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Give birth in October when to conceive. The best month to conceive a child. It's better to conceive at Christmas than on summer holiday

Probably not today women, who would not know that the best period for conceiving a child is from the 10th to the 18th day from the first day of the last menstruation. However, not all couples succeed in planning to conceive a child; many have sex for pleasure and then discover that the woman is pregnant. Indeed, drawing up a plan, following a special diet and organizing a “celebration” in honor of the conception of a child, as some experts advise, seems unnecessary to us.

The main thing for conception baby- this is the presence of love and understanding between spouses. If you are confident in your partner and love him, then simply enjoy his closeness and spend more time with him in bed. There is no need to think about conceiving a child, this process should be natural. During the period favorable for conceiving a child, it is best to have sexual intercourse every other day, but their number should not exceed 7 acts per week.

Earlier It was believed that before conceiving a child, a man needed to abstain for one month to allow seminal fluid to accumulate. There is some truth to this; the more often a man ejaculates, the more seminal fluid is consumed. However, sperm motility directly depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse. Sexually active men have more agile sperm, but the concentration of sperm in their semen is much lower. You also don’t have to worry about what position is best to conceive a baby.

Sperm have special flagella, with the help of which they move easily, regardless of how they got into the vagina. There is also no need to worry about a small amount leaking from the vagina. This is normal, the remaining sperm is enough for hundreds of sperm to rush up to the uterus and reach the egg. Sperm remain viable for three to four days. If the female germ cell is released during these days, then fertilization of the egg will become possible.

Each family pair strives to conceive a child so that he brings them joy and continues the family line. Therefore, no one can condemn those who carefully plan and take the birth of a child responsibly. To ensure that the parents' expectations are met and not overshadowed by the birth of a sick baby, on the day of conception both partners are strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages or take medications or drugs.

If you wish to Baby was born in a certain month, it is very easy to plan the date of conception of the child in advance. For example, you are so in love with your husband and admire him that you would definitely like to give birth to a child on his birthday. Mark the desired date of birth of the child on the calendar and count back 7 days from it. Add 3 months to the resulting number and add 14 days. The resulting date is the day of conception of the baby, who will be born on father’s birthday.

For example, if you dad's birthday 07.26.85., then you need to conceive a child on 11/02/12 so that he is born on 07/26/13. Of course, planning the date of conceiving a child on the same day is almost impossible, because not every woman’s pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. Therefore, attempts to get pregnant should begin to be made two weeks before the date of conception, and then God willing. If you're lucky, you can get there exactly on time.

When planning time Before conceiving a child, it will not be superfluous to take into account what month the baby will be born. If conception occurs in winter, then he will be born in the fall, if in summer, then he should be expected to be born in the spring. Accordingly, a child conceived in the fall will be born in the summer, and you will celebrate the birthday of a baby conceived in the spring in the winter month. Each season has its own pros and cons, so which month is better to give birth to a child should be chosen not by the time of year, but by the horoscope. Calculate the zodiac sign under which you would like to give birth. Zodiac signs are decisive in a person’s life; a person’s success and character depend on them.

Taking into account the horoscope Can recommend which month to conceive for Aries, Gemini, Leo, Capricorn and other zodiac signs. But it is impossible to single out any sign and recommend it for conception. Each sign has its own positive and negative sides. But there are periods of time that are contraindicated for conception. For example, he does not advise conceiving a child during fasting; this may affect the future and health of the child. The most important condition of fasting is marital abstinence; violation of it can lead to an unfavorable birth and illness of the child. The Church advises that if parents conceive a child during the days of fasting, then they should definitely repent before the birth of the child.

The luckiest day to conceive baby The fifth day after each new moon is considered. Also, the likelihood of conceiving a child increases significantly from October 26 to November 10, when the Moon is in Scorpio. After all, the Moon rules conception and fertility. Based on what zodiac sign the Moon is in, you can plan the birth of a boy or a girl. So if on the day of conception the Moon was:
- in female zodiac signs - Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, most likely you will have a girl.
- in male zodiac signs - Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, then expect the birth of a boy.

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During the winter months - December, January, February - the baby will most likely be born in the fall. In this case, the first months of pregnancy occur at a time when influenza and other infectious diseases are in the midst of an epidemic, and the embryo in the first weeks is very sensitive to viruses. It should also be taken into account that the baby will be born in the fall - this is not the most pleasant time of year: slush, rain, cloudy days contribute to the occurrence of postpartum depression in the mother.

However, the last trimester of pregnancy, if it occurs in the autumn months, is easier, since gestosis proceeds well, insomnia is rare, and less swelling appears.

Conception in spring

If you conceive a child in April or May, he will be born next winter. Among the disadvantages is the fact that parents’ bodies do not receive enough vitamins in the spring, which may affect the health of their son or daughter. But this problem is easily solved by choosing a good multivitamin and proper nutrition. Also in the spring, the risk of getting a cold or flu is also quite high, so you need to protect yourself well from illnesses. And in the last months of pregnancy, a woman needs to carefully monitor her safety: in winter, the risk of falls and injuries increases due to slippery roads.

But in winter, the body produces a lot of melatonin, which has a beneficial effect in the last trimester of pregnancy, also reducing insomnia and preventing the development of complications.

In addition, cold in the last stages is more easily tolerated than heat.

Conception in summer

If in the summer, then the birth will take place in the spring. Doctors call this time of conception the most prosperous - the mother and father’s bodies receive a large amount of vitamins and a sufficient amount of sun, do not get sick and are full of strength, so the foundations are laid for the birth of a healthy and strong child. But his birth, on the contrary, occurs during a period of hypovitaminosis and influenza epidemics, which can lead to the occurrence of diseases in the first months of life.

Conception in autumn

If conception occurs in the fall, then the child is born in the summer - in June, July or. From the point of view of the health of parents, this is an excellent time; after the summer, the body is refreshed with vitamins and filled with solar energy, although there is a rather difficult time ahead, dangerous due to viral diseases. And a pregnant woman will have to experience all the difficulties of the last trimester, which occurs in the summer: heat, long daylight hours that prevent you from falling asleep at night and interfering with the production of melatonin, swelling. But when the baby is born, it will be easier to care for him at first - you don’t need to dress him in warm clothes, protect him from colds, and you don’t need to wear heavy clothes yourself.

Carrying a baby in the summer is much more pleasant and easier than at any other time of the year - no autumn depression, winter colds and slippery slopes, no spring vitamin deficiency. However, this generally wonderful time of year has its own hidden dangers that the expectant mother should be aware of.

Fight hypoxia

Oxygen is vital for all cells of a growing body, but first of all for the baby’s brain. After all, thanks to oxygen, the baby’s cells breathe and provide themselves with energy for further division, and therefore for its growth and development, for the formation of internal organs. The problem is that during the warm season, the oxygen content in the atmosphere decreases. This means that the risk of oxygen starvation of the baby increases - intrauterine fetal hypoxia.

  • Drink oxygen cocktails and oxygen-enriched mineral water.

  • If approved by your gynecologist, carry a bottle of oxygen with you. Use it when you feel it is becoming difficult to breathe or your baby is pushing more than usual. If this happens, be sure to consult a antenatal clinic doctor.

  • Try to spend hot days outside the city, because at such moments the concentration of harmful substances in the air increases - you don’t need to breathe them!

  • Take air baths every day: walk around the house for at least 15-20 minutes - let your skin breathe. After all, it is the largest organ of your body. Let the blood become saturated with oxygen through its pores and carry it to the child.

  • Walk in the fresh air in the morning for at least 1-1.5 hours, when the air has not yet warmed up and become suffocating.

Ice massage

In the summer, to “revive” tired legs, relieving pain, heaviness and swelling, wipe them with pieces of ice with mint infusion.

  • Sit comfortably, pulling your leg towards you or placing it on a bench.

  • Don't pick it up with your bare fingers - it melts quickly. Wrap it in a napkin, leaving only the work surface free. Stroke the skin, move it straight (from top to bottom), clockwise, and zigzag movements.

  • Treat the foot, lower leg and thigh first of one leg, then of the other leg, devoting 2-4 minutes to each area. No matter how much the veins love the cold, they cannot be cooled for more than 5 minutes, otherwise a persistent narrowing of the saphenous veins will occur.

Video on the topic

This time we will talk about pregnancy, the beginning of which - January - coincides with the beginning of the year. This is a time of cheerful and, probably, everyone’s favorite New Year holidays. Despite the depths of winter, it becomes easier to endure severe cold and bad weather - after all, the daylight hours are gradually increasing, and nature is beginning to move towards spring. The name of the month itself comes from the name of Janus, the ancient Roman two-faced god of doors and every undertaking.

The first trimester of pregnancy (usually from the 5th to the 12th week) is often (in 50-60% of women) marred by such an unpleasant condition as early gestosis 1, or, as it was called before, toxicosis (it was believed that the fertilized egg releases certain toxins, which cause all the unpleasant manifestations, but, despite persistent searches, these toxins were never discovered). Preeclampsia is a more appropriate name; it emphasizes that this condition occurs only during pregnancy.

To date, there is no unified theory of the development of gestosis. According to modern ideas, a certain role in this process is played by the insufficiency of adaptation mechanisms in the female body, dysregulation of internal organs by the nervous system, immunological incompatibility of mother and fetus and other factors. Among the manifestations of early gestosis, we note nausea (usually in the morning), vomiting, salivation (and also in very rare cases, dermatosis, manifested by skin itching, eczema, and benign jaundice of pregnant women).

You should not assume that these troubles are a natural part of the first trimester of pregnancy. Constant attacks of nausea, and even more so vomiting that bothers you, should be a reason to consult a doctor. Let's say right away: only in 10% of cases you will need medical intervention and serious treatment. This is necessary for severe gestosis with uncontrollable vomiting, sudden weight loss, and dehydration. In mild and moderate cases, they try to resort to non-medicinal treatment methods, such as herbal medicine, aromatherapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, and psychotherapy.

Try to alleviate your condition using the following simple recommendations.

Your food should be as varied as possible, consist mainly of easily digestible foods and contain a large amount of vitamins. You must ensure that you drink enough liquid (1.5 - 2 liters, it is advisable to include alkaline mineral water here). You need to have breakfast without getting out of bed. It is better to give up three meals a day and divide your daily diet into 6-8 small meals, which need to be separated from drinks. Frequent chewing helps with nausea (salted nuts, crackers, dried fruits, etc. are suitable). If you are drooling, it is good to rinse your mouth with infusions of chamomile, sage, and mint.

We sincerely hope that the troubles associated with the first months of pregnancy will not prevent you from following a clear plan of necessary activities presented in our traditional table.

Month of pregnancy

Estimated month of birth

Maternity leave

Maternity leave usually begins at 30 weeks of pregnancy (in the case of twins - at 28 weeks), for you it will begin at the end of July - beginning of August.

Deadline for issuing the exchange card in hand

The exchange card is issued starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, which means you should have it in July. We can advise you to carry it (along with your passport and medical insurance) with you at all times, wherever you go.

First visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist

The optimal period is 8 - 10 weeks of pregnancy (late February - March). At your first visit, be sure to ask your doctor about what other tests you need to undergo (based on your individual characteristics), and find out if you need genetic counseling.

When is the best time to announce pregnancy at work?

If your work is not harmful and is not associated with excessive emotional and physical stress, you can, if you wish, procrastinate until you manage to hide your belly (of course, this depends on the characteristics of your figure, but most likely, your colleagues will notice an increased tummy in April). If your work, for one reason or another, may adversely affect the course of your pregnancy (if in doubt, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist!), you need to notify your superiors as soon as possible about the upcoming changes and request a transfer to another job 2 .

First ultrasound

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, this test is usually scheduled between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, in your case in March-April.

When will it be possible to find out the gender of the baby?

With a good ultrasound machine and a highly qualified doctor, the sex of the child can be determined as early as the 12th week, that is, around mid-March 3

Second ultrasound

It is done at 20-24 weeks (May-June). During this period, they will definitely be able to tell you the sex of the child.

Third ultrasound

In August-September, at 32-34 weeks.

Switching to maternity clothes (when the belly is visible)

If this is your first pregnancy, your clothes will become tight in the fourth or fifth month, that is, in April-May. If you become pregnant again, you will have to think about suitable clothing two to three weeks earlier.

Optimal time to attend school for pregnant women

Don't forget to plan to attend a maternity school - the second trimester of pregnancy is considered the most appropriate time for this. For you this is April, May, June. Don't put off going to school - you will need time to put the acquired knowledge into practice. In addition, the warm spring sun, lack of ice outside, lighter and more comfortable clothes, as well as a decline in infectious diseases will make studying at school enjoyable and safe for your health.

Features of the first trimester in connection with the time of year

The first trimester of your pregnancy occurs in mid-winter - early spring. The prevention of infectious diseases remains relevant, since in the first trimester the fetus goes through the most important stages of its development - the formation and formation of all organs and systems begins, and any impact of the virus can affect this process in the most unfavorable way.

Features of the second trimester in connection with the time of year

Second trimester - spring - early summer. Mild spring weather will make this period of your pregnancy especially enjoyable. However, at the same time, this is the flowering period of many plants that can cause allergic reactions. If you are prone to these types of seasonal allergies, talk to your doctor about which allergy medications you can take during pregnancy.

Features of the third trimester in connection with the time of year

Mid-summer - early autumn. For you, this is the time of preparation of the body for childbirth. Be especially attentive to dietary recommendations (see below). Monitor the amount of fluid you drink - in the summer heat, your body easily loses it, but at the same time, in the third trimester it is especially important to avoid water “overload”. If you are completely healthy, you can (and should) drink 1.5 liters of fluid per day. If you have signs of late toxicosis (swelling appears, blood pressure rises), be sure to consult your doctor.

Choosing a maternity hospital

Start choosing a maternity hospital as early as possible. The best option is if you have friends or acquaintances who can recommend the maternity hospital not “by hearsay,” but based on their own experience. Be sure to find out if the maternity hospital is closed for a scheduled “wash” in September-October, when your due date approaches.

The onset of your pregnancy occurs at a time of year traditionally considered dangerous for the development of vitamin deficiencies. For a baby at such an early stage, it is especially important to have a sufficient amount of folic acid, which is mainly found in greens, which, even if found on store shelves, at this time, alas, are not of the best quality. Therefore, it is advisable, in consultation with your doctor, during this period to take a multivitamin containing folic acid, or simply a folic acid preparation.

II trimester

Your diet must contain a sufficient amount of protein, including animal protein, vitamins and microelements, since during this period and until the end of pregnancy your baby is actively growing. Make sure there is enough calcium - it is necessary for the child’s growing skeletal system; if there is a lack of calcium in your diet, the baby will “take” it from your bones and teeth. The same applies to iron - even if you have normal hemoglobin levels, you need a vitamin complex with iron (for pregnant women). The fact is that at this time iron reserves are created in the fetus’s body, which it will need in the first months of life. This is also true in the third trimester.

III trimester

The recommendations are the same as in the second trimester, pay special attention to eliminating potential allergens from your diet (which, among other things, include all red vegetables and fruits), since at this time the fetal immune system is ready to respond to them by developing allergic reactions. In the last months before birth, the baby is actively gaining weight, so the fetus should receive enough nutrients from you and at the same time you should not overeat. Also, be sure to talk to your doctor about taking multivitamins; even if you haven't taken them or have stopped taking them, you may need additional sources of vitamins and minerals as your body actively prepares for childbirth.

Danger of getting influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections

At the beginning of the first trimester, there is a risk of getting the flu. Try to use public transport as little as possible during this time and avoid crowded places. Flu vaccination is not recommended during the first trimester. If you do get sick, consult your doctor before taking any medications, especially antipyretics and especially antibiotics.

Your child and horoscope

Most likely, your baby will be born when the Sun is in the zodiac sign of Libra (September 23 - October 24). Such children are distinguished by exquisite taste, harmony, and talent.

Some names mentioned in the Orthodox church calendar in August

Men's : Anton, Vladislav, German, Grigory, Igor, Konstantin, Makar, Maxim, Mark, Mikhail, Kuzma, Sergey.

Women's : Anna, Ariadna, Zinaida, Irina, Pelageya, Sophia.

1 There are early and late gestosis. You can read more about the latter in No. 8/2002.
2 The legal side of the issue is covered in detail in No. 1/2001 in the article by O. Revenko “Benefits and rights of pregnant women and mothers in Russian legislation.”

Last updated December 18th, 2016 at 07:02 pm

Modern embryology and genetics believe that human life as a biological individual begins with the fusion of the nuclei of male and female germ cells. A single nucleus with unique genetic material is formed.

Under the influence of the genetic code, personality is created - health characteristics, character and temperament, inclinations and abilities. Therefore, sensible parents tend to plan the conception and birth of a child. And not just plan, but with a better perspective, “forming an order” for his fate.

Each married couple, when planning the birth of a child, is guided by specific priorities. Among the factors that determine the choice of the best month of conception and birth are medical indications, optimal living conditions, and personal preferences. But some pros and cons from parents' experiences can be summarized.

The first weeks of pregnancy in the winter month usually occur at the peak of epidemics. Flu, ARVI and other infections will try to “break through” to the defenseless embryo. The expectant mother needs to take care, avoid crowded places, and remember about prevention.

Babies are born in the fall. Walks deprived of sunshine, vitamin D - as prescribed by the pediatrician. Dank weather can cause postpartum depression in mothers. And washing dirty stroller wheels is a daily addition to washing and ironing baby diapers. But there are also advantages:

  • Before giving birth, the mother receives the best “natural” vitamins - fortunately there are enough vegetables and fruits in the fall. This means that breast milk will last for a long time for natural feeding;
  • In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, you don’t need to insulate your rounded belly and buy winter “working clothes” for it - it’s easier to walk, and the savings are obvious;
  • If a woman suffers from toxicosis throughout pregnancy, in the autumn months it is not so pronounced - less swelling, less insomnia, better health.

Conception in spring: cold is better than heat

In the spring, both mom and dad are in a state of vitamin deficiency, which can affect the expected baby. Parents need to eat well and support themselves with a heavy dose of vitamins. It is advisable not to catch any viral disease - during this period, colds are still rampant.

The child will be born in the winter month. In late pregnancy, a mother will have to look at her feet more often to avoid injury. The ice is treacherous, and the woman is very clumsy - she carries not only her son or daughter, but also heavy winter clothes. It won't be easy for a newborn either. He is at risk of contracting ARVI or influenza. And he will have to walk less often than in the warm season. But:

  • Spring, with its emotional upsurge, promotes conception;
  • Optimal weather conditions in spring minimize the development of toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy;
  • The level of melatonin, a hormone that promotes gestation and development of the fetus, is high. It is produced at night, and in winter the nights are longer than in summer;
  • Cold in the last stages is better tolerated than heat.

Summer + sun + vitamins = conception

Both parents stocked up on vitamins, warmed up in the sun and are fully armed. But the summer heat is sometimes simply unbearable for pregnant women. Possible swelling, headache, general malaise. And in autumn and winter, the risk of injury on slushy and slippery roads increases.

The birth will take place in the spring month. Vitamin deficiency and epidemics of viral diseases are not the best companions for a baby. In addition, a lack of vitamins can negatively affect lactation. Positive aspects of summer conception:

  • Both mother and fetus are enriched with vitamins;
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, parents do not have to limit their movement. Beach holidays are no exception;
  • The possibility of contracting ARVI is minimal.

Autumn conception: for a walk in a vest

Summer has prepared the couple in full - their bodies are at their peak. But there is a danger of viral diseases ahead. In addition, autumn bad weather and toxicosis can affect the mood of a pregnant woman. Maximum attention and care from the future dad will help her cope with the blues.

The child will be born in the summer month. In the last trimester of pregnancy, you should pay attention to vitamin supplementation. Daylight hours will increase, melatonin production will do the opposite. Summer, when the birth occurs, can bring with it swelling and insomnia. With the heat, toxicosis may return. And after giving birth, it is difficult for a nursing mother to resist the temptation to eat the “wrong” fruit for fear of harming the baby. But the great thing is:

  • Autumn is rich in vegetables and fruits - sources of vitamins;
  • In the first trimester, you can go on vacation to the sea, if there is no toxicosis;
  • There is no need to spend money on warm clothes “under the tummy” - in the winter months the period is not yet critical;
  • Even if the expectant mother catches a cold in winter, the placenta will cope with its protective function - the child has already “grown up”, all organs have formed;
  • In the last weeks of pregnancy, you can walk “light” - in a sundress and comfortable sandals;
  • Fruits and vegetables in the diet will stimulate better lactation, the child will receive adequate nutrition;
  • You can spend a long time with your baby in the fresh air, and you won’t need to wrap him up;
  • Getting up to see your child at night is not oppressive because of the darkness;
  • No mud, icy conditions, or snow piles.

When assessing the seasonal factor, the climate of the area in which the couple lives plays a huge role. After all, winter in Crimea and winter in Magadan are two big differences.

And if you think about it, then the main thing is a desired and beloved baby. What do psychologists advise? If you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it. And then winter will delight you with holidays and fresh frost. Spring will come as a symbol of the rebirth of nature, bringing new hopes for the future. Summer will beckon you, if not to the sea, then to a river or lake. And autumn will cease to be the personification of slush and despondency, becoming a companion to warm, cozy gatherings over a cup of tea. And conceiving a child will be the best, most unforgettable, most timely part of your life..

Pregnancy is a touching and at the same time exciting period in the life of every family. While waiting to meet your baby, it is important to know what changes are occurring in the body of mother and baby. Our pregnancy calendar will help with this.

If you are unsure whether you are pregnant or not, go through.

  • Negative test result? Perhaps it’s not time yet, try to go through it later.
  • Did the test show a positive result? Please accept our congratulations!

In the calendar you will find the most important information and useful tips. Here you will find out what happens to your baby in every week of pregnancy, in every trimester. The calendar will tell you what sensations a mother may experience during pregnancy, as well as under what conditions she needs to be vigilant.

First, the calculator will help you calculate your gestational age and approximate due date. To do this, you need to enter the first day of your last period, as well as the length of your cycle. Let us remind you that calculation of the menstrual cycle: you need to take the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the last day before the next menstruation (inclusive). Usually average values ​​are taken. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 plus/minus 7 days.

The calendar is divided into 3 stages - trimesters (1 trimester = 3 months). Each trimester includes weeks of pregnancy. Yes, pregnancy is measured in weeks, not months, as many of us are used to. And the mother needs to get used to this, since the gynecologist will calculate the period exactly this way. In our calendar calculator, the pregnancy period is also calculated in weeks.

First trimester – 1-12 weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most crucial. The first 2 weeks of pregnancy are theoretical, they are needed for ease of calculation. Fertilization has not yet occurred. But in the third week, the nuclei of germ cells merge and a small “pea” appears in the tummy. The baby has not yet formed either arms or legs, but from the moment of fertilization he is endowed with a soul. In the first weeks of the first trimester, the mother’s immunity decreases so that her body does not perceive the baby as something foreign. Symptoms of toxicosis often appear. By the end of the trimester, the baby already looks like a person, only very small. The doctor recommends an ultrasound.

Second trimester – 13-26 weeks of pregnancy. Toxicosis has passed; during this period there is less risk for the baby. Mom's belly is getting rounder. Very soon she feels the first tremors - the movements of the baby. Towards the end of the second trimester, it is recommended to repeat the ultrasound examination.

Third trimester – 27-42 weeks of pregnancy. As the baby grows, his “house” also grows. In some cases, it becomes difficult for the mother to breathe, because... the uterus rises very high. This goes away before childbirth. Closer to the cherished day of birth, immunity decreases again. This is how the hormonal levels are restructured, and preparations are underway for an exciting meeting with the baby.

The baby is considered full term at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Most often, childbirth occurs at 38-40 weeks, but there are cases when pregnancy drags on to 41-42 weeks. This is quite normal, especially for first-time mothers. We have included these weeks in the pregnancy calendar so that we can continue to be with you until the birth.

During the entire period of pregnancy, the mother and baby are monitored by a doctor to monitor the slightest disturbances and deal with them in a timely manner.

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