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Ate a small piece of glass. If a child swallows something

little child he is inquisitive and, having barely learned to crawl, begins to study reality, explore the world, grabs everything with his hands and puts it in his mouth. Because of this, there is a very high probability of a foreign object getting into the mouth and then into the stomach. And quite often this object turns out to be glass - a fragment of a glass or mirror, which he himself broke by dropping it. What if the child has already swallowed glass? Parents need to know what to do in such cases and what the risks are.

The outcome of the situation largely depends on the size of the glass, its shape and surface. Of course, in any case, glass is dangerous, and the main danger is that a fragment can get stuck in the esophagus or intestines of the child. Items of a more complex shape or large size remain, as a rule, in the stomach. And he is very sensitive, so the situation is really difficult. It’s good if a child chews glass beads - they are smooth round shape. But if he swallowed a broken bottle or a glass carrot from New Year's snowman, then this is already more dangerous. But not everything is so scary, the main thing is to do it simple rules first aid. By the way, if a metal object gets into the esophagus, this is even more dangerous, since naturally it may not come out and remain in the stomach for years, and then surgical intervention is needed.

First aid for swallowing a sharp object

If this happened in front of adults, then there is still a chance to get the fragments. An adult needs to open the child’s mouth and press the root of the tongue with his finger. The child will begin to vomit, and the splinter will come out with the vomit and saliva - saliva and vomit will wash away the splinter, but the esophagus will not be damaged. You must call immediately ambulance.

After two hours or more, the glass object will most likely have moved to. And in this case, you cannot take any measures on your own. It is very important to inform the emergency physician of the size of the swallowed piece of glass and the time of the incident. It is useless to take an X-ray - the glass remains non-contrast in the X-ray rays.

While the fragment remains in the esophagus, the child can be fed porridge, boiled solid vegetables and monitored for three days. Do not take any action to cause diarrhea - give a laxative or.

Forecast of the situation next: if the parents did everything correctly, then you can expect that the glass fragments will come out naturally in the very next few days.

When should you call an ambulance immediately?

  • any metal object - nail, buttons and paper clips, needles and pins, fish hooks
  • any sharp and small items, toothpicks
  • object longer than 3 cm
  • batteries - batteries
  • magnets
  • glass shards
  • large fruit pits

Objects that can come out on their own are objects with a smooth, streamlined shape - buttons, coins, small balls. If within two or three days the swallowed object is not passed naturally in the feces, then you need to consult a doctor.

Babies are creatures that require constant attention and control. As soon as they have learned to crawl and walk, reach shelves and drawers, parents need to remember that the child explores the world with his hands and mouth, which means there is a high probability of putting something in this very mouth and swallowing or inhaling. A condition where a child swallows or inhales foreign body, can be dangerous to life and health. Therefore, you need to know how it manifests itself, why it is dangerous and what to do.

Foreign bodies in the digestive system

In pediatric surgery, foreign bodies, especially in children in the first years of life, are not uncommon; doctors even collect their own museums of what is found in the bodies of children. According to statistics, every fourth child aged from one year to 5-6 years has swallowed foreign objects at least once in his life, greatly frightening his parents.

Putting toys and objects into the mouth is one of the stages of a baby’s development, the “oral stage” of learning about the world, in this way the child receives information about the shape, properties and taste of objects. And the task of parents is to make learning the world through the mouth safe. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor what gets into the baby’s hands and mouth: these should be large objects and safe surfaces. However, we are all human, we are often forgetful and absent-minded, and it is not always possible to keep track of the baby.

More often foreign objects fall during games if the baby is very interested in some object. The outcome will depend on the size, shape, surface and type of object; not all of them are dangerous for the baby. Small foreign bodies can easily leave the body on their own. Parents will be happy to find something missing at the bottom of the pot. However, there is always a chance that the swallowed object will become stuck in the esophagus or intestines. Only fairly large or complexly shaped objects can remain in the stomach.

If a foreign body is in the esophagus

This is very dangerous situation, since the child’s esophagus is very sensitive and vulnerable. In addition, it has muscle groups that can spasm when irritated by the edges of an object and lead to complications. Therefore, you need to know what should alert you to your child’s well-being. First of all, when swallowing, the child will complain of pain, and he will point to the sternum area and inside chest. In addition, while swallowing saliva, he will complain of discomfort, and solid food may not even be able to swallow. Dangerous in children is the appearance of nausea and vomiting, as well as coughing. Whenever similar symptoms If the child is diagnosed, immediately go to the nearest hospital and undergo an examination. Delay in the event of such symptoms is dangerous due to perforation (formation of a hole) of the esophagus with bleeding and the entry of food into the chest area - this is life-threatening.

Foreign body in the digestive system

Often, when parents discover that the baby has swallowed something, but it does not manifest itself in any way externally, it does not cause discomfort, then mom and dad choose a wait-and-see approach. However, it is not always possible to wait for the release of a foreign body, even if the baby is apparently healthy. There is a category of objects that are dangerous by the very fact of their presence in the digestive system; waiting for them to appear in the pot is very dangerous for the health, and sometimes even for the life of the baby.

So, potentially dangerous, and therefore requiring immediate assistance from a specialist, include:

  • needles, pins, pushpins, paper clips, toothpicks, fishhooks, nails, and other very sharp and small objects
  • objects from three centimeters in length
  • batteries and batteries of any type and kind - watch, finger, little finger, from toys
  • magnets, especially if the child has swallowed more than one
  • glass, pieces of ceramics with sharp edges
  • large fruit pits - peach, apricot, plum

It is possible to monitor a child if he has swallowed a streamlined object (buttons, round stones, balls, coins) and small size. Then the waiting period will be from one to 3-4 days with constant careful examination of the child’s stool. If during this time the item is not found in the contents of the pot, you should consult a doctor.

In the case when you did not see the swallowing process with your own eyes (for example, you scattered coins and pulled them into your mouth), it would be useful thorough examination apartments. Perhaps the item rolled under a sofa or closet, and you don't need to worry.

What is possible and what is not?

A common mistake parents make is giving their child a series of enemas, or using laxatives to make the object come out faster. This is unacceptable, since a foreign body in itself is a stress for the digestive system, and acceleration of its work can lead to injury to organs by the edges of the object, or it getting stuck in the intestines and the formation of intestinal obstruction.

If you are absolutely sure that the child has swallowed a dangerous object, call an ambulance and, until it arrives, do not attempt to remove it yourself, so as not to cause additional injury. You should not try to shake out the object, push it further with a crust of bread, and do not give water or feed the child (if the object is large, has sharp edges and requires removal).

If it is a small coin, a button or a small ball, an object with smooth edges, up to 1-2 cm in size, some measures can help the child remove foreign object from the body - this is, for example, eating foods rich in fiber - fruits, vegetables or bran.

If you are not sure that the object was swallowed, and also if you do not know exactly what the baby swallowed, carefully monitor his condition for three days, and if any disturbing symptoms appear, immediately seek help from surgeons at the children's hospital. Such dangerous manifestations include:

  • abdominal pain, localized or diffuse, which does not subside, but on the contrary, intensifies
  • the child experiences nausea, vomiting, usually repeated
  • the child has blood in the stool after or between bowel movements
  • any other unclear symptom that was not present before the child swallowed the object

All these manifestations require immediate inspection; it is better to play it safe and thereby avoid danger.

Foreign body in the respiratory system

From the mouth, a foreign body can fall either into the esophagus or into the respiratory tract. The latter circumstance is much more dangerous, as it leads to disruption of the supply of oxygen to the lungs. Feature respiratory tract child is that they have the appearance of branching tubes of decreasing diameter. The entrance to the larynx is through the vocal cords, which close tightly and prevent the foreign body from coming out. In addition, a child’s trachea and bronchi are pliable and soft; when coughing, a foreign body can be “hammered” into them. If the body is large enough to block the trachea, suffocation and death. When entering a large bronchus, they form different degrees respiratory failure.

Most often, children from one to 3-5 years of age suffer, who put everything in their mouths, and in addition, this often happens when playing, pampering, laughing, crying, talking at the table. Most often, seeds, nuts, pieces of food, beans, grains, sunflower seeds, husks, etc. enter the respiratory system. small toys, balls, candies, threads.

How does this manifest itself?

The right bronchus is most often affected; it is wider and larger, therefore, first of all, a paroxysmal cough, weakened breathing, and a lot of whistling noises in the lungs are noted. In addition, there is a sign of severe stenosis of the upper respiratory tract - suffocation with prolongation of inhalation, blueness of the face, sensation of a foreign body and a wheezing voice. If a foreign body is stuck in the trachea, you may hear a popping sound when you scream or cry. In addition, a foreign body is also dangerous due to complications - especially if it is food products with oil or fat. Chemical bronchitis, pneumonia, and purulent abscess may develop. If a foreign body perforates a bronchus, this can lead to mediastinitis - a purulent inflammation of the chest cavity that is life-threatening.

If you notice such symptoms, immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. Do not try to remove a foreign body yourself if the child can breathe, even if he cannot control the cough.

If the child turns blue, there are attacks of suffocation, urgently call resuscitation, and before its arrival, try to remove the foreign body using some techniques.

For a child up to one year old
Place his stomach on your forearm, supporting his chin and back, face down, head at about a 60-degree downward angle. Apply about 5 blows between the shoulder blades with the edge of your palm, look into your mouth to see if a foreign body has come out. If there is no result, we place the child with his back to his knees, placing his head below the level of the butt, perform 4-5 pushes just below the nipples of the chest, without pressing on the stomach, if the body comes out, remove it. If nothing works, before the ambulance arrives, try to perform artificial ventilation and repeat the techniques.

For a child over one year old
Go behind the baby, wrap your arms around his waist, and press on his stomach between the navel and the xiphoid process. It is necessary to make a sharp upward push, 4-5 times with an interval of 3-5 seconds; if the foreign body comes out, it is removed. If not, repeat the actions and calm the child.

How are they treated?

Children with foreign bodies are hospitalized in the pediatric surgical department. The first step is to clarify where the foreign body is stuck and what its nature is. If it is an iron, radiopaque body, it is easy to detect on an x-ray. But food and plastic are not visible on X-rays. Often, for diagnosis and simultaneous treatment, endoscopy of the digestive or respiratory system is used. A thin tube with a camera and forceps at the end is inserted into the esophagus, stomach and intestines, their walls and contents are examined, the body is grasped and removed. The procedure is sometimes performed even without anesthesia.

With the bronchi, everything is more complicated - all manipulations there are done only under anesthesia, otherwise the glottis will close and the device will not pass through. After this, the child is monitored, and if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection of the bronchi and lungs.


Most often, such incidents are the result of parental carelessness. Therefore, as soon as the baby begins to crawl, walk on all fours throughout the apartment and remove all small and dangerous items. Buy toys according to age, without small parts and durable, which the baby cannot break or break. Do not leave your child to play with coins, buttons, or cereals unattended. If you need to leave the room, carefully inspect the toys, or better yet, take the baby with you. Do not let your playing child out of your line of sight!

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There are many situations in which a person can swallow a piece of glass, for example, the edge of a glass breaks while drinking, a glass object breaks next to a plate of food, or a fragment gets into food at work. Small children may intentionally swallow a piece of glass as they become familiar with the world around them.

If you notice signs that a child has swallowed something, and in particular a piece of glass, you need to take immediate action. This is especially true when the glass fragment is large. A foreign object can damage the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, cause internal bleeding or remain in the stomach, worsening the condition of the victim. It is important to know what to do if a child or adult eats glass and what will happen if a small piece of glass is swallowed.

What to do if you swallow a shard of glass

If you notice that an adult or child has swallowed glass, you need to urgently provide them with help. The main rule is to remain calm so that you can act adequately and quickly. First of all, you need to lay the victim on his back and examine him oral cavity. If you notice foreign objects, carefully remove them.

Be sure to call an ambulance so that doctors can assess the severity of the injury and choose a treatment strategy.

The tactics of action depend on the size, location of the fragment, as well as the degree of damage to the walls digestive organs. What to do if a child or adult swallows a piece of glass:

  • At mild degree severity of injury, when the fragment is in sight, it can be carefully pulled out. If you fail to do this, try inducing vomiting. To do this, press with your finger or a spoon on the root of the tongue. Then the foreign object will come out along with the vomit. In this case, the walls of the esophagus are not damaged. After this, you need to hospitalize the patient in a hospital and conduct an ultrasound or other instrumental studies to check their condition.
  • If you notice that the victim has swallowed a small fragment, then proceed according to the same plan. And after providing assistance, be sure to visit a doctor.
  • The situation is aggravated if the time of ingestion of a foreign object is unknown. Approximately 2 - 3 hours after the incident, the glass descends into the intestines. In this case, you will not be able to remove it yourself. You need to immediately call an ambulance, and you should also tell the doctors at least the approximate time when the person swallowed the fragment. Doctors prescribe ultrasound or other hardware methods and monitor the patient’s condition. If within 2 - 3 days after the incident danger signs are missing, then most likely the glass has already passed out along with the feces.

The most dangerous situation is when glass penetrates the trachea. This may cause suffocation and severe pain syndrome. In this case, you need to urgently get the fragment out.

If a person is bleeding from the mouth, then using the methods described below is strictly contraindicated! In this case, the victim must be hospitalized immediately.

There are two ways to get a fragment. First - Heimlich method:

  • Tell the victim to stand up, stand behind him;
  • Wrap your arms around it;
  • Make a fist with one hand and press it to your stomach;
  • Press your fist on top with your other hand;
  • Perform a quick upward push.

The second method will help a child if he has difficulty breathing:

  • Take the child by the legs so that his head is down;
  • Shake it;
  • At the same moment he should exhale sharply.

The main thing is not to panic and pull out the fragment that is located further than the palatine-lingual arch. This will only cause more damage to the mucous membrane and cause bleeding. Even if you notice that the fragment is small, you should not remain idle.

Try to induce vomiting; if the foreign body does not come out, consult a doctor. If after the first attempt you do not find a fragment, then do not try to induce the gag reflex again.

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In this case, it is better to wait for doctors or hospitalize the victim. Check the stool over the course of 3 to 4 days to determine whether glass has passed or not.

It is also prohibited to give the victim laxatives or perform enemas without the knowledge of the doctor. After the incident, it is forbidden to give a person solid food to push through a piece of glass, because then there is a risk of further damage to the walls of the digestive organs. After eating such food, intestinal motility increases.

Excessive physical activity after swallowing glass is also contraindicated. This is due to the fact that with excessive activity, fragments can damage the walls of the digestive organs. Therefore, it is better to remain calm.

Symptoms of swallowing glass

Regardless of who swallowed the fragment - an adult or a child, his condition must be carefully monitored. If a child or adult swallows a shard of glass, if the following symptoms appear: you need to urgently send the victim to the hospital:

  • Excessive salivation;
  • Stitching or cutting pain in the chest or abdomen;
  • Hiccups that won't stop long time;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • The process of swallowing food becomes difficult;
  • Eruption of vomit mixed with blood;
  • The appearance of burgundy or bright red blood in the stool;
  • Breathing problems, suffocation.

Small round glasses usually do not cause discomfort and come out naturally. Pointed fragments may become lodged in the stomach, causing dull or aching pain in the epigastrium. After the meal painful sensations may intensify, heaviness in the stomach appears. The victim may experience nausea, decreased appetite and belching.

If the fragment is stuck in the pylorus of the stomach (the narrowest part) or the duodenum, then it appears:

  • Intense paroxysmal pain;
  • Vomit;
  • The skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow due to a violation of the outflow of bile.

Even if you did not notice how your child swallowed glass, the signs described above should alert you.

If at least 2–3 of them appear, the baby should be hospitalized. These symptoms can manifest various diseases and conditions. But in any case, they indicate serious malfunctions in the body. Therefore, without medical care can't get by.

Further actions after the fragment has come out

It is important to carefully monitor your well-being after the piece of glass has left the body. Parents should adjust the child's diet. For a week after the incident, you must adhere to special food. The menu for the victim is drawn up by the doctor, It usually includes the following dishes:

  • Liquid porridges that envelop the walls of the stomach;
  • Soups and vegetable broths;
  • Puree of boiled vegetables;
  • Natural yoghurts;
  • Kissel.

These foods and drinks coat the walls of the digestive organs and relax the tense esophagus.

It is necessary to avoid foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. When eating such food, microtrauma from the fragment turns into ulcers, which cause sharp pain and heal for a long time:

  • It is necessary to avoid foods that are too salty, sweet or spicy;
  • Eliminate marinades and foods rich in essential oils, smoked meats, etc.;
  • It is worth giving up solid foods that are difficult to digest, such as nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables, and bran.

Even if the fragment has already come out, it is important to observe the feces; perhaps there are still pieces of glass left in the body. To confirm your suspicions, it is recommended to undergo a repeat test.

When is hospitalization required and what is done in the hospital

If the condition after swallowing glass is poor and is accompanied by all of the above symptoms, then the victim should be urgently hospitalized. After conducting an instrumental examination, doctors determine the location of the fragment. Then specialists can act according to the following plan:

  • Monitoring the patient until the foreign body comes out on its own;
  • Carrying out an operation to remove the fragment.

The observation method is used more often. It consists in the fact that doctors stimulate the body’s functioning with the help of laxatives so that the glass comes out faster along with feces. IN medical institution this is acceptable, since the doctor controls the location of the foreign body and all its progress. And if complications arise, specialists will quickly provide treatment.

Surgical intervention necessary if the victim has difficulty breathing or the fragment slowly moves through the digestive organs.

Most often, endoscopic therapy is used to remove glass. This is possible if the fragment is placed above the duodenum; if it drops below, then the endoscope (flexible tube) will not reach it.

To remove an object, a special loop or forceps are passed through a tube inserted into the body (through the mouth). Next, the glass is pulled towards the endoscope and then pulled out. After the procedure, it is necessary to re-conduct an instrumental examination of the digestive organs.

If during endoscopy the fragment was pushed further, then in order to speed up its withdrawal, the victim is prescribed laxatives. This method is effective if the incident occurred several hours ago.

If the object is placed below the level of the duodenum, then radiography is prescribed. In this case, it is prohibited to take laxatives; it is better to use Vaseline oil.

If the victim begins vomiting, has severe pain, fever, or hemorrhage, then laparotomy is indicated.. This surgical procedure consists of cutting the wall abdominal cavity to gain access to a foreign object. Abdominal surgery is performed when the location of the fragment, its size and shape are precisely known. However, there is a risk of complications after the procedure.

In rare cases, the glass descends into the cecum and sigmoid colon. Then colonoscopy is used - this is an endoscopic diagnostic method inner surface intestines. The duration of the study is 45 minutes.
Before the procedure, the victim is changed into hospital clothes and an oxygen mask is placed on his face. To avoid pain, a drip with painkillers and sedative solutions is used.

The patient is asked to turn over on his side, the colonoscope is inserted into the intestine, having previously lubricated anus Vaseline. To open the lumen and facilitate the movement of the chamber, a little air is pumped into the intestinal lumen.

A flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the intestines, and the doctor monitors its progress on a computer screen. To remove the fragment, a miniature instrument is inserted through the colonoscope. If the tube cannot pass the bend, then surgery is prescribed.

What happens if you swallow a small piece of glass?

Even miniature fragments with sharp edges can become fixed in the wall of the digestive organs, so if a child or adult swallows a small piece of glass, this can lead to the appearance of severe pain and bleeding. After a meal, the pain syndrome becomes more pronounced.

If there are several fragments in the stomach, acute bursting pain appears, as well as dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, etc.).

If the glass gets into the pylorus of the stomach or into the duodenum, then intestinal obstruction develops. This condition is accompanied by paroxysmal pain, vomiting, and jaundice due to impaired bile outflow.

If pointed objects get stuck in the wall of the stomach, an inflammatory process, necrosis (death) of tissue, and bleeding occurs. Then the victim's condition quickly deteriorates.

If a foreign object remains in the stomach for a long time, then there is a risk of electrolyte disturbances (lack of chlorides, potassium), as well as metabolic alkalosis. Then they may appear following symptoms: impaired sensitivity of the face, limbs, tachycardia, convulsions, epileptic attacks, etc.

Preventive measures

To avoid swallowing glass, you need to be careful and follow safety precautions:

  • Don't rush in time meals, You need to chew it thoroughly to notice any splinters that might get caught. This is especially true for people who are used to dining in restaurants or cafes;
  • If you break a glass object, immediately remove the fragments and then clean with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Parents should try to control their child's actions, do not leave it alone if there are fragile glass objects nearby. It is important to hide small dangerous objects out of the reach of children;
  • You should also carefully choose toys, buy them taking into account the child’s age, make sure that they do not have small glass parts that can easily be broken or broken.

If you or a child swallows glass, you should urgently call an ambulance, examine the child’s oral cavity and try to induce vomiting.

If the fragment does not come out, immediately hospitalize the victim. Without medical care not necessary if a person has difficulty breathing after swallowing glass. Small round objects come out on their own, you can notice them in the feces after 2 - 3 days. Large fragments with sharp edges can get stuck in the wall of the digestive organs, causing pain and various complications, so urgent surgery is necessary.

If you accidentally swallow a small piece of glass along with food, what will happen?

  1. ATTENTION! Green peas "Goskonserv" - Delicious peas. The first jar was eaten with a bang, and now I was finishing the second one straight from the jar with a spoon. Along with the peas, I got shards of GLASS! Thin, quite large (a 1.5 cm long piece crunched on my tooth)
  2. A big scratch from the mouth to the ass.... (((
  3. Calm down. IN digestive tract a piece of glass becomes covered with mucus and, in the vast majority of cases, comes out naturally without injury.
  4. It will be bad. The glass will travel gastrointestinal tract, injuring him. The consequences are perforation of the wall of the stomach or intestine, followed by life-threatening peritonitis. If you are lucky and the piece of glass is very small, then it is possible to form a chronic inflammatory process(the glass will get stuck in the intestinal wall). In any case, the prognosis is quite serious and large quantities cases it all comes down to surgical treatment. Maybe if you are VERY lucky (depending on the piece) it will come out on its own.
  5. Glass can only be dissolved by hydrofluoric acid. In the stomach - salty.
  6. If it’s small and not particularly spicy, then nothing.
  7. We must be careful! Might cut your ass!!!
  8. I don’t know, but it seems like I swallowed a very small one! I feel bad now but I can bear it! I don't know exactly
  9. I ate a light bulb when I was a virgin, bit through a lot of pieces of glass, got into my stomach, both large and small pieces, and nothing happened
  10. Well, it depends on your luck) But in general, be careful
  11. As a child, I accidentally swallowed a small piece of glass. felt. like a scratch in my throat. I'm sure it was glass because I drank milk from a broken bottle. Nothing was found on the x-ray. As you can see, I live. so it depends on your luck, that's for sure.
  12. you can cut yourself in one or several places if the glass is sharp
    Digestive system the long one begins with the mouth, and ends, you know how it all ends.
    in about a day, if you're lucky.
    Sorry for the details
    so think before you swallow
  13. Nothing will happen, stomach acid will dissolve the glass.
  14. scratch your stomach, preferably two fingers in your mouth, if you want to live, if you are risky, let it try to digest
  15. nothing will happen, some people even eat light bulbs, the main thing is to chew well..
  16. Today I drank tea from a broken thermos, I felt something was wrong when I looked into the mug, it was full broken glass. On the advice of the ambulance, I went to the surgical department. The doctor said to go home, eat porridge, if anything happens, come...
  17. "Valentina Znatok (362) 5 years ago
    Nothing will happen, stomach acid will dissolve the glass. "

    this is nonsense....

  18. "Daniil Chereychik Student (112) 1 month ago
    scratch your stomach, preferably two fingers in your mouth, if you want to live, if you are risky, let him try to digest himself"

    Somehow this advice seems dangerous, although I don’t know for sure, maybe it’s better to consult good doctors before doing anything, just in case

People often accidentally swallow pieces of glass. This material is extremely durable and will not dissolve in the stomach. In addition, the fragments have dangerous sharp edges... What should you do - rush to the hospital or try home methods? Here's what doctors advise on this matter.

What happens if you accidentally eat glass?

Glass shards get into drinks when bottles are opened carelessly with a corkscrew. Sometimes the store ends up with a bottle that is defective - small fragments at the bottom. Small children may eat a piece of broken glass or Christmas decorations. How life-threatening is this?

The gastrointestinal tract is a long, elastic and tough muscular tube. When a person swallows food, the muscles contract and push the food deeper. Indigestible materials, such as tomato skins and strawberry seeds, as well as inedible objects, pass through the tract unchanged. Artificial materials– metal, glass, plastic – do not change in the intestines.

The degree of risk when swallowing foreign bodies depends on their shape and size. Sharp glass shards can cause harm. But this rarely happens, since the intestines move them extremely carefully. What happens if you eat a piece of glass with sharp edges? There is a small puncture and slight bleeding in the intestines. It can be detected by stool testing, but serious blood loss is rare.

Once food is swallowed, it quickly travels down the esophagus to the stomach. In a narrow place in the stomach there is an exit, the so-called “pylorus”. The fragments that are too large cannot pass through the pylorus. They remain in the stomach. The doctor can easily remove them through the mouth using a flexible instrument - an endoscope. Anything that has passed through the gatekeeper is unlikely to cause a problem. The most dangerous thing is swallowing several small fragments with sharp edges. They can rupture tissue and cause infection.

What to do if you eat glass

The human mouth and tongue are very sensitive. They manage to detect a foreign body before swallowing. But small children sometimes put inedible things into their mouths out of curiosity. Parents may not immediately know that their baby has swallowed a dangerous object.

A number of symptoms indicate that the child has eaten glass. Among them:

· drooling;

· pain in the chest, neck, abdomen;

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