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Happy love stories. Online dating: happy love stories

Drops of fresh rain suddenly touched me with their coolness, leaving the wet green leaves. A slight trembling ran through my body. I walked step by step along the forest path. The eyes moved slowly across the distant pine expanses. There's nothing around one soul. I'm the only one in vicious circle your thoughts against the backdrop of calm birdsong. The comfortable silence was unexpectedly interrupted by the familiar melody of Lara Fabian “Meu grand amore”. A wet hand reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a ringing Nokia. The screen blinked persistently, displaying the inscription “Seryozhenka is calling” in black and white.

My fingers, it seems, having absorbed all the strength of my spirit, squeezed the mobile phone so tightly that a lightning-shaped crack appeared on the screen. The phone was still playing its ringtone.Then my hand again, having absorbed all the strength I had, swung and threw the mobile phone with all my hatred into the forest thickets. There was a loud crash. The previously beloved Nokia, hitting a pine tree, shattered into pieces. There seemed to be a moment of calm in my soul. But it only seemed so. There was no reassurance. Only pain, hatred, hatred... Hatred for a man named Serezhenka. Oh, what a pity that it was impossible to break this man’s heart like my poor cell phone. The insensitive heart that betrayed me after three years seemed flawless life together.

Treason. Betrayal. I don't want to add anything else. I don't want to trust people anymore. Do not trust anyone, because sooner or later you will be deceived and your heart can no longer withstand the outburst of bitter feelings. And I can never forgive, not for anything. I don't have the strength to do this. No matter how sweet the excuses may sound, I will no longer be able to open a new page of life with the person who betrayed me. I won’t be able to, because I trusted before, I won’t be able to give a second chance...The circle of the same thoughts constantly enveloped me. And the sad, gray weather seemed to deliberately induce melancholy and sadness. Suddenly the circle was forced to open. Walking along the same path, a few meters ahead, under another pine tree swaying in the wind, I saw the outline of a small man dressed in a dark blue sweater. Having looked closely, it became clear that under a forest tree sat a lonely boy, about seven years old, sadly looking at the ground. Its slightly elongated dark hair, completely wet from the rain, stuck to their cheeks, and children's hands tightly clutched the teddy bear. I continued to walk as quietly as possible along the path in the direction of the little stranger, trying not to scare him away. Having almost approached him, my foot involuntarily stepped on a pile of dry branches, and the silence was interrupted by a sharp crack. The boy instantly raised his head and looked at me in fear. In his blue eyes I immediately noticed the tears. The poor wet boy was crying. I immediately felt incredibly sorry for this fragile tiny man who was still looking intently at me. Without thinking for a long time, I sat down next to him, smiled broadly and finally calmly said:

The boy was silent for about five seconds, and then slowly began to rise from the ground. I helped him, and the two of us walked along the forest path.Our conversation flowed very smoothly. I managed to find out that the boy’s name is Andryusha, that he lives in a village near the forest. And he and his dad came there to visit his grandmother for the weekend. I told him that I myself was also from the same village and was visiting my mother there. We started talking animatedly, and I tried to cheer up the boy. And he seemed to have completely stopped crying, which made me very happy. We slowly went down the hill towards our villages, leaving the forest - our meeting place. Andryusha told me a lot about his summer holidays: and how he and dad went to the sea, and how they went to carousels, parks, cinemas, and fished here in the village. But he never said a word why he was crying. I thought for a long time whether to ask him again or not. I was afraid that it might start again. But my curiosity won.

– Andryusha, what’s wrong with you? Why did you run into the forest in such weather?
To my surprise, the boy answered:
“I always come running here when I want to be alone.” Today I overheard a conversation between grandma and dad. Dad told her that he was seriously ill. He also talked about some kind of operation and that we did not have money for it. It scared me a lot.
This news almost knocked me off my feet.
– Andryusha, perhaps everything is not so serious and you didn’t hear everything. You need to talk to dad, who now has probably turned over the whole village looking for you. And also, if you want to know, I am a surgeon. And if something really serious happened to your dad, then I’m happy to help.
“Thank you, Katya,” the boy said affectionately, smiling at me.

I almost started crying.
Our conversation was interrupted by unexpected shouts of “Andryusha! My boy! And then I noticed a tall, dark-haired man running towards us. When he approached us, I was already convinced that it was Andrei’s dad. I don’t know what the boy’s mother looked like, but he also looked very much like his father. The same brunette, blue-eyed, with attractive facial features.

Andryusha rushed towards. I just stood nearby and admired the picture warm hugs father and son.
- Son, where have you been? We have already raised the whole village on its feet. Everyone is looking for you. Where have you been, you prankster? - the excited dad began, slowly turning his gaze to me.
- Dad, I decided to take a walk and ran into the forest. And got lost. And there I met Katya. By the way, let me introduce you,” Andryusha pointed at me with his pen.
- Igor. Very nice. And who will you be, exactly? – the boy’s dad asked curiously.
I was ready to explain myself, but Andryusha interrupted me.
- Dad, I’m continuing. I got lost and met Katya. We walked a little, and she accompanied me home. So you were worrying in vain.
Andrey secured his a short history a kiss given to dad. And I just stood there, lost, nodding my head in confirmation.
“Well, thank you very much, Katya,” Igor said affably. - We are very grateful. Maybe you can come to us for tea tomorrow afternoon? Surely you live nearby?
- Yes! Yes! Yes! - Andryusha answered for me.
I looked at the smiling child, which made my soul so happy, and said:
- Of course, of course I’ll come in. And you can.
For some reason I was shaking inside. The excitement in front of Igor and his sincere gaze took my breath away.
- That’s wonderful! We’re waiting for you... that is, you, forgive me,” said dad. Andryusha at that moment broke free from his embrace, ran up to me, pressed me, kissed me on the cheek and said in a cheerful voice:
- Katya, why did you throw your phone into a tree?
My surprise increased even more after this question. I was already confused for a moment, looking at Igor, who raised his left eyebrow in bewilderment. But without prolonging the silence, I answered the boy:
- Oh, ta... He was old. So I decided to destroy it, along with all the old memories, forever. But you better not do that, okay?
I gave Andryusha a gentle kiss on the forehead and winked at him.The next day, as I promised my new acquaintances, I went to visit them with a fresh pie, which I had prepared in the morning with my mother. She managed to tell me a lot of things about this little family. She told me that Andryusha really lost his mother on the day of his birth, when she was only nineteen. And all his life his father took care of him, trying to provide his son with love and prosperity, as well as his grandmother, the mother of that girl. Igor himself was twenty-seven years old, he worked as a journalist in the capital's newspaper. And my mother also said that it’s been three years since he brought some girl Marina into the family, who rarely visits here in the village. I don’t know why, but hearing this news made my heart sad. Did I really hope that yesterday's acquaintance would lead me to further developments? All this is my sick fantasy. Naivety is obviously ruining us.I also tried to find out from my mother whether Igor was sick with something. She was very surprised by my question and replied that she had never heard anything like that. I thought about this all the time while I was visiting. I was tormented by the thought that such a beautiful, at first glance, absolutely healthy person, may be seriously ill.With a load of thoughts, I finally got to the house of my friends. The weather was sunny today. But, alas, I was in for a huge disappointment. When I came to my new friends, it turned out that Igor and Andrey had left for Kyiv early in the morning. Granny And-ryushki just conveyed to me their deepest apologies and said that they urgently had to return to the city. Why, she never told me. And my heart at that moment became very worried. Is Igor really sick and left for Kyiv because everything is so bad? The cycle of thoughts did not give me peace.Leaving Grandma Andryusha with a fresh pie and my greetings, I returned home. The next day, important matters in the capital forced me, too, to leave the fabulous comfort of the village. In Kyiv, the most difficult operations awaited me at the clinic. Again worries, no peace. And dozens more messages on the answering machine from Seryozha. As soon as he tried to persuade me to forgive him, to understand him, to give him a chance. I barely resisted the temptation to smash into smithereens and home phone. Inside, there was a burning desire to destroy everything that reminded me of this traitor.The days flew by unnoticed. The weather alternated between sultry heat and the soft coolness of pleasant rain. And I kept thinking about how to return to the village for the weekend and finally find out something about Igor and his son. But apparently I’m not destined to. For three weeks in a row I came with hope and each time I lost it. Igor has disappeared. Granny refused to explain anything and all the time referred to the fact that he had business, work in Kyiv, and he could not break out of this captivity. But I didn't believe it. Andryusha’s words about some unknown illness of my father were deeply embedded in my head. I didn’t know him at all, but when I first met him, I felt a strong attraction that didn’t want to let me go. But as time passed, all disturbing thoughts quietly and calmly dissolved. The daily routine of hard work in the surgical clinic did not allow me to relax and go into my thoughts.Returning to my home apartment after another working day, I passed out instantly. I just walked inside, dropped my bag and headed to the bedroom. I vaguely remember how my cat Rita purred above me, and my eyelids smoothly closed.The sharp ringing of my recently purchased mobile phone broke the sweetness of all my dreams. My limp body barely left the warm bed, pushing sleepy Rita aside. Through narrow eyes I could barely see the letters on the phone screen. And when I managed to see the name of the person who called at seven in the morning, my heart sensed something clearly wrong. Alexey Yuryevich called, chief surgeon our clinic.

Good morning, Ekaterina Vasilievna. Sorry for bothering you so early. I know that you rightfully have a day off today, but we have problems at the clinic and urgently need your help.
The surgeon's voice sounded very serious and firm. I was seriously worried about what happened there.
- Hello, Ekaterina Vasilievna! Can you hear me? Do you hear?
“Yes, of course, Alexey Yuryevich,” I answered instantly. – I am completely perplexed. What's wrong with you?
“In an hour we will have a very complicated and urgent operation.” We simply cannot do without your professional help. Your colleague Irina is sick and cannot go to work. I have already ordered a taxi for you. Please come quickly.
- Certainly. I’m leaving right away, Alexey Yuryevich.
- Thank you. Waiting for you.

I quickly jumped out of the invitingly cozy bed and rushed to change clothes.
The taxi was already waiting at the entrance. Sweeping through summer streets capital, I imagined what a complex operation awaited me.And at 8 o’clock I arrived at the clinic. Alexey Yuryevich met me at the entrance and immediately began to explain the situation. We had a long operation to remove a cancerous tumor in the lungs. Heading to the operating room, I mentally adjusted myself, and various memories were spinning in my head. I didn’t understand why, but my first meeting with the little boy Andryushka, his wet hair, quiet forest and cool rain. And he was also haunted by the penetrating gaze of his father’s two warm blue eyes. Our acquaintance with him lasted only a couple of minutes, but his silhouette loomed in my imagination every day.Trying to shake off all unnecessary thoughts, Alexei Yuryevich and I entered the operating room. All my colleagues were only waiting for my presence to begin the operation. I greeted them and was ready to get to work when my heart almost stopped. Igor lay silently on the operating table. Its motionless pale face expressed some kind of calmness and tranquility that was far from me. Before my eyes, everything seemed to become dim and blurry with unexpected anxiety. Alexey Yuryevich, standing nearby, immediately noticed that something was wrong with me and, grabbing me by the arm, interrupted the general silence:
– Ekaterina Vasilievna, what’s wrong with you? Are you feeling bad? I will take you away from here right away and find a replacement for you.
Having instantly recovered from this unexpected state, I was still able to pull myself together.
- Everything is fine. It's okay, don't worry. I'm ready for surgery. We can start.

The operation lasted four and a half hours. It was the longest, most unbearable and difficult four and a half hours of my life. I've never been so scared. I have never listened to the pulse of my heart, breaking into thousands of particles, for so long. It trembled and fought for the life of another person. With its loud beating, it generated incredible strength in me. My hands fought for Igor’s life. I would never forgive myself if I allowed myself to make the slightest mistake...Walking along the quiet corridor of the clinic on the third floor, I heard familiar voices, and tired eyes caught three silhouettes near the room where Igor was after the operation. “The operation was successful, don’t worry. I am sure that Igor will feel healthy and vigorous again very soon. He'll be all right now." It was the voice of Aleksey Yuryevich. Next to him stood dear Andryushka and his grandmother. The click of my heels interrupted their conversation. The boy, as soon as he saw and recognized me, rushed towards me with a loud exclamation of “Katya!” He ran up to me and hugged me tightly. The morning tension instantly fell from my soul, and my face stretched wide smile. Igor’s mother-in-law and Alexey Yuryevich looked at us in great bewilderment.

- Kate? - Granny said in surprise. - How did you end up here? Who told you that Igor is in the clinic?
- What, you didn’t know? - Alexey Yurievich intervened. – Ekaterina Vasilievna took an important part in Igor’s operation. And she should be greatly thanked for her efforts today. I apologize, dear ladies and Andryusha, but it’s time for me to get back to work. As for you, Ekaterina Vasilievna, with peace of mind I’m letting you go for a week to have a good rest and gain strength.Having said goodbye to us, Alexey Yuryevich has already hurried to the nurse who was calling him from the next room.
- Katya, is this true? - Grandma continued. – Are you really a surgeon? Why didn't you ever talk about this?
“And I knew, I knew about it.” And I believed that Katya would help us,” Andryusha jabbered cheerfully.
– Why didn’t you ever tell me what happened to Igor? Why did they keep it from me and make up all sorts of excuses? – I started indignantly. “If I had known about this earlier, I would have taken immediate action long ago.” If only you knew how anxious I was from the unknown.
Granny fell silent for a few seconds, sadly lowering her gaze and gently hugging Andryushka to her. And then she quietly answered:

- Katya, if only you knew how much we have gone through last month. How many examinations, how many worries, how many tears. I have never been so scared for my grandson. After all, we were so afraid that he might be left without own father. After all, he never knew the happiness of seeing his mother. And if Igor had also been there... I don’t know what would have happened...
“That’s it, stop,” I interrupted her. – Please, I understand everything perfectly. Let's better go to his room. Just, Andryusha, don’t make noise. I am sure that even though he is unconscious now, he will still feel the presence of his loved ones and this will instill strength in him. And very soon he will forget about everything that happened. Everything will be fine. Believe. I kissed the boy and his grandmother on the cheek. They tried to persuade me to stay with them, and then invited me over for tea. In my heart, I passionately wanted to go into the room and again look at the sweetly sleeping Igor. But I didn’t want to disturb this family. I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt like I was a little superfluous there. And Igor’s fiancée, Marina, could also unexpectedly arrive. I wouldn't like to see her at all. I was surprised at myself, but it seemed that I was jealous of a person practically unknown to me. Remembering Marina, it was as if something pierced my heart and brought me longing.Having kindly refused the reservations to stay, I nevertheless went home, so as not to completely become limp. Having called a taxi, an hour later I found myself back in the same bed, still with the same floral blanket and still with the same purring Rita.The expanse of heaven spread out before my eyes. The sun's rays blinded with a bright radiance and burst through the cotton clouds into the quiet forest. I wandered along the path, enjoying the untouched nature and solitude. I decided to spend the entire week that Alexey Yuryevich gave me for rest, with my mother in the village. I wanted to again take a break from hard work, city life and immerse myself in my thoughts.Walking through the cozy forest, I remembered that rainy summer day when I met And-ryusha, all wet and huddled under a pine tree, when I met blue-eyed Igor...
And the sun kept nurturing me with its warmth, while my feet smoothly stepped in a spontaneous direction. Suddenly my gaze was caught by the remains of my former Nokia. I immediately remembered the whole outburst of anger that made me break the phone. And I remembered Seryozha. After the messages on the answering machine, there was no further news from him. But the pain is long gone. The anger is gone too. Only emptiness and the insignificant name Seryozha.
I smoothly sank under another pine tree and closed my eyelids. A light breeze rushed past. I don’t remember how long I sat there, admiring the ideality of nature, but my peace was interrupted by some noise. I barely had time to open my eyes when I saw someone’s silhouette in front of me. I couldn't immediately because of the bright sun rays clearly see who it was. My heart began to beat faster. A smiling Igor stood in front of me. My surprise knew no bounds. I immediately contacted him:

- Igor? What are you doing here?
My voice seemed to be shaking.
“I’m looking for you,” he answered smiling. “You ran away from the clinic and didn’t even allow me to thank you.”
I was embarrassed. But she immediately tried to answer him confidently, without trembling in her voice:
“Sorry, but I didn’t want to disturb your family.” After all the difficulties that happened to you, you needed to stay with your loved ones. And I am just a doctor who has fulfilled her duty.
“And she helped save my life.” I don’t even want to imagine my son being left without a father. He has been through more than enough: lack of maternal attention, my illness, separation. No matter how life has hit us, we still try to stay strong.His inviting lips spread into a pleasant smile. I stood very close next to him, looked intently into his eyes and could not find words to answer. last words Igor. But he got ahead of me:
“You don’t need to say anything, Katya.” It is I who must thank you endlessly.
“Igor, that’s enough, you shouldn’t,” I contradicted.
- It should. And I’ll start thanking you with what I promised. We are now going to my place, where Andryushka is waiting for us, and a delicious pie with tea.
– Thank you very much, Igor. But with all my desire, I will probably stay here and refuse your enticing offer. Again, I wouldn't want to disturb your family. You probably all gathered there together: Andryushka, and his grandmother, and your fiancee. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'll feel a little awkward and...
- Katya, stop it. What do you mean awkward? You have done more for my family than anyone else. Yes, Andryushka and his grandmother are waiting for us at the house. But as for the bride... Then, most likely, you won’t see her.
– Didn’t she come with you? – I asked in surprise.
- No. And he won’t come,” Igor snapped firmly.
– She probably has a very serious job in the city, right? – I asked curiously.
- In her city it’s very serious relationship, which recently have not affected our family in any way. Let's not talk about this, okay?
I looked closely into his heavenly eyes and saw a bitter aftertaste there. To break this sad silence, I said, smiling:
– I really want to try your pie. After all, you and your son never tried mine, which I prepared for you that day that I was going to visit you.
“I’m sure you won’t have time to taste today’s pie if we don’t hurry.” Andryushka gobbles it up instantly.
We both filled this sunny day with big smiles.
Igor slowly and gently took my hand in his and helped me up. He helped me get up from the ground and rise in life, realizing what difficulties sometimes fall on the shoulders of fragile people, and giving my destiny incredible happiness.

Pages of love stories

Romantic and touching stories O true love, which is not afraid long separation and old age.

60 years of separation

Anna Kozlova was married for only three days when she had to say goodbye to her husband: Boris was leaving to fight in the Red Army, and she had to wait for his imminent return - according to at least, so it seemed to them then.
While Boris was fighting, Anna and her family were exiled to Siberia during Stalin's repressions, and Anna could not even send news to her husband, and Boris was looking for a wife for many years. They were from the same village, but Anna was forbidden to come there, so they lost contact.
Anna even had thoughts of suicide - her despair was so great. Her mother then destroyed all memories of the spouses’ life together - souvenirs, wedding photos, letters. In the end, Anna married for the second time, Boris did the same. They knew nothing about each other.
Years passed and their spouses died. And then, 60 years later, something wonderful happened: Anna finally managed to come to her native village of Borovlyanka, where she saw an old man at the opposite end of the street - it was Boris. He came to the village to visit the graves of his parents and saw Anna. He recognized her immediately and ran up to her. As in a real fairy tale, they had a second wedding and lived happily ever after.

Love is stronger than distance

When Irina and Woodford McClellan got married, they could not have imagined that another 11 years would pass before they could finally be together.
In the early 1970s, Irina lived in Moscow and worked at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations - it was there that she met an American professor named Woodford McClellan. They fell in love and married two years later in May 1974. But in August Woodford's visa expired and he was forced to leave Soviet Union and return home.
Woodford tried to visit his wife in Moscow, but was repeatedly denied entry. Irina, in turn, was denied permission to leave the country without explanation. The newlyweds celebrated their anniversaries with photos and phone calls.
Finally, after 11 years, Irina was allowed to move to the United States, and at the end of January 1986 she flew into Baltimore-Washington International Airport. Her husband, with whom she is last time I saw her 11 years ago at the airport thousands of kilometers away, and rushed to hug her. The touching reunion of the spouses was filmed by reporters, and Irina wrote a book about her life called “Love and Russia: 11 years of struggle for her husband and freedom.”

Most long marriage in the USA

Ann was 17, and she was born into a family of Syrian immigrants. John was 21 years old and they both grew up in the same area. They became friends in high school, and then fell in love with each other, but Ann’s father planned to marry his daughter to a certain man 20 years older than her.
Refusing to be led by circumstances, John and Anne fled to New York together. Anne's father was furious, but one of the family members advised him to calm down, saying that this affair could not last long. It should be noted that the lovers eloped in 1932, and together they then watched as huge changes took place in the world, from the Great Depression and World War II to the advent of television and iPhones.
On November 24, 2013, John and Ann Betar celebrated their 81st wedding anniversary. For spouses big family: five children, 14 grandchildren and already 16 great-grandchildren. John, 102, and Anne, 98, are the oldest couple in the United States.

Touching song

Sometimes the most touching love stories happen when one person in a couple dies.
Fred Stoboch never thought he would one day lose the love of his life. In 1940 he married Lorraine, "the beautiful girl"that he had ever seen," and their marriage was very happy. They had three children and four grandchildren, but after 73 years of marriage, Lorraine passed away.
96-year-old Fred tried to pull himself together and move on with his life. A month after his wife's death, he came across an advertisement for a local singing competition. By his own admission, Fred never had an ear for music, but he wrote a beautiful and touching song that became a hit on the airwaves.
He didn't have the musical skills to write the music for "Dear Lorraine," so he only sent the studio a letter with the lyrics. Everyone in the studio was so moved that they decided to revive the song and made a short documentary called "Fred's Letter" to tell his story to the world.

"Diary" in real life

The film Diary tells the story of a woman who suffered from dementia and her husband who read the diary to her to remind her of her life. The film is based on a fictional love story, but this also happens in life.
Jack and Phyllis Potter lived this way: In the 1990s, Jack decided he would not allow his wife to sink into the loneliness of dementia.
Jack started keeping a diary when he was still a child and kept it throughout his life. When Jack met Phyllis on October 4, 1941, their romance remained in the pages of his diary. Jack fell in love with Phyllis at first sight, and in his diary he wrote about it this way: “Very nice evening. I danced with a cute girl. I hope to meet her again."
Just 16 months after that first meeting, they got married. They lived in Kent, England, for over 50 years. In the end, Phyllis' dementia prevented her from living normal life, and Jack had to cope with everything alone, and Phyllis moved into a nursing home.
But this does not stop Jack from visiting her every day and reading her something from his diary. He reminds her of their family and shows her pictures of their children and pets. And Phyllis, despite everything, has not forgotten how much she loves Jack: she is always overjoyed when he comes to see her. They have been married for almost 70 years.

75 years after the first kiss

In third grade, Carol Harris played the role of Sleeping Beauty and her co-star George Raines kissed her. He played the prince, and it was the first kiss for both of them.
After graduating from high school, George moved from Saint John, New Brunswick to Toronto, Ontario, where he started a family. Several decades passed, and after 61 years of marriage, he lost his wife. He decided to return to his homeland, St. John, and there he met Carol again, they hit it off and quickly became friends. A romance began, and after some time George proposed to Carol at the Ontario restaurant.
George told reporters that their romance was reminiscent of the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast,” and Carol believes that she has finally found her prince. So, 75 years after their first kiss, they got married.

A 100-year-old man married the woman of his dreams

In 1983, friends introduced Forrest Lansway and Rose Pollard: it was at a party, and the couple was invited to dance together. Forrest had been widowed twice by that time, Rose had also lost her husband, who died from a long and painful illness, and had no plans to get married again - she just wanted to communicate.
They lived 64 km from each other, but did everything possible to see each other as often as possible. The courtship was a leisurely one: over the next two decades, Forrest often drove to Rose's to see her and then drove home that same night.
In 2003, Forrest moved to the city of Rose - Capistarano Beach, then he proposed to her. Rose did not take it seriously, since she was 80 years old and he was 90, and jokingly promised to marry him when he turned 100 years old. But this was no joke to Forrest, and on the eve of his hundredth birthday, Rose finally decided to accept his proposal.
The couple got married at a local registry office on Forrest's birthday, and honeymoon spent in a hotel nearby, in a room overlooking the ocean. Congratulations flew to them from all over the world, they were even congratulated by US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

They were born and died on the same day

Les Brown Jr. and his wife Helen were born on the same day, December 31, 1918. They met in high school and fell in love at first sight. Les's family was rich, and Helen was working class, so their parents did not approve of their love. But right after they graduated from school at 18, they ran away together.
They got married and lived their lives in Southern California. They spent all their days together, and even when they turned 90 years old, they remained active and healthy. At the end of her life, Helen was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and Les suffered from Parkinson's disease. After 75 years of marriage, Helen died on July 16, 2013, and Les quietly left for his wife a day later.

The ocean of love is no obstacle

Judith Lovell knew her grandfather as strict and worthy person, and therefore was delighted when I found his love correspondence with his grandmother.
David Hurd moved from Jamaica to New York in 1907 and took on any job to earn a living. He was lonely and out of boredom wrote a letter to an unknown woman from Jamaica. Avril Kato received her first letter in October 1913, and within next year David corresponded enthusiastically with unknown woman, although I haven’t even seen a photograph of her.
With each letter their love grew stronger, and one day David took the plunge and proposed to a woman he had never seen. He sent the letter and began to wait tensely for an answer - Avril's family gave their blessing. They first met in Jamaica, where David came on his own wedding in 1914. They were not disappointed - their love only became stronger.
The day after the wedding, Avril left with her husband for America. They settled in New York and raised six children. Avril died in 1962, but David did not want to marry anyone else: he loved Avril until last day and passed away in 1971.

“It all started at my wedding sister. I had no idea that among the guests was my destiny. Alexander just silently watched me - I was with a man with whom I had lived for four years. The wedding ended, and I knew nothing about Sasha, except that he brother my sister's husband.

After a while I came to visit her. Alexander was asked to meet me, but we missed each other. He waited for me at the station until the last bus and, upset, returned to his sister. What a joy he was when I came out to meet him! I visited my sister more and more often and realized that I was no longer going to her, but to him. This couldn’t go on any longer, and only I decided to end it - in my city I had great job, an apartment and almost a family, the bell rang: my sister was giving birth. The first person I saw in Kharkov was... Alexander. I froze, but he could not contain his feelings: he confessed his love - just like that, without demanding anything in return. And I couldn’t resist: I burst into tears of happiness... We got married - and we have the happiest union in the world: two brothers and two sisters!”

Evgenia Poltavets, Kharkov

“I found my love in a chat. Six years ago I “met” Sasha. Before meeting in real life, we talked for a long time virtually. When I first saw him, I immediately classified him as “not my thing” - he was too silent and shy. I'm emotional, active, talkative. After the date, he sent me an SMS thanking me for a good evening. I told him straight out: “Sorry, but we can only be friends.” He agreed and from then on he constantly accompanied me: together we went to see friends and have barbecues. Sasha surrounded me with care, but was not intrusive. Over time, I began to notice that he was not so silent, that he had great feeling humor, generous heart. In the end, I became convinced that I miss him, I miss him. That I love him! A month after my “epiphany,” we began to live together, nine months later we got married, and nine years later our daughter was born. This is virtual real love!”

Alla M., by e-mail

“In the summer I vacationed in Crimea. Everything was perfect: sun, beach, sea! One day, going out onto the balcony of my room, I saw my neighbor in the house. Young nice guy. We started talking - it turned out that we were both from Kharkov. When you are surrounded by people from different cities and countries, community makes you very close. Lesha and I went to the cinema, to a cafe, and the next day he left - the voucher had expired. We agreed to meet sometime in Kharkov. I didn’t expect it at all, but Lesha called! Since that time we have been together and our daughter was born. Who would have thought that one day of acquaintance at the resort would become fateful for us?..”

Anna Bilyk, village. Novopokrovka, Kharkov region.

“I myself am from the Kyiv region. After graduating from school, she entered the capital's university. At one of the student parties, a young man invited me to dance. We started talking. It turned out that Yura was from a neighboring village. We started dating. When it was time to meet my parents, it was a laugh! It turned out that they had known each other for a long time. Moreover, Yura and I went to the same school. Only he is a grade older. How come we didn’t notice each other earlier! We have been married for twenty years, and our love story is like proof that if people are destined to meet and live together almost their entire lives, then so be it. Thank you to fate for giving me such a chance and opening my eyes in time!”

Zoya Lysak, Kyiv region.

“Many people still don’t believe in my love story. I was riding the subway after class and reading a magazine with horoscopes. I bought it for the first time - in the hope of changes for the better. But what happened exceeded all my expectations. Horoscopes, as I remember now, promised me a quick meeting with the man of my life. I smiled ironically and got off at my station.

The next day, on the subway, having nothing better to do, I read the announcements on the TV screen. And then I see the text of the message: “A girl in a red coat who was traveling yesterday at approximately 17.45 and got off at the Minskaya station.” Please call the phone number...” So what do you think? I called! Frivolous? Let it be. But this is already the second Valentine's Day that we celebrate together. And we’re going to get married in the summer!”

Inna Golovtsova, Chernigov

True love came to me after the first bad marriage. I work in England, and when I came home for two weeks, I met with a friend. We were sitting in a cafe, chatting, and at the next table there was a young man. I looked at him and instantly realized that I was head over heels in love. I thought this happened in youth, but not at thirty. As it turned out later, he was waiting for his friend, who... turned out to be a good friend of my friend. They sat down at our table and... In general, we spent our vacation with this man. Then I flew to England. There was a separation ahead whole year. Of course, no one made any promises. But you can’t command your heart.

In the summer I flew home again. And again two weeks of happiness. Two weeks in twelve months! And again my departure...

To be honest, I thought that I would never see him again - we are adults, everyone has their own life. But six months later there was a knock on the door of my apartment in England. I opened it and saw... him. “Be my wife,” he said.

Last fall we got married. And three days later I flew to England. In November he was finally given a visa. Now we are together. Now we know the price of our love!

Lyudmila Zavadskaya, England

We believe that people come into this world to become happy, even if life sometimes seems gray and dull.

Here are 15 stories whose heroes found their happiness, and for some it came on its own, when it was not expected at all.

I always thought that happiness came from money, but today I changed my mind forever. My husband was told that his cancer was completely cured! God, I cried all day with happiness...

Six months ago, I was walking around the city at night and, crossing a bridge over a river, I saw a girl standing on the railing of the bridge about to jump. I quietly approached her, talked and invited her to have tea with me. There's a wedding in a week. Sometimes you can find your destiny where you don't expect.

I woke up to someone breathing over my ear. I open my eyes and there is the cutest Labrador puppy standing there. My parents remembered my dream from 20 years ago, when I was still a child, but my parents couldn’t afford a dog because of the size of the apartment and the neighbors. And now that I live alone and in a spacious apartment, they decided to give me such a gift

At night I heard my wife packing a gift. Carefully, quietly, so as not to wake me. I wake up in the morning and in front of me is a huge box full of socks and panties. I didn’t seem to be upset, it would still last a long time, but then my wife turns on the plasma, and I see... the X-Box screensaver. She bought me a console and FIFA-17. I now have everything a man needs: FIFA, socks and underpants.

I found out that I was pregnant, I called my husband, and he was on the subway. I tell him that’s it, he’ll become a dad. A second of silence, the husband shouts “I WILL BE A DADDY!” and applause from subway passengers.

My brother flies into my room today - joyful, choking on his saliva - and says: “Do you know why you will be waiting for the summer of 2017 with crazy impatience?” But I don’t know. Maybe because “Wonder Woman” or the new “Alien” will be released? And my brother said to me: “No! You'll never guess! “DuckTales” is being rebooted this summer. There will be new episodes!” And indeed, Disney is rebooting the series! We rejoiced like children. Vadim, 27, and Sergey, 25.

A month ago I was dating a girl. Today I found out that she is pregnant, she didn’t tell me. She just took it and disappeared... But now that I found out, I went to her house. She said that she thought I was young and didn’t want to burden me and ruin my life... That’s what she was thinking? I'm in seventh heaven now!

Recently, during a class at the university, I got appendicitis and they called an ambulance. I’m going to the ambulance with cats in my stomach, next to me is a doctor and a girl. I’m lying there and then I realize that something is missing: “Excuse me, can you turn on the siren? It’s my first time going to an ambulance, I’ve always dreamed of it!” The doctor looks at me and says that the siren is broken. I lay back down upset and a second later I heard the driver, my girlfriend and the doctor start howling like a siren: “Uuuuuuuuuuu!” And so on all the way to the hospital. I've never had so much fun before.

I dreamed of going to Tokyo for many years, I finally took it and bought a ticket, none of my friends supported it because it was too expensive, and now I’m sitting in the center of Tokyo and eating real ramen, so what, I’m alone, so what, not a word I don’t know either English or Japanese, but I’m still smiling from ear to ear.

Today in the store I saw a girl about eight years old. She was talking to the dog, petting it and smiling. Her parents stood aside. They held hands and watched her, and it was clear from their faces that they were happy. A little later I found out that their daughter has autism and this was the first time they heard her speak in complete sentences.

Every morning I take the same minibus. And with the same young man. And every time he gave me his place. And today he decided to speak. And in the evening we go on a date.

My current wife Katya took me away from the family. It happened in the cutest way. A year ago I had an accident and spent a long time in a coma. All my relatives - ex-wife, her retinue and even my parents signed to disconnect me from the device. Katya is my childhood friend. When she found out that they were going to disconnect me, she bribed the doctors and asked them to slow down. And while my family thought that this was the end, Katya was sitting above my bed. After a week of her gatherings, I came to my senses. He survived and started all over again with her. I'm happy.

Today I was waiting for a taxi and a Volga pulled up (black, with flames on the hood). Taxi driver - large build, with a beard and wearing biker clothes. When he radioed that he had picked up a passenger, he said, “Victim accepted.” And when we were driving, Scorpions and Slipknot were playing. It seems that I have visited my personal paradise.

Today, an uncle coming out of a pastry shop told me: “Don’t be sad, everything will be fine.” And I knew it would be good, because I was going for the cake.

A friend told his fortune using Tarot cards. He said that happiness would soon meet me. When I left the house, a high-voltage wire broke near me, then the Rottweiler wanted to bite me, and in the end a cyclist drove into me. This is such happiness! I dislocated my leg. I went to the hospital, sat in line, when a girl with a bandaged hand came up and took the place behind me. We talked, and she told how bad things happened to her all day, and that the minibus suddenly braked, she fell and broke her arm. It was so pleasant to communicate with her that I didn’t notice how my turn came, we exchanged phone numbers, and I left. Now that she is the mother of my children, I understand what happiness my friend was talking about then.

The hero dog Balto, who saved children

In early 1925, diphtheria, a terrible disease that affects children, broke out in the settlement of Nome. A vaccine was needed, and for all the adjacent hospitals. Having contacted all nearby cities by telegraph, it turned out that a little vaccine remained in the city of Anchorage, which lay a thousand miles from the settlement.

An ice storm and storm prevented planes from taking off. It was decided to transport the vaccine by train to the city of Nenana, but no further due to the lack of railway lines. However, Nenana was located at a distance of more than a thousand kilometers of icy desert. Residents of Nome proposed a solution: equip a dog sled and rely on the speed and strength of the dog's paws and the skill of the team's leaders.

Having equipped the team, the teams set off to face the icy wind and snow.

Many gave up during the transition. This is not surprising, because it was almost

It's impossible to find your way in a snowstorm. The first to arrive in Nenana was Gunnar Kassen, whose team of huskies was led by Balto. However, on the way back, Gunar was paralyzed by frostbite and could not continue to lead the team.

And so, when Gunar Kassen lost all hope of saving the children of Nome, Balto, who remembered the road, began to lead the team himself, he led the team back to the city, without slowing down until they arrived safely in Nome. Upon arrival, the dogs were so exhausted that they did not even have the strength to bark, but the vaccine was delivered to the sick.

Good mood


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Siberian pine-broadleaf forests cover the south of the Far East. Here, northern Siberian spruce and larches grow surrounded by wild grape vines, actinidia and cork - velvet. These forests are home to the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard.

Amur tiger. Primorsky region. Photo: (c) Leonid Dubeykovsky / WWF Russia

Far Eastern leopard. Camera trap. (c) WWF/WCS

Over the past 100 years, the area of ​​cedar-broadleaf forests in Primorye has decreased by half. Forests lost due to forest fires will not be able to recover without human help. But growing cedar is a very difficult matter. It is difficult to find high-quality and healthy seedlings in required quantity. Another problem is the catastrophic shortage of forestry specialists.

WWF Russia, together with the State Primorsky Agricultural Academy (PGSHA), is helping to restore cedar-broad-leaved forests. Thanks to the work of students and staff of the academy, it was possible to preserve the forest nursery in Primorye. And when financial support WWF supporters a forest seed warehouse was built - a special structure for proper storage and preparing seeds for sowing (stratification).

Seedlings of Korean cedar in the Primorsk State Nursery. Agricultural Academy, Far East. Photo: (c) Elena Starostina / WWF Russia

Cedar seeds. Photo: WWF Russia

The next task is to return mechanization to the forest nursery at all stages: from preparing the soil to digging up seedlings. This requires a tractor and attachments (ploughs, cultivators, harrows, sprayers, etc.).

This was over 10 years and 2 children ago. In December 2005, we agreed to meet at the gates of my office after work. I didn’t go out for an ungodly long time (about 40 minutes from the appointed time), but he still waited. I hope he doesn't regret it. As well as the fact that he sent me a private message on a popular dating site.

Yes, I was looking. Active, as they say ☺ 43 acquaintances in six months. Anything could happen. A media mogul in a Cadillac, a Hollywood film academic, a freak who bet that he would go on a date with a new girl every day for a whole year.

"Hello! Shall we go to the cinema?!” I studied the profile. 4.5 years difference in my favor, student. “Aren’t you too young?” - she wrote as she snorted. But he was not embarrassed.

I still remember roses dusted with snow, and how on the second date he fed me nuts, and on the third, tangerines. You say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Ha! Caring is pleasant for everyone... And a man who knows how to care is the most valuable specimen in the world...

Two years after we met, planning to propose to me, Ilya prepared romantic dinner, hid a diamond ring and wanted, according to all the rules, to ask my parents for my hand in marriage first (we lived with them then). Here, however, a small incident arose. The potential father-in-law and mother-in-law were watching TV; the series was very exciting, and what was happening in real life could not distract them from the on-screen ups and downs. The future husband had to be persistent on the way to family happiness. Well, or they just heard me sob that “if this continues, I will never get married!” ☺

Now we have two children. My daughter is 4 years old and my son is 1 year 8 months old. The eldest has not yet asked how mom and dad met, believing that we have always been together. But I think we will tell her this story soon. It’s always nice to remember such moments in life☺

Ksenia and Andrey, together 9 years

My husband and I met online on a dating site. I don’t even remember what it was called - besides, our sites were definitely different, just with the same database. A friend registered me.

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