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Rita Kern house 2 before and after. Rita Kern: photos before and after plastic surgery. Girl's participation in the project

Probably many have already heard about such a popular personality as Rita Kern; before and after plastic surgery (photo house 2), the girl looks completely different; the TV show star amazes her fans with her appearance. There are rumors on the Internet that the girl decided not only to change the size of her lips and breasts, but also completely changed her gender several years ago.

Although Margarita is in no hurry to talk about what changes she plans to make in her appearance, only after plastic surgery can fans see everything that Rita decided to change in herself.

One of the girl’s closest friends says that Margarita did not change her preferences and habits at all when she got to the most famous project Dom-2. A fairly well-known pick-up artist decided to reveal several secrets concerning the life of a participant in the project. Many have seen photos of Rita Kern before and after plastic surgery on the Internet, house 2 has not changed the girl at all, she still continues to change her appearance beyond recognition. But Rita was born in a simple village in Udmurtia, she was one of the daughters of a priest, this information often amazes fans. The participant also has four sisters; they lead a more modest life, try not to appear on television, and generally do not experiment on themselves, like Margarita.

Already at eighteen, the young lady decided to leave her father’s house, since her father looked after her and did not allow her to meet men. Margarita didn’t like this, so she decided to leave and start winning the hearts of rich and successful men. Everything didn’t work out the way Rita wanted it, the whole point was the young lady’s youth and inexperience, then the girl decided to attend various flirting trainings that were held specifically for women. All the information received was beneficial, because today the girl with great success wins the hearts of free men on the project, so it’s worth finding out more about what they think about Rita Kern before and after plastic surgery in the photo of House 2, because every fan and participant has their own opinion about this drastic change.

Photo of Rita before plastic surgery

Today on the Internet you can find a photograph depicting a young girl with an amazing figure, this is Rita Kern, this is exactly what she was like before plastic surgery. If we look at the girl’s charms now, we can see that her figure has been edited many times by plastic surgeons, and the participant herself does not deny that she has undergone operations to change her appearance quite a few times. But the photo before the operations caused a great sensation among fans; many say that the girl already had an excellent figure and beautiful breasts, although even in the photo a small breast plastic surgery is noticeable, but everything was in moderation. As subscribers say, Rita looked more feminine and attractive before plastic manipulation of her appearance.

As loyal fans say, such interference in appearance can only be the result of the girl’s too strict upbringing by her father, for this reason Kern wanted to make herself the most beautiful woman. Still, if you find out the participant’s age and then look at the photos after various operations, you will notice a significant difference in age, because Margarita looks much older than her years. The image of a girl is regarded as vulgar and vulgar, and not only “envious” women, but also men think so. As viewers say, the girl definitely doesn’t look her age; she could be considered at least forty years old, although this is absolutely not the case. But if you look at the photographs before the operations, you can see a very attractive and moderately sexy young lady. Be that as it may, Rita Kern before and after plastic surgery in the photo in House-2 are very different.

Margarita's pride is an artificial bust

If you look at Rita Kern before and after plastic surgery in the photo in House-2, then before the surgery the girl had an attractive appearance, and she even looked younger than her age. If you look at this participant now, then without a doubt we can say that she went under the surgeon’s knife more than once.

The first thing that catches your eye is the girl’s incredible lips, they are full of silicone, but Margarita’s greatest pride is her large breasts, which were also made using plastic surgery. This brunette was able to decide to enlarge her breasts to size eight; her bust seems immense, and it’s quite difficult for Rita to choose a bra for such breasts, so in many photos the bust simply does not fit into this item of women’s wardrobe. It was quite easy for surgeons to achieve this size; doctors simply used silicone implants to make the bust so huge.

Margarita is undoubtedly proud of her gorgeous huge bust, because she is not at all embarrassed to walk along the beach in rather revealing outfits that openly demonstrate her magnificent assets to the male group. But the fashion show around the island is only half of it, because the girl takes great pleasure in participating in erotic photo shoots conducted by photographers, and she is also not at all opposed to completing any tasks at the show in order to distinguish herself among the participants. Still, the majority of viewers speak unflatteringly about this behavior of the participant; many ask Margarita to be a little more modest in her outfits and behavior.

Without a doubt, it is not easy to carry such breasts on your figure, so the girl has to do special exercises every day so that heavy breasts do not become a problem with the spine. Still, carrying such a large breast for a fragile girl is an incredibly difficult task, although Kern copes with it excellently. Still, not only the bust became news for discussion, because the actress wrote in her blog that she had undergone at least five plastic surgeries, of course, surgeons corrected the outline of the participant’s lips, this is the topic that deserves a separate discussion.

Many have already seen Rita Kern before and after plastic surgery in the photo in House-2, and the first thing that catches the eye in the photographs is the woman’s large lips, because Rita enlarged them to enormous sizes, for this reason the normal proportions of the face were completely disrupted, and the lips occupy most of the girl’s face, it doesn’t look very attractive, although there are fans of Margarita’s appearance who consider her a real goddess.

Margarita herself does not pay attention to those who criticize her appearance, because there are participants in the project who are very attracted to the girl’s unusual beauty, yet no one wants to build a relationship with Rita. The participant herself stated that plastic surgery for beauty will undoubtedly give her the opportunity to win the project, as well as take back her million rubles. Although the beauty is not at all interested in money, she wants to get her fame and victory in the project, this is exactly what Rita’s arrival on the TV show consists of.

Girl's participation in the project

This is probably one of the most colorful participants, who differs from others in her unusual appearance. If you look at Margarita Kern before and after plastic surgery in the photo, you will notice that the girl had a very attractive figure and had beautiful facial features, but later decided to radically change her appearance , increasing her breasts to size eight, and also adding volume to her lips using silicone. Margarita appeared on Love Island quite a long time ago, but new rules were established in the project, because twelve participants had to get on the island and win the attention of two single men. Without a doubt, Rita immediately came into the spotlight with her specific appearance.

Some journalists were able to talk with close friends of the participant, as it turned out that the girl in her youth was a rather complex person, so her relationship with a man did not go well, then she decided to start studying flirting techniques, which significantly helped her “get out among people.” The girl has a very bright character, she never gave her men permission, Rita often tested fidelity, for example, she could send a friend to her boyfriend, if she seduced him, the intimate relationship was recorded on camera and posted on the Internet. The girl was often seen in relationships with two men at once, and she absolutely did not hide her suitors from each other; on the contrary, she gave the men an ultimatum: the young people had to live together, or the girl would break up with them.

This lady studied the art of manipulation for more than two years, during which time she mastered it to perfection, so there are unlikely to be worthy rivals for Rita on the project, that’s what her friends say. It is worth remembering that Margarita Kern from House 2 in the photo before and after plastic surgery is significantly different, and before the surgery the girl was very beautiful, but today many men are afraid of such an eccentric and bold appearance of the participant, so they are in no hurry to build a serious relationship with Margarita.

There is information on the Internet that the participants were raised very strictly in the family by their father, but can we talk about the chastity of a lady if her photograph is on one of the sites where men can order a “night butterfly” for themselves, where the girl is present under the name Elena . On this occasion, many fans contacted the editors of the project, because although the project is very scandalous, the priestess of love should not be present in the show. As the producer said, for Rita such a life is already a thing of the past, she does not do obscene things, so she can be a full-fledged participant in the project without violating its rules.

Of course, Rita Kern looks completely different in the photo before and after plastic surgery; today there are those who consider her appearance before the operation to be gorgeous, while others accept the girl for who she is. Still, it cannot be denied that after plastic surgery, Rita has added to her age; today she looks more than forty years old, although the girl is still very young, her lips also do not look natural on a woman’s face, and her breasts hardly fit into a bra.

According to Alex Leslie, a friend of Rita Kern, after appearing on the project she does not change her habits. The famous pickup artist revealed some secrets of the life of the scandalous participant in the show “Dom-2. Island of Love." Maria Kunaeva, now known as Margarita Kern, was born in the tiny Udmurt village of Yakshur-Bodya. Fans of the reality show were shocked that the participant’s own father was a priest, Archpriest Vladimir Vladimirovich Kunaev. Rita Kern's four younger sisters prefer to keep a low profile and lead a modest life.

Rita herself, tired of her father’s tutelage, ran away from home at the age of 18 and set out to conquer men’s hearts. But at first, inexperience in communicating with the opposite sex took its toll, so Rita attended women’s training and flirting lessons. The training was not in vain, and now Margarita Kern, after plastic surgery, seduces bachelors on a reality show.

Rita Kern before and after plastic surgery (photo)

Rita's appearance is quite original and not given by Mother Nature: her face and figure are the result of plastic surgery. The Love Island participant herself does not hide the fact of repeated plastic surgery.

More recently, photos of Rita Kern before plastic surgery appeared on the Internet and caused a large number of discussions, comments and reviews.

“Before the operation, she looked much better than now,” this is what subscribers to various public pages of the reality show “Dom-2” write about Rita. Island of Love."

Loyal fans justify Kern, using unreliable information about being kept under guard until adulthood. Judgmental people talk about the vulgarity and vulgarity of Rita Kern's appearance, paying special attention to the discrepancy between her appearance and her age.

Viewers believe that at this time she looks at least 40 years old, and before the intervention of surgeons, Rita was an attractive young lady. One way or another, Rita Kern in the photo before and after plastic surgery are two different people.

What did Rita Kern do to herself? Photos before and after plastic surgery

Margarita Kern in the photo before plastic surgery is a sophisticated person with feminine features. At the moment, no one doubts that the girl lay under the surgeon’s scalpel.

Rita Kern's huge breasts are an achievement of modern medicine. An unusual brunette has enlarged her breasts to an enormous size eight using silicone implants.

The girl is proud of her artificial bust and boldly walks around in revealing costumes, participates in erotic photo shoots and posts pictures on social networks.

The talk show fans did not stop discussing her enormous breasts, and Rita happily provides new food for gossip.

There is an opinion that Rita Kern has had at least five plastic surgeries, including lip augmentation. After plastic surgery, Rita Kern lost the natural contours and normal proportions of her face: now her big lips attract all the attention.

Margarita Kern does not respond to these attacks and believes that plastic surgery will help her win the show and gain fame along with a million rubles. Of course, the opposite sex pays attention to the specific beauty of the ex-participant of “Love Island”, but at the same time is in no hurry to start a strong relationship.

At the end of April 2017, Rita Kern shared pictures from a hospital ward with subscribers: the girl had rhinoplasty and received a thin, neat nose.

It is likely that Rita also enlarged her buttocks, and to contrast her waist, she had liposuction on her sides and back.

Despite many rumors and gossip, guesses and discussions, Rita still does not answer the question about the purpose of such drastic changes. It is quite possible that plastic surgery helps a girl gain self-confidence and gain fame, albeit scandalous.

Rita Kern (Maria Kunaeva)

Participant of "House-2" Date of birth March 28 (Aries) 1990 (29) Place of birth Izhevsk Instagram @ritakern.official

Rita Kern is a former participant in the television project “Dom-2. Island of Love." She became famous thanks to her exotic appearance and scandalous reputation. Rita underwent several plastic surgeries, which changed her facial features and increased her breast size. Considers it possible to build relationships with several men at the same time.

Biography of Rita Kern

At the end of March 1990, priest Vladimir Kunaev gave birth to a daughter, who was named Maria (Margarita Kern is her pseudonym). It is generally accepted that Rita’s hometown is Izhevsk, but journalists found information that the girl was born and lived until adulthood in the village of Yakshur-Bodya in Udmurtia. The father kept his daughters strict, limited all contacts with boys and punished them for disobedience. It is not surprising that upon reaching the age of eighteen, Kern ran away from home, hitting all the hardest.

Complexes about her appearance that appeared in childhood and adolescence soon brought Rita under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Having completed training on attracting male attention, the girl began to use the capabilities of her suitors: she pumped up her lips and enlarged her breasts. The first time twenty-year-old Kern got an implant for herself was as a gift to her lover. Then she acquired a third bust size. Further - more. Rita increased her breasts to size 6, and later to size 8.

She loved to prepare provocations for her men. For example, I persuaded my friends to arouse the interest of their boyfriend and persuade her to have an intimate relationship. If this happened, Kern mercilessly posted videos of the betrayal on the Internet. Often a girl dated several men at the same time, without considering this something reprehensible. It is not surprising that Rita’s unconventional appearance and provocative behavior eventually led her to the Dom-2 project. Island of Love." Together with other girls and guys, in September 2016, Kern went on a two-month filming of “Building Love” in the Seychelles.

Margarita Kern, a young lady who had several plastic surgeries and acquired a size eight breast, ended up on Dom-2 and made a splash on the Internet. In the questionnaire, which is posted on the official website of the project, it is written that the girl is from Izhevsk. However, Komsomolskaya Pravda managed to find out that she was originally from the village of Yakshur-Bodya. About this and other interesting details from the girl’s childhood, which only the lazy do not discuss, in our material.

“Father was very strict with her”

The real name of Margarita Kern is Maria Kunaeva. It is not known for certain whether the girl took a sonorous pseudonym or officially changed her first and last name. However, she became famous precisely as Rita Kern. A girl was born into the family of a priest - Archpriest Vladimir Vladimirovich Kunaev, who once served in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Yakshur-Bodier. The future TV star spent her childhood in this village.

Masha has a big family. Mom, dad and four younger sisters. Masha studied at a regular school, in the same place - in Yak-Bodie. She was very modest and quiet. It was rumored that her father limited her in everything, recalls one of Margarita’s acquaintances, who lives in Yakshur-Bodier.

Another friend of Rita’s, on the contrary, claims that the girl has always been a leader.

I can't call her quiet. She definitely had leadership qualities. She could easily take leadership in a team or group,” says a friend of Margarita’s. “But she was raised really very strictly.” Here is just one example that proves this. In those years, the series “Wild Angel” was shown on TV, in which Natalia Oreiro played. This actress was a real idol for many teenagers. Stores sold notebooks with her photos, calendars, and postcards. Masha also liked this series. She had some calendars with Oreiro, she hid them under her pillow. One day the father found them and severely punished his daughter. I think he even hit her then. After all, the Bible says - do not make yourself an idol. And Masha, it turns out, did it.

Rita's father: “I haven’t communicated with my daughter for a long time”

Apparently, the father went too far, using such strict methods of education. When the girl turned 18, she ran away from home and got into trouble.

As far as I know, my father forbade Rita to communicate with guys. Naturally, when she became independent, she made up for lost time,” says the girl’s friend Alex Leslie in an interview with a correspondent of the magazine “”, a friend of the girl.

Apparently, this is the reason for the many plastic surgeries (we are talking about five, but it is possible that there were more), and loud statements on social networks that it is impossible to build a relationship with a man who earns less than 100 thousand rubles in Moscow, and the lack any embarrassment - on the project, under the gun of television cameras, Margarita often walks around almost naked.

We called the girl's father to find out how he feels about the lifestyle that his daughter has chosen.

This is a very difficult, very sad topic for me,” the man admitted. - We haven’t communicated with our daughter for a long time. So I wouldn't like to talk about it.

Meanwhile, Rita Kern continues to participate in the Dom-2 project. And its popularity (both with a plus and a minus sign) is growing by leaps and bounds.

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