monitor the condition of their child. Any head injury can be potentially dangerous for an infant.

Parents should exercise maximum vigilance during the day after the fall, periodically wake up the baby if his sleep is longer than usual, and keep an eye on him.

What to do

The first thing parents should do if they baby fell from the sofa or bed - this means to pull yourself together and calm down, after which you need to take the child in your arms and calm him down. You should not twist the baby, shake him, put him on his feet, etc., he now needs maximum peace.

If the child’s behavior does not differ from what is usual for him, most likely everything is normal with him, there is no trauma, and he was just scared.

But! If a child does not calm down after falling from a sofa, bed or other high object, it is better to be safe. What should I do? If any of the following symptoms occur, call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital. A head injury can pose a serious danger to your baby.

Alarming symptoms

All parents, without exception, must know potentially dangerous symptoms, which can be observed in a child who fell head down on the back of the head, or face down.

  • After the child has fallen, any disturbance of consciousness is observed.
  • After falling from a bed or sofa (changing table, chest of drawers), the adequacy of behavior does not correspond to the situation.
  • Any changes in speech.
  • The child became excessively sleepy.
  • The injury caused a headache that did not go away for more than two hours.
  • Convulsive manifestations.
  • Vomiting occurs more than twice.
  • After a child hits, there is a lack of coordination of movements, orientation in space, and dizziness after more than one hour.

  • Weakness in the limbs, the child cannot move a leg or arm.
  • After a child hits his head, asymmetry of the pupils is observed.
  • Even the slightest disturbance in the functioning of the sensory organs can be a symptom that the injury received is dangerous.
  • If a child hits his head and there is any kind of fluid discharge from the ears and nose, including bloody discharge.
  • Nosebleed.
  • Bruises around the eyes and ears.

All of the above signs indicate that the injury is dangerous and you should immediately seek medical help.

Take care of your head

Head injury from falls from high places poses the greatest danger to infants.

What should adults do? Be observant, and when suspicious symptoms Seek emergency medical attention immediately.

How to protect your baby from falls

Falls from a sofa or bed, as a rule, do not pose a serious danger to the baby, since the height is not too high. However, such falls should be avoided if possible. Several will help with this simple rules security.

  1. Near the changing table (sofa, bed) it is worth laying a soft blanket or pillows that will soften the blow if the baby falls.
  2. You should not leave your baby alone on the bed. If you need to go away, take your baby with you or put him in a crib where he will be safer.
  3. Never assume that the baby is not crawling yet and, therefore, will not fall off the sofa. It only takes a moment and one flip for a baby to fall from a height.
  4. Do not use high chests of drawers or tables for changing.
  5. You should not leave your baby alone in the stroller.
  6. If the baby is already trying to sit up, you need to move the bottom of the crib to a low level.
  7. A blanket, rug or pillows can be placed on the floor near the crib.
  8. Changing clothes infant on the changing table, you should hold it with one hand, even if you are very close.

It is difficult to avoid falls at this age, but they can be made safer by removing sharp and hard objects from the floor that the child can hit, and also by laying a carpet or blanket to make the baby's landing softer.

When a baby is born, parents are well aware of how defenseless their child is in front of the outside world. But even the most caring parents sometimes it happens that the child falls on the floor. This usually occurs before the age of one year and causes mom and dad real shock.

In what situations is it necessary to urgently call a doctor?

1. If the child begins to cry very much, he is bleeding, an open fracture. Fortunately, this rarely happens when falling off a couch.
2. If the body is intact, no bleeding is observed, but the child has an arm or leg in an unnatural position.
3. If the child has fallen and stopped moving, he does not respond to your calls, and there is constant vomiting.
4. When the baby gets up on his own, but experiences severe dizziness or pain.

In these situations, delay can be costly, so don't hesitate to call ambulance.

What problems might arise?

If there is a soft tissue injury, there is an abrasion or... The child usually cries for a short time, then his behavior becomes normal. With this type of injury, the brain is not affected. If vomiting occurs, there is loss of consciousness, pallor skin, the child refuses to eat, most likely he has a concussion. With a brain injury, loss of consciousness may continue for a long time, breathing and cardiac dysfunction may occur.

In any case, if you suspect that the baby has hit his head, you need to very carefully monitor his behavior and immediately call specialists if there are any changes.

First aid

If there is no damage to the bones, apply a cloth well moistened with water to the impact site. cold water, or ice. This will relieve swelling and pain. Try to keep the child calm, but do not let him fall asleep. This may prevent you from tracking its status.

If a child loses consciousness, he must be placed on his side so that vomit does not get into the respiratory tract. Turn your baby with extreme care. Even if visible damage no, go to the emergency room. There the baby will have an ultrasound, x-ray, and will also be examined by an ophthalmologist, a neurologist and a pediatrician.

A manual for mothers of “pilots” and “female pilots”

Experienced pediatric surgeons say that on average, during 18 years of the wonderful time called childhood, a playful and active child there is a chance to visit the emergency room up to 50 times. So that these visits and gray hair parents had less on their heads, it is useful to remember the principles of first aid, as well as the symptoms for which you should consult a doctor.

Fell, woke up... cast?

Most often, children fall, injuring their head, arms and back. A distinction is made between falling from a great height (exceeding one's own height) and from one's own height.

Horror story number 1: One woman had infant, he fell and suffered a fractured skull...

Indeed, it is rare, but it happens that babies fall extremely unsuccessfully. But usually a fall is not a reason for a trip to the trauma department.

“Cosmonauts” and “pilots” make their first flights at the age of three months, having learned to roll over: they fly from changing tables, parental beds, head down, because the head is big and heavy! Until one and a half years of age (the age when a child masters upright walking), there will be many such falls.

Babies are saved by a protective mechanism provided by nature: soft bones of the skull, excess volume of brain fluid - cerebrospinal fluid, unbroken fontanelles. All this absorbs the shock.

Of course, this does not mean that the child’s safety can be neglected; it is better to take preventive measures: soften the floor in the bedroom and children’s carpets, do not neglect seat belts in high chairs, strollers, swings and deck chairs, especially if your child is active. It’s easier to teach your baby to sit fastened than to go to a traumatologist once a month.

Children often slip in acrylic bathtubs when they try to stand up, and this is not only traumatic - the child may also choke if he falls.

Never leave babies alone in the bathroom! Use non-slip silicone bath mats on the floor and inside the bathtub itself.

Do not leave babies alone on changing tables, high beds without sides, or sofas. Nobody knows when they will decide to show you their next “skill” - the art of turning over from your stomach to your back and rolling the sausage to the edge.

Horror story number two: In one kindergarten, a girl fell from a climbing frame and now she has a spinal fracture...

Banning active games is, of course, not a solution. But you can teach children safety precautions! Don't let them climb into uncomfortable shoes: without fixed backdrop, with slippery soles, without protector. Teach children to brace themselves when falling.

You need to jump and fall on your legs brought together. Not allowed if you fall put forward outstretched arms. You must not fall flat on your stomach or back, including in water.

Be sure to prevent rickets: bone strength is the key to the absence of fractures. Increase in the number of spinal fractures in lately is associated precisely with insufficiency calcium metabolism. Remember that in Siberia the level of insolation is insufficient for the natural production of vitamin D.

The baby fell! Mom's action algorithm

When you need to see a doctor urgently

A fall from a height exceeding twice the height of the child is dangerous (for infants this is 120 cm and above, for preschoolers - two meters), especially if the landing occurs with a bruise to the head, neck, chest (in the area of ​​the heart) or abdomen.

Obviously, you need to immediately consult a doctor if there are visible serious injuries (limbs change shape, bend at unusual angles) and complaints (the child is crying, it hurts, it is difficult to breathe), or if the baby's breathing has become shallow.

If all of the above symptoms occur, the child should be examined by a specialist.

Do you need to urgently go to the doctor?

If a baby (especially a baby who has not yet spoken) has fallen, but the above symptoms are not observed, then first of all, take the child in your arms and try to calm him down. And calm down yourself!

Check to see if the baby has any external injuries: carefully undress (preferably in a warm room) and carefully look to see if the body remains symmetrical? Are the axillary, inguinal and gluteal folds symmetrical?

Check to see if the skin color has changed: there are no hemorrhages, general pallor, pronounced vascular pattern - marbling of the skin (in a warm room).

If the child behaves as usual, a day of protective regime is enough for him to recover - avoid noisy active games with the baby, do not shake him upside down.

The preschooler fell! Mom's action algorithm

The first thing you should check is whether the child is conscious. Does he respond to his name, does he recognize you? Next, ask him to move his arms and legs; if the child does not feel his limbs, a spinal fracture is possible - non-specialists should not lift him.

Maybe I should see a doctor after all? Yes!

Sometimes the consequences of a child’s fall, no matter whether he is seven years old or seven days old, do not appear immediately, however alarming symptoms may increase over several next days. Regardless of the child’s age, consult a doctor if:

  • disturbance of consciousness of any severity and any duration;
  • speech disorder;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • unusual drowsiness;
  • intense headache that persists for more than one hour after the injury;
  • convulsions;
  • more than one episode of vomiting;
  • dizziness and/or imbalance that persists for more than one hour after injury;
  • inability to move an arm or leg, weakness in an arm or leg;
  • pupils of different sizes;
  • the appearance of dark (dark blue) spots under the eyes or behind the ears;
  • bleeding from the nose or ears;
  • discharge of colorless or bloody fluid from the nose or ears;
  • any, even minor, disturbances from the sensory organs.

Blood and tears! Algorithm for the mother of a scratched person

Abrasions and scratches - frequent companions children falling. Of course, they don’t frighten parents as much as suspected fractures, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need attention! Of course, a tiny scratch will not cause special problems, but what if the baby knocked down his elbow or knee badly?

The child must be reassured and looked at as a whole, even if at first glance only the knee is broken. Then you need to undress the baby, and after giving him a portion of children's Nurofen for pain relief, thoroughly wash the wound running water. It is painful and unpleasant, but necessary; You should not rely on the disinfecting power of hydrogen peroxide.

A soft sponge should be generously soaped with soap containing triclosan or tar and squeeze the foam onto the wound. Wash off the top warm water(do not rub!), also gently wash the intact skin around the wound with soap. After the shower, we lay the child down, carefully dry him, and let the wounds dry naturally.

There is no need to treat large areas with brilliant green and iodine!

Firstly, brilliant green is a toxic aniline dye (microbes die for a reason), and secondly, the iodine solution is alcohol-based; alcohol is absorbed from wound surfaces very quickly. But the main thing is that it is very painful, the burning sensation can even cause a painful shock.

The wound surface should be sprinkled with Baneocin powder and a dry aseptic dressing should be applied (you will need a sterile bandage and adhesive tape for fixation).

The next day, without removing the bandage directly above the wound (!), add a fresh portion of baneocin and bandage it back. You should not apply ointments with antibiotics - the wound should breathe and not get wet. There is no need to peel off or soak the crust; By injuring the scab when changing the bandage, you only delay epithelization - the growth of new skin.

All guides, articles, books and calls from television screens urge you not to leave small child without supervision for a second, especially if we're talking about about the baby. But situations often occur when the mother turned away to answer the phone, walked away a step to get a clean diaper, or simply turned her gaze to the door to look at the person who entered. Unfortunately, this second is enough for the child fell out of bed.

Infants are very mobile, much more mobile than it seems at first glance. If you are sure that your baby does not know how to roll over, this does not mean that he will not learn it in a minute. Mom's carelessness can easily turn into serious injury. According to medical statistics, a third of childhood injuries occur precisely because of such accidental falls. Children fall out of bed from the changing table, fall out of strollers and bassinets, and roll off chairs. The good news is that most often kids get away with a couple of bruises or abrasions and a deep resentment for the unfriendly world for 10-15 minutes. However, there are more serious consequences. A child can suffer a traumatic brain injury by falling from just 50 cm.

The fact is that a baby’s head in relation to the body is 4 times heavier than that of an adult. Therefore, when falling from a height, children most often hit their heads. According to traumatologists, half of such falls result in brain contusions. Even if the bruise is mild, the baby may have periodic headaches and decreased vision or hearing for another 2 years.
In the first year of life, the baby’s bones have not yet fused together, and the likelihood of displacement upon impact is much higher than in adults.

What to do if a child falls out of bed?

If you nevertheless lost your vigilance and lost sight of your fidget, if baby fell out of bed or from any other surface and hit, do not scream, do not grab your heart or lament. Calm down and carefully examine the child.

Child's reaction No. 1. The child fell, cried immediately, and, after sobbing in your arms for 5-10 minutes, calmed down. After which he returned to his games and behaves as usual. A lump or abrasion appeared at the site of the impact. The baby moves easily and freely, does not feel pain. Breathe a sigh of relief - this time it worked out. Apply a cold compress to the bruise to reduce swelling and see a doctor in the next few days.

Child's reaction No. 2. The child did not cry immediately after the fall, or he cried immediately, but cries for a very long time, and you cannot calm him down. What else should you be wary of? The child refuses to eat or suckle. He is lethargic and wants to sleep, his movements are uncoordinated, the child is irritated and does not behave as usual. A sign of a traumatic brain injury may be vomiting, changes in pulse (acceleration or slowdown), swelling of the fontanel, and the appearance of cold sweat on the body. Look at the pupils - their unequal size indicates that the matter is serious. Call an ambulance immediately or take the child to the doctor yourself. Do not let your child fall asleep until you see a doctor.

Child's reaction No. 3. The child cried after the fall, calmed down and behaved normally. But after a few hours, and perhaps even after a few days, you felt a soft tumor on the scalp, which to the touch resembles fluid collected under the skin. Go to the doctor right away! It is possible that the child has a brain injury.

In any situation, observe the baby for several days.

What to do to prevent a child from falling?

Parents should anticipate a possible fall and do everything to prevent it from happening. Don't take your eyes off the baby when changing him on the changing table, hold him with your hand if you reach out to take out the diaper. If you need a distraction or distance, take your baby with you or put him in a crib or playpen. When you leave your baby on the sofa, support him with pillows or a folded blanket. When sitting in a high chair or stroller, fasten the fidget with seat belts. Place a carpet and pillows under a table, crib, or chair to soften a possible fall. You won’t be able to protect your blood from falls and bruises all your life, but in the first year of life you are required to protect it.

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