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Scenario for the New Year's creative reporting concert of the Moon Boat association. "A Thousand and One Nights" Holiday scenario: Scheherazade's New Year's Eve Scene of the padishah for the new year

Birthday Girl - Scheherazade
The birthday girl's husband is Tsar Shahriyar
The host is the person who is responsible for holding competitions and the order of toasts. It could be a hired artist or someone prepared from among the guests.

Depending on the number of guests expected for the birthday, the holiday can be celebrated both at home and in a cafe-restaurant. While the guests are gathering, oriental music is playing. The venue of the holiday should be decorated (decorated) according to the stated topic. The atmosphere of the East promotes ease, lightness, and relaxation. You can light incense sticks and place a hookah on the tables.

Presenter: We have known the story since childhood (Points to the birthday girl.) Scheherazade, about how a female queen saved her life by telling fairy tales to the cruel king (Points to the birthday girl’s husband.) Shahryar. It so happened that this king had no faith in women’s purity and fidelity, so he took beautiful women as wives, and the next morning, after the first wedding night, he killed them. When Scheherazade's turn came, she, in order to delay her death, began to tell fairy tales to the hard-hearted king.

King Shahriyar: In reality, dear guests, everything was not like that, everything was not like that. Walking in a wonderful park between peach trees, I admired the sunset and suddenly saw the moon turn into a clear-faced girl and descend from heaven to earth. My heart was ready to jump out of my chest, and a tremor of love ran through my entire body. I asked: “What is your name, dear girl?” She replied: “Scheherazade.” I proposed to her for marriage, but she said...

Scheherazade: O great king Shahariyar, I can be yours forever, but on one condition.
Tsar Shahryar: Ready for anything! I am so strong that I can move mountains for the sake of my love!
Scheherazade: No, there is no need to move mountains.
Tsar Shahryar: Perhaps you want, incomparable one, for me to turn back the rivers?
Shahrazade: And there is no need to turn back the rivers.
Tsar Shariyar: But what should I do to prove my love?

Presenter: Then Scheherazade asked King Shahryar to tell her a fairy tale. And today, on Scheherazade’s birthday, the right of the first toast is given to Tsar Shahryar, a man who knows how to tell fairy tales so that his beloved woman never gets tired of listening to them, a man who is ready to turn the life of his beloved woman into a fairy tale.

The birthday girl’s husband, Tsar Shahriyar, raises the first toast to his wife.


The host invites guests to remember the names of fairy tales. The competition is held right at the table. Guests take turns saying the names: “Turnip”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Aladdin’s Magic Lamp”, etc. If one of the guests hesitates, the host starts counting to three. Anyone who fails to remember the name of the fairy tale during this time is eliminated. And so on in a circle until one person remains - the winner. The winner is given the right to raise a toast to the birthday girl - Scheherazade.


Just like the previous competition, it is held while sitting at a table. The presenter invites guests to remember proverbs and sayings in which the word “fairy tale” or derivatives from it appear. Let’s say, “the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows” or “the fairy tale is soon told, but the deed is not done quickly.” This competition is more difficult than the previous one. It is unlikely that all the guests will be able to take an active part in it, so you can not follow the order, make the competition chaotic, that is, the guests can calmly shout out sayings from their seats, and the presenter just needs to record who can name them the most. If the audience begins to find it difficult, the presenter will give advice. Let’s say the presenter says: “The fairy tale is a lie...”, and the guests unanimously pick up: “Yes, there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!” or the host says: “Soon the fairy tale will be told...”, and the guests pick up: “But it won’t be done soon!” The winner of the competition is given the right to raise a toast to the birthday girl.


The presenter invites the participants of the holiday to remember the magical objects found in fairy tales. This competition, like the previous ones, is a table competition. Guests take turns naming the magical objects “self-assembled tablecloth”, “flying carpet”, “magic wand”, etc. The winner is the one who names the most such objects.


The presenter calls men who want to participate in the competition and seats them on chairs facing the audience. The task is: dance with facial expressions. They are prohibited from moving their arms and legs. It is only allowed to grimace to the beat of the music. Whoever comes up with the funniest and most varied results is the winner.


The presenter calls in women who want to participate in the competition. Unlike the men's competition, they are allowed everything - move their arms and legs, help their bodies, but are prohibited from expressing their emotions on their face in any way.

The languid glances of oriental princesses, the aroma of coffee and incense, delicate silk and the shine of gold... A party in the style of 1000 and 1 night is a fascinating journey into a fairytale kingdom to the heady sounds of Arabic music. A bright flash of the holiday will explode the gray everyday life with colorful fireworks!


Invite guests to the vizier's chambers or the eastern tent! You can create the right atmosphere either at home or in a luxurious room. The easiest option is to rent tents and relax in nature, although such a party will require considerable expenses.

For DIY decorations, you will need a lot of silk fabric or satin in red, gold or lilac. Drape the walls and part of the ceiling, starting from the center of the room. Instead of fabric, you can use brown wallpaper with gilding, imitating a carpet pattern. Hang gold beads, serpentine, curtain tassels. Hide modern furniture under covers or remove everything unnecessary, leaving a few soft chairs and low sofas. You can sit on the floor, on colorful silk pillows. Cover your floors with Persian rugs or colorful woven rugs.

Hang weapons on the walls - scimitars, sabers, swords and daggers. They can be cut out of cardboard and coated with silver paint (the weapons will be useful in the scenario; let them be easy to remove from the walls). Place tall clay jugs or artificial palm trees in the corners. Place large wrought iron trays with a variety of fruits and sweets on low tables. Hookahs, peacock feathers, copper and brass dishes, photos of Baghdad, oases, caravans, and oriental bazaars will fit perfectly into the decor. Do not overdo it when placing scented candles and incense - not all guests will like the heavy smell.


The Arabian Nights costume party is an opportunity to show off slender legs, a wasp waist and smooth seductive curves. Short beaded tops, silk wide trousers or flowing loose skirts with slits on the sides, large bright jewelry on the wrists and ankles. Bright makeup with an emphasis on the eyes, lush curls, long claws, piercing or rhinestone in the navel, forehead decoration, large ringing earrings - a fully equipped oriental princess!

Men's suits are no less colorful. The image chosen for the party can be any hero from 1000 or 1 fairy tales - a rich vizier, an Arab warrior or a sneaky city thief (maybe Aladdin himself?). Belted trousers gathered at the bottom, a vest over a naked body or over a shirt, a turban - the richer the fabric, the more complex the pattern, the higher the social status of the guest. On the belt of a wealthy caliph hangs a tight purse, obviously stuffed with gold coins, in a warrior’s sheath is a sharp scimitar, and a thief hides a bunch of master keys in the folds of his clothes.

Serving and menu

Seat your guests in a way that is most comfortable for everyone; any option will do:

  • low tables and comfortable soft ottomans;
  • pillows around the common trestle bed;
  • several tables for 3-5 persons;
  • a communal table covered with a piece of silk or a woven patterned rug.

The main decoration will be metal dishes. You can paint a simple set with gold paint and cover it with “precious” stones. The dishes are common, bursting with homemade oriental food - roast meat, pilaf, stewed pieces of lamb with vegetables. Surprise your guests by preparing several dishes according to national recipes. Don't forget oriental bread - flatbread, pita bread, grain buns.

For dessert, offer traditional oriental sweets (locum, baklava, candied fruits, sherbet, halva, etc.), sprinkled with nuts and powdered sugar. You can’t do without dried fruits and fresh fruits (peaches, pomegranates, figs, grapes, melons). Fruit and grape wines are in favor, although any drink poured into a stylized decanter will not go out of style.


The wise Scheherazade, who connects all the short stories in the collection “A Thousand and One Nights” with a thin thread, told her husband fairy tales of various contents. The main roles were given either to real heroes or to thieving commoners. But they were all cunning, dexterous, smart. Build the scenario around the main idea of ​​fairy tales: boldly step towards your goal, and you will certainly achieve it. Hold competitions accompanied by oriental music that carries you beyond the horizon:

1. The most dexterous (cardboard swords, double combat). The goal is to hit the opponent in the body three times, without allowing the enemy weapon to “pierce” your camp. More for men, but some women don't mind swinging scimitars too!

2. The most accurate. Throw darts or spears at the target with the image of a Persian thug. For a laugh, you can spin the shooter several times before throwing or even blindfold him (but then the presenter must himself put the guest facing the target).

3. The wisest caliph. Prepare several oriental riddles that guests must quickly answer. For example, who does the caravan driver meet often, the vizier rarely, and the sultan never? (equal to oneself).

4. The most charming princess. Competition for the best belly dancer. It is advisable that the presenter or guest animator tell the girls how to move. You can include a video with a clip in the topic.

5. The most eloquent vizier(cards with inscriptions - a pimple popped up, a huge crooked nose, a bald spot and other imperfections). The guest who draws the card must praise the unfortunate person’s peculiarity with an oriental flavor.

The competitions can be based on fairy tale plots. For example, in the short story “The Cunning Salesman,” a beggar bought a tin bowl that supposedly turns everything into gold (cook and stir, but under no circumstances think about the dancing bear, otherwise nothing will work). Of course, the beggar couldn’t get the dancing bear out of his head and didn’t make any gold. Invite guests to sell a broken hanger, a bald toilet brush and other ridiculous things, inventing a use for them and praising the worthless product in every possible way.

Prepare rewards for all guests of the party - books “A Thousand and One Nights”, CDs with films in the theme, bracelets, earrings and silk scarves for girls, souvenir daggers with memorable inscriptions for men.

I spent this New Year's evening in one breath. There was little preparation. I specially wrote a script in which there are few words for the artists, because The children are all artistic and active, very busy. I took a group of dancers from our school and repeated all their dances with them. The singing girls famously learned the necessary songs. The most artistic students learned the roles quickly (in two days). The costumes rang in the cultural center, but they didn’t find them - they built them in one moment. It turned out very fun, funny and unusual. The dynamic action was interspersed with practiced fiery dances. The disco after the performance was irrepressible - people danced until they lost strength. I highly recommend trying it. Minimum costs - maximum pleasure.

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"Scheherazade's New Year's Tale"

New Year's Eve 2016-2017

Scheherazade's New Year's Tale

01The “Eastern” phonogram plays.

The Sultan is reclining on the stage (on the carpet). There is a bowl of fruit in front of him. The girls are dancing, but he is bored and yawns. Doesn't look at the dancers. After the dance, the girls approach the Sultan.

Sultan: Shoo, get out of here. Every day the same thing. Tired of it. Now, if Scheherazade came and told me a fairy tale... But she doesn’t want to see me. I'm offended.

The girls run away. The vizier comes out and bows.

Vizier: Oh my lord! A traveler is knocking at your gate.

Sultan:(Yawning) Who is this? What does he want?

Vizier: He says he is a merchant. From Russia.

Sultan(perking up): From Russia, that same Russia? Why are you standing there as if you’ve dried up??? Bring him here!

02 The Vizier leaves and brings the Merchant from Russia.

Sultan: Come in, darling, sit down! Tell me, what are you selling?

Merchant: Yes, everyone, great Sultan, I sell. Jewelry, souvenirs, felt boots...

Sultan: Felt boots? What are felt boots?

Merchant: ABOUT! Felt boots are an incredibly wonderful thing.

03 Dance “Valenki”

Sultan: That your felt boots are so magical that they can arrange a date? I'll buy it now!!! How much are you asking?

Merchant: Camel caravan and half a cave of gold.

Sultan: Vizier, pay this honorable man! And take the felt boots to Scheherazade. Let's see if they are truly magical.

04 The vizier leaves,

and the Sultan sings “If I were a Sultan.”

Suddenly Scheherazade comes out wearing felt boots.

Sultan: Truly magical felt boots! The merchant did not deceive!!! Scheherazade, light of my eyes, my sweet peach, tell me a new fairy tale. Well, tell me!!!

Scheherazade: I listen and obey, my lord. I'll tell you a story, whatever you want.

Sultan: I want to hear about Russia.

Scheherazade: I listen and obey!

02 BACKGROUND Slide show about Russia.

There is a country far, far away, it is called Russia. Wonderful people live in that country. But there are also wizards there.

Sultan: Good or evil?

Scheherazade: There are different ones. Both good and evil. There is a city there called Veliky Ustyug. There is a wonderful tower in that city, and in the tower lives a good wizard - Santa Claus. And he has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, a snow-white beauty.

05It sounds like a beautiful melody.

The Snow Maiden appears on stage. She walks, touches the Christmas trees, as if talking to them.

Sultan: Wah! What a girl! The ice cream of my soul, not the girl!

Scheherazade: If you interrupt, I’ll leave!

Sultan: Oh no! Don't go! Tell me further, peach from my table.

Scheherazade: One day a terrible event happened. All Russians were looking forward to the New Year...

Sultan: Why is this event scary?

Scheherazade: On New Year's Eve in Russia he wakes up...(makes a scary face and claws) UNCHILDREN!!!

Sultan:(squeals and shakes): What kind of evil spirits? Are they running out of water?

Scheherazade: Oh, my impatient lord! Evil spirits in Russia are evil forces. One of them is the Snow Queen.

06 Scary music.

The Snow Queen appears. Servants - pieces of ice - run after her.

Snezh.K.:(terribly angry): Why? Why??? Why haven't you kidnapped Santa Claus yet? Do you want to harm me - let these little people have fun? Maybe you are at the same time with them?

Ice floes beg S.K. with gestures. don't be angry.

Snezh.K.: Immediately! Now carry out my order!

The ice floes are running away. The Snow Maiden walks across the stage and runs into the Snow Queen.

Snezh.K.: What, are you going to do good for people? Are you preparing for the holiday? No matter how it is. You will have nothing but snow and ice! Only cold, only loneliness, only tears!!!

Snow Maiden: You can't stop the New Year from coming. The holiday will still come.

Snow TO.: Ha-Ha! There will be no holiday without a Christmas tree, because Santa Claus is supposed to bring the Christmas tree, but he is kidnapped and neutralized!

Snow Maiden: It won't work out for you, because evil cannot win! So I’ll go and find Grandfather Frost.

Snow TO.: Go, but be aware! He is where he can never be! (Leaves)

Snow Maiden: Where can't Santa Claus be? I know! Where there is eternal summer - in the south! (Runs away)

Scheherazade: And the Snow Maiden set off on a long journey. She didn't mind any difficulties. This snow girl was known and loved all over the world.

Sultan: And where did she go?

Scheherazade: Where the eyes look.

Sultan: And where were the snowy girl’s clear eyes looking?

Scheherazade: Yes, even to China! They are also preparing for the New Year holiday there.

07Chinese music sounds ,

slides of the Chinese panorama, the dragon comes out,

snakes around the stage and leaves.

08 Dance YUM-YUM.

Sultan: Well? Maybe your fairy tale has already allowed the Snow Maiden to find the Great Wizard Frost?

Scheherazade: Not so soon, my lord! Good in any fairy tale must suffer before it wins.

Sultan: And you are treacherous, oh, flower of my garden!

Scheherazade: (modestly) Like all ladies, my lord!

Sultan: And where did poor Snow Maiden end up when she left China?

Scheherazade: She walked for a long, long time, completely exhausted, desperate


But suddenly she heard the sounds of music and songs. “If music is playing somewhere, it means there is a holiday, and where there is a holiday, there may be Santa Claus,” thought the Snow Maiden and rushed towards the voices...

09 louder Gypsy dance.

After him on stage are a horse, a gypsy and the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: And Grandfather is not here. How terrible this is. Where should I look for him?

Horse: Eeyore! The Snow Queen hid it far away.

Snow Maiden(with hope): Do you know where he is? Tell me, please!

Gypsy: Indeed, my faithful horse, why wander around here idle, help the girl!

Horse: Master, will you give me up!? Just like that? Will you give it into these cold hands?

Gypsy: Easily! I'll steal some more for myself! Voronoi!!! Not so stunted.

The horse became upset and hunched over.

Snow Maiden: Don't worry, gypsy faithful horse. I won't hurt you. I'll feed you ice cream. (The horse comes to life) Thank you, good man! (everyone leaves)

Scheherazade: The Snow Maiden mounted a gypsy horse and he carried her like lightning to distant lands.

Sultan: Which ones this time?

Scheherazade: The horse got so fast that it jumped over the ocean, and they ended up at the carnival!

10 Slides RIO. SAMBA dance.

Sultan: Wow! What a fun holiday this carnival is! Hot place. Perhaps the Snow Maiden will find her Father Frost now?

Scheherazade: No! He's not there!

Sultan: How is it not? Where is he?

06Ominous music sounds. The Snow Queen appears.

Scheherazade: Only the Snow Queen knows this. But she won’t say it, because she’s angry with people because they know how to have fun and be happy.

Sultan: Wai-Wai! Why is this Kololeva so angry?

Snezh.K.: From unhappy love!

11 The Snow Queen sings “Come with me to the stars”, the pieces of ice are dancing.

Sultan: Scheherazade, let your fairy tale make the Queen kind, I feel sorry for the Snow Maiden.

Scheherazade: I listen and obey, my lord! The Snow Queen sang her song and thought about the eternal and beautiful. She felt sorry for everyone who had been offended by her. And she decided to help the Snow Maiden.

Sultan: Finally!!! A wonderful fairy tale!

The Vizier appears.

Vizier: Oh my lord! There is a white, white girl standing at your gate.

Sultan: (jumped up) How is it at the gate? How white? Bring her here!

Scheherazade: It was the Snow Queen who decided that only those who are very worried about her can help the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden enters. Crying.

Sultan (rushes towards her): Don’t cry, oh my little white marshmallow! Look what I have. ( Shows the lamp) This lamp makes wishes come true. Tell me what do you want?

Snow Maiden: The Snow Queen ruined everything. She kidnapped my grandfather. The holiday is about to be disrupted. And I love New Year! I want a Christmas tree - an elegant beauty!

12 The Sultan rubs the lamp. The Genie Appears .


Sultan: This girl wants a beautiful Christmas tree! Come on, obey properly and bring her here this very hour!

The genie bows and leaves.

13Yolka appears and sings

“On a Big Balloon”, 5th grade dancing.

Snow Maiden: This is not the same tree.

Sultan:(rubs the lamp) Now I'll ask this stupid Genie!

Genie: I listen and obey, my lord!

Sultan: Who did you deliver? We need a beautiful Christmas tree!

Genie: But I don’t know any other tree. Only this one.

Snow Maiden: Dear Genie. Maybe you know my Grandfather Frost?

Sultan: Answer!

Genie: Yes, I saw one here...

Sultan: Bring it here immediately!

14 Music “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you have been”
Madiyar runs out and sings the part of the Hare, and the Snow Maiden joins in the process and sings the part of the Wolf.

After the first verse, as if waking up, he says:

Snow Maiden: This is not my grandfather, this is some kind of gnome.

Santa Claus-Madiyar: I am this. I! Only I am bewitched, soon I will completely melt.

Sultan: Oh, Scheherazade, don't be silent. Tell me what happened next!

Scheherazade: I don’t know, this is no longer a fairy tale...

The Snow Queen appears.

Snezh.K.: As soon as I regretted the evil I had done, my witchcraft power left me. Santa Claus will be disenchanted only by your love for him and for the New Year.

Snow Maiden: Guys, help!

15 “Russian Santa Claus”, 5th grade dancing

during which Madiyar (little Santa Claus) runs away and the Real Santa Claus appears .

Father Frost: Here I am! Hello friends! With coming!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! How long have I been looking for you! New Year is coming, and we don’t even have a Christmas tree.

Father Frost: How is it not? The Christmas tree has been in place for a long time - an elegant beauty. You are welcome, she is waiting for her guests!

16 final

Elena Osmanova
Scene for a corporate party “Tales of Scheherazade”

A scene for a corporate party for any occasion.

Characters: Sultan



Light oriental music is playing, and there are three chairs covered with a blanket. A servant enters (with a turban on his head, a dagger or saber hanging from his belt, a broom in his hands, a fan in his place) and stands behind the chairs. Then comes the Sultan (he should be fat with a belly, wearing a turban, robe, harem pants, slippers with curved toes, and huge rings on his fingers).

He approaches the sofa, but cannot find a place to lie down. Swings at the servant, lightly hitting him on the head, saying, uh-uh. Finally lay down.

Sultan: (speaks with an accent)

I'm bored, wow, I can't even sleep, I can't even eat, (sits down) one sultan has a golden antelope, another has a self-assembled tablecloth, but I only have chests full of gold.


Master, let me cut off their heads!


Uh-uh, wait, don’t rush, you’ll have time. Who will dispel my melancholy? (calls Scheherazade) Scheherazade! O light of my eyes!


I am here, my lord, what do you wish?

Shah-da: to start warming up (plays a finger game or any other game of your choice)

Sultan: (cheerful, laughs, claps, notices that Scheherazade was saddened). O my moon-faced beauty, why are you sad?

Shah-da: O great Sultan, haven’t you heard, for three days now the herald of our city has been announcing the news.

The herald enters:

O people of Baghdad, listen, listen, and don’t say that you haven’t heard! Beyond the seas, beyond the oceans, beyond distant lands, the sovereign of the great kingdom announced a competition for the best craftsman, creator, master of his craft, a prize awaits the winner, hurry, hurry! (leaves).

Shah-da: Oh great Sultan, I really want to go to this competition, let everyone see my skill, appreciate my talent, please let me go!

Sultan: Oh, my disobedient goat, don’t you see, we are angry!

Servant: Master, may I cut off her head?

Sultan: Uh-uh, you're always in a hurry! O sweet-voiced nightingale, what can you do?

Shah-da: Now I’ll show you, and you guess.

Pantomime being performed "Fly-Tsokotukha"

Sultan: I swear by the ears of my donkey (scratching the back of his head) which one is this from? I don't know the fairy tales, hey servant, Abdurahman-ibn beat the baton, don’t you know the answer to this question?

Servant: No!

Sultan: what a bald donkey! I pay minimum wage (bends fingers) I feed, clothe, slacker! (addresses the audience) Oh moon-faced peri, can you tell me what this one is called? fairy tale? (viewers suggest) .

Shah-da: well, okay, well done, now guess what cartoon this song is from? Shah-da performs a song of his choice, For example: song "Bears" from the cartoon "Umka".

The Sultan again turns to the audience for help, pronouncing: "May Allah prolong your days"

Sultan: But this is not enough to show all your abilities, but can you dance?

Performed "Oriental dance"

Shah-da: Well, now are you letting me go?

Sultan: Oh my, musically creative doe, I’m not only letting you go, but I’m also going with you to the competition. (They leave dancing to oriental music.)

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Twilight. In the background, colorful fabrics cover the scene. Oriental dance. Shahrazade comes to the fore.


Greetings, flowers of the north! Cold winters, long darkness, violent snowstorms, you are our own children. Let your beautiful dreams come true - Let's leave the world of everyday vanity Let's be transported to the kingdom of beauty - To Baghdad, the capital of all miracles in the world.

Reply: Tell us, peri, what is your name?


I am Scheherazade. For a thousand nights I can’t close my trembling eyes: I tell tales to the Sultan and weave carpets of patterned speeches. Night comes one thousand and one: The full moon shines in the sky. Today there will be a New Year's fairy tale - I hope it will please you! The fabrics open up. The light comes on.


Baghdad. Lush sofa of the palace of Sultan Al-Babet. Al-babet sits cross-legged on the carpet, surrounded by nine wives. Behind him, a Moorish servant swings a fan.


Our beloved Sultan, our kind lord, You are brave like a furious lion, You have nine of us - and we have only one of you: We look at you, stunned... Arabian Night... Oh, marvelous East! Here luxury and flattery, deceit and revenge, There are countless beauties... Our beloved sultan, ruler and god, You are beautiful, like a rare diamond. We kiss the footprints of your royal feet - Look, look at us! Arabian Night... Oh, wonderful East! Here luxury and flattery, deceit and revenge, There are countless beauties...

SULTAN:(playfully): But I’ll count! (claps his hands) Vi-zi-ir!

Bowing low, the stooped VIZIR appears.

SULTAN:: Vizier, roll call! (makes a hand sign - the wives line up by height)

VIZIER: Hush! Humble! (unfolds the scroll and reads it in a sing-song voice): Zarina! Jamila! Guzel! Saida! Hafiza! Zukhra! Leila! Zulfiya! Gulchatay!.. Gulchatay!!

SULTAN: Where is Gyulchatay? (everyone turns to hear loud snoring)

GYULCHATAI:(waking up, forgetting to lower the veil, runs up to the others): Gyulchatay is here!

SULTAN:(scared): Oh!.. shut it, cover your face!

VIZIER: At ease! Frivolous! R-disperse!

The wives are seated in picturesque groups.

VIZIER: No, great Sultan! The storyteller Shahrazade has arrived to tell the thousand and first tale!

SULTAN: Ahh, okay, okay. Let him come and take his usual place.

SHAHRAZADA: Greetings, great Sultan Al-Babet! May your path be blessed, may it be strewn with delicate tulips and lilies!

SULTAN(nods majestically): What fairy tale have you prepared for us today?

SHAHRAZADA: New Year's, oh lord. With a special surprise!

SULTAN(to wives): Sleep, sleep, go to sleep!

The wives howl pleadingly.

SHAHRAZADA: Lord, allow them to stay. I think they will be useful to us this night.

SULTAN(doubtful): Do you think they're good for anything? (Generously) Oh well. Stay, Allah is with you. And the vizier?

SHAHRAZADA: And we need him, the great Sultan.

SULTAN: If you think so... You can stay, Vizier. Well, we've got all your attention.

SHAHRAZADA(signals to the wives, they sing a song and dance together):

Once upon a time there was, Once upon a time there was, Once upon a time there was one old man - He froze everyone, chilled them and drove away the blizzard... That’s what his name was: Santa Claus And he had a red nose - And he kept all the gifts in the thick snow! In those days, Beauty lived alone - Her face was as white as clean linen... And for him she was dearer than anyone else - And he appointed her as his granddaughter. Since then, every year we celebrate the New Year - Noise and laughter come from all over the earth. So celebrate until the morning, wish others well - and the New Year will bring you success!

The Vizier and the Sultan clap.

SULTAN: Is this Santa Claus a real man?

SHAHRAZADA: In what sense?... I think so. Why are you asking this, great Sultan?

SULTAN: If he is a real man, why does he only have one Snow Maiden? There must be at least three of them. Less than three, Allah will laugh.

VIZIER: We will refuse him an official reception.

SHAHRAZADA: And Santa Claus himself will not come to you. Because New Year is not celebrated in Baghdad. It’s hot in Baghdad for Frost and the Snow Maiden: no snow, no Christmas trees...

SULTAN: Why do we need this Frost with the one and only Snow Maiden? I myself can become Santa Claus for my people. Only I will have three Snow Maidens. At least for a start.

VIZIER: And then, O Lord, we can celebrate three whole New Years! And spend three whole old ones. Let's get ahead of Europe in terms of development...

SULTAN: So. Visi-ir! Write a decree. I, the great, powerful and divinely beautiful Sultan Al-Babet, the dawn of the East and the thunderstorm of the West, command that three real Snow Maidens be delivered to my harem alive, that is, safe and sound. The deadline for execution of the command is immediate.

VIZIER: I wrote everything down, sir. Who are the performers?

SULTAN: Well, perhaps, order Aladdin and the Genie, Sinbad and the Sailor, and Muk and the little one to come here.

VIZIER: Or maybe call Ali Baba?


No no! He is somehow strange... Either a woman, or not a woman... And these forty robbers are always hanging around with him. They break dishes and scare women.

The vizier leaves, backing away. The Sultan claps his hands and comes to the fore.

The wives line up behind him.

Song of the Sultan (“If I were a Sultan” - song from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”):

If I were Santa Claus, I would not live in the snow, I would give my ice palace to the enemy, I would sell all the deer and buy a horse - Let him take me to blooming Baghdad. It's not bad in Baghdad in winter. Much worse In the snow under a pine tree. If I were Santa Claus, I would write a check: They would send me three Snow Maidens to my harem. They say that they have a chill in their blood - That means they will melt with love! (yawns, moves away and lies down on the pillows) Three Snow Maidens are not bad...

GYULCHATAI:: (coming to the fore):

No, it’s very bad, Satan damn it! Well, Snow Maidens, if I catch you, I’ll melt all three of you in a slow fire: Only white smoke will fly into the sky (explodes a firecracker) After all, my beloved Sultan must be mine! The sofa plunges into darkness. Everyone is dozing.

The spotlight shines on SAID's head. Shahrazade approaches him.

SHAHRAZADA: Said, is that you? Where did you come from?..

Said(hoarsely): They shot...

SHAHRAZADA: Yes, your fate is not easy... Let me at least give you something to drink

(drinks from the kettle)

Said(loudly): End of first scene!

Scene 2.

Hall sofa. The wives come in and sit down in picturesque groups.

Gyulchatay is alone, standing at a distance.

ONE OF THE WIVES: You caress our master badly, Gyulchatai!

OTHER: You don't dance in front of him at all!

THIRD(instructively): When I was the eldest wife, our husband came to us every night!

FOUR: And I looked every day!

FIFTH: And now he listens to this impostor every night - Scheherazade!

SIX: He doesn't have time for us!

SEVENTH: And wishes!

EIGHTH: And now give him another Snow Maiden! Three at once!

GYULCHATAI:: Here he seems to be coming!.. Okay, I’ll sing!

SONG GYULCHATAI:: (Love It or Hate It Glory)

You will leave - coldly and proudly - Through the night like a slender leopard... You won’t know how much I love you... Chorus: Do I love you or hate you?! After all, you are half mine... Again I will pretend that I am not waiting for you. Do I love or hate?! After all, you are half of me. Again I will pretend that I am not waiting. Who are you with - I don’t sleep at night, Where are you - I cry in despair. I chased a ghostly dream... Chorus: Do I love or hate?! After all, you are half mine... Again I will pretend that I am not waiting for you. Do I love or hate?! After all, you are half mine... Again I will pretend that I am not waiting (for you).

THE VIZIR appears.

VIZIER: Are you talking to me, girl?

SULTAN(sternly): Gyulchatai! Cover your face! Wives, pay in numerical order!

First! Zarina! Second! Jamila! Third! Guzel! Fourth! Saida! Fifth! Hafiza! Sixth! Zukhra! Seventh! Leila! Eighth! Zulfiya! Ninth! Gyulchatai!

VIZIER: The Great Sultan Al-Babet, in his infinite mercy, ordered that you be given individual numbers.

SULTAN: Otherwise, I still can’t remember the names... They’re some kind of Turkish... And with the numbers, it’s like at a beauty contest.

VIZIER: According to the place! Evening prayer! I mean, touch up your makeup...

SULTAN: Vizier, have those for whom I sent arrived?

VIZIER: Arrive, O Lord! Aladdin and Genie, appear before the eyes of the great Sultan Al-Babet!

Aladdin appears with a modern table lamp + radio.

Aladdin (bows): Greetings, O almighty Sultan!

SULTAN: Hello, our servant Aladdin. Where's your old lamp?

Aladdin: I sold it to a junk dealer and bought a new one - this one picks up Baghdad Radio and wakes me up in the morning. My Genie loves to listen to the radio (rubs the lamp)

A JIENN appears

GENIE: We wish you happiness, health and creative Uzbeks!

Song of Genie and Aladdin: (Your Honor, Lady Luck..." - song from the film "White Sun of the Desert")

Your Honor, O beautiful Sultan! For whom are you great, for whom are you terrible... Wait for Aladdin's lamp, not three, If you are not sure who is sitting inside. If you rub the lamp, wise sir, you will see what a real genie is like. Call your secret desires quickly - Lucky in your career, lucky in love! To get a Phoenix bird in a golden cage, Or a magic vessel with dead water, Nine grams in the heart or a hundred in a jug - A cunning genie will deliver everything in a moment!

SULTAN: We don't need any cells or vessels. Sit on your right hand for now. Vizier, come on next!

SINBAD THE SAILOR enters the hall.

Behind him, stumbling and falling, comes the ROC BIRD.

SINDBAD: Live and prosper forever, O mighty Sultan Al-Babet!

ROC(trying to either croak or chirp): Yusch! Yush-sh-sh!

SULTAN: Welcome, our servant Sinbad. Who is this with you?

SINDBAD: This, O lord, is the magical bird Rukh, I brought it from my endless wanderings.

SULTAN(surprised): Is this a bird?.. Why does it fall all the time?

SINDBAD: He can’t learn to walk, great sultan.

Vizier: Maybe she'd be better off flying?

SINDBAD: It can't. I trimmed her wings so that she wouldn’t rock the boat.

The roc bird tries to take off and falls noisily.

SINDBAD(happy): Well, it collapsed again. Rukh - she is Rukh. She only dreams, stupid, of going home to Ukraine... She put on that orange scarf... It won’t work!


Long roads always attract Sinbad, leading away from Baghdad in all directions. But the Sultan of Baghdad only ordered him to come. So again you saw Sinbad! Chorus: Order, Sultan, - I will conquer the ocean, I am a specialist in the seas and oceans! Order, Sultan, - I will climb into the glass: That’s how I am, Sinbad, well done!

VIZIER: Sir, would you like me to bring you a glass?

SULTAN: You don’t need any glass, you don’t need to climb anywhere. There will be another task for you. (tiredly) Who else is next in line?

VIZIER: Little Mook, at your venerable service.

A large, well-fed MUK enters with a basket in his hands.

MUK: I wish you to rule wisely and honorably, O incomparable Al-Babet!

Sultan: Hello, our servant Ma... No, not Ma... Muk! Why are you so big?

MUK: The years go by, great Sultan. That's how I grew up.

VIZIER: But you have grown in all directions.

MUK: There are so many oriental sweets and so much fatty pilaf in Baghdad!

SULTAN: How can a flying carpet support such a fat man?

MUK: Not only can my carpet support me, but also the table, the orchestra, the swimming pool, the girls and the waiters!

Song Muk: ("Black Boomer")

I grew up on the outskirts, a Baghdad boy, Not a big boy, small, I couldn’t get enough to eat... A meter-long boy with a turban and I’m not at all handsome, But, just think, all the girls throw themselves at me. When in the evening I leave the house into the yard, I smile broadly at everyone and immediately climb onto the carpet, I turn on the music and colorful lights, They look after me with quiet melancholy in their eyes... After all, I have a magic carpet, it is always with me, After all, I have the carpet is magical, fast and crazy... After all, I have a magical carpet, the plane is groovy... Sit down boldly, girl, let's go for a ride! Chorus: Ay, my airplane mat, stop signal lights, Ay, my airplane mat, if you can, catch up! Ay, my carpet plane, like a bird in the sky, you are my carpet plane, we will be friends forever! Now he is no longer a little Baghdad boy - His stomach is so full, his legs are no longer visible - ah!! I’m a two-by-three guy and I’m not at all handsome, but, just imagine, all the girls throw themselves at me. And if any of them asks for a ride, I will give it a ride, even if it’s not on my way. After all, I’m a kid anywhere, and by the way, I’m single, And I have a carpet - it’s flying, it’s not simple! After all, I have a magic carpet, it’s always with me, After all, I have a magic carpet, fast and crazy... After all, I have a magic carpet, a groovy plane... Sit down boldly, girl, let’s go for a ride! Chorus: Ay, my airplane mat, stop signal lights, Ay, my airplane mat, if you can, catch up! Ay, my carpet plane, like a bird in the sky, you are my carpet plane, we will be friends forever!

Sultan: They say correctly in the East: gray hair is as big as your beard, but your weight is as big as your thigh! And in your basket, I suppose, there are cradles, Turkish delight,

kebab-cheburek, baklava?

Mook: No, these are my magic fruits. Try it, sir.

Sultan: Let the vizier try first.

The vizier carefully takes a bite. He immediately grows a huge nose and ears.

Vizier: Ah-ah-ah-ah!! My nose!... My ears!...

The wives giggle loudly.

Sultan: And it even suits you, Vizier. The Sultan's advisor must snoop and eavesdrop.

Vizier: I... I can't... I'm a government official, but I look like a donkey! (crying)

Mook: This is temporary bestiality, wise vizier. Here, eat this now (hands another fruit to the vizier).

The vizier takes it incredulously, smells it, touches it, and finally tastes it. Ears and nose disappear. The vizier wipes sweat from his forehead with a shaking hand.

Mook: These are my fruits, Sultan.

Sultan:(laughing): Yes, the fruit is healthy... Women, would you like a piece? No?.. I think, my servant Muk, these fruits will help you fulfill the Sultan’s instructions. (loudly) Vi-zi-ir! Announce the decree to my subjects.

Vizier(unfolds the scroll): The great, powerful and divinely beautiful Sultan Al-Babet, the dawn of the East and the thunderstorm of the West, commands you to deliver three real Snow Maidens to his harem alive, that is, safe and sound. The deadline for execution of the command is immediate.

Genie: Who should I deliver?

Vizier: Snow Maiden.

Sinbad: Who else are they?

Vizier: As far as I understand, these are... Mmmm... Women made of snow.

Mook: How do we recognize them? We've never seen snow.

Vizier: Well, judging by what Shahrazade sang to us here, the Snow Maidens should be beautiful, white and cold.

Sultan: Beautiful! White! Cold! And no less than three! Did you understand the Sultan's order?

Aladdin, Genie, Sinbad, Roc, Mook(in chorus): Got it, oh lord!

GYULCHATAI:, throwing back the veil, writes down the signs of the Snow Maiden.

Sultan(angrily): Gyulchatai! Cover your face! And you all are now heading north for the Snow Maidens! (shoots a firecracker into the air).

The Sultan leaves the hall with the Vizier and all his wives.

The light goes out. The spotlight shines on SAID's head.

SAID(tiredly): They shot again...

Shahrazade comes out with a teapot and gives Said something to drink.

SAID: End of second scene!

Scene 3.

The wives come out one at a time and sit around the stage - some with embroidery, some with a mortar, some with a musical instrument, some with a baby.

Wives (talking):

– I wonder what she is like, this Snow Maiden?

- You will be more beautiful.

– She’s all white, not like us...

“They say she doesn’t even wear a veil.” What a shame!

- Give them, men, such shameless northern women!


GYULCHATAI:(raising his veil): Are you talking about this damned icicle again?! She won't shine here for long...

The Sultan and the Vizier enter.

Sultan: Gyulchatai! Cover your face!

Vizier(patter): Zarina, Jamilya, Guzel, Saida, Hafiza, Zukhra, Leila, Zulfiya, Gyulchatay! Greet your lord the great Sultan Al Babet. Three-four!

WIVES(in chorus): Hello, our good and mighty lord!

SULTAN(graciously): Good morning, ladies. I'm in a great mood today. I heard rumors that all my snow maidens are already on their way...

VIZIER: Lord, Aladdin with the Genie and Snow Maiden number one have arrived!

The doors open wide. The US anthem plays.

Genie and Aladdin bring in the Statue of Liberty on a cart. The wives gasp.

SULTAN(in amazement): This is... Snow Maiden?..

Genie: The biggest one we could find, great sultan!

ALADIN: It’s so heavy... But on the other hand, it’s so beautiful!

Genie: And all white! And very cold!

SULTAN: Is she... alive?

Genie: But should Snegurochka be alive?

ALADIN: You didn't tell us anything about this.

VIZIER coughs politely but persistently.

SULTAN: Well, what do you want, vizier?

VIZIER(hesitantly): Sir, I think I’ve already seen this woman...

SULTAN: I hope she's not the Snow Maiden?

VIZIER: Alas, lord, she is not the Snow Maiden. She's... the Statue of Liberty.

SULTAN(horrified): What about the statue?!

VIZIER: Freedom, Sultan. Genie and Aladdin apparently brought it from the shores of distant America.

Genie: Yes, far away... They dragged us across two oceans!

SULTAN(surprised): These reckless people erected the Statue of Liberty?! How do they deal with their women and their subjects? No, we don't need such a harmful statue. (to wives) Women, close your eyes and plug your ears! (To the Genie with Aladdin) And you – take this statue back now!! We don't need freedom here in Baghdad!..

The Statue of Liberty is being taken back.

The Sultan makes a sign to the servant - they bring him a bowl. The servant fans him with a fan.

SULTAN(after taking a few sips): I hope the other performers won't be so stupid.

Vizier: O lord, Sinbad and the Roc bird have arrived with Snow Maiden number two!

Enter SINDBAD, the stumbling ROCH and the ICE CREAM SELLER - rosy-cheeked, in a white robe and shawl, with a large box.

SINDBAD: Here, the Snow Maiden has been delivered to you, great Sultan!

ICE CREAM SELLER SONG: (Glucose “It’s Snowing”)

And children, like kittens, purr at their feet. Buy a waffle cone or a cone. It's frosty outside, of course, And you can't sell a damn thing... And it snows, and it snows, It hits me on the cheeks, it hits me. I’m very sick - I have a fever. I’m standing here trading like a fool. And I didn’t sell the box, very little. Third evening, nothing to do - No revenue...

WIVES pick up:

And it’s snowing... And it’s snowing, and it’s snowing, It hits and hits your cheeks. You are very sick - you have a fever, you stand here trading like a fool. And I didn’t sell the box, very little. Third evening, nothing to do - No revenue...

SULTAN(incredulously): Snow Maiden, you say? Somehow she is not what I imagined.

Vizier: Hey... cough-cough... Darling, are you really the Snow Maiden?

SALESMAN: Otherwise! Of course, Snow Maiden. If I trade a little more in the cold, I’ll become a snow woman.

SULTAN: Do snow maidens sell?

SALESMAN: Otherwise! All of us, Snow Maidens, always sell ice cream and all sorts of other things in winter. You have to live. Buy gifts for the kids for the New Year.

SULTAN(scared): Do you also have children?

SALESMAN: Otherwise! One goes to school, the other doesn’t go yet. He has not yet been released from the colony.

Sultan: What is this, Santa Claus... Children?

SALESMAN(offended): What Santa Claus?.. My wife, Nikolai Brandokhlystov. (smiles) And about the Snow Maiden... I was joking a little. My name is Nastasya.

Vizier: There was a mistake again...

Sultan(to Sinbad): Listen, she’s cold, she’s white... But isn’t she beautiful, huh?

SINDBAD(looking at the saleswoman): What?.. The woman is prominent, portly, in her prime. "Snow Maiden?" - I ask. “Yeah,” he says. “Snow Maiden.” Of course, I didn’t think to ask about children...

Vizier(philosophically): There is no arguing about tastes, sir. But we still have a third Snow Maiden. It was just delivered by Muk.

SULTAN: I hope our tastes match. O Allah, what is this?! Muk enters, dragging behind him the reluctant and enraged Snow Queen, who has a huge nose and ears. The wives laugh loudly and point their fingers at her.

Mook: Here they come, young lady. Here you can solve all your problems.

Snow Queen: What have you done to me, scoundrel?! You mutilated me, you fat bandit!! Why did I agree to try your disgusting fruit?!

Mook: Before you, great Sultan, is the woman you ordered. White, cold and beautiful too... she was until she ate my fruits.

Sultan(with doubt): Really beautiful?

Mook: You offend. Beautiful, temperamental - a real Snow Maiden. I found her in the very far North, in an ice palace.

Snow Queen: What kind of Snow Maiden do you think I am, villain? Tambov wolf for you Snow Maiden! (straightens up, proudly) I am the Snow Queen, mistress of the icy expanses and cold winds!

Song of the Snow Queen: (“Roots” - “Vika”)

The blizzard covered the long road to me with white snow... But spring does not wander into my kingdom And warmth lives on the other side. My throne is made of transparent ice, My gaze is eternally cold. I am impassive, I am strong and proud - And I don’t turn guests back! I’m spinning like an icy whirlwind and smashing as hard as I can! I’ll freeze you on a white grave, so be it, I’ll write: “Happy New Year, dear!” (advancing on the Sultan) I’m spinning like an icy whirlwind and smashing with all my strength! I’ll freeze you on a white grave, so be it, I’ll write: “Happy New Year, dear!”

Sultan(backing away): Vizier, and this is not the Snow Maiden!

Snow Queen: Ah, is it you, in the big turban, who is in charge here? Immediately, this second, rid me of these lop-eared ears and this ugly nose!

Vizier: How dare you speak so disrespectfully to the Sultan of Baghdad Al-Babet himself?

Snow Queen: Just think, Sultan! Yes, I will turn any sultan into an ice cube and split it into pieces!! (steps on Sultan again)

GYULCHATAI rushes across the Snow Queen, throwing off her veil as she goes.

GYULCHATAI:: Freeze me first, you big-nosed icicle!!

The Snow Queen and Gyulchatai enter into a fight.

Snow Queen: I can't freeze such a hot woman!!

GYULCHATAI:: Know ours! An eastern woman is like a big fire: it gives light, gives warmth, warms the soul and helps with the housework!

Snow Queen: I give up, I give up... Oh, I'm already melting... Just give me back my beautiful ears and my wonderful nose, and I'll leave right away!

GYULCHATAI:: You won’t get anything since you insulted our Sultan! Go to your ice palace - you will scare the polar bears there.

The disgraced Snow Queen leaves.

Sultan: Well done, Gyulchatay. But still (shakes his finger) you have to cover your face!

Vizier: As a result, lord, you are left without Snow Maidens. So much effort - and all in vain!

Sultan: Scheherazade! Maybe you can advise us what to do next. You started this whole New Year's mess with the Snow Maidens.

SHAHRAZADA: There is only one person, O Sultan, who can get the real Snow Maiden.

Sultan: Who is he? Shaitan or genie?

SHAHRAZADA: I said, sir, a man. His name is Comrade Sukhov. And I can call him. But just keep in mind: you won’t be able to command him anything, just ask him politely.

Sultan: Al-Babet will never ask for anything!

SHAHRAZADA: Then Al-Babet will never see the Snow Maiden!

Sultan:(sighs): Okay, I'll try... As an exception.

Music from the film “White Sun of the Desert” is playing. COMRADE SUKHOV appears.

Sukhov: Be healthy, gentlemen and comrades! I heard that you have business with me.

Sultan: Yes, it's urgent! We, Comrade Sukhov, commanded you... No... We, Comrade Sukhov, on behalf of the entire Baghdad people, ask you to get us the real Snow Maiden. At least one!..

Sukhov: But the real Snow Maiden is already alone. Every real woman comes in one form. That's right!

Vizier: Golden words!

Sukhov: Well... (scratching the back of his head) Snow Maiden, you say... You can try for the entire Baghdad people.

Sukhov goes to the door and taps something in Morse code. They answer him from the other side.

Sukhov:(nods): Customs gives the go-ahead!

The door opens and the Snow Maiden enters.

Sukhov brings her closer to the Sultan.

Sultan(jumps up from the carpet, animatedly): Welcome to Baghdad, beauty! Make yourself comfortable, make yourself at home! Would you like some wine? Sherbet? Peaches? Or maybe you smoke hookah?

Snow Maiden: No, thanks, I don't smoke. And in general, we don’t know each other.

Sultan: Vizier! Visi-ir! (the vizier runs up) Introduce me to the lady.

Vizier: The Grand Sultan of Baghdad Al-Babet is at your service.

Snow Maiden: Very nice. Why did you invite me? Where is the Christmas tree, where are the children?

Sultan: Children again!.. Why children when there is a handsome adult man, and a Sultan to boot?

Snow Maiden: This is my profession - to celebrate holidays, amuse children, give them gifts. And I see you have someone to amuse (points to the wives).

SONG OF THE SULTAN and THE SNOW MAID: (A. Pugacheva & M. Galkin “Cafe”)

You are so proud - take off, so hard - ice, so cold... You are so white - fluff, so strict - wow! cards, Painful points I’ll come to you like this, very close I’ll turn your hand with my hand And I’ll reveal all my chips at once I’ll give you all the little things. I found myself here alone: ​​Your country is strange, such an eastern country... Are you Abdullah or Saddam? What, excuse me, do you need? I didn’t understand something...


You, the Sultan, the ruler of Baghdad, don’t let him kiss you on the cheek. He lied to you about all his cards, pain points!..

Snow Maiden: Why are you girls so cute! Don't worry - I don't need your Sultan. What will my grandfather think of me if I flirt with every sultan? Grandfather!

FATHER FROST(appears at the door): I’m coming, granddaughter, I’m coming!

SULTAN(perplexed): Why Santa Claus? I didn't order Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: But the audience ordered it. How long have they been sitting here, listening to your nonsense - and you don’t even notice them.

SUKHOV: Does this Frost remind me of someone? (examines Grandfather, tugs his beard): Petrukha, is that you?!

FATHER FROST: I, Comrade Sukhov! When you demobilized, I also went into civilian life. I met a good girl, she needed a partner for the New Year holidays. Well, so he became Santa Claus.

SULTAN(sits down on her rug offendedly): Scheherazade! Tell me what to do... I missed such a woman!.. She, it turns out, has her own Sing-Frost!..

SHAHRAZADA: You, Sultan, did not miss the most beautiful, the hottest, the most devoted woman. She saved your life today – and will save you again and again. Gyulchatai! Open your face!

SULTAN(gives up, waves his hand): Okay, I’m appointing you as a senior in the dorm...

GYULCHATAI:(victoriously): The master appointed me as his beloved wife!!

SHAHRAZADA(comfortingly): So says the fairy tale, great sultan. To each his own: For Santa Claus - Snegurochka, for you - Gyulchatay. Do you know what is said in the epilogue of our fairy tale?

SHAHRAZADA: That you and Gyulchatai will have a girl, her name will be Budur; she will grow up to be a beauty and marry Aladdin.

SULTAN: For this cormorant with a lamp? I won't allow it!!

SHAHRAZADA: Hush, hush... You're also going to have a boy. He will grow up very wise, then he will climb into the bottle and live there for a long, long life. And his name will be... Old Man Hottabych.

SULTAN: No! No! I've had enough! I can't stand this! Visi-ir! (runs out of the hall).

The vizier runs after him - GYULCHATAI: and all the wives.

Snow Maiden: Well, everyone ran away... What a restless people live in the East!

Sukhov: The East is a delicate matter.

Snow Maiden: But the guests remained, waiting for the holiday, gifts... Where are our gifts, Petka?

PETRUCHA-Father Frost(grabs his head): Oh, there are no gifts. Customs didn't let them through...

Saleswoman: What do I need? I have a lot of goods here: just New Year's gifts. Take it apart - I don’t want it! (shoots a firecracker into the air)

The light goes out briefly.

The spotlight highlights Said's head in the foreground.

SHAHRAZADA: This poor fellow again!

Said: Why are you shooting? Everyone has been celebrating for a long time, and I’m stuck here...

SHAHRAZADA: Okay, don't be offended. The fairy tale turned out to be so hectic. But the ending is happy. Here, drink to happiness. (drinks him from a glass)

Said: Eh, Uchguduk - three wells! (gets out of the box) The end of the fairy tale!

All for the final song!

FINAL SONG: (“Brilliant” - “New Year’s”)

    Ah, New Year's weather, oh, the festive bustle Snow outside the windows, and today we decided to wait for a miracle together Clap clap firecrackers hung on the Christmas trees Top top toys twirled in a round dance Tick tock the clock ticks, and the hands on the noses loudly congratulate us on the New Year! The clock goes tick tock, and the hands on the nose loudly congratulate us on the New Year! We invited good friends We played for you from the heart And on a new wonderful day with light steps All together tomorrow we will hurry. Clap clap firecrackers hung on the Christmas trees Top top toys twirled in a round dance Tick tock the clock ticks, and the arrows on the nose loudly congratulate us on the New Year! The clock goes tick tock, and the hands on the nose loudly congratulate us on the New Year!
    We may be a little sad After all, a year has passed, but everything is ok: The desired hour will come, the rooster will wake us up with his cheerful song. Clap clap the firecrackers are hung on the Christmas trees Top top toys are twirling in a round dance Tick tock the clock is ticking, and the arrow noses are loudly congratulating us Happy New Year! The clock is ticking, and the hands on the nose are loudly congratulating us on the New Year!

New Year's Scenario: "Scheherazade's New Year's Eve"

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