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Russian folk holidays and rituals. Summer folk holidays in Russia. Russian folk holiday: calendar, scenarios, traditions and rituals What Russian folk holidays are there

The First Autumn is a holiday celebrated on September 14th. By this day, the peasants had already collected the harvest from the fields. The time has come when we need to thank Mother Earth for her generous gifts. In all the houses they baked pies mixed with flour from the recently harvested crop. From this day on, autumn weddings began to be celebrated in Rus'. This holiday connects two holidays: spiritual and earthly. In its spiritual nature, it is the holiday “Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” and in its earthly essence, it is a harvest festival, accompanied by games and songs. According to the folk calendar, golden autumn begins on this day, which will last until October 14.

Autumn people are greeted by the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. In the old days, there was a custom for newlyweds to treat their relatives, which is why September 8 was also called “Presentation Day.” All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. Today we have a holiday called Autumn. Since September 21, it was believed that every summer - Amen. Autumn has come into its own. In fact, it is a religious holiday of the astronomical autumn equinox. In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called “Oseniny” or “Ospozhinki” and was celebrated as a harvest festival. According to folk tradition, cabbage parties began, girls' parties, when young people went from house to house to chop cabbage. Autumn's first meeting of autumn. On this day, it was supposed to “wipe” the “new” fire with two planks and begin sit-downs or gatherings with this clean fire. We noticed: if Semyon the day is clear, then the entire Indian summer will be warm, and we must expect a warm winter.

The popular name for the days of remembrance of Saints Paraskevi, of which there are four in the Orthodox tradition. The Eastern Slavs especially revered Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, the patroness of the day of the week of the same name. The folk tale dedicated to the Day of the Exaltation reveals the meaning of the holiday in its own way. The church service on this day is given a special “magnification”: “We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your honorable Protection.” In popular understanding, the church holiday of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary appears far removed from Christian legend. Kuzminki (Kuzmodemyanki) is a girl's holiday celebrated throughout Russia by girls on the autumn day of memory of Kuzma and Demyan - November 1/14.

Korean autumn traditions

After Christmas came the so-called holy days, which lasted until Epiphany, during which it was customary to go from house to house and glorify Jesus Christ with prayers and chants. One of the most significant holidays of the summer was Ivan Kupala or Midsummer's Day, named after John the Baptist and celebrated on the day from July 6 to 7, the summer solstice. Only with its onset could the ancient Slavs eat apples from the new harvest, which were necessarily consecrated in the church. One of the most revered autumn holidays that came to the ancient Slavs from Byzantium was Intercession Day, celebrated on October 14 (1). On this day, tables were set with treats, gifts were brought to the poor and orphans, attendance at church services was obligatory, and the time for wedding celebrations began.

The autumnal equinox falls on September 22, sometimes 23. Day and night at this time become equal. From time immemorial, many peoples have attached mystical significance to this day. An ancient ritual of the Buddhist holiday Higan is being performed. On this day, the Japanese prepare food only from plant ingredients: beans, vegetables.

The Orthodox world celebrates Christmastide - two weeks of winter holidays

Full bins and free time gave people the opportunity to relax.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary (8.09 old/21.09 new). On this day, Simeon the Stylite, the founder of Stylites, is remembered. This day is associated with the end of work in the fields and the beginning of winter. It is popularly considered a maiden holiday and the cover of weddings.

The holiday is celebrated with visits and widespread hospitality. 18/06, which is approximately 9 months after this holiday. To escape from snakes, you can read a poem. In Rus', Autumn was depicted as a small, dry peasant. AUTUMN: Do you guys know that people called these months differently? Indian summer, which lasts in some areas for up to three weeks.

So, in Israel, Sukkot takes place on September 19th. On this day, Jews perform the ritual of raising the lulav.

Autumn equinox among the Slavs

The autumn equinox was one of the main holidays among the Slavs. Ovsen is the name of a deity in mythology who was responsible for the change of seasons, so in the fall he was thanked for fruits and harvests. The ritual for the autumn equinox was the farewell of the goddess Zhiva to Svarga - the heavenly kingdom, which was closed in the winter. Our ancestors often used trees in autumn rituals and holidays.

Bright and optimistic folk holidays are an excellent basis not only for moral and physical relaxation, but also a source of self-expression, an opportunity for spiritual unity, and the birth of cohesion. But how much better is it to hold a folk festival with beautifully dressed people, round dances and songs, with traditional games or secret fortune-telling.

On St. George's Day, complete calm from the autumn labors was celebrated. Kolyada is of original pagan origin and is associated with the winter solstice. From January 6 until Maslenitsa, Wedding Weeks continued in the old days.

With an apparently successful harvest, the “Opozhinki” sometimes last for a whole week: the more productive the summer, the longer the holiday. On this day, it was customary for the Poles to do the first sowing of winter crops: they sow several handfuls of rye from the ears, blessed in a wreath on Obzhinki. Czechs, Moravians and Slovaks blessed wheat for sowing in the church or blessed bunches of the first ears; both were decorated with flowers. According to Slovak beliefs, on this day snakes go into the ground - to Yuri. They believed that whatever the weather would be like on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, it would then last for another four weeks.

On January 21, Prosinets is celebrated - Midwinter - it is believed that the cold begins to subside and, at the behest of the Gods, the warmth of the sun returns to the Lands of the Slavs. They glorify Heavenly Svarga. The name of the holiday “Prosinets” comes from “pro-shine”, which means the rebirth of the sun. February 16. Kikimora's Name Day is celebrated - the day when people create amulets for their home. For Christians, this date was the day of Maremyana the Righteous, popularly nicknamed Meremyana-Kikimora. On March 22, the second Invocations of Spring (the Alive Goddess) are held, performed from the tops of the hills from which the snow has already begun to melt, popularly called “Yarilin’s bald patches.” The main dish of the great holiday of Maslenitsa is the pancake - in the Slavic pagan tradition symbolizing the Sun. April 16 - 22 Rusalia - with the onset of warmth, mermaids begin their games in high water. Therefore, in Russian folk tradition, the day of Yarila Veshny is also known as Yuryev’s day - the day of the “wolf shepherd”.

October 22 Autumn Grandfathers, 27th Day from Autumn. October 26 Mokosha Shifts to the 8th Friday from Rozhanitsy. November 1st. Day of Svarog. December 4 is the holiday of Dawn (Ushas and Vesta). December 23 - Holy Evening. Christmas Eve. Summer holidays are holidays of the cult of birth, harvest and protection of this harvest from various misfortunes.

Religious holidays are also celebrated in Russia. They are also popular, because the Orthodox faith cannot be separated from the values ​​with which the country’s culture is rich.

In December, people could already take a break from hard work and should think about a more pleasant spring preparation for new business. Our ancestors loved December 25 (Spyridon Solstice). On the night of it, according to their beliefs, their ancestors came to people in the form of holy spirits. Those who wished the owners all earthly blessings. If they were stingy and did not thank the singers, then they could receive an evil wish for the holiday. All days of the Maslenitsa week with your name and rituals. In many villages the tradition still exists, the figures are called larks, due to the desire to see this particular bird. Yes, and the holiday is often called Larks. Asking for leniency and a mild winter. They rejoiced and thanked nature if the fields were snow-covered that day.

1. Systematize and enrich children’s knowledge about the holidays and traditions of the Russian people. In the evening of Christmas, everyone went to church, the people, led by a priest, made a procession of the cross. His obligatory attribute was a Christmas lantern. Baptism was considered by the people to be a special day that could bring happiness. In Rus' they have always been loved; they contributed to bringing people closer together and strengthening family ties.

Holidays have been preserved, which we continue to observe, having become accustomed to them, without even thinking about their origin. But there are holidays that are again applicable in our modern life. Ancient Slavic traditions with their unique ethnic baggage are being revived. At the end of the round dance, the women brought jugs of mash and treated the girls. In Rus', on Semyonov Day (September 1), tonsures and mounting of horses took place. This ancient rite was performed in some families with every son, in others - only the firstborn. There, in Tolmachevsky Lane, beyond the Moskva River, women gathered around the Church of Kozma and Damian with chickens and held prayer services after mass. In the villages, women came with chickens to the boyar's courtyard and with petitions brought them to their boyar "for a good life." In response, the noblewoman gave the peasant women ribbons for their ubrusnik (headdress). Such “petition chickens” were kept in a special way: they were fed mainly on oats and barley and were never killed.

Our ancestors believed that fun and satiety give rise to special energy. Having passed through time layers, they organically merged into the rules of Christian celebrations. On special days, the Orthodox Church prohibits parishioners from working, swearing and grieving.

Rituals and customs are part of the culture of every people, be it a huge nation or a small community. We invite you to get acquainted with autumn rituals, the history of their origin and essence. Traditions associated with the onset of autumn are interesting and varied in different countries.

There are also holidays when people not only relax, but have fun, dance and sing, and perform ritual actions related to the thematic component. What is their difference and unity, when did they originate and how are they celebrated today?

Russian folk holidays are not only beautiful and cheerful, they are filled with meaning and spirituality, the thematic content of each carries an ideological load, which is especially important for young people. The atmosphere of community, a common root and familiarization with national sacred values ​​contribute to the formation of national pride and patriotism.

Wine harvest

Autumn holidays among Belarusians are similar to autumn rituals and holidays among other Slavic peoples. One of the main autumn rituals was held on Dozhinki. Similarly, the Osenins in Belarus celebrated the harvest festival - the rich man. The symbol of the holiday was a popular print with grain and a candle inside. Dziady means “grandfathers”, “ancestors”.

In Europe, grape harvest holidays are considered traditional.

It was believed that the first mowing should be done on this day, then there would be plenty of hay. If it rained, they expected a rich harvest of honey. Athenogenes marked the beginning of the harvest. The first sheaf was kept in the hut as a talisman. On this day, magical rituals were performed for a good offspring and against the death of livestock. The horses were bathed, their manes were combed, they were treated to selected hay and oats, and they were freed from any work.

The oat loaf was broken into a number of pieces equal to the number of people present at the ritual. Upon returning home, this bread was used to feed livestock - this was supposed to attract material wealth to the house. On Oseniny, a large meal was always held, in which all residents of the village took part. The obligatory attributes of the festive table were kutia made from cereals and honey, bread, and milk dishes.

The following signs relate to this day: “Lenten Ivan has come, he has taken away the red summer,” “Lenten Ivan is the godfather of autumn,” “No man leaves Lenten Ivan without a caftan.” Dormition Fast, also known as Spozhenki; by consonance and coincidence of time, it is mixed with spozhinki - autumn, the birthday sheaf, the end and celebration of the end of the harvest). September 21 - autumn, the second meeting of autumn. We continued harvesting onions, which had begun the day before. In the villages, the Exaltation is associated with the end of the harvest, this is the third meeting of autumn, the first winter. These days were called thaw, kiselnitsa, October - mud. In everyday life, Pokrov is associated with the end of field work, the collection of the last fruits, with the first frosts and snow cover of the ground. Veil is traditionally a time to attract grooms and weddings. Among other signs about the weather, the following also stood out: “Dmitry’s day of transportation does not await”, “Dmitry in the snow - late spring.”

Velesen is the seventh month of the ancient year, the first month of autumn, dedicated to the god Veles. Nine houses of Maya. Before giving birth to Kolyada, Maya went through nine signs of the Zodiac, visited nine heavenly houses: the house of Maya (Virgo), the house of Veles (Libra), and on the day of Veles - Ryabinkin they collected rowan berries. Memory of Zlatogor and Bus. On the same day, the god of the winds Stribog and his bird Stratim (ostrich) are commemorated. The old recipe was this: “To cure damage in children, you need to go to three lakes or three springs at dawn, silently, without looking back. Celebration of summing up the agricultural year. Weddings begin with Intercession.

Slavic farmers considered September to be the beginning of the year, the month when they harvested their crops. The peasants performed a ceremony to glorify the Family and Rozhanitsy, made sacrifices to their ancestors and glorified family well-being. Autumn on September 14 in the pagan calendar was called the Autumn Serpentine - the time of snake weddings. For example, it was necessary to strike a fire using two dry planks. The earth was fumigated with this fire. It was also necessary to give thanks to the earth for the harvest.

There are several other names for the holiday - Aspozhok, Spasov or Asposov day - a triple derivative of the words Spas, Mistress and reap - after the harvest. This whole week is called Asposova. December 9 is St. George's Day. Yuri is cold. Here’s to you, grandma, and St. George’s day!” - people began to say after its abolition by Tsar Boris Godunov.

People worshiped the sky and asked it to water the earth for a good harvest. Rich sacrifices were made to the pagan gods, prayers and thanksgiving were offered, and people tried to attract their favor through ritual dances. Afraid of angering them with vanity and insufficient attention, the ancient Slavs prepared for rituals in advance and set aside not only whole days for this, but sometimes whole weeks, if the issue was very important.

Dmitrov's Saturday was always celebrated solemnly: they went to the graves and served memorial services there, and arranged rich treats. November 27th is the day of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the winter and cold St. Nicholas. Previously, in many places in Russia, the so-called Nikolshchina was celebrated on Nikolina Day.

Look back into the past and return to the present

The first turning point occurred in 988, when Prince Vladimir baptized Rus'. This epoch-making act changed the calendar and the nature of pagan rituals. When handicraft and manufacturing became the basis of the well-being of the townspeople, folk holidays and rituals closely associated with the agricultural calendar receded even further into the shadows. During this difficult period of changing eras, paganism moved to the most remote parts of Russia.

Today, Russian folk holidays in their natural form are exotic. Only in the rural hinterlands, which have not yet been absorbed by mass urbanization, can living folklore be found. People are happy to take part in the colorful action, which has an exclusively historically authentic basis.

Already somewhere from Ilyin's day, and somewhere from Uspenev, autumn round dances began in many settlements. It is worth noting that the round dance is the most ancient of the dances of the Russian people, and is rooted in the rites of worship of the Sun God. They renewed the fire, extinguished the old one, and started a new one. From that time on, all activities in the field ended and work began in the house, in the yard, and in the garden. On this day we did not go into the forest, because it was believed that a snake could drag us away.

Calendar rituals, having arisen in ancient times, reflected the worldview of the people; they changed in accordance with the development of society. The Slavs did not create their own fortune-telling systems, but “a holy place is never empty”: they had their own way of foreseeing the future. The formation and establishment of new holidays and rituals in everyday life among the peoples of our country was examined by L. A. Tultseva. Currently, practical needs have put forward the task of developing modern Russian calendar holidays, taking into account the features that have appeared in the new region. Currently, most of the customs and traditional actions associated with autumn rituals are a thing of the past. To some extent, the old ritual actions are retained in the games of children of those families where the older generation tells about this to the young.

In the 4th century, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great found the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher. Many then wanted to see this miracle. This is how the Feast of the Exaltation was established. On the third day of November, “Kazanskaya” was celebrated.

Exaltation moves heat away, and cold advances. The rise of autumn moves towards winter. The bird took flight towards Vozdvizhenie.

Gogol also wrote: “What Russian doesn’t like driving fast?” And today, during festivities, daring sleigh rides pulled by Russian troikas are very popular!

The word “mother” is sacred for every person, but the name of the Mother of God is even more sacred... The Mother of God has revealed herself to all of us and is given eternal life - Christ.

Late February - early March - Maslenitsa. The start date of the holiday “floats”, it is connected with the lunar calendar and begins 8 weeks before the first spring full moon.

Traditional autumn holidays of the Russian people

September 24 – Fedora-Ripped off. Two Fedoras up the mountain - one autumn, one winter, one with mud, the other with cold. On this day, a ritual called “the wedding and funeral of Kuzma-Demyan” was performed.

The work done was completed by drawing up the program “Holidays and rituals of the Russian people, as part of the optional course Folk Art”, and a selection of didactic material. Trinity Trinity games and songs. Reproduction of Rublev’s painting “Trinity”.

In the nineteenth century, this holiday was celebrated everywhere among the Slavs, only at different times, mainly depending on the climate. For example, the last sheaf was reaped in silence, and then the women rolled through the stubble with certain words-songs. This ritual was called “beard curling.”

Or branches. At midnight on January 1, the congratulations of the head of state and the chiming of the chimes are heard. It is customary to serve, among other things, Olivier salad and champagne on the table. Children are given gifts (from “Santa Claus”). According to sociological surveys, this is the most celebrated holiday.

  • Christmas(January 7 according to the new style and December 25 according to the Julian calendar) is an Orthodox holiday. On the night before Christmas, it is customary to guess, which has never been approved by the Orthodox Church. Fortune telling by girls about their future marriage was especially popular. The holiday is celebrated with a gala dinner. The tradition of celebrating Christmas has been officially restored in post-Soviet Russia.
  • Old New Year(on the night from January 13 to January 14 according to the new style and, accordingly, on the night from December 31 to January 1 according to the old style) - New Year according to the Julian calendar). It is celebrated similarly to the New Year, but without the congratulations of the head of state and the chiming of the chimes, since the holiday is unofficial.
  • Baptism(January 19, new style) is an Orthodox holiday. On the night of Epiphany, it is customary to bless the water in the church. Epiphany is associated with the onset of particularly severe “Epiphany frosts.” Swimming in an ice hole carved in the shape of a cross (Jordan) is also practiced.
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day(February 23) is a widely celebrated men's holiday, established under Soviet rule, and in post-Soviet Russia it has become a day off. Women congratulate men and give them gifts. Congratulations are also accepted by female military personnel, as well as participants in wars.
  • International Women's Day(March 8) - the women's holiday, officially established under Soviet rule, has become popularly celebrated. Men congratulate women and give them flowers and gifts.
  • Carnival(“Maslenitsa Week”) is the week before Great Lent. It has ancient pagan roots. Pancakes are baked and eaten throughout the week. There are many other, lesser-known traditions corresponding to each day of Maslenitsa week.
  • Palm Sunday- Orthodox holiday (entry of the Lord into Jerusalem). It is customary to decorate the room with willow branches, symbolizing the palm branches of those who met Jesus Christ.
  • Easter- Orthodox holiday of the Bright Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Festive food - Easter (cottage cheese with candied fruits), Easter cakes painted red and hard-boiled eggs. Orthodox believers greet each other with exclamations: “Christ is Risen!”, “Truly He is Risen!” and kiss three times.
  • Victory Day over Nazi Germany (May 9) - an official all-Russian holiday. It is customary to visit the graves of soldiers who died during the Second World War and remember the fallen. Veterans put on orders and medals and accept congratulations. On this day, a military parade is held on Red Square. In recent years, festive events have been decorated with yellow and black guards ribbons.
  • Day of Knowledge(September 1). It is celebrated everywhere by schoolchildren and teachers as the first day of the school year. Students and parents congratulate teachers and give them flowers. The holiday is of an all-Russian nature.
  • National Unity Day(November 4). Day of the Russian victory over the Polish occupiers in 1612. An Orthodox holiday is also celebrated on this day - the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, in honor of the memorable entry of Dmitry Pozharsky with her into Kitay-Gorod. On this day, throughout Russia, Russian nationalists hold the Russian March.

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    New Year (on the night from December 31 to January 1). On New Year's Day, it is customary to decorate the room with a New Year tree or branches. At midnight on January 1, the congratulations of the head of state and the chiming of the chimes are heard. It is customary to serve, among other things, Olivier salad and champagne on the table. Children are given gifts (from “Santa Claus”). According to sociological surveys, this is the most celebrated holiday.

    January 6-7 - Kolyada. Kolyada is a traditional holiday of pagan origin among the Slavic peoples, associated with the winter solstice. The date of celebration is on the night from January 6 to January 7. The meaning of the holiday is the turning of the sun from winter to summer. Celebration - caroling, mummering, Christmas games, fortune telling, family meals. According to popular belief, Mother Earth could only open up because of a lie, a false oath, or perjury.

    End of February - beginning of March - . The start date of the holiday “floats”, it is connected with the lunar calendar and begins 8 weeks before the first spring full moon.
    Maslenitsa is a Slavic traditional holiday celebrated during the week before Lent. The purpose of the holiday is to say goodbye to winter. Traditions: baking pancakes, visiting people, having feasts, sledding and sledding, dressing up, burning or burying an effigy of Maslenitsa. Celebrated from Meat Saturday to Forgiveness Sunday. The fertility of people in the popular consciousness was inextricably linked with the fertility of the land and the fertility of livestock; the third side of Maslenitsa - the funeral - is connected with the stimulation of fertility.

    Palm Sunday- Orthodox holiday (entry of the Lord into Jerusalem). It is customary to decorate the room with willow branches, symbolizing the palm branches of those who met Jesus Christ.

    Verbnitsa This is a big holiday that is celebrated on Saturday and Sunday a week before Easter. Verbnitsa has become a kind of children's holiday with a mandatory visit to the willow market. In Moscow, such a bazaar was held on Red Square. Here children were bought colorfully decorated willow branches, bright paper flowers, red balls, elaborate toys, whistles and pipes, and sweets. From ancient traditions, the custom is still preserved early in the morning on Palm Sunday to lightly lash children for health with a blessed willow branch.

    National culture is what makes up the memory of entire nations, as well as what makes this people different from others. Thanks to traditions, people feel the connection of generations through time and feel the continuity of generations. People have spiritual support.


    Each day of the calendar has its own ritual or holiday, and even a church sacrament. The calendar in Rus' had a special name - months. The calendar was also designed for a year and every day was scheduled - traditions, rituals, phenomena, signs, superstitions, etc.

    The folk calendar was dedicated to agriculture, so the names of the months had similar names, as well as signs and customs. An interesting fact is that the length of the season is associated precisely with climatic phenomena. It is for this reason that the names in different areas did not coincide. Leaf fall can occur in both October and November. If you look at the calendar, you can read it like an encyclopedia that tells about the life of peasants, about holidays and ordinary days. In the calendar one could find information on various issues of life. The folk calendar was a mixture of paganism and Christianity. After all, with the advent of Christianity, paganism began to shift, and pagan holidays were banned. However, these holidays received new interpretations and moved through time. In addition to those holidays that had specific days, there were also holidays of the Easter type, which were not assigned to a specific day, but became mobile.

    If we talk about rituals that took place on major holidays, then folk art occupies a large place here:

    • Songs
    • Round dances
    • Dancing
    • Scenes

    Calendar and ritual holidays of Russians

    The peasants worked hard, so they loved to relax. The main rest took place on holidays.

    How is the word “holiday” translated and where did it come from?

    This word comes from the word “prazd” (Old Slavic). This word means idleness, rest.

    There were many celebrations in Rus'. For a very long time, the focus was not on one calendar, but on three:

    • Natural (change of seasons)
    • Pagan (like the first one, it was related to nature)
    • Christian (holidays were designated; if we talk about the largest ones, then there were only 12 of them).

    Christmas and Yuletide

    The main and favorite holiday of antiquity was Christmas. In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated after the introduction of Christianity. Christmas was combined with ancient Slavic Christmastide.

    The Importance of Christmas

    This holiday was the most important for the Slavs. Winter work came to an end and preparations for spring began. And people enjoyed the holiday, because... they had been waiting for him for a very long time. Nature was conducive to rest, because the bright sun was shining, the days became longer. December 25 in the ancient calendar was called the day of “Spyridon Solstice”. In ancient times, it was believed that when a new sun was born, ancestors came to earth and were called saints - and this is how the name “Yuletide” appeared.

    Christmastide was celebrated for quite a long time - from the end of December and the first week of January. On this multi-day holiday, it was not allowed to mention death and quarrel, use foul language and commit reprehensible acts. It was a time when only joy and pleasant emotions could be given to each other.

    The evening before Christmas was called Christmas Eve. Observance of rituals was preparation for Christmas. According to the rules, on this day they fasted until the first star. And only after the evening dawn appeared, it was possible to sit down at the table. On Christmas Eve, godchildren went to visit their godfathers and mothers. They brought them kutya and pies. The godparents were supposed to treat the godchildren and give them money in return. Christmas Eve was a fairly quiet and modest holiday, cozy and family-friendly.

    What comes after Christmas Eve?

    And the next morning the fun began. The holiday began with children walking from one house to another, holding a star and a nativity scene. They sang verses that praised Christ. The star was made of paper, painted and a lit candle was placed inside. As a rule, boys carried the star - for them it was very honorable.


    The nativity scene was a box of two tiers. In the nativity scene, wooden figures depicted scenes. In general, this entire composition with children can be described as a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem, and the nativity scene is a puppet theater.

    The miners received gifts for their contributions. It was either pies or money. To collect pies, one of the children carried the body, and to collect money they carried a plate. Around noon, the adults began worshiping. Previously, absolutely all people took part in this, regardless of class.


    Not a single Christmastide passed without mummers. The mummers fooled around, showed various performances, and entered the huts. A kind of fun for buffoons.

    Also among the rituals one can highlight caroling. It was quite common. This is a distant reminder of the ancient Kolyada. Carols are Christmas songs that are aimed at glorifying the owner of the house, wishing him joy, prosperity, well-being for him and his family. The hosts offered tasty rewards for caroling. If the owner turned out to be stingy and did not treat the carolers with anything, then he could very well hear unpleasant wishes.

    Christmas and holidays in Rus'

    Fortune telling was a favorite Christmas activity. Fortune telling arose from an insatiable desire to find out what lies ahead and, perhaps, even influence the future. During pagan times, fortune telling was used exclusively for economic purposes - crops, livestock, the health of loved ones. On Christmastide they would bring an armful of hay to the hut, and then use their teeth to pull out a straw and a blade of grass. If the ear was full, then the owner was in for a rich harvest; if there was a long blade of grass, then good haymaking. Over time, fortune telling began to be popular exclusively among young people, mainly among girls. Everything that was pagan in this ritual has long been lost, all that remains is the fun of the holiday.

    But why is it necessary to guess at this particular time?

    It is recommended to guess at this time, because... According to the old legend, at this time evil spirits appear, which can tell about their future fate. The main purpose of fortune telling for girls is to find out whether they will get married this year. In the dead of night, when everyone at home had long since fallen asleep, the girls let a rooster into the house. If the rooster ran away from the hut, then the girl does not promise marriage in the coming year, but if the rooster walked to the table, then the girl will get married.

    Bird in fortune telling

    There was also another type of fortune telling. The girls entered the goose coop in the dark and caught the bird. If there was a female, then continue to go as a wench, and if it was a male, then marriage is coming.

    Single or widower?

    Such questions were also present at fortune-telling. The girl secretly left the house and approached the tyn, or fence. She grabbed it with both hands and fingered each tyninka with one hand. At the same time, it was necessary to pronounce the words “single, widower, single, widower.” Whichever word the tyn ends with is the one she will marry.


    To find out from which side to wait for their betrothed, the girls threw a shoe behind the gate. Where the end of the shoe pointed, in that direction the narrowed one lived. You can experiment.

    Wax for fate

    To find out what fate was, they burned wax. The resulting figures spoke of what awaited the girl. If the outline of the wax resembled a church, then the girl was awaiting a wedding; if a cave, then death.

    Fortune telling with a dish

    The most popular fortune telling was subspecies. The girls put their rings into the dish and covered them with a handkerchief. They sang songs, and after the song they shook the dish. The fortune teller pulled out one ring. Whose ring was pulled out, the song, or rather its content, related to that girl. This is a prediction of fate.

    Mirror and candles

    The most exciting and scary fortune telling was fortune telling with a mirror and a candle. You had to look in the mirror through the flame of a candle. One could see something in this reflection.


    Fortune telling was allowed during Christmas time, i.e. until January 19 (when Epiphany was celebrated). This holiday was established by the prophet John the Baptist in memory of the Baptism of Jesus Christ.

    On the eve of spring, everyone was looking forward to a cheerful holiday - Maslenitsa. This holiday dates back to pagan times - it is a celebration of welcoming spring, as well as seeing off winter. The name of the holiday appeared for a reason. The last week before Lent is such that you can no longer eat meat, but you can eat dairy products, and on Maslenitsa they eat pancakes with dairy products, which also includes butter. So, thanks to the main holiday dish, the name of this holiday appeared. And earlier, Maslenitsa was called “meat empty” - also a telling name. Just like Easter, Maslenitsa is not attached to a specific day and is celebrated in the week before Lent. Christians have been waiting for this event for a very long time.

    Name by day

    Each day of Maslenitsa had its own name and each day had actions that were prohibited. Such actions included some rituals and rules of conduct. Monday is a meeting. Tuesday was called flirting, and Wednesday was called dainty. Thursday was a riot. Friday was known for mother-in-law's parties. On Saturday we organized gatherings for sisters-in-law and on Sunday we had a farewell day and farewell.


    In addition to the official names attached to the days, there were also names for the entire week that were used by the people - honest, broad, cheerful and others, Madam Maslenitsa.

    On the eve of Maslenitsa

    On Sunday, on the eve of Maslenitsa, the young wife’s father went to visit the matchmakers with a treat (usually pies) and asked to let his son-in-law and his wife go to visit. Matchmakers were also invited, the whole family. As usual, the newlyweds arrived on Friday, which the whole village was looking forward to. The mother-in-law had to take care of her son-in-law, baked pancakes and other delicious dishes. It is from these customs that Friday on Maslenitsa is called mother-in-law evening. The next day belonged to the sister-in-law (husband's sister), now it was her turn to look after the guests.

    Among the main Maslenitsa events are the meeting and farewell. By Thursday, a doll was made from straw. The outfit for this doll was either bought together or dressed in cast-offs. They carried this stuffed animal throughout the village, sang songs and jokes, laughed and frolicked.

    Lighting fires

    The most common way to see off Maslenitsa was to light bonfires. On Maslenitsa Sunday in the evening there was a procession for winter, and it was there that the effigy was burned at the stake. You could see absolutely everyone around the fire. People sang songs, joked, and sang jokes. They threw more straw into the fire and said goodbye to Maslenitsa and called for it next year.

    Newlyweds from the hill

    A favorite custom during Maslenitsa was the newlyweds skating down the ice mountain. For this skating, the young people put on their best outfits. It was the duty of each husband to take his wife down the mountain. The skating was accompanied by bows and kisses. A cheerful crowd could stop the sleigh and then the newlyweds had to pay off with public kisses.


    Don't miss your chance to ride. Sliding down a hill is, in principle, considered one of the favorite pastimes. Both children and adults have been riding the slides since Monday. The slides were decorated with lanterns, Christmas trees, and ice statues.

    Fun for Maslenitsa

    On Thursday, instead of sliding down the hills, we switched to horse riding. Troikas with bells were held in high esteem. We rode both to race and just for fun. There were also harsh entertainments. Such entertainment includes fist fights. Everyone fought one on one, there were also wall to wall fights. As a rule, they fought on the ice of frozen rivers. The battles were passionate, merciless, everyone fought at full strength. Some battles ended not only in injury, but also in death.

    Taking the snow town

    Another fun of Maslenitsa week is taking a snowy town. A week before the start of Maslenitsa, little children built a town out of snow. The guys tried their best, creating masterpieces. Next, a mayor was chosen, whose duties included protecting the city from the attack of Maslenitsa. The city was captured on the last day of Maslenitsa. The purpose of taking a city is to capture the flag on the city and also the mayor.

    On the last day of the celebrations was Forgiveness Sunday. On this day it was customary to ask for forgiveness from both the living and the dead. In the evening, it was customary to visit the bathhouse, where everyone cleansed themselves and entered Lent.

    Lent was marked by the celebration of the Annunciation. Church tradition says that on April 7, an archangel appeared to the Virgin Mary, who said that she would give birth to a baby who would be miraculously conceived. It is believed that all living things on earth are blessed on this day. Despite the fact that the holiday takes place during Lent, it was allowed to eat fish on this day.

    Maslenitsa festivities

    Every year in the spring, Christians celebrate Easter. This is one of the oldest celebrations. Among the main Easter rituals are baking Easter cakes and painting eggs. But this is not the only thing that marks Easter for a believer. It is also known for the all-night vigil, procession of the cross and the celebration of Christ. The latter is a greeting with kisses on this bright day. On “Christ is Risen” it is customary to answer “Truly He is Risen.”

    Why is this holiday so revered among the Russian people?

    This holiday is the most important and incredibly solemn, because... This is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who suffered martyrdom. The fact that the day of Easter celebration moves, the course of events that are associated with this holiday cycle changes every year. Thus, the dates of Lent and Trinity change.

    One week before Easter, Palm Sunday is celebrated. In the church, this holiday commemorates the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. And at that time the people threw palm branches at him. It is the willow that is the symbol of these branches. It was customary to bless the branches in the church.

    The week that follows Palm Sunday was called Holy. This week is the week of preparation for Easter. People went to the bathhouse, cleaned everything in the house, cleaned it and put it in a festive look and, of course, baked Easter cakes and painted eggs.


    On the fiftieth day after Easter, Trinity was celebrated. This holiday has its roots in ancient Slavic times. Then a similar holiday was called Semika and it was customary to spend it in the forest. The main attention that day was focused on the birch tree. Ribbons and flowers were hung on the birch tree. Round dances with chants were performed around the birch tree. The birch tree was chosen for these purposes for a reason. After all, it was the birch tree that was one of the first to put on its emerald crown after winter. This is where the belief came from that the birch tree has the power of growth and must certainly be used. Birch branches were used as home decoration - they were hung on windows and doors, on temples, courtyards, because... wanted to get its healing power. And on Trinity Sunday it was customary to bury a birch tree, i.e. drown in water to make it rain.

    It is worth noting that Kupala is pagan, and it did not have any name. And he received his name when this holiday coincided with the Christian holiday - the Nativity of John the Baptist.

    Other name

    This day was also called the day of Ivan Travnik. There is a belief that medicinal herbs that are collected at this time are miraculous. On Kupala, my cherished dream was to find a fern - to see how it blossoms. It was at such a time that green treasures came out of the ground and burned with emerald lights.


    Everyone also wanted to see the grass gap. It was believed that one contact with this herb could destroy metal and also open any doors.


    The Slavs believed that the period of wild growth of grasses was a period of rampant evil spirits. To get rid of evil spirits, fire was made in an ancient way, fires were lit and pairs, crowned with flowers, jumped over them. There was a sign that said that the higher you jump over the fire, the better the grain harvest. Old things and clothes of the sick were also thrown into the fire.

    In the evening, after visiting the bathhouse, everyone went to splash around in the river. It was believed that not only fire at this time had miraculous powers, but also water. The Orthodox Church did not accept this holiday, considering it pagan and obscene. This holiday was persecuted by the authorities and after the 19th century it was almost stopped being celebrated in Rus'.


    Russian folk holidays are vibrant celebrations full of fun and interesting events. They are very diverse, although, unfortunately, some of them have not been celebrated for a long time. But there is little hope that the lost culture will begin to revive and be transmitted through generations again. Rus' is a country that is rich in traditions and customs. A large number of holidays confirm this. These traditions filled the lives of our ancestors with joy and interesting events. These traditions need to be revived and passed on to descendants.

    Ivan Kupala - how it is celebrated

    The word “holiday” itself comes from the ancient Slavic “idle”, that is, “idleness, idleness, rest.”

    At first glance, holidays do not bring any particular benefit, other than a good, cheerful holiday, however, their importance should not be underestimated.

    Each holiday date has its own meaning, has its own purpose, and the holiday calendar seems to connect the past and the present. It is on holidays that traditions stand out especially clearly, customs emerge, and it is possible to reflect all the beauty and age-old wisdom of their ancestors, strength, character, talented creativity, respect and admiration for the beliefs and achievements of their grandfathers, veneration of nature and its phenomena.

    We prepared for the holidays in advance. Long before the Red Date, they sewed elegant clothes, decorated them, then prepared and taught young girls to prepare festive dishes. By the way, each holiday required its own festive food. Other dishes took more than one day to prepare.

    For festive festivities, songs were composed and dances were invented. Girls and young people had to show their skills not only in work, but also in dance and song. People communicated, had fun, passing on chants, games, sentences, small skits, and round dances from mouth to mouth, thereby forming a powerful layer of folk culture.

    Many holidays are still well remembered and celebrated. One of these holidays is Maslenitsa.


    This holiday marked the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is called that for a reason. Maslenitsa is celebrated in the very last week before Lent. At this time it was no longer possible to eat meat, but there was no ban on dairy products yet. Therefore, the main holiday dish was pancakes, which were generously poured with butter..

    This holiday does not have an exact calendar day; it is calculated from Easter. The whole week was festive and each day had its own name. On Monday they celebrated a meeting, on Tuesday they arranged a flirtation, Wednesday was considered a delicacy, Thursday - a revelry, Friday was called mother-in-law's parties, and on Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers, Sunday was a forgiven day, or farewell.

    Even before Maslenitsa, on Sunday, the father of the girl who was given as a wife came to his new relatives with treats and invited the young people to visit him.. On Maslenitsa Friday, usually young people came. By this time, the mother-in-law was preparing the most delicious dishes and treats. Of course, pancakes took pride of place. The meeting was warm, joyful, family-like, until late in the evening. The men talked about their own things, and the mother and daughter discussed their lives and existence. Hence the name - mother-in-law's party. On Saturday my sister-in-law met my relatives.

    These days, the young husband had to roll his young wife down the ice slides. The ride was accompanied by fun, laughter, and kisses. There were fist fights and troika rides.

    The most striking event of Maslenitsa was the burning of an effigy. The scarecrow was made in advance from straw, they were chipped in for the outfit, then they carried the straw doll around the village, and after that they took it to the field, where they burned it under the sentences “Farewell to Maslenitsa, come again next year.”

    On Sunday they asked for forgiveness from all the living and even the dead. After this, it was necessary to go to the bathhouse in order to enter Lent purified.

    Palm Week

    This is the sixth week of Lent. After Palm Sunday, Holy Week begins.

    5 days before his death, Christ entered Jerusalem, and the inhabitants met him, lining his path with the branches of a date palm, as a sign of the highest veneration. The people accepted Jesus as the greatest king. This week marks the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. There were no palm trees in Rus', so they replaced it with a willow twig. Hence the name - Palm Week.

    This festival is celebrated quietly, without much fun and festivities, because Lent is not over yet. Usually, on these days, cookies or bread were baked and willow branches were placed at home..

    It was believed that if you eat several willow catkins, you can protect yourself from illnesses. If a woman could not give birth, she was also given earrings of the blessed willow to eat.

    On this day, everyone had to clap a willow twig to increase their health.

    This is the very last week before Easter, when all the torments of the buried Christ are remembered. From Monday to Wednesday there is a liturgy, and from Thursday they begin to prepare for Easter and the most mournful days of remembrance begin.

    It was believed that on Holy Thursday the sky opens and our ancestors descend to earth to stay on earth until Trinity.

    The most striking custom of Holy Thursday is cleansing. People not only washed themselves in the bathhouse, but also dived into the ice hole in order to wash themselves from illnesses, illnesses and the evil eye. They threw off and burned old clothes so that the illnesses would burn with them.

    Good Friday was a day of mourning for the death of Christ.. This day imposed special prohibitions on human behavior. Games and round dances were prohibited; even speaking on such a day was necessary less. Children were not allowed to play, make noise, run or scream. The ban even applied to livestock - bells were removed from cows and sheep, and poultry was locked in a barn so as not to make noise. You could grieve and cry.

    From Thursday to Saturday the church bells fell silent.

    Easter means the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the most ancient and great holiday. Lent ends on Sunday. Every year this date is calculated according to the lunar-solar calendar and does not have an exact date.

    The most solemn service begins at night, and then the brightest holiday is celebrated all week.

    The richest dishes and treats are on the tables these days. There are meat dishes, fish, wine, and sweets. Housewives bake sweet Easter cakes and make a special dish from cottage cheese, which is prepared only once a year. A special place has always been occupied by colored eggs, which are a symbol of life and the sun.

    These days it is customary to visit and receive guests at home. At the same time, the obligatory greeting should be Christening, that is, kissing three times with the sentence “Christ is risen” “Truly risen.”

    On this day, one could ask God for anything one really wanted; it was believed that such requests would certainly be fulfilled.

    There were festivities on the streets, games with rolling eggs, round dances, carousels, singing and dancing..


    Trinity is a holiday dedicated to the Holy Trinity, that is, God the Father (he is not born of and does not come from anyone), God the Son (born of God the Father) and God the Holy Spirit (he comes from God the Father). This Trinity creates the world, illuminates it and leads it.

    The holiday symbolizes the fact that all the mysteries of existence are not immediately revealed to people. So God sent them first the Son and then the Holy Spirit. And the holiday itself means praising God in all three of his hypostases.

    On this day, housewives decorate the house with greenery, prepare a festive treat, and go out for festivities in the evening. Young people have fun with games, songs, and round dances.

    Ivan Kupala

    This holiday is dedicated to the birth of John the Baptist (his other name is Kupala), and is celebrated on July 7.

    It was on this day that it was customary to swim, jump over a fire and collect medicinal herbs.

    They didn’t go to sleep that night, because it was believed that it was on this night that evil spirits - mermen, mermaids, kikimoras, goblins - were the most powerful and dangerous. They were dispersed by large fires, through which they jumped, expelling everything unclean from themselves, and then they bathed, because the water took on a magical effect at that time. On this night, the youth chose a mate. Wreaths were woven, and then the wreath was laid on the head of the beloved. The couple held hands and jumped over the fire together. It was believed that if the hands did not open, there would be a wedding. They looked - whose couple jumps higher, they will live happier. There was fun all night, round dances were held, songs were sung.

    At dawn we washed ourselves with dew.

    Celebrated on August 1(14). The name "savior" comes from the abbreviation "savior". Honey spas means the beginning of honey collection.

    On this day, honey and honeycombs were illuminated. Housewives baked honey gingerbreads, honey cakes, and prepared kvass with honey.

    All this had to be not only illuminated, but also served as a treat for the poor and sick. People who had an apiary and did not treat others with their honey were considered dishonest.

    This holiday means the transformation of nature, the onset of autumn, celebrated on August 6 (9). Until this day, it was not allowed to eat apples, but in Yablochny Spas, on the contrary, apple dishes were prepared - apple pies, jelly, and jam were baked. On this day, they treated orphans, the poor, and all their loved ones with apples, and only then ate them themselves. Many people carried apples to church and cemetery.

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