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Sensory toilet for cats. Automatic cat litter: reviews. Delivery cost in the Moscow region to the entrance

Big problem for cat owners is to organize a place for the toilet. The trays have to be constantly cleaned and the filler changed, which is extremely inconvenient and expensive. If there is more than one pet in the house, they may not always go to the same place. The solution to such problems can be an automatic toilet for cats.

How cat litter works

The operating principle of all automatic cat litter boxes is the same: the cat goes into the litter and the waste is removed automatically. The only differences are in what work a person needs to do in order for the tray to work. Some need to press a button, others need to program the exact time.

Main types of automatic toilets

The technology of flushing cat waste without human intervention has appeared relatively recently. One of the most technologically advanced and multifunctional is the Cat Genie product.

The Cat Genie automatic toilet is one of the most expensive on the market, but the price justifies expectations

It is a toilet with a round tray filled with special granules. It is connected to sewerage, water supply and electricity. You can choose how long it will take for the cleaning to begin.

Mechanism of operation

A paw comes out of a secret place (tank) - a scoop with small holes. The tray begins to spin, rotating the granules. The scoop is pressed tightly against the wall of the tray, and the filler easily slips through its holes. Solid waste is picked up by a scoop, which, after making several circles, comes back and floats away into the sewer along with the water. Liquid waste flows into a special tank, which sends it to the sewer. Then the washing cleaning cycle begins - water with a cleaning agent flows through the tube into the tray. The scoop mixes the granules, washing and drying them. It is fully automatic and can be used by 4 cats or pocket dogs at the same time.

However, reviews of this tray reveal the unpleasant side of the toilet - the gadget can frighten pets with its cleaning noise.


  • No smell.
  • Possibility of programming.
  • Everything happens automatically and does not require the presence of the owner.
  • No filler needed.
  • Safety. Shampoo and granules are non-toxic, so they will not harm your pet even if they are swallowed.
  • Built-in motion sensor.


  • Requires water connection ( cold water), sewerage (for flushing) and electricity.
  • If the water is turned off, the granules will not be washed. If the power goes out, the toilet will not work.
  • The cleaning mechanism can be scary for a cat.

Touch automatic tray Kopfgescheit

This automatic tray requires no filler

This is a mini toilet for pets. Connection to water supply, sewerage and power source is required.

Mechanism of operation

If the cat is in the zone where the touch sensor is triggered for 5-10 seconds, the toilet will flush for 4 seconds - enough to flush away the urine. When a cat lingers in the sensor area for more than 10 seconds, the sensor gives a command for a longer drain – 6 seconds. Draining of water begins 15 seconds after the cat moves away from the sensor (the time is necessary so as not to frighten the pet).


  • No filler needed.
  • A long absence from home is possible because there is no need to clean up the pet's waste.
  • Possibility of use by three or more animals at the same time.
  • Convenience for the cat - the tray is always clean.
  • Built-in touch motion sensor.
  • Flushing occurs only when the pet moves away from the toilet.


  • Requires connection to electricity, sewer and water supply.
  • Without light and water, the toilet will not work.
  • Higher water consumption than other types of automatic toilets.

Automatic tray Simply Clean main disadvantage is the smell

Requires a network connection. It looks like a round tray with a blade for collecting waste in the form of a conveyor belt, which is lowered into the bowl of the tray and secured in it.

Mechanism of operation

Periodically, the bowl of the tray rotates, grinding the filler, picking up solid waste and carrying it along the belt to the waste box. Then you will need to remove all waste from the box yourself. The liquid from the filler goes into a special reservoir, which is also cleaned by the owner himself.


  • Cleaning is done automatically; there is no need for the owner’s presence.
  • No filler needed.
  • A long absence from home is possible because there is no need to clean up the pet's waste.
  • Possibility of use by three or more animals at the same time.
  • Convenience for the cat - the tray is always clean.
  • Built-in motion sensor.


  • The tray periodically rotates independently.

Self-Cleaning Litter Box automatic box (tray)

Trays with automatic cleaning of solid waste. Powered by mains power, it has a container in front for collecting waste.

Mechanism of operation

Cleaning begins only after starting the drawer with the button. From back wall a metal plate with small holes (rake) is advanced towards the front wall of the tray. They are needed to pass filler and capture waste.


  • Cleaning is performed automatically.
  • Possibility of use by three or more animals at the same time.
  • Economical use of filler.


  • Electrical connection required.
  • Without light, the toilet will not work.
  • The toilet only works when you press a button.
  • The smell will continue until the waste drawer is emptied.

Comparison of trays

It is most beneficial to toilet train your cat or use Kopfgescheit. There will be no costs for maintaining the toilet; everything happens automatically. The main disadvantage is that the cat must be trained to use such a toilet. Adults will be more accustomed to a toilet with an imitation tray. Cat Genie can be programmed to clean based on time or sensors. Unlike Cat Genie, Simply Clean does not use cold water. The tray is cleaned automatically; all waste is sent to a special box. These litter boxes are suitable for cat owners who do not want or cannot clean the litter box themselves. The advantage of such toilets is that they save on the filler, because it does not need to be completely changed.

A cat's presence in the house imposes many responsibilities on its owner. Sometimes very tiring and even unpleasant. This applies to cat litter. The attempt to automate cleaning has made some progress: a solution has been found. Expensive, but convenient. An automatic cat litter box has become a reality.

The cat tray cannot be replaced with anything. There is, of course, the option of teaching her to go to the toilet. However, not every owner has enough time and patience. Automatic toilets solve a lot of problems in this regard:

  • eliminates the issue of daily cleaning and cleaning of the tray. The process, if not completely automated, then becomes as comfortable as possible for a person;
  • prevent the appearance of a specific “cat” smell in the apartment;
  • suitable if there are several cats in the house;
  • allow you to leave your cat at home for several days, without the risk of damaging your favorite carpet or bed. A clean beauty will not experience any discomfort if you go on a business trip and leave her unattended.

How does a self-cleaning cat toilet work and is such happiness possible?

There are many offers of car toilets on the market today. The main idea behind them is self-cleaning. They work differently:

  • Some of them independently get rid of the cat’s waste products. This requires a connection to sewerage, central water supply and electricity. For example, CatGenie 120 and Kopfgescheit. Moreover, the latter does not require the purchase of consumables at all;
  • others collect solid waste in special containers that must be emptied manually. In this case, liquids are absorbed by the filler or accumulate in the trays. An electrical connection is required, but sewerage or drainage are no longer needed. These include Simply Clean, as well as the less complex Cat Litter Box and Self-Cleaning toilet.

Consumables include fillers and detergents, with rare exceptions. If the power goes out in your home, you run the risk of discovering familiar aromas and a familiar litter box pattern.

The most advanced models of automatic toilets are equipped with sensors. They turn on and off after the cat calmly does its business. Additionally, the automatic toilet can be programmed to periodically clean itself at set intervals.

The simplest models must be started independently using a button, or they are configured to periodically clean themselves. But you still have to wash the cat trays.

Fully automatic toilets good for cats that are left alone for a long time or for several pets. Partial automation still requires the intervention of the owner.

Automatic toilet “Simply Clean”

Enough interesting option presented by PetSafe - this is the Simply Clean model. Auto cat litter technically it is a round tray with filler, which periodically begins to rotate around its axis. At this time, a scoop immersed in it sifts the granules, and the conveyor belt automatically mixes the solid waste into a special container. There is a drain for liquid in the tray.

The container with waste products will have to be cleaned yourself. Moreover, the more often this happens, the less smell there is in the apartment. Since excrement is not completely isolated.

Toilet "CatGenie 120"

One of the most automated options from Israeli company PetNovations. Assembly is carried out in China. Consumables are made in Israel. The CatGenie 120 automatic cat litter box is one of the few that is a completely autonomous system.

The cat toilet comes standard with granules, a cleaning cartridge, hoses and adapters. Separately, you can order a special mat and a plastic house for complete isolation of the cat litter, and, therefore, for the comfort of users.

CatGenie 120 for cats must be connected to a water source, to a sewer drain and located near an outlet - the toilet operates from the mains.

Depending on the set program, a special blade periodically carefully sifts out solid waste and sends it through the tank to the sewer.

Automatic toilet filling up detergent m and water under pressure. The filler washed in this way is ready for reuse. All waste is drained, and the working container is dried with a built-in hairdryer. After this, CatGenie 120 is ready to perform its functions again.

Programmable for periodic cleaning: once every few hours. It also works with touch sensors and cleans the toilet after a specified time after the cat leaves, so as not to scare it.

Toilet "Kopfgescheit"

If other automatic toilets can only be called toilets at a stretch, then the Austrian Kopfgescheit completely refutes this statement. The design involves a water tank, a touch sensor that drains 15 seconds after the cat leaves, and power from the mains.

There is an insuring emergency battery: if electricity is not available, the toilet will work for at least a year if there is a water supply.

Kopfgescheit does not require fillers or detergents. It looks like a toilet bowl - it has a slight centrifugal slope towards the drain hole. Access to water and connection to sewerage is required. Power required.

Before installation, you need to teach the cat to do without litter. This is done gradually while he is using a regular tray.

Cat litter boxes “Cat Litter Box” and “Self-Cleaning Litter Box”

Two recent models that are popular are self-retracting cat litter boxes. These are improved toilets with filler. Usually silica gel is used in its role.

The design is powered from the network and starts with a button. The tray has a waste reservoir at the end and special rakes that, moving along the walls, mix the filler and remove solid waste into the container.

These automatic litter boxes are not much different from regular cat litter boxes: they also need to be washed and the filler changed. The only plus is that waste is collected not by hand, but by rakes. And not everyone personally enjoys stirring up silica gel.

Automatic litter boxes for cats are quite expensive. But the most advanced of them will be useless if your cat does not appreciate the progress and simply refuses innovations. Of course, it is impossible to test a cat for stress tolerance to a new litter box. However, if your pet is nervous and timid, it is better to avoid such a purchase - all models are quite noisy.

For some, cleaning the cat litter box is not a problem. They picked up waste products with a special scoop, threw them away and forgot about them. Others find it difficult to tolerate this procedure.

The difficulty arises when you have to leave home. If organizing cat food is feasible, then the toilet situation is a tragedy.

How to avoid it? A cat litter box with an automatic cleaning function will help.

Operating principle

It is the same for all trays. The cat goes to the toilet, it is cleaned automatically. The only difference is in the programming. One automatic pet toilet requires pressing a button to start cleaning, the other requires installing a specific program, the field of which operates completely independently.

Let's talk about each in more detail.


This automatic cat litter box is a round tray filled with granules. The principle of its operation is as follows: the gadget is filled with granules. After the cat has done its business, special place a scoop with a rake comes out. The scoop is pressed tightly against the wall of the tray, rotates as it moves, and the filler passes through the rake. The solid waste travels away with the scoop and floats down the drain. flow into a special tank and from it go into the sewer.

The tray is cleaned by washing the filler granules. Water and detergent enter the tank, the granules are mixed with a scoop, then washed and dried.

Pros of the tank

This automatic toilet (tray) for cats has a number of advantages:

    No smell.

    Cleaning and cleaning occur automatically, without human intervention.

    Several animals can use the toilet at once.

    Programming mode.

    The cleaning shampoo and granules are non-toxic.


An automatic toilet for animals is very convenient. But it has a number of disadvantages:

    The need to connect to sewerage, cold water and electricity. No light - the tank is not working.

    The sound of cleaning can frighten the animal.

    The price of the toilet is quite high: from 34,000 rubles. There will be additional costs for granules and shampoo.

Kopfgescheit - cat toilet

This is a touch-sensitive automatic toilet for cats. The operation is based on a touch sensor. If the cat is in the tray for about 10 seconds, then draining the water lasts 4 seconds - the urine is washed off. If an animal enthusiastically tries to bury something in the toilet for more than 10 seconds, then the sensor understands this in its own way. And draining the water will last 6 seconds or more.

The sensor gives the command to clean 15 seconds after the cat leaves the toilet. This is done so as not to scare the animal.


An automatic cat litter box will be very helpful when the owner for a long time absent from home. There is no need to clean up after the animal. What other advantages of using an automatic tray can you highlight?

    No smell.

    The tray is removed immediately after the pet has used it.

    Built-in motion sensor.

    Cleaning begins after the cat leaves the litter box.

    Caring for it is the same as caring for a human toilet.

    Does not require filler, cleaning shampoo or other additional materials. This indicates that there are no additional costs.


Compared to other automatic cat litters, the water consumption of the Kopfgescheit brand is an order of magnitude higher. Price category not cheap: a toilet will cost the animal owner 30,000 rubles. Requires connection to water, electricity and sewer.

This automatic cat litter box features a round litter box with a scoop for cleaning. The waste is sent to a special container resembling a plastic bucket. They are transported along a conveyor belt attached to a container and lowered into a tray.

The tray rotates, grinding the filler. Solid waste is collected and transferred to a collection tank. The liquid also goes into a special container.


The undoubted advantage of this automatic cat litter box is self-cleaning.

    Built-in motion sensor.

    The tray is always clean.


The toilet has many more advantages than advantages.

    Electrical connection required.

    The owner must clean waste containers himself, because the tray does not have the function of connecting to water and sewerage.

    Doesn't work without electricity.

    Overfilled tanks make very loud sounds strong smell.

    You will have to spend money on granules for the tray and replacement bags.

    Rotating the container may scare away the animal.

This automatic cat litter box features a tray with a container for collecting waste. A rake moves from the back wall of the tray to the front. They collect solid waste and pass filler. After this, the excrement is sent to a container located in front of the tank.


What is good about this automatic cat litter box?

    The filler is used economically thanks to a rake for collecting solid waste.

    Several animals can use the tank.


First of all, these include the fact that the waste box does not clean itself. The owner of the animal will have to do this.

The second point is the smell. Obviously, if the collected waste is not removed from the tank for a long time, it begins to smell disgusting.

Third, the automatic cat litter runs only on electricity.

And fourth, cleaning begins only after pressing the button on the back wall of the tray. Without this, work cannot be carried out.

The cost of such a toilet for a cat starts from 18,000 rubles. Plus the expense of filler.

Automatic cat litter: reviews

What do pet owners say about using sensory trays? If we sum up all the reviews to one denominator, we can see something like the following picture:

    The most convenient and profitable is Kopfgescheit. It is easy to care for and does not require any additional investments. Service life - up to 5 years.

    The smell disappeared from the apartment cat urine. You don’t have to worry about filling and washing trays. Convenient for those who have two or more pets.

    If you need to leave, it helps a lot.

    The cat will have to be retrained to use this toilet, but it will be worth it.

More information

How to train a cat to use an automatic toilet without litter?

This will take a week of time and patience.

It all starts with a regular tray. Gradually, day after day, the filler is removed from it. At first just a little, on the second day - more, on the third - even more. For seven days. By the end of the week the tray remains empty. And the cat gradually gets used to the fact that the volume of the filler is reduced. Give her another two to three days to get used to the empty litter box. And you can replace it with an automatic cat litter box.

Let's summarize

The purpose of the article is to tell the reader about what an automatic cat litter box is. What models are the most popular, what do the owners whose animals use it say about the automatic tray. Advantages and disadvantages of each model. Let's highlight the main aspects:

    There are two types of automatic cat litter: fully motorized and semi-motorized. In the latter, waste is collected in special tanks that must be cleaned independently.

    All sensory trays are powered by electricity, some require a water and sewer connection.

    There are trays with a programming system. And there are those that work only after pressing the button to start.

    It’s better to pay a decent amount once, but get rid of the additional costs of “maintaining” an automatic cat toilet.


Readers now know the basics about automatic cat tanks. Some may find them unreasonably expensive. However, they are worth it.

An automatic tray will save the owners time and nerves. If previously you had to clean the cat litter box every day, now this task has been removed from the owner. You can safely leave home for a few days, leaving food and water for your pet. Upon returning, the apartment will not turn into one continuous lump unpleasant odor.

If there is a cat breed in the house, you need to provide a place for its toilet. You can take him outside during the day and evening, even in winter frosts(by putting a special fur coat on him), but if he wants to “go out” at night, it will cause inconvenience. An ordinary tray of sand emits no pleasant smells, and you have to clean it often. To save your family from these problems, you can purchase an automatic cat litter box.

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    Disadvantages of conventional means

    A normal cat eats little by little, but quite often. Any living organism requires cleansing of the stomach, and a pet is no exception. Waste food comes out naturally, and if there is no toilet for the animal in the house, they will lie in all corners of the apartment.

    The presence of a tray only partially solves the problem. It sometimes has to be emptied several times a day and then refilled with sawdust, sand and other suitable fillers. It emits not entirely pleasant odors.

    cat litter

    This is the most normal look, which still exists today. The animal climbs into it, performs all the procedures and jumps out of it. The owner comes up and presses the pedal or button. When pressed, liquid flows out of a hose or pipe (the device is connected to a water supply) and washes away all waste.

    There are a lot of disadvantages to such a toilet, and the main one is this. If a person works for 10 hours, and the animal has an upset stomach, then the device sometimes overflows and the sewage drains onto the floor. Advanced owners taught the cat to press the pedal itself, but there are few positive cases.

    Most owners were not happy with this, and the developers created new options, automating the cleaning as much as possible. Such devices are successful because the system does everything itself.

    Features of an automated toilet

    To avoid manual labor and pressing the pedal, part of the population with a cat at home opted for automated devices. They perform an excellent job of removing digestive waste from pets without or with minimal human intervention.

    Modern units have built-in sensors that detect the presence of a pet inside. The smart system detects his presence in the tray and waits until he leaves it. Some time after the animal leaves the apparatus, the excrement is washed down the drain or dumped into a special tank.

    The length of time between the cat jumping out of the device and the mechanism turning on depends on the specific device and ranges from 15 seconds to several minutes. This gap is necessary so that the animal is not frightened by the noise of a switched-on mechanism or water appearing “out of nowhere.” Many cats are not afraid, but are interested in it.

    Modern automated toilets look aesthetically pleasing and quite elegant. The shape of models from some brands resembles a regular human toilet with the same principle of operation. The difference lies in connecting the device to electricity and the presence of buttons (display). The owner programs the unit for the response time only once.

    The cat empties itself and climbs out. If there is voltage in the network, the system flushes the waste or dumps the contents into the tank. If there is no current in the network, the owner presses the button and everything happens mechanically. Some models operate on 12 volts. When they are connected to the network via a charger and batteries, the system is fully automated.

    All similar products differ in system. Some manufacturers use conventional flushing mechanisms with the addition of automation, while others produce self-cleaning devices for animals. Which of the latrine options is effective, convenient, and what to fill it with is up to the owner to decide.


    Expensive versions of plumbing products of this kind, like ordinary human ones, are made from the usual earthenware or porcelain. But these costs are offset by the hygienic cleanliness of any model of self-cleaning toilet.

    In budget options, they use the material from which most dry toilets on the streets are made - plastic. It also lends itself well to cleaning. Since it can be mixed with dye, such models are available in various color solutions.

    Types and manufacturers

    This toilet appeared recently. The products of many companies have gained wide distribution and popularity. In Russia, brands of three manufacturers are considered as such:

    1. 1. Litter Robot.
    2. 2. Kopfgescheit.
    3. 3. Catgenie.

    Automatic latrines for cats differ radically in their principle of operation and the presence of filler, although the drainage (discharge) of waste digestive system takes place without the participation of the animal owner.

    Litter Robot device

    Pets as independent as cats require constant care and attention from their owner. Many owners determine the time of play, sleep, and food for the animal. Naturally, cleaning a cat’s litter box, regardless of its beauty and affection, is not the most pleasant task. The Litter Robot II self-cleaning automated toilet was designed to simplify this procedure.

    This unit is equipped with a device for auto-cleaning and filtering the litter after each cat's trip. According to the manufacturer, they can be used with a variety of materials (sand, sawdust, etc.). The animal will not have to wait until the owner deigns to condescend to him and replace the filler, because it is designed for 3-6 months. The owner’s task is to empty a special box with sewage every 3-4 days.

    The device looks like a space module. The system operates in automatic mode:

    1. 1. The pet gets into the device, and the sensor turns on the ready mode - a seven-minute wait. This time is quite enough.
    2. 2. The animal defecates and jumps out.

    After 7 minutes have passed after the sensor is triggered, the cleaning process begins:

    1. 1. The internal part of the module rotates 180 o. A special gripper picks up excrement from the surface of the litter. The liquid drains itself.
    2. 2. This is followed by an additional turn of 90°, during which the filler is prevented from spilling out (based on the non-spill principle).
    3. 3. A hole opens at the bottom through which sewage falls into the waste chamber.
    4. 4. The device returns to its original state.

    After the chamber is full (3-4 days) or earlier, the owner empties it. To prevent this drawer from having to be washed, you need to put a plastic bag in it.

    Technical features, pros and cons of Litter Robot

    The device is powered by 12 volts through an adapter connected to the network. There is a filter that weakens or completely eliminates odors.

    For it to start functioning, you must perform the following steps:

    • connect the device to the network;
    • add filler.

    Advantages of the gadget:

    • self-cleaning;
    • average price;
    • no need to change the filler for a long time;
    • there is a presence sensor;
    • You can power it from a car battery if there is no light.

    Disadvantages of the unit:

    • noise during cleaning (some cats are interested in this, others are scared);
    • Difficulty getting the cat inside.

    In order for the animal to find itself in the apparatus, it is advisable to provide a special podium. This is necessary since the device is quite high and the hole for performing the process is located at a height of 40-50 cm from the floor. There is a stand at the front, but it is located at the bottom, and if an overweight cat jumps on it, the device may tip over. You can prevent it from turning over by placing something under this step.

    Catgenie Products

    It looks like a human toilet with a compartment, filled not with the usual filler, but with granules made of a special material, through which animal urine flows into the drain. Solid excrement is caught by the rotating scoop.

    This unit must be connected to the house’s water system (plumbing, sewerage), plugged into an electrical outlet and set the auto-cleaning time. It can be used by several representatives of the cat family (up to 4 individuals).

    Operating principle

    The sensor determines the moment the animal leaves the toilet and after a specified time a scoop comes out of the tank - a paw with holes, which is pressed against the tray with its edges. The tray rotates, rolling waste and granules.

    During operation, sewage remains in the scoop, and the filler passes through the holes and remains under the scoop. Urine is coming to a special compartment and then to the drain. After this, the scoop goes into the tank along with the waste. The flush system turns on, sending excrement into the sewer.

    The second stage begins - washing:

    • water with detergent (shampoo) is poured into the tray through a tube;
    • the scoop rotates, the granules are rolled and washed;
    • after washing, the liquid seeps into the holes and goes down the drain;
    • the granules are dried.


    • ability to program time;
    • there is no smell;
    • no filler required;
    • the presence of the owner is not necessary, because everything is automated;
    • Several animals can use the toilet;
    • the tray always remains clean;
    • granules and shampoo are non-toxic and will not harm for a pet if he accidentally swallows them;
    • There is a motion and presence sensor.

    Disadvantages of the device:

    • the cat does not have the opportunity to dig for the litter;
    • connection to the energy resources and water system of the house is required;
    • if there is a water shortage, the toilet will not flush and will begin to emit an unpleasant odor;
    • when the power is turned off, the toilet will stop functioning;
    • noises during the washing phase frighten most cats.

    Manufacturer – Kopfgescheit

    The sensor mini-toilet, which does not require filters, is completely similar to a human one. Litter is not needed, but some pets refuse to go to the litter box where there is no opportunity to dig around.

    It is connected to the water supply and drainage system of the house in the same way. There is one caveat - a mandatory connection to electricity. Without it, the flushing system and electronic components do not work.

    Mechanism of operation of the device:

    1. 1. The animal gets into the unit and empties itself.
    2. 2. The sensor determines the time the animal spends in the tray. When the pet is in the sensor's coverage area for 5-10 seconds (the animal has urinated), the toilet is cleaned for 4 seconds. If there is a delay of more than long time water cleans the toilet in 6-10 seconds.
    3. 3. When the pet jumps out of the toilet, the electronics count down 15 seconds so that the cat has time to move away and is not scared.
    4. 4. After this, the drain is performed.

    Pros of the device:

    • no need to remove waste, everything is automated, you can be away for a long time;
    • no filler needed;
    • designed for multiple cats;
    • the toilet is always washed clean;
    • built-in special presence and movement sensor;
    • draining is performed when the pet moves away from the unit.

    Disadvantages of the gadget:

    • an electricity supply and connection to the home's water supply and sewerage system are required;
    • if there is a failure in the power or water supply, the device does not function;
    • The fluid consumption during flushing is very high.

    Comparison table for litter trays

    An automated toilet makes caring for your pet easier. Everything happens by itself, and the owner’s participation is minimal. You just need to somehow accustom the animal to the innovation.

    The choice of toilet brand depends on the owner, because not all devices are ideal or cheap. All basic information is given in the table:

    Function Cat Genie Litter Robot Kopfgescheit
    Operating principleCleans automatically or by pressing a buttonSelf-cleaning.

    There is a carbon filter

    No human participation is required. Fully automatic
    What do you need for work?Need to purchase cleaning productsCleaning agents neededMandatory connection to the sewer system and cold water (water pipe)
    Environmental problemsNo smell, no harm to healthNo unpleasant odorsSmells and cleans like a regular toilet
    Number of cats using 1 deviceUp to 5 piecesUp to 10 individualsSome
    Cleaning timeApproximately 1 hour/yearAbout 1 hour/year.Like a simple toilet
    Approximate priceFrom 34 thousand rubles.22-23 thousand rubles.From 30 thousand rubles.
    Additional substancesGranules and Sani Solution – special shampoo in cartridgeAny fillersNot required
    Additional costs per yearAbout 12 thousand rubles.Filler price0 rubles

    Perhaps every cat lover will be interested in an automatic toilet for cats.

    If only because it is not easy to organize cleanliness and freshness in the place where your pet does his business.

    Especially if there are several pets.

    Let's take a closer look at this interesting invention and understand how necessary it is for the four-legged beauty.

    By the way, to make it convenient for her to eat food, check out and choose the ideal one for your pet.

    She also has to go to the toilet often.

    To eliminate the need to constantly clean and maintain cleanliness, a special device was invented solving the problem automatically.

    That's what it is.

    The moment of using an automatic toilet

    Externally, the automatic cat toilet looks elegant and is quite reminiscent of a human one.

    The principle of operation is the same. The cat does his business in the litter.

    The owner's task comes down to simple action: either press a special button and wash away the waste, or program the time after which the procedure will complete itself.

    Actually, this is what distinguishes such products.

    Some rely on the same mechanical flushing as human toilets, while others are self-cleaning litter boxes for cats.

    Which option is more convenient and effective is, of course, up to you to decide, as well as what to choose for a furry pet.

    Automatic cat litter can look creative

    There are quite a lot of advantages of an automatic cat litter:

    1. You don’t have to scoop out, scrape off sticky lumps of filler yourself, or wash the dirty tray;
    2. The miracle toilet looks fresh and neat, it does not emit an unpleasant odor, therefore, the cat goes there more willingly, “mistakes” happen less often;
    3. Some models allow you to fully automate the cleaning; you can leave the cat alone for a long time (if necessary), without fear that he will dirty the entire tray and walk past it;
    4. Some models come with their own filling granules, allowing you to save on filler, whose price is quite high;
    5. It is hygienic and is especially indispensable in homes where there are small children.

    In general, the advantages are enough to buy this miracle invention.

    Moreover, it is relatively inexpensive (especially if you consider how much time and money it saves): from 10-15 to 25 thousand rubles.

    A decent price to pay for comfort. But let's take things in order.

    Features of the invention

    There is a comic opinion that lazy owners came up with an automatic toilet for cats.

    They supposedly didn’t want to dig through the litter box several times a day, removing the pet’s waste products.

    In fact, everything is more prosaic.

    Some models of automatic toilets look like cozy houses

    The gadget appeared not so long ago.

    The most famous brands are

    • Kopfgescheit;
    • Catgenie;
    • Simply Clean;
    • Cat Litter Box.

    The product has become widespread in lately, but many owners can say: it’s not suitable for everyone. We'll tell you why below.

    By the way, if your kitten doesn’t succeed in making friends with automation, we recommend reading.

    An alternative is a regular cat litter box.

    Let's go back to modern gadget. Initially, the cat toilet was based on the usual principle: the animal did its business, the owner came, pressed the pedal - and the water coming from the pipe washed everything away.

    Such types still exist. However, progress has gone further, automating the process as much as possible.

    Thanks to the built-in touch sensor, smart technology knows when the cat is in the tray.

    After a certain time after the pet has left it, the flush is triggered.

    A time period (usually 20 seconds) is needed so as not to frighten the cat by unexpectedly appearing water and noise.

    Manufacturing materials

    Most often, the products are made from porcelain, or the familiar sanitary ware. They are priced accordingly.

    However, all costs are offset by the fact that a self-cleaning toilet is also hygienically clean.

    It was made using a material that is ideal for this kind of devices.

    Porcelain is the main material for the production of toilets for cats

    More budget option- plastic. It also cleans well.

    The material resembles that from which outdoor toilets are made.

    Models can be produced in different colors, which will help you choose a toilet that suits your interior.

    Types and manufacturers

    There are three types of cat litter boxes.

    They are fundamentally different from each other, although they have a common function - independent drainage of excrement, without direct human participation:

    1. A device similar to a human one, but filled with special granules. For example, Catgenie products, which can be purchased on the manufacturer’s website or official dealers. There is no need to pour the usual litter into such a toilet. It is filled with special granules, through which liquid excrement flows into the drain. Solids are collected with a special rotating scoop. The owner can install convenient time cleaning: the tank will wash itself, the granules will be cleaned and dried. This type of self-cleaning cat litter requires a connection to sewerage and electricity. You can do this yourself or call a plumber. Suitable for almost all cat breeds: from type and , and to type , and . Equipped with a sensor.

    Catgenie automatic cat litter with special granule filler

    1. A device similar to a human one, without granules. No different from the ones people use, except that you need to add your preferred filler. It’s possible without it at all, but many cats refuse to go into a tank that they can’t dig into. This also includes sensory toilets that do not require filler. They work like this: the cat comes in, does its business, and leaves. The sensor reads presence. When the cat leaves the tank, smart technology counts down the set time and then drains. There are several disadvantages: the animal may be afraid of water, some cats ignore the latrine due to the lack of filler, it requires a connection to the sewer, light, and water supply (this can be done with your own hands). The most famous manufacturer is Kopfgescheit.

    Pictured: Kopfgescheit automatic cat litter

    1. Tray with self-cleaning function. Operating principle: it looks like a regular tray, but somewhat more complicated. When the animal goes into it, a special device will collect and send excrement to the lower tank, and the worker will become clean again. For such toilets, it is necessary to purchase special bags for excrement. Once a week they will have to be removed, and every day you will have to clean the tray by pulling a special lever. One of famous brands, producing similar products - Hagen smart sift. The manufacturer has one more “highlight”: the car toilet is produced in the form of a cozy house that is suitable for absolutely all breeds, even large ones. It has a significant disadvantage: you can’t get rid of the smell until you change the waste bag.

    In the photo: using the Hagen smart sift automatic cat litter box

    An automatic litter box for cats is an excellent purchase that greatly simplifies keeping your pet.

    But besides quite high price, it has a number of other disadvantages, which are discussed below.


    Cat toilets are convenient, hygienic, and connect to the sewer system with your own hands. But they have a number of significant disadvantages:

    • They require additional costs for light and water, with self-cleaning trays the most.
    • Cats don’t always like them because of the noise, pouring water, and the periodically rotating surface of some models.
    • Those that lack litter to dig for may be ignored by your pet;
    • When the lights are turned off or the water supply is turned off, automatic toilets lose their main advantage - they stop cleaning the tanks on their own;
    • Some models cannot neutralize unpleasant odors, although they remove animal waste products from sight.

    Waste bags

    It's up to you to decide whether to buy such a miracle of technology.

    Many manufacturers accept the product back if for some reason it does not suit the four-legged picky dog.

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